Nineties Eastenders (3rd November 1997)

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Nineties Eastenders (3rd November 1997)
00:39This is sick, isn't it?
00:41All the trouble you went through, the rubbish just piles up again.
00:48You're not wearing that.
00:49What's the matter with it?
00:50Mum, you've got loads of nice stuff.
00:52Yeah, and half of it needs cleaning, Joe.
00:54Well, I'll do it for you.
00:55It's a waste of money. Two minutes of cod like that, I'll be smelling like an ashtray.
00:58Mum, you've got to look nice.
00:59So, you've seen Sarah today?
01:02Is everything OK between you two?
01:04This one, I'll go and do it for you.
01:05There's no need.
01:06Mum, it's a couple of quid, it's on me.
01:08Never mind me looking nice, look at the state of this place.
01:11You'd better go, you know.
01:12I'll be late for work.
01:13See you later.
01:14See ya.
01:22What's up?
01:23Oh, Tiffany keeps getting these oddity brochures sent to me through the post.
01:26She must think I'm stupid.
01:28No, look, we're trying.
01:29I suppose not.
01:30Oh, I found a bag of your stuff upstairs.
01:32Now her old man's gone, you can put it in the spare room.
01:34Yeah, I've been thinking about what I said before about me staying here, innit?
01:39Well, maybe it's the time to move out.
01:41What's put that in your head?
01:43Four o'clock this morning, that seemed like a good idea.
01:45And where would you go?
01:46Well, I've still got the flat, haven't I?
01:48Well, Ricky and Bianca are in there.
01:49Yeah, well, they're talking about buying the place.
01:52So if they move out, it makes sense for me to move in.
01:55What's this really about?
01:57Getting myself straight.
02:00You're mad.
02:02She's me wife.
02:04What do you expect?
02:05Right, well, let's get a move on before Mum starts complaining.
02:08It's all right, look back, Mum.
02:09Oh, what?
02:10You're big enough to leave home, but not to tell Mummy?
02:13No, I just...
02:14Well, I ain't made up me mind yet, that's all.
02:21Yes, yes, it's Roy Evans.
02:23I got your letter a couple of days ago.
02:25I was just phoning to apologise for not getting back to you.
02:28Yes, I know.
02:30Well, I've been going through the company papers and I thought...
02:33Well, maybe if I came in and discussed it with...
02:37But you must reconsider, this is my home.
02:44Yeah, I see.
02:52You left this on the table.
02:54Oh, thanks.
02:55What time are you back?
02:57I don't know, I might not be coming straight home.
02:59You're not seeing Jo again, I hope.
03:01Oh, I can't believe you're back with that boy.
03:03Come on, I'm going to be late, all right?
03:08Mr Beale?
03:11Wally Becker, remember me?
03:13Oh, yes, hello.
03:15About that interview.
03:17I'm seeing the other two candidates today.
03:19When would you like to put your case across?
03:21Um, I don't know, could I give you a call?
03:24Hour or so.
03:25Look forward to it.
03:27You'll need this.
03:34Sorry I'm late, I got held up.
03:36What's she after?
03:37Oh, she's interviewing all the candidates.
03:39No such thing as bad publicity.
03:40Come on, we've got lots to do.
03:51You all right?
03:52It's all right, yeah.
03:53What are you looking at?
03:56Um, I thought you'd be at school.
03:58No, I let you start.
03:59What were you just nagging me all about?
04:01What was that?
04:02It's my mum's birthday, because Peter's coming round.
04:06You know, the guy we used to live with in Bolton.
04:08That's great.
04:10Look, I'd really like to meet him.
04:12Well, what for?
04:13Well, he's important, don't you think?
04:15Well, he's seen the family, isn't he?
04:17Yeah, I know.
04:18Well, look, I can't stop now, but I'll come round straight after school, yeah?
04:23I'll see you later.
04:26Watch her.
04:28What are you two up to?
04:30Going home, I suppose.
04:31Is something wrong?
04:33Come on, what is it?
04:35Oh, you don't want to listen to my problems.
04:36Look, you just stay there.
04:38I'll just get someone to keep an eye on the store.
04:41Problem is, if the council refuse to reverse this decision on collecting the rubbish...
04:47Are you with us?
04:48No, sorry, yeah.
04:50Yeah, I know what you mean.
04:52So we're agreed.
04:53We pay the council a visit.
04:59Oh, at last.
05:00What's going on?
05:02I've been trying to get through to you since last night and all this morning.
05:07You serious?
05:08Well, was there any sign of my kids?
05:10Yeah, yeah, you're right.
05:12Yeah, we need to talk.
05:13No, nothing important.
05:15Well, not as important as this.
05:18Look, do you know the Queen Vic Public House?
05:20It's on the corner of Bridge Street and Albert Square.
05:23Well, how soon can you be there?
05:25All right, I'll see you there in 20 minutes.
05:28All right, cheers.
05:30I've been waiting for that call since yesterday.
05:32Can we continue with this?
05:34Yeah, yeah, where were we?
05:36I was saying, there's no point in phone calls or letters.
05:39We need to go down there in person.
05:41Maybe you're right.
05:43Oh, Annie, look, I'm sorry.
05:44My mind's all over the place.
05:46OK, why don't you go and sort yourself out?
05:49I'll go down the town hall and try and suss out what's going on there.
05:52On your own?
05:53I've been to scarier places.
05:55Thanks, Annie, I appreciate it.
05:57Good news, was it? The call?
06:00Yeah, yeah, seems to be.
06:02Your kids?
06:04My wife ran off with them.
06:06I expect you've heard the gossip.
06:07Sorry, I didn't mean to pry.
06:10Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you.
06:12I've hired a private detective.
06:14It seems that she's on to something.
06:16Hope she delivers the goods.
06:18Oh, too right. You don't know how long I've waited for this.
06:24Where the hell have you been?
06:26Am I supposed to tell people?
06:28About what?
06:29The wedding, you idiot.
06:30This honeymoon you're supposed to be on.
06:31The portal cabin being closed.
06:33Fed up with people asking.
06:35So what are you saying?
06:36You don't love him?
06:37Yeah, I do, but...
06:38But what?
06:39Thanks, Kat.
06:41We want different things.
06:43It drives the world over.
06:44But with us, it's always like that.
06:46It's always so...
06:48Throwing things one minute.
06:50Kisses and roses the next.
06:51Just like those couples in the movie.
06:54Obviously quite a passionate one, this Thomas, isn't he?
06:57That's why you love him, isn't it?
07:00What about Jack?
07:02How did it go?
07:03Oh, he's the only man who's ever bothered to care about him.
07:05Well, there you go. That's something worth fighting for, isn't it?
07:08I'll ask you a question.
07:10What if he was out of your life forever?
07:12How would that make you feel?
07:13I'd die.
07:14Couldn't imagine it.
07:16Well, then I'll tell you what to do.
07:18You get someone to look after this young fella this afternoon.
07:20Ricky or Pat.
07:21You go round and rub it out with them.
07:23Tell them exactly what you told me.
07:25You got it.
07:26Hi, Kat. How's it going?
07:28There's your chance.
07:29Oh, there's Jack.
07:30Excuse me.
07:31Hello, young Jacks.
07:32Pat, I was going to ask if you could look after him this afternoon.
07:35Oh, sorry, love. I'm a bit busy.
07:37I was, Omel. Don't you mind?
07:39I asked him before. He said you were doing something together.
07:41Oh, like what?
07:42I don't know. That's what he said.
07:45Well, there you go.
07:47Cheers, Peggy.
07:48Thanks, love.
07:49Thanks for those two seats over there.
07:55Right. Give me everything you've got.
07:57OK. Sally Fisher.
07:59Traced her home address.
08:01What about the kids? Did you see them?
08:03No, I'm afraid not, but that doesn't mean they're not there.
08:06No, but as I say.
08:08So what was all this about good news, then?
08:10I managed to whaley the postman.
08:11I know for certain that your wife's mail's been delivered to that address.
08:14That's hardly news. I gave you the lead in the first place.
08:17Yes, and neither of us knew for certain whether or not it was a hoax.
08:20Cindy sent the parcel to Pat. It is not a hoax.
08:23In this line of work, there are no guarantees, Mr Beale. Believe me.
08:27Well, did you get to talk to the Sally woman, then?
08:29Not yet.
08:31Well, you know what pregnant women are, right?
08:33They start nesting, don't they?
08:35They want to make the place all nice and ready.
08:37It won't be long now, will it?
08:39You want more space when the baby's born?
08:41Diana's not going to be here forever, and the little baby...
08:44When my mum was born, my gran kept her in a drawer for two months.
08:47It's hardly the starting life you want in your own kids, is it?
08:50Don't reckon this out of your meat and rice.
08:52Barry! I thought you was on your honeymoon.
08:55Yeah, I can't stop. I've just come to pick up the European ticket.
08:58Here, help yourself.
09:00So, the portal cameras closed. What's going on?
09:02Vanessa kidding you with doors, is she?
09:04I'll settle up later, Phil.
09:05What's up with them?
09:07Look, look, the, er...
09:09I need the flow.
09:11I'm not saying straight away anything, you know.
09:13As soon as you'll be able to get yourself some sleep.
09:16You know I wouldn't do this if there was any other way.
09:19Yeah, but I thought you...
09:20Yeah, I know what I said before, but...
09:22Well, things have changed, haven't they?
09:24I'll help you with references and that.
09:26Well, when you'll be able to find what you want,
09:29I'll tell you what you need to learn on paper, and I'll sort that out as well.
09:36Yeah, um, Mum, have you got a minute?
09:38What, a minute? Yeah.
09:39Look, er, you know this private detective I hired?
09:41Yeah, and what's she find out?
09:43Well, apparently Cindy's going by a different surname.
09:45What, does that mean she can't be traced?
09:47Well, Ros hasn't managed that yet, but she has got a name and a home address for that parcel.
09:50Great. What, and this person knows Cindy?
09:52Well, she must do. Cindy's mail goes, eh?
09:54So what now?
09:55Well, I've got to leave her with Ros. She seems to know what she's doing.
09:58And what if she comes back and says Cindy's there?
10:00Dunno. I haven't thought that far ahead yet.
10:03Will you be careful?
10:04The sort of person that's helped Cindy, they're bound to be just like her.
10:07Devious, dishonest, untrustworthy.
10:09You just watch your back, Ian.
10:12What, Pat?
10:13Oh, so-so, Ricky.
10:15How's Bianca? You hurt them all?
10:16Yeah, I rung her last night.
10:17She's got everyone making a fuss about her.
10:19Well, if you want Aunt Mary, you're always welcome, love.
10:21Oh, thanks. Phil's bought me lunch.
10:23What's he after?
10:24Our flat.
10:26Yeah, he wants to move back in there.
10:28Well, he can't do that. You're all set for the baby.
10:30Well, try telling him that.
10:31What does Bianca say?
10:32Well, she's got enough on her plate without her and this.
10:34She don't know.
10:35I've only just found out.
10:36Ricky, I don't think it's a good idea keeping this from Bianca.
10:39I know. Well, if I find her somewhere else while she's away,
10:41then it's one less thing for her to worry about, innit?
10:46Can you tell him I'm still waiting for him to contact me?
10:49You thinking about?
10:51Apparently not.
10:52I hear you're chasing an interview.
10:54I've booked an interview.
10:55Mr Beale's a very busy man. He'll spare me the time.
10:58Perhaps I can help.
10:59Talk to you later.
11:01I know what's going on.
11:03What you want to write must be quite straightforward.
11:06No, thanks.
11:11I talked to Diane earlier on.
11:16So, what's this we're supposed to be doing?
11:18I think you'd better sit down.
11:22What do you mean you won't be eating? I've just bought this lot.
11:25I told you this morning I might be going out.
11:27Oh, I see.
11:28He's introducing me to Peter. He was like a dad to him.
11:31Very courteous. That makes everything all right, does it?
11:33Mum, you've got it all wrong about Joe.
11:35That boy takes some bit of skirt to Bolton,
11:37and you're supposed to be engaging him, and I've got it wrong?
11:39He didn't take her.
11:40I'm telling you, if he thinks he's going to sleep under my roof,
11:42he can think again.
11:43All right.
11:47Ah, come on. I'm family, aren't I?
11:48Yeah, if family rates is five o'clock,
11:50all the rotten food you can clear.
11:52Get away.
11:54Hiya, Joe.
11:56All right, Joe.
11:58Doing a bit of cleaning?
12:00Anyone special?
12:02Coming around?
12:03I'm not.
12:05See you.
12:09But this is our home.
12:11I'm sorry, Pat. I'm deeply sorry.
12:13Sorry? Can the bank really do this?
12:16When we agreed the house as collateral,
12:18we accepted the risk that they've called in the loan.
12:21They have every right.
12:22You make it sound so reasonable.
12:24They're the facts.
12:25What can I say?
12:27You could say this isn't happening,
12:29that it ain't true.
12:31I haven't missed him, then?
12:33No, he's not due for another hour.
12:35Do you want me to have a go at you, then?
12:38What about cleaning the place?
12:39I'm not a baby, you know.
12:40I can clean it without her telling me.
12:42Joe, it was a joke.
12:44Do you want some help?
12:45No, it's all right.
12:46Sit down, if you want.
12:49Is that him?
12:50It can't be.
12:51What if it is?
12:52Well, go and see.
12:53No, I'll put things away, just in case.
12:54Go on.
13:01How's it going?
13:03Sorry, I know you weren't expecting me this early.
13:05It's all right.
13:06You'd better come off.
13:10This is Sarah.
13:11Sarah, this is Peter.
13:14Pleased to meet you.
13:16I'm not interrupting anything, am I?
13:18No, we were just...
13:19Well, actually, I was hoping Joe'd tidy up.
13:22Right, well, look,
13:24why don't I just leave this here
13:26and give you a chance to finish off what you're doing?
13:28I quite fancy a little stroll round the market.
13:30I'll be about 30 minutes.
13:31Maybe pop into a caf, have a cuppa.
13:33Oh, you're coming to the gig tonight, aren't you?
13:35Um, I'm not... I'm not sure yet.
13:38Trust it's going to be with you.
13:44Not you again.
13:46Don't worry, you're proof safe.
13:47I take it the launderette's run out of customers.
13:49I got bored.
13:51Ah, don't look at me like that.
13:52I'm only stretching my legs.
13:53You can't tell me that antipoly never does it.
13:57Mary, I thought it was you.
14:02How are you?
14:04Um, excuse me, I've got to get back to work.
14:12Here you are.
14:13Stuart Murray, Environmental Health.
14:15Good meeting.
14:16Meeting was fine.
14:17Didn't get him to bodge, though.
14:19He'll change his tune when he meets you.
14:22Potential counsellor.
14:23These people appreciate which side their bread's buttered.
14:25I'd be happy to, but, um, it's going to have to wait for a day or so.
14:28I've got to clear my decks first.
14:29What about the effort we've put into this?
14:31I'm only talking about putting things on hold for a couple of days.
14:33The only way we're going to get anywhere with these elections,
14:35if you seize every opportunity, build on everything you've got.
14:38Take a look at the businesses I run.
14:40If anyone knows anything about winning, it's me.
14:43Just remember, your marital problems splashed across the front page
14:46aren't going to do your credibility much good.
14:49Mr Bill!
14:50This is about the interview I told you. Mr Bill...
14:52I'd love to.
14:53Oh, good.
14:54I thought you'd changed your mind.
14:55First meeting tomorrow?
14:56Market seller.
14:58I'll see you then.
15:04Yes, mate?
15:06Quite a busy place.
15:07We've got just over a week before the election,
15:09so we need to plan very carefully.
15:11Oh, go on, then.
15:12I suggest we do two things.
15:13First, we get your face seen and known around the ward.
15:16Talk to people. Do the baby-kissing thing.
15:18Show the locals you know their concerns and you're interested.
15:21Second, we get you in front of our Mr Murray.
15:23I've been on the phone and after some arm-twisting,
15:25he's agreed to meet you.
15:27First thing tomorrow.
15:28So, I'll handle the reporter.
15:35Is that bad, is it?
15:37I didn't know you could play.
15:38Well, sort of. Peter taught me.
15:41What's the matter?
15:44Hiya, what's going on?
15:46Um, Peter came round early, so he's just gone out for a stroll.
15:49Oh, well, I bet get ready then.
15:50So, are you and Sarah coming?
15:52No, we're going out.
15:53Well, how about joining us for a drink?
15:54We thought we might go somewhere before the gig.
15:57Yeah, that'd be really nice.
15:58Mum, have a good time and I'll see you later.
16:02Come on, Sarah.
16:13Well, what do you want to do?
16:15You mean I have a choice?
16:16Of course you do.
16:17Well, what is there to do apart from play pool?
16:21I've just got to get something.
16:33Has he gone, Mum?
16:34No, just this minute.
16:36Why don't we just sit?
16:45Mate, um, next time leave a card. It's cheaper.
16:58Hiya, what's this?
16:59I thought maybe you'd want to stay.
17:00What, instead of going out?
17:02No, before the gig, instead of trying to find a place where I know to join.
17:04Oh, OK.
17:05Thanks, Jill.
17:06You're so thoughtful of you.
17:07See you later.
17:08See you.
17:10Right, that's it.
17:11What do you think of the flowers?
17:13They've got the pick of the crop this morning.
17:15Your mum's favourites.
17:16I mean, she'll like them, won't she?
17:18I wish I had your zest for life.
17:19We're going to visit my mother in hospital.
17:21It's hardly a call for celebration.
17:23She hates it in that place.
17:24Yeah, I know.
17:25That's why we visit her as often as we can.
17:26Cheer her up.
17:27You're weird.
17:28What is?
17:29You and Mum, you're not even together.
17:30And yet it's just carry on as normal.
17:52He's very sweet like that.
17:55Do you remember Bolton?
17:56Those trips to the town centre?
17:58Joe, running in and out of the shops with his pocket money.
18:01Coming out so excited with some present or another.
18:03Usually them little pots of smelly stuff for you.
18:05He's grown up a bit since then.
18:06Yeah, he's still a good kid though.
18:08He said you were going back home.
18:10I never wanted to leave in the first place.
18:12What about Joe? Is he going back with you?
18:13No, but it's up to him.
18:14He's old enough to get engaged.
18:15He's old enough to make his own decisions.
18:18Who to?
18:20She was here when he came earlier.
18:21Since when?
18:22Well, they've been going together a while now,
18:23but they got engaged a few weeks ago.
18:26You're supposed to be getting married.
18:28But you don't share things.
18:29I mean, we don't even talk anymore.
18:32You never told me Peter was coming.
18:33I forgot.
18:34You didn't even introduce me.
18:36Yes, I did.
18:37Not properly.
18:38You never said we were engaged.
18:40He never asked.
18:41Well, he shouldn't have to.
18:42Well, how could he if he doesn't even know?
18:45What, are you ashamed of me?
18:47No, of course not.
18:48This is no big deal.
18:50It's no big deal.
18:51I didn't mean it like that.
18:52I'll tell him when he gets back from the gig tonight, alright?
18:54I'll let you see.
18:57Mary goes up to Bolton and she sees you at Peter's place.
19:00Peter comes to London and he sees me with you.
19:02And you don't say anything, so I'm just some...
19:04some other girl.
19:06How do you think that makes me feel?
19:12See, the stupid thing is that even when they take the house,
19:14with the debts we've got,
19:15it's still just a drop in the ocean.
19:18But at least we've still got Deals on Wheels.
19:21Well, maybe that's the solution.
19:23Still turns over a profit.
19:24And if it'll get us out of this mess,
19:26maybe we should take the first offer we get.
19:28Oh, Deals on Wheels will get us out of this.
19:30I'm certain of that, but not by selling it off.
19:32What, then?
19:33Now, listen.
19:34It may take time,
19:35but if we look at this as a fresh start,
19:37with a little bit of hard work, careful planning,
19:39it won't be long before we build up the business again.
19:41I'm sure of that.
19:42Roy, can you hear yourself?
19:44Look, what I'm saying is this isn't the end of the world.
19:47You and Frank, you lift off Deals on Wheels.
19:49You survived.
19:50So can we.
19:51You are 62 years of age.
19:55Your... your savings from the old house
19:57have been swallowed up by the bank.
19:59You've got no credit rating.
20:00Your reputation's down the drain.
20:02How can you be sure of anything?
20:04Because I've done it before.
20:07What are you saying?
20:08Frank could do it, and I can't.
20:21I don't know about you,
20:22but I've been gasping for this ever since Giles Wayne.
20:24It was pretty disgusting.
20:29That's better.
20:30When are you on?
20:31Half an hour.
20:32Have you had much work?
20:34Yeah, I must have picked up the odd job.
20:35Keep my head above water.
20:37Nothing changes, eh?
20:38At least you enjoy what you're doing.
20:40Yeah, keeps me sane.
20:41How about you?
20:42Fine, I've just got a new job as a sales rep.
20:44Oh, where?
20:45Back home.
20:47When I first heard that you'd come to London,
20:49I thought maybe you and David...
20:52I told you, I'm here because of Joe.
20:54But you and he have managed to patch things up, you know,
20:56for Joe's sake.
20:57David's not around.
20:58He left about a year ago.
21:00A year ago?
21:01But you're still here?
21:04Listen, chiefs can't be that good.
21:10whoever he is, he must be one incredibly lucky guy.
21:13It didn't feel like that for either of us.
21:14Not at the time.
21:16Did Joe get on with him?
21:19Excuse me.
21:26You are the most difficult person to get hold of.
21:28Why do you insist on keeping your mobile switched off?
21:30I'm on a job, I don't want the distraction.
21:32Anyway, look, I've had an idea about speeding things up.
21:35I'll tell you what, it is so obvious,
21:36I don't know why we didn't think of it before.
21:39This woman, Sally,
21:40right, we offer her an inducement to talk.
21:42Right, something to get us,
21:43to tell us where Cindy and the kids are.
21:45I don't think that's such a good idea, Mr. Bill.
21:47Not at this stage.
21:48Why not? Everyone's got a price.
21:50It's going about things the wrong way.
21:52500 quid, I mean, who is going to turn that down?
21:54Well, what if she does?
21:55Look, for now the important thing is for us to maintain our cover.
21:58Trust me.
21:59We're going to get the results we're looking for.
22:15You remembered my song.
22:16Oh, yeah, yeah.
22:17How do you feel?
22:18It was my best.
22:19Oh, you haven't changed much.
22:20Well, I was nervous.
22:21Were you?
22:23Well, you shouldn't have asked me to come then.
22:24I wanted you to come.
22:25It seems like ages since I've been to a gig like this.
22:28I've really missed it.
22:32I know you don't want to hear this, but
22:35I need to tell you.
22:37I'm sorry.
22:41very sorry.
22:42I'm sorry too.
22:44What for?
22:45When Karen died, I couldn't deal with you, Joe,
22:48anything or anybody else in my life.
22:51I should have understood that.
22:53Instead of walking away, I should have tried harder.
22:56If only for Joe's sake.
22:58I'll never forgive myself.
23:01He was as good as my own son, and I turned me back on him.
23:06He came to London to find David because he needed someone.
23:09If I had left, he...
23:14look how he turned out.
23:15He must be ever so proud.
23:17Oh, I forgot to ask.
23:18How's he doing at school?
23:19Or is it college now?
23:21It's not easy for Joe.
23:24But he was always such a bright man.
23:26Maybe it's just a phase.
23:27Peter, there's something I need to tell you.
23:30Joe's had a hard time.
23:31How do you mean?
23:32He's not been well.
23:34But he seems okay.
23:35He was diagnosed with schizophrenia.
23:38It's been a long, hard struggle.
23:41The worst time of my life.
23:43But the drugs seem to be working.
23:46I don't suppose you ever truly get over something like that.
23:48You live with it, manage with it best you can.
23:51The doctors are confident he's past the worst now.
24:00Both your children?
24:01Maybe if I was any good at relationships, maybe if I...
24:03But he was just a kid.
24:04He was staring at me like...
24:05You were behind the wheel of the car because you were the one driving them to school that day.
24:10It could just as easily have been me.
24:13It's taken me a long time to accept that.
24:16Now you must.
24:26Everything alright?
24:29How's it been?
24:31Good as gold.
24:32How'd it go?
24:34You alright?
24:37Looks like you've been crying.
24:40There's something wrong.
24:41Oh, Ricky, I don't want to talk about it.
24:44Ricky, please!
24:46You'll get the results you're looking for, Mr Fields.
24:49It's just a matter of you trusting me to do my job.
24:51I'm sorry, it's...
24:53It's just all this waiting.
24:55I understand.
24:57All I'm asking is you just try it, my wife.
24:59I can't do that.
25:00Why not?
25:01Because you'll blow it.
25:02I've seen it before.
25:03I'm paying you good money.
25:06Lucy hasn't seen her brothers in over a year.
25:09It's a whole year in a child's life.
25:11She used to wake up in the morning crying.
25:14Asking me where they were.
25:16Now she only asks when somebody mentions their names.
25:19I'm sure it's been tough.
25:22I won't let her forget her brothers.
25:25Look, you either do this my way or...
25:27consider yourself off the case.
25:33I respect your wishes, Mr Fields.
25:37I'll send your mother back to you.
25:40I'll send your mother.
25:48Oh, Jack.
25:49Hi, Mum.
25:55Mummy's here, sweetie.
25:59Yeah, Mummy's here.
26:02I went to the park.
26:04Did you?
26:06Did you go on the slide?
26:07I had ice cream.
26:10Did Uncle Ricky buy it for you?
26:20Mummy's here.
26:23Oh, God.
26:24Rightly or wrongly,
26:25I still feel some kind of parental responsibility.
26:28Of course, you can't wipe away what you were to him.
26:30And it would make me feel a lot better
26:32knowing someone else was looking out for him.
26:34He'll be fine.
26:35I know.
26:36And Sarah's a really good friend.
26:38Though at first I did have my doubts.
26:40Why? She seems nice enough.
26:41Oh, she is.
26:42It's just, well, they're so similar.
26:44Honest, sensitive, naive, almost.
26:46And Sarah, well, she's a bit intense.
26:49At the time, I felt Joe needed someone a bit more relaxed,
26:52a bit more, um...
26:53Like Mary?
26:54Mary and George's friends.
26:57What about Sarah?
26:58Do you know? She's OK about it.
26:59She can't be that intense, then.
27:01Still, if I'd have known that Joe was engaged to be married,
27:03I'd never have allowed it.
27:05He's turned Mary away.
27:06Joe wouldn't have been too impressed.
27:07Like I say, he's not like other kids.
27:09He's up front about everything.
27:11Then why is Mary behaving so strangely?
27:13I saw her in the market. She looked very sheepish.
27:15What do you mean?
27:16If it's no secret, why is Mary being so odd about it?
27:19About what? Being friends?
27:21About sharing a bed with Joe.
27:29George discovers who Anna's real father is.
27:32A place to call home at 2.15.
27:34Next, though, on drama, more classic EastEnders.