• last year


00:00Emergency! Emergency! You're on alert!
00:27Thank goodness you're here, Ensign Def!
00:29The ship's losing cabin pressure!
00:31Flood the room with oxygen!
00:45We've slipped into the asteroid belt from the planet's outer rings!
00:49Call Houston and tell them we're losing orbit!
00:52Begin emergency crash procedures! Toss all loose cargo out of the emergency hatch!
00:59Secure all remaining objects in the cabin!
01:16Now! Sound the alarm! Cut all the power!
01:19And if you're so inclined, say your prayers!
01:24Hey there, big space commander in the sky! It's me, Chuck!
01:31What the heck's going on?
01:33You tell me, big man!
01:35Am I gonna make it back to Cape Canaveral in one piece?
01:40Or am I gonna end up smeared all over Uranus?
01:44Honey, is Grandpa all right?
01:46Oh, he's sleepwalking again, or sleep-sitting, as the case may be.
01:50I'm gonna go down and wake him.
01:53Whoa, whoa, whoa!
01:56Psychologically speaking, sleepwalking is a phenomenon that's usually associated with playing out a forgotten trauma.
02:03Pugwash! I never forget anything!
02:06Okay, what did we eat for dinner last night?
02:10Um, something yellow?
02:13What's my name?
02:15It's a V-word. I'm guessing Veggie.
02:19Who's that?
02:20That's Dotty! She's a Czechoslovakian exchange student who lives in the attic.
02:25Try Chicken Pilaf, Vic, and Penelope.
02:29Stop blabbering in silly code, Veggie!
02:32Hey, what's up with Veggie Jr.?
02:38What's this, Trev? Some kind of cool new fad?
02:42Berkeley taped me to my mattress in the middle of the night.
02:46Didn't anyone hear me yelling?
02:48Sorry, honey, we just assumed you stubbed something again.
02:52Somebody unravel me!
02:58Hang in there, Trev. The faster Berkeley pulls the tape off, the less it'll hurt.
03:02Now, let's put an end to that sleepwalking problem of yours.
03:07First, I need you to tell me about your dream.
03:10I tell you, Mary Lou, all I really need to be happy is a couple of jet skis and a refrigerator full of Canadian bacon.
03:19I think she means the dream you had last night.
03:23Thank you, Dotty. And I might say your English is coming along very nicely.
03:29As far as I can remember, I dreamt I was on a space mission back in my old astronaut days.
03:36Things were going fine, until all of a sudden, a man in a plaid apron was trying to sell me frozen waffles.
03:44Well, it all sounds very complicated.
03:49I wonder if the waffles stand for a fear of intimacy.
03:52Or maybe just a fear of waffles.
03:55Either way, we'll get to the bottom of your problem in no time.
03:59Come on, follow me to my office and enter the exciting world of psychotherapy.
04:05Come on, Bucky. Follow the world of psychos.
04:18Now, the key to successful hypnosis is not to fight the urge to sleep.
04:29Now, let your body go completely limp.
04:42Keep it down, will ya? I'm trying to sleep.
04:46Now, let's try this again. This time, try and stay awake, Berkeley.
04:51You're starting to feel sleep.
05:02Darn, I'm good.
05:04You find yourself drifting deeper and deeper into your subconscious.
05:08Imagine yourself sitting on a beautiful beach.
05:11You simply lie back and soak up the bright sunshine of your own inner light.
05:17It's bright out here. Where's my hat?
05:21Hey, who wants to bury me in the sand?
05:35I'm going to get a sun rash. I need lotion.
05:41It's hot. Everybody immortal!
05:47Grandpa, are you starting to release your trauma?
05:51Hello? Grandpa?
05:54Oh, dear.
06:01Drawing on our recent successes with puppet and stench therapy,
06:05I've concluded that the best way to cure Grandpa of his sleepwalking
06:09is to simply allow him to go back to sleep and finish his dream.
06:13That seems simple enough.
06:15Who wants to come with me and spend the night in a nice hotel?
06:19Not so fast.
06:21In order for this final therapeutic technique to be a success,
06:24you all have to play a role.
06:29Do you ever quit?
06:31Now, based on my sessions with Grandpa,
06:33I've compiled a list of characters and elements from his dream
06:36and assigned one of them to each of you.
06:39Penelope, you'll be playing the part of an asteroid.
06:42Big Vic, you'll be Uranus.
06:45Trevor, you'll play Mr. Bongo the Space Chimp.
06:49And Ripley...
06:51Ancient Biff, we're about to crash into the planet's surface.
06:54Report to the bridge with Mr. Bongo.
06:57Huh? Hey!
06:59There's only one thing left to do, Ancient Biff.
07:02Go ahead.
07:04Spray catsup all over those new white rings.
07:13Don't do anything to interrupt, honey.
07:15We have to let Grandpa finish his dream
07:17so he can work through his trauma completely.
07:20You want to see how well a super pocket replacer works?
07:23We'll just rip those old substandard pockets right off your pants.
07:33Welcome to the Kung Fu Club.
07:35Now, grab the Kung Fu nearest you
07:39and flip him or her over your shoulder.
07:45Wait a minute.
07:47That's the Kung Fu Club on TV.
07:49Now, turn and flip.
07:52Turn and flip.
07:54Turn and flip again.
07:56Grandpa's not reliving some forgotten trauma.
07:59He's just acting out whatever stupid stuff he hears on TV every night,
08:03including this super cheesy space movie
08:06they've been rerunning every night on the Super Cheesy Space Movie Channel.
08:10Oh, so he is.
08:12Well, I guess it's all right to wake him up after all.
08:15Did you hear that, Berkeley?
08:17It's okay to stop.
08:19Ancient Biff, we've landed on the surface of Uranus unscathed.
08:23Drop Mr. Bongo out the emergency hatch to test the oxygen levels.
08:28Huh? Uh...
08:34Mr. Bongo has survived.
08:36Let's celebrate by dancing on the surface of Uranus
08:40and planting our country's proud flag.
08:48Bad dog!
08:54Look at that.
08:56As soon as Berkeley turned off the TV, Grandpa's nightmare stopped.
09:00What genius.
09:01Now, honey, you know Berkeley didn't mean to upset you.
09:04And besides, now that we know how to put a stop to Grandpa's sleepwalking,
09:08you can finally get a good night's sleep again.
09:11I guess you're right.
09:13Sorry, Berkeley. You're a good boy, partner.
09:18Hey, Spartans and dogs!
09:20Grab your partners and spin them around!
09:30And spin and spin and spin!
09:32And spin and spin and spin!
09:37And spin!
