日曜ミステリー「森村誠一サスペンス 刑事の証明8」 動画 9月8日

  • last week


00:00:00I don't think so.
00:00:01Then, Mirai Speaker!
00:00:03Without raising the volume, the words of the TV are clear!
00:00:07New model, on sale!
00:00:08Mirai Speaker
00:00:11Important announcement.
00:00:12The postage savings you have left before you become a permanent resident
00:00:15will be treated as a right to disappear for 2 months to 20 years from the full term.
00:00:19Please confirm and pay back as soon as possible.
00:00:21Please also consult if you are treated as a right to disappear.
00:00:26Driving on a rainy day, it's anxious, isn't it?
00:00:29SUBARU's EyeSight supports you not to bump into each other.
00:00:32The chance of an accident is reduced to 0.06%.
00:00:37A new urban selection.
00:00:41This is Honjikomi.
00:00:43Become delicious.
00:00:44To me, to the earth, and to the future.
00:00:49The happiness of bread, to the distant future.
00:00:52Fujipan Honjikomi.
00:00:54In the middle of the campaign.
00:00:55Let's talk about bread.
00:00:59Insurance review.
00:01:05The sooner, the better.
00:01:07Insurance review Honpo.
00:01:08Now it's eel.
00:01:16Every month, we issue a paper claim.
00:01:19It's scary how much effort it takes, isn't it?
00:01:21It's a pain in the ass!
00:01:23What's even scarier is that each and every one of them costs money.
00:01:27Paper bill, printing bill, postage bill.
00:01:29And the postage bill, which has been decided.
00:01:32Leave it as it is!
00:01:35Yeah, so let's make it electronic.
00:01:38If it's a easy claim, we'll deliver the application by e-mail, so the cost will be reduced.
00:01:42The postage bill will be reduced to 0.
00:01:43Easy claim.
00:01:48One in three doesn't eat breakfast.
00:01:53No, no, no!
00:01:54If you don't have time, eat 10 kinds of nutrients.
00:01:57It's kiwifruit!
00:01:58Whipped cream.
00:02:00Shake it, baby.
00:02:02You shake it, baby.
00:02:03You're falling, baby.
00:02:05You're falling, baby.
00:02:12Honjo S-U-P!
00:02:15Almond effect.
00:02:17If you want to get the nutrition of almonds.
00:02:18I'll get it with grains.
00:02:19I'll get it with milk.
00:02:21Hurry up! Almond charge!
00:02:23So fast!
00:02:24Almond effect.
00:02:27How much will you charge for today's hotel?
00:02:3021,000 yen?
00:02:3118,000 yen?
00:02:32Or 15,000 yen?
00:02:34Same hotel, same service.
00:02:36The only difference is the price.
00:02:37Actually, it's up to you.
00:02:40There's no choice in the front, right?
00:02:42But there's Toribago.
00:02:44Toribago is a hotel with more than 70 reservation sites.
00:02:47Toribago is a hotel with more than 70 reservation sites.
00:02:51You can save your time and money.
00:02:53Can you save up to 6,000 yen per night with Toribago?
00:02:57Hotel Toribago.
00:03:02I said I wasn't in the mood, but I'm in Crolets.
00:03:05I feel refreshed.
00:03:06How is it?
00:03:08The mood has changed!
00:03:09The mood has changed!
00:03:10The mood has changed!
00:03:11I feel refreshed for 30 minutes.
00:03:13I feel refreshed for 30 minutes.
00:03:16Mitsubishi UFJ Card
00:03:18You can use this card to apply for a bank account.
00:03:23I'm counting on you.
00:03:25Mitsubishi UFJ Card
00:03:27At Mitsubishi UFJ Bank
00:03:30Did something happen over there?
00:03:31Well, a lot.
00:03:32I'm glad you came back.
00:03:34I see, I see.
00:03:35Because Tsukimi Pie is new.
00:03:38I see.
00:03:39Tsukimi Pie with Kinako Mochi and Anko.
00:03:41Tsukimi McShake with Custard Pudding.
00:03:45I'm glad you protected that surprising price.
00:03:47You own the land.
00:03:49By the way, why is it so huge?
00:03:50You'll see.
00:03:51You'll see?
00:03:52You'll see.
00:03:53Don't do it again.
00:03:57Benrich Crolets Open House
00:04:00Steel is strong and can be used for a long time.
00:04:02It also contributes to reducing CO2 in society.
00:04:05It's the only one.
00:04:07It's a shield for me.
00:04:10And it's a double JFE.
00:04:13Don't look at me.
00:04:15Is this enough for medical insurance?
00:04:17Our customers are still worried about the cost.
00:04:21But what should we do?
00:04:22That's why!
00:04:23We're going to integrate monthly insurance and services for each month.
00:04:28We're going to propose a new form of medical insurance that's perfect for everyone.
00:04:32This is a challenge that only Aflac can do.
00:04:34President, what's your decision?
00:04:39A new reason has been born.
00:04:43Let's go.
00:04:52People carry many burdens in their lives.
00:04:57Secrets, regrets, and sadness.
00:05:02They can be lightened by sharing them with someone.
00:05:07But a person who has committed a crime will never be able to let go of that burden.
00:05:15If that person is judged, will the burden disappear at the same time?
00:05:27The burden will never disappear.
00:05:30This time, the person who is judged will be burdened with the burden.
00:05:37The burden will never disappear.
00:06:29Thank you for your hard work.
00:06:31Thank you.
00:06:32Thank you.
00:06:33Thank you.
00:06:41What's his name?
00:06:43Ryo Shishina, 40 years old.
00:06:45He's currently in Tokyo.
00:06:48Is he dead?
00:06:50There are multiple stab wounds on his back and stomach from 1 to 3 a.m.
00:06:54Teguchi is a terrible man.
00:06:57First, he attacked from behind.
00:06:59He stabbed him many times until he couldn't breathe.
00:07:03This is the same Teguchi who killed Torima in Tokyo.
00:07:07She's a woman from a foreign company.
00:07:09It's too early to make a decision.
00:07:12Where's the weapon?
00:07:13I think it's a sharp blade, but the culprit took it away.
00:07:19How is it?
00:07:20I went around the area, but there were no witnesses.
00:07:23I also took a picture of the beast horse.
00:07:25I'll look into it from now on.
00:07:26I see.
00:07:27I see.
00:07:30By the way, did you find out the employees of the company?
00:07:33I don't know their names.
00:07:41Eyes right!
00:07:45We will now begin the investigation meeting.
00:07:48This case is highly related to the serial Torima incident in Tokyo.
00:07:53We have decided to set up an investigation headquarters here and collect information.
00:07:57First of all, about the information of the company,
00:07:59Kikuchi Nanomura, the head of the investigation team.
00:08:03Ryo Shina, who was killed, was a so-called informant.
00:08:07It seems that he obtained and sold internal information of companies and individuals.
00:08:11Customers are various, such as journalists, violent groups, and investors.
00:08:17Maybe he was threatened and resented.
00:08:19Is the informant that bad?
00:08:23What did you say?
00:08:25List up the people you've been working with recently from the phone call records.
00:08:31Are you sure?
00:08:33Information is the best way to show how you don't make enemies.
00:08:38Information is only for selling it to the person who needs it.
00:08:43It's not to threaten the person.
00:08:45I don't pretend to take risks for the money in front of me.
00:08:49If this is not a conspiracy, it's a series of crimes.
00:08:54No, I think it's a conspiracy.
00:08:56Which one is it?
00:08:58Are you done?
00:09:00It's roughly like this.
00:09:04This is Shina's customer.
00:09:07The money collection is a scandal that drives away the enemy.
00:09:10Journalists are gossip stories of celebrities.
00:09:13Individual investors are insider information.
00:09:17Excuse me.
00:09:19Isobe, did you get the results of the autopsy?
00:09:23The skin was detected from the victim's neck.
00:09:27Is it the culprit?
00:09:29I think he resisted when he clashed with the culprit.
00:09:32This is it.
00:09:33Turn it around and collect the DNA.
00:09:36I understand.
00:09:38Well, Hirose.
00:09:40What do you think?
00:09:42Well, I'll take a look at the people on the list at home.
00:09:48Do as you like.
00:09:52The rest of the investigators will be involved in the conspiracy and the Torima case.
00:09:58Report to each office.
00:10:01I will report to Sameshokimura.
00:10:03I will report on the case of the original arrest.
00:10:05I don't like the chief at all.
00:10:07Why does the chief have to deal with such a fight again?
00:10:10I can't help it.
00:10:11Because he is such a person.
00:10:14The skin was detected.
00:10:25I just need to extract the DNA from this skin.
00:10:28I understand.
00:10:30Nice to meet you.
00:10:32Thank you as always.
00:10:35It's my job.
00:10:37Thank you for your hard work.
00:10:39Chief Wakatsuki.
00:10:41This is the sample from yesterday.
00:10:54Mr. Sada Yoshiyuki.
00:10:57He's a regular here.
00:11:00Mr. Sada was here the other day.
00:11:03Has anything changed?
00:11:09He's usually very quiet.
00:11:12But it was very busy that day.
00:11:14I see.
00:11:16Can you tell me more about that day?
00:11:39I will report on the case of the original arrest.
00:11:42I will report on the case of the original arrest.
00:11:44I will report on the case of the original arrest.
00:11:46I will report on the case of the original arrest.
00:11:48I will report on the case of the original arrest.
00:11:50I will report on the case of the original arrest.
00:11:52I will report on the case of the original arrest.
00:11:54I will report on the case of the original arrest.
00:11:56I will report on the case of the original arrest.
00:11:58I will report on the case of the original arrest.
00:12:00I will report on the case of the original arrest.
00:12:02I will report on the case of the original arrest.
00:12:04I will report on the case of the original arrest.
00:12:06I will report on the case of the original arrest.
00:12:08I will report on the case of the original arrest.
00:12:10I will report on the case of the original arrest.
00:12:12I will report on the case of the original arrest.
00:12:20Are you Mr. Sadai Yoshiyuki?
00:12:22I'm from the Police Department Inspector's Office.
00:12:24I'm from the Police Department Inspector's Office.
00:12:25We came to ask a question.
00:12:30This is Ms Yoshiyuki from the Prefectural Police Department.
00:12:36Oh, so this is what it's like to be a private investor.
00:12:41Would you like to give it a try?
00:12:43I can make hundreds of millions in an instant.
00:12:45No, no, that's fine.
00:12:47But it looks like it's going to be tough.
00:12:50Are you going to be stuck in front of your computer all day?
00:12:53That's probably what it's like.
00:12:55You have to be able to tell the difference between an investor and a day trader.
00:12:58What if I can go out whenever I want?
00:13:01You're taking a risk and buying freedom.
00:13:05So, where did you go last night?
00:13:10I was stuck in front of my computer.
00:13:13As you can see, I'm all alone.
00:13:15There's no one to prove it.
00:13:17That's true.
00:13:18It's a tough job.
00:13:22By the way, Mr. Sada.
00:13:24Do you know a man named Sina Lior?
00:13:30He was killed by someone last night.
00:13:35That's a shame.
00:13:42How did you get hurt?
00:13:50A stray cat in my neighborhood bit me.
00:13:53That's another tragedy.
00:13:59Mr. Sada.
00:14:01I know it's a lot of work, but could you please sign this?
00:14:04It's just a second opinion.
00:14:07Can you give me five more minutes?
00:14:09I want to make sure it's profitable.
00:14:14I'll give you 50 million yen for the second opinion.
00:14:17Go ahead.
00:14:29I'll give you 50 million yen.
00:14:40You were in a bad mood the other day.
00:14:44You were talking on the phone at the cafe.
00:14:47You made me talk about gas.
00:14:50I don't care.
00:14:52At that time.
00:14:54I got a message from you on Sina's cell phone.
00:15:00The insider information you bought from Sina.
00:15:04Was it a fake?
00:15:07Please let me take the DNA.
00:15:10I refuse.
00:15:12Don't say that.
00:15:15It's an easy job.
00:15:18All you have to do is write a little bit of mucous on the back of your cheek.
00:15:22I'm sorry.
00:15:24I don't want anyone to touch me.
00:15:26I don't feel good.
00:15:33Is there a reason why you have to refuse?
00:15:41Wait a minute.
00:15:45What is it?
00:15:47I'm a reporter for Sina.
00:15:49I'm sorry.
00:15:50I have an alibi.
00:15:52I see.
00:15:53In exchange for that.
00:15:57That man.
00:15:59Ten years ago.
00:16:01He was arrested and fined.
00:16:06He didn't get a full payment because he filed a complaint.
00:16:10At that time.
00:16:11Fingerprints and DNA were registered in the database.
00:16:16I see.
00:16:18Go to Kasouken right now and get it.
00:16:21I understand.
00:16:35I'm sorry.
00:16:37Your DNA.
00:16:39I don't need it anymore.
00:16:42Until the results come out.
00:16:44Please wait here.
00:17:14Sada Yoshiyuki.
00:17:24It's Sada Yoshiyuki.
00:17:26It has nothing to do with the Torima incident.
00:17:29This time, it was pretty easy.
00:17:32That's right.
00:17:33Excuse me.
00:17:35Did you get the results of Kasouken?
00:17:38The skin that was collected from the tip of the toenails.
00:17:41The DNA type of Sada Yoshiyuki in the database.
00:17:45It didn't match.
00:17:49Is it from the end?
00:17:51There is no mistake.
00:17:52That's ridiculous.
00:17:54Sada's hand was recently scratched.
00:17:57There is also a motive to kill Chiena.
00:17:59All kinds of situations are talking about Sada's crime.
00:18:02But the DNA type is different.
00:18:05There is no choice but to wash it again.
00:18:07What did you do?
00:18:24This is Hirose of the Rikka family.
00:18:27Good evening.
00:18:28Good evening.
00:18:35There is no such possibility.
00:18:36We received the skin from Mr. Kanshiki.
00:18:39We extracted the DNA.
00:18:41After that, there was a request for an audit, so we merged it with the database.
00:18:44Then show me the database of Sada from 10 years ago.
00:18:51This is the DNA type of Sada Yoshiyuki collected 10 years ago.
00:18:55Please check it with your own eyes.
00:18:57The results were inconsistent.
00:18:59There is no mistake in the audit.
00:19:02Is there really no mistake?
00:19:04Are you sure?
00:19:06The progress of science and technology is in short,
00:19:09It's about accuracy.
00:19:12With the latest equipment now,
00:19:14One in four people
00:19:16You can narrow down the same person with ridiculous accuracy.
00:19:19Four people.
00:19:22In theory,
00:19:24The possibility of matching with another person is zero.
00:19:27That's what it means.
00:19:29Is there any problem with our judgment?
00:19:33It's been a while.
00:19:36The police usually don't come here.
00:19:38We, the people of Kaso Prefecture,
00:19:40I'm keeping a distance from the scene.
00:19:43We both
00:19:44It's not good to have an intruder.
00:19:47I just came to confirm what I was wondering.
00:19:52It's your mistake.
00:19:55Because the results of the audit are inconsistent,
00:19:57Luluhan is next to you.
00:20:00As usual.
00:20:01It hasn't changed a bit since I left the scene.
00:20:04Everything is in order.
00:20:07I am
00:20:08I'm just responsible for my job.
00:20:12She too.
00:20:14That's right.
00:20:16If anything, let's reenact it again in front of you.
00:20:20If it's the same result,
00:20:23It's not enough.
00:20:27Let's do it.
00:20:30If so,
00:20:32I'll do anything.
00:20:49I'm sorry.
00:20:50I'm sorry.
00:20:51I'm sorry.
00:21:19What were you doing?
00:21:22I'll give you instructions.
00:21:24Check the flow of the company's money.
00:21:26I'm going to fire someone who doesn't make the list.
00:21:29I'll do it alone.
00:21:32I won't forgive you.
00:21:34The star is Sada.
00:21:40I'm sorry.
00:21:48Mr. Ben.
00:21:49What should we do?
00:21:51Let's follow the policy of the headquarters.
00:21:54That's the basic.
00:22:11I'm sorry.
00:22:36I'm sorry.
00:22:37I'm sorry.
00:22:40I'm sorry.
00:22:54Good morning.
00:22:55Good morning.
00:22:56Do you have the company's data?
00:22:59Here it is.
00:23:00What is it?
00:23:09You worked at Diana Industries until four years ago?
00:23:13I was in charge of sales there until four years ago.
00:23:18Why did you quit?
00:23:19I was fired.
00:23:23Speaking of Diana Industries,
00:23:26there was a device for Diana Industries in Kasuga Prefecture.
00:23:32The police chief had once
00:23:34inspected all the equipment in the prefecture.
00:23:39It cost about 3 billion yen.
00:23:423 billion yen?
00:23:43It's a huge amount of money.
00:23:47Who did you give the authority to decide that?
00:23:59You must have an idea.
00:24:02Let's do what we can do now.
00:24:12You again?
00:24:14What is it this time?
00:24:15I have something to ask you about Wakatsuki.
00:24:18I have something to ask you about Wakatsuki.
00:24:22It was six years ago that he became the chief, right?
00:24:30When was the last time he inspected these devices?
00:24:34I think it was four years ago.
00:24:37Four years ago.
00:24:40So, where is the chief now?
00:24:44He's on a strike today.
00:24:48I see.
00:25:16I'm sorry.
00:25:18I didn't know Mr. Kami was dead.
00:25:23It was three years ago.
00:25:29I was already away from the site.
00:25:34Was your wife also sick?
00:25:39My wife has been dead for 17 years.
00:25:42It would have been better if I had gone to Kurushima.
00:25:47My wife had a hard time in Nagawa.
00:25:51I couldn't do anything for her as her husband.
00:25:56I wanted to see her face at least once a month.
00:26:01I see.
00:26:04I couldn't meet her either.
00:26:09It's a human business.
00:26:12You're right.
00:26:24You're not here to talk about that, are you?
00:26:29It was four years ago.
00:26:31It was the latest move by the police.
00:26:35Was it a general competition?
00:26:38Of course.
00:26:40If you're the chief of Kasoken,
00:26:43you should have a strong authority to decide the name of the order.
00:26:47You're right.
00:26:56It must have cost you a lot of money.
00:27:00What are you talking about?
00:27:01Shut up!
00:27:10Are you suspecting your family?
00:27:12I'm just talking about the possibility.
00:27:15It's true that Wakatsuki was in trouble with money at that time.
00:27:19At that time, Sina, who was a client of Diana Konyo,
00:27:24sent a wire to her.
00:27:27If Sina told Sada about it...
00:27:32And Sada threatened the chief of Wakatsuki?
00:27:36There's a possibility.
00:27:38If you don't want to be exposed, you should have a DNA test.
00:27:43There was about half a day between the incident and the meeting.
00:27:48It's possible to work during that time.
00:27:52Shut up!
00:27:54If you can't trust your family, can you do anything?
00:27:58I'm telling you that I'm going to do it alone because it's my family.
00:28:03Do whatever you want.
00:28:05I'm going to get rid of this guy.
00:28:08Let's get out of here!
00:28:15When Wakatsuki was in custody, I worked with him.
00:28:19He was a very honest person and trusted his subordinates.
00:28:22Even if he's the chief, I can't convince him.
00:28:26We're going to use the Torima Line.
00:28:28Let's go!
00:28:38Thanks to you, the headquarters is in a mess.
00:28:42I'm sure you're prepared to do that.
00:28:46I don't like to doubt my subordinates.
00:28:50But I can't deny my intuition as a Deca.
00:28:56It's him.
00:28:59It's him.
00:29:02I'm sure of it.
00:29:04He's the one who killed Shina.
00:29:09If I was wrong, I would have fired him right away.
00:29:15But I don't think it's right for Wakatsuki to doubt his DNA.
00:29:27You and Wakatsuki are good friends, aren't you?
00:29:33He used to be a surveillance agent.
00:29:37We've been on the same scene.
00:29:40Now he's the chief of the Kasuogen.
00:29:44He's been in the police force for three generations.
00:29:48He's a well-known celebrity.
00:29:52I respect him more than anything else.
00:29:57I don't want to say that I'm against him.
00:30:03But I admit that he's a capable man.
00:30:07But that's another story.
00:30:11I'm going to crush his doubts one by one.
00:30:15Even if it's a friend or a foe.
00:30:21When did your wife get sick?
00:30:23Three years ago.
00:30:25She said I was a good candidate.
00:30:28She gave me all the advice I needed.
00:30:54We will provide you with a comfortable system and assist you in all your business.
00:30:59Now, let's move on to the next stage.
00:31:02Bugyo V ERP Cloud.
00:31:04Leave it to me!
00:31:06This is an important announcement.
00:31:08The postage savings you have left before you become a permanent resident will be treated as a loss of rights for two months from the full term.
00:31:15Please confirm and pay back as soon as possible.
00:31:18Please also consult us if you are treated as a loss of rights.
00:31:21How much do you want to pay for the same hotel with different charges?
00:31:25What? A choice?
00:31:27There's Toribago.
00:31:29Compare the hotel charges of more than 70 reservation sites with Toribago and get a good deal.
00:31:34Hotel? Toribago.
00:31:36Our seniors were also inexperienced in the office at first.
00:31:42The office starts with inexperience.
00:31:45Career Wink.
00:31:47Why don't you change your way of working?
00:31:48Why don't you change your way of working?
00:31:52This 500 yen is the basic charge for 10GB of light everywhere.
00:31:55If you get one coin for up to six months in the campaign, this is super fast.
00:31:59So, I'll drop the heavy data right away.
00:32:02The basic charge for the campaign is 500 yen for up to six months.
00:32:06Eyes turn, but the store doesn't turn.
00:32:09The customer comes, but doesn't come to work.
00:32:13It's time, but it's a full-time job.
00:32:15It's time, but it's a full-time job.
00:32:17Search for Mama's Office.
00:32:19Nishinseifun Welna
00:32:23A calm child, an independent boy, and a hot sister.
00:32:27If you meet them, you'll get stronger.
00:32:29Welcome to the world full of Goen.
00:32:31Dramatic M-Battle RPG Goen.
00:32:34Everyone gathers!
00:32:38I said I wasn't in the mood to do it, but here's Crolet.
00:32:41It's refreshing.
00:32:43How is it?
00:32:45I'm starting to get motivated.
00:32:48It's a 30-minute long continuation.
00:32:52If you have trouble with R-Soc Rescue,
00:32:55I'll run to you at noon or at night.
00:32:58With an expert, BX cooperation.
00:33:02I'll take the master to the office.
00:33:04Earth Rescue R-Soc
00:33:06Excuse me, are you interested in the body information policy?
00:33:09I'm a public figure.
00:33:11Please ask the doctor after the examination.
00:33:14It's going well.
00:33:16Should I worry about the body information policy with high blood pressure?
00:33:19There is a report that if you are over 50 years old, the risk increases, and if you have a basic sense of smell, the risk increases even more.
00:33:25There are times when the pain is terrible.
00:33:27That's right.
00:33:29So I'm glad you consulted me.
00:33:31Please also consider preventive medicine.
00:33:33Would you like to hear about the body information policy?
00:33:51I want you to know more about Shinkin Central Bank and Shinyo Bank.
00:33:56I became the manager of Shinkin VisRoom.
00:33:59I see a manager with a problem.
00:34:02Shinkin Central Bank
00:34:14Mr. Togami
00:34:17You look fine.
00:34:19Hello, Mr. Nasu.
00:34:27How is it?
00:34:29What about the police?
00:34:31I'm bored, but I can't help it.
00:34:36There are some idiots who break their bodies and retire.
00:34:42That idiot is also a high school student.
00:34:47There is no trace of the demon police and the fear.
00:34:52Are you envious?
00:34:54I'm envious.
00:34:56When I sit like this, I feel like I'm getting back the time I was in a hurry.
00:35:01We are in a closed organization.
00:35:08We carry too many luggage.
00:35:13I'm dropping it one by one like this.
00:35:23You came about Wakatsukun.
00:35:26My subordinates are commemorating him.
00:35:30It is true that Wakatsuki was in trouble at that time.
00:35:34If so, his subordinates are idiots.
00:35:38I trust him.
00:35:40If you say that, I do too.
00:35:42Wakatsuki is a reliable man.
00:35:45I assure you.
00:35:47I pulled him from the office as the successor of President Kaso.
00:35:52I thought I could leave the rest to you.
00:35:55He is not a man who draws a bow to the organization.
00:35:59What do you mean?
00:36:01He is not a man who draws a bow.
00:36:03If it's for the organization, he will stand up.
00:36:06He cares about the organization more than anyone else.
00:36:09It's just one-sided.
00:36:13I see.
00:36:15I'm sorry, but the eyes of his subordinates are cloudy.
00:36:20This time, it may be so.
00:36:24It's been a long time since I went to see Wakatsukun.
00:36:30I'll treat you to a drink.
00:36:39I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. Hirase.
00:36:43How are you doing?
00:36:45I'm selling food.
00:36:49It's hard work.
00:36:51It's hard work.
00:36:53What's wrong?
00:36:55It's rare to see you here.
00:36:57Actually, I wrote this book.
00:37:01I have a favor to ask him over there.
00:37:04Mr. Hayakawa?
00:37:06He is our ace.
00:37:08He is a socialist reporter.
00:37:11Even if the other party has a high power, he will face it completely.
00:37:16This is his masterpiece.
00:37:19Do you know?
00:37:21It's a story that he made a mistake in the police investigation and reached the real culprit himself.
00:37:25I'd like to talk to him.
00:37:30Mr. Hayakawa?
00:37:32I'm sorry to bother you.
00:37:34What's the matter?
00:37:36He has a bad habit.
00:37:40Do it again.
00:37:42Do it again.
00:37:45We are both.
00:37:52I'm sorry to bother you.
00:37:54I'm Hirose, the prosecutor.
00:37:56I'm fine.
00:37:58What can I do for you?
00:38:00I'd like to ask you something.
00:38:03I saw you in town the night before yesterday.
00:38:07You were following a man named Sada Yoshiyuki.
00:38:12Did he have something to do with it?
00:38:17I'd like to ask you the other way.
00:38:20Why did the police arrest Sada?
00:38:22It's not my business.
00:38:25I just asked him to go home.
00:38:27Is it true that Ryo Shino was killed by Shiro?
00:38:30Is there any proof of that?
00:38:32The DNA test didn't match.
00:38:35Did he fall into the DNA test?
00:38:40When I was a police officer, I was arrested with my fingerprints.
00:38:44But I think Sada is the culprit.
00:38:48Now the police are crossing a different line.
00:38:50That's why I'm on my own.
00:38:54You're a member of the organization.
00:38:56Don't you have to follow the rules?
00:38:58No, I don't.
00:39:02You don't understand the organization.
00:39:05If we all go in the same direction, it will be dangerous.
00:39:10Don't you think so?
00:39:13I'm sorry.
00:39:14It's been a long time.
00:39:19Nice to meet you.
00:39:21I'm Hayakawa.
00:39:25I'll give it to you.
00:39:30I've been following Sada for a long time.
00:39:39I can't tell you.
00:39:41Instead, I'll tell you one thing.
00:39:48That night...
00:39:51Sada said this to his friends.
00:39:54I'm lucky.
00:39:56What did he say?
00:39:58You know what this means, right?
00:40:02The police killed the tiger.
00:40:11Custody, care, and childcare.
00:40:14I'll move it.
00:40:16Sorry to keep you waiting.
00:40:20I don't have confidence.
00:40:22I want to change jobs.
00:40:25I can't be a scout.
00:40:28There's no way a scout would come.
00:40:32There are a lot of scouts.
00:40:34I'm pretty popular.
00:40:37Custody, care, and childcare.
00:40:38I'll be a scout.
00:40:40I'll sign up for a job medley.
00:40:43Wait a minute.
00:40:45This pose doesn't look like an A.
00:40:47It's true.
00:40:49Putcho here.
00:40:52It's a miracle.
00:40:54Oh, my God.
00:40:59The refreshing action of solo play.
00:41:01The enthusiasm of multiplayer.
00:41:03The excitement of turn-based battles.
00:41:05All battle enthusiasm.
00:41:08Dramatic Enbattle RPG Goen
00:41:11Gather here.
00:41:20A comfortable angle with automatic operation.
00:41:23Get a good night's sleep.
00:41:25Active Sleep
00:41:27Domino Pizza
00:41:29The best bite of a burger.
00:41:31Chicken Cheeseburger Pizza
00:41:33More delicious and more American.
00:41:35Let's enjoy Silver Week together.
00:41:37Cheeseburger Pizza
00:41:39From 990 yen.
00:41:48Please be surprised.
00:41:50It's a new era.
00:41:52New Spacia Custom
00:41:54So, don't worry.
00:41:55Aisha Free Examination
00:41:58I'm Mr. Nukumi, a new comrade.
00:42:01I'm Nukumi. Nice to meet you.
00:42:03How is our company?
00:42:05IT is the most advanced.
00:42:07It's smart.
00:42:09It's surprisingly human.
00:42:11IT is made with the feeling of not leaving anyone alone.
00:42:14So I want you to cherish that feeling.
00:42:19I'm out.
00:42:21It was early today.
00:42:23That wish.
00:42:25Infect Group
00:42:27It's a house-building consultation.
00:42:29I've been thinking about it all the time.
00:42:31There was such an option.
00:42:33I want to build a house.
00:42:35I'm glad I consulted.
00:42:37House-building consultation.
00:42:39Tempo is also online.
00:42:44Are you talking about Hime again?
00:42:48Did you come back?
00:42:50It's the season of Tsukimi.
00:42:52Tsukimi Burger
00:42:55Earth is the best.
00:42:57Important notice.
00:42:59Postal savings left before the primary privatization
00:43:02It will be treated as a right to disappear for 20 years and 2 months from the full term.
00:43:05Please confirm and pay back as soon as possible.
00:43:08Please also consult if it is treated as a right to disappear.
00:43:1310th Anniversary
00:43:15If you do it so far
00:43:172 million people
00:43:19Something hits
00:43:21100 million yen
00:43:2310th Anniversary LINE POKOPOKO
00:43:25The collaboration is also amazing.
00:43:29Coffee can and milk can
00:43:32Just the right latte
00:43:38Georgia The Latte
00:43:42It's a house-building consultation.
00:43:44House-building consultation.
00:43:46House-building consultation.
00:43:48House-building consultation.
00:43:50House-building consultation.
00:43:51House-building consultation.
00:43:53If it's just a consultation, it's free.
00:43:55If it's now, eel
00:43:57That's all for the victim's public relations.
00:44:02Yes, it's related to madness.
00:44:04As a result of hitting a store in Tokyo
00:44:07There was a suspicious person who bought a knife with almost the same blade as the one used in the crime.
00:44:12We are currently analyzing the video of the security camera.
00:44:15What was it like when Wakatsuki lost his wife four years ago?
00:44:19It's been a long time.
00:44:21Isn't it obvious?
00:44:23It was the same in terms of treatment and medical expenses.
00:44:26What is it?
00:44:28I'm asking you a very rude thing now.
00:44:32Please tell me what you are looking for.
00:44:35Otherwise, I won't say it.
00:44:37Then I'll be honest.
00:44:39I'm looking for his whereabouts.
00:44:42Come on, answer me.
00:44:45If you do that, you'll never see my face again.
00:44:47I'll help you.
00:44:49He said he lowered his head all over his relatives.
00:44:52From relatives?
00:44:54It's not to say, it's to borrow money.
00:44:56Excuse me.
00:45:06What's up?
00:45:08It's the case of Wakatsuki Keishi four years ago.
00:45:11He went to Tokyo for his wife's hospitalization.
00:45:14What did he do?
00:45:16He borrowed money from the police for his wife's hospitalization.
00:45:20I wonder if a man who can touch his wife will pay off his debt every day.
00:45:26Thank you.
00:45:29Thank you.
00:45:40Was it my mistake?
00:45:48I was suspicious of you.
00:45:51I'm sorry.
00:45:53Don't worry.
00:45:55Suspicious points are crushed one by one.
00:45:57It's a rule of the investigation.
00:46:04Do you really think Sada is Shiro?
00:46:08I'm not going to say anything about Sada.
00:46:13My current job is purely scientific.
00:46:17How do you know Sada?
00:46:20I don't know anything about Sada.
00:46:25After you snuck in,
00:46:28I saw the investigation materials at the office.
00:46:31I thought I shouldn't make a mistake.
00:46:35I thought there might be something because you said so.
00:46:43I see.
00:46:49I see.
00:46:58I'm sorry.
00:47:00I called you out of the blue.
00:47:01It's okay.
00:47:08Are you okay?
00:47:11Are you okay?
00:47:13If you break your body like me, you won't be able to go anywhere.
00:47:19You're all swollen up.
00:47:23You look like you've lost your shoulder.
00:47:26I guess so.
00:47:28I can't let you down even if I want to.
00:47:31Did you say something?
00:47:36Mr. Togami, I have a consultation.
00:47:41What is it?
00:47:49I'm sorry.
00:48:12Thank you for your hard work.
00:48:14What is it?
00:48:16This is you, isn't it?
00:48:20Come on!
00:48:32Come on!
00:48:36What are you doing?
00:48:38What are you doing?
00:48:40You're under arrest for theft and murder.
00:48:43Damn it.
00:48:47You said you didn't know.
00:48:49Don't be ridiculous.
00:48:51All the thefts happened on Friday night.
00:48:56You were off work, weren't you?
00:49:00Be quiet.
00:49:02You'll feel better.
00:49:07This man
00:49:13Who is he?
00:49:15I don't know his name.
00:49:19I've heard rumors about three women.
00:49:23It's only a matter of time.
00:49:25What about the murder of Ryo Shiina?
00:49:28I don't know yet.
00:49:30If you kill three people in this country, you'll be sentenced to death.
00:49:34It's too late to deny the death of the fourth person.
00:49:38You're right.
00:49:40Be careful.
00:49:43Thank you.
00:49:48Excuse me.
00:50:06You like high places.
00:50:11Don't bother me.
00:50:15It's a precious time.
00:50:18Some people have lost that precious time forever.
00:50:26How is the investigation going?
00:50:30I was investigating your children.
00:50:38I was born in Showa 45.
00:50:41I'm from Tachikawa City, Tokyo.
00:50:44I'm the son of five brothers.
00:50:46My father is a prostitute.
00:50:48My mother raised me as a woman.
00:50:52I was poor when I was a child.
00:50:56If you're going to talk about that, please go home.
00:51:00I don't like alcohol.
00:51:03Don't say that.
00:51:04I heard from my classmates that if you don't like something, you're going to be violent.
00:51:11But surprisingly, I wasn't.
00:51:15I was a kid with a lot of wisdom.
00:51:22Don't talk nonsense.
00:51:24I'm not a kid anymore.
00:51:26I lived in a luxury apartment.
00:51:29I did my best.
00:51:31I don't know how you did your best.
00:51:40You'll never know.
00:51:43How hard it is to get out of poverty.
00:51:48I'll tell you as much as I can.
00:51:52I'll keep an eye on you.
00:51:55It's a precious time.
00:52:02I'm a little hungry.
00:52:05It's a soup, but the bread is the main character?
00:52:09Bread soaked in a rich soup.
00:52:12I'm full of bread.
00:52:15I'm full of bread, but I'm full of calories.
00:52:18Congari bread is a great choice.
00:52:20I will sell this house.
00:52:23This house, which gave me a lot of memories, has become the center of my life little by little.
00:52:29This and that.
00:52:31This is it.
00:52:33So we decided.
00:52:36Goodbye, my house.
00:52:38And thank you again.
00:52:42It's a choice to sell the house and continue to live in poverty.
00:52:47Season's Lease Back
00:52:50Did something happen over there?
00:52:52Well, I'm glad I came back here.
00:52:55Because it's like the moon. It's new.
00:52:58I see.
00:53:20I wonder if it's going to rain.
00:53:22What's the weather forecast?
00:53:23What are you talking about?
00:53:25I don't know how many minutes it's going to rain.
00:53:30Weather app weather news.
00:53:32Free of charge.
00:53:50I wonder if I can take a break.
00:53:51Looking for a bright future?
00:53:53What is it?
00:53:57Is that me?
00:53:59I'm glad I changed jobs.
00:54:01Do you want to see a different future?
00:54:03Looking for a bright future. Indeed.
00:54:05Renewal construction is underway on Nagano-dō and Chūō-dō.
00:54:10As you can see, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are particularly congested.
00:54:16For more information, please check the website.
00:54:19Thank you.
00:54:21This 500 yen is the basic fee for 10GB of light everywhere.
00:54:24If you enter one coin for up to 6 months in the campaign, this is super fast.
00:54:28So, I'll drop the heavy data right away.
00:54:31The basic fee for the campaign is 500 yen for up to 6 months.
00:54:35I've been using FootFit for several years.
00:54:39This is my park.
00:54:41Training leg muscles with EMS technology and approaching health.
00:54:45Sixpad FootFit
00:54:46Together with you.
00:54:48On a sunny day.
00:54:51Are you talking about me again?
00:54:56You're back!
00:54:57It's the moon viewing season.
00:54:59Moon viewing burger.
00:55:00This year, the moon viewing is also on the Hōjun Fuwatoro.
00:55:02The Earth is the best!
00:55:07The one who made the SUV premium is
00:55:15Honda SUV
00:55:20Eye drops are low.
00:55:24If each mill is healthy,
00:55:26every day will be richer.
00:55:29But in fact,
00:55:33and so on.
00:55:34These symptoms are troubled and occur at the same time.
00:55:38So, V-Road Premium.
00:55:40This one will cure all these eye symptoms.
00:55:43V-Road Premium.
00:55:44The answer to your eye problems.
00:55:46This is it.
00:55:48V-Road Premium.
00:55:51The road to this point.
00:55:53The road to the future.
00:55:55I want to keep supporting you.
00:55:57The hero called Shintaku Tōshi.
00:55:59Kifumi Crossover Pro is born!
00:56:17It's me.
00:56:22I'm sorry.
00:56:23It's late.
00:56:25What's wrong?
00:56:28it's nothing.
00:56:30It's not nothing.
00:56:32It's not like you.
00:56:35I see.
00:56:37You didn't come to the police station today, did you?
00:56:41a little.
00:56:43I came to say hello to you.
00:56:45I see.
00:56:47Did you meet Wakatsuki?
00:56:53We had a light drink and talked.
00:57:00was carrying too many heavy things.
00:57:03Heavy things?
00:57:04Maybe I
00:57:06made him carry them.
00:57:08What do you mean, Togami?
00:57:13I'm sorry.
00:57:14I'm sorry.
00:57:15I'm sorry.
00:57:16I'm sorry.
00:57:17I'm sorry.
00:57:18I'm sorry.
00:57:19I'm sorry.
00:57:20I'm sorry.
00:57:21I'm sorry.
00:57:22I'm sorry.
00:57:23I'm sorry.
00:57:24I'm sorry.
00:57:25I'm sorry.
00:57:26I'm sorry.
00:57:27I'm sorry.
00:57:28I'm sorry.
00:57:29I'm sorry.
00:57:30I'm sorry.
00:57:31I'm sorry.
00:57:32I'm sorry.
00:57:33I'm sorry.
00:57:34I'm sorry.
00:57:35I'm sorry.
00:57:36I'm sorry.
00:57:37I'm sorry.
00:57:38I'm sorry.
00:57:39I'm sorry.
00:57:40I'm sorry.
00:57:41I'm sorry.
00:57:43Thank you for your hard work.
00:57:47The estimated time of death is around 4 a.m.
00:57:49No clothes were found, but there is no doubt that he committed suicide.
00:57:53I'm sorry to say this, but we have almost acknowledged the murder of three women.
00:57:58However, the current situation is that we have stated that we do not know anything about Shiina Ryo.
00:58:05According to the DNA collection,
00:58:07the remains of Shiina Ryo are currently being examined.
00:58:12Anyway, we have to bury the body tomorrow afternoon.
00:58:16What should we do?
00:58:18Personally, I think that the case of Torima and Shiina Ryo should be discussed separately.
00:58:27Director Nasu.
00:58:29I'm sorry.
00:58:31Please call Hirose.
00:58:32Excuse me.
00:58:42The former president of Kasouken committed suicide?
00:58:49Why at this timing?
00:58:51No matter how I think about it,
00:58:53the fact that I went to see Wakazuki-kun should have been the trigger.
00:58:59He was carrying too many heavy luggage.
00:59:04Maybe I made him carry heavy luggage.
00:59:12Nasu, what does that mean?
00:59:16I don't know either.
00:59:19But there is a great darkness behind this case.
00:59:28The investigation headquarters is disbanded.
00:59:31What are you talking about?
00:59:34The case of Torima and Shiina Ryo is an unscrupulous crime.
00:59:39I want you to investigate all four cases immediately.
00:59:43I don't want to investigate all four cases!
00:59:44The one who should have been careful was the former president!
00:59:46Just do it!
00:59:56What is this?
00:59:59This is too much.
01:00:00What is this?
01:00:01The former president should know best.
01:00:04He is a man of integrity.
01:00:07What do you mean?
01:00:09I can only assume that there was some kind of pressure.
01:00:12Mr. Togami's suicide is definitely related to this.
01:00:16Then, as the head of the organization said...
01:00:19The case of Torima and the murder of Shiina is a completely different matter.
01:00:23What are we going to do now, head of the organization?
01:00:25Please give us instructions.
01:00:26We have to prove that Shiina's death has nothing to do with Shouji Mikio.
01:00:31This is the relationship between Mr. Benz and Mr. Imai.
01:00:33Kikuchi Nonomura, please thoroughly wash the pattern of his life.
01:00:37Prove his existence.
01:00:39Got it?
01:00:40Yes, sir.
01:00:41Let's go, Kikuchi.
01:00:42Yes, sir.
01:00:48I heard about it from Inspector Isobe.
01:00:51It's a real shame.
01:00:54According to the Nasu administration,
01:00:56it was right after he met you.
01:00:59It seems so.
01:01:03What did you talk about?
01:01:08It's just a gossip.
01:01:10People don't die from gossips.
01:01:16Mr. Togami said this.
01:01:19He said he was carrying too much heavy luggage.
01:01:26It's also related to the former director, Mr. Togami.
01:01:31He couldn't stand the weight.
01:01:33He committed suicide.
01:01:40I'm sorry.
01:01:44Wait a minute.
01:01:46Do you know anything?
01:01:49Did you hear anything from Mr. Togami the other day?
01:01:52No, I didn't hear anything.
01:01:54Don't talk about the weight.
01:01:56Don't talk about someone's death.
01:01:58Are you going to insult Mr. Togami?
01:02:02the time is almost the same.
01:02:06The Nasu administration is watching Mr. Togami coming out of the office.
01:02:15Hey, Wakazuki.
01:02:17If you have something to say, say it.
01:02:21The more you try to hide the darkness,
01:02:25the deeper it gets.
01:02:27I have nothing to say to you.
01:02:31As expected of Sarabret.
01:02:34Is the organization so important?
01:02:37What are you talking about?
01:03:01Mr. Togami.
01:03:13Mr. Togami.
01:03:24If you have any concerns, I'll consult with you.
01:03:28Are you worried about Wakazuki?
01:03:33By the way, you lied to me.
01:03:38I heard from other employees.
01:03:40When Mr. Togami made contact with Wakazuki,
01:03:43I heard that he called me first.
01:03:48Please wait a moment.
01:03:53Mr. Wakazuki.
01:03:54A call from Mr. Togami, the former president.
01:03:56This is Toma.
01:03:57Mr. Togami.
01:03:58This is Naisen 3.
01:04:03Yes, this is Wakazuki.
01:04:05Thank you very much.
01:04:08No, no.
01:04:12I was going to contact you from here.
01:04:16Why did you lie to me?
01:04:20I'm sorry.
01:04:22I thought it would be better to pretend I didn't know anything.
01:04:26Wakazuki seems to have something to tell you.
01:04:31At least it's not a gossip.
01:04:34Can you tell me about him lately?
01:04:40He seems to be very tired.
01:04:45I can't look at him anymore.
01:04:48Is that because Mr. Togami committed suicide?
01:04:54It's been a long time ago.
01:04:56That's right.
01:04:57It's been a long time since a reporter came to see me.
01:05:01Maybe it was Hayakawa.
01:05:05That's right.
01:05:06The president also said so.
01:05:08When was that?
01:05:11I think it was two days ago.
01:05:13Two days ago?
01:05:15What kind of meeting were you two having?
01:05:17He's not dead.
01:05:18He's not dead!
01:05:20It's like the police killed him, isn't it?
01:05:26I'll go after him.
01:05:28I'm worried.
01:05:30I'm worried that the president is involved in something serious.
01:05:37Excuse me.
01:05:40Yes, this is Hiroza.
01:05:42This is Hayakawa.
01:05:44I'm sorry for the sudden visit, but can we meet after this?
01:05:46What's wrong?
01:05:49I know the truth of this case.
01:05:52Why are you telling me this?
01:05:55Because I thought I could trust you.
01:05:58Please come to the place I say from now on.
01:06:27That's right.
01:06:29Hayakawa is in danger!
01:07:09What did you want to tell me?
01:07:16Mr. Hirose
01:07:18Where's Hayakawa?
01:07:22I'm sorry, but just now...
01:07:27I'm sorry.
01:07:29In front of me...
01:07:36Damn it.
01:07:42I'm sorry.
01:07:44It's me, Hiroza.
01:07:47This is Nonomura.
01:07:49I'm at Mr. Hayakawa's house now.
01:07:52How did it go?
01:07:53It seems to have been taken by Sada.
01:07:55Hey, Kikuchi, how is it?
01:07:56It's no good.
01:07:58The computer has been destroyed and the bookshelf has been broken.
01:08:02I don't have any more inconvenient information for him.
01:08:09I see.
01:08:10I understand.
01:08:17I thought there was still something in the company.
01:08:25I can't find a single memo, let alone a computer.
01:08:30Was it no good?
01:08:33Well, I've been trying to leave the stuff I'm chasing to no one.
01:08:38Well, I've been trying to leave the stuff I'm chasing to no one.
01:08:41Has anything changed recently?
01:08:45Mr. Hayakawa is visiting the department store on the second day of this month.
01:08:49The second day?
01:08:50He said he had a lot to say to the director.
01:08:54Oh, that day.
01:08:57He was very angry.
01:08:59He said there was something written on the bookshelf.
01:09:03Do you have the bookshelf from that day?
01:09:21It's not a death sentence.
01:09:23It's like the police killed him, isn't it?
01:09:27This is it.
01:09:33This is probably the key to this case.
01:09:37It's a robbery and murder case that happened 20 years ago in Tashikawa.
01:09:41A poor family was robbed, and the couple was killed.
01:09:45They ran away with the money.
01:09:49The suspect was Isuki Koshimizu.
01:09:52He lives near the victim's family and is a man of self-defense.
01:09:56The witness information and the DNA on the scene.
01:10:01These two were the deciding factors in the arrest.
01:10:03Koshimizu pleaded not guilty.
01:10:06But he was arrested and sentenced to death.
01:10:10By the way, he was executed the other day.
01:10:15It was a little before the murder of Ryo Shiina on the first day of this month.
01:10:27There's something I'm curious about.
01:10:29There's something I'm curious about.
01:10:32On this page, there's an investment number missing.
01:10:37There should have been a few pages here.
01:10:41It's an old document.
01:10:44Did you lose it somewhere?
01:10:47Or did you steal it from someone?
01:10:59I don't know.
01:11:17I'm sorry to bother you all of a sudden.
01:11:20No, it's just that I'm running out of time.
01:11:25Here you go.
01:11:27Thank you.
01:11:29That's fine, but...
01:11:32Why are you talking about the Tachikawa case now?
01:11:37There's a possibility that it's related to the case we're pursuing.
01:11:41If you know anything about that time, I'd like to hear it.
01:11:47I see.
01:11:49If there's anything left besides the investigation data from that time...
01:11:54Wait a minute.
01:11:59This is it.
01:12:16Is this it?
01:12:18Let me take a look.
01:12:19This is it.
01:12:27What kind of people are on this list?
01:12:31At the initial stage of the investigation, a large number of witnesses appeared.
01:12:35So we narrowed it down carefully.
01:12:39I see.
01:12:41So in the end, the culprit is Isuki Koshimizu.
01:12:50Isuki Koshimizu
01:12:55This name...
01:13:00Excuse me, where are you going?
01:13:04Call the detective Hirose from the police station.
01:13:14Yoshiyuki Sada.
01:13:20Yoshiyuki Sada
01:13:23Excuse me for a moment.
01:13:26I'm Hirose. What's wrong?
01:13:29Chief, Sada...
01:13:31Sada has gone to Shibaura.
01:13:36He wants to see you.
01:13:37Yoshiyuki Sada
01:13:47Thank you for yesterday.
01:13:51It's a good idea to do it yourself.
01:13:55Are you finally giving up?
01:13:58It's a hassle to be chased around.
01:14:02I'll tell you this, but I didn't come to get caught.
01:14:08I'm sorry for the reporter Hayakawa.
01:14:11You did it.
01:14:13In front of me.
01:14:16Is that so?
01:14:18What if there's a witness?
01:14:23It's just you.
01:14:26No matter how much you make a fuss,
01:14:29the higher-ups will never admit it.
01:14:32What are you talking about?
01:14:35I want the police to thank me.
01:14:39It's a hassle for both of us to be in the media.
01:14:42That's why I erased the source of the commotion.
01:14:49What do you mean?
01:14:51Wait a minute.
01:14:53You know it.
01:14:59Are you talking about the Tachikawa case?
01:15:02You know it.
01:15:03Then it's fine.
01:15:07You don't have to worry about me anymore.
01:15:11Then I'll go home.
01:15:18Do you think you can go home like this?
01:15:22If the Tachikawa case is a criminal case,
01:15:27of course it's a big problem.
01:15:29It's a big problem.
01:15:31Because the innocent people are gone.
01:15:34But you too.
01:15:36There's no doubt that you killed Shina and Hayakawa.
01:15:40Talking to you
01:15:43is a new kind of accusation.
01:15:46You don't understand.
01:15:51You don't get along.
01:15:53You don't get along at all.
01:15:56You think it's just a personal mistake.
01:15:59You don't get along at all.
01:16:02Do you think I can get along?
01:16:16What are you trying to do?
01:16:19There's no way I can.
01:16:22I'm protected by the police.
01:16:26You're protected?
01:16:29That's enough.
01:16:31I'll protect you.
01:16:34Don't touch me.
01:16:40Take Ryuichi with you.
01:16:43Is that okay?
01:16:45I don't know.
01:16:47Hurry up.
01:16:56I'm lucky.
01:17:02The Tachikawa case from 20 years ago.
01:17:05This is the beginning of everything.
01:17:08The real culprit wasn't Mr. Koshimizu.
01:17:11It was Sada Yoshiyuki.
01:17:13If you think about it that way, you can see the whole picture of the case.
01:17:16Are you accusing me?
01:17:19Mr. Koshimizu was executed.
01:17:21I'm sure Sada Yoshiyuki realized that.
01:17:24That his existence was a threat to the police.
01:17:28And that information and the murder of Ryo Shiina happened.
01:17:33Sada Yoshiyuki's crime was caught in a fake story.
01:17:38It was actually a simple case.
01:17:43Shiina's nails were the culprit's skin.
01:17:47Sada Yoshiyuki was the culprit.
01:17:51There was a scratch on Sada's hand.
01:17:54It was obvious that Sada was the culprit.
01:17:58But the DNA test revealed that.
01:18:03Why didn't they match?
01:18:06Wakatsuki has the key to that.
01:18:10I see.
01:18:12Wakatsuki was threatened by Sada about his relationship with Tachikawa.
01:18:17He was a witness to the Tachikawa case.
01:18:22So Wakatsuki did something to the DNA test.
01:18:29I'm sure of it.
01:18:31As a result, Sada became a free man.
01:18:34So that's how it ended.
01:18:37The police gave in to the threat.
01:18:40That's right.
01:18:42That's why he's acting so recklessly.
01:18:44That's no good.
01:18:46If the police can't do anything about it,
01:18:49they'll blame it on him.
01:18:51He almost killed Hayakawa in front of me.
01:18:55Stop it!
01:19:02What are you going to do, Hirose?
01:19:04If Wakatsuki doesn't admit it,
01:19:07you can't complain.
01:19:09I'm going to meet him in person.
01:19:11Based on his personality,
01:19:13he won't run away or hide.
01:19:18It's easier to manage sales now that Rakuraku has been introduced.
01:19:22Our industry's management method is special.
01:19:25Rakuraku can be customized according to the company.
01:19:30Rakuraku sales.
01:19:31Our company can do it too?
01:19:33Well, it's about time.
01:19:39Let's go buy some Baitsukimi.
01:19:42A new product will be released at 5 p.m.
01:19:43Baitsukimi with two pieces of beef.
01:19:45I don't want to go back to the moon.
01:19:48There is a cure for cancer.
01:19:51This is a cure for cancer, myocarditis,
01:19:54encephalitis, and ovarian cancer.
01:19:58Search on laser, multivisor lens, Suzuki cancer.
01:20:03I think the world is awakening to trees.
01:20:06What's wrong?
01:20:07Look at that.
01:20:10A wooden building.
01:20:12Why is it made of wood?
01:20:14Trees don't let carbon in.
01:20:17Even after we win, we still think about the Earth.
01:20:25It must feel good to work here.
01:20:28It's like we're back in the forest.
01:20:33To a new spot today.
01:20:34There are a lot of curves on this road.
01:20:35Switch on.
01:20:36What is that?
01:20:37Spacia will slow down.
01:20:38It will run in the middle of the lane.
01:20:40It's evolving.
01:20:41I think it's good.
01:20:43Accelerate. New Spacia.
01:20:45Don't worry.
01:20:46Free inspection by Aisha.
01:20:48Base food.
01:20:49Drinking party tonight.
01:20:50So, base bread.
01:20:52I ate too much yesterday.
01:20:54So, base bread.
01:20:56All-purpose base.
01:20:58Base bread for me.
01:20:59Perfect nutritional food.
01:21:01Base bread.
01:21:03When do you use SUUMO?
01:21:04When you rent a house?
01:21:05When you buy a house?
01:21:06Renting a house is a must.
01:21:12The answer is
01:21:13buying, renting, SUUMO.
01:21:14Buying is the right answer.
01:21:15The number of inquiries is number one.
01:21:16Big rate.
01:21:18Everyone, when it comes to Daizui Sofrabon,
01:21:22this tea.
01:21:23That's right.
01:21:24From now on, it's black bean tea.
01:21:26Daizui Sofra
01:21:29Black bean tea Itoen.
01:21:30It's delicious.
01:21:33Super Mercari.
01:21:34Super Mercari campaign is underway.
01:21:36Super sell.
01:21:37Super buy.
01:21:38Super excited.
01:21:39I love it.
01:21:41Gather at Super Mercari.
01:21:43Gather at Super Mercari.
01:21:45The coupon is from the app.
01:21:48CROSS TREK gets the number one in car safety performance.
01:21:52Protect your family from unexpected accidents.
01:21:56The eyesight is equipped to protect your life with three cameras.
01:22:00CROSS TREK. Pre-order now.
01:22:03Next Episode
01:22:08People are moving towards the future
01:22:11by combining tradition and evolution.
01:22:19Iida Group is exhibiting its pavilion
01:22:22in Kansai Banpaku, Osaka.
01:22:27Bunjo Jutaku is the best in Japan.
01:22:30Iida Group Holdings
01:22:33I think the TV sound is too loud recently.
01:22:36It's hard to hear, so I think it can't be helped.
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01:22:43I agree.
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01:22:46Mirai Speaker
01:22:49There is a barrier function in the throat to drive out foreign objects,
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01:22:56Ryukakusan Direct works directly on the throat mucous membrane
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01:23:03Hello, Churihi.
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01:23:07offers your exclusive automobile insurance
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01:23:15Free dial 505505
01:23:26Kojimitsu died.
01:23:28I've been investigating for a long time
01:23:30believing that he was a criminal.
01:23:32But it was too late.
01:23:34The investigation was carried out properly.
01:23:38It's up to you what you think,
01:23:40but I want you to stop talking.
01:23:42At that time, you were in charge of monitoring.
01:23:45You were the one who collected DNA at the scene.
01:23:49The results of the audit
01:23:52Can you say with confidence that the results of the audit are 100% correct?
01:23:59It's over.
01:24:01He's dead.
01:24:03He's not dead.
01:24:05It's like the police killed him.
01:24:11I'll go after him.
01:24:25I finally understand what you're carrying.
01:24:31Let's talk.
01:24:33You'll feel a little better.
01:24:35What did you find out?
01:24:39The Tachikawa incident 20 years ago.
01:24:42Do you still think Kojimitsu is the culprit?
01:24:47You weren't sure, were you?
01:24:52Are you always like this?
01:24:55Can you say that your investigation is absolutely correct?
01:25:00Even if it's a scientific investigation,
01:25:02it's what humans do.
01:25:04There are mistakes, too.
01:25:08I was relieved for the first time
01:25:10after the culprit gave a quiet testimony.
01:25:13It's always been like that.
01:25:17If you commit a crime and it's revealed, you'll admit it.
01:25:23It's like a promise between the police and the culprit.
01:25:29If you keep denying it, it won't stop.
01:25:32Isn't that right?
01:25:38The person who referred to the Tachikawa incident at the time
01:25:41had the name Sadai Yoshiyuki.
01:25:43Sadai Yoshiyuki had the name Sadai Yoshiyuki.
01:25:45And the case of the informant called Shiina the other day.
01:25:51You already knew about Sada's involvement.
01:25:57Something must have happened
01:25:59before I pulled him.
01:26:05Sada came into contact.
01:26:07I knew it.
01:26:09He said something like a nightmare.
01:26:13Mr. Koshimizu of the Tachikawa case is dead.
01:26:17It's a death sentence, so it's only natural.
01:26:21Who are you?
01:26:25My name is Sada.
01:26:28I did that.
01:26:39You were the supervisor at the time.
01:26:42Now that Mr. Koshimizu is dead,
01:26:45if that happens, you're done for.
01:26:49What are you trying to say?
01:26:53I'm in a bit of trouble.
01:26:56I need your help.
01:27:05I can only ask you.
01:27:08Don't worry. They won't find out.
01:27:11Let's keep it a secret between us.
01:27:14I don't want Sada to be arrested.
01:27:17We don't know what he'll say in court.
01:27:21But the case of Shiina's murder
01:27:24will be brought to the Supreme Court.
01:27:26I have to do something before that.
01:27:28What did you do?
01:27:31How did you get involved in the DNA test
01:27:34without the Supreme Court's knowledge?
01:27:38Ten years ago, Sada was being treated for stomach cancer.
01:27:44At that time, his DNA was taken.
01:27:48I can't believe it.
01:27:50I can't believe he's going to save himself.
01:27:53He's a really lucky guy.
01:28:02There was no other way.
01:28:09Mr. Nasu.
01:28:11I heard you were friends with Togami.
01:28:14I heard everything from him.
01:28:17It's a big surprise.
01:28:19You mean the Tachikawa case?
01:28:22He was the president of the Kaso family at the time.
01:28:25He felt a lot of responsibility.
01:28:28He said,
01:28:30It's like he killed himself.
01:28:37It seems that your subordinates are involved in a lot of things.
01:28:40It's a nuisance.
01:28:42Destroy it.
01:28:44Wakatsuki is responsible for everything.
01:28:48That way, the police will be minimized.
01:28:52What do you mean?
01:28:55What are you going to do?
01:28:59I'll take responsibility.
01:29:06I'm going upstairs now.
01:29:13You don't have to take care of it alone.
01:29:16If you say so, this is the fault of the entire police force.
01:29:19It was my ego that tried to hide it.
01:29:24It's not your ego.
01:29:26You said I was a celebrity.
01:29:30You said I was a celebrity.
01:29:33It's true.
01:29:35It's a police family with three generations from my grandfather.
01:29:38It was my destiny to be a police officer since I was born.
01:29:42That was natural.
01:29:45For me, the police force is everything.
01:29:50I don't know the outside world.
01:29:55I'll take care of it.
01:30:04What are you doing at home?
01:30:09Can I follow you home at 6.30 p.m.?
01:30:13Three years ago.
01:30:14Unfortunately, my wife is already divorced.
01:30:17He's a candidate for a house.
01:30:18He said he wanted to live.
01:30:19He said he wanted to live.
01:30:25It looks delicious.
01:30:27JuJu is Ariyoshi.
01:30:29Enjoy a delicious apple pie in Aoyama.
01:30:33This time, I want you to know more about Shinkin Central Bank and Shinkin Bank.
01:30:38I became the manager of Shinkin VisRoom.
01:30:42It seems that you can see the manager of your worries.
01:30:45This is Shinkin Central Bank.
01:30:48There is no management without problems.
01:30:51That's why there is Shinkin Central Bank.
01:30:55With Shinkin Central Bank, we will be active in management and the region.
01:30:59Let's meet the driving force of Japan.
01:31:01Shinkin Central Bank
01:31:03I don't care about EV.
01:31:06Mr. Nagasawa thought so.
01:31:08I don't know well and I'm worried.
01:31:10Yes, BYD.
01:31:11But he changed my mind.
01:31:14Meeting BYD.
01:31:15I'll do it.
01:31:19Smart everyday.
01:31:21Driving performance that makes you want to go out.
01:31:23In other words, it is EV that may be available soon.
01:31:27It may be. BYD.
01:31:30The market is a dealer.
01:31:34Stand up and live.
01:31:36Smile that makes CO2 negative.
01:31:39To a human housing that thinks more about the environment.
01:31:45DK Select.
01:31:46Light selection.
01:31:48Ito ham.
01:31:49What do you choose for the sausage?
01:31:51Price and texture.
01:31:52No, no.
01:32:03Shinjuu is different and beautiful.
01:32:06I want to be a company that continues to respect each employee's individuality so that each has its own personality.
01:32:13Connect people with invisible value.
01:32:33I'm hungry.
01:32:34Isn't it okay to steal?
01:32:35It's a good deal now.
01:32:36No, let's make it quickly.
01:32:38What's wrong?
01:32:43Isn't it okay to steal?
01:32:45It's a good deal now.
01:32:46No, let's make it quickly.
01:33:03Google Pixel.
01:33:04I want to take a cool picture and make the car scene a major event.
01:33:09If you use editing magic, it will be a cooler picture.
01:33:12My name is Oda Tokito.
01:33:14I use Google Pixel.
01:33:18My mom plays.
01:33:19I'm sorry.
01:33:20I'm sorry.
01:33:21I'm sorry.
01:33:22I'm sorry.
01:33:23I'm sorry.
01:33:24I'm not sorry.
01:33:26Thank you.
01:33:28Family is a team.
01:33:30Thank you.
01:33:48I've always liked it.
01:33:50Soy sauce goes well with Komatsuna.
01:33:53I want to eat it.
01:33:55It looks delicious.
01:33:56I've always liked it.
01:33:59I love soy sauce.
01:34:03I've always liked it.
01:34:06It smells good.
01:34:07I've always liked it.
01:34:08It's the best.
01:34:10I've always liked it.
01:34:12It's delicious.
01:34:14This is it.
01:34:16This is it.
01:34:18How is it?
01:34:20Did you get the result?
01:34:21Yes, it's almost done.
01:34:28It's out.
01:34:29Both DNA types are the same.
01:34:32I knew it.
01:34:34What the hell is this?
01:34:37This is the hair that we extracted from Sada Yoshiyuki's room.
01:34:41And this is the skin of the culprit who was left in the claws of Ryo Shiina, who was killed.
01:34:50In other words, as we saw at the beginning, the culprit who killed Shiina was Sada.
01:34:59Then why was the first diagnosis wrong?
01:35:03I did the same thing.
01:35:05This is it.
01:35:07The DNA sample of this Sada was different.
01:35:10The last time you used it was a database, right?
01:35:14No way.
01:35:16The database itself was modified.
01:35:20It doesn't match.
01:35:21But how did you do that?
01:35:24But how did you do that?
01:35:27Managers should be able to do anything.
01:35:30For example, replace other people's samples and IDs.
01:35:34Or buy back a part of the data.
01:35:38Are you a manager?
01:35:42It was done by Wakatsuki.
01:35:44The president?
01:35:45He wouldn't do such a thing.
01:35:55What's wrong?
01:35:56There's no data.
01:35:58The data of Sada Yoshiyuki that was modified has been deleted.
01:36:05It's Wakatsuki's doing.
01:36:09What for?
01:36:11Is he going to take responsibility alone?
01:36:14Isn't this a cover-up?
01:36:17Just in case, let's take the back of the Tachikawa case.
01:36:21Sano, go to the office and get the data of the Tachikawa case.
01:36:24Yes, sir.
01:36:26Take the data and the DNA sample of Sada.
01:36:42It's out.
01:36:43The DNA samples of both cars match.
01:36:46That means...
01:36:48The real culprit of the Tachikawa case was Sada.
01:36:56Isn't it strange?
01:37:00A is the DNA of the car that was found in the Tachikawa case.
01:37:04B is Sada's DNA.
01:37:07C is Mr. Koshimizu's DNA.
01:37:11This A matches Mr. Koshimizu's DNA.
01:37:17Does this mean that B and C match?
01:37:23What do you mean?
01:37:25Isn't it impossible for two people to match their DNA samples?
01:37:33Don't tell me...
01:37:35The low accuracy of the detection is the cause.
01:37:39When did you test our device?
01:37:42When did you test our device?
01:37:46I think it was four years ago.
01:37:50Isn't the accuracy of the Tachikawa case different from now?
01:37:54That's right.
01:37:57The accuracy of the Tachikawa case was 1.7 million.
01:38:031.7 million is a high number.
01:38:07There are seven people who have the same DNA sample.
01:38:14Compared to 4,000,000 people, it's less reliable.
01:38:18But at that time, it was a good source of evidence.
01:38:22It's decided.
01:38:24There are many cases that have been solved.
01:38:28I'll take responsibility.
01:38:34Don't hang out with me.
01:38:36Don't hang out with me.
01:38:39Do you think it's a mistake?
01:38:42No, it's not.
01:38:44For me, the police are everything.
01:38:49Is it just the Tachikawa case that Wakatsuki is trying to take responsibility for?
01:39:00He didn't break up for self-defense.
01:39:03He's trying to protect it.
01:39:06The police itself.
01:39:10Let's investigate.
01:39:36I've been waiting for you, Mr. Wakatsuki.
01:39:53I want you to come quietly.
01:40:06I'm afraid of my everyday life.
01:40:09It's solved with Rakuraku Seisan.
01:40:13I was told it was a regular cafe.
01:40:15It's a regular.
01:40:19But the latte came out.
01:40:22It's always black tea.
01:40:24I have to go to Eneos.
01:40:30When you want confidence.
01:40:33Thank you.
01:40:38Feelings of wanting to be.
01:40:42I love horse girls. I'm Karnel.
01:40:44Horse girls are on the move.
01:40:50Winning live.
01:40:51Go, go.
01:40:53On the move.
01:40:54Don't you have a horse girl today?
01:41:04This is what it feels like every day.
01:41:06New Swift Hybrid.
01:41:09That's why it's safe.
01:41:10Free inspection by Aisha.
01:41:12Let's get started.
01:41:14I want to eat something sweet and salty.
01:41:16What is that?
01:41:18I have it.
01:41:20I can't stand the gap between chocolate and salt.
01:41:23It's the best hospitality without decoration.
01:41:25Ritz Sand.
01:41:28TAKARAKUJI has been exciting for people for more than 70 years.
01:41:35From now on...
01:45:32Mr. Prosecutor,
01:45:34you said that you would leave all responsibility to Wakatsuki.
01:45:41That's the right thing to do.
01:45:44The problem is not just the Tachikawa case.
01:45:48Isn't that right?
01:45:49You think you can kill people?
01:45:55If you can, go ahead.
01:45:58Your bad luck is over.
01:46:05Wakatsuki, stop it.
01:46:07Don't get in my way, Hirose.
01:46:09This is like a bug that was born during the evolution of scientific research.
01:46:15A bug?
01:46:17At that time, the Department of Investigation was committed to investigating DNA-type patients.
01:46:23It's the same with the Tachikawa case.
01:46:29it was the atmosphere at the scene that it was too hasty to arrest Mr. Hoshimi
01:46:34just because of a DNA-type patient.
01:46:38the Department of Investigation, which wants to solve the case as soon as possible,
01:46:42took action.
01:46:44That's right.
01:46:46As a result,
01:46:48Mr. Hoshizaki
01:46:51had to let go of a guy like him.
01:46:56As long as I'm alive,
01:46:58the police have to continue to be afraid.
01:47:05I'm the one who should be on the school board.
01:47:10Because I'm like a ghost.
01:47:13You can't be alive.
01:47:15For the sake of the police.
01:47:19The Katsurayama incident in 1987,
01:47:22the Hitachi incident in 1992,
01:47:24and the Tachikawa incident
01:47:26were all decided by a DNA-type patient.
01:47:30It was a case that led to a solution.
01:47:33In any case, the culprit claims to be innocent.
01:47:36Two of our cases have already been executed.
01:47:40Think about it.
01:47:43If it was a false accusation due to a lack of scientific investigation,
01:47:49there's no way I can say this without saying it.
01:47:52That's why you want me to take care of Wakatsuki?
01:47:57I'm prepared to take everything to the grave.
01:48:00I want to get rid of the organization.
01:48:02You're going to put everything on the line
01:48:04and force everything on Wakatsuki?
01:48:07Togami died because he couldn't bear the weight of it.
01:48:12I will never let Wakatsuki be sacrificed.
01:48:18I can't sleep at night after that.
01:48:21How did Koshimizu-san die?
01:48:24I didn't do it!
01:48:27Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
01:48:30Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
01:48:37We were killed by the police.
01:48:39Have you ever imagined?
01:48:41The moment when the lack of scientific investigation
01:48:44was made clear.
01:48:45The police...
01:48:47The police are not enough because they don't make mistakes.
01:48:51At the very least, that's what they think.
01:48:54If that trust is taken away from the foundation,
01:48:58the police are nothing more than an illusion.
01:49:02That's not true.
01:49:06It's what humans do. There's a mistake.
01:49:10Didn't you say that?
01:49:12The police shouldn't make mistakes.
01:49:14That's not true.
01:49:18What are you going to do?
01:49:21I can't go back to what I did.
01:49:24But I can try not to let the same thing happen again.
01:49:29If you hide the truth,
01:49:32you can't even do that.
01:49:35Are you going to protect me?
01:49:38I can't kill a scumbag like this.
01:49:42Even if it's the law of the desert,
01:49:44it's not us.
01:49:46Get out of my way.
01:49:47Don't you know my resolve?
01:49:52If you can do it, try it.
01:49:55What do you mean?
01:49:57As you can see.
01:49:58If he's gone,
01:50:00the organization can be rebuilt.
01:50:03And I'll disappear.
01:50:06I'll take the secret to the grave.
01:50:08It's no use.
01:50:10I'll expose your grave
01:50:13and expose the truth to the truth.
01:50:17You're dead.
01:50:19If you do that, what will happen to the police?
01:50:22What about trust? What about justice?
01:50:24I'm sorry.
01:50:28What are you going to do?
01:50:30I don't want to kill you.
01:50:39It's too late.
01:50:41My hands are covered in blood.
01:50:53Take him to a safe place.
01:50:55Yes, sir.
01:50:58Let's go.
01:50:59Let's go.
01:51:06Are you going to get in my way?
01:51:10I got it.
01:51:31Let me go.
01:51:33Let me go.
01:51:36Let me go.
01:51:38Let me go.
01:51:40Let me go.
01:51:42Let me go.
01:51:44Let me go.
01:51:46Let me go.
01:51:52What's this?
01:51:53I'm going to arrest you.
01:51:56I'm going to arrest you for the murder of Ryo Shiina and Kentaro Hayakawa.
01:52:01I'm going to pursue the Tachikawa case.
01:52:05Tachikawa case?
01:52:07Do you think the police can pursue me?
01:52:11You're killing people by mistake, aren't you?
01:52:14It's not the same as me.
01:52:16It's a murder.
01:52:18It's useless to make a fuss.
01:52:22I'm prepared for that.
01:52:30Don't underestimate the police.
01:52:36Take him away.
01:52:37Yes, sir.
01:53:06What will happen to him from now on?
01:53:34It depends on the situation.
01:53:37I don't approve of scientific investigation.
01:53:42It's highly likely that the problem will only be summed up in the Tachikawa case and he will make a mistake.
01:53:52Is that all right?
01:53:55In the end, it's up to him, isn't it?
01:54:01Does he have a grudge against the organization?
01:54:11What should I say about this case?
01:54:17I'm really sorry about Hayakawa.
01:54:23But this may pay off a little.
01:54:30I hope so.
01:54:36What should I do?
01:54:46The police bashing of the world is not going to end for a while, is it?
01:54:52Of course. It's a big problem.
01:54:56But thanks to that, the situation of the police has begun to function.
01:55:02It seems that Katsuo-ken has been re-examining past incidents since then.
01:55:09I see. At least it's a salvation.
01:55:16Didn't you set it up?
01:55:19I don't know.
01:55:23Well, it doesn't matter.
01:55:25Well, it doesn't matter.
01:55:28I don't want to admit that death is a reward.
01:55:34It is our responsibility to make it clear what we police did and what we didn't do.
01:55:49But this time, I was informed.
01:55:55We police have the potential to destroy people's lives as easily as possible.
01:56:03That's right.
01:56:05Don't forget to realize your own power.
01:56:12The police are not greater than the citizens.
01:56:17It's just that they give us the authority to investigate.
01:56:22We have to keep that in mind.
01:56:29Well, are you going now?
01:56:33Yes. I thought I'd take my subordinates for a drink.
01:56:39That's good. You're in a position.
01:56:43Don't let your subordinates worry too much.
01:56:47I know.
01:56:49How about you, Natsu-san?
01:56:52I'm not that ambitious.
01:56:57I see.
01:57:01See you.
01:57:02To be continued.
01:57:32Thank you.
01:58:03I wanted to come here.
01:58:06Let's go to Chichibu by train.
01:58:25Well, it's about time.
01:58:32Let's go buy it.
01:58:37I don't want to go home.
01:59:02Don't worry.
01:59:06Feel free to be who you want to be.
01:59:14It's a hair dryer that leads you to the hair you want to be.
01:59:19Moist hair,
01:59:22smooth hair,
01:59:25voluminous hair.
01:59:28From now on, it's a hair dryer.
01:59:33There's a reason for its beauty.
01:59:41It's so popular!
01:59:50Until you destroy your husband's family,
01:59:52Monday at 11.06pm.
