Anwar: Malaysia enjoys better international recognition now

  • last week
Speaking at the launch of the Public-Private Partnership Master Plan 2030 (Pikas 2030) on Monday (Sept 9), Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said Malaysia enjoys better international recognition now due to strategic cooperation with major powers such as China and Russia.

00:00We, this country, are fortunate because the recognition is better than the past.
00:13West and East.
00:16Even though we are close to China,
00:21because of China's efforts and economic power,
00:25which is more fresh now,
00:28and last but not least with Russia,
00:31because of Russia's efforts in several fields of technology,
00:34aerospace, energy, nuclear, which is far more advanced,
00:42we remain with our traditional friends,
00:48including ASEAN, Europe, and the United States.
00:56And coincidentally, this morning, I received a letter from the U.S. Trade Agency,
01:03which expressed high appreciation to us
01:05because our cooperation allows them to invest through Boeing in Kedah.
01:11That is because they are confident in our efforts,
01:15even though sometimes there are those who are worried,
01:19because they see there is a slight deviation from the external base.
01:24Therefore, I emphasize that the external base of a free and independent country like Malaysia
01:31must be free.
01:33There is a saying, centrality.
01:36Centrality is the pillar of our external base.
01:40Taking a more pragmatic attitude.
01:44Our physical base must give priority, first,
01:49that this country must always be safe and secure.
01:52This country must be capable of performing its talents.
01:59And this beloved country of Malaysia must use all its strength
02:06to elevate our status.
