Forbidden Love Episode 8 - The Things You Do for Love

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Forbidden Love Episode 8


00:00Previously on Forbidden Love.
00:033, 2, 1, go!
00:08It's a girl. She'll have me wrapped around that thing right there.
00:11I can do it!
00:14At times it seems like things can be a little touch and go,
00:17but hopefully he can stay on the right track,
00:20and if he can do that, I think we can make it.
00:25Obey, respect, trust. That's why I need you to be a Muslim.
00:29The more that Muhammad tells me to obey and respect him,
00:32the less I feel like converting.
00:34He loves to throw around the word obey.
00:38She's not your servant. She's your life partner.
00:44Rabbi, how are you?
00:47I've been eagerly waiting for Rabbi Block to let me know if I can take the conversion test.
00:53He said it's happening. Mazel tov! Mazel tov!
00:56It's happening. Mazel tov! Mazel tov!
00:58If I don't pass, I don't convert,
01:01and me and Eli are going to be forced to break up.
01:05Have you spoke to her parents since y'all been dating?
01:08No. I mean, not one time.
01:10No. The handwriting on the wall!
01:13So I finally talked to my parents,
01:16and my mom went through the knives, died.
01:18I was like, what?
01:20That's not happening.
01:23Why the f*** am I dealing with this?
01:25Look, look, I'm Block. Come on, man.
01:27Why the f*** are we even talking to the bitch?
01:30Stupid motherf***er.
01:32Now f*** you.
01:50This is feeling more real, realer than ever.
01:58You look so nice.
02:01Today is my conversion test.
02:04This is months of just studying and non-stop classes.
02:09Everything comes down to this one test with Rabbi Block.
02:13I need to pass it, and if I don't pass it, I won't be converted.
02:18And if I don't convert, Eli's not going to marry me,
02:22and that's just the end of it.
02:24All right, we're here.
02:26Eli and I are picking up Rabbi Block on the way to synagogue
02:30because he's unable to drive right now.
02:36Let me help you.
02:39Good morning.
02:40It's really weird picking up somebody
02:42who's going to determine my fate
02:44and decide whether or not I can be Jewish.
02:47I don't know.
02:49It's really weird picking up somebody
02:51who's going to determine my fate
02:53and decide whether or not I can be Jewish.
02:56But who knows, maybe this will work in my favor.
02:59I scratch your back, you scratch mine.
03:03All right.
03:07Make a left here.
03:08Where's he going?
03:09What are you doing here?
03:10Okay, sorry.
03:12Riverside, Riverside.
03:13Just go straight.
03:14Get in the right lane.
03:15Get in the right lane.
03:17Taxi driver.
03:18Go to the next light and make a left, I guess.
03:21Come on.
03:25All his little directions is flustering me
03:28and it's giving me more anxiety.
03:29I'm in the worst light.
03:31You've got to be here for three minutes.
03:33The last thing I need is for Eli to piss Rabbi Block off
03:37like right before my test.
03:39Don't put a rabbi in a bad mood.
03:40I'm not trying to put anyone in a bad mood.
03:42He's already in a bad mood.
03:44Baruch Hashem, we made it.
03:46Baruch Hashem.
03:48Arriving to the synagogue, I'm scared to s***less.
03:51This is a do or die situation, you know?
03:56Eli, you understand that Laurie's taking the test all by herself.
04:01So I'll see you later?
04:03I love Laurie with, you know, every ounce of my being.
04:06But realistically, if she doesn't pass,
04:09she can't become Jewish,
04:11and then there's no us.
04:13And that's s***.
04:17You tried very hard up until now, and you're doing well.
04:20However, now it counts.
04:25Are you ready for the exam?
04:31I'm going to use the bathroom real quick, Rabbi.
04:36I'm completely overwhelmed by this test.
04:39Like, everything kind of just, like, rides on this.
04:43I could never imagine my future without Eli.
04:47Just thinking about it, just don't.
05:01Thinking about him not being in my life would just really devastate me.
05:08Yeah, I don't know.
05:09I don't know what I would do.
05:12I don't want to lose him, you know?
05:16I definitely can't f*** the test up.
05:19No, I can't f*** it up.
05:29All right, Rabbi, sorry about that.
05:31I'm just nervous.
05:36There's hesitation, then we pack up.
05:38We leave.
05:40No, no, no, we're ready.
05:42I'm ready.
05:43No, you're not ready yet.
06:00Hi, sugar booger.
06:02What you doing, huh?
06:06Hi, sweetie.
06:08It's been four months since little Layla's been born.
06:12Eight pounds, 11 ounces.
06:14A beautiful, healthy, happy little girl.
06:18I'm a proud mom.
06:21You're a hungry girl.
06:23It was, to this day, the best two weeks of my entire life.
06:27We were totally happy, proud new parents.
06:30Elmer was helping me with the diapers.
06:32If I needed something from the store or I was craving something, he went and got it.
06:36It was just, like, unreal.
06:41Give Mommy a good burp.
06:44But then he had a job that he was going to do and met this girl.
06:51All right, take a nap.
06:52Okay, I'll check on you a little bit.
06:56All right.
06:57And that's where things started going downhill.
07:03How are you?
07:05It's so good to see you.
07:07It's so good to see you, too.
07:09We got to catch up.
07:11Oh, yes, we do.
07:12A lot of things to catch up on.
07:16So what's going on, babe?
07:18So he goes down to work at this girl's family's horse farm, like a horse ranch.
07:23I know the family, and I know how she is and the reputation she has.
07:28Then I saw text messages between him and this girl, this little horse girl.
07:33And I'm like, this is flirting.
07:36Because he used to text me that way and talk to me and, like, the little emojis and LOLs and all that stuff.
07:41I was like, this is flirting.
07:44When I saw these text messages between Elmer and this horse girl, my heart sank.
07:49I didn't want to believe it.
07:50I didn't want to see.
07:51I was still postpartum.
07:52They were Snapchatting each other.
07:54I didn't want to believe it.
07:55I didn't want to see.
07:56I was still postpartum.
07:57They were Snapchatting each other, flirting text messages, and then hiding things.
08:00If you're hiding message threads between you and this girl from your wife, you're already done.
08:04You're already kind of, you tiptoed in the cheating.
08:07Because if you have nothing to hide, why are you hiding it?
08:09And then I noticed he started showering in the mornings and put a whole bunch of cologne on before he'd go work down there.
08:16A couple of times he came home without his wedding ring on.
08:21Oh my gosh, I would have killed him.
08:23I messaged that girl and said, this is no longer business professional.
08:26He's a very married man with a baby.
08:28New baby.
08:29Yeah, and you need to find somebody else to do the rest of your projects.
08:33Oh my God.
08:34He got mad at me for saying that, and I embarrassed him and all that.
08:39I said, well, I set the boundaries because you wouldn't.
08:43And then, oh, the last thing.
08:45He went to Indianapolis for a couple days for some roofing thing.
08:48I'm the crazy wife that I put a tracker on his truck.
08:53And sure enough, on the way back from Indianapolis, he stopped at that girl's house again.
08:59Oh my God.
09:01He wouldn't tell me, so I gave it to Sunday, I think it was, and I finally said, you ended up back at that girl's house.
09:07I know you did.
09:08I know you were hiding it from me.
09:10And he buckled.
09:12He's like, I just had to fix a gutter.
09:14I just had to fix a gutter.
09:16You have a gutter guy that you sub all your gutter work out to.
09:21Lying and cheating are my two deal breakers, and I've told Elmer that since day one.
09:25And I don't have concrete evidence, actual footage of him sticking his penis in another vagina.
09:32But in all the other aspects, I mean, he's cheated.
09:36And I knew it.
09:38That porn leads to cheating.
09:40I don't know what it is with some people.
09:41They have to get that next high, and then it just, you know, it just keeps progressing.
09:46We had a huge fight.
09:48And then I said, you know what, I'm done.
09:50You can just get out.
09:51I'm just so sick of you.
09:52You're never going to change.
09:53So he literally moved out the next day.
09:55Found another place.
10:08I'm going to fix everything.
10:09I'm going to fix it real quick.
10:15So how's everything going?
10:17It's not going very well.
10:22She was pissed off because I went to Indianapolis to do that roofing event for the business.
10:27And on the way home, she started just bitching up a storm.
10:33Basically saying I'm cheating on her and all kinds of stuff.
10:36Cheating on you with who?
10:37With who?
10:38She says I'm cheating on her with a, you know, horse girl.
10:41Oh my gosh.
10:42She's your client.
10:43Yeah, I know.
10:45Three weeks ago, me and Lindsey had a big old blowout fight.
10:49She thinks I'm a cheater.
10:50She thinks I'm a liar.
10:52I did not cheat on her.
10:54Yeah, I messaged that girl.
10:56Yes, I did.
10:59It was about work.
11:01It was nothing sexual.
11:02There's no, like, talk about, oh, I'm going to come over tonight, you know, or nothing.
11:05Just because I have two laughy facey emojis or three emojis, whatever it is, in the text message means that I'm cheating on you.
11:13Like, what the fuck, man?
11:16So, a lot of Amish and ex-Amish, they have struggled with sex addiction, porn addiction, gambling, I mean, smoking, drinking, partying, everything.
11:26They just go crazy.
11:27Yeah, but this whole Amish thing, that's an excuse.
11:31He's a grown ass man.
11:34Who knows right from wrong.
11:38I'm supposed to be from this perfectly moral Amish lifestyle, and all it took was just a little bit out in the English world and a little taste of some hoes, and now it's complete, 180.
11:52It's totally not what I was expecting.
11:56Me and you, we both grew up Amish, and, dude, these English women, dude, they're a whole different story, man.
12:00How we grew up, the man always has the authority.
12:05And, dude, there ain't nothing like that in my house.
12:08It's what she says, and that's what goes.
12:12These English women, man, they want to be in control.
12:15They think they're independent.
12:17They don't need a man.
12:18Well, that's a bunch of bullcrap, because they, every woman needs a man, dude.
12:22Amish women, they listen to their husbands.
12:24Like, they don't belittle them.
12:26They don't talk back to them, or anything like that, versus what I go through.
12:32Oh, dude, it's just a show, man.
12:38I know the Christian thing is to stay married and pray for a miracle, and I have been.
12:42I pray for a miracle for his sake, whether we're together or not.
12:45But you know what?
12:46There is one thing that I've learned, and I'm not going to lie.
12:50But you know what?
12:51There is one exemption for divorce in the Bible, and it's in Matthew.
12:55And it is adultery.
12:56So you're done.
12:57So he's all, yeah, I'm done.
12:59I'm so done.
13:00I'm so done.
13:01I can't do this.
13:02The lawyer did send him his paperwork, and he has until the 20th to have his paperwork turned back in.
13:06You can't let him get away with it anymore.
13:09I've had those thoughts, like, did I push him to do this?
13:13Honey, this is him.
13:14I know, but there's been those thoughts that I've had.
13:16I understand.
13:18Yes, I have issues where I would fly off the handle and make him mad, and we would start fighting.
13:22But then I'm thinking, you know what, but it's still no reason.
13:25You're fighting for your marriage, and he's pulling away from your marriage.
13:29You're not wrong.
13:30He's wrong.
13:31Do you understand me?
13:33Don't let him crush you.
13:35I know.
13:36Because he doesn't deserve that power over you.
13:41I feel nervous now.
13:44I feel like I need, like, a minute.
13:47From the very beginning, I struggled with the decision to convert.
13:50Pull over now.
13:51I need air.
13:53Every aspect of my life is changing with this decision.
13:56You believe in this, right?
13:58You're, like, not even giving me a chance to think about how I feel.
14:01You're real?
14:02That's not a game.
14:07You've made my life so miserable for the last six months.
14:10Oh, yeah, so miserable.
14:11Why are you all Snapchatting that horse girl?
14:12I'm sorry you're insecure.
14:14I'm seeing Elmer's true colors.
14:16He's sexist.
14:17He's a hypocrite.
14:18He's nothing like what I fell in love with.
14:20If you would take some fault upon yourself.
14:22You cheated!
14:39It's taking so long.
14:41You definitely should have ironed it.
14:43I took a shower.
14:44I took off my nail polish.
14:46I'm going to clip all my nails.
14:48What else?
14:49Put it on with a scarf, and we'll go to the mosque.
14:54A few weeks have gone by since we met with the community leaders at the mosque,
14:57and I've spent a long time praying about what we talked about
15:01and how I truly feel about converting to Islam.
15:05Okay, so we should get dressed?
15:06Yeah, we should get dressed.
15:08Okay, okay, okay.
15:11From the very beginning, I struggled with the decision to convert.
15:16It's not easy to go from one belief system to another.
15:20It's like walking away from something that I thought that I believed
15:24and I was taught for, you know, over 25 years.
15:28Every aspect of my life is going to change with this decision.
15:33The way that I eat, the way that I dress, the way that I pray.
15:37And that's very scary.
15:39But then if I were to convert, it would make it easier to teach Rosie the religion.
15:47As she gets older, she's going to have questions like,
15:50okay, why are you teaching me this if my mom isn't even practicing it?
15:54So I decided that for the sake of my husband and my daughter,
15:58I'm going to convert to Islam.
16:05Oh, okay.
16:07Are you ready?
16:08So how are you feeling?
16:10Yeah, I feel good.
16:12I'm so happy that finally Ashley decided to convert to Islam.
16:16It makes me like, you know, just want to cry.
16:18Tears, happiness.
16:20It just kind of relieves a lot.
16:22I love Ashley for doing this. She makes me like a king.
16:31I feel nervous now.
16:35Don't be nervous. It's going to be okay.
16:41Sometimes I catch myself having these little thoughts like,
16:45what if, what if, what if, what if I'm making the wrong decision?
16:51I don't know. I'm afraid that like, am I making the right choice or not?
16:57What the heck? Like, we are almost there.
16:59You told me like, most of the time, you are ready.
17:01We know what we want to do with it. Let's do it together.
17:03I'll be your right side, always.
17:05Whatever you need me, I will be there.
17:10I'm willing to help you no matter what.
17:19I feel like I need like, a minute.
17:21A minute.
17:28Pull over now. I need air.
17:33You're lying to me.
17:34You're for real?
17:36That's not a game.
17:38Well, you believe in this, right?
17:41You didn't tell me like, do you believe in it fully?
17:44You commit it fully like, I'm believe in it.
17:46Not because of me, like, God, me and you.
17:49You're like, not even giving me a chance to talk.
17:51No, but I'm afraid.
17:52Or think about how I feel.
17:53No, I'm afraid like, that you're gonna like, oh, Mohammed, I'm nervous.
17:55I don't want to do it.
18:00I just need a moment.
18:01Oh, really?
18:03You want me with you or just by yourself?
18:16F*** you. I don't know who the f*** you are.
18:18Why are there even DMs in your motherf*** phone in the first damn place?
18:22This is not how someone behaves when they want to get married.
18:26Get the f*** away from me.
18:27I'm not gonna stop yet. I'm gonna get louder.
18:30I'll never talk to you again.
18:37No, you're not ready yet.
18:39No, no, no. We're ready. I'm ready.
18:42You sure?
18:45I'm freaking out now.
18:47My whole conversion is riding on this test.
18:50And if I pass, I convert.
18:52If I don't, I'm not marrying Eli.
18:56It's over.
19:00We'll begin the questioning now.
19:02Okay, what does the word echad mean?
19:07I don't even know.
19:09Well, you should. It's one.
19:13My heart is beating through my chest.
19:15I can hear every little heartbeat.
19:17I just have to calm down. I have to take a deep breath.
19:20Get some oxygen to my brain.
19:23And focus on what Rabbi Block is saying.
19:28What kind of world will it be when the Mashiach comes?
19:30Well, when the Mashiach comes, I mean, it's gonna be a whole new world.
19:35A whole new world.
19:36You know, pain and suffering.
19:42And then you can eat pork at that point, right?
19:48You wouldn't want to?
19:49No, I mean no.
19:53How many days is Shavuot?
19:55Nine if you...
19:56I beg your pardon?
19:59Shavuot? Two. Oh, two.
20:02How many days is Pesach?
20:05What food restriction do you have on Pesach?
20:08Ah, you can't eat bread or anything leaven.
20:11That's correct.
20:12That's correct.
20:14It's important for you, not just for us to hear, but for yourself,
20:18to try and understand what your real motivations are.
20:22Why do you want to be Jewish?
20:28Well, Rabbi, it's important to me, you know, to have God in my life.
20:33For a long time, I didn't have God present or anything like that,
20:37and my life was like in ruins.
20:40When I was younger, I kind of just veered off of life,
20:44and I feel like God kind of bring me back to where I am now,
20:50and I just feel like without God, my life is just meaningless.
21:03You've done well.
21:06Test is passed.
21:07You're getting there.
21:08Yeah, okay.
21:10Mazel tov.
21:13Of course.
21:15I can't f***ing believe it, honestly.
21:17I'm so happy. I'm so grateful.
21:20I am just, like, over the f***ing moon.
21:23Yeah, boy.
21:26When you go into the nemekvah, you're going to be recreated into a new person.
21:31I'm ready. Let's go.
21:39Now that I've passed my conversion test,
21:43the last step is to immerse into the mikvah,
21:48which is like a ritual bath to cleanse you from your past lifetime.
21:53You're in there, like, naked, and you're going to be reborn,
21:58like a brand-new person afterwards.
22:00There has been so many ups and downs throughout this journey.
22:03I had to deal with, you know, my family's concerns with potentially losing me.
22:09Even I was concerned about all the changes and everything,
22:12if I was going to lose myself in it.
22:18But at the end of the day, I'm still the same Laurie,
22:21even though I'm a little bit different.
22:23I'm still the same Laurie.
22:25I'm still the same Laurie.
22:27At the end of the day, I'm still the same Laurie, even though I'm Jewish.
22:35Now that I've converted, me and Eli,
22:37we can start finally, like, planning our lives together
22:41and get married and hopefully, God willing, have kids and all of that stuff.
22:46Life is like a gift for you every day.
22:49Judaism has brought me to believe that and understand that.
22:54I'm Jewish!
22:59Welcome, welcome.
23:00We welcome Laurie and the tribe.
23:11Hello, how are you?
23:13Air hug?
23:14Air hug.
23:15Now that she's converted to Judaism,
23:17you're not even supposed to touch or kiss her or any of that till we get married.
23:21Because I'm like a born-again virgin.
23:25So we'll be sleeping in separate rooms.
23:28But the good thing about it is it keeps the sexual tension there.
23:31A little like, ooh, you want to touch me? You can't.
23:34You know, right?
23:37You're glowing.
23:39I'm so proud of you, baby.
23:40You are.
23:42I wish I could hug you and kiss you.
23:43You will.
23:44You will.
23:45Very soon.
23:46Yeah, when we're married.
23:47When's that going to be?
23:48Very soon.
23:50I mean, Eli is, he's my soulmate.
23:53He's my best friend.
23:54He's my rock.
23:55I love you so much.
23:56You've sacrificed so much.
23:58Changing everything.
24:00I mean, you really are my ride or die.
24:03And I love you.
24:04I'd kiss you right now, but I can't.
24:07Come on, hun.
24:08I feel, like, amazing now.
24:11So I don't have to worry about s***.
24:13Let's get out of here.
24:14Don't curse, don't curse.
24:16After the wedding, I'm going to rock this Sheitel.
24:19I'm going to be a modest, sexy Jew.
24:27All right.
24:28Do we have to bring Rabbi home?
24:29Oh, yeah.
24:36What you done did?
24:37Did he iron one of the s*** messages?
24:40Man, f*** you.
24:41F*** you.
24:46You disrespectful.
24:47You a hoe.
24:48You a thot.
24:49That's what the f*** you are.
24:50Your ass should have never been...
24:51Oh, oh, okay.
24:52If your ass was smart...
24:53Get out of my face.
24:54F*** you.
24:55What you mean, get out of my motherf*** face?
24:57F*** you.
25:00I think that Linza's blowing this situation way out of proportion.
25:06Another girl DM'd me, basically stating hi,
25:10and I was letting her know that I'm in a relationship
25:12and I wasn't interested.
25:13I don't even know this person.
25:15Just a random follower on social media.
25:18Linza, she's always kind of been on edge
25:21when it comes to me even responding or anything to a woman.
25:26But I can confidently say that I am innocent.
25:32Let me talk to her.
25:34Oh, hell no, n***a.
25:35Come here.
25:36F*** you.
25:37I ain't got nothing else to say to you, b***h.
25:39I don't know who the f*** you are.
25:42Don't f***ing come around me.
25:43I ain't about to talk to n***a.
25:45I already told you not to f***ing play with me, Christopher.
25:49I'm livid.
25:50My blood is literally boiling.
25:52What the f*** do I look like to you?
25:54A basic ass b***h from Cincinnati?
25:55You better get the f*** away from me.
25:56He's careless.
25:57He's irresponsible.
25:59Oh, but I blocked him.
26:02Oh, but I...
26:04You should have never even been having these conversations.
26:06Why are there even DMs in your motherf***ing phone
26:08in the first damn place?
26:09There shouldn't be anything in your phone.
26:11We've been together for nine plus months.
26:15This is not how someone behaves
26:18when they want to become a Muslim.
26:20This is not how someone behaves when they want to get married.
26:23This is how a man who's full of bulls***,
26:28that's how they behave.
26:30I'm done with him.
26:33Come here.
26:37F*** you.
26:38Ain't nobody talking to you, b***h. Bye.
26:39Let's go.
26:40Come here.
26:41All right, man.
26:42Christopher, I don't f*** with you like that.
26:43Just talk to me.
26:44I'm never talking to you again.
26:46Get the f*** away from me.
26:48Get the f*** away from me.
26:49I don't want to ever...
26:50Y'all in.
26:51I'm not going to stop y'all.
26:52I'm going to get louder.
26:53You're not going to talk to me?
26:54I'll never talk to you again.
26:55I'll never f***ing talk to you again.
26:57Tell me why.
26:58I don't want to talk to you.
26:59Why are you upset that I did?
27:01Just talk to me.
27:02That's what I'm trying to say.
27:03Just talk to me.
27:04I don't want to talk to you.
27:05It's my choice.
27:06It's my life.
27:07I don't want to f*** with you.
27:08I don't need to give you an explanation.
27:09So I need you to get the f*** out of my face.
27:11I got to go back to my life.
27:12Melissa, you about to end this relationship
27:13because I told a woman that I had a girlfriend.
27:15Believe whatever it is you want to tell people.
27:17So you mean to tell me I was entertaining somebody?
27:19If you don't got the common sense to understand
27:21what the f*** matters...
27:22Okay, but let me ask you this.
27:23Let me ask you this.
27:24Are you going to break up with me
27:25because I told her I'm in a relationship?
27:26I'm breaking up with you because I want to.
27:27How about that?
27:28I want to.
27:34I'm not about to.
27:35Let's go, girl.
27:38So this just doesn't make sense.
27:40Like, I've never cheated on Lindsa.
27:43I've never gave her the feeling
27:46that I wasn't committed into this relationship.
27:49I think that deep down inside,
27:52the stress from her parents not accepting me
27:56is starting to get into her head,
27:58and she's just looking for any reason
28:00to want to end the relationship.
28:04I left my hometown.
28:06I'm leaving my religion.
28:07I left my family.
28:09I made a lot of sacrifices just for Lindsa.
28:13I put in way too much for it to end like this.
28:18I feel sad, angry, and hurt.
28:23I'm sorry.
28:30You expect me to be your little Amish housewife
28:32to clean up after you and cook
28:34and then welcome you at the door
28:36ready to f*** your d*** when you get home?
28:38You can't handle independent women.
28:40You can't handle English women.
28:42Go back to being Amish.
28:43That's your problem is you have this independent mindset.
28:45I have to be.
28:46Look how you turned out.
28:52Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
28:56Digging a six-foot hole.
29:00Open the gates below.
29:03You got, you got the devil inside you.
29:06You set the church on fire.
29:17I'm meeting Lindsay at the park today
29:19to get to see Layla a little bit.
29:21Look who it is.
29:22What's going on?
29:23Oh, you know, just out for a walk.
29:26Watch the wind on that.
29:27What's going on?
29:29Watch the wind on that.
29:30What's going on?
29:31You want to come to daddy real quick?
29:32Where I come from, I don't know nobody
29:33that got served divorce papers.
29:35I don't know how that s*** works.
29:37In the Amish, once you marry somebody,
29:39you're with them till you die.
29:42So ending up in a divorce out here in the English world,
29:45that's even a greater sin than even leaving the Amish.
29:49Have you talked to your attorney?
29:52Yeah, I just talked to her.
29:53I just went over the paperwork, and that's all I did.
29:55I'm not putting no signature on no papers.
29:58If I put a signature on these right now,
30:00I'm going to get shafted.
30:03So what do you want?
30:10I want to go in for joint custody of Layla.
30:1550-50, OK?
30:20I want full custody.
30:23You are not...
30:24That ain't happening.
30:25...capable of keeping her safe.
30:27You don't know how to take care of her.
30:28Yes, I do.
30:31Elmer's told me that growing up,
30:34he never helped take care of the kids,
30:36and I know in the Amish culture,
30:37the women handle all the babies and raising the kids
30:40and everything to do with them,
30:42and I don't see him changing.
30:45I'm so done with your...
30:47Put her down.
30:48I don't want to talk that heated in front of her.
30:52She's using the Amishness against me,
30:54but back when we got together, man,
30:56that's what she loved about me.
30:57I was like her little Amish puppet
30:59that she could control and tell me what to do.
31:01She fails to admit that, oh, she has the anger issues,
31:04she has the patience issues.
31:05She doesn't apologize about nothing.
31:06It was all about manipulation control.
31:10You've made my life so miserable
31:12for the last six months.
31:13Oh, yeah, so miserable,
31:14while you're all Snapchatting that horse girl.
31:15While I'm at home taking care of our baby.
31:17I was taking care of her, too.
31:18No, you were on the roof.
31:19Yes, I was.
31:20Hoeing around.
31:21I was not hoeing around.
31:22I did not hoe around once.
31:25You just sit there, and it's all my fault,
31:28and if you would take some fault upon yourself...
31:30You cheated.
31:31I didn't cheat.
31:32I don't believe you.
31:35She gave you a taste of what it felt like
31:36to be flirted with by a younger girl,
31:38and then all of a sudden,
31:39you're willing to just regress back to being a 16-year-old.
31:41I'm sorry you're insecure.
31:42That just hit puberty.
31:43I'm sorry you're insecure.
31:47If I would be Amish and I'd be married to you,
31:49our marriage would be a whole lot different.
31:51You'd still be acting the same?
31:52Amish women, they don't try to run the house.
31:58You expect me to be your little Amish housewife...
32:00I'm not trying to be... clean up after you, and cook,
32:02and be a baby maker for you,
32:04and then welcome you at the door,
32:05ready to f*** your d*** when you get home.
32:07You can't handle independent women.
32:09You can't handle English women.
32:11You know?
32:12Go back to being Amish.
32:13That's your problem,
32:14is you have this independent mindset.
32:16I have to be.
32:17Look how you turned out.
32:19I'm sick of being a mother to Elmer,
32:21and I'm sick of all the bad habits
32:23because he grew up Amish,
32:25and just, I'm done with it.
32:28You're gonna hit rock bottom one day,
32:30and you're gonna wake up,
32:31and you're gonna realize, crap.
32:32You actually had a family that cared about you,
32:34and you just threw it all away
32:35for your little five minutes of fun.
32:40Growing up in the Amish,
32:41I never got a hug.
32:43I never heard an I love you or nothing as a kid,
32:46and that's something I always yearn for.
32:49And I want to, you know,
32:50make sure that my child grows up,
32:52and she knows that, you know,
32:54her daddy loves her no matter what.
32:58Lindsey's trying to take Layla from me,
33:00and there's no way I'm gonna let her go.
33:02Lindsey's trying to take Layla from me,
33:03and there's no way in hell she's gonna get that.
33:05She's my daughter.
33:07You ain't taking her away from me for nothing.
33:13We're going in for a 50-50.
33:16All right, bring it.
33:17See you in court.
33:20I love you, Layla.
33:23In the end, I'm seeing Elmer's true colors.
33:26He's nothing like what I fell in love with.
33:29I was hopeful, thinking, you know,
33:31people can change, but now I see he's sexist,
33:34he's a hypocrite, and I am not letting
33:36any of that trickle down to my daughter.
33:39I'm done. I can't take this anymore.
33:41I have no more chances left to give him.
33:43Time is up.
33:52I'm gonna say it in Arabic first,
33:55and then in English, okay?
33:57The most important part of taking your shahada
33:59is that you feel it and believe it in your heart.
34:02So are you ready?
34:03I have been very patient,
34:04but if she's not doing this today,
34:06I'm nervous she will never will.
34:24Actually, she promised me, like,
34:25for three years to convert to Islam.
34:29I have been very patient,
34:30but if she's not doing this today,
34:32I'm nervous she will never will.
34:37I just, like, I don't know.
34:40I'm just, like, nervous.
34:42But I'm with you.
34:43What is behind the nervous?
34:48Sometimes I worry, like,
34:50am I able to still, like, be me and who I am
34:54and also be Muslim?
34:59Like, that's a worry of mine.
35:01What do you mean by that?
35:02Like, I feel like you think,
35:04oh, she's gonna convert,
35:06and then she's gonna be exactly what I want.
35:08But at the end of the day, like,
35:09I'm still the same person.
35:11Listen, I'm not gonna force you in the future.
35:13I will help you.
35:14I will be beside you.
35:16And we'll go with the flow.
35:18A little bit by a little bit.
35:19A little bit by a little bit.
35:20For real, actually, like, let's do it.
35:28Are you ready?
35:32I'm ready.
35:39Let's go before I get nervous again.
35:44I'm just really hoping that when I take my shahada,
35:46I'll feel inside that this is the right decision for me.
35:50To convert to Islam,
35:51they call it taking your shahada,
35:53or saying your shahada.
35:54You're outwardly saying that there's only one deity
35:58that you worship, which is God, Allah,
36:00and that Muhammad is his messenger.
36:03The most important part of taking your shahada
36:05is that you feel it and believe it in your heart.
36:08You have to believe it.
36:12So I'm gonna take my shahada,
36:14and I'm gonna say,
36:15you have to believe it.
36:18So to make the declaration of faith,
36:21you're gonna repeat after me.
36:23I'm gonna say it in Arabic first,
36:26and then in English, okay?
36:28All right?
36:29So are you ready?
36:45Muhammadan Rasul Allah.
36:53I bear witness
36:55that there is no deity
36:57worthy of worship
36:59except Allah.
37:02And I bear witness
37:04that Muhammad
37:06is his servant
37:08and the final messenger.
37:13Allah Akbar.
37:15Allah Akbar.
37:17Allah Akbar.
37:18May Allah bless you,
37:19and bless your husband,
37:20and bless your union,
37:21and strengthen you, inshallah, in Islam.
37:24Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
37:32You okay?
37:36I don't know.
37:37I didn't expect that, like,
37:39emotion to come over me.
37:41I guess that's, like,
37:42when I said, like,
37:43oh, I was waiting for that moment
37:44when I would, like, feel it, you know?
37:46So I do now.
37:51Okay, I'm good.
37:56Like, during, like, the prayer,
37:58I was just, like,
37:59I wanna feel, like,
38:01something strong
38:02so I know it's, like,
38:03the right decision,
38:04and it just, like,
38:05hit me.
38:08You think you made the right decision?
38:13I know that I made the right choice.
38:18I'm sweating.
38:21How you feeling?
38:22I don't know.
38:23I don't know why.
38:24I wasn't expecting that.
38:25Oh, my gosh.
38:26Even me, my tears coming out.
38:28I swear.
38:29You've been crying a lot lately.
38:30I'm happy.
38:31I'm so happy.
38:33I know.
38:34I can tell.
38:37So this has been
38:38such an intense journey.
38:40We had so many struggles
38:42with our families.
38:43We had trouble
38:45meshing our cultures together
38:47and just adopting
38:48a whole new belief system.
38:51Deep down, like,
38:52I always knew that
38:53this was the right decision for me.
38:55I don't know, I just think
38:56I let other people
38:57get in my head.
38:58I let stereotypes
38:59get in my head,
39:00and I feel I made
39:02the right decision,
39:03so I'm really happy.
39:05It means a lot
39:06that she committed
39:07to her promise.
39:08She supports me.
39:09I support her.
39:10I'm really proud of you.
39:11I love you so much.
39:13I love you, too.
39:16Now that I'm Muslim,
39:18I feel like
39:19we can just focus
39:20on our relationship
39:22and, like, growing
39:23our faith together
39:24and raising our daughter
39:25as a Muslim.
39:28Do it again?
39:32And God willing.
39:34A new wife,
39:35new life.
39:38We got, again,
39:39a new kid.
39:41I don't know about that.
39:57You like looking
39:58at this book
39:59of pictures of Leila?
40:33That's my girl.
40:39You look so cute.
40:41Are you going to keep it on?
41:01After everything
41:02I've been through with you...
41:03You know I'm not
41:04negotiating with God.
41:05...and then I move up here...
41:06You know I'm not
41:07negotiating with God.
41:08...for you to end it like that...
41:09I can't do this no more, bro.
41:14You crossed the line.
41:16I'm sorry, Baba.
41:17I just wanted to
41:18try something different,
41:19but it didn't work out.
41:21You guys were
41:22absolutely correct.
41:30I'm sorry.
41:51They say when you
41:52find the one,
41:53you know right away.
41:54I asked God why
41:55He didn't bring me,
41:56why He didn't bring you
41:57into my life sooner.
42:02will you do me the honor
42:03and marry me?
42:04Of course.
42:19She's pregnant, bitch!
42:25It's a boy, baby!
42:30It's a boy, baby!