Forbidden Love Episode 4

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Forbidden Love Episode 4 - Tainted Love


00:00Previously on Forbidden Love.
00:02La, la, la, la, la.
00:04Sometimes when they're singing, I just kind of, like, lip sync.
00:07La, la, la, la, la.
00:08Oh, that's all right.
00:10If you're not going to take this seriously,
00:13I don't want Eli to waste his time.
00:16It makes me wonder, will I ever be good enough for them?
00:20Do your families know that you're pregnant yet?
00:23My family being Amish, I'm considered dead to them.
00:26It is just messed up how his parents can shun him
00:29and take it out on him.
00:30But it's not only him now.
00:32It's their grandchild.
00:34Sad, because they're going to miss out, like,
00:35all those special moments.
00:36Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, I got this.
00:39Oh, my gosh.
00:42The last time I met Krista's parents,
00:45Christopher's father told me that I'd be damned to hell
00:47if I didn't accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
00:51We pray that you bless the food we're about to eat.
00:55This one there?
00:56You don't include Jesus in that?
01:00I haven't even taken two bites of my food yet,
01:03and they're already questioning me about Islam.
01:06It's just disrespectful.
01:08That's nothing like being saved.
01:14When Muhammad is around, everything about her changes.
01:17She's not herself when he's around.
01:19So if she wants to wear booty shorts and a crop top,
01:21you going to be good with that?
01:22I will never, ever let her go outside half naked.
01:25Never, ever.
01:27I was really hoping that my family was
01:29going to work on everything, but I kind of feel like it's
01:32turned into a complete show.
01:34You don't like me.
01:35That's what I think.
01:36Because you call me, like, terrorist.
01:57Open this one.
01:59Oh my god, it is bright.
02:01Good morning.
02:12You're going to get up?
02:13It's too bright.
02:16Well, I don't know what to tell you.
02:18It's time to wake up.
02:21I'm still feeling angry about how last night went down.
02:24I was really hoping that if Muhammad and Jennifer could
02:27sit down together, they would be able to work
02:29through all the problems.
02:31But it turned into a total disaster,
02:33and, like, I don't even know where it went wrong.
02:36I don't.
02:38How do you feel about the party last night?
02:50That was my biggest thing, is I really
02:52wanted her to apologize for that, and she didn't.
02:55So that kind of disappointed me.
02:58I feel like you did pretty well, like, handled how
03:02they were kind of coming at you.
03:04I am really proud of how you didn't lose your cool
03:08and throw a drink on anybody.
03:09So thank you.
03:15I mean, you know that when we're here,
03:18we always try to get all the kids together,
03:20me and my sisters with the kids.
03:21So we're going to do that today.
03:24We're going to go to the farm.
03:28You're coming, right?
03:33Your family didn't, like, I feel I don't
03:35belong in that environment.
03:39But, like, Rosie, she never gets to have,
03:41like, her dad with the rest of her family together.
03:47Like, I don't want her to suffer because of the tension
03:49that you have with my family.
03:52I'll do it for Rose.
03:53But at the same time, I'm not going to put up
03:55Jennifer with her s***.
03:57That's all.
04:00OK, I'm going to go get ready.
04:04I'm excited, though.
04:05I love going to the farm.
04:14Come on, Rosie.
04:14Come here.
04:15Oh, I think it's going to be like, where's the car?
04:21You have anything in the car?
04:24No, it's hot.
04:25It's going to be your bag.
04:26It's hot.
04:28My boobs are covered.
04:29Yeah, the car has AC.
04:31Yeah, but we're going to a farm.
04:33It's outside.
04:35Yesterday, I wore an abaya, and look how that went.
04:38So maybe if I just chill on the traditional clothing
04:41and dress how I normally would dress,
04:43it'll make everybody a little bit more open to talking.
04:46Do you like while your mommy dress?
04:48Say no.
04:49Why didn't you wear your soap?
04:51Well, I figured, like, I would go to, like, see animals.
04:54There's a lot of s*** in the, like, you know, in the ground.
04:57Like, you want me to wear an abaya that drags
04:59the ground in the animal poop?
05:05OK, it's coming up.
05:07You can see it, right?
05:09That one?
05:10She has a camel.
05:13Interesting that there's a camel.
05:19All right.
05:21All right.
05:23Today, I want to be the biggest person for Rosie.
05:26But if Jennifer say anything offensive to me,
05:28I'm not going to hold back.
05:31I will curse her ass.
05:32In my culture, women have to respect men.
05:36And I'm not afraid to tell Jennifer that.
05:39Enough is enough.
05:42Hey there.
05:43How are you?
05:44What's up, what's up?
05:45How are you now?
05:46I'm good.
05:46Doing good.
05:47Sit down.
05:49Hey, man.
05:50Hey, here's a bag for you.
05:51All right, come on.
05:52There's some food.
05:53Rosie, come here.
05:54Come here.
05:54Hey, hey.
05:55These two like the graham crackers.
05:57No, no, no.
05:58Come here, Rosie.
06:01Oh, my gosh.
06:05I left last night, like, still feeling tension
06:08between Muhammad and I. So, like, I just feel like today
06:12is going to be awkward.
06:13So this is the first time he's ever seen a pig in person.
06:17Big moment for you, huh?
06:18Do you like it?
06:19They are disgusting sometimes.
06:22There's certain things about Muhammad that I don't like.
06:25Like, I don't like that he is so, like, stuck in his ways
06:29and his religion and culture that he thinks that Ashley
06:32has to, like, do what he says, but he's not
06:34willing to meet her or, like, our religion or our culture.
06:38They're getting a little bit aggressive.
06:40I feel like if Muhammad does get a certain tone
06:44or an attitude towards me, then, of course,
06:46I'm going to get defensive back and, like,
06:48get an attitude back.
06:49So we'll see.
06:52Oh, my gosh.
06:55You OK?
06:56No, I'm immeasurable.
06:58Are you ready?
07:00We're ready to go.
07:09Since we got here, Jennifer been ignoring me
07:11and ignoring my wife, my daughter.
07:15You want to talk to my sister?
07:18She obviously has a huge problem with me,
07:20but she's too chicken to talk to me.
07:23Enough is enough.
07:24I'm sick of it.
07:25So, Jenny, can you talk to me?
07:31Let's walk a little bit.
07:35Well, clear, like, Jennifer, she's stubborn, ignorant,
07:38and I need to teach her a lesson.
07:55I got to change.
07:56We got to do.
08:08What's up?
08:09You ready?
08:10We're going to go to the gym.
08:11I know.
08:12Get this pump.
08:13Yeah, let's do it.
08:15Well, me and Laurie are heading to the gym.
08:17With sobriety comes a lot of other things.
08:19Like, we're very into our health.
08:21It's great therapy.
08:23Kind of gives me that high without getting high.
08:25Oh, yeah.
08:26You know what I'm saying?
08:27Yeah, after years of being a degenerate, you know,
08:29it's good to get back and work out.
08:30Poisoning your body.
08:31Yeah, so now we're, you know, you got
08:33to take care of the body, man.
08:35I'm ready to go when you are.
08:38Before changing my life around, I was a complete menace
08:42to society.
08:45I dropped out of high school when I was 17.
08:49I dropped out of high school when I was 16.
08:52My dad was sending me to Jewish high school,
08:54and I had crazy FOMO on life.
08:58So I abandoned orthodox Judaism for 15 years.
09:01Got covered in tattoos.
09:04Even though it says in the Torah, word for word,
09:06do not tattoo your body.
09:08And I started using weed, liquor.
09:11Graduated to heavier stuff later down the line.
09:15Ended me up in the hospital.
09:17Apparently, I was collapsed on the side of the road
09:20from alcohol poisoning and like a slight OD
09:22from taking prescription medication.
09:25That was like my last hoorah, I guess you could say.
09:29And I was just done.
09:35So after hitting rock bottom, I came back to Judaism.
09:39I believed that this was all part of God's plan.
09:42That's why my faith is very important, super important.
09:46Now, before we go, I know it was our anniversary last week.
09:51And I got you a little something.
09:55No, you didn't.
09:56Yeah, I did.
09:57What is that?
09:59It's not a ring.
10:01But I just wanted to give it to you,
10:04because I know you don't have a star yet.
10:07So I got you a nice little star of David.
10:13So the star of David represents Judaism.
10:16I have a star of David tattooed on my chest.
10:18I have a star of David tattooed on my arm.
10:19You know, I'm proud to be a Jew.
10:21Here I am.
10:22Is it on the right way?
10:23Let me see.
10:24Yeah, yeah, that's good.
10:25Pick your hair up.
10:26I want Lori to have this necklace
10:28as a token of appreciation for her converting,
10:30because honestly, I know how difficult it's been for her.
10:35Now, you could wear the star of David,
10:39walk around being a proud Jew.
10:42I really appreciate the gift.
10:44It's beautiful.
10:46But truthfully, I'm really uncomfortable with wearing
10:49the star of David right now, because I feel like I'm
10:53not worthy of wearing it yet.
10:55I have so many hurdles that I need to get over before I
10:59can be officially Jewish.
11:01So wearing this necklace, I feel like I'm jumping the gun.
11:05Let's get this workout in.
11:06Let me grab your skirt.
11:08We'll do the ribbed.
11:11Put that on.
11:12Bring it up so you can't see my midriff.
11:15Good, you're good.
11:18There you go.
11:18Let's go.
11:19Let's do it.
11:21Six months ago, we moved into a Orthodox neighborhood.
11:25It's kind of frustrating living in this new community.
11:29Let's roll.
11:30Let's roll.
11:31I can't wear just, like, shorts.
11:33It's weird.
11:35It's weird.
11:36They're all going in the trash, those booty shorts.
11:38That booty is mine, and only mine.
11:42All right, will you stop?
11:44Lighten up the situation a little bit here.
11:46You're talking like, you know, you're in jail or something.
11:52All right.
11:53You good?
11:54Oh, man, it's bright out here.
11:55It's bright.
11:56It's hot.
11:57I have to wear this sweatshirt and this skirt.
11:59I know it's annoying.
12:00But you can take it off for when we get there.
12:01It's like a million degrees.
12:03We'll get your door for you, madame.
12:05You know how I sweat?
12:06I sweat like a mother----
12:14It's hot out.
12:15Where's your necklace, dude?
12:16I took it off.
12:18Why'd you take it off?
12:19Because I'm not Jewish.
12:21So I'm not going to wear it just yet.
12:23That makes no sense, dude.
12:25You're studying.
12:26You're doing it.
12:27I mean, you've been doing this for a year.
12:28But I just feel stupid wearing it,
12:30because I'm not Jewish yet.
12:32So I'm stupid for wearing the sardegna?
12:34No, you're Jewish.
12:35I will wear it when I'm there.
12:37So what, the day you go into the mikveh,
12:39you'll put on the sardegna?
12:41So stupid, dude.
12:42That's dumb.
12:46That's not cool.
12:47What do you mean it's not cool?
12:49You just called me dumb.
12:50You called me stupid.
12:51I'm not calling you dumb.
12:52I'm calling what you did was dumb,
12:53what you're thinking is dumb.
12:54I don't think it's dumb at all.
12:55I'm grateful for it, but I'm just not
12:56going to wear it right now.
12:58That's all.
13:00It does hurt me that she doesn't want to wear it.
13:03You know, it makes me feel kind of-----ed up.
13:05I thought it was the nice thing to gift.
13:09But at the end of the day, it's about being
13:11proud to be Jewish, you know?
13:13Maybe because I've got so much Jew hatred in my life
13:16that when somebody doesn't want to be proud to wear it,
13:18it bothers me.
13:19It irks me, you know, to my core.
13:22What do you think?
13:23I'm wearing a kippah on my head all f-----g day.
13:25You think people don't look at me like, oh, I'm a f-----g Jew?
13:27Happens all the time.
13:28You think I give a f-----g no?
13:30Same thing with you.
13:31You can't be ashamed to be Jewish.
13:33I'm not ashamed.
13:34I'm not ashamed.
13:36I'm doing this whole f-----g conversion thing.
13:38Look at me.
13:39I'm wearing a f-----g skirt and sweatshirt
13:41right now because we're in a Jewish neighborhood.
13:42I respect everything that I'm doing.
13:45There's so much on my plate already with this conversion.
13:48I have to change how I eat, how I dress, giving up holidays,
13:53and wearing a wig.
13:54So wearing this necklace, it's like added pressure.
13:58And it's kind of irritating that he's putting
14:00me in this awkward situation.
14:02We're in a Jewish community.
14:04My block lives around the corner.
14:05The last thing I want to see is you walking with your ass
14:08and your titties out.
14:09I can see your tattoos.
14:10That's my arm, bro.
14:11What am I supposed to do?
14:12Cover that s---- up.
14:13OK, go get a sweater for me.
14:15Yeah, I'd be happy to.
14:18What are you doing?
14:18What are you doing?
14:19What are you doing?
14:20Here, you want it?
14:20Could you stop?
14:21Here, cover your f-----g tattoo.
14:23Put the sweater back on, ma.
14:25Could you stop being like this?
14:26Could you stop being like this?
14:27No, dude.
14:28Could you put on a shirt, please?
14:30What are you going to do?
14:32I'm not doing this.
14:33Put your sweater back on.
14:34F----- you.
14:35You're a f-----g jerk.
14:36F----- him.
14:40All right, babe.
14:41Look what I put together.
14:44I'm going to take Linza to church with my parents.
14:47What is she doing, man?
14:48You're going to walk in, and everybody's
14:50going to be staring at you.
14:51Linza wearing traditional Islamic attire to church
14:54is like a big f----- you to my family.
14:58This could be a total disaster.
15:07Put the sweater back on, ma.
15:09F----- you.
15:10You're a f-----g jerk.
15:22This whole f-----g fight came from a necklace I bought her.
15:24Imagine you go, you buy your girl a new gift, everything,
15:27and then she puts it on and takes it off.
15:28It just f-----g hurts.
15:29But if we continue like this with the fighting,
15:32it's going to be ugly, and it's going to be over.
15:37I'm sorry.
15:47I'm sorry.
15:49I'm taking a walk.
15:56I do feel bad about how everything went down.
15:58If Lori's not comfortable with wearing the Stardavid
16:00necklace right now, I'm not going to force her to.
16:02At the end of the day, putting Stardavid aside,
16:05I just want her to be able to convert.
16:07And I want her to want to convert.
16:10I don't want this to blow up in our faces.
16:15I'm sorry for getting mad.
16:16Just come back.
16:17Turn around.
16:18I'm sorry.
16:23Love you.
16:31Let me put this sweater on.
16:36All right.
16:37Everything's fine.
16:39I've been working so hard.
16:41All right.
16:41You know?
16:42All right, I'm sorry.
16:43You don't understand.
16:44I have to change my whole f-----g life.
16:46I'm sorry.
16:46I'm sorry.
16:48I love you, babe.
16:51Being Jewish is hard even for a Jew.
16:53So imagine it's even more hard for somebody that
16:56didn't grow up being Jewish.
16:58Can we go to the car?
17:02I do appreciate everything she's been doing.
17:06She has been putting in 110% effort
17:09on the conversion, on the process, on everything.
17:11And I love her for that.
17:14Oh, we're here.
17:14Let's go do this.
17:18I have the necklace with me.
17:19Can you put it on me?
17:20Now you want it?
17:21After all that?
17:22I'm proud to be Jewish.
17:24Almost Jewish.
17:25Almost Jewish.
17:26Half Jewish.
17:28We're always doing this together.
17:30Being together for eternity.
17:34I'm not going to waste my time with those schmuck.
17:38Already Jewish.
17:40Using words like schmuck.
17:43Looks good on you.
17:44You ready?
17:45Yeah, I'm ready.
17:46I feel bad because I understand where Eli's coming from,
17:50thinking that I'm embarrassed or not proud of being Jewish,
17:54which is not true at all.
17:56Like, I just didn't want to jump the gun.
17:57I didn't want to, you know, say I'm something
18:00that I'm not just yet.
18:03But as much as I'm giving up, I have
18:05to remember everything that I'm gaining becoming Jewish.
18:09Like family.
18:11I've gained community.
18:13I've gained, I don't know.
18:14I've gained God in my life every day.
18:17Yeah, I just, I have so much gratitude.
18:20Come on.
18:22Come on.
18:29How long is church typically?
18:43How you feel?
18:44You nervous?
18:45I'm excited more than nervous.
18:47Yeah, for sure.
18:49Pentecostal church.
18:50You know, it might be a little different.
18:52I don't, I don't know if you ready for that.
18:55Somebody might walk by and just pull you out the crowd
18:57and come up and start, you know, clapping and all of that.
19:01I don't think I'm ready for that.
19:03They may call you up to the front.
19:06No thank you.
19:10Today is a big day.
19:12I'm going to take Linda to church with my parents.
19:16I'm looking forward to her getting a chance
19:19to experience what an actual Pentecostal church
19:23service looks like.
19:25I want her to understand the fabric of my life
19:29and where I come from.
19:31I'm hoping she gets a chance to see how magical
19:33and how great being in a Pentecostal church is
19:36so she can see how difficult of a decision
19:39this would be for me to come over to Islam.
19:46All right, babe.
19:48Look what I put together.
19:56Man, what is you doing, man?
20:01Listen, I understand that I don't have to dress like this,
20:04but it's still worship.
20:06It makes me uncomfortable.
20:10I do want to learn more about the Pentecostal religion.
20:13You know, I don't really know much outside
20:15of what I've seen in movies.
20:17But in Islam, women are expected to cover up head to toe
20:22when entering the home of God.
20:25To me, it doesn't make sense to take off garments to go worship.
20:29It's kind of backwards.
20:31You can't wear all of that.
20:32You know, they may look at that like it's being disrespectful.
20:35But I'm not being disrespectful.
20:36I understand that.
20:37But they may take that the wrong way.
20:40I don't want you to go in there basically just stating,
20:42like, hey, I'm Muslim, and, you know,
20:45I'm here to show you guys up or anything like that.
20:51Dang, babe.
20:52All I'm doing is just covering up.
20:54That's it.
20:55You know, it's like you come in basically to say, like, OK,
20:59I'm a Muslim.
21:00This is what I am.
21:01I am Muslim, though.
21:02I understand that.
21:03I just want you to blend in.
21:07Linza wearing traditional Islamic attire to church
21:11is like a big **** you to my family and the other worshipers.
21:17This is like denouncing Jesus Christ
21:20and wearing it on your sleeve.
21:22You know, my dad's going to be there,
21:23and he's going to feel like you're
21:26not even giving it a chance.
21:31Just trust me, please.
21:33Like, listen.
21:34This is actually so cute together, too.
21:36It just looks so well.
21:42I'm really nervous about even stepping
21:45foot in church with Linza.
21:46My dad is always like, you know, I'm a Muslim.
21:48I'm a Muslim.
21:49I'm a Muslim.
21:50I'm a Muslim.
21:51My dad has already turned the pressure up on Linza,
21:54and now we're going to be in the house of the Lord.
21:57And then you add on what she's trying to wear,
21:59this could be a total disaster.
22:15To reach out to his family is really scary for Elmer
22:20because if he gets rejected again by his family,
22:23it's going to hurt him.
22:24I want to talk to Elmer, but he's just,
22:27he's really bullheaded.
22:29Keep trying.
22:30Keep trying.
22:48So are you excited for the birthday party today?
22:52Growing up as a kid, Amish kid, you know,
22:54we never celebrated birthdays or anything.
22:57Do they tell you happy birthday in the Amish?
22:59Do they at least acknowledge it's your birthday?
23:00Do they even remember the days?
23:03First thing they would do, like, in the morning,
23:04we would call it the happy birthday joke.
23:09A happy birthday choke?
23:11Joke, yeah.
23:12Like, they come up and, like, choke you.
23:14It usually ended up in, like, a fight or something.
23:16Oh, wow.
23:17Because one of them would, like, choke you too hard,
23:19and you'd get mad.
23:21Oh, my gosh.
23:24Today we're going to meet up with my cousin, Wilma,
23:26and her kids for a birthday party.
23:29Her and her family left the Amish about six
23:31or seven years ago.
23:32Are you excited?
23:37In the Amish community, growing up,
23:39I never had a birthday party.
23:41I never had a cake.
23:42There's no affection.
23:44There's no celebration.
23:46And so I wish I would have, you know, had this as a kid.
23:53Oh, there you are.
23:54Oh, good to see you.
23:56Good to see you.
23:57Hey, kiddos.
23:59Hey, boy.
24:02I'm Wilma Lambright, and Elmer is my cousin.
24:06I grew up Amish, and my four boys, they grew up Amish.
24:10And there was a lot of rules and regulations.
24:13And we're not supposed to question.
24:16It was just getting to the point where I
24:19can't take these rules no more.
24:21So I left the Amish because I wanted
24:24my kids to have a better life than what I had growing up.
24:31Elmer, you ready to go play some games then?
24:33Go on, knock it.
24:34All right.
24:38So have you ever heard of skee-ball before?
24:42You hit the start button, and it'll drop your balls.
24:46Ha, ha, ha.
24:48Oh, that was close.
24:50In the Amish, we weren't supposed
24:52to play anything like this.
24:53We weren't even supposed to be in a place like this.
24:57But being out here and playing all these games,
25:00it's really exciting.
25:02And I'm going to look forward to bringing my kids
25:04to enjoy a place like this.
25:10It is neat watching Elmer play with the kids.
25:12He's finally getting to have that fun
25:14that he didn't get growing up.
25:17It makes me, like, aww, because that gives insight to what he's
25:20going to be like as a father.
25:21And I love seeing him, you know, bonding with his family.
25:26I mean, I guess the family that he does have
25:28that does associate with him.
25:30Oh, my gosh.
25:31Oh, my goodness.
25:33They're having so much fun.
25:34Look at him go.
25:38Part of me still feels guilty that Elmer
25:41isn't close to his family, because to marry
25:44someone who isn't Amish, that's, like, the biggest sin.
25:49No, no, don't go there.
25:51So to be completely disowned by your family over that,
25:56that has to be mentally, like, horrific.
26:03Do you ever miss the Amish life and being
26:06back, like, in that community?
26:10Certain things, yes.
26:14I guess my parents, I miss them a lot.
26:17But I usually try, you know, like
26:19to go once a month to visit with them.
26:23So they still talk to you and let you see them?
26:28At first, they didn't, because if you leave that culture,
26:33they believe that you're going to hell.
26:37They're finally, in the last year, warmed up to me.
26:44Would they get shunned talking to you, or?
26:48That's why, if I have intentions of going out to my parents
26:51and I would see that there's other Amish there,
26:54I don't stop.
26:56Because they would run to the bishop and would say,
26:59oh, Wilma stopped out at her parents' house,
27:02and they talk to her, you know.
27:04So they, mom and dad would get in trouble.
27:08I'm shocked, because Wilma is telling me that she talks
27:10to her family on a regular basis.
27:13And I know, once you leave the Amish, they, you're shunned.
27:17Like, there's no going back.
27:18There's no contact.
27:19But this also gives me a little bit of hope
27:21that maybe someday Elmer could be at that point
27:24to make amends with them.
27:29We just went and got an ultrasound,
27:31and it was so awesome.
27:32Like, it made me think, like, I wonder
27:35if maybe once Elmer's parents find out
27:38if we're having a baby, that they
27:40would be open to seeing us.
27:42The kids is what pulls at their heartstrings.
27:46I know deep down, he cares and wants to see his family,
27:49and it hurts him, because there's been a few nights
27:51where we'll be watching a movie, and he'll start crying.
27:54So I want to talk to Elmer, but he's just,
27:58he's really bullheaded.
28:02I think Elmer does want to have a relationship
28:05with his parents, especially now that he's
28:07going to be a dad soon.
28:09But to reach out to his family is really scary for Elmer,
28:14because if he gets rejected again by his family,
28:17it's going to hurt him.
28:19I know it's hurt him really hard already,
28:21but if it happens again, it's going to be bad.
28:25That is my suggestion.
28:26Keep trying.
28:27Keep trying.
28:29I think it's important to have both sides of the family
28:32involved in our baby's life.
28:34If Elmer's not welcome with his family,
28:37our child would see that one day,
28:39and they would potentially feel rejected by their own family,
28:42and I just, I don't want that.
28:45So Elmer and I need to go make an attempt to see his family.
28:49It might be the critical first step we need to take.
28:52I'll try this, see how it goes.
28:57Everybody, like, you know, attacking me.
28:59You're telling me, oh, you think I'm a terrorist
29:02because I am Muslim, or whatever.
29:04I don't care what you hear.
29:05Jennifer, I feel like we done, like, that's it.
29:08I cut her off.
29:09That's not how that works.
29:10Like, it's still my family.
29:15Despite all of the tension between Mohamed and my family,
29:18there's still this little tiny part of me
29:20that hopes Mohamed and Jen can come together
29:22and figure it all out.
29:23But things are already at a boiling point,
29:25so I'm a little worried that it might just make things worse.
29:31To be honest with you, yesterday was a lot.
29:35Everybody, like, you know, attacking me.
29:37I was like, oh, my God.
29:39I don't know what to do.
29:40I don't know what to do.
29:41I don't know what to do.
29:42I don't know what to do.
29:43Everybody, like, you know, attacking me.
29:47All, like, controlling, controlling, controlling.
29:49Because you kept saying, like, my wife has to listen to me.
29:53My wife has to obey me.
29:56Like, that was the whole issue.
30:00It wasn't who you are as a person, or your culture,
30:04or your religion.
30:07When I say that, it's according to my religion.
30:12No matter what, if your religion says, like, oh,
30:14my husband have to come at 9 o'clock, if you're legit
30:16and you believe in that, I'm not going to say control.
30:18I say that's religion of yours.
30:19Like, you believe in that, it's fine.
30:21And if actually it's fine with it?
30:23There's a lot of things my religion
30:25says that I don't listen to.
30:28Like, I feel like certain things,
30:31like, you can pick and choose.
30:36To me, it's very wrong.
30:38You cannot pick and choose, pick and choose, pick and choose.
30:40With religion.
30:42Jennifer, you think, like, I make these rules.
30:45Oh, I actually wear this.
30:46I actually don't eat pork.
30:48I actually, like, do not drink alcohol.
30:50That's what you think.
30:51Well, that's absolutely wrong.
30:53Being a Muslim, you got to follow the religion.
30:56So I got to follow it.
31:00I felt you, like, still, like, you have,
31:04you still have something, like, hidden in your chest.
31:07Like, you want to see something.
31:09I don't know.
31:21I just feel like you're trying to,
31:23like, make that the issue.
31:26You're telling me, oh, you think I'm a terrorist because I
31:29am Muslim, or whatever, because of my culture.
31:32But that's not, that's, I don't care what you hear.
31:35And to be honest, like, I'm done having this conversation
31:40because I'm not going to keep repeating the same thing
31:42over and over because I didn't say that.
31:47I don't care what you've been told.
31:49And if we're just going to keep talking about it,
31:50then I'm done with this conversation.
31:54Jennifer, she's stubborn and ignorant.
31:58She still, like, refused to apologize.
32:00But, like, as a Muslim man, forgiveness
32:02and the Quran and religion teach us, like, how to forgive
32:05and move on.
32:07God will reward you in the Judgment Day.
32:09That's what we believe.
32:12For me, I'll, like, even you just said it.
32:14Even you just said, like, you know, I'll forgive you.
32:16Like, I just, like, I want just, like, to build
32:21a relationship with the family.
32:23Like, yeah.
32:24I do, too.
32:24Like, I want to leave the past in the past and move forward.
32:32I'm glad that I talked to Jennifer.
32:34I feel like we've done, like, we closed the book.
32:38I don't need to talk to her again.
32:39She's not one of my family.
32:41That's it.
32:41I cut her off, and we move on.
32:44That's not how that works.
32:45Like, it's still my family.
32:47I still expect you to, like, be there sometimes
32:49with me visiting my family.
32:50That's the whole point of making peace.
32:53I don't know.
32:53I don't know.
33:02God said there's a way out.
33:05Through Jesus Christ.
33:08Pastor Johnson's sermon feels directed at me.
33:12Don't have to die in your sin, because there's
33:15a way out for you now.
33:18This is so screwed up, and I don't
33:20have to put up with this.
33:27Jesus, take me to the higher ground.
33:31You lift me up, and I am heaven bound.
33:39Take me to the higher ground.
33:40You lift me up.
33:41You lift me up, and I am heaven bound.
33:47Heaven bound.
33:50Lindsey's coming to church today with me and my family.
33:53I'm so happy, because she finally
33:55gets to see where I come from.
33:57But things have been tense this morning.
34:02You're not mad at me, are you, that I didn't
34:04want you to wear the hijab?
34:06I am not angry with you.
34:08No, I'm not.
34:09But I do feel like a sellout.
34:12The truth is, I do feel uncomfortable.
34:14I wish I had a shawl or something.
34:17I honestly gave Christopher the right to take the lead.
34:22If he feels like it would be an FU,
34:24he knows more about it than I do.
34:27But I do feel like a sellout, because when
34:30faced with adversity, I fold it like an origami.
34:36Well, I just appreciate you even being open to coming.
34:40You don't got to do nothing that you don't want to do.
34:45But if it hits you, don't hold back.
34:47The Holy Ghost?
34:50How do you know if the Ghost hits you?
34:56The Holy Ghost, not the Gholy Ghost.
34:58The Holy Ghost.
35:01It's like an out-of-body experience.
35:03You just going to feel a lot of emotion.
35:08I've been in church to where I'm feeling the Holy Spirit.
35:10I'm crying, because I may be going through things personally.
35:14And it seems like this message is what I needed to hear.
35:17And it's just like, OK, there's hope.
35:20It's a powerful feeling.
35:23Am I going to be conscious?
35:27You'll be conscious.
35:29Like I'll remember the experience?
35:30You won't have control over anything.
35:33This foolishness about the Holy Ghost
35:35is already kind of scary.
35:37I know it's holy, but it's still a spirit of some sort,
35:41you know, that I can't see.
35:43It's scary.
35:45All of it just sounds like so much witchcraft.
35:48But I am keeping an open mind.
35:50I'm leaving a small crack.
36:01This is the church.
36:03Oh, I expected it to be enormous.
36:10Welcome home.
36:12You look so lovely.
36:16I'm hoping that Linda came with an open heart, an open mind,
36:20in order to receive something, or hear something,
36:23or see something that she have never seen before.
36:26She needs to feel the presence of the Lord.
36:29When she feel that, she know it's real.
36:31This is true.
36:33The Lord touches our spirit.
36:35Praise God.
36:38Welcome to all of you, and to those
36:41that are visiting with us today.
36:44If you know the song, just sing along with us.
36:47Don't hold back.
36:48Oh, oh, oh.
36:49Oh, oh, oh.
36:50Oh, oh, oh.
36:51Praise the Lord.
36:52Oh, oh, oh.
36:54We're praying for the Lord.
36:56Oh, oh, oh.
36:57Oh, oh, oh.
36:58Oh, oh, oh.
36:59Oh, oh, oh.
37:00Oh, oh, oh.
37:01I love you.
37:02I love you.
37:03I've never been to a church.
37:05And to be honest, I do find it to be a little weird.
37:08This is the day.
37:10This is the day that the Lord has made,
37:14that the Lord has made.
37:17I will rejoice.
37:20In Islam, worship isn't loud.
37:23It's subtle.
37:24It's quiet.
37:26It's almost more like a meditation,
37:28whereas in the church, it felt like a party.
37:31It was just so wild.
37:33People are clapping, singing.
37:36Clapping, swaying.
37:39It was actually like a circus.
37:40Praise the Lord.
37:43Oh, oh, oh.
37:45Praise the Lord.
37:48Praise the Lord.
37:51We have a preacher on board this morning.
37:54My good friend, the Right Reverend Elder Jordan Johnson.
38:05My father's been retired for a couple of years now,
38:08but since Lindsay's here, he wanted to deliver
38:10a special sermon today.
38:12Growing up, I always liked to see him get up on the pulpit.
38:15He's very animated.
38:16He brings a lot of energy into the service.
38:18I know that he can be a lot when Lindsay's around,
38:21but I'm hoping this will give her a chance
38:23to see him in a different light.
38:26God had a way out for her.
38:31When Adam and Eve messed up, God know right then,
38:34I got a way out for you.
38:36By accepting Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior.
38:42That's the bottom line.
38:44There's a whole lot of people don't believe in Jesus.
38:48We got to believe in Him.
38:51If not, you're already condemned.
38:55I'm here at church because I do love Chris,
38:58and I do want to show his parents that I
39:01do respect their religion.
39:04But Pastor Johnson's sermon feels directed at me.
39:10I am completely shocked.
39:14The Lord sent me here for you.
39:15God is not going to overlook his son's blood,
39:20but God says there's a way out through Jesus Christ.
39:27Somebody help me say a way out.
39:31Hearing my father preach about going to hell
39:33if you don't accept Jesus, I know he's trying
39:36to get through to Linza.
39:38But it's clear that she's upset with what he's saying.
39:41This is not good at all.
39:43Don't have to die in your sin because there's
39:46a way out for you now through Jesus Christ.
39:52The Lord!
39:55Somebody help me say Lord!
40:02I feel like Chris's dad has crossed the line.
40:05We got to finish the work, church.
40:07We got to bring him in.
40:10It's offensive.
40:11It's disrespectful.
40:12You're trying to instill fear in me.
40:15And I'm not a child.
40:17I am a grown woman.
40:19I feel like I'm getting bullied into accepting Jesus Christ
40:24as my Lord and Savior.
40:25I got a way out for you, church.
40:31I got you now!
40:36Come on now!
40:44Why do you feel like you are entitled
40:45and you have the right to tell someone else that they're
40:48condemned to hell?
40:50You are not God, sir.
40:53This is so screwed up.
40:55And I don't have to put up with this.
40:57He got a way out!
41:00Yes, sir!
41:02Oh, you guys, this is nuts.
41:09Next time on Forbidden Love.
41:12Oh my God.
41:14I feel weird wearing these Amish clothes.
41:16I look like a creepy pioneer woman.
41:19I look like my sister Susie.
41:21Does that turn you on?
41:24I brought you over here, guys, to discuss our problems.
41:29Ashley, nah.
41:32She's a fake Muslim.
41:34She's crazy.
41:36You're breaking my TV.
41:37You break my PlayStation.
41:38You call the police and you break the window.
41:41I'm not saying that that was right or I didn't overreact.
41:43If Dua called us, you broke upwards to 12 TVs.
41:48God, he's such an idiot.
41:49Not like a lot of care.
41:53I know it's in the name of the Father, the Son,
41:55and of the Holy Ghost.
41:56I could feel him putting the cross on my forehead.
41:59This is insane.
42:01I said, look at God.
42:03Look how great he is.
42:05You can't force me into submission.
42:07And I feel like I'm being forced here,
42:08and it makes me uncomfortable.
42:12We're on our way to Elmer's parents' house right now,
42:14and I am worried if he can handle if his family
42:18rejects him again.
42:20Wilmer called me.
42:21He got wind that you guys were coming up.
42:24Our cover got blown, and I don't
42:25know if this is going to work.
42:27We got to go.
42:28There's one chance, and that chance is here.
42:30It's now.
42:31I'm scared shitless what's going to happen,
42:33but we got to go now.
42:34Woof, woof, woof.
42:35Here we go.