Olivia Attwood's Bad Boyfriends Episode 7

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Olivia Attwood's Bad Boyfriends Episode 7


00:00Previously what's happening eight bad boyfriends signed up for a made-up show
00:06This is paradise their girlfriends arrived tonight. You will spy on each other's boyfriends and went undercover
00:21Before the boys got the shock of their lives whoa whoa whoa whoa recognize anyone yeah
00:30They were taken back to basics this is
00:33The equivalent of my help and then the real work began how many girls have you slept with since we met?
00:40And you are still counting. Oh my god. What is Lily's dad's name?
00:49I like going down on my partner
00:57For one couple it all proved too much. I am finding it too hard. I'm gonna leave tonight
01:04I don't cry play
01:06Now in this competition to be the most improved boyfriend
01:11Can the girls really forgive and move forward?
01:17Meet your new boyfriend and girlfriend
01:30Meet Dino and Sylvie
01:37Sylvie tell us why Dino is a bad boyfriend well
01:42cheating main point and
01:45over the past four years
01:47Cheated about four times
01:49They're being a bit of a Bible here. Do you know how does that feel to hear that um?
01:55Looking back at it now. I feel a bit guilty
01:57Yeah, but back in the past. I was just a bit of a naughty boy and doing what boys do go on
02:04Doing stupid stuff. You'll get on wheels just fine
02:12That's why everyone's
02:16Still be and Dino you won't be staying here at the house. You'll be staying a place
02:21We have all come to love and hate
02:25It's called bro zone. I'll let these guys fill you in on what that's like welcome welcome
02:39Staying in the caravan, honey
02:47Was not expecting a new couple to come in
02:54Think I recognize that silver
03:02Where did you meet each other through Instagram?
03:12And then yeah, I met each other has it been just like four years straight on and off. Yeah, cuz he cheats mm-hmm. Yeah
03:20obviously Dino has been a bad boyfriend and
03:24Coming in there as well. It's just like a big weight on my shoulders. Just wanted to change and this not happen again
03:31She said you've cheated four times once every year
03:36Yeah majority of the relationship I've cheated so I really want to prove Sylvie wrong and prove that I can change
03:44Are you in touch with your emotional side or is that not there? Yeah. Yeah way
03:49Kind of I guess well, we'll find out what we'll find out here. Don't know
03:53I felt like he could have been a bit more remorseful. I don't know. She's forgiven that put him at a bad start really
04:15Honest opinions on the new people don't think they're a real couple. I don't think a real couple either
04:20They didn't walk in holding hands. Yeah, Sam when she walked in you went for
04:26Yeah, I mean cuz I like a new couple I think you know when people are cool boy
04:31When Sylvie and you know, what's in I don't know I just got the vibe that I
04:37Don't know. Maybe he knew them or knew her or something
04:41Sam are you sure you don't know familiar? But I mean like
04:47You don't know if you've met before I don't she looked familiar
04:53If it like rolls reversed I'd be a bit like how do you know him do you think she's attracted I
04:59Think she's good-looking girl. Yeah, but
05:02Okay, so now it's like a double whammy and I've got a deal with the fact you might know and the fact that you think
05:07She's fit great
05:08You'd like her in there. Yeah, I'd like what?
05:12What are you on about?
05:14You obviously don't trust me because she's like going off on one
05:18Or just said she looks familiar. That's all I said. Do you know her? Yes or no? I
05:24I don't know. I don't know. You don't know if you've met before I don't she look familiar. That's
05:33So annoyed I don't even know what's going on right I
05:40Was not expecting that what just happened
06:04How did you sleep last night I wasn't wasn't too goodly
06:12Thank you Tom's going to be spending his birthday in a caravan
06:17That's what we're here for. I
06:19Actually can't believe I've been with Tom for two birthdays now. So
06:24I'm here for it. You actually have woken up with like numerous gray hairs actually Tom
06:28I think that's from a year of dealing with you
06:35So, how are you feeling today and yeah, I'm so over brozone I freaking hate it
06:41We're ready to go back up to the villa
06:43Morning morning morning. How did you sleep? I didn't really sleep
06:52It's like a buzzer noise in my ear
06:55Honestly pro tip get the bug spray. I think I was chalked out last night cuz do you put loads?
07:01In the room and I was like, oh gosh
07:25Are you feeling
07:28Yeah, just a bit confused
07:32But you confused about do you think you're on like a dating show or something do I think I'm on a dating show
07:38Well, I just don't get by the first thing that comes to your head when a new person walks in and say that she's fair
07:44yeah, but it was
07:46wasn't like
07:48We're just having a bit of banter
07:50That's all I can I was really
07:53So it's someone else. Yeah, I shouldn't have shouldn't really done
07:56I said I think what it was for me
07:58It wasn't even the comment about her being a being fat like obviously
08:02She's she's a beautiful girl and I can appreciate that Sam can also see that and I don't mind that at all
08:08I think more what it was was like the light lad banter sort of coming out again
08:14It is a bit annoying because I don't want it to
08:19To ruin any of our progress just the way that you've reacted when I asked
08:23It was just the way that you've reacted in the past when you've been lying about something or done something wrong
08:29Like you always it's gone a bit on the defensive on the defense
08:33Yeah, I do I did to be fair
08:34I think Geordie's trust issues come out a little bit
08:38But I'm not running away from stupid little arguments anymore or any problems and they're here to sort it I'm better my relationship
08:45I do understand that like I totally understand it because like what I've done to in the past is obviously brings up past
08:52trauma and
08:54I've not met him for now. I just
08:57She's just look familiar. Do you know when you see someone sometimes and you think I'll be a lot familiar
09:02Have a kiss
09:04No, not my lips
09:09See you later, then yeah
09:17I am going to teach my couples today
09:21How working as a team can change their lives a relationship is a partnership and if you are not
09:28You know connected
09:30Taking equal load equal responsibility. It's not going to work
09:49Welcome to the party
09:57It's nice that Sam's got a friend in here, but yeah, I think he needs to remember that
10:01He's here for me not to improve his relationship with Bailey
10:12Come on got a test for you
10:15Test time
10:19How is everyone
10:22First things first Dina and Sylvie. How are you settling in? Yeah good
10:25It's not the best being in them caravans, but made the best out of it. Everyone was so nice. Oh good
10:32Right, we are deep into phase two of my projects forgiveness and moving forward
10:38So today we are going to sack off boys versus girls and it's gonna be couple
10:43versus couple
10:47Sometimes when you're wrapped up in your own relationship, it's very hard to see what other people can I know I've been there myself
10:54So today in your couples, you're going to get that perspective from each other
11:00And all you have to do is be honest
11:05Dina and Sylvie because you've only just arrived you're exempt from this test
11:11This test is called
11:13throwing shade
11:15I'll read out a question and as a couple you need to decide which couple is the answer and write it on your board
11:22This is fun
11:25Got it
11:27Okay guys in your opinion which girlfriend is the biggest pushover
11:36That is definitely not
11:44Okay, Sam and George who is the biggest pushover
11:50We've I knew we love you and you just let Bailey get away with murder in the past
11:57And forgives him quite easily, but she's definitely learning
12:02We said and yeah
12:06Obviously you need to set boundaries we've spoken about that a lot like you're reflecting on that and you want to take action
12:12so no hard feelings because I know you're gonna be stronger I
12:17Can see why people would think I'm a bit of a pushover. I
12:21was cheating on three times with my ex and
12:24Still let him get away with things and the same thing seems to be happening with Bailey
12:29So I do need to start putting myself first
12:33Okay, Victor. I'm Maria who is the biggest pushover out of the girlfriends?
12:39We said and yeah, love you girl
12:43Honestly, it's just the boundary thing
12:47My angel and yeah, I've chosen
12:52Carly I
12:55Do think Tom needs to
12:58Have some more boundaries. That's probably right
13:01Agreed so we pick Carly I
13:05Don't think now. I'm pushover, but obviously in the past. I've took some back a lot
13:10I think you let him get away with a lot of stuff in the past
13:13so true
13:16We chose stuff around
13:19That were just because obviously that night out. I think with you just being engaged
13:24I think you just kind of let him off a little bit easier. That's cool
13:29Hey, yeah
13:31Okay, Lily and Reuben. Who did you write down?
13:37Bailey has got away with a lot so
13:42That's the only reason
13:50You're five votes there for the pushover
13:54How does that make you feel?
13:56Not shocked. I know that I let him get away with everything
14:00You ain't about person for it. So don't tell her it's a negative
14:03She definitely does put me in my place when I need to be put in my place. So listen, it's it's other people's opinions
14:11Okay, next up which couple
14:14Annoys you the most
14:26Okay, everybody Sam and Geordie who is the most annoying couple Tom and Lana
14:33Only because when you're trying to chill and stuff like you're always a bit hyper singing and I think sometimes
14:40You could kind of let Tom
14:43Be himself a bit more. No, I feel ins. There we go. That's the answer
14:47Tom T and Lana who is the most annoying couple?
14:50It's not necessarily annoying but obviously Maria and Victor
14:55Because they're secluded a lot and they're on their own. I don't really get to spend time with them. No happy
15:03Okay, Maria and Victor, who do you find the most annoying
15:07with pig Lana and Tom T
15:09Because obviously as you guys all know, I'm a bit calm and quiet and I like my space and yeah, nothing personal
15:14Energy can be a little bit too much for me. Yeah, that's why I think that
15:18And yeah, I'm Bailey. We've chose Lana and Tom
15:23I've got quite a chill personality and when I just want to sit in silence Lana is quite loud
15:32Yes, I'm loud. Yes, I'm hyper. Yes. I'm annoying like I get it guys like
15:37Can you shut up? You're annoying me. Okay, Ryan and Sapphire
15:42Yeah, so as you can see
15:47Why is Lana bigger than Tom? Oh
15:49I'll be honest
15:51I think Lana kind of let down the couple a little bit and you need to kind of let Tom be yourself and
15:56Make some decisions for himself
15:59Rather than it being me and Lana the most annoying
16:03It was just all about Lana being the most annoying which I didn't like
16:07We're a team that we take everything together because you know, Lana's my girlfriend Lily and Reuben
16:21I see how different it is when I'm talking to him private to end. I'm talking to him when you're around
16:26Tom and Lana
16:29Tom and Lana
16:31As it went round and everyone was saying Tom and Lana I could feel the tension rising
16:35I could just see Lana's lip signs quivering. I was just thinking on no
16:41Lana do you think any of that rings true?
16:52Lanz we all love you
17:05Know I'm dramatic and I know I'm you know, sometimes too much for people and that's fine, but they're not dating me
17:16Me and Tom love each other
17:18we match each other's energy and you know, if I ever speak to him and if he ever speaks over me like
17:26It's not a huge issue we communicate very well
17:30People don't mean it
17:32How many times do I say I'd never ever change you for the world? That's the only thing that matters. It's what I've what I've
17:43It's not nice it when everyone's voting it like it she feels like everyone's going okay
17:49I'm good Lana. Yeah, she's feeling better now. She's had a moment
17:57It's no shade to Lana we love you too, so that's why you are you are like you are the most special person ever
18:03He's so unique. I know this is hard, but in this project
18:06It's important you stand together as a couple and you have just on that Lana. Are you okay? Happy to continue? Oh good
18:13Sure. Mm-hmm. I don't know. Okay
18:17Next question and this question has consequences
18:26Which couple is the most competitive
18:32Who wants to win you are in a competition, so who do you think he wants to win who cares about winning?
18:39Okay, Geordie and Sam, who have you put down as your most competitive couple we've popped Maria and Victor
18:47Just because they've got a
18:50Social media channel and obviously winning would probably help their social media channel. I'd have to go a Ruben and Lily
18:58With poor stuff and Ryan yeah, that's
19:02We've gone with my room Victor
19:05Just because they speak a lot about their social media
19:09So I see as a compliment being called competitive. I'm kind of proud of that. Yeah. Thanks. Thanks guys
19:14I am and Sophia. Have you put your most? So we chose Maria Victor
19:24Think I'm gonna go with Ryan
19:27Have you put your most so we chose Maria Victor
19:31Yeah, I don't think it's a bad thing because I think we're very competitive as well
19:41Lily and Ruben who is the most competitive couple?
19:45Tom Jane Carly palms are competitive little shit. Yeah, we've put Ruben and Lily
19:55So with three votes Maria and Victor you have been voted the most competitive couple, how does that feel?
20:02Yeah, I'm very competitive. I don't like losing. I don't really show it. But yeah
20:06So as my most competitive couple, I'm gonna ask you to make a big decision
20:15You guys
20:17I'm moving out of bro zone and into the house. Yes
20:28Unfortunately in order to move in you will need to evict one couple from the house and move them to bro zone
20:41So guys it's a big decision, yeah
20:46Who would you like to pick and why I
20:50Actually hate this
20:52I'm that she's shaking. I
20:54Was looking at all the couples and I'm just like who do I think?
21:00Deserves to be down at bro zone and I was like genuinely no one
21:04I think I'll be that is sweet. That's sweet. That is sweet. I like that
21:09Okay, Maria and Victor. Who are you sending to bro zone?
21:15Knowing how lonely and sad Bailey's been the whole time. We decided to bring his best friend
21:22Yeah, no hard feelings I'm really yeah, yeah I live there once we can live there again Sam and Geordie you are swapping places
21:29That is decided
21:30You have food up babe
21:34Think they are just here
21:36To win. I don't think they're actually here to improve the relationship because we have seen no improvements
21:43I've seen no improvements whatsoever. I don't know just I'm not really buying it. I think it is just all
21:49some sort of acts and yeah, they just want to
21:52Win and improve their social media channels
21:55Well done guys a lot to unpack there, but it's all part of the project and ultimately helping you all to move forward
22:02Okay, you have some packing to do and girls. I will see you later for our B&O
22:13You better get used to the books girl
22:17Moving to bro zone can't say I'm best pleased. I mean, I think my face probably
22:24Told the story itself. I wasn't impressed about it at all
22:29I seen as she said that it's their decision. I just knew we're going
22:33I knew it
22:37There's no reason for you to feel bad, it's okay
22:41It's our turn we all gonna take our turn
22:48But they're not there they're not here because they deserve to I
22:52Know but Sam's improving at the end of the day. He is and he got to be up there because he improved
22:58This is a frying pan for making some good scrambled egg tomorrow if you want
23:03I'll make you some flavor. I don't like bugs. I don't like dirt. No like caravans
23:11So yeah, I don't want to go to bro zone
23:15See you later Villa. Love you guys
23:19See you on the night out. She's probably not even excited for
23:31What do you think the dynamic will be like now in this house with Maria and Victor in that I think they're gonna try to
23:38Express themselves better. I'm worried for tonight because of like obviously all of us girls are going out. I don't want it to look at any
23:46Speak of the devil
23:49It was literally just talking about you. Yeah
23:53Honestly, I feel like the villa has been calling my name for a while now and I'm happy to be back
23:57I'm gonna be living good
24:02Let's go have a dip in the pool
24:04Welcome Vic to the new house and girls. You guys can go get ready and just go behave yourselves in the strip
24:08Yeah, you behave yourself
24:11The boys got to have a good night out. Yes. Most of them did fuck their relationships up, but we definitely deserve the night out
24:20So back down to bro zone I was buzzing to see me boy Bailey. You're actually you could be prefer the villa
24:25But Lisa can experience with Geordie. You've got a different caravan to last time. Well, you're now in there
24:31Yeah, you double better. Take this one. Oh, thank you
24:35after you
24:37I think bros. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
24:41I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
24:43I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
24:47Think bro zone is not for me. All right
24:53Yeah, it's great
24:56Think it's an absolute shit. Oh, am I gonna wash my hair? At least we can share outfits now. Oh, yeah
25:06I need to get ready
25:09All right
25:10So I'm so excited for the girls night out until I found out to get ready here and this fight dungeon
25:15What the actual fuck is that?
25:42'm so excited for girls night
25:43I know we're gonna have so much fun and also for Lana to cheer up because she was a little bit upset after the test
26:21Yeah, the girls look good tonight in there don't look they're getting dressed up for me I
26:26Think I'm a lot of the girls, but there's a lot of speculation
26:29Why is there gonna be lads out, you know, we've got a lot of time to think so then you overthink it's quiet
26:34Yeah, it's quiet I thought I'd like it but
26:39He's worried he's very sick right now, I thought that I'm active I'm waiting. Oh, yeah
26:43No, you know what if Carly if Kyle is a bit drunk. She'll follow try wet me up and be like what you doing?
26:52Hey Olivia's with him what's the worst that can happen a lot?
27:07Want to do around
27:11Yeah, never have I ever fancy the boyfriend's dad
27:20Never have I ever licked my boyfriend
27:33Just pull out as fast you can he's fucking rock-hard swing it away
27:41In the bill that's
27:45How you find your birds playing jungle I'm having a time of my life
28:13Didn't blame Sylvia tall for any of this like all she's done bless
28:16There is walking to a group of strangers and I didn't want to make her feel any more uncomfortable than she already probably dead
28:22So yeah, she's got absolutely no blame in all of this
29:01Little bit ropey because obviously I'm the wrong side of 30 and I have more than one glass of wine and
29:07Also drank something from what only could resemble a dog bowl
29:13That tasted like sick
29:17I'm gonna go in there and just
29:20Fuck things up. I might even send a couple home tonight
29:29Are you feeling
29:32Tequila's home I had
29:34Having a hangover is already
29:37Terrible on its own, but then when you're in a sweaty caravan, there's bugs everywhere and it stinks of a mendurin all like
29:45Yeah, I just feel like I'm heaving every two minutes it's just
29:49Shit waking up earlier on it because obviously we're just used to living up in the villa
30:24My favorite boyfriends and girlfriends
30:27Got something fun planned as always
30:30For a relationship to thrive. It's crucial that you can work well as a team
30:34So today's test will need them to work closely together and really think about their shared goals
30:42Okay, so you're probably wondering why you've all got a cake in front of you
30:46Guys, this test is called make or cake. I love that
30:53Today I would like to put your teamwork to the test
30:57In your couples. I want you to decorate a beautiful cake
31:02This cake must tell the story of you and your relationship
31:07The highs the lows and all the juicy bits in between so to test how well you work as a team
31:14Girls, you'll be standing in front of your boyfriends with your arms behind your back
31:22And boys you will thread your arms through your girls arms to do the decorating
31:29Ready set decorate
31:36Remember the rules guys
31:40We're gonna put our four and a half years of
31:44Being together into one cake to get it all around the side. Yes. Give me a minute. I can't see
31:50I'm your concierge
31:53Let's slap it on it. That's it. Keep it going. It's so frustrating because I'm so used to always just taking over
31:59the toughest part about the test as a whole was
32:03Having the patience to be kind of like snapped at each other a little bit move on to something
32:08We're meant to do it together. Yeah, but I want to smooth it out
32:12Drop you like
32:14I'm like this
32:17For the vision we wanted to have like deep high fives high flows of our relationship it started off he used to
32:23message me all the time, so
32:25after a few attempts, I
32:27Took the chance that on the first day and we've been together on and off borderline eight years ever since
32:32Tom have you ever decorated a cake before never? Yeah
32:38I'm enjoying it. I can't even read what I've wrote myself my back
32:47What's the inspo guys one side is me represents me another side represents her
32:51But although the two sides are very different
32:54We're gonna put the heart in the middle because our love is in the middle of everything even though we're very different
32:59beautiful guys
33:04Guys half the time is gone put it in that one
33:12I'm like me you can't get frustrated if you have to win. It's a pick up the bloody spatula or whatever. It's good and start
33:21There you are no because he's thing is about to come in my face
33:26What's that the little footsteps in the snow where we're going we're moving forward
33:34Ruben and I we made like a yin-yang to represent balance. It's like passionate fiery
33:43We've both kind of had our own
33:45Journeys in life that kind of make us understand each other a bit more
33:48I do have a child from a previous relationship when I've meaning to get to that stage of having kids
33:53I just need to try give her the best family unit I can give her and then of course
33:58Incorporate my daughter in that home
34:05We are going through the shit right now
34:07And I think we want to come out on the other side, and I think that was the gist of the cake
34:12That's where we want to be
34:14Okay, guys time is up
34:17Step away from your cake
34:21I'm pretty impressed
34:23Okay, guys. Let's hear the inspiration behind your cake gonna come to you guys first
34:29Geordie and Sam can see at the start of our relationship
34:33It was very much drink involved
34:35Partified and then the middle bit is when we split up, so there's the kicker. I had a break, okay
34:41And then this resembles our relationship now. It says marry me because Sam's been saying that you want to marry me
34:53Tom and Carly
34:55So I've drawn a cinema screen that was first date and when we both fell in love and this year
35:02There's three people in it because that's how many times that I've broke her up. I didn't realize Tom cheated on Carly three times
35:08I'm sorry. He broke her heart three times like bloody hell
35:13So not the bigger love art because obviously after we broke up every time our hearts always obviously grow fonder and then
35:21tea loves tea because
35:23speaks for itself
35:29Ryan is the fire. We've got a blue love heart and a pink love heart because we want babies. You've got a music note because
35:37Music before we came here was like his main priority like I was up there, but music was up there
35:43Trust we didn't have any issues with that before this process, but obviously night out kind of like
35:49Threw my trust a little bit
35:56Bailey and Anya talked to us about your cake. It's pretty short and sweet, but it started really shit
36:02So see the Maltese is all the shit
36:05And then Anya's heart was obviously broken
36:08Because I was a dick
36:10Bailey came up with love Island when we met and I just don't think he was ready for a relationship and to settle down
36:15And I feel like we've mended that and hopefully soon. I'll be a little baby
36:21Yeah, I want kids with Anya at the end of the day and I felt like that was the right time
36:25To tell everyone it's good guys. Well done
36:29Here that he wants me to be the mother of his kids actually makes my heart warm and he's really good to my nieces
36:35So I know that he's good with kids
36:37Do you know and Sylvie?
36:39This is where I first met
36:42This is obviously the roads to the heart and our relationship
36:46Chocolatey all things nice to represent everything like all our good times that we have
36:52And then this is the road out where we want to be
36:57All the big love hearts and him winning my heart back
37:05Even though I haven't been here a long time. I know what needs to be done proving to Sylvie that I'm not that boy anymore
37:11Lily and Reuben talk to us about your cake
37:14We have a heart there with our initials on it
37:17And the cakes face is basically like a yin and yang symbol because it's about just trying to us trying to find our balance
37:23I'm mostly on the negative side, obviously
37:28On the other side, it's all happy because that's her
37:36Tom T and Lana
37:39So I started off with you're a bit of me Lana
37:42Because it was the first thing I ever said to her when I messaged her on Instagram
37:45I might start calling Tom Mary Berry because oh my god
37:48The cake decorating on that boy was amazing 10 out of 10
37:52And then the red heart is just about us and like our future together
37:58Amazing, well done guys
38:03Maria and Victor are competitive couple
38:06So split on two sides on the right is me equal sign because I'm tend to be quite logical
38:11Left side is Maria. We have sprinkles because she's eyes rainbows and unicorns. That's her vibes. Very happy
38:17Infinity sound because we we're gonna be together forever
38:20The affinity sign is because in my culture my family are very much like so when are you getting married?
38:25Like they'll just ask that question
38:27They're really manifesting it like they really want to have the big Nigerian traditional wedding and they just want to praise our relationship
38:35so it's kind of hard and
38:37And he needs to fix that so
38:46Okay, it's actually really hard to pick a winner because they are all so great in their own way I
38:53Think I'm gonna give it to
38:59And you're in Bailey
39:03It actually looks like you could buy it out of a shop
39:08We won didn't we?
39:10Greatest Baker over here. Okay, guys. I hope you all had fun, but there's a serious part coming
39:18As you know, this is a competition to find the most improved boyfriend
39:29So tonight we will have our first elimination
39:38One bad boyfriend is going to get the boo
39:50Girls you alone will decide which bad boyfriend will leave the project and
39:57as a result
39:59You'll be sending their girlfriend home, too
40:06The choice is entirely yours based on who you think has improved the least
40:11This is a massive decision. So I'm gonna leave you guys and I will see you tonight. I
40:17Was not expecting this plot twist
40:23Baking cakes happy happy joy joy, and then you're like, yes nothing from a way you want to glue out the villa. Oh my god
40:31Well, that wasn't down. I don't know
40:36In my web spill your secrets no escape try to keep and take a drink
40:41You will see get down to your knees and tell me you love me. So how's your head?
40:47I'm trying to think about it right now. I feel like I'm just gonna in the moment just
40:51Do what feels right? I mean, but it's so it's just a lot like
40:55Obviously, we're all friends in here
40:56No one wants to send anyone home and everyone actually has improved that thing where everyone's improved just in
41:01completely different ways
41:02Obviously everyone's probably saying a bit nervous a bit shaky or whatever
41:06But it will be a ship was if I got voted out
41:09I don't think there's many that have made the same amount of progress or more than I have if I'm being honest
41:14Yeah, it's just gonna be a it's gonna be a tough. Yeah, tough for I think tonight
41:18This is one of those things you just have to hope that everything ends up fair
41:21For me personally, I wouldn't be worried because I can see Tom's improvement so much
41:25I'm just hoping that other people see the little things that he's doing to try and change and try and improve
41:30Just as much as I am
41:32It's gonna be hard on the girls. I'm happy. I'm not a girl right now
41:35You lot just need to hope that you've done enough to for the girls to have seen progress as well
41:43Honestly like today I'm probably not more nervous like going into tonight than I were going into the first day
41:50Yeah, it's like we got voted out basically means I've been here and I've not made any improvements
41:54You know in a way than it and it's more. I wouldn't want to get voted out for college. Yeah
41:59I think there's boys here who haven't improved as much as I have and then I think there's boys here who've improved just as
42:04Much as I have but it'd be a better killer blow to be the first eliminated. I think
42:10Are you girls ready to make this big decision? No, but we're gonna have to I
42:17feel like a
42:19Decision has to be made and has to be chosen. So yeah, whatever ends it ends
42:29Guys have been thrown right in at the deep end. I think I've been to eliminate someone straight away. Yeah, I know
42:35How do you feel about it? It's a tough one, but I'm just gonna have to be like
42:40Honest and remember what the reason is that we're here
42:42Yeah, and I'm not gonna go off like who I'm friends with I'm gonna go off who I actually
42:48Think is least improved
42:51How are you feeling boys?
42:53Well, do you know what I think I will still be here because at the end of the day, I know I know how much I've improved
43:02You've come a really really long way since we first started
43:06I'd definitely say I've improved a fair bit and I've been trying really hard as well. So hopefully I'll be alright
43:21Tonight is the first elimination and we're gonna be sending home
43:25One couple I think they were shocked when I revealed that early
43:30I don't think they expected it because they've been here a while now without any eliminations
43:35I think they just kind of forgot that this is gonna be part of the project
43:45Hope it doesn't get too ugly. I'm sharing myself
43:49All right. Yeah, I still want to like college. I mean
43:53Do you know what if someone comes to me with like a legitimate reason as to why they think me and mine should go cool
43:58I'll take it. But if someone comes to me bullshit, that's when I'm offended. I really feel like I've improved a lot
44:05Hopefully I've portrayed the same
44:08Image to the other couples and hopefully they can see what I see
44:17It's just it's just shit and it speculates my office relationship, yeah, I thought that my reasons valid as long as it's not
44:27I'm so nervous ahead of the elimination
44:31My stomach doing somersaults and my heart beating like no tomorrow. I am kind of nervous, you know
44:37Yeah, because the issues Ruben and I had
44:41We didn't discuss it with anyone like we've improved things between us, but we haven't really opened up to people to be honest
44:47I feel like there's a chance Ruben might get voted out
44:52We might get voted out. We've improved between us, but we haven't really mentioned anything to anyone
44:59so obviously people have
45:02Probably have their idea that yeah, he's still bad
45:19You know why I'm here should we do this
45:30The reason I've chosen
45:31This boy as least improved boyfriend is because I feel like there's a lot of chemistry lacking
45:38I feel like a few things are just swept under the carpet. I
45:42feel like he's
45:44Still got a lot to work on
45:46the bad boyfriend I've chosen is
