Olivia Attwood's Bad Boyfriends Episode 9

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Olivia Attwood's Bad Boyfriends Episode 9


00:00Previously, the tables were turned...
00:03A little bit of salt and pepper and avocado.
00:05..as the bad boyfriends put the girls to the test.
00:08How many people has Bailey slept with?
00:17Have you ever had anything to do with anyone that we both know?
00:25Friendships came under pressure.
00:27The lad I'm voting for is Tom T.
00:29Tom T.
00:30..in a shock elimination.
00:32You are the least improved boyfriend.
00:35That's the first time I've actually cried over a grown man.
00:38It's just proper upsetting.
00:40Now, the competition to be the most improved boyfriend ramps up.
00:45Is it all right that Bailey has never put Anya on his Instagram?
00:49It's not right.
00:52And things hit rock bottom for Ryan and Saf.
00:55I could see your eyes looking at her up and down.
00:57Obviously, I know she's your type.
00:59I obviously know you have a high sex drive.
01:01Is that shit in my face?
01:02You said that you improved. Improved where, bro?
01:04You're exactly the same.
01:12OK, everyone take a seat.
01:18Guys, seeing Tom T and Lana go must have been really, really hard.
01:24Erm, it's mad because...
01:27..I don't usually, like, cry.
01:30Do you know what I'm saying?
01:33Yeah, he's just a good lad, do you know what I mean?
01:40Before I let you go, there is one more thing.
01:44This is a double elimination.
01:50One night, two eliminations, that's too much.
01:58You have got to be kidding me.
02:00Shit is getting real now and it is getting really hard.
02:10And, boys, I will ask you to vote for one more bad boyfriend to send home.
02:21Tom T has just left, his seat is still warm
02:24and Olivia is now saying we need to get rid of another boy.
02:27Like, give us a break, Olivia, please.
02:35I chose this boyfriend because they didn't really mention once
02:39that he wants to improve or he is here to improve.
02:43Maybe he's here to have some fun.
02:45Everyone else has put so much work in.
02:47I believe that they deserve more to be here.
02:51So, the boyfriend I choose is...
03:02Sorry, man.
03:10We're going to have a couple of days to think about it.
03:13We're going to have our couples.
03:15They are trying to get their stuff together.
03:18But this boy...
03:20..he hasn't really.
03:22Well, he's been very reserved.
03:25So, the boy I'm choosing is...
03:37His reasoning didn't make sense.
03:39This isn't a competition on who's reserved and who's not reserved.
03:42It's a competition about who's improved the most.
03:45And I feel like, out of everyone, Victor has improved the most.
03:49Very good.
03:55I'm choosing this boyfriend because...
03:58..he hasn't had enough time to make his mark.
04:00I genuinely wish there was enough time
04:02to at least give us the opportunity to see something, but...
04:06..I can't take anything away from the other four guys
04:09that have stood here and all the work they've put in from the beginning.
04:15The boyfriend I'm choosing is Dino.
04:18It's not an easy decision.
04:20It's never an easy decision
04:21when it's people that you actually like and care about.
04:32I'm choosing this boyfriend because, when I have spoken to him,
04:36he hasn't really spoken about his relationship as such
04:39and how he wants to make improvements,
04:41but I've been able to see all the other boys' improvements.
04:45So, the boy I'm choosing is...
04:53Sorry, bro.
04:56It was difficult, but I feel like he was more bothered about us other boys
05:00than actually focusing on his own relationship.
05:05Dino, you have three votes.
05:08Victor, you have one.
05:11Dino, if you receive one more vote,
05:13you're going to have to leave the project tonight.
05:23So, the reason I'm choosing this boyfriend
05:25is because he knew what he'd done wrong in relationship
05:29and he kind of didn't own up to it when he should have.
05:32I just feel like he could have changed people's opinions
05:35and he could have worked on his relationship a bit more.
05:38The boy I am voting is...
05:45So, Dino's actually cheated on Sylvie four times.
05:48He just said, I've been a bad boy and kind of, like,
05:50joked about it a little bit.
05:52The thing is, Dino, we're past that now.
05:54There's nothing big and clever about cheating on your missus.
05:58I'm absolutely gutted.
06:00I really wanted a chance to prove myself to Sylvie.
06:19You've received the most votes and you'll be leaving the project.
06:23What would you like to say to the other boyfriends?
06:25I don't really have anything to say,
06:27cos I feel like, obviously, what he said, it's fair enough, so, yeah.
06:38If I could have said, I wouldn't cry.
06:43Sorry, Mum.
06:44Say what you've got to say.
06:45It just made me re-evaluate my life a bit.
06:48I just feel like, like I say, I've let you down.
06:51I hadn't had enough time to prove myself to you.
06:55I'm sure I'll see how much I love you.
06:58Sylvie, I know this is really tough.
07:01Is there anything you want to say to Dino or any of the lads?
07:05Everyone has put in so much work.
07:11With all these, like, little things, I've seen them change.
07:14I think it has just shown us, like...
07:18..when you're trying to do things different,
07:22and I just think that's, like, all I can ask for, really.
07:28Dino and Sylvie, it's time to leave the project.
07:31You can say goodbye to the other boyfriends and girlfriends.
07:37Don't let anything slow you down. The real work starts when you get home.
07:41I just feel like it's brought us closer together.
07:44For him to break down a little bit and open up,
07:47I think it's just shown us he is going, like, the step in the right direction.
08:02Guys, we are now down to five couples.
08:09Tomorrow is another big day.
08:14We are officially entering phase three.
08:19And I'll see you tomorrow.
08:39You're a touch of rubbish at the same time.
08:46Are you still crying?
08:49I haven't cried probably in about four or five years.
08:52I've always seen, like, crying as a bit of a weakness,
08:55but I don't know if it's this process,
08:57which is allowing you to open up and be emotional,
09:00but, yeah, listen, I didn't expect to cry.
09:03Just breathe. It's OK.
09:05It feels good knowing that I'm still part of this project
09:08and I'm safe for another night.
09:10You never know, you know.
09:12I'm just going to be weird about it.
09:14No, no, no.
09:16You're doing well already.
09:19I feel like it's getting a lot more serious.
09:22This is a competition.
09:24People are now starting to play your bit of a game.
09:28Everyone is just sweeping issues under the rug,
09:32trying not to show flaws or arguments or anything like that.
10:00How did you sleep?
10:03Slept good.
10:07Are you OK? Morning.
10:13Tomtina on the left was like,
10:15oh, it's so sad.
10:17You didn't cry, though. You have no water in your body.
10:20My body doesn't have that setting in it.
10:25You and Bailey were quite emotional last night,
10:28which was really nice to see, by the way.
10:30I didn't expect myself to get emotional like that, but...
10:33Me neither.
10:43How mad was last night with the double elimination?
10:47It was intense. Very intense.
10:50I always just feel a bit guilty, I have to be honest.
10:53I need to toughen up, whoever thought I'd say that.
10:56I've never seen that many men crying at once,
10:59apart from at football games.
11:01I'm proud of them for being so vulnerable.
11:04It's like, this project is actually having an effect.
11:13What was that?
11:15It's like a leaf, but just touch the back of the tip, if it moves.
11:18On your lip. Just in case it bites.
11:20Why is that moving?
11:22What's up with it?
11:26Fucking hell, I'm not doing that.
11:28I do actually miss having Dino and Tomty around,
11:31cos now it's just me and Sam left in bro-zone,
11:34and I am so sick of this place.
11:39Is that Anson?
11:41Oh, Jon, are you being serious? What's that?
11:45So, we're bad boyfriends still, are we?
11:48No, you're improving.
11:50Two months ago, we nearly split up.
11:52It's nice to finally get to this place, what we've always actually wanted.
11:56Yeah. And who would have thought it, really?
11:59I don't know.
12:01It's literally like a different guy in front of me.
12:03Like, I could not be happier with the progress that he's made.
12:06Sammy's my soul mate and we were brought back together for a reason.
12:09I've just turned into a different guy, do you know what I mean?
12:12Well, different man, should I say.
12:14You've gone from a boy to a man, that's for sure.
12:16Yeah, yeah.
12:18I'm just going to have to marry you, aren't I?
12:20You are.
12:24You said yeah? Sweet.
12:27No, not here, Sam.
12:29But it would be quite memorable, wouldn't it?
12:33I thought about proposing to Geordie before,
12:35but there was cracks in the relationship prior to coming here.
12:38But now, obviously, we're that close now,
12:40I've thought about it a lot, lot more.
12:46Morning, Sam and Geordie.
12:48Morning, Sam and Geordie.
12:50Just to let you know, we're moving into phase three.
12:54So I've got a little surprise for you.
12:59Pack your bags, you're moving back into the house.
13:02Yes! Get in! Yes!
13:04I'm buzzing.
13:06I'm not sad to be leaving Brozone, no, I think I've done my time here.
13:09It's time to get back up to the house with a swimming pool,
13:11some nice views and a proper bed.
13:13This is the last time I pack my bags.
13:18I opened the suitcase before and a lizard ran out of it.
13:30Lovely day we're having.
13:32So warm.
13:33We have to get in the pool today, the weather's banning.
13:35Oh, yeah, for sure.
13:36How are you, Maria?
13:37Cos we don't get to see you and Victor much.
13:39He is very much improving.
13:41I've always spoke about Victor being very logical
13:44and doesn't really think emotionally,
13:46but I feel like this place has changed him a lot
13:49because he's no longer a commitment-phobe.
13:53We speak a lot about our future now.
13:56It makes me happy and he did say
13:58that he is going to propose to me on the outside.
14:01Hearing that Victor wants to marry Maria all of a sudden,
14:04it's just not adding up to me.
14:06He was so against marriage and all of a sudden he's just switched.
14:09Who knew that this project would change all our men?
14:12Do you know what I mean? True.
14:13Liv knows what she's doing.
14:15She does.
14:16I feel like we're at the place
14:18where a lot of the couples wish they were at
14:20and maybe that may make other people in the house jealous
14:23of how solid we are.
14:25Can't wait to see what happens on the outside
14:28when Victor and I are together forever and other couples.
14:33We shall see.
14:40See you later, bro-zo.
14:41Hope I never see you again.
14:44It was nice spending a bit of time with Geordie there,
14:47but I hope I never, ever, ever see them disgusting caravans again.
14:52Get me out of here.
15:00How do you feel, sir?
15:01You and Lily are the only two girls
15:03that didn't end up back down in bro-zone.
15:05Listen, until I know bro-zone's been demolished,
15:07I don't want to jinx it.
15:08We're just chucking it out there, do you know what I mean?
15:10Law of attractions.
15:11Fuck off!
15:12Oi, look who's here!
15:16We're moving back to the villas!
15:18We're back!
15:31We're all back together again and it just feels happier.
15:43We're back, baby.
15:44Reunited with Bailey and the boy in here.
15:47Obviously, it's romance before bromance,
15:49but I can literally have showers with Bailey again now.
15:55So, welcome back, bro.
15:57Back in the villas.
15:58Cheers, brother.
15:59Probably one of the strongest couples here, me and you.
16:01We trust each other a lot as well.
16:03That separation and inflection helped us.
16:05You came up here and I was down there.
16:08And we appreciate each other.
16:10You know, what are we on about?
16:13It's a good spooning, Anja,
16:14but I'm so happy that me and Sam obviously reunited.
16:18It was only one night, but listen, one night too long.
16:24Is everyone else realising that they're just rubbing each other up
16:26this past how long?
16:27Just for fun.
16:28Is that it?
16:30You taking a piss?
16:31What, do you want longer?
16:32I do fucking half hour for you and what do I get, five minutes?
16:34Mine gave him one quick crating chat and said I'm finished.
16:40Otherwise you ain't getting a tip.
16:44Hi, everybody.
16:46How are you guys?
16:49Relaxing, sunbathing?
16:51Doing our best, yeah.
16:52Want to do a test?
16:55Test or fun?
16:56I think it's going to be both.
17:01As we enter the final phase of the competition,
17:03the clock's ticking to try and resolve any underlying issues.
17:07How's everyone doing today after last night?
17:09I never expected to see you boys so upset.
17:11I know.
17:12I never thought I was going to see you cry.
17:14Do you know what it was?
17:15Tom T really reminded me of my younger brother.
17:17Oh, is it? OK.
17:18I'm really close to my brother.
17:20He's autistic.
17:21My brother really didn't have much confidence
17:23and didn't really talk to people, was really nervous
17:26and the journey Tom T has been on in here,
17:29he was quite quiet, quite shy, wasn't very confident.
17:33He's come on leaps and bounds and, honestly,
17:36he really did remind me of my little brother,
17:38so, yeah, that's why I got a bit emotional.
17:41Are you OK today, boys?
17:43I had a good night's sleep, though,
17:44because I think I just cried out all my energy.
17:47That post-cry sleep hits different, doesn't it, girls?
17:50Oh, it's the best.
17:51I've never felt that before, too.
17:52I know you know how I feel.
17:54Everyone's back in the house.
17:56BroZone is officially being shut down.
17:59It's over.
18:02We're officially in phase three,
18:04new beginnings and happy endings.
18:09We love a happy ending.
18:10Love a happy ending, lad.
18:11Yo, come on!
18:15You guys are coming closer together
18:17and everyone's moving forward in a really positive way,
18:20but today I thought it would be interesting to see
18:22what the other couples think of your relationship issues.
18:27I believe that getting a fresh perspective
18:29will help our couples see their relationships differently,
18:32so hopefully they can put their past problems to bed.
18:36And today's test is called Water Sports.
18:40One couple is in the hot seat.
18:44I will then put questions to the other couples
18:46based on something you have said or done.
18:50And basically the other couples will decide
18:52if that thing is all right or not all right,
18:55and then if you think it's not all right,
18:57you will drench.
18:59And the couple that has the least water flowed over them will win.
19:05We'll get wet together.
19:06Anya, are you OK? Yeah.
19:08Was it a hair wash day? Yeah, but it's fine.
19:11Fuck, she had a hair wash day, guys, that's so up to her.
19:13Smells nice, though.
19:15Bailey and Anya, ready?
19:17Ready, let's do it.
19:19Couples, ready? Ready!
19:21Let's go.
19:22Is it all right that Bailey has never put Anya on his team?
19:26Is it all right that Bailey has never put Anya on his Instagram?
19:33It's not all right.
19:34When did you start posting each other?
19:36First date, mate.
19:37I wanted to let anybody know that's on my social media
19:40that I'm taken.
19:42Doesn't stop them, but...
19:44Well, I can't stop the world, can I?
19:46Stop the world!
19:51You know what to do. Let's do it.
19:53I think it was really easy to not post me on his socials.
19:56I feel like I've kind of been kept a little bit of a secret
19:59and I always thought that he would go and find someone better.
20:03Do it, guys.
20:10Sam and Geordie?
20:11Well, I posted you after the first date.
20:14Did I?
20:15Yeah, yeah, yeah.
20:16Is it right or is it not all right?
20:18It's not all right.
20:19It's not all right.
20:22I knew everyone was going to chuck the bucket over my head.
20:24I know it's not all right, all right?
20:26Get over it.
20:27Why is Anya not on your social media?
20:30I feel like maybe I was kind of looking still for girls,
20:33other girls' attention.
20:35To be fair, we have to respect the honesty.
20:38Do not beat around the bush.
20:39I always knew Bailey seeked attention from other girls,
20:42but hearing it, it does really hurt.
20:45Ready for this next one?
20:46Is it all right that Anya is willing
20:49to lick Bailey's bum hole in private?
20:52She just has to keep coming up.
20:54But won't kiss him in front of everyone?
20:58Sometimes I sit here and read this stuff out,
21:00and I'm like, where the fuck am I?
21:02I feel like this whole bum-licking thing keeps coming up now.
21:05It's not like it's all the time.
21:07It was like once in a blue moon.
21:09I got my ass licked.
21:11Let's put a pin in the bum-licking
21:13and get more focus on Anya doesn't like kissing Bailey
21:16in front of everyone.
21:17Victor and Maria, what do you feel about this?
21:20Whatever they do.
21:21Behind closed doors is their business.
21:23We've seen them kiss plenty of times.
21:25It's not that deep, yeah.
21:26So it's all right for us.
21:28Caravan rocking.
21:29Caravan rocking.
21:31I can't blame Anya for not wanting to do that,
21:34lick the bum hole in private,
21:36don't kiss in public.
21:37That's OK.
21:38It's all right.
21:39It's all right.
21:40Lilian Rubin, how do you feel?
21:42It's all right.
21:43Ryan and Saf, you're in the hot seat.
21:45Swap over, guys.
21:50They've moistened it up for you.
21:52Is it all right for Ryan to say that even after marriage
21:56he could only be 80% committed to Safiya?
22:0380-20 is just fucking brilliant.
22:08I don't recall that.
22:11You're still going round making jokes about 80-20.
22:14Like, who even finds that funny?
22:16I feel like I was just a mug.
22:20I feel like you need to be 100%.
22:23Otherwise, there's no point being together.
22:24It's not all right.
22:25Yeah, it's not all right.
22:26Sorry, Ryan.
22:27Sorry, Ryan.
22:28Bucket time.
22:33I don't know why I'm screaming.
22:36OK, is it all right for Safiya
22:39to check the CCTV at Ryan's work
22:44so she can check up on him?
22:49Some context.
22:50I was on Ryan's phone.
22:52When I was asleep.
22:55I trust him.
22:56I just like to double-check sometimes.
22:58I'd find it weird.
22:59I'd probably end up finishing it.
23:00Would you?
23:01I'd just find it freaky.
23:03You'd just kid and baby-bained it.
23:06I don't know.
23:07I don't know why I do it.
23:08It's just a habit.
23:09And I feel like because I have that opportunity to do it,
23:11I do it.
23:12But also, if he changes his password,
23:14I will go fucking nuts.
23:15So I'm just going to stop.
23:18I'll try to.
23:19It's kind of like a violation of privacy in a way, so...
23:21It's not all right.
23:22No, it's not all right.
23:23All right, grab them buckets.
23:24Sorry, Saf.
23:26She said that she checked the CCTV of me in the studio
23:30when I'm asleep.
23:31She said that she checks my phone, like, every other day.
23:34You clearly don't trust me.
23:35I think that's horrendous, mate.
23:37I'll be straight up, that's horrendous.
23:39Do you know what time it is, guys?
23:46Sam and Geordie, you're in the hot seat.
23:48Oh, yes.
23:49Come on, you got this, guys, you got this.
23:52That's neat.
23:53Sam, this one's about you.
23:54Oh, yeah.
23:55I hate freezing cold water,
23:57and I reckon that Sam's said some pretty shocking things.
24:03Is it all right that Sam texted his friend on a night out
24:07to say he wanted to lick out another girl?
24:11Did you lick her out?
24:13Did you lick her out?
24:15It was just a turn of phrase?
24:16Yeah, a turn of phrase, yeah.
24:17Some phrase, that.
24:20So, obviously, Sam sending that message,
24:25well, it caused us to split up.
24:28I do sometimes doubt him.
24:31He understands now that, like, that is not lad banter,
24:34like, there's nothing funny about it,
24:36so I'm just glad that he understands that now.
24:38Regardless if you went through with it or not,
24:40obviously, I feel like you know it's not right.
24:42And, Bailey, you would never talk to your mates that way, would you?
24:45Oh, no.
24:47God, no.
24:49That's disgusting.
24:50I feel like Bailey's playing more of a game here
24:52and not being as genuine as Victor and I are.
24:54Yeah, I'm the most improved boy here.
24:56Our relationship has grown.
24:59Go for it, guys.
25:02Oh, not in your mouth!
25:05Oh, is that nice?
25:07Ryan and Saf, do I even need to...?
25:11I personally think it was just silly boy banter.
25:14Have you learnt anything?
25:16No, wait, wait, wait!
25:17Is it all right? No, it's not all right.
25:19No, it's not all right.
25:20So get your bucket ready, then.
25:21Go for it.
25:24Bloody hell, it's lovely, that.
25:25Next, it is Victor and Maria.
25:34Is it all right that Maria brought Victor here
25:37because he wouldn't put a ring on it?
25:40I don't think there was enough to bring Victor here, personally.
25:44So I don't think it's all right, no.
25:46He's not as much of a degenerate as the rest of you.
25:50Yeah, he's actually a good boyfriend.
25:52Do you know what I mean?
25:53Degenerate is such a harsh word.
25:55What does that even mean?
25:56Yes, the marriage thing's a big thing, you know.
25:58He's thinking a lot more with his heart and not his brain,
26:01and that's exactly what I wanted to get out of this.
26:05Go, guys.
26:07Oh, my God!
26:08Oh, my God!
26:10God, that's cold!
26:12OK, Ryan and Saf.
26:14If you only had one thing to do,
26:16which is obviously explain you want to get married,
26:18and you've done that, do you really mean that?
26:22Do you feel like he's actually ready to be married
26:25or he's been backed into a corner?
26:26I think he's been backed into a corner.
26:28Are you implying that I'm faking the whole thing?
26:30That's a very big accusation.
26:32But why now and not, like, in the last six years?
26:36I've never been away from work, away from phone,
26:38away from all the stress and things I had to deal with.
26:41As happy as I am, if you do mean it,
26:43I just don't see how, like, a few challenges
26:45have made you just change your mind,
26:47cos you were so against it at first.
26:49They had their mind made up already,
26:51and they were just, like, just kind of, like, attacking us,
26:54and they want to find little, small things
26:56to make it look bad in their mind.
26:58Small things to make it look bad in their mind.
27:00That's exactly what's been happening.
27:07Man, they can't tell me that Victor and I are fake
27:09at the end of the day.
27:10Like, people try and shit on my relationship,
27:12just no shit will enter your relationship.
27:14That's just how the world works.
27:26OK, Lily and Ruben, you're up.
27:29Feeling confident? It's called the dream.
27:34Is it all right that Ruben wants sex up to three times a day
27:38because he won't masturbate?
27:42Honestly, go and have a wank. It's all right.
27:45But he's so obvious when he does it,
27:47he has, like, a whole set-up in the bathroom.
27:49Oh, my God! What's the set-up?
27:51What's the set-up? We need to know, we need to know.
27:53So he has a little stool... Yeah.
27:55..which stays in the bathroom.
27:57He's got his big fuck-off laptop as well.
27:59He's got headphones.
28:01And then, obviously, the door's locked for a while,
28:03so once I know the headphones and laptop's gone,
28:05I just let him just go about his day.
28:07Oh, and I forgot the bathroom mat's underneath my arse,
28:09in case he gets scared. What? Oh, dear.
28:11Don't put the bathroom mat there.
28:13How would you find that, Lily,
28:15if Ruben had a set-up in the bathroom ready to go?
28:18He wouldn't let me use my toys, so...
28:21A Big Daddy. She's got the little pink one as well.
28:24What is it, a dildo? He hates Big Daddy.
28:27He hates Big Daddy!
28:29He's fucking huge, bro.
28:31Can't compete with that, dude.
28:35You don't mind Lily having a little meeting with Big Daddy?
28:38Well, if she's complaining about me wanting her fucking three times a day
28:41and then she's going off with that thing,
28:43she can spare me a few minutes, can't she?
28:49Bailey, Danny, how do you feel about this?
28:51I mean, I'm lucky if I get her once a week.
28:54Guys, what do you think?
28:56Sorry I have a high sex drive, but I'm like, fuck's wrong with that?
28:59Hey, I want your high sex drive!
29:01So does Anya!
29:03Sorry, Lil!
29:09Sorry, guys.
29:14Ryan's pissed me off.
29:16I can see that he was looking at her, like, up and down,
29:19and it just made me feel uncomfortable.
29:21I literally looked at him, looking at her up and down.
29:24Like, I'm not blind.
29:25So what was the issue?
29:27I can see your eyes looking at her, like, up and down.
29:29I'm seeing mine next to you.
29:32You're an engaged man. Like, what are you doing?
29:35What do you think, Sam? Would you go three times a day?
29:38Well, I'd probably like it three times a day, yeah, but it's...
29:44Are you OK with three times a day, Lil?
29:46Sometimes, like, obviously it's quick anyway,
29:48so I'd do it for your own pleasure.
29:50Oh, so that's the reason?
29:52Ruben and I were just the most active couple here.
29:56I wouldn't do it if I don't want to.
29:58So, yeah, like, to me, it's all right.
30:01It's all right.
30:02I mean, I wouldn't be doing it, but it's all right if you guys do it.
30:05It's all right.
30:09That's water sports over, guys.
30:11Lily and Ruben, after taking only one bucket...
30:15You won!
30:21We won. Yes.
30:24You are the winners.
30:26You are the winners,
30:28which means you get a super exciting high-budget reward,
30:33a Chinese takeaway, for you and one other couple
30:37that you think could learn the most from you.
30:45So who would you like to join you for Chinese takeaway?
30:50Ryan and Saf.
30:54Yes, thanks. I'll see you tomorrow.
30:56Thank you. See you. Bye.
31:00I'm holding my shoes like I've been on a one-night stand.
31:03Yeah, do, innit?
31:06Oh, my. I got soaked.
31:20What questions did youse get her?
31:22About him being 80%, even when we're married.
31:25The thing about Saf, Saf says that she can take a joke, but...
31:30But what joke can't I take?
31:32The 80 to anything?
31:35No, that's not what I'm annoyed.
31:37So what was the issue?
31:38That you was looking at her.
31:40What do you mean that I was looking at her?
31:42I could see your eyes, literally, going...
31:45I think it's cos it's specifically Lily and it was Lily on the strip.
31:48Do you know what I mean?
31:49Yeah, but we should already be over that by now.
31:52If I was Saf, I would probably feel, like, incredibly insecure,
31:56especially if I knew that my boyfriend obviously fancied someone
31:59when he's seen her on the strip.
32:02Listen to the shit that's coming out of your mouth.
32:04Sorry, guys.
32:06It's not sorry, guys. How about sorry to me, bro?
32:11I'm done.
32:12Fucking idiot.
32:13She talks shit and you want to fucking say,
32:15oh, I'm sorry to your fucking boys?
32:17Fuck off.
32:19I would feel the exact same as Saf.
32:21And do you know what, it could have been squashed so much quicker
32:24if Ryan just sort of, like, reassured her,
32:26but he didn't, he did the complete opposite
32:29and, like, jumped on the defensive and blamed Saf for how she's feeling.
32:36You all right, bro?
32:37Yeah, you good?
32:39Yeah, she's just doing my head in.
32:40So was it during the challenge you were just looking at her?
32:44But where's he going to look, though?
32:45What, when they were sitting in front of you?
32:48I think cos she's looking at him.
32:50When the challenge's on, obviously what's previously happened,
32:52she's just creating scenarios on her own.
32:55And it's obviously just bubbling up.
32:56Yeah, but what's kind of triggered it?
32:57Like, where's it come from?
32:58From the start, when they went out, obviously.
33:01Have you got a girlfriend or something?
33:04No comment.
33:06Do you want to jump the fence?
33:07In the pen.
33:08In the pen?
33:13Oh, shit.
33:14Do you get what I mean?
33:16She's clearly not over what happened on the strip with Lily,
33:20but she needs to make it clear on how it can be fixed,
33:23because otherwise I'm not going to be happy with it
33:25just being sat on the sidelines the whole time
33:27for you to bring up whenever you want.
33:29Hey, bro, you OK?
33:30I'm just a bit pissed off, bro.
33:33Saf's just moving silly.
33:34She's like to me,
33:35oh, I saw the way you were looking at Lily
33:37when you lot were sitting there doing the challenge.
33:40She sat there in a bikini and getting water thrown on her.
33:43Anybody with eyes in their head would find Lily attractive.
33:46I have to take it as a compliment, obviously.
33:48There's a line and no-one can disrespect across that line.
33:52I'm like, where else do you want me to look?
33:54Like, you lot are there, really.
33:55Do you get what I'm trying to say?
33:56Do you not think that maybe it's just stemming from the night?
33:59Yeah, but...
34:00I thought that was squash.
34:01Well, that's the stage right now, which it should be squash.
34:03So it's like she's looking for something that's not there.
34:06Because she can't be telling you that everything's OK
34:08and then it's, like, blown up like that.
34:10Cos then it makes me think, wow, like...
34:13..are we even improved then?
34:15You've improved, maybe she hasn't.
34:17You need to give her the ultimatum of saying,
34:19are you going to get over it or not?
34:21Well, yeah, we've got this takeaway thing.
34:23That's going to be awkward now.
34:24Do you see what I'm trying to say?
34:27She's not only made it awkward between me and Lily now,
34:30she's going to make me second-guess how I am and where I look
34:33and, you know, have I looked at that person for too long?
34:36Are you watching me when I'm talking to somebody?
34:39Like, there's so many different things to it now.
34:42You've just made it weird.
34:46It's just his reaction. I pissed him off because...
34:49You could just easily reassure me that I'm bugging out,
34:52that I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.
34:55Of course.
34:56If you're going to be a man-child and, you know,
34:58have a one-to-one night, that's fine, do it, but not with me.
35:01I'm not going to be with a man that doesn't know if he won't cheat on me.
35:04Of course. I'm not a dickhead.
35:06I'm not going to be with someone that doesn't know.
35:08I've never seen Ryan look at me inappropriately.
35:11It's just something I don't really want to get involved in.
35:14All I can do is give Saf the reassurance that there's nothing there,
35:19nothing will ever happen, and I got her no matter what.
35:23The way you're feeling is completely, like, valid.
35:27I don't ever want you just worrying about me or Ryan
35:30in any way possible.
35:32Yeah. Try and be funny.
35:38He's not hearing me, he's not listening to me,
35:40he's not seeing where I'm coming from.
35:42And I just got my lashes done, so I don't even want to cry.
35:47Are you ready to have a conversation?
35:49Yeah, if you are. If you're not going to have a conversation,
35:52if you are, if you're not going to come with some bullshit.
36:05What is the actual issue?
36:08Obviously I know she's your type,
36:10I obviously know you have a high sex drive,
36:12so I don't know if the conversation made you, I don't know,
36:15look or whatever for a second.
36:17I'm not saying you didn't the whole time,
36:19but if I say something, I saw your eyes doing that.
36:22Knowing what you done on the strip to Lily.
36:24I thought that you were over it.
36:26Why would I be over it?
36:28Because you've told me when we had a conversation with Olivia.
36:31I said I've forgiven you.
36:33This doesn't mean I'm over it, you hurt me, bro.
36:36That was the most you've ever hurt me in our relationship.
36:39OK, but phase two was forgive and forget, no?
36:41Yes, but it still hurt me.
36:43It doesn't mean because I'm forgiving you
36:45that I just completely forget about it.
36:47Why are we talking about things that we've already gone over?
36:50You're drawing things out of the mud for no reason.
36:53No, I'm not, bro. Give yourself two minutes.
36:55Do you want to calm down? Because you're literally talking shit.
36:58The words that are coming out of your mouth are not making sense.
37:01How about you just take accountability?
37:03Take accountability for what?
37:05You're not trusting me. I'm not trusting you.
37:07You're fucking stupid, I did trust you.
37:09You went to the strip and gave out your fucking Instagram.
37:12Yeah, and then you trusted me again, but obviously it was a lie.
37:15You should have taken accountability.
37:17You could have literally just said,
37:19Saf, I didn't do that, I'm sorry.
37:21But you're walking away like a fucking dickhead.
37:24You think I need to take accountability? Fuck off.
37:27He's telling me I don't trust him.
37:29No shit, Sherlock.
37:31You've already tried it on with her.
37:33I'm not a robot that, OK, I'm going to push the forgive button
37:37and that's it, it's erased from my memory.
37:54I feel like after this challenge I'm not that confident anymore,
37:57that we won't get voted out next.
38:00What do you think will be the next ones?
38:02I feel like they just see it as... I've been pressured.
38:05..it's, like, fake and you've been pressured into doing it,
38:08where from the beginning I've always said I'm not trying to force him.
38:11You're not alone. I hear you. I love you. I love you too.
38:14You're not alone and I 100% understand you.
38:18Thank you so much for choosing us.
38:20I couldn't choose a better date, to be fair.
38:23That was your first win as well.
38:27I'm so happy for you guys.
38:29Like, I don't want things to get awkward between us, ever, and you won't.
38:33I love you girls.
38:35Oi, oi. Ain't that the sexiest delivery boy to live on the planet?
38:40That egg fried rice? Yeah.
38:43Have I been stood up today? I think I...
38:45Might be just me. Me?
38:47No, you haven't been stood up.
38:49Has he taken accountability? No.
38:51At all? It's me that needs to take it, apparently.
38:54Do you feel like there's anything you might need to take accountability on?
38:58No. With everything that went on in the street, like...
39:02I think it's just a bit mad that you're making those type of jokes.
39:05I don't think it's appropriate.
39:07That's why I wanted to apologise,
39:09cos I feel like I have been taking part in the jokes.
39:11I am kind of, you know, egging it on, or I am involved in it,
39:13so I do need to apologise for that.
39:15Thank you for apologising, but it's not you who put a ring on my finger.
39:19I should be worrying about my feelings, do you know what I mean?
39:24Victor, do you not want any Chinese?
39:26I can have some sweet and sour chicken.
39:28Do you reckon? Just lob a bit of duck over the balcony or something.
39:32Some of that duck, yeah, if they can have some of that duck.
39:36Hey, Ryan.
39:38Hey, you all right?
39:46So this is just going to be the four of us sat there like fucking eejits, isn't it?
39:52First time we get something decent, someone has to fucking shit in it.
39:55Like, thanks.
39:57Why are you pissed off? Why are you pissed off?
40:00I already told you. Why? Because I don't trust you?
40:05Did I make you not trust me before we came here?
40:07No. I trusted you before I came here.
40:09That's why you used to always look through my phone and do dumb shit.
40:12I did trust you. Check the CCTV and all that shit. I did trust you.
40:15You have lied to me in this process
40:18and said that you've forgiven and you've forgotten something.
40:20Babe, the fact you're acting like this shows me that you actually generally wasn't sorry.
40:25I trusted you before you went to the strips.
40:27Don't tell me to shush. Well, shush, then. Don't interrupt me.
40:30Don't tell me to shush. Don't interrupt me then,
40:32because I'm not interrupting you. Dash this food in your face.
40:34Dash it in my face. Dash it in my face. Dash it in my face.
40:36This is exactly how you act at home, so you've really improved.
40:39And look how fucking ungrateful you are, throwing food over the floor.
40:42And don't fucking tell me to shut up.
40:46Don't you talk to me like that.
40:49Yeah, you're going to run away like a video.
40:51You said that you've improved. Improved where, bro?
40:53You're exactly the same.
40:55Fucking embarrassing.
40:59He always fucking acts like that.
41:02Do you see what I have to actually put up with?
41:08This is happy ending. Third phase.
41:10Happy ending. It's a happy ending.
41:12This doesn't sound like a happy ending. What's going on?
41:14Obviously, Saf and Ryan are arguing again.
41:16Let me say, this is phase three, happy ending.
41:18So, I feel like the only reason why you'd be arguing is maybe you're sweeping things under the rug
41:23or you're potentially just faking it.
41:26I don't know.
41:27Do you think Ryan's portion is still free?
41:30I can have some Chinese, man.
41:32How can I trust you when you had one thing to prove to me
41:36that I can trust you and you failed miserably?
41:39He's clearly shown me that he is like that.
41:44I felt like he was improving and doing better, but no, he's ruined it.
41:47We might as well actually literally go home.
41:49He's too busy considering his own feelings right now,
41:51which he feels like you're not considering.
41:53And you're feeling like he's not considering your feelings.
41:55That's why you guys are clashing.
41:57I think what you guys generally need.
41:58Chicken bowl.
41:59Chicken bowl.
42:01Rib. Throw something down.
42:04They can actually have my food and they can have his as well.
42:06Like, he's actually ruined it.
42:08No, don't be sorry.
42:09We can save it for later, honestly.
42:11You fucking embarrass me in front of everyone.
42:14What the fuck is his problem?
42:19And he tells me he loves me more than anything,
42:21and this is like, go fuck off.
42:24It's not you, babe. Honestly.
42:27I literally can't say anything to him.
42:29Like, I say something quietly to him.
42:31I explain how I feel and he can't even hear that.
42:34Like, we've worked so hard, we've progressed so much,
42:37and I generally feel like he's changed.
42:39And now he's just acting like this.
42:41It's just making me feel like a dickhead for forgiving him in the first place.
42:44And now we're taking steps back, like, it just doesn't make sense.
42:48I don't think he loves me.
42:50Everyone tells me Ryan loves you so much, he loves you so much.
42:52Someone that loves me doesn't do stuff like this.
42:58Oh, they're coming down.
43:04Phase three happy ending, guy.
43:07Fucking hell, mate, yeah.
43:09I feel a bit sorry for Ryan just because this whole process
43:12is about moving forward,
43:14and I don't think it's going to benefit Saf and Ryan's relationship
43:17if it first night on the strip keeps getting brought up.
43:22Come on, man, talk to me.
43:24The trust thing's coming back, it's, like, creeping back in.
43:29..I just don't feel like she's being honest with herself.
43:32And it's frustrating because this is the perfect time
43:35to just be honest with yourself and just say, look... 100%.
43:38..it's not that I don't trust you, I've just got trust issues.
43:41That's all I want to hear, you know what I'm saying? Of course.
43:44I'm feeling frustrated, I'm feeling angry,
43:47I'm feeling hurt, I'm feeling betrayed, in a sense.
43:51If you can't take that on board,
43:54then how do you expect the relationship to work?
43:58Well, first of all, let me just apologise for the way I acted upstairs.
44:02That was wrong for me to throw the food like that.
44:05And, obviously, what I did on the strip that night
44:08has now given me a reason to not trust me,
44:10and I fully take accountability for that.
44:12My behaviour was unacceptable.
44:16But I would really, really, really want to just, like...
44:21..address this whole trust issues thing before we get married.
44:25And be honest, do you not feel like you have some sort of trust issues?
44:31Yeah, OK.
44:35OK, and where do you think that stems from?
44:38Past relationships, probably.
44:40Say, an 80-20 every ten seconds.
44:43You need to reassure me, and your actions need to show it.
44:46Now you're telling me that,
44:48I can be more delicate about certain things?
44:51I understand what you're saying.
44:53A little bit confused as to how this is now an issue that I have.
44:56I don't think Ryan really understands my point,
44:58but I can't be bothered to keep going on and on about it.
45:01Hopefully, he gets the point soon.
45:07Right, cool, well, thank you for speaking to me.
45:14Want a kiss?
45:2880% resolved.
45:3020% stripped under the rug.
45:37I would like you to go on dates from hell.
45:41I'm your type. You're an attractive woman.
45:43Do you think you've changed? Massively.
45:45I don't see it massively.
45:47Do you think you could be swayed?
45:49I'm trying to make sure that you're not here to win a competition.
45:52You just need to focus on your relationship and I'll focus on mine.
45:55I think you need to sit back down.
45:57I'm doing my heading. I'm just fucking walking away.
46:17I'm just fucking walking away.