24 Hours in Police Custody S01E01 The Conspiracy to Murder (29 September 2014)

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24 Hours in Police Custody S01E01 The Conspiracy to Murder
Original air date (29 September 2014)
This episode opens with the dawn arrest of a man on suspicion of conspiracy to murder. The film documents the work of the lead detectives as they investigate and interview the suspect.
00:00:00Alpha India 1-1. Alpha India 1-1 go ahead. Just thought I'd make you aware that the convoy
00:00:14is now making its way to URN 3-0-9. Yeah, all copy, thank you. What we've got is this
00:00:27morning's suspect number 6, Mayboo Baig, born 1982. We'll send half of you round the back
00:00:35and the other half at the front. Just a gentle knock in, see if there's a reply at the door
00:00:39and if there is no reply then entry will be forced. There it is. You see the little porch
00:00:46with the black door? It's got a camera on the front. Just abandon it. Please come to
00:01:09the door please. Hi Mr Baig, can we go in the house please? We've got a warrant to search your
00:01:25address. That's alright mate, we do these things early unfortunately. You can go into your lounge.
00:01:30Is it alright to go in there? Yeah.
00:01:39Right Mr Baig, I'm arresting you on suspicion of conspiracy to murder. The circumstances being
00:01:45that information has been received to suggest that you were involved in the shooting of Atif Ali
00:01:49in Leicester Road on or about the 20th of May. I do not have to say anything but it may harm your
00:01:54defence if you do not mention when questioned something of a fatal line in court. Anything
00:01:57you do say may be given in evidence, do you understand? Yes. I'm going to have to handcuff
00:02:01you unfortunately so you can get some socks and shoes on for us. That was good, it's in.
00:02:07Is that the guy in there? Yeah. He's massive isn't he? Big old boy.
00:02:25Once a suspect is in custody, the police have 24 hours to investigate and interview.
00:02:33After that, it's either charge or release. You have been arrested on suspicion of human
00:02:39trafficking. On suspicion of stalking. On suspicion of GBH. Possession and making of
00:02:45indecent images of children. On suspicion of conspiracy to murder. Start explaining.
00:02:54It's the police's job to ask what really happened. Where were you on the 28th of March? It was not
00:03:00me, I was not there. That could have been 101 people but it's nothing to do with me.
00:03:10Police! Open the door now!
00:03:16Who's innocent? Who's guilty? Why would Pete say that he'd assaulted him? Because he's deluded,
00:03:23he's drunk. Well that's nonsense. Police! Drop your hands! From the streets to the interrogation
00:03:30rooms. Where's the knife? Did you have a knife? He makes specific threat that he is going to kill her.
00:03:37From the suspects to the head of CID. That's one hell of a shirt David, I'm loving it.
00:03:45These are the men and women who have just 24 hours to find the evidence.
00:03:49I'm not letting him get away with it. I want him nicked and charged.
00:03:54If he kicks off I'm out of the door. I'm a lover not a fighter. Will they discover it
00:04:01before time runs out? Good news? Yeah. Got him.
00:04:09I'm just going to do a quick search, quick pat down. Thank you. To be a bit of the process you've
00:04:21got any mobile phones in the house? I've got my personal one yeah. Where's that at the minute
00:04:25because we need to seize that as well. Okay. Where's that at the minute? I've got it, I'll
00:04:32give it to you it's fine. Yeah okay cool. Can I just brush my teeth?
00:04:35The suspect, Mabu Baig, is believed to be a key player in a conspiracy to murder.
00:04:42All this on my phone yeah? Yeah it's all just your phone yeah.
00:04:57The investigation has taken nearly a year.
00:05:00The next 24 hours will determine whether Baig will be charged or released.
00:05:30Have you still got the keys?
00:06:01Okay good morning.
00:06:09Time of arrest please? 6.35. And what was the offence? A conspiracy to murder.
00:06:18Circumstances please? Briefly I've got information received to suggest that he's involved in a
00:06:22conspiracy to murder of Atif Ali on and before the 20th of May 2013.
00:06:30Okay do you understand why you've been arrested? Did you understand what this officer has just
00:06:37explained? Yeah, I still don't understand. I know, so it's been explained. Okay so I'm going to
00:06:42authorise your detention so that you can be interviewed regarding this information the
00:06:45police have received and that gives you the opportunity to give an explanation. Okay.
00:06:55Ah is that his? Yeah we seized it at the house but he won't give us a pin.
00:07:00Before I was a policeman I was a holiday rat. It was young fun. I worked in Magaluf for a couple
00:07:19of summers and I met my wife but it just got to the point when we were getting married.
00:07:25I needed a proper job. I saw an advert in the local paper about can you deal with drunks? Can
00:07:32you deal with domestics? Can you deal with fights? And as a holiday rep I'd already dealt with all
00:07:40those sort of things. I like it. I've been away five minutes, come back and find that you've nicked
00:07:45my cup. Hello? Yes. Get a cup of coffee in you because I need your alert for the interviews
00:07:51right? I'll let you get yourself settled mate for five minutes after your holiday to Vegas.
00:07:59Vegas. How much money did you lose? We took sixteen hundred dollars spending money
00:08:05and after the first three days, gambling, food, drinks, the whole lot, we were about 150 dollars
00:08:12down. That was it. Yeah one day we won a thousand dollars between the four of us and stuff just on
00:08:18slot machines. Just trying to get to ruler please so I can see how tall you are. Yeah of course.
00:08:26Thank you. I used to be six five. What happens is your spine
00:08:30takes a strain from all that lifting overhead and from all that. Mr Baig? Yes. Any history of
00:08:36self-harming? No. And how do you feel now? Perfectly fine. Just a bit upset. Okay would
00:08:43you like to have a solicitor? Yeah, Atik Malik. And would you like to read a book called The Codes
00:08:50of Practice which explains all our police powers and procedures? Yeah go on then. Keep me occupied
00:08:55a couple of minutes. I don't like reading but yeah. And the last question, if anybody
00:09:02rings in to ask about you being arrested and here, do you give us permission to tell them?
00:09:06It's either a yes or no. I can't do yes only if it's my mum. No then.
00:09:17Says here you're slim. I am slim.
00:09:25I wouldn't go any lower actually. You might have to slouch a little bit.
00:09:30Your head's just poking up a little bit. You might have to sort of...
00:09:33There you go. And this is your DNA. I think I'll be able to reach your mouth.
00:09:49This is a copy of the warrant. It's a section eight warrant. That'll be your copy. You'll get
00:09:53to keep a copy of that. Hopefully you're not going to be here more than a few hours
00:09:57to do the search. Police are searching for any evidence that links Baig to the crime.
00:10:10The mobile phone that was used to coordinate the shooting has never been found.
00:10:16Okay, dogs can go through first with a start time of 7.25.
00:10:21Morning. Would you like some breakfast, mate?
00:10:26I can't get up on the best of days. Do you want anything to eat? Yes, please.
00:10:30We've got an all-day breakfast with a cereal, so it's cornflakes or crunchy nut.
00:10:34Crunchy nut, please. So you want crunchy nut? Thank you. Okay, see you in a little bit.
00:10:39See you later.
00:11:20If we don't find what we need, we may need to go into his workplace as well.
00:11:27We'll be just looking for the mobile phone. It's the main phone we're looking for that
00:11:30he communicated as part of the offence.
00:11:34Hello, Chris. It's Ben. I've got some good news for you. We haven't got the phone yet,
00:11:39but we do have the box for the phone with the IME on the side.
00:11:43I know, that's a brilliant result in itself, mate. Thank you for that.
00:11:46They're not even halfway through the search yet, but I'll just sort of keep you alert.
00:11:51Gary, Martin, just go down to my little office and I'll talk you through all this.
00:11:58You have a nice holiday? Yeah. Was it wedding vows or something you had done?
00:12:02It was all sorts. We just went out there. It was because we've been together 20 years
00:12:06this month. We went there and it was cracking.
00:12:10All right, so we've got Mayboo Baig in custody today.
00:12:13Mayboo Baig is the brother-in-law of Shahzad Maroof, the main suspect in the conspiracy.
00:12:22An interesting development has just come in. They have found the 818 phone box in the house.
00:12:29They haven't found the phone yet, but the search is still ongoing, but they've found the box
00:12:32with the IME on it. And this 818 phone is very important, and the reasons for that are
00:12:38that on the morning of the offence, this phone contacts most of the key parties involved.
00:12:47Yes. Mr Baig? Hello. Yes, he has. He's asked for Mr Malik.
00:12:57Well, the client would like to speak to him. A conspiracy to murder.
00:13:00A conspiracy to murder.
00:13:05I'm just going to do consultation in room C, if you're happy, Sergeant.
00:13:09Who is it for, sorry? It is for Mr Baig.
00:13:11Mr Baig? Yeah. His representative is Mr Malik.
00:13:20Fighting for people's rights, that is something that I do like.
00:13:24Ensuring that people get justice, people have the right representation, and fighting the corner.
00:13:29Because when someone's in the police station, it's very easy to become very intimidated.
00:13:36Being that person's sword and shield, that in itself is very, very gratifying.
00:13:42My first day back. I've just come back from Vegas.
00:13:45Have you? Yeah.
00:13:46It's like my time clock, my body clock's all over the place.
00:13:51I really enjoy doing interviewing. There's always two sides, at least to any one story, so
00:13:58they see what they've got to say.
00:14:01Who do you want to see in this? Chris Hutton.
00:14:02Yeah, Detective Sergeant Hutton.
00:14:04Oh. We are with the big boys today, aren't we?
00:14:11So looking at what we've got at the minute, we've got the phone box,
00:14:14and it's the number that calls all the key offenders.
00:14:16Are we all geared up for interview?
00:14:18Had some delay getting a solicitor here. Lost a couple of hours there.
00:14:28Police aren't yet prepared to reveal their discovery
00:14:31of the mobile phone box to Baig's lawyer.
00:14:34None of this is always in the public domain anyway.
00:14:36What's the actual disclosure for, um...
00:14:38You're going to ask him what you'd expect,
00:14:41but, of course, my question is why. What's the evidence linking him to it?
00:14:43At the moment, that's...
00:14:44So there's no further disclosure?
00:14:46Not at this moment in time, no.
00:14:47OK. Disclosure.
00:14:48Just giving him his opportunity to account for a few things.
00:14:52If you get a murder, it's normally drugs, money or women.
00:15:01Solicitor's here, mate.
00:15:02Are you OK?
00:15:04You're huge!
00:15:07I'm glad you're friendly.
00:15:09I'm glad you're friendly.
00:15:23Criminal damage, domestic.
00:15:24Basically, this gentleman's PS4 has broken today.
00:15:29And he's proceeded to smash the door...
00:15:33At home?
00:15:33Yeah, at his mum's address and caused damage.
00:15:36Can we try the cigarette, please?
00:15:38There's no smoking here, it's a public building.
00:15:40Do you have any medical conditions?
00:15:41Bad chest.
00:15:42A bad chest? What do you mean, bad chest?
00:15:44Water goes on it, it's tight. I don't know what they call it.
00:15:47I don't know what it's called, no.
00:15:49So lungs or chest?
00:15:50It goes in here.
00:15:53I've had a bad week all week.
00:15:54I know, I've had a bad week all week.
00:15:56Yeah, we all have.
00:15:57I'm not well.
00:15:58I know, or me. Why aren't you well?
00:16:00I'm not well.
00:16:01Why aren't you well? Tell me what's wrong with you.
00:16:03I'm not well. Can I go out smoking out at the yard or something?
00:16:06Listen to me, there's no smoking here.
00:16:09I am handing over at three o'clock, OK?
00:16:12Because I need to get out of here before I punch somebody.
00:16:17So last month I got a CT scan done here.
00:16:19There seems to be a muscle tear there.
00:16:24One of the major tendons that goes from the chest to the shoulder
00:16:26come off.
00:16:28And they can't do anything because it's been over a year.
00:16:31It's because of the functional training, isn't it?
00:16:34But it's really bad, man.
00:16:36You don't know, you could be fine one minute and then...
00:16:38That's that.
00:16:41How long have you been working out?
00:16:43A long time.
00:16:44I used to think of it like playing rugby, but it destroyed me in the end.
00:16:48Did it? What, the back and that?
00:16:50Strangely enough, I was a fullback.
00:16:51I used to be 13 and a half stone and a racing snake.
00:16:54I could do 100 metres in under 12 seconds.
00:16:58But, yeah, I've had five knee operations,
00:17:02one cruciate snapped,
00:17:03and the other one's got a 20% cut in it and they won't replace it.
00:17:07Top game rugby, though.
00:17:08I've fractured cheekbone, fractured skull, broken arm, nose...
00:17:12Being a holiday rep beforehand, my whole job was to talk to people,
00:17:19have fun and have a laugh.
00:17:20Sometimes it wasn't always fun and sometimes it wasn't always a laugh,
00:17:23but you learn an awful lot about people when they're away,
00:17:29when they're out of their own homes.
00:17:31OK, when I hit this button, it starts recording.
00:17:37It's working, marvellous.
00:17:39OK, this interview's been recorded and may be given in evidence
00:17:41if the case is brought to trial.
00:17:43I'm DC140 Martin Hart,
00:17:44currently work in a serious crime team based at Luton Police Station.
00:17:48The other officer present is...
00:17:49Investigation Officer 3889 Gary Hales.
00:17:52And the time that I've got is 11.36.
00:17:56OK, now what I'm going to do now is I'm going to read out
00:17:58the disclosure that we gave to you, solicitor.
00:18:00The bottom line is your client was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy
00:18:03to murder Atif Ali in Luton on Monday the 20th of May 2013.
00:18:08The circumstances are that at approximately eight o'clock on that day,
00:18:11the victim left his home address on his way to work.
00:18:13Whilst waiting to turn into Leicester Road, Luton from Wetherby Road,
00:18:17his vehicle was hit from behind by another car.
00:18:20Ali pulled up outside the Leicester Arms,
00:18:21got out of his vehicle to inspect the damage.
00:18:23As he was standing up, he was shot once to the leg, causing massive injuries.
00:18:27It is believed that Ali was shot following a history of issues
00:18:30and threats with a person called Shahzad Maroof.
00:18:33Up to today, a total of seven other people have been arrested
00:18:35in connection with this inquiry.
00:18:37The person is charged are Maroof, Sajid Hussain,
00:18:39Bernard Pile and Matthew McCafferty.
00:18:42In this interview, your client will be asked to account
00:18:44for any knowledge he has about this offence,
00:18:46the people mentioned above and the circumstances around this offence.
00:18:50Could you just confirm that that is...
00:18:52What I can confirm is that this disclosure was given to me.
00:18:55And despite this setting out the circumstances of the offence in question,
00:19:00it did not set out what the evidence against my client was.
00:19:03And upon noting that, I did ask you for any further disclosure
00:19:07to which you refused to provide. Is that correct?
00:19:09That's correct.
00:19:10You cannot force the police to give you disclosures.
00:19:13It's at their discretion whether they give you information
00:19:15about why the person's there or not.
00:19:18As a solicitor, I need to be able to advise my client
00:19:21on the strengths and weaknesses of the case against him.
00:19:23It's only by knowing that, that I can say to him,
00:19:26you know, OK, there is a case that you have to be worried about, or there isn't.
00:19:29You should answer questions or you shouldn't.
00:19:32There's an old saying which a lot of criminal lawyers follow,
00:19:34and that is, if in doubt, say now.
00:19:37My next question is literally be, what can you tell me about the offence?
00:19:39And the answer to that is...
00:19:41You've got a prepared statement. OK.
00:19:43I'm Abu Baig, which says, followed and instructed by me
00:19:45and written by my legal representative.
00:19:47My only knowledge of this offence is what is already in the public domain.
00:19:51I have no other knowledge, information or involvement in it.
00:19:53I am not involved in any conspiracy to murder,
00:19:55and I'm shocked to find myself here today.
00:19:58I'm not a career criminal.
00:19:59I'm a working professional and family man.
00:20:01I do know Marouf and Sajid Hussain.
00:20:04Marouf is a family member and Sajid Hussain is simply known to me in the community.
00:20:08I do not know Bernard Pile or Matthew McCafferty.
00:20:12In light of the limited disclosure that was given,
00:20:15I have no recourse but to advise my client to answer no comments or questions.
00:20:20In law, you've got a right to silence.
00:20:21You do not have to answer any question I put to you.
00:20:24There is a but.
00:20:26But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned
00:20:28something you later rely on in court.
00:20:30What's the saying is, yes, you do have a right to silence.
00:20:32If you end up going to court
00:20:34and you then answer the questions that the officers have put to you,
00:20:38they might decide to draw an inference.
00:20:40So they could say to you, well, hang on.
00:20:42He had the chance to talk and didn't.
00:20:44OK? You got that? Any questions about that at all?
00:20:48OK, so I know you said in your prepared statement you're a family man.
00:20:54How many children do you have?
00:20:56No comment.
00:20:57How old are they?
00:20:58No comment.
00:21:01What's your wife's name?
00:21:02No comment.
00:21:02How long have you been married?
00:21:04No comment.
00:21:09I did actually forget to ask you something at the start,
00:21:11and that's how do you want me to refer to you as?
00:21:13Do you want me to call you Mr Baig, Babu, Mabs?
00:21:18I'm sorry, it's just something I forgot and I should have done it.
00:21:20It's just for politeness.
00:21:22He probably prefers Mr Baig, doesn't he?
00:21:24OK, no problem.
00:21:28Baig, chap in the middle.
00:21:31Senior detectives in CID are still assessing the strength of their case.
00:21:36The key phone that links him in, is this phone ending 818?
00:21:40Dirty phone, unregistered, pay as you go.
00:21:43How we're linking it to him is via Wellcome Finance.
00:21:48Wellcome Finance confirmed that he gave that as his number.
00:21:52We've also got it recorded in Sajid Hussain's phone.
00:21:58What's he got it in his phone as?
00:21:59He's got it recorded as Mab.
00:22:02Maybe Baig, Mabs, Baig.
00:22:04Yeah, OK.
00:22:04Now, we know that he's known as Mabs because he was a member of David Lloyd Leisure
00:22:10for a few weeks a month as a Troll membership in November 2013.
00:22:14And he gave that as his name, Mabs.
00:22:19You're obviously an athletic gentleman.
00:22:21Keep yourself in far better condition than I do.
00:22:24Do you have a home gym?
00:22:26No comment.
00:22:27Or do you belong to any gyms in Luton?
00:22:30No comment.
00:22:31Or any gyms at all?
00:22:32No comment.
00:22:35Um, have you ever been to David Lloyd gym in Luton?
00:22:40No comment.
00:22:41Have you ever signed in there?
00:22:42No comment.
00:22:44What name did you use to sign in?
00:22:45No comment.
00:22:46Did you use Maboot Baig?
00:22:48No comment.
00:22:49Did you use Mabs?
00:22:51No comment.
00:22:53When you were arrested and brought in, you have an iPhone, I believe.
00:23:00Do you know your phone number off the top of your head?
00:23:02No comment.
00:23:03Ends in, is it 585?
00:23:05No comment.
00:23:06Are there any other phones, um, in your house?
00:23:10No comment.
00:23:10Does your good lady have a mobile phone?
00:23:13No comment.
00:23:15Is it a case of you don't recall?
00:23:17No comment.
00:23:18Or you simply don't want to answer?
00:23:20No comment.
00:23:27Moving on.
00:23:29What can you tell me about Marouf?
00:23:31No comment.
00:23:34Sajid Hussain, you say you know him from the community.
00:23:38Can you explain a little bit more about that?
00:23:40No comment.
00:23:41Moving on.
00:23:42Do you know a chap by the name of Matthew McCafferty?
00:23:45No comment.
00:23:46A Bernard Pile?
00:23:48No comment.
00:23:50Are you a football fan?
00:23:54No comment.
00:23:56People, people might turn around and say, you know,
00:23:59I'm not a football fan because I follow West Ham, but that's beside the point.
00:24:02The 19th of May was the end of the Premier League season last year.
00:24:09Just gives you a memory jogger.
00:24:12And then moving on to the 20th, which is obviously the Monday, the following day.
00:24:16There was a lot of publicity around what happened that day.
00:24:20You live in a community.
00:24:22You must have heard of that shooting on that day.
00:24:25No comment.
00:24:27I am obliged as an investigator to look at everything.
00:24:31If I can prove that you had nothing to do with this, I'm obliged to do that.
00:24:387.58 he was shot.
00:24:40Had you already gone to work and gone past?
00:24:43No comment.
00:24:44I might have it on CCTV if you can remember what car it was.
00:24:48No comment.
00:24:49You've answered no comment.
00:24:51You have taken advice, OK, and I've got no problem with that.
00:24:54However, you're over the age of 18.
00:24:57You're a mature adult.
00:24:58You're a sensible man.
00:25:01Mr Malik, he gives you advice.
00:25:03It's your choice whether you follow it or not.
00:25:06All right?
00:25:07It's not a con.
00:25:08It's the way things are.
00:25:11Bearing that in mind, is there anything at this moment that you think that I need to go away,
00:25:15look at, to prove that you're innocent?
00:25:19No comment.
00:25:21All right.
00:25:22In that case, then, the time that I have got is 12.23.
00:25:27And I'm concluding this interview.
00:25:31So, we'll just take a play now, then.
00:25:37You're going to go away, have a quick chat upstairs, and then I would imagine...
00:25:42There'll be some more disclosure.
00:25:44There'll be some more disclosure.
00:25:45Which is what you've been waiting for all along.
00:25:48It was done in the first place.
00:25:50Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:25:52In poker, when you're playing a game of cards, you're always trying to guess,
00:25:56has the other person got the winning hand?
00:25:57Have they got a good hand?
00:25:59With me, I'm always on overdrive.
00:26:01I'm trying to think three or four steps ahead,
00:26:03because quite often, with very little disclosures given,
00:26:06this is going to be one of two things.
00:26:08Either they've got nothing, and it's a fishing expedition,
00:26:11or they have got something, and they're setting us up for an ambush.
00:26:14So, I'll have a quick five minutes with him.
00:26:16And then, get ready for round two.
00:26:20Trace, this is ridiculous.
00:26:22Fucking ridiculous, I'm going to lose, I swear to God, yeah.
00:26:24I hope you're happy.
00:26:25You happy now, are you?
00:26:27If you carry on like that, I'm going to terminate the phone call.
00:26:30Sorry, say that again.
00:26:33There's only one person in charge in here, and that's me and Tim.
00:26:36Get off the phone, man.
00:26:39Who are you talking to, muckers?
00:26:41Mind your fucking business.
00:26:43Mind your fucking business.
00:26:44Oi, sir, sir.
00:26:46Be a woman, deal with it.
00:26:48Be a woman, deal with it.
00:26:49Do you know how much time I'm spending?
00:26:50Get out, you fucking snag.
00:26:52There you go, then.
00:26:55You're a fucking pig.
00:26:56You're a fucking pig, get out of here.
00:26:58Get out!
00:27:02Sounds like somebody's having fun.
00:27:03Get out of here!
00:27:05I'm just going to go away!
00:27:07I'm just going to go away!
00:27:09Get out of my house now!
00:27:11I'm afraid for my face, get out of here.
00:27:13Get out of my face now.
00:27:15I don't know how I'm going to stay with those.
00:27:17I don't look sad to you, do I?
00:27:19God, she's fucking litchy.
00:27:21No, no.
00:27:23Just what?
00:27:25Just calm down.
00:27:27Just calm down.
00:27:29Just calm down.
00:27:35It's a right welcome back from holiday day, isn't it?
00:27:39I'll tell you, mate.
00:27:43What you want to do is work out where we're going to be nice, nice, nice,
00:27:45and then not so nice.
00:27:47Unless he talks.
00:27:49Thanks, mate.
00:27:53It's defence game tennis,
00:27:55and we're fighting it in a minute.
00:27:57Yeah, it's messy as shit.
00:27:59I could be really late.
00:28:05All I want is one cigarette.
00:28:09Where do you want me to magic one up?
00:28:11I'm a custody sergeant, I'm not a magician.
00:28:13I know, I understand that.
00:28:15None of us down here smoke.
00:28:17No, I know, but can't you ask them to get a couple of doggies?
00:28:21No, I'm not asking my DO to go and pick up dog ends.
00:28:23OK, is everyone here?
00:28:25Because I would like to crack on if you don't mind.
00:28:27I've got somewhere to go.
00:28:29It is past three o'clock.
00:28:31That's all right.
00:28:33It's all right. Calm down.
00:28:35Well, we've had a day from hell.
00:28:37That's normal.
00:28:39Are we ready?
00:28:43M2, a robbery.
00:28:45He's handed himself in.
00:28:47Gain entry with a baseball bat and knife.
00:28:51F1 came in last night really, really intoxicated.
00:28:53He threatened the father of his ex-partner
00:28:55with a large knife.
00:28:57Number 13.
00:28:59Lives at home with his mum.
00:29:01He got angry because his PSP had been broken
00:29:03so he decided to go on a bit of a bender
00:29:05and he's ended up smashing his mum's door.
00:29:09The IP, who is the landlord,
00:29:11was having a verbal argument with the DP
00:29:13regarding rent arrears
00:29:15when the DP punched him to the face
00:29:17causing his tooth to fall out.
00:29:21The DP has been named by the IP
00:29:23as being responsible for an assault
00:29:25with a brick that caused injuries
00:29:27requiring stitches to his ear.
00:29:29Number nine.
00:29:31Mr Baig.
00:29:33Police have received information
00:29:35that the DP is involved in the conspiracy
00:29:37to murder Atif Ali.
00:29:39He has been interviewed once
00:29:41but they're going back into interview.
00:29:43They're just waiting for Mr Malik
00:29:45to come back to the station.
00:30:05In Luton, because of the close community
00:30:07Mr Baig was not somebody that I'd ever heard of
00:30:09or an inferior great one
00:30:11of being involved in anything criminal
00:30:13let alone of this magnitude.
00:30:15He is a family man with three very young children.
00:30:17Lots of responsibilities.
00:30:19He has very elderly parents
00:30:21who are in their 80s that he cares for as well
00:30:23and provides for.
00:30:25And he is a man who
00:30:27in a way, a lot of people in the community
00:30:29can look up to.
00:30:31From the word go, he said,
00:30:33look, I don't know why I'm here,
00:30:35I don't know what I'm doing here, what's going on?
00:30:37Are these all in prison then,
00:30:39the rest of them?
00:30:41Part one.
00:30:43Every other one has been remanded.
00:30:45This old boy is quite central.
00:30:47Very much the middle man.
00:30:49Very much so.
00:30:53I was actually on duty
00:30:55on the 20th of May.
00:30:57Just before 8 o'clock
00:30:59we got a phone call off of the control room
00:31:01and they said a gentleman had been shot
00:31:03in Leicester Road.
00:31:05Now, the morning commute to work
00:31:07is a pretty mundane part of everyday life.
00:31:09Imagine the horror then
00:31:11for 27-year-old Atif Ali,
00:31:13a law-abiding accountant
00:31:15from Luton who was doing just that,
00:31:17he was going to work, when out of the blue
00:31:19someone tried to kill him.
00:31:25He wasn't killed,
00:31:27but he had his leg nearly severed
00:31:29from his body by a close-range
00:31:31sawed-off shotgun blast.
00:31:35Mr Ali is
00:31:37a really nice, normal fella.
00:31:39There is nothing linking him
00:31:41to anything, any form of criminality.
00:31:43So why?
00:31:45You know, how many people
00:31:47go to work and get shot
00:31:49in the morning when they've done nothing wrong?
00:31:53My opinion is that Mr Ali
00:31:55was a paid hit.
00:31:59He was engaged
00:32:01to a young lady.
00:32:03Another young gentleman,
00:32:05Shehzad Maroof, asked the family
00:32:07if he could marry her.
00:32:09And they said no.
00:32:11It spiralled from there.
00:32:13Mr Baig
00:32:15is the brother-in-law
00:32:17of Maroof.
00:33:15That's it.
00:33:16Yeah, that's it.
00:33:17Okay, let's do this.
00:33:23Two mobile numbers have been attributed to your client, 0770-693-585 and 0789-543-818.
00:33:39Your client will be asked about mobile phone usage by him and others in the build-up to
00:33:44the offence being committed.
00:33:45The time is 15.45.
00:33:46Okay, I've got a prepared statement which covers that question.
00:33:50I'm Mahmood Bey.
00:33:51I do not recognise the 818 number.
00:33:53As this offence took place over a year ago, without further information as to whom I'm
00:33:56supposed to have contacted, when, and for how long, I am in difficulty in answering
00:34:02I advise you to answer no comment to all questions.
00:34:06On the other number, 585, I believe that that is your legitimate phone, because doing a
00:34:13subscribers check, it comes back to Mahmood Bey, that is your phone that you pay for
00:34:19on a regular basis.
00:34:21Is that correct?
00:34:22No comment.
00:34:23You're sort of nodding as you're saying it.
00:34:27No comment.
00:34:28Also, the 585 number, it's worth being said, you've given to both me and DS Hutton prior
00:34:34to your arrest.
00:34:35So, is it safe to say that the number ends 585 is actually your phone?
00:34:40No comment.
00:34:41How's it hurting you to tell me that I'm saying no comment to what is just your phone?
00:34:46No comment.
00:34:47Okay, we've got another number for you that we've put in the disclosure.
00:34:53It's the one that you specifically refer to that you don't recall having, 818.
00:34:59We searched your house today, didn't find the phone.
00:35:02Got any idea what's happened to it?
00:35:05No comment.
00:35:07What we did find is this.
00:35:12It's a mobile phone box for a Samsung GT-E2121B, same one as the 818 number.
00:35:23On the side of said box is the IMEI number.
00:35:28That's the same one that that number's been running off of.
00:35:32It was found on the top of a wardrobe in the main bedroom, your bedroom, at your house.
00:35:41Why don't you tell me about that box?
00:35:44No comment.
00:35:45Somebody lend it to you?
00:35:49No comment.
00:35:50Do you keep other people's phone boxes in your bedroom?
00:35:55No comment.
00:35:59Sajid Hussain, you said in your first interview, somebody you know from the community.
00:36:05Is that one you want to stick with?
00:36:08No comment.
00:36:09Now, if you only know him through the community, one would guess that you don't talk to him
00:36:14that often.
00:36:16Your number, that ends in 585, between March of last year and January of this year, contacted
00:36:24Sajid Hussain 1,174 times.
00:36:30That's more times than I speak to my wife.
00:36:33This is not just a passing friend, is it, Sajid?
00:36:37He's a close friend of yours?
00:36:38No comment.
00:36:39Now, we already know that in Sajid's phone, your legitimate personal phone comes up under
00:36:48Mavs Bro.
00:36:50No comment.
00:36:53In his phone, the number for this phone, 818, comes up as Mavs 2.
00:37:02It's got Mavs Bro with the phone number, your thing on there, and then he's got Mavs 2.
00:37:09Can you remember the date I told you when the shooting happened?
00:37:12It was the 20th of May.
00:37:15Mavs 2 was added to Sajid Hussain's phone on the 13th of May, seven days before Mr.
00:37:24Ali got shot.
00:37:26Bear in mind, you talk to each other a lot.
00:37:31So why did you give him a second number on the 13th of May?
00:37:36No comment.
00:37:37Is this a bit of a naughty phone?
00:37:40No comment.
00:37:4119th of May.
00:37:44Even before the shooting.
00:37:45About a quarter past seven, Sajid's trying to call you on the 585, your iPhone number.
00:37:50At about nine o'clock, you text Sajid saying, ring me bro.
00:37:54You text him again about two minutes later, bro, where are you?
00:38:00Then another one, a couple of seconds later, call me please.
00:38:03Are those calls part of the set up for what was going to happen the next day?
00:38:08No comment.
00:38:09You then text him, half ten.
00:38:13Ring me as soon as you get this matter, no matter what time it is, bro.
00:38:17Is something going wrong with the plans for the shooting?
00:38:20No comment.
00:38:21Or is it an innocent explanation?
00:38:24No comment.
00:38:25You got an 11 second call at 2233, another one at 2234, 2305, 2326, Marouf calls you
00:38:34at 11 minutes to midnight on the 19th.
00:38:38So your brother-in-law has given you a call, 11 minutes to midnight, and you have a conversation
00:38:44for 23 seconds.
00:38:45The phone's gone down, straight away, you have called Sajid Hussain.
00:38:50And then after finishing that call, you've phoned Marouf back again.
00:38:55You're the sandwich in between these two.
00:38:57Are you the link between the two of them?
00:39:01No comment.
00:39:03585, right little hotbed of a number.
00:39:08I don't use it very much at all.
00:39:12818 starts to come to life on the morning of the 20th.
00:39:17Now this is the one that really intrigues me.
00:39:20Can you explain to me why 818, at 6.41 in the morning, is calling Bernard Pile, a guy
00:39:30from Uxbridge, who we know, at that time, has left Uxbridge and is on the motorway on
00:39:36his way down to Luton.
00:39:42This is a man that's got no connection, no family in Luton.
00:39:46The one thing he has got is previous convictions for firearms offences.
00:39:50He's also got convictions for serious GBH.
00:39:54Done 11 years for that, out and out, hardened criminal.
00:40:00He's got no connection to Luton, apart from on the 20th of May, when he comes down here
00:40:05for approximately one hour to shoot Atif Ali.
00:40:09At the moment, you're contacting him.
00:40:136.43, Sajid Hussain, rings 818.
00:40:17So is this a gym date that we're sorting out?
00:40:20No comment.
00:40:21What sort of job has he got?
00:40:23Is he a milkman or a postman or somebody that would normally be up at that time?
00:40:28No comment.
00:40:29So in this explanation, it's for these calls?
00:40:32Or are those calls because of the fact that, at this point, you know that the boys are on their way down from Uxbridge
00:40:36and the clan's all coming nicely together?
00:40:38No comment.
00:40:41But one of the common denominators in all of this is you.
00:40:45You've got a dirty phone, 818.
00:40:48You've used it once.
00:40:49On the 28th of the 12th, 2012, a loan was taken out in your name to Wellcome Finance.
00:40:59The contact number that you gave them was 818.
00:41:05And then after that, it only comes up and only lasts for this shooting, and then it goes dead.
00:41:12Give me a justful reason.
00:41:13How could this be a coincidence?
00:41:16No comment.
00:41:18Was he supposed to die that day?
00:41:20No comment.
00:41:22Because he's pissed off your brother-in-law, does that make him an enemy of yours?
00:41:28No comment.
00:41:29Would you be stupid enough to get involved in someone else's battle?
00:41:33No comment.
00:41:34He was a very, very lucky boy.
00:41:36The bullet nicked his femoral.
00:41:38How he didn't die, never know.
00:41:43He must have had everything looking down on him and praying for him that day.
00:41:47Would you like a consultation with me?
00:41:49Would you like a consultation?
00:41:50Yes, please.
00:41:51Have a consultation, please.
00:41:52Pause the interview.
00:41:53Would it be a quick one, or do you want us to stop it and we can have a break?
00:41:56Let's have a break. It's been going on for quite a while now.
00:41:58Let's have a quick break. It'll be hot in here anyway.
00:42:00It does, yeah. Get everyone a drink.
00:42:02The time is 16.41.
00:42:05And I'm going to stop the interview.
00:42:11He's given a very short prepared statement.
00:42:14He made no comment about the 585 number, so he really kicked in on that hit, hit, hit.
00:42:20Then we went on to 818.
00:42:22Brought the box out.
00:42:24Brought everything else out with regards to the finance company and all that sort of stuff.
00:42:29He's then started twitching.
00:42:31He's got a left leg twitch at the moment.
00:42:35And he's not a happy boy.
00:42:39This is going to be some prepared statement.
00:42:41He's twitching like a madman now.
00:42:45Yeah, there's a major flap going on in there.
00:42:49Big lad, isn't he?
00:42:52Just keep him calm.
00:42:56If he kicks off, I'm out of the door.
00:42:59I'm a lover, not a fighter.
00:43:01The biggest surprise would be now if he came out and cuffed it.
00:43:05It could be an interesting ten minute interview.
00:43:09I wonder if his knee can jerk around any faster.
00:43:21We should be home now.
00:43:23Yes, indeed.
00:43:25Did you start at stupider clock?
00:43:27Well, seven o'clock I started.
00:43:29Police are waiting to re-interview the suspect.
00:43:33But Baig has been talking to his solicitor for nearly an hour and a half.
00:43:37We've not got an interview, he's not come out.
00:43:40Not seen hiding or hair.
00:43:43He's shitting a brick now.
00:43:52It's cheese sauce, isn't it?
00:43:55That was the burger with salad.
00:43:57The ribeye.
00:43:59That's the 20-ounce steak.
00:44:01This was the Cheesecake Factory, that's a start-up.
00:44:05And it's massive.
00:44:07Siegfried and Roy, you know, those magicians.
00:44:11That was a view from our bedroom window.
00:44:13That's the Monte Carlo.
00:44:17MGM Grand is over there.
00:44:19The rule was we'd do $20, and if you doubled it...
00:44:22Cos there was four of us.
00:44:24Ready? OK.
00:44:26Can I just take the... I'll photocopy that for you.
00:44:29How many pages is it?
00:44:33One, two, three, four.
00:44:38Yeah, I've got all copies.
00:44:40I'll see you upstairs.
00:44:42Yeah, OK.
00:44:45Oh, you silly, silly boy.
00:44:59He's now saying that he gave the phone to his brother-in-law
00:45:03in the beginning of May, which means dropping him right in it.
00:45:07I think he's talking out of his arse.
00:45:10Now, that phone was cell-sighted at his house at 2211,
00:45:15and that's his clean phone and his dirty phone.
00:45:18So the night before that fence, that phone is at his house.
00:45:24See, he rings, Sajid, 2211, cell-sight there.
00:45:31P-Lay, of course.
00:45:32He calls P-Lay, doesn't connect.
00:45:34If you look, the cell-sight at that time was 2211.
00:45:38If you look, the cell-sight at that time,
00:45:41that green means that cell's identified at his home.
00:45:46So if this phone has been handed over,
00:45:48it's been handed over right at the end of the night or in the morning.
00:45:56That's not what he's saying, is it?
00:45:59That's what I mean.
00:46:00The cell-sight does not fit what he is saying.
00:46:03That phone has either been handed over on the night before
00:46:07or he's turning a complete load of cockle
00:46:10and he's trying to drop the main defendant in it cos...
00:46:13He's got nothing to lose, is he?
00:46:15Well, let's let him go dig himself a big old hole,
00:46:19cos this will be the thing that kills him.
00:46:21He's now actually given us something to work on,
00:46:23to challenge him on, and we can kill him on the fact that
00:46:26you say you've given it away, fine, but we know that you're lying,
00:46:29or the person that you've given that phone to
00:46:32is standing right beside you or is in your house
00:46:35when all these calls are coming in, so you know.
00:46:37This is the big interview, isn't it?
00:46:39Gaz, do you want to rip apart the prepared statement?
00:46:42And I'll do the phone stuff.
00:46:54At some point around May 2013,
00:46:56I cannot remember specifics due to the passage of time,
00:46:59my brother-in-law asked if I had a spare phone that he could borrow.
00:47:02As he is family, I thought nothing of it and gave it to him.
00:47:05Therefore, I'm not responsible for the usage of the phone 818 in May 2013
00:47:09and neither do I have any knowledge of how or why it was used.
00:47:13In the first interview, my colleague explained to you
00:47:15exactly the phone that he was referring to for the 818 number.
00:47:20You were given the model and the exact number, but you said nothing.
00:47:25And when he showed you the box, you said nothing.
00:47:33You waited until we went further into the interview
00:47:37till we gave you more information before you've come up with this story.
00:47:41And it is a story, isn't it?
00:47:43No comment.
00:47:44You're clearly fitting the evidence around the disclosure
00:47:47because you're so deep into this.
00:47:50You're fighting for your life here, aren't you?
00:47:53No comment.
00:47:54I have no knowledge of any threats of violence between Marouf and Atif Ali.
00:47:59So your brother-in-law appears to be at war with Atif Ali
00:48:04over some bit of skirt
00:48:08and you're saying you know nothing about that?
00:48:11No comment.
00:48:12I do not know or ever have contacted Bernard Pilet or friends
00:48:18and neither do they know me.
00:48:20I'll suggest part of that is right.
00:48:23Neither do they know me.
00:48:25Because these people were hired.
00:48:29They weren't friends of yours.
00:48:32These were hired guns.
00:48:36You are in a conspiracy.
00:48:39It don't matter that Pilet come up to do the shooting.
00:48:43You don't have to be the shooter to be involved in a conspiracy.
00:48:47So what was your role?
00:48:49No comment.
00:48:50You need to talk to us.
00:48:52Mr Malik is giving you advice.
00:48:54But should you get charged with this, he will not be the one standing in the dock.
00:48:58It will be you.
00:49:02The whole responsibility of whether you answer the questions is down to you,
00:49:05not Mr Malik.
00:49:07Because advice is purely advice.
00:49:12The 19th.
00:49:14Day before.
00:49:15Your brother-in-law come round day before.
00:49:19No comment.
00:49:23Because this is the thing that's going to really do it for you.
00:49:27On the 19th of May,
00:49:29at 11 minutes past ten at night,
00:49:32your 585 number gives Sajid a ring.
00:49:36And your phone is at your house.
00:49:39Your legitimate phone is sitting in your house.
00:49:42Self-cited to your house.
00:49:44Self-cited to your house.
00:49:47Two seconds later,
00:49:50the 818 number
00:49:52makes a phone call
00:49:54to Bernard Pillay.
00:49:56I wish self-cites are coming from your house.
00:50:00Bernard Pillay.
00:50:02The bloke that we think pulled the trigger.
00:50:07Start explaining.
00:50:10See, now I'm going to point out something.
00:50:12Your body tends to give away things.
00:50:14As soon as we've started to put you under pressure,
00:50:16your left leg has started bouncing up and down.
00:50:19You're not happy about this.
00:50:23Because you know now that phone was being used by you
00:50:26in your house.
00:50:28You're making the contacts.
00:50:29You're well and truly into this conspiracy.
00:50:33We don't have to disclose everything at the start of an interview.
00:50:36We give you your opportunity to talk.
00:50:38That's what we said.
00:50:39Tell us the truth.
00:50:40Problem is, you didn't.
00:50:42And as we've gone on,
00:50:43you've called for a break and gone,
00:50:45how do I get myself out of this hole?
00:50:48Bottom line is, you can't, can you?
00:50:57Your only opportunity really now
00:51:00is to probably just go,
00:51:02yeah, hang on a minute.
00:51:04Time to tell the truth.
00:51:05I knew about this.
00:51:07Shazza did X, Y, Z.
00:51:09I knew it was going to happen.
00:51:11Only way you might cut your sentence down.
00:51:19I understand about family loyalty.
00:51:21If you're prepared to do that kind of time for him,
00:51:24you're a good guy.
00:51:26That's going to be no wife, no kids for a while.
00:51:34Risk all that
00:51:36over a bit of Romeo and Juliet?
00:51:43No comment.
00:51:47In that case, the time is
00:51:52and we're now concluding this interview.
00:52:01He was just saying it's good to talk.
00:52:04E.T., wasn't it?
00:52:05E.T., wasn't it, yeah.
00:52:06It's good to talk.
00:52:07It's good to talk.
00:52:22He's not a happy boy.
00:52:24Brief told him to go no comment and not give explanations,
00:52:26so the problem is, when he's been given prepared statements,
00:52:29the prepared statements contradicted each other
00:52:31so it looks like he's lying, that he's stuffed himself.
00:52:34If Malik had let him talk, he might have got himself out of it
00:52:37at the start, but he's told him to go no comment,
00:52:39so, if anything, he's dug himself a bigger hole.
00:52:43So I'm going to go upstairs.
00:52:44I'm ready to come down straightaway and charge him.
00:52:46Yeah, no problem. It'll be the first thing I do.
00:52:49Cheers, bud.
00:52:50Police are waiting to hear from the Crown Prosecution Service.
00:52:53They need their approval to charge Baig.
00:52:56Yeah, not bad, thank you.
00:52:58No further development whatsoever.
00:53:00How would you get so wound up about one woman?
00:53:04Went back in, no comment on everything.
00:53:06Everything as per his prepared statement,
00:53:08which is basically fit around the dates and information
00:53:11that we've given him.
00:53:12What's this girl like, then?
00:53:14Is she a bit of a looker?
00:53:15What would you want to do, 15 years in prison for...?
00:53:18I don't know, I don't know what's...
00:53:20No, definitely, I don't think he's got a leg to stand on.
00:53:23Cool, thank you very much.
00:53:25Cheers, Jane, have a good night. Thank you, bye-bye.
00:53:29Charge. Yes!
00:53:31And remand.
00:53:42Right, bud.
00:53:43Just listen to what the officer's going to say,
00:53:45he's going to read out the charge, OK?
00:53:47There's only one charge, and it is on or about 20th May 2013
00:53:51at Luton in the county of Bedfordshire,
00:53:53conspired together with Marouf, Sajid Hussain,
00:53:56Bernard Pillay and Matthew McCafferty to murder Atif Ali,
00:54:00contrary to Section 1.1 of the Criminal Law Act 1977.
00:54:04Do you have anything to reply to court charge?
00:54:10He's a family man, he works at Luton, he's got family ties,
00:54:13he's got a young family, kids, wife, etc.
00:54:17He's got no reason to abscond.
00:54:20And, yes, we've seen the evidence
00:54:22that's been suggested in the interview,
00:54:24but he's given a very detailed response to that.
00:54:27From the outset, he's said that he's innocent.
00:54:30No comment.
00:54:31It's quite technical.
00:54:34And, at the end of the day...
00:54:38Obviously, I'll take on board your representations,
00:54:41but I've got a way up as well, obviously,
00:54:43the safety of the public as well,
00:54:45with the overall nature of the allegation,
00:54:49so I think that he's going to stay here, I'm afraid.
00:54:52All right?
00:54:56I just came back from holiday today
00:54:58and got this sprung on me at eight o'clock this morning.
00:55:00You've got a bit of a tan, haven't you? Where did you go?
00:55:02I went to Vegas with the wife. Vegas? Yeah.
00:55:04Smashing! It was great.
00:55:07Me and the wife, we've been together 20 years.
00:55:09Top man.
00:55:10So we're not married, but we've been together 20 years.
00:55:13We've been married 18, so we went away as a sort of anniversary
00:55:16because our best friends have been married 20 years this year,
00:55:19so we went away as two couples and had a great time.
00:55:22OK, see you. Yeah, take care.
00:55:29When you have worked for a long time on something...
00:55:35..there is a really nice feeling that, you know,
00:55:38we've done what we're supposed to do,
00:55:41as long as he gets convicted.
00:55:46Squeeze the cock of justice.
00:55:48Oh, no!
00:55:55It's the cock of justice.
00:56:00And he gets squeezed when we get a good result.
00:56:04All right, you all go inside, yeah?
00:56:39Mahbub Beg was remanded in prison for four and a half months.
00:56:43In July 2014, he went on trial alongside five other defendants
00:56:48for conspiracy to murder.
00:56:52The trial was an absolute rollercoaster.
00:56:54Nobody knew where it was going to end up.
00:56:58There was so much going on with co-defendants
00:57:01putting each other in it and all the rest of it.
00:57:03Beg, when he was given evidence, he stood up, he spoke very clearly.
00:57:09He was always engaging with the jury
00:57:13and he looked like a man that believed he'd been wronged.
00:57:17Mr Beg, towards the end of his evidence,
00:57:21simply turned round and was outraged and said,
00:57:24''Do you seriously think that someone with my background
00:57:27''and my responsibilities, with the knowledge of something like this,
00:57:32''would even allow it to happen, let alone be part of it,
00:57:35''in my own community, on my own roads,
00:57:38''where my own children would be travelling with my wife at that time?''
00:57:45The question that is asked at court is, ''Why did you not comment?''
00:57:51From my perspective, when we did the police interview,
00:57:54I saw ambush after ambush.
00:57:56We safeguarded him.
00:57:58Mr Beg was really on a back foot
00:58:00because he's been asked to account for his movements and conduct
00:58:04many months ago, which he most likely cannot recall.
00:58:08There was this hot potato 818 phone
00:58:11that was used to contact all the key conspirators
00:58:14in the lead-up to the offence.
00:58:16So the jury then have to be 100% sure
00:58:19that Mr Beg is the one responsible for all those phone calls
00:58:23and being that key person involved in the conspiracy.
00:58:26Cell site evidence is one of those more difficult pieces of evidence
00:58:31to use in court.
00:58:33You could easily argue, potentially,
00:58:35''Well, was that phone with somebody else parked outside the front of your house
00:58:39''making that phone call?''
00:58:41You lend that phone to another, say,
00:58:43and you didn't know what was going on with that phone.
00:58:45You know, just enough to start causing niggles of doubt.
00:58:49The reason why Mr Beg gave away the phone
00:58:51was because his brother-in-law asked him for it.
00:58:54Mr Beg did not know what the phone was going to be used for.
00:58:58His brother-in-law asked for the phone.
00:59:00It was a phone he wasn't using.
00:59:02He thought, didn't think twice of it and just gave it to him.
00:59:08The police said that the second statement contradicted the first.
00:59:11The first statement said, ''I know nothing about that phone.''
00:59:14The second statement was, ''Oh, yeah, that phone,
00:59:16''I gave it to my brother-in-law.''
00:59:18Let's face it, the number of times that I have clients
00:59:20and I say to them, ''What is your number?''
00:59:22Nobody knows their number.
00:59:23They have to go into their phones and find their own number.
00:59:27In his second statement, he actually made it very clear,
00:59:30''Now that I've seen the box, it's triggered my memory.''
00:59:34So he's given an explanation.
00:59:43There were a flurry of calls the night before the shooting.
00:59:47And the police said, ''Oh, there you go.
00:59:49''This shows that what you're doing here is planning something
00:59:52''because you keep calling each other regularly.''
00:59:55However, there's actually an alternative,
00:59:57a justifiable reason for the contact.
01:00:01They were discussing the purchase of protein shakes
01:00:05because Mr Maroof owned a protein shop
01:00:08and Mr Hussein wanted to buy protein
01:00:12and because Mr Baig was related to him,
01:00:14he was able to get a discounted price and make a profit.
01:00:17So it wasn't just a social arrangement, it was a commercial arrangement.
01:00:20And that's why there was such traffic between them
01:00:24for the purpose of that commercial transaction.
01:00:30When the verdict came, Moha was absolutely pounding.
01:00:34I found out by text from Chris.
01:00:38He was in court, I was at home in the back garden.
01:00:41And he started texting and telling me
01:00:45what each verdict he was coming through.
01:00:48I was sitting at the front.
01:00:49It was almost like sitting down for a really important exam.
01:00:52You're about to get a big result.
01:00:53Your life's been involved in investigating this job.
01:00:56Your family have been putting up with you coming home late on a lot of nights.
01:00:59You've been under a lot of pressure.
01:01:01You want to get the right result for the victim.
01:01:07Monday the 18th of August 2014, the following verdicts were found.
01:01:12Maroof, conspiracy to murder, guilty.
01:01:15Sentenced to 30 years in prison, serving a minimum of 15 years.
01:01:20Bernard Pile, conspiracy to murder, guilty.
01:01:23Sentenced to 34 years in prison, serving a minimum of 17 years.
01:01:29Matthew McCavity, conspiracy to murder,
01:01:32possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life, guilty.
01:01:36Sentenced to 15 years in prison and must serve two-thirds of his sentence
01:01:41with an extended five-year licence.
01:01:45Mayboo Baig, conspiracy to murder, not guilty.
01:02:00When I was found not guilty, I just was kind of frozen.
01:02:05I don't know how to explain that feeling.
01:02:07It didn't feel like, you know, I am guilty or I'm not guilty.
01:02:12That moment, I can't explain.
01:02:17When I looked around at my legal team, I got a thumbs-up.
01:02:20It still didn't sink in.
01:02:23I walked out of the dock,
01:02:25and that's where normally the process is an officer handcuffs you
01:02:29and he takes you down the stairs back to your cell.
01:02:32At that moment, the officer said to me,
01:02:34well, I don't need these handcuffs on you anymore.
01:02:36Here's the moment I actually thought to myself, hang on a minute,
01:02:39I am free.
01:02:40And then walking down the stairs from the court,
01:02:42that's when the moment it kind of like come home to me that,
01:02:45hang on a minute, I'm actually a free man now.
01:02:49My young one, she was over the moon to see me.
01:02:52And when she hugged me, she clinged on to me so tight.
01:02:57Being imprisoned for four and a half months,
01:03:01you've gone to hell, but you're actually still alive.
01:03:04It's a huge amount of effect on my life.
01:03:07I'd never been involved in such an incident.
01:03:10I had no reason to be involved in such an incident.
01:03:13I'd never been involved in such an incident.
01:03:15I had no reason to be involved in such an incident
01:03:18and I am an innocent man.
01:03:32You build a case for, you build a case against.
01:03:38It's the best argument in the playground.
01:03:40It's the best way to describe it.
01:03:42Whoever's got the strongest argument in the playground
01:03:45is the one that's believed.
01:03:47I thought I won the argument in the playground in interview.
01:03:52I suppose the best way of saying it is I won the battle,
01:03:54but I didn't win the war.
01:04:13And if that was up your street, get both sides of the law
01:04:16and get caught up with Cops and Robbers on 4OD.
01:04:19Now, tomorrow, a dream life in the restaurant biz in the Med
01:04:23is very far from what Ramsey's witnessing.
01:04:25The new series continues.
01:04:27Costa Del Nightmares is at 9pm.
01:04:43Next up, John Richardson is in a delivery suite
01:04:45to see if he fancies having a baby.
01:04:47He grows up a little bit next.
