4m0r 3n l4 pu3r74 d3 4l Lad0 Capitulo 3 Español Audio Latino

  • 2 days ago
4m0r 3n l4 pu3r74 d3 4l Lad0 Capitulo 3 Español Audio Latino


00:00:30belgian squad
00:00:38What happened earlier.
00:00:51Did you mother come?
00:00:52She wasn't coming to see you?
00:00:54She got into some kind of emergency and couldn't come
00:00:56Oh really?
00:00:57So your father wasn't coming?
00:00:59He has a lot of work. He has a lot of patients.
00:01:02I'm glad to see that you understand them.
00:01:05Very well. We need to concentrate.
00:01:07Because if you win today, you will be able to enter the team.
00:01:11The 200-meter race will start soon.
00:01:15To win!
00:01:29The 8th lane, Chesunghyo. From the Angieru School.
00:01:39Come on, Chesunghyo!
00:01:41The 8th lane, Chesunghyo! You can do it!
00:01:44But what do you think she's doing?
00:01:45Here I am! Here!
00:01:47Oh, it can't be. I'm going to ignore her.
00:01:50Hey, look at me! You can do it! Defeat them all!
00:01:54Oh, but how scandalous!
00:01:56Don't come back if you don't win this race!
00:02:01Let's go!
00:02:02The 8th lane, Chesunghyo.
00:02:10The 9th lane, Chesunghyo.
00:02:17The 10th lane, Chesunghyo.
00:02:20The 11th lane, Chesunghyo.
00:02:23You can do it! That's it!
00:02:25The 12th lane, Chesunghyo.
00:02:27Come on! Come on! A little more! You're doing great!
00:02:31You're doing great!
00:02:33Come on!
00:02:40You can do it! You can do it!
00:02:44You can do it!
00:02:46No, no, no!
00:02:47No, no, no!
00:02:48You can do it! You can do it!
00:03:01Look at the time, that girl is crazy.
00:03:04Oh, what a horror.
00:03:08Do you have any idea what time it is?
00:03:10No, no idea.
00:03:12Go and look for a clock.
00:03:13Do you think I'm asking you the time?
00:03:15Why don't you read between the lines, fool?
00:03:17Oh, how annoying.
00:03:20Learn to formulate your questions better and stop bothering, okay?
00:03:23It's 3am. Even the roosters sleep, you understand?
00:03:27At this time I don't have to be listening to your screams.
00:03:30Oh, I'm sorry. Did I wake the baby up?
00:03:32I didn't know the baby was sleeping.
00:03:34I can't laugh.
00:03:36Oh, the baby is being grumpy.
00:03:37Do you want me to sing you a song?
00:03:39That's enough. Don't talk to me like that.
00:03:41If you don't want to listen to me, then go and sleep.
00:03:44How annoying.
00:03:51Oh, by the way, the ghost is the one with the laughs.
00:03:58That's a spoiler!
00:04:00Spoiling is something low.
00:04:02The one with the laughs?
00:04:03What a boring plot twist.
00:04:05Hey, are you going to pay me?
00:04:07What kind of person does that?
00:04:16Let's go! Faster!
00:04:19Come on!
00:04:20You're almost there!
00:04:21Keep going!
00:04:22Keep going!
00:04:23Don't stop!
00:04:24Keep going!
00:04:30A few days later
00:04:43That's it!
00:04:48Yes! Very good! I liked it!
00:04:50Yes, champ!
00:04:55You're the best!
00:04:59A few days later
00:05:30A few days later
00:05:41What a quiet morning.
00:05:56You're awake?
00:05:57What an early riser.
00:05:59I didn't see you arrive last night. Did you work?
00:06:02Hey, you work a lot and that worries me.
00:06:04I'm fine.
00:06:06Shall we have breakfast?
00:06:07Before you leave.
00:06:28A few days later
00:06:37I wanted to make jambon beijou, but I didn't have everything here.
00:06:41Well, maybe next time.
00:06:43When we were in France, we used to eat them.
00:06:46Don't you remember?
00:06:47No, not really.
00:06:49Of course.
00:06:50You were very little.
00:06:53But even so, I'm glad
00:06:57that we eat together again.
00:06:59And you know, I never imagined that you would want to move in with us.
00:07:03My job is close, that's why I did it.
00:07:06And the apartment, did you sell it?
00:07:09Yes, and building a company is very difficult.
00:07:12Well, if you need money, tell me.
00:07:15Architecture is difficult.
00:07:17Don't trust yourself.
00:07:19Of course.
00:07:20And be careful with the constructions.
00:07:22Many end up in the hospital.
00:07:25Yes, thank you.
00:07:30Bon appetit.
00:07:36Oh, what a horror.
00:07:37This toast tastes bad.
00:07:41You know what?
00:07:42I'll buy baguettes and butter tomorrow.
00:07:45It's okay, normally I don't have breakfast.
00:07:55And when are they going to transfer you?
00:07:58Well, your father asked me that.
00:08:02Do you want me to leave?
00:08:04It's not that.
00:08:08I know you don't like being here.
00:08:21Bon appetit.
00:08:22I have to go.
00:08:44What a scare.
00:08:46Hey, what was your intention?
00:08:48To kill me with that explosive?
00:08:50No, I just found this can of confetti out there.
00:08:53A can of confetti in an explosive zone?
00:08:55Don't you know people have died because of that?
00:08:57I didn't know you didn't care about safety.
00:08:59Now I feel uncomfortable.
00:09:01I just wanted to congratulate you and that's it.
00:09:04Congratulate me?
00:09:05And why?
00:09:09We're a success!
00:09:10I heard about the news.
00:09:12What's wrong?
00:09:13Why are you screaming?
00:09:14Man, we can finally breathe.
00:09:16We got an excellent offer.
00:09:18Listen, it's the most prestigious retirement home in the country.
00:09:22For the richest people!
00:09:26The Medica Foundation in Yonge is working with the group to build it.
00:09:30And they want us with them!
00:09:32God, Henran was right.
00:09:34Something big was waiting for us.
00:09:36What, another reading?
00:09:37Yes, one from Tarot.
00:09:41You know, I think our luck is getting better.
00:09:45The leaves are dry.
00:09:47Yes, please.
00:09:49It's a little tree, what does it matter?
00:09:51Well, we had a curse, right?
00:09:54Our luck depends on that tree.
00:09:56If it dies, we're in trouble.
00:09:57Damn, but you haven't even been watering it.
00:09:59Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
00:10:01Hey, can you bring me water and fertilizer?
00:10:03Oh, how superstitious.
00:10:05Well, sorry for being desperate.
00:10:08And if all this turns out well, we won't have to worry anymore.
00:10:11Our destiny will change for the better.
00:10:13I want to do this.
00:10:15But we can't trust ourselves, we have to give it our all.
00:10:18I want to do it.
00:10:19Of course, friend.
00:10:20I'm excited too.
00:10:21Come on, we have to give it our all.
00:10:37Is there no one?
00:10:45I made you curry, heat it up.
00:10:48How strange, now why so kind?
00:11:11God, with a hundred rolls of gimbap, who would make this order?
00:11:16I heard it's for a TV production, and they'll come pick them up at six.
00:11:20Very good.
00:11:21Well, in that case, I'll ask what it is.
00:11:24And you, Minsuk, today you left Sonyu alone?
00:11:31And why is that?
00:11:32Well, there's something called Romeo and Juliet.
00:11:35The more we intervene, the more the parents will want to be together.
00:11:39And what does that have to do with this?
00:11:42This is not something that only applies to romance, also in life.
00:11:46Children tend to show more rebellion when you just want to order them around.
00:11:50Yes, of course.
00:11:51That's true.
00:11:52It also applies to this.
00:11:53We have to do it carefully.
00:11:55Because if we do it abruptly, they'll come out horrible.
00:12:02I know it won't last long.
00:12:05How do you know?
00:12:06Because she can't be without work.
00:12:08She's always been a very diligent person.
00:12:12She'll be back to work soon.
00:12:14I assure you.
00:12:16I can almost see her.
00:12:19It won't take long.
00:12:22Don't eat it.
00:12:23We have to do 100.
00:12:24I couldn't help it.
00:12:25It tastes delicious.
00:12:44We're doing it!
00:13:01Done, done.
00:13:56Okay, so you go Pado no espera no sabes por qué te llamé podría ser importante
00:14:02Pues habla que sucede el de risos no era el fantasma
00:14:07Voy a colgar
00:14:10Vamos por un café los coreanos empleados hacemos algo que se llama trabajo bueno
00:14:16Pero no dije que ahorita yo iré a la cafetería como a las 6 solo llega cuando salgas
00:14:21estaré ahí como hasta las 8 nunca adiós
00:14:28Que grosero es da igual no es mi único amigo
00:14:36Bienvenida hola
00:14:41Mi amiga mi hermana me alma gemela me otra mitad chung-hun esos son demasiados títulos pero no puedo negar que son verdados y
00:14:52Tuviste un día difícil o que sucedió que hay de ti brillas tanto que me quedaré ciega me fue bien
00:14:58Oye que quieres leer tengo de todo desde romance hasta terror nombre el género que quieras
00:15:04suena muy aburrido
00:15:08Que tal suena algo de adultos
00:15:14Vamos lo con todos aquí
00:15:18Tú eres muy valiente
00:15:21Mira yo ya les di una leída
00:15:25Pcc la rosa del placer es bueno
00:15:28Agarra unos tomos cuando nadie te esté viendo y me los pasas anda anda nadie está viendo corre sonío
00:15:34Yo no hablaba de eso no son lo mío yo hablaba de sangre algo muy aterrador y
00:15:42como ese si claro
00:15:45debiste especificar
00:15:52Y aquí viene tu otro amigo
00:15:57Ano el no es mi amigo desde hoy dejo de serlo
00:16:04Ni siquiera vas a saludar es así creí que no vendrías pues no viene a verte
00:16:09hay un manga que quiero leer así
00:16:12wow y cuales
00:16:15Aquí está el que quería tú querías leer la princesa
00:16:25Wow vaya y que tiene no deberías juzgar como nunca yo no juzgo a nadie
00:16:32Por cierto che sung te interesa el romance con finales tristes si le encanta eso
00:16:39y tú como sabes eso sólo lo sé si
00:16:43Dios los hace y ellas se juntan
00:16:45ustedes sólo causan problemas no les da vergüenza ser así que molesto quien le dijo que viniera
00:17:10Obvio que nada yo ya me voy a no hay cosas que hacer de 8 a 10 entiendes
00:17:16tienes un horario para estar de vaga como si no la conocieras que
00:17:20vergüenza y que tiene de malo si voy a divertirme al menos quiero tenerlo planeado
00:17:26lo que me lleva a qué tal algunos juegos a la otra yo tengo que ir a estudiar acá
00:17:31no hay estudiar que para mi licencia de operador de botes
00:17:36hablas en serio vas a navegar
00:17:39es que encontré algo que me interesa mucho y lo necesito
00:17:43bueno todavía tengo trabajo yo ya debo irme o sea
00:17:48enserio ustedes van a dejarme aquí a mí sola es todo lo que haremos hoy adiós hasta mañana ya no molesten rayos
00:17:57Oigan saben que pues maten se trabajando esclavos del sistema el destino de nuestra nación se forja en sus hombros
00:18:04buena suerte
00:18:07Ahora que hago
00:18:24Aquí está el café hay muchas gracias ten saben delicioso juntos ya lo creo
00:18:32Así el azúcar me ayudará con mi circulación don no tienes una máquina de espresso o algo así
00:18:38bueno si lo tuvieran sería una cafetería
00:18:40ay dios mi espalda me duele disculpa pasame ese cojín tú misma puedes pararte por pues no
00:18:49Si estas flores las compré en el camino cerca de la estación son hermosas
00:18:54y no es como si mi marido me diera flores así que yo quiero
00:18:59dárselas a ustedes
00:19:02Hace mucho que no me regalan flores bien esperen tomaré una foto de
00:19:09Egoísta que bellas son
00:19:12Esquisita verdad
00:19:15Así te va a salir bien bien bien les tengo una nueva propuesta sobre nuestro nombre
00:19:21Que tal si lo cambiamos que el nombre de nuestro grupo
00:19:26recuerdan a esas molestas hermanas y son lo peor
00:19:29no quiero que me asocien con ellas pero lo hacen por nuestro nombre así que
00:19:33pensemos en un nuevo nombre uno lindo si no lindo como cual ya saben algo
00:19:39refinado con clase que tal en el idioma inglés como de su sabes de subsistence
00:19:45no no sé te vas a poner así propon algo para empezar esta no fue mi idea
00:19:51Por qué no buscas uno y como quieran buscaré algunas ideas
00:19:55Sook no significa artemisa si me parece que es la primera vez que lo oigo a ver ya lo encontré artemisa
00:20:03como perro
00:20:08No olvídalo es difícil de pronunciar si lo piensas la artemisa es un tipo de hierba no lo es y la madre de todas
00:20:23Oye pa tu sabes como es una vida fragante pues no lo sé
00:20:29pregúntale a tu madre pues ya le pegó la edad mira
00:20:33ya puso unas flores de perfil son las bandas por qué hablas a mis espaldas
00:20:39por eso nadie va al baño cuando hay tres personas
00:20:43mamá por favor no fue nada malo voy a terminar como tú y como tú digas
00:20:49Y por qué tanto guimba y aún nos faltan son cien rollos
00:20:55Parece ser que en un programa les gustó mucho y nos pidieron más
00:20:59vaya pues no tengo opción los voy a ayudar con eso
00:21:04eso no no sabes cómo hacerlo así que no estorbes y si quieres comete eso también hay tokboki quieres guimba no así está bien
00:21:11déjalo bienvenido
00:21:14señora yo
00:21:17No puede ser eres tú son you hoy por dios no ha cambiado nada señora yo en cuanto usted entró pude reconocerla
00:21:24que gusto ven mamá ella es mi profesora de la preparatoria o mucho gusto
00:21:31hay por dios perdón por no haberla reconocido no se preocupe
00:21:35había olvidado que los padres de sonio tenían una cocina hasta que la vi aquí adentro
00:21:40dígame que la trae por aquí pues vine por comida
00:21:43Necesito 20 órdenes de tokubuki y 20 de sonde y es posible si claro por supuesto claro no hay ningún problema pero
00:21:50es demasiada comida podrás sola yo iré con ella no yo iré están ocupados yo iré muy bien
00:21:55trabajaré en su obra
00:21:59Tuya vale algo de beber que linda gracias por ayudarme con todo esto es lo menos que puedo hacer
00:22:08La escuela casi no ha cambiado
00:22:11Parece suspendida en el tiempo no tal vez es por eso que a veces olvido en qué día vivo
00:22:17y pensar que ahora usted es la directora no puedo creerlo
00:22:22tú igual
00:22:24en ese entonces sólo eras una niña y mira ahora cuánto creciste viniste de vacaciones
00:22:30cuéntame que
00:22:32escuché que trabajabas para gripe
00:22:35Dios no sabes lo feliz que me sentí cuando escuché esa noticia y no fui la única todos los profesores están
00:22:42orgullosos tú eras la más lista tú eras la joya de toda la escuela hiero
00:22:49Y mira hablando de joyas ahí hay otra
00:23:02Te postulaste para el concurso de diseño para la remodelación
00:23:08Hoy es la orientación para los que competirán de un nombre muy familiar en la lista y pensé que eras tú
00:23:13es increíble si resultas ganador significará mucho
00:23:18Pero fesora
00:23:19Si está compitiendo no creo que sea buena idea que pase tiempo con usted no por ahora se podría malinterpretar
00:23:26Ya sabes un concurso
00:23:28No has cambiado nada no no te preocupes tendremos jueces experimentados para esto yo no decidiré nada
00:23:36muy buen intento
00:23:39Hace mucho que no me visitan diganme hoy están libres sí claro
00:23:44No lo lamento mucho pero hay cosas que se me escaparon durante la encuesta
00:23:48necesito echar un mejor vistazo
00:23:50enserio que lastima entonces te lo pedí de a ti podrías hablar con nuestros estudiantes
00:23:55quisiera que los inspirara
00:23:58quien yo solo creo que tú serías un excelente ejemplo
00:24:03todos estarán felices de poder conocer a alguien que trabaja para gripe
00:24:09Debo retirarme medio gusto verla hay claro lo mismo digo
00:24:13mucha suerte gracias
00:24:16entonces aceptas la reunión diga si
00:24:22Les presento a una de las mejores graduadas de esta escuela ella es sonio ella trabaja en las oficinas de grip
00:24:31La invité hoy para que los inspire vamos pueden preguntarle todo lo que quieras
00:24:44Buenas tardes yo soy beso new
00:24:49No vengo preparada porque me lo pidieron hoy pero yo me esforzaré
00:24:54alguna pregunta les contestaré lo mejor que pueda adelante a que universidad asistió yo asistía a la universidad han guc la admisión fue
00:25:02muy difícil pero luego de entrar ahí me fui a los estados unidos y estudié en la universidad berkeley y eso es todo
00:25:10Su familia tiene dinero o como fue eso no no claro que no
00:25:14un amigo dijo que iría a estudiar al extranjero y me le pegué
00:25:18por eso estudiamos los dos juntos después de todo eso terminé ganando una beca y por eso pude estudiar allá
00:25:26Y ahora si cuál es su trabajo en el grupo grip a eso yo soy la gerente de producto y yo
00:25:32Básicamente me encargo de supervisar y gestionar un proyecto desde su concepción hasta el final
00:25:38Disculpe su sueño siempre fue llegar a ser gerente de producto de una compañía
00:25:45Eso yo creo que no exactamente entonces cuál era su sueño
00:25:50Mi sueño si que es lo que usted quería hacer que quería a nuestra edad
00:26:33Oye beso nio
00:26:37Y otra vez me estás ignorando porque no comiste quiero silencio no quiero hablar pues caminemos sin decir nada
00:26:45otro día
00:26:46vámonos tú no eres mi jefe ya dije que no
00:26:50sólo acompáñame quieres
00:26:53que demonios te pasa porque me agarras así soy una mujer entiendes ya ya que rayos te pasa para mí tú no eres una mujer
00:27:01Bueno y qué cosa crees que soy un animal o un hombre como tú o qué tú eres
00:27:08Como asexual no te quieres morir verdad tú quieres que te entierren esta escuela en la colina
00:27:15Que ven vamos
00:27:29Por qué lo estás buscando ahora pues ya pasaron más de 10 años y prometimos desenterrar la no exacto
00:27:37porque quieres desenterrar algo que ya habíamos olvidado
00:27:40ni siquiera recuerdo que metí ahí adentro
00:27:43Oye esta fue idea tuya si y creo que tú metiste una carta para tu futura yo
00:27:51No soportaré tanta estupidez
00:27:54Oye olvídalo déjalo ahí que se pudra y si deja que se convierta en un fósil como los dinosaurios es mejor
00:28:02eso es mucha vergüenza para mí pero tú no eres así tu curiosidad siempre sale ganando
00:28:08no quieres saber que escribiste esa niña ingenua
00:28:12Intentó cumplir lo que escribió que importa sólo estamos perdiendo el tiempo con esto
00:28:20Por favor es obvio que lo estás disfrutando
00:28:25Yo creo que era aquí
00:28:29Por qué hiciste eso
00:28:31qué cosa
00:28:33permitiste que no dijera nada
00:28:35Que creyeran que a un trabajo en gripe de una clase vergonzosa
00:28:40bueno trabajaste en gripe
00:28:42o también era mentira
00:28:45No veo el problema al final tu experiencia fue algo real estoy seguro de que le enseñaste algo valioso a todos ahí no
00:28:53Ya no se le va a quitar lo sucio
00:28:56como si eso te importara lávalo con agua y listo me voy a casa oye oye ya falta poco
00:29:02lo sé ya casi la encontramos espera estaba entre estos árboles o no déjalo enterrado ahí
00:29:09de verdad te vas
00:29:11beso new
00:29:13Yo podría jurar que está bien
00:29:16De verdad te vas beso new yo podría jurar que estaba aquí
00:29:29Oye sonio esperame ya faltaba muy poco
00:29:42Ya estoy en casa
00:29:49Qué es esto
00:29:50son cajas de regalo no ves
00:29:53se las pedía nuestros vecinos tenían demasiadas
00:29:57para que las quieres
00:29:59oye qué te pasó
00:30:01este parche porque alma me dolió un poco la muñeca fue por los rollos ya ves por eso te quería ayudar ya
00:30:08Más ayuda el que no estorba sabes con estos puedo volver a trabajar cuando sea esos rollos de guimba no me van a vencer
00:30:17Ya te dije que no basta
00:30:19este es mi trabajo así que no intentes robarme lo he tuve ellas lo tuyo
00:30:27Ya vas a gritar si estabas aquí porque no ayudaste a mi mamá que has estado haciendo encerrado en ese sucio cuarto y a ti
00:30:35Yo si tengo trabajo solo vine por algo
00:30:38Mamá llegaré tarde tengo entrenamiento bien suerte me voy si
00:30:46Oye a don jim le pasó algo muy bueno
00:30:51recuerdas como tu hermano nunca se comprometía con nada
00:30:54Pues estos días ha cambiado ya tiene un sueldo aunque trabaja medio tiempo
00:30:59El dueño del gimnasio lo está entrenando para que trabaje ahí mismo
00:31:04Me alegra
00:31:27De verdad estoy bien así
00:31:37No vas a irte
00:31:39No, si ya casi que haces
00:31:43Es donde solías nadar verdad
00:31:47Si eso ya se ve viejo
00:31:50Todavía uso en ese lugar a veces dan clases todavía
00:31:55Pero es público es una lástima son muchos trámites y poca paga no lo que importa es mañana
00:32:02Esa reunión lo es todo ambas importan
00:32:07Parece que nos va bien ya eres alguien muy reconocido y todo pero
00:32:12Tranquilo sabemos que nada es fácil todos luchamos por mantenernos a flote
00:32:18Lo sé ahora olvide esta piscina y veamos la villa de retiro
00:32:27Es una orden claro que no solo mira
00:32:32Por cierto subieron la entrevista en el chungo daily saldrá en el periódico me voy nos vemos
00:32:38Por eso hay muchos rumores raros creo que debería tener mucho más cuidado dicen que ve fantasmas
00:32:45Y no se lo crean
00:32:48No se lo crean
00:32:50No se lo crean
00:32:52No se lo crean
00:32:54No se lo crean
00:32:56No se lo crean
00:32:58No se lo crean
00:33:00No se lo crean
00:33:02No se lo crean
00:33:04No se lo crean
00:33:06No se lo crean
00:33:08No se lo crean
00:33:10No se lo crean
00:33:12No se lo crean
00:33:14No se lo crean
00:33:16No se lo crean
00:33:18No se lo crean
00:33:20No se lo crean
00:33:22No se lo crean
00:33:24No se lo crean
00:33:26No se lo crean
00:33:28No se lo crean
00:33:30No se lo crean
00:33:32No se lo crean
00:33:34No se lo crean
00:33:36No se lo crean
00:33:38No se lo crean
00:33:40No se lo crean
00:33:42No se lo crean
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00:36:09Villas de Retiro are popular nowadays
00:36:12but, as you know, the quality is different
00:36:14That is why we want to build a luxurious
00:36:18that requires a deposit of 1.5M$ per unit
00:36:21It will be a place for the majority of the Korean population of the upper social classes, do you understand?
00:36:27As it will be in the center of Seoul, we want it to be a reference point,
00:36:31but at the same time that the residents cannot have access to it.
00:36:35For example, all those elderly people who use the train for free.
00:36:39You know, I do use it a lot.
00:36:41Although today I did come driving.
00:36:43But I like to use the train, almost always.
00:36:46I plan to continue using it.
00:36:48And it happens that I support the policies that help the elderly of this country.
00:36:55And it's great.
00:36:58Of course, and we do not seek to belittle them.
00:37:01We only use them as an example.
00:37:03Of course, of course.
00:37:05But if they want us to look at it, then what?
00:37:09How high do they want it?
00:37:11Many will hurt their necks.
00:37:14Well, what he is asking is, what is the issue?
00:37:18Or what do you have in mind?
00:37:20I imagine you have several ideas for this luxurious complex, right?
00:37:24Yes, we have examples of some designs that we want.
00:37:28And well, we want a combination of everything.
00:37:33As you can see, these are designs that come from abroad.
00:37:36We want all our customers to have an international experience.
00:37:40With high standards, do you understand?
00:37:42That is why we believe that something domestic would not be worthy for them.
00:37:46Does it mean that you do not trust our design skills?
00:37:51And that's why you want us to do a plagiarism with all these foreign designs?
00:37:56Yes, please.
00:37:57A tribute.
00:37:59Imitation is the mother of everything.
00:38:01Nothing is new and unique anymore.
00:38:03Sorry, but what you want to do is plagiarism.
00:38:06This should not worry you.
00:38:08Today everyone is accused of that.
00:38:11But it is something impossible to prove in court.
00:38:13I do not see the problem.
00:38:17No, I'm not going to do it.
00:38:19And if you want to convince me, forget it.
00:38:21Because I'm not going to change my mind, you hear?
00:38:23Listen, I have a plan with all this, but breathe.
00:38:26Yes, what plan?
00:38:27First, you just tell them that you will do everything they want.
00:38:30That's all.
00:38:31Then you change everything.
00:38:32We can give suggestions.
00:38:34Listen, they already have everything.
00:38:35We just have to accept.
00:38:36They will no longer be able to say goodbye in half.
00:38:39We will change everything.
00:38:40It will be little by little.
00:38:41How about?
00:38:42It will be our design.
00:38:43Do you suggest that we make modifications to a plagiarism for money?
00:38:47It will be our reference.
00:38:49Oh, what stupidity!
00:38:52In architecture you can not raise a column if you do not have a client.
00:38:56But you can not work with someone despicable either.
00:39:03Well, then we will never do anything.
00:39:05Not if you continue like this.
00:39:07There are people like that everywhere.
00:39:09And you will never advance with this attitude you have.
00:39:12We are at the neck of debt and we have employees for whom it is to worry.
00:39:16Yes, that's why we will not accept.
00:39:18What I want is to protect their pride as architects.
00:39:21For God!
00:39:22Do you know what they really need now?
00:39:24They need incentives, something tangible.
00:39:26Even an increase in their payment.
00:39:28Not your morality.
00:39:30For that.
00:39:31We need money.
00:39:33The company will grow with this.
00:39:36Would you sell your soul for money?
00:39:39Do you think that needs the company?
00:39:41What about you?
00:39:43Do you really care about this company?
00:39:46To begin with, you were never interested in this project.
00:39:48You only care about that pool.
00:39:51This is worth millions of dollars.
00:39:52And you want to focus on a pool?
00:39:54This has no comparison, yes?
00:39:56Here your emotions do not matter.
00:40:00I know that damn pool reminds you ...
00:40:09I ...
00:40:10I'm sorry, Sung Hyo.
00:40:11I do not ...
00:40:15I think I better go.
00:40:27Good job, guys.
00:40:28Good job, sir.
00:40:29Yes, everything went well.
00:40:32Well, I'm glad it went well.
00:40:34And everything was?
00:40:35Thanks to your captain.
00:40:37I just do my job.
00:40:39When I learned that Se-yoon was suffering from epilepsy,
00:40:43I felt it was the end.
00:40:45But now I feel that it was a test
00:40:47to do my job well.
00:40:49And he makes it a gift from heaven, right?
00:40:54Oh, right.
00:40:55Remember who helped us clear the way?
00:40:56He's my type.
00:40:58I ...
00:40:59I've always liked the people who act.
00:41:02But today ...
00:41:04He was stoic, but very gentlemanly.
00:41:06Calm, but very tenacious.
00:41:09At that moment, he made me very sexy.
00:41:13I never thought she would say sexy to someone who was not Iron Man.
00:41:17He also said that Spider-Man was.
00:41:18He said something about his suit.
00:41:20I remember that his shirt said something,
00:41:21I love you or ...
00:41:23Oh, oh.
00:41:26I guess it's the man Seaweed.
00:41:27Iron Man.
00:41:29Seaweed Man.
00:41:31Seaweed Man.
00:41:35Someone wrote down the plates of your car?
00:41:38I'm sorry, but I was nervous.
00:41:39I could not write them down.
00:41:41What bad luck.
00:41:42That was my only clue.
00:41:45Here I left you a package that arrived in the afternoon.
00:41:50What is it?
00:41:52Let's see.
00:41:54Those are a lot of rice cakes.
00:41:56I was hungry.
00:41:58But wait, I want to see who sent this.
00:42:01Look, here's a letter.
00:42:05Well, whatever.
00:42:07Thank you very much for all your help.
00:42:09I said I would be in touch, right?
00:42:12Miss Chong Moon.
00:42:18How did he know my name?
00:42:23And why rice cakes?
00:42:24I'm thirsty just to see them.
00:42:27Give me a little.
00:42:28It's good.
00:42:33Miss Bessonieux.
00:42:37Good afternoon.
00:42:38Good afternoon.
00:42:39It's a pleasure to meet you.
00:42:40I'm Lee Jin Jung.
00:42:41I'll give you my card.
00:42:42Yes, thank you.
00:42:43My call must have surprised you.
00:42:45Of course not.
00:42:49I could have gone to see her.
00:42:50I thank you for coming.
00:42:53It was nothing.
00:42:54It was a great honor to come here to meet you.
00:42:59But how did you get in touch with me?
00:43:02I have a great radar for these things.
00:43:05I heard that a great talent was returning to Korea,
00:43:07so I started to investigate.
00:43:09I'm really flattered.
00:43:10I appreciate it.
00:43:11I mean it.
00:43:12I hope I don't offend you.
00:43:15But I can ask you,
00:43:16why did you quit your job at GRIP?
00:43:18What happened?
00:43:20Oh, I...
00:43:22I had to return to Korea for personal reasons.
00:43:27Well, then how many years did you work at GRIP?
00:43:30I joined the company in 2015,
00:43:32and I quit just last month, so...
00:43:36It was almost 10 years.
00:43:38Actually, no.
00:43:39I had a year off, more or less.
00:43:42And when was it?
00:43:44It was when I turned 30.
00:43:46Was it for personal reasons?
00:43:50Many people do it at that age.
00:43:52I also did it when I turned 30.
00:43:55Why? With such an impressive story?
00:43:57You feel nothing bad will happen.
00:43:59The position I'd like to offer you at Serendipity would be...
00:44:27And now, why so elegant?
00:44:29Excuse me?
00:44:31Why do you always go out of nowhere?
00:44:33Easy, because we both live in the same neighborhood.
00:44:36Don't think that excites me.
00:44:37I think we finally agree.
00:44:40Well, goodbye.
00:44:42Tell me, where are you going?
00:44:43For something cold, for the nausea.
00:44:56Your masculinity always surprises me.
00:44:59You should change it.
00:45:01Don't you want it?
00:45:02No, you already drank from it. At least clean it.
00:45:04Do I disgust you?
00:45:05It's just that you're not very clean.
00:45:07Hey, you just threw water at me.
00:45:09What? I slipped, didn't you see?
00:45:11If that's what you want.
00:45:13Are you going to wet me?
00:45:14There's a water crisis, huh?
00:45:17I do it for Mother Earth.
00:45:26Now, where are you going?
00:45:32How is it that your actions are always so unpredictable?
00:45:36I spent a lot of time without exercising.
00:45:39I'm going to change that.
00:45:40As if that were going to help you.
00:45:42Besides, your clothes are not the right one.
00:45:44And what do you care about that?
00:45:46I saw a talent hunt.
00:45:50And for what?
00:45:51I don't know.
00:45:52He knew about me and contacted me.
00:45:54I understand him.
00:45:56I'm a very talented being.
00:45:58And what did he tell you?
00:45:59Well, he made me some offers.
00:46:01I work in Glocorea and Serendipity.
00:46:04What he offered me was something decent.
00:46:07The payment was not bad, although it was not so much.
00:46:11It's similar to my old job.
00:46:14I can get used to it.
00:46:16Great, right?
00:46:18Is that what you want to do?
00:46:22Do you want to keep working on that?
00:46:24Well, work is work.
00:46:26It doesn't matter what you want.
00:46:28No, of course not.
00:46:29You should work on something you like.
00:46:31Oh, yes, of course.
00:46:32People don't always get what they want.
00:46:35What did you say?
00:46:36Why don't they want to follow their dreams now?
00:46:40You said it yourself.
00:46:42You stopped working.
00:46:44You wanted a restart.
00:46:45I said it, but...
00:46:46Did you gather the courage just to go back to the beginning and live the same?
00:46:49And what do you care if I end up doing that or what?
00:46:52I know you very well.
00:46:54I know that shine in your eyes.
00:46:56And more when something excites you.
00:46:57And I'm not seeing that shine now.
00:47:00Do you think I'm still 17 or 20?
00:47:02Don't pretend you know me perfectly when you don't.
00:47:05I'm just telling you this because I want you to find your dream and that you...
00:47:08What? My dream?
00:47:09Do you think this can be achieved just because you want it?
00:47:12Dreams are only for those who can dream.
00:47:15Dreams are for those who can afford to have second chances.
00:47:19You don't know it because you've always had an easy life.
00:47:23You've had blue skies, no clouds in sight.
00:47:27But for me, it's been a constant storm without any rest.
00:47:32Cold rain, freezing cold and days full of shadows.
00:47:35You don't understand.
00:47:36I do.
00:47:38I've been there myself.
00:47:46And I thought you'd remember.
00:48:08I thought you'd remember.
00:48:29Oh, you scared me.
00:48:31What are you doing here?
00:48:32I was waiting for you.
00:48:34And that voice? Is puberty here yet?
00:48:36I'll ignore it because you're on the national team.
00:48:41What's wrong?
00:48:42You're acting very strange.
00:48:44It's a gift.
00:48:50It's a towel.
00:48:51Yes, spread it out.
00:48:59What is this?
00:49:00Do you like it?
00:49:01I bought the towel and asked them to embroider it for you.
00:49:04Take it.
00:49:05Oh no, what a shame.
00:49:06What if someone sees it?
00:49:10It's okay.
00:49:11I'll make her happy.
00:49:13I wish you success.
00:49:15Bring glory.
00:49:16You talk as if you were going to compete tomorrow.
00:49:19You can do it.
00:49:21That's it!
00:49:23Good luck!
00:49:26Beat them all!
00:49:35Beat them all!
00:50:06We have bad news.
00:50:08Che Sung Hyo, who joined the Olympic team after winning the 2007 national swimming competition,
00:50:14was involved in an accident.
00:50:17He's okay.
00:50:18It can't be.
00:50:21How is he?
00:50:22Calm down, calm down.
00:50:24He's okay.
00:50:25He's okay.
00:50:26He's okay.
00:50:27He's okay.
00:50:28He's okay.
00:50:29He's okay.
00:50:30He's okay.
00:50:31He's okay.
00:50:32He's okay.
00:50:33He's okay.
00:50:34Calm down.
00:50:35He's okay.
00:50:36Calm down.
00:50:38He's okay.
00:50:40This can't be.
00:50:41Everything will be fine.
00:50:46You will walk again with a lot of rehabilitation.
00:50:51But your swimming career
00:50:57is over.
00:51:04In front of your feet
00:51:08I'm still in place
00:51:16At the end of a breathless road
00:51:24I wait
00:51:34Precious dreams that seem to be broken
00:51:42Disappear like a dream
00:51:50My time that lost its way
00:51:55I do it.
00:51:57I've been there myself.
00:52:01And I thought you'd remember.
00:52:04I'll lean on you.
00:52:08I'll take a break.
00:52:34I left my phone somewhere.
00:53:05I heard you fought.
00:53:07Mr. Jun told me.
00:53:10Oh, no.
00:53:11Why would I tell you that?
00:53:12Oh, my God.
00:53:13What a horror.
00:53:14Well, I'm very good at giving advice.
00:53:17And now that I've heard the whole story,
00:53:19I think you're right, Sun-Hyu.
00:53:22They really thought we'd steal those designs.
00:53:25Better forget them and look to the future.
00:53:27I know there are a lot of things waiting for us.
00:53:30Are you on my side?
00:53:31I'm always on the side of reason.
00:53:34But Mr. Jun has a good point.
00:53:36If I want to work from 9 to 6 and make a lot of money,
00:53:40for that we need to be famous.
00:53:42And we also have to hire more people.
00:53:45In this job, we are at the mercy of the client.
00:53:49But you don't have the mentality for that.
00:53:53I don't have the mentality for that.
00:53:56But you don't have the mentality for that.
00:54:00You had it all.
00:54:04Hey, someone told me the same thing yesterday.
00:54:06Well, he was right.
00:54:08And you know that's true.
00:54:11But you're great.
00:54:14You speak like a great poet,
00:54:16an idealist who prefers to live in dreams.
00:54:19And you're not someone who gives up easily.
00:54:23And do you know where that comes from?
00:54:30My dream?
00:54:31Do you think this can be achieved just because you want it?
00:54:34Well, dreams are only for those who can dream.
00:54:37They are for those who can afford to have second chances.
00:54:43So in conclusion,
00:54:45I want us all to get along very well here at Atelier Inn.
00:54:48Because that's the only way we can grow.
00:54:50There's no other way.
00:54:52And just so you know, Mr. Jun was waiting for you.
00:55:01I admit it. You're a good person.
00:55:02I know.
00:55:17Come in.
00:55:24I brought you some coffee.
00:55:26As you like.
00:55:28Oh, of course.
00:55:32By the way,
00:55:34I'm sorry.
00:55:36I put you against the wall.
00:55:38It's not true.
00:55:40I knew I was wrong,
00:55:42and I wanted to pretend it wasn't.
00:55:46I'm very sorry.
00:55:48No, it's okay.
00:55:50I was wrong too.
00:55:52I let my selfishness win.
00:55:54You were right.
00:55:56I focused on what I wanted.
00:56:00I thought that would help me finally close that chapter.
00:56:05I understand.
00:56:07I thought so too.
00:56:10And I can't imagine how you felt
00:56:14when you had to give up.
00:56:22Nayun told me that...
00:56:25we can get through this.
00:56:29We must be united, and we won't die.
00:56:34I can't believe it.
00:56:35That girl is something else.
00:56:37I can't with this new generation.
00:56:42Yes, I understand.
00:56:44But stop talking about the generations.
00:56:49Only the old people care about that.
00:56:51We don't care,
00:56:53so don't mention it again, okay?
00:56:58aren't you going to give up?
00:57:00Not that, don't even think about it.
00:57:02I knew it, it was a joke.
00:57:05But enough, get away.
00:57:06I want my space.
00:57:10I'm sorry about yesterday.
00:57:12Oh, I say the same thing.
00:57:19Come on!
00:57:44So, what was your dream?
00:57:47My dream?
00:57:50What did you want to be?
00:57:52What did our age want?
00:57:54Oh, I didn't expect that question.
00:57:57Let me think.
00:58:00At that time,
00:58:02I wanted to be the best in the class.
00:58:05I wanted to be a good daughter,
00:58:07and that all the teachers praised me all the time.
00:58:11I just wanted approval.
00:58:14When I remember that,
00:58:16I feel a little pity.
00:58:18And why?
00:58:20Because I focused so much on that,
00:58:22that in the end I neglected myself.
00:58:24I never did what I wanted.
00:59:16I see that our heroine finally got up.
00:59:20I'm hungry.
00:59:21Very hungry?
00:59:23I just put the rice.
00:59:25It's still going to take.
00:59:27Look at the table.
00:59:28There are rice cakes.
00:59:34I've been eating a lot of those.
00:59:37Who gave them to you?
00:59:39Oh, our neighbor gave them to me.
00:59:43I had put that trap on him.
00:59:45I put it up for sale years ago,
00:59:47but no one wanted it.
00:59:48What a waste.
00:59:49I'm glad I could.
00:59:52Did you like it?
01:00:13Let's go.
01:00:14Let's go.
01:00:15Let's go.
01:00:42Is that you, Soniu?
01:00:44Mrs. Yu?
01:00:47Drink it.
01:00:48It's pear tea.
01:00:49It'll help you.
01:00:50Thank you very much.
01:00:52Sorry for scaring you like that.
01:00:55It's okay.
01:00:56Thanks to that scare,
01:00:58I won't have to watch a horror movie all year.
01:01:02Now I want to know,
01:01:03what were you looking for?
01:01:05It's a capsule.
01:01:07I buried it with Sunghyo and Mom, you know?
01:01:10When did they do something so adorable?
01:01:12Could you find it?
01:01:14No, but it doesn't matter.
01:01:17I thought I'd find answers there,
01:01:20but now I'm more confused.
01:01:24Mrs. Yu,
01:01:26I'm sorry, but I lied to you.
01:01:29I don't work for GRIP anymore.
01:01:33I quit.
01:01:35In fact,
01:01:36I don't know if I quit,
01:01:38or if they fired me.
01:01:40I'm sorry.
01:01:47you were always excellent,
01:01:49and that worried me.
01:01:52I wasn't sure how you'd face failure,
01:01:55because it's not easy.
01:01:58It was something I was never able to teach you.
01:02:03if they taught me something these years,
01:02:05it's that you don't stop growing.
01:02:09And there will always be answers,
01:02:11even if I'm not there to teach you.
01:02:18And I know you found something when you quit.
01:02:22Well, don't look back,
01:02:23trust yourself and move on.
01:02:26Doubting an exam is bad.
01:02:29You're right.
01:02:31When you finish,
01:02:32go to the pool and you'll find Sunghyo.
01:02:48Did you find the capsule?
01:02:49You scared me.
01:02:50What are you doing here at this hour?
01:02:52The same question.
01:02:56what's in your hand?
01:02:58Is it my card?
01:03:05Dear me of the future,
01:03:07how are you?
01:03:08I'm Bae Sunghyo, the most ardent girl.
01:03:10Don't read it.
01:03:12Tell me, how's the future?
01:03:13I'm going to kill you!
01:03:14I'm in the prison called school,
01:03:16because I'm a student.
01:03:18Oh, it's slippery.
01:03:19You can't read other people's stuff!
01:03:20My clothes are my uniform and...
01:03:22What did that brat write?
01:03:24My sentence is to study.
01:03:26Give it to me.
01:03:27And I can't be free until graduation.
01:03:29The best and first terms go together,
01:03:31you know that, Ser?
01:03:32If you make an effort, you'll be the best.
01:03:34You just have to concentrate.
01:03:37Yes, I should have left her buried.
01:03:38This would have been a textbook in the future.
01:03:41Oh, these lines are going to go down in history.
01:03:43It was like reading Faulkner.
01:03:45The history will go down in what I do to you.
01:03:47Give it to me!
01:03:52Wow, cheat.
01:03:55You jumped into the water because you know I can't swim.
01:03:58Come get her if you love her so much.
01:04:00No, forget it.
01:04:03You know something?
01:04:05It's the first time in a long time
01:04:07that I jump into the pool.
01:04:11Oh, you don't know how good it feels.
01:04:14I missed it so much.
01:04:16Yeah, well...
01:04:17I think I was...
01:04:19a little hard on you.
01:04:20Do you remember?
01:04:22When I locked myself in after...
01:04:25I gave up on this.
01:04:29What are you doing?
01:04:31Look, I brought some mangas.
01:04:33You have to read them, okay?
01:04:35Then I'll give you a hand.
01:04:37And I won't give you a hard time.
01:04:41What's going on?
01:04:43Don't push me!
01:04:44Give them back to me!
01:04:46Hey, Jason!
01:04:47It's okay, but at least give me my mangas back!
01:05:03Did you think you could get away with this?
01:05:05Well, sorry, but I know where they keep the spare keys!
01:05:11Very good.
01:05:12Forget the rameon.
01:05:13Let's go get some meat.
01:05:14In fact, I'll pay.
01:05:15What do you say?
01:05:19Hey, no!
01:05:21Come on!
01:05:28Don't think I'm giving up, okay?
01:05:32Let's go.
01:05:50What are you doing?
01:05:53What's wrong?
01:05:54What did you want?
01:05:55You scared me!
01:05:56Hey, what's this?
01:05:57Get off!
01:05:58Oh, please!
01:05:59Get out of the way!
01:06:10Really, you're crazy.
01:06:13How dare you laugh now?
01:06:15What were you thinking when you got in like this?
01:06:17You could have killed yourself, huh?
01:06:19Maybe that teaches you not to lock yourself up.
01:06:21I'm almost dying because of your damn fault.
01:06:23You should thank me for saving you.
01:06:25What a shame, because I had to be the neighbor of a mad...
01:06:28Yes, I am.
01:06:29And you, what are you?
01:06:30And you, what are you? Do you think we evolved by locking ourselves up like this?
01:06:34You idiot, you trilobite, you stupid monkey, it's like you've gone back in time, huh?
01:06:37What? Well, it's not like you're better than me, huh?
01:06:41It must be because your brain doesn't process. Why don't you understand that?
01:06:45I don't want to see you, okay?
01:06:47Oh, gross. What does it smell like?
01:06:50Oh, does it smell like garbage? No, it's not that.
01:06:53Oh, loneliness and defeat, gross!
01:06:55I know it doesn't smell like anything. Why don't you shut up and get out of here?
01:06:59And then what? Are you going to keep looking at the wall like a loser?
01:07:05Son of a b****, loser.
01:07:07It's true. You're the biggest idiot loser.
01:07:10I said that's enough.
01:07:11What are you going to do to me, huh?
01:07:13Get the f*** out of here, you stupid bastard.
01:07:15But that's vulgar. You have a trucker's mouth.
01:07:18Let me see, that's what I care about. I think you don't understand me.
01:07:22I'm serious, I'm warning you.
01:07:23Son of a b****, how long are you going to be like this?
01:07:25Get the f*** out of here, damn loser.
01:07:27That's enough. Shut up!
01:07:28You think you're the biggest a**hole, but you're just a piece of s**t.
01:07:32Damn b****, don't you see the s**t I'm fighting?
01:07:34That's enough.
01:07:36You cry like an a**hole, damn loser.
01:07:38What do you expect, a**hole?
01:07:39The last thing I need is to listen to you.
01:07:40You don't know how I feel right now, huh?
01:07:43You have no idea what I'm going through.
01:07:49How does it feel to get him out?
01:07:51It's been a month since I last heard your voice.
01:07:55Well, you heard it.
01:08:01Hey, crazy. Why did you bring that with you?
01:08:04Lock yourself up again, and you'll find out.
01:08:21That's how you were.
01:08:23A crazy b**** with an H.
01:08:25Ready to knock down any obstacle.
01:08:30That's how you are.
01:08:31She's not going to be depressed with you.
01:08:34Are you done?
01:08:36No, I'm not done yet.
01:08:38I'm not done yet.
01:08:40I'm not done yet.
01:08:42I'm not done yet.
01:08:44I'm not done yet.
01:08:46I'm not done yet.
01:08:49Are you done?
01:08:51You're pathetic.
01:08:52So what?
01:08:53At least the old Sonyo had some spark.
01:08:56Now you're just a boring little lady.
01:08:59And bitter.
01:09:01Listen, I'll make you swallow your words.
01:09:19What are you doing?
01:09:28What are you doing?
01:09:33Hey, what?
01:09:37Help me!
01:09:42I got you. Calm down. You're not going to die.
01:09:47Damn it.
01:09:48What were you thinking when you jumped here? You don't even know how to swim.
01:09:53Shut up! It's all your fault.
01:09:55Do you know why you're sinking?
01:09:57I don't know.
01:09:58It's because you're too tense. You need to relax.
01:10:00Relax your body. Calm down.
01:10:02Oh, God. I can't even relax when I'm lying down.
01:10:05Okay, in that case, listen to me. You're a jellyfish.
01:10:08That's it. Relax your body.
01:10:13Like this?
01:10:14Just breathe.
01:10:16Oh, God. I'm a jellyfish.
01:10:18Very good. I think it's working.
01:10:20Just like that. Very good.
01:10:21It's working.
01:10:22No, no, no!
01:10:23It doesn't work!
01:10:24It doesn't work!
01:10:25It doesn't work!
01:10:26Give me my hair!
01:10:28No! I'm going to drown!
01:10:31Let go of my hair!
01:10:32I don't want to!
01:10:40Am I really floating alone?
01:10:43Oh, this is incredible. It feels weird.
01:10:47Tell me, can't we have a moment of silence?
01:10:50Just try to follow the water.
01:10:57Hey, Chesung.
01:11:01I was a little nervous.
01:11:04For a moment, I wanted to give up everything.
01:11:07I started dreaming of a new life.
01:11:12When I left Grip behind,
01:11:15I felt like she was no one.
01:11:19As if I couldn't move.
01:11:23While everything kept moving forward.
01:11:26That's how I felt when I left the swimming pool.
01:11:29I felt like I was on the starting line.
01:11:32And that I couldn't move, even if I heard the whistle.
01:11:37That made me think.
01:11:38That I would never find a place where I would be free.
01:11:44But you found it.
01:11:47If I could do it, why couldn't you?
01:11:50When you were a kid, you hated the water so much
01:11:52that you couldn't even take a bath.
01:11:56And today I jumped.
01:11:58Do you think I can learn to swim?
01:12:01Why not?
01:12:05I mean...
01:12:07Would you continue your work as an architect
01:12:12if you could swim again?
01:12:21Of course.
01:12:23What about you?
01:12:25If you could...
01:12:27swim again?
01:12:35Would you go back before giving up
01:12:38with the option of going back to GRIP?
01:12:41Would you do it?
01:12:44I don't think so.
01:12:45I have another one.
01:12:48If you could...
01:12:51be committed again...
01:12:55would you do it?
01:13:01I wouldn't do it.
01:13:05Well, here it is.
01:13:12Here you go.
01:13:13Write a letter for your future self.
01:13:17It's silly.
01:13:18Shut up, will you?
01:13:20We'll open it in exactly 10 years, okay?
01:13:23Whoever opens it first will be cursed with...
01:13:26100 years of bad luck.
01:13:27Okay, no one will regret it, is that clear?
01:13:30Dear me of the future,
01:13:32how are you?
01:13:33I'm Besonyu, the hottest girl.
01:13:36I heard there are so many advances
01:13:38that you can shoot spiders.
01:13:41They even say you can climb walls.
01:13:46I'm not sure.
01:13:48I'm not sure.
01:13:50I'm not sure.
01:13:52I'm not sure.
01:13:54I'm not sure.
01:13:56I'm not sure.
01:13:58I'm not sure.
01:14:00I'm not sure.
01:14:02I'm not sure.
01:14:29Ten years sounds like a long time.
01:14:31It is possible that you are dating Soniu.
01:15:02You and I, we stay alive
01:15:08In the forgotten yellow memories
01:15:11It remains faintly
01:15:14I looked at the same place as me
01:15:17The moment I met you again
01:15:20Your voice that calls me
01:15:23You woke up my cold heart again
01:15:27Just say alright
01:15:30It's like a miracle
01:15:33I need you
01:16:04What the hell did you say?
