• anno scorso
Insta Empire Ep 39 I fought with MMA world champion to save my wife
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Hi guys Kevin here listen to full episodes of insta Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
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00:11Kevin and Meriwether were fighting right in the main reception room of the Jones mansion
00:15Although Kevin had taught Jason a lesson at grandma Jones's birthday party Lily doubted that her husband could beat Meriwether
00:22But it made her feel good to see Kevin stand up for her. Hurry Kevin get out
00:27Lily shouted as she ran to grab her phone and call the police
00:31Kevin acted as if he didn't hear Lily's warning and just stood there calmly facing Meriwether
00:36Once her phone connected Lily said this is an emergency
00:41Come to the Jones family mansion right away. There's a terrible fight
00:45Lily's voice trailed off over the phone. The police operator could hear the fight going on in the background
00:52The Joneses were all amazed to see Kevin standing there tightly clenching Meriwether's fist
00:58With your punching speed you should consider going into the martial arts. Kevin said sarcastically
01:03How dare you mock me Meriwether snarled while Kevin was holding his fist
01:10Meriwether turned and gave him a powerful kick to the head the 911 operator told Lily
01:16That sounds dangerous, please keep at a safe distance who's fighting
01:21The MMA champion Lucas Meriwether is attacking my husband Lily cried
01:27Everyone closed their eyes. They were sure that Kevin would be severely injured by the kick
01:32A cold smile emerged on Meriwether's face. He had used this move to knock out a lot of his opponents
01:39But in the next second to everyone's surprise
01:41Kevin calmly reached out his left hand and grabbed Meriwether by the ankle when he squeezed his hands together
01:49Meriwether screamed in agony
01:52Then Kevin grabbed Meriwether's hands and feet and threw him onto the ground with a dull thud
01:58Everyone there including Meriwether's bodyguards were stunned. They couldn't believe he had beaten the world champion so easily
02:06Before Meriwether could get up from the floor Kevin put his foot on the man's chest pinning him down
02:12So what were you saying about my wife you arrogant bastard?
02:17Kevin said as he leaned down and slapped Meriwether on the face
02:21Stop hitting me. I was wrong Meriwether begged him
02:25So you admit that you were wrong then maybe you should apologize Kevin said coldly
02:32Alright, I apologize
02:34Meriwether said in a muffled voice
02:37Not to me to Lily
02:40After Kevin finished speaking he glared at Meriwether's bodyguards. None of them dared to move
02:46They knew that they couldn't beat their boss
02:48Even if they joined forces seeing how easily Kevin had defeated Meriwether, how could they possibly stand a chance?
02:55Never Meriwether said bitterly
03:00Kevin grabbed the man by the collar and raised his palm to slap him
03:04This is unbelievable. They all thought was this really happening?
03:08Lily gulped in disbelief. She'd been married to Kevin for three years and had never seen the side of him
03:14Kevin gave Meriwether another punch to the jaw. It looked like he may have knocked out a couple of his teeth
03:21We're still waiting Kevin said threateningly. I'll do it. I'll do it. Just stop hitting me Meriwether begged
03:29Kevin turned the big man to face Lily as everyone looked on in shock Meriwether said Lily
03:36Mrs. Williams, I'm sorry. I should never have done this. Please forgive me
03:41Before Lily could say anything Kevin said I'll call the police now and let them handle this
03:47I've already called the police Lily said softly
03:51Kevin nodded and lowered Meriwether to the floor then he turned around and looked at the man's bodyguards
03:56He ordered them come over and sit on the floor with your hands on your heads
04:01They frowned and looked at each other. What are you waiting for?
04:05Come over here and sit down next to me Meriwether shouted at them. Yes, sir
04:11They replied and sat on the floor to wait for the police a few minutes later. They all heard sirens approaching the mansion
04:19Officer Emmett walked in followed by several backup officers
04:23What's this all about she asked then she looked at Meriwether and his bodyguards sitting quietly on the floor with their hands on their heads
04:30What's going on? Why are these guys sitting on the floor?
04:34officer Emmett frowned and asked
04:37Officer please help me before Meriwether could finish what he was saying Kevin grabbed him by his throat
04:44Kevin what are you doing? You can't do that in front of a police officer officer Emmett said
04:50Well officer Emmett, I've already guessed what Meriwether was about to say. He just wants to complain
04:56I figured I'd save you some time and just make him shut up
05:00Kevin said calmly
05:02Officer Emmett rolled her eyes at Kevin then she turned to the other officers and asked them to have two more cars sent over
05:09She looked at the Jones family standing in a big circle then pointed at the men sitting on the floor and added
05:15Take these guys back to the station for questioning after officer Emmett finished giving these instructions. She turned to Kevin and Lily and said
05:22Please follow me
05:24Of course officer Emmett Kevin said does he shrugged his shoulders then he hesitated for a moment before saying
05:32Does my wife have to go she was a little frightened by all of this and she should go get some rest
05:38It's fine. I can go with you. Lily said worriedly
05:42Officer Emmett said I'll be in touch ma'am. Then she nodded at Kevin and said let's go
05:48Kevin turned to Lily and said go home and rest up. I'll be back soon
05:53Then he and officer Emmett left the Jones mansion
05:58Kevin sat down in the front seat of officer Emmett's cruiser
06:01She put it into gear and drove through the gate toward the city after about 10 minutes Kevin asked her
06:07Aren't we going to the police station?
06:09He knew that they weren't in the right neighborhood
06:12You know the police station pretty well, don't you officer Emmett gave him an odd look and then smiled
06:19Don't look at me like that. He said I drive by the police station all the time. And this is definitely the wrong direction
06:25What's going on?
06:27Forget it. I won't tease you anymore. She said in a slightly playful tone
06:32Actually, I already know what kind of guy Meriwether is I can find out all I need to know from the Jones family
06:39Suddenly Kevin's eyes lit up that pill. I made actually helped you didn't it? How did you guess? She said in surprise?
06:48I'm not just another pretty face Kevin joked. Don't flatter yourself
06:53Officer Emmett said as she went back to looking at the road as they got closer to downtown
06:58The traffic started to back up even though it wasn't rush hour yet
07:02Officer Emmett slowed down and squeezed into the next lane over
07:06Kevin she said do you have another one of those pills?
07:11Officer Emmett, what kind of man do you think I am? I don't just go around handing out pills
07:16Kevin replied as he smiled casually. I
07:19Really didn't expect it to have such a great effect on me a few hours after you left. I started to feel fantastic
07:26Officer Emmett said enthusiastically if you have one left over may I have it?
07:31She asked awkwardly
07:33The supplement has already done its work. Why would you want another one? Kevin asked he found her request puzzling
07:41She didn't strike him as someone who was greedy. I have a very good friend who needs some help
07:46She explained she knew that something this miraculous would be difficult to make herself
07:52Somehow Kevin seemed to have a gift for it. I'm not sure I can help he explained honestly. I
07:59Understand officer Emmett answered he could see in her eyes that she was disappointed
08:04However, there may be a way for me to help your friend. Kevin said with a smile how
08:10Officer Emmett's face lit up
08:12Kevin glanced at her first then asked do you know Dominic Archer? I sold him one a couple of days ago
08:19You mean you want me to pay for it? Officer Emmett asked Kevin slowly nodded his head
08:25He hadn't heard a lot of the ingredients and the recipes that he'd found if he wanted to keep
08:31Experimenting with this herbal medicine. He'd need a lot of money, but he couldn't use any of the Williams Media or
08:37KWTD corporation assets to pay for his personal research
08:41He wanted those companies to continue to grow because he knew he'd need them in the future
08:47So he had to fund the project himself as long as your friend is willing to pay I can do it
08:53Kevin said calmly don't worry money isn't a problem. My friend is pretty well off
08:59Then officer Emmett asked curiously. How do you know Dominic Archer? And how much did he pay for your pill?
09:06How did I meet him? I'd rather not talk about it. Kevin casually said but he didn't pay much just 500,000
09:14Officer Emmett slammed on the brakes when she heard this. How much did he pay?
09:20officer Emmett repeated
09:22500,000 didn't you say that your friend could afford it?
09:25Kevin said with a smirk of course Kevin knew very well that officer Emmett's friend would never be able to afford to pay that much
09:32After all hardly anyone in the whole city was as rich as Dominic
09:36As Kevin expected officer Emmett didn't say anything else
09:40She just quietly followed the car in front of them and slowly crossed the next intersection
09:45Let's go to the police station for a statement officer Emmett said blankly
09:50Officer Emmett, I consider us to be friends. Why don't I give your friend a 20% discount?
09:56Kevin said nervously
09:58Was Kevin really afraid of going down to the police station? Of course not
10:02He knew that Meriwether was completely in the wrong. Although he may have gotten a little carried away defending Lily against the bully
10:10Kevin was acting anxious so he could give officer Emmett a way out a
10:1520% discount isn't that still a few hundred thousand?
10:19Officer Emmett said sadly Kevin. Are you teasing me? Are you having fun?
10:24He knew that she couldn't possibly afford to help her friend. No matter how generous she was
10:30Forget about it officer Emmett. I value our relationship in the short time. I've known you we faced a lot together
10:37Even fought side-by-side. I'll just give you the pill Kevin said gently
10:44Officer Emmett said as she pulled to the curb and slammed on the brakes again
10:48Her sudden move caught Kevin off guard and he grabbed the armrest
10:52Officer Emmett, can you please be more careful? I can give you the pill, but I do have one condition
10:59Kevin said nonchalantly. I knew it. I already told you I can't afford it
11:04So if you're asking for any money, we can forget about the whole thing
11:08Officer Emmett said bluntly
11:10Don't worry. The condition I want is very simple. All you have to do is say, please
11:18Kevin said with a smile
11:20Officer Emmett turned her head and continued driving a few minutes later. She said, okay, please give me the pill for my friend
11:29Wasn't that easy?
11:30Kevin said with a smile then he took a small bottle out of his pocket and poured the pill out into his hand
11:37Thank you
11:38Officer Emmett said gratefully then she quickly took out her phone and called her friend. Hello. Where are you right now?
11:45I've got the pill she made a u-turn and started to head back out of the city
11:50Where are we going now?
11:52Kevin won. Hi guys, Kevin here. Listen to full episodes of instant Empire exclusively on the pocket FM app
11:59Click the link in the description to install the app now
