ワールド極限ミステリー 2024年9月4日 9.11同時多発テロ!爆弾犯と戦った名もなきヒーロー!元KARAク・ハラ!知られざる闘い!

  • 2 days ago
ワールド極限ミステリー 2024年9月4日 9.11同時多発テロ!爆弾犯と戦った名もなきヒーロー!元KARAク・ハラ!知られざる闘い!
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00:01The shock is hidden in everyday life.
00:00:12It's a direct hit.
00:00:13It came from an unexpected angle.
00:00:16A huge metal ball has fallen.
00:00:20Where did it come from?
00:00:24What is this?
00:00:25Is it a building or something?
00:00:27In fact, this is a flying scene.
00:00:30What was installed on the building has fallen due to the strong wind.
00:00:38As you can see, the car is flat.
00:00:42Are you okay?
00:00:43Is the person in the car safe?
00:00:48The driver came out.
00:00:50He was safe.
00:00:53In addition,
00:00:57There was a baby in the back seat.
00:01:01The baby was in the back seat.
00:01:07The car was a pity, but it was not a life-threatening accident.
00:01:14Now, we will show you a video of a drive recorder running on a mountain road.
00:01:20The car was hit by a truck.
00:01:25A truck with a broken brake has hit the car.
00:01:29The car can't go straight at this rate.
00:01:34What would you do?
00:01:40What is this?
00:01:44Are you okay?
00:01:47It's a movie.
00:01:48It's amazing.
00:01:52The car is back at no speed.
00:01:54This driver is amazing.
00:01:56The car somehow avoided the car.
00:02:05The car was saved by the decision of the driver.
00:02:08This is a great driving technique.
00:02:11Next, there was a big pinch in the garden.
00:02:17There was a 12-year-old boy playing in the rain.
00:02:24It was at that time.
00:02:33A sudden downpour.
00:02:35The mother, who was shooting the video, threw away the camera.
00:02:41Is the boy safe?
00:02:46At this time, the thunder didn't hit the boy.
00:02:50The boy fell into a tree in the house next door.
00:02:54If the boy was 10 meters away, the boy would have died.
00:03:02China's South China Sea.
00:03:04The pinch comes when the boy is sleeping.
00:03:16Something fell like a waterfall.
00:03:22The bedroom was flooded with water.
00:03:24This is the worst.
00:03:27This fell with the boy.
00:03:29This is a water tank.
00:03:33On this day, a record-breaking typhoon hit the city.
00:03:38The wind was so strong that it knocked down the tree.
00:03:42This is amazing.
00:03:44The water tank in the house next door was blown away by the strong wind.
00:03:48The water tank broke through the roof and fell.
00:03:52If the boy's head was a little off, he would have died.
00:03:59Also in China.
00:04:01There was an old man playing with a gas tank in front of the house.
00:04:06After this, there was a big pinch.
00:04:12The gas tank exploded again.
00:04:18What is this?
00:04:19Suddenly, the gas tank exploded.
00:04:22It flew away.
00:04:24The gas that was left in the gas tank was discharged.
00:04:28The fire in the house exploded.
00:04:31It's a big explosion.
00:04:33This happens.
00:04:36Be careful when handling a gas tank.
00:04:41What happened to this worker?
00:04:49What is this red thing?
00:04:54He ran away.
00:04:56Actually, this is a steel factory.
00:05:00The metal that was heated to be processed flew to the boy.
00:05:05The temperature was about 1,300 degrees.
00:05:11The cause was a malfunction of the steel machine.
00:05:14The worker ran away.
00:05:20This man is making a phone call in the city of India.
00:05:24There is a tragedy.
00:05:28He is hiding behind a man.
00:05:30I have a bad feeling.
00:05:32He has a bad feeling.
00:05:42He is approaching from behind.
00:05:44He was hit by a tree.
00:05:47The man who was waiting for him turned around.
00:05:51He didn't do anything wrong.
00:05:54He didn't do anything to the man.
00:05:56But he was hit by a tree.
00:05:59Fortunately, he didn't get hurt.
00:06:05This is a man who is farming.
00:06:09He noticed something.
00:06:18The man who ran away from something ran under the car.
00:06:24This is not a normal fear.
00:06:27What happened?
00:06:42The man was chased by a wild elephant.
00:06:48According to Mr. Machida, who is familiar with the ecology of animals,
00:06:52This elephant is a young male elephant.
00:06:54It is said that the elephant was irritated because it couldn't get food.
00:06:56The elephant may have attacked a farmer.
00:06:59That's right.
00:07:01Something blew up on the road in China.
00:07:07The man who enjoys fireworks on the road.
00:07:15The firework exploded into the gas in the manhole.
00:07:19The lid blew up.
00:07:21It's dangerous.
00:07:23After this, the man was in even more danger.
00:07:34The lid that blew up in front of the man fell.
00:07:40The iron mass weighing more than 40 kg slipped.
00:07:45If it was one step off, it would have been a disaster.
00:07:48He was safe.
00:07:51This is a festival to capture the traditional Indonesian elephant.
00:07:58At this river during the festival,
00:08:00Something unbelievable happened.
00:08:13The bridge collapsed.
00:08:15The bridge fell into the river.
00:08:18What happened?
00:08:20It's not that deep.
00:08:22The cause was that too many people were on board.
00:08:25The festival was too exciting.
00:08:28The injured man survived, but his life was in danger.
00:08:32That's good.
00:08:33So, what's next?
00:08:36This is amazing.
00:08:39This is amazing.
00:08:40What do you mean?
00:08:43The professional on the road made a mistake twice.
00:08:46The eye-opening mystery video 33 times.
00:08:52This phenomenon cannot be explained.
00:08:55The professional vs. the mysterious phenomenon.
00:08:58It looks fun.
00:08:59Two trucks on the American highway
00:09:02filmed a mysterious phenomenon.
00:09:05Here it is.
00:09:08What's this?
00:09:09What's going on?
00:09:13What's going on?
00:09:16A plastic bottle is flying.
00:09:18A plastic bottle?
00:09:19What's going on?
00:09:23This is a mystery.
00:09:25A mysterious phenomenon where a plastic bottle is spinning.
00:09:29Why is it flying?
00:09:33Group A.
00:09:34Masakado Yoshinori.
00:09:35Please answer in 5 seconds.
00:09:37It's the wind of the engine.
00:09:38It's like a gust of wind.
00:09:40The wind is blowing.
00:09:42Next, Bessho Tetsuya.
00:09:44Please answer in 5 seconds.
00:09:46Isn't there a transparent thread on it?
00:09:50What's the answer?
00:09:52This is because there is a whirlpool of air behind the truck.
00:09:59According to Ms. Yamazaki,
00:10:01the flow of air created by the truck
00:10:04creates a whirlpool behind the truck.
00:10:09The plastic bottle landed on the whirlpool
00:10:12and caused this phenomenon.
00:10:15In Taiwan,
00:10:24a box of styrofoam fell down
00:10:26and returned to the truck.
00:10:29This is also the same phenomenon.
00:10:33This is interesting.
00:10:34The phenomenon of a whirlpool created by the invisible flow of air.
00:10:40In Pakistan,
00:10:42there is another strange phenomenon.
00:10:48When you put a cloth in it,
00:10:57it comes back.
00:11:00It's a mysterious rock hole that spits out the cloth thrown in the hole.
00:11:04That's amazing.
00:11:06It looks like it's breathing.
00:11:09What's going on?
00:11:12Here is a mystery.
00:11:14Why does the cloth thrown in the rock hole come back?
00:11:18There is a person inside,
00:11:20and he pushes the cloth forward.
00:11:22The correct answer is
00:11:26Actually, this is Gadani Beach in the Arabian Sea.
00:11:30It was a rock facing the sea.
00:11:33According to Mr. Natsume, who is familiar with the geology,
00:11:37This is a rock hole connected to the sea.
00:11:40By pushing the cloth forward,
00:11:42the air inside the cloth comes out of the hole
00:11:45and the cloth goes up.
00:11:50If you look closely,
00:11:52you can see a splash of seawater with the cloth.
00:11:54That's seawater.
00:11:57A collaboration between rock and wave.
00:11:59A miracle phenomenon created by nature.
00:12:03In the middle of the festival in Thailand.
00:12:13Is there anything?
00:12:15Is there anything?
00:12:16It's moving.
00:12:20Under the roof,
00:12:22there is a strange half-moon-shaped object.
00:12:29It looks like the front is waving,
00:12:31but what is this?
00:12:34Here is a mystery.
00:12:36What is the identity of this black object?
00:12:40If the time is 1 o'clock,
00:12:42it will be a projection mapping,
00:12:44and that will be a clock.
00:12:46The correct answer is
00:12:49A flock of honeybees.
00:12:52It's a lie.
00:12:54In fact, honeybees create waves
00:12:56by moving their beaks and wings
00:12:58when they find an enemy.
00:13:01In this video,
00:13:03it may have reacted to the sound of the festival
00:13:05and made a noise.
00:13:07I'm sorry to bother you.
00:13:09It looks like a pattern.
00:13:11Something strange happened.
00:13:14Look at this.
00:13:16What she has in her hand is a lip gloss.
00:13:22She repeatedly puts it in her mouth.
00:13:35It flew away.
00:13:37What is this?
00:13:41It looks weightless.
00:13:44It flew away again.
00:13:47Of course,
00:13:48it's not just a wind from below.
00:13:54The cause is a static electricity.
00:13:56The moment when the static electricity was visualized.
00:13:59According to Ms. Yamazaki,
00:14:01the static electricity may have accumulated
00:14:03in the lip gloss
00:14:05by the movement of putting it in her mouth.
00:14:08The liquid of the lip gloss
00:14:10tries to repel each other,
00:14:12and it gets sharper and sharper.
00:14:14The static electricity tends to accumulate
00:14:16in the point where it is sharp.
00:14:18By collecting a lot of static electricity
00:14:20at the point where it is sharp,
00:14:22it repels each other.
00:14:25When she actually puts a device
00:14:27that generates static electricity
00:14:29on the lip gloss,
00:14:43the same thing happened as in the video.
00:14:47But usually,
00:14:49she can't see it
00:14:51unless she has all the devices.
00:14:55A mysterious tree was photographed
00:14:57in Kentucky, USA.
00:15:03It's amazing.
00:15:05The water doesn't stop.
00:15:07What's going on?
00:15:08The water is coming out of the tree vigorously.
00:15:13And this tree is actually
00:15:17separated from the ground.
00:15:23The tree was blocking the way,
00:15:25so when she cut it,
00:15:27the water came out.
00:15:34What's going on?
00:15:38Actually, this tree is called
00:15:40the White Oak.
00:15:42It's strong enough to be used
00:15:44as a liquor barrel.
00:15:46For some reason,
00:15:48rainwater accumulated in the tree
00:15:50and the tree collapsed.
00:15:53By cutting the tree,
00:15:55the rainwater that had accumulated
00:15:57flowed out.
00:16:00It's rare for a large amount of water
00:16:02to accumulate up to this point.
00:16:04I see.
00:16:07There are trees in China
00:16:09that produce water.
00:16:13Wow, it's amazing.
00:16:15It's beautiful.
00:16:19The water comes out from
00:16:21various parts of the tree.
00:16:23It really comes out of the tree.
00:16:25Some people even
00:16:27stick umbrellas in the water.
00:16:30What's different from American trees
00:16:32is that they grow on the ground.
00:16:34It's mysterious.
00:16:37Here's the mystery.
00:16:39What's going on
00:16:41with this mysterious tree
00:16:43that produces water?
00:16:45You were walking with an umbrella,
00:16:47weren't you?
00:16:49I don't think it's just one umbrella.
00:16:51A small creature living in this tree
00:16:53produces water.
00:16:57I've been caught by a cicada.
00:17:01I thought it was a cicada
00:17:03because it was so fast.
00:17:06It looks like a tree,
00:17:08but there's a branch
00:17:10behind the tree.
00:17:12When it's hot in summer,
00:17:14I wanted to give it a cool shower,
00:17:16but the water was too sweet
00:17:18that it was leaking.
00:17:22What's the truth of the water
00:17:24that comes out of the tree?
00:17:30Mr. Kuhara,
00:17:32a former member of KARA
00:17:34who passed away at the age of 28.
00:17:37I'll put an end
00:17:39to your life as an entertainer.
00:17:41He had a legal dispute
00:17:43with his ex-girlfriend
00:17:46There was a fight
00:17:48between Mr. Kuhara,
00:17:50who was a top idol,
00:17:52and his mother's
00:17:54inheritance dispute.
00:17:57I gave birth to him.
00:17:59I'll take half of it.
00:18:01He stood up for Mr. Kuhara.
00:18:03I love you, brother.
00:18:05His beloved brother.
00:18:07And on the 28th of last month,
00:18:09Kuhara was dismissed
00:18:11from the Korean parliament.
00:18:16What's the truth of the water
00:18:18that comes out of the tree?
00:18:20An expert
00:18:22watched this video.
00:18:25That's a cicada's pee.
00:18:28The truth of the water
00:18:30was a cicada's pee.
00:18:33The juice of the tree
00:18:35doesn't have much nutrition.
00:18:37It sucks up a lot of juice
00:18:39and absorbs nutrition little by little.
00:18:41Do you pee while drinking?
00:18:43Yes, I do.
00:18:45I pee while drinking water.
00:18:50a lot of cicadas
00:18:52were stuck in the tree
00:18:54so it looked like water
00:18:56was coming out of the tree.
00:18:59In Canton, China,
00:19:01there is a national park
00:19:03on the third floor of an apartment.
00:19:07Before a man
00:19:09climbed up the ladder,
00:19:13a child was left behind.
00:19:18He had to save the child as soon as possible.
00:19:28It's almost there.
00:19:36He made it.
00:19:38He was able to cut the fence,
00:19:40but it wasn't enough
00:19:42to save the child.
00:19:45Right behind the boy
00:19:47was a fire.
00:19:49There was no time left.
00:19:55Only the fire in front
00:19:57could be extinguished with a fire extinguisher.
00:19:59At this rate,
00:20:01his life would be in danger.
00:20:13He managed to make a hole
00:20:15in the fence.
00:20:19Oh, the fire.
00:20:23Oh, thank goodness.
00:20:25He was able to save the child.
00:20:29This cooperation in an emergency
00:20:31is wonderful.
00:20:33Nice rescue!
00:20:35So, from here on,
00:20:37the former firefighter,
00:20:39Watari 119,
00:20:41was able to save the child.
00:20:43It was a close call.
00:20:47In Florida,
00:20:49a six-year-old boy
00:20:51and his dog,
00:20:55were playing outside
00:21:01when a dog
00:21:03came running
00:21:05after the boy.
00:21:11He's protecting him.
00:21:17Tank, the dog,
00:21:19protected the boy
00:21:21with his body.
00:21:29A super rescue dog
00:21:31that saved the owner.
00:21:33Nice rescue!
00:21:35Thank you, thank you.
00:21:38Texas, USA
00:21:41Look at that!
00:21:42It's a disaster!
00:21:44The worker
00:21:45who was on a search
00:21:46for a five-story apartment
00:21:48was late in escaping.
00:21:50It's a disaster!
00:21:51What should we do?
00:21:53If he doesn't escape soon,
00:21:54he'll be in danger.
00:21:55But there's nowhere to escape.
00:22:00Hurry up.
00:22:01Oh, God.
00:22:02Oh, God.
00:22:03Oh, God.
00:22:04Oh, my God.
00:22:05No, no, no, no!
00:22:09Oh, thank goodness.
00:22:10Thank goodness.
00:22:13He managed to get to the 4th floor.
00:22:17And finally,
00:22:18he found a ladder.
00:22:21I'm going to save you now.
00:22:23Hold on tight.
00:22:24Come this way.
00:22:25Yes, you're safe now.
00:22:28And then,
00:22:29the next moment...
00:22:32Oh, my God.
00:22:35Oh, my God.
00:22:36Oh, no.
00:22:37Oh, my God.
00:22:39Oh, my God.
00:22:40Oh, my God.
00:22:41The building collapsed.
00:22:44But somehow,
00:22:45the two survived.
00:22:50It was a close call.
00:22:51I've never seen such a close call.
00:22:54Nice rescue!
00:22:58I, Watari 119,
00:22:59will show you a video
00:23:01of an emergency.
00:23:04In Georgia, U.S.,
00:23:06an ambulance arrives at the scene
00:23:08to report an accident.
00:23:14Inside the bushes...
00:23:23A car is covered in smoke.
00:23:27An accident occurs on the highway.
00:23:29The car hits a bush on the side of the road.
00:23:31There are still people inside.
00:23:38It's a life-or-death situation.
00:23:40A car accident
00:23:41can happen to anyone.
00:23:44What should they do?
00:23:47Come on, take your seatbelt off.
00:23:48Take your seatbelt off.
00:23:50Take your seatbelt off.
00:23:52Take your seatbelt off.
00:23:53We'll get out of the car.
00:23:55The moment of justice
00:23:56when they try to open the door
00:23:57with the key they received from the broken window.
00:24:02Take your seatbelt off.
00:24:03Can you give us an exact address?
00:24:05Take your seatbelt off.
00:24:06Take your seatbelt off.
00:24:08What a fire!
00:24:10If gasoline is used,
00:24:11there is a risk of explosion.
00:24:13They have to rescue as soon as possible.
00:24:16Take your seatbelt off.
00:24:17Take your seatbelt off.
00:24:18Come on, give me your hand.
00:24:19Give me your hand.
00:24:21Come on.
00:24:22Get out of the car.
00:24:23Come on.
00:24:25Jesus Christ.
00:24:27Is there anybody else in the car?
00:24:30They managed to rescue a woman.
00:24:33What a miracle!
00:24:37The courage of a security guard
00:24:39who jumps into the smoke alone.
00:24:42Nice rescue!
00:24:45The FIFA World Cup in 2022
00:24:47has been held in Argentina
00:24:49for the first time in 36 years.
00:24:53The supporters gathered here
00:24:55and the atmosphere was great.
00:24:57One man was excited about the goal of Argentina.
00:25:08Oh, no!
00:25:12I know how you feel.
00:25:15A tire hit the glass.
00:25:17The atmosphere of the goal was terrible.
00:25:21And this man
00:25:22was completely knocked down.
00:25:25So, what's next?
00:25:27They are over-exaggerating.
00:25:30They are so stupid.
00:25:34In Canada,
00:25:35a stupid incident
00:25:36that made a child laugh
00:25:38unexpectedly happened.
00:25:42Oh, no!
00:25:43No power!
00:25:45A boy plays taekwondo
00:25:47with his master.
00:25:52Hold on!
00:25:55Oh, no!
00:25:57Oh, no!
00:26:01Hold on!
00:26:03Hold on!
00:26:07Master, you are so stupid!
00:26:13a stupid incident
00:26:14that started with a prank.
00:26:21I'll push you.
00:26:24Oh, no!
00:26:29Unexpected counterattack!
00:26:34Mr. Ikko,
00:26:35please say something.
00:26:37I'll push you.
00:26:43This dog
00:26:44is relaxing in the living room.
00:26:49What are you eating?
00:26:52What is Mr. Dog eating?
00:26:55It's the king of fruit,
00:26:58Its characteristic is
00:26:59a strong smell
00:27:00like rotten.
00:27:03Will he be okay?
00:27:06Are you okay?
00:27:07What is it?
00:27:10Oh, no!
00:27:12What's going on?
00:27:13Oh, no!
00:27:15Oh, no!
00:27:16He looks like a human
00:27:18because of the smell.
00:27:20He reacts like a human.
00:27:22He's like,
00:27:23Oh, no!
00:27:25I'm sorry
00:27:26for making you smell bad.
00:27:28It stinks!
00:27:29Durian is the best!
00:27:34It's past 10 p.m.
00:27:36This suspicious man
00:27:37came to the store.
00:27:42He took four sets of beer
00:27:44and went to pay.
00:27:47he found a knife
00:27:48in his hand.
00:27:52It's Gotoh!
00:27:53Mr. Employee!
00:27:54Run away!
00:27:58he ran away
00:27:59out of the store.
00:28:03Gotoh also ran away.
00:28:06he didn't let him do that.
00:28:07He lowered the shutter.
00:28:12He closed the shutter.
00:28:14Oh, no!
00:28:17It's stuck.
00:28:18It's stuck.
00:28:19Gotoh was stuck
00:28:21by the shutter.
00:28:23He couldn't move.
00:28:27I'm glad I bought it.
00:28:29he gave up.
00:28:30He drank the beer
00:28:32he was going to steal.
00:28:35he drank two beers at once.
00:28:38It was a stupid Gotoh
00:28:40who wanted to drink beer.
00:28:42I drank it.
00:28:44On the other hand,
00:28:45this bicycle thief
00:28:46was even more stupid.
00:28:56Oh, no!
00:28:57He was arrested in just 17 seconds.
00:28:59Why did he do that?
00:29:02That's because...
00:29:09It's the police station
00:29:12This was the police station.
00:29:14That's because...
00:29:15He wore the hood too deep
00:29:17to hide his face.
00:29:19So, he couldn't see in front of him.
00:29:21Even Masanori was surprised.
00:29:23He was a stupid thief.
00:29:27this is the most stupid video
00:29:29I've ever seen in my life.
00:29:32That is
00:29:33a stupid scene of this chimpanzee.
00:29:38it's itchy.
00:29:40My butt is itchy.
00:29:46Oh, no!
00:29:51How could this happen?
00:29:54He was a stupid chimpanzee.
00:29:58Oh, no!
00:30:03There was a man
00:30:05who was very popular in California.
00:30:07Oh, my God.
00:30:37There was a man who was very popular in California.
00:30:39He was...
00:30:41Oh, really?
00:30:44I can't do this.
00:30:45What is this?
00:30:47He was a silver medalist of Judo in the Paralympic Games.
00:30:50He was Ulf Aaron.
00:30:53I think I can do this
00:30:55if I try once.
00:31:02It's difficult.
00:31:04I can't do this.
00:31:07I can't do this.
00:31:09He can't do this even if he was a silver medalist of Judo.
00:31:14he practiced for about 10 minutes.
00:31:17I think I can do this.
00:31:21Oh, my God.
00:31:22Oh, my God.
00:31:25You did it.
00:31:26I did it.
00:31:27Oh, my God.
00:31:28How was it?
00:31:29Oh, my God.
00:31:30He learned how to do this.
00:31:3410 minutes.
00:31:36there is a more superhuman secret in this video.
00:31:40What is it?
00:31:42Here it is.
00:31:50The stick he had was broken.
00:31:57I can't do this.
00:31:58I don't know what it means.
00:31:59I can't do this.
00:32:00I have to do this while pulling it.
00:32:02If I can do this,
00:32:03I can't do Judo.
00:32:04I have to eat.
00:32:07He is an extraordinary martial artist.
00:32:13From now on,
00:32:15Ulf Aron will be surprised.
00:32:17He can never imitate him.
00:32:19He is a master of super techniques.
00:32:27What is the super technique she will try?
00:32:33She will cross the rope between the running trucks.
00:32:40Will she succeed in the super technique?
00:32:50The next moment she takes the first step.
00:32:58The truck is running.
00:33:00It's a different situation from usual.
00:33:02The balance is broken by the first wind.
00:33:06It's difficult even if the truck stops.
00:33:09She tries again.
00:33:20She is crossing the rope.
00:33:24She is in the middle of the road.
00:33:26She is almost there.
00:33:35the tunnel is in front of her.
00:33:38She is in danger.
00:33:40What should I do?
00:33:41What should I do?
00:33:42What should I do?
00:33:44She almost made it.
00:33:50She almost made it.
00:33:54She has a strong body.
00:33:56I've never seen anyone who has such a strong body.
00:34:05Everyone thought it was a video of a tiger.
00:34:09In fact, this is also a video of a super technique.
00:34:13This is a mystery.
00:34:16What is the super technique hidden in this video?
00:34:20This is not a tiger.
00:34:23This is a lion.
00:34:26That's amazing.
00:34:28She succeeded in the super technique hidden in the video.
00:34:32That's amazing.
00:34:34After this,
00:34:36Everyone, I'm Hara.
00:34:38I've decided to do a ZAP tour in Japan.
00:34:42Hara's ex-member, Mr. Kuhara's battle.
00:34:48I have something to ask you.
00:34:50What kind of woman are you?
00:34:52Trouble in court with ex-lover.
00:34:55What is Mr. Hara's brave action that the women praised?
00:35:029.11 American simultaneous mass terrorist attack.
00:35:06Don't make a noise. Shut up.
00:35:08United 93, which was dismantled.
00:35:11The target is a self-destructing terrorist attack on Washington, D.C.
00:35:15I will definitely live and return.
00:35:18However, there were passengers who fought hard with the terrorists on board.
00:35:23Please tell your wife.
00:35:27I love you.
00:35:29What is the unknown fact revealed now?
00:35:33Heroes who risked their lives.
00:35:36Let go of me.
00:35:38I can't stop crying.
00:35:44The super technique hidden in this video.
00:35:47That is...
00:35:52A human turned into a tiger.
00:35:57If you rewind it,
00:36:01A human turned into a tiger in an instant.
00:36:03I don't know what kind of human it is.
00:36:10Next is Africa.
00:36:12The boys show off their cool dance.
00:36:25Their faces turned around.
00:36:30In fact, they are brothers.
00:36:35I don't know what their names are.
00:36:40In China, there was a superman who was a man's weakness.
00:36:45That is...
00:36:47Kung Fu Master 1D-tai.
00:36:52If you master this, you can be kicked or hit.
00:36:57I am the man who has the strongest ball.
00:37:01He is the man who has the strongest ball.
00:37:05His training is amazing.
00:37:09That is...
00:37:16He hits a 40kg log on his ball.
00:37:20What does he want to do?
00:37:31I don't want to do it.
00:37:36In Canada, there is a man who has a super technique using his scalp.
00:37:41That is...
00:37:45This is his super technique.
00:37:50It's good.
00:37:52It's good.
00:37:54It's good.
00:37:56I'm cool, right?
00:37:59After massaging his scalp, he turned into a man's weakness.
00:38:04His name is Ultraman.
00:38:07Can you do it?
00:38:08I can't.
00:38:09If I could, I would do it.
00:38:12That's all.
00:38:13It was Ultraman's super technique.
00:38:18Now, K-pop is dominating the music scene in Japan.
00:38:24My favorite Korean idol is Ray of IVE.
00:38:27My favorite is NU'EST.
00:38:38Now, K-pop idols are very popular in Japan.
00:38:42In the Heisei era, K-pop idols became very popular.
00:38:49They are...
00:38:56In August this year, KARA held a concert tour in Japan for the first time in 9 years.
00:39:03KUHARA passed away.
00:39:05KUHARA's voice was recorded before his death.
00:39:08KUHARA's voice was recorded before his death.
00:39:13KUHARA's sixth microphone was also prepared.
00:39:16KUHARA's sixth microphone was also prepared.
00:39:20KUHARA was a popular member of KARA.
00:39:24KUHARA passed away at the age of 28.
00:39:29KUHARA passed away at the age of 28 in Korea.
00:39:37KUHARA law was passed in the National Assembly today.
00:39:41The law on KUHARA's name was passed.
00:39:46KUHARA's brother was working for KUHARA.
00:39:50KUHARA's brother was working for KUHARA.
00:39:54KUHARA's brother was working for KUHARA.
00:40:01He had a difficult relationship with his ex-girlfriend.
00:40:08You had a boyfriend, didn't you?
00:40:10Why are you hiding it from me?
00:40:12I will finish your entertainment career.
00:40:17If the scandal with a man becomes public, the idol's life may end.
00:40:24But what is the true intention of the woman who stood in court with courage?
00:40:30This time, the program flew to Korea.
00:40:33Nice to meet you.
00:40:35We interview a person who knows Hara.
00:40:41And the confession of Hara's beloved brother.
00:40:47The program provided us with a picture of a close brother.
00:40:52What is the face of Hara that only her brother knows?
00:40:57She is a girl who laughs a lot and pretends to be normal on the surface.
00:41:03She is always crying in her heart.
00:41:08In fact, there was a great controversy about her that is almost unknown in Japan.
00:41:14I am the one who gave birth to my daughter.
00:41:18I am Hara's mother.
00:41:20Hara and I were abandoned.
00:41:25Hara's brother and mother fought for her inheritance.
00:41:30To the court.
00:41:33I don't want to give it to my mother who abandoned us.
00:41:38Hitsugi, who is popular in K-pop.
00:41:42Hara and Kuhara's unknown fight.
00:41:45The challenge of the brother who struggled for his sister.
00:41:52Now, Korean songs and dramas have settled in Japan.
00:41:57But the beginning of the popularity is...
00:42:07Peon Jun and Chae Ji-woo starred in the drama.
00:42:13Peon Jun and Chae Ji-woo starred in the drama.
00:42:16A social phenomenon in winter.
00:42:21It's not just love, it's a maiden's heart at this age.
00:42:27And the second boom was...
00:42:31Girls' group.
00:42:34Hara and Girls' Generation became the second boom.
00:42:40Girls' Generation is a group of nine people who are popular with their dance.
00:42:47Hara and Kuhara are a group of five people with their individuality.
00:42:54Kuhara was a popular member of Hara.
00:42:58Kuhara is a member of Girls' Generation.
00:43:01Kuhara's hard dance is attractive.
00:43:05I heard it from Takahashi, a music magazine reporter who had been paying attention to it before his debut in Japan.
00:43:14Korean idols have been debuting in Japan since 2000.
00:43:20Asian idols rarely have guests at events in Japan.
00:43:24Kuhara came to Japan in 2010.
00:43:27The tickets were sold out in an instant.
00:43:30The staff were surprised.
00:43:33Kuhara was a pioneer for current K-pop idols.
00:43:40When Kuhara held a surprise live in front of Shibuya 109,
00:43:44fans were stopped for 3 minutes.
00:43:49Kuhara is the 5th place in the Oricon chart.
00:43:52It's been 29 years since Kuhara was a member of a foreign girl group.
00:44:13Why did Kuhara become so popular?
00:44:16I was working in Korea at the time.
00:44:21Various groups came out and I didn't know who was who.
00:44:26Kuhara was friendly and close to me.
00:44:32When we met, she always did this.
00:44:38Kuhara actively appeared in Japanese variety shows.
00:44:43I'm Kuhara, a cool girl in Kuhara.
00:44:46Nice to meet you.
00:44:49Kuhara also appeared in the famous Tokyo Friend Park game.
00:45:00Speaking of Friend Park...
00:45:03Speaking of Friend Park...
00:45:11I wore a costume every week.
00:45:16The air hockey game.
00:45:26All the members spoke Japanese.
00:45:29Kuhara responded well and laughed a lot.
00:45:34According to Mr. Takahashi, who interviewed Kuhara's first day in Japan...
00:45:39I couldn't speak Japanese until I made my debut in Japan.
00:45:43But I got better and better at Japanese.
00:45:47According to Kuhara's manager at the time,
00:45:49Kuhara studied Japanese very hard.
00:45:53I'm Kuhara, a cool girl in Kuhara.
00:45:58Japanese is difficult.
00:46:00Do you want to translate?
00:46:02I can't do that. I have to say it in my own words.
00:46:05That's nice.
00:46:07Kuhara said it was her belief to express her feelings in her own words without translating.
00:46:17K-pop idols now study foreign languages before going abroad.
00:46:23It was Kuhara and the other members who realized that.
00:46:29Jet Coaster Love, the third Japanese album, is in the first place on the single chart.
00:46:37They also appeared in the Kouhaku Uta Gassen.
00:46:39For the first time as a Korean female idol group, they succeeded in performing at the Tokyo Dome.
00:46:46Kuhara's entertainment activities seemed to be in full swing.
00:46:52In 2018, she was shocked by an incident.
00:46:59Kuhara, who was a member of an idol group, was called to the police today.
00:47:05A riot broke out in Kuhara's life.
00:47:08It was a life-threatening incident with her ex-boyfriend.
00:47:12It was a life-threatening incident with her ex-boyfriend.
00:47:19Kuhara, who was a member of an idol group, was called to the police today.
00:47:26A riot broke out in Kuhara's life.
00:47:29It was a life-threatening incident with her ex-boyfriend.
00:47:35According to local media,
00:47:40Kuhara has a secret affair with a man.
00:47:56Although he is usually kind, his true nature will be revealed.
00:48:05It was when the manager was having a meeting with the male staff.
00:48:15What are you doing now?
00:48:17You said you had a meeting today.
00:48:22I didn't tell you who I was with.
00:48:28I'm having a meeting with my manager.
00:48:32She didn't tell him that the male staff was with her.
00:48:42She got a phone call from her manager.
00:48:49Long time no see.
00:48:52Can I talk to you now?
00:48:55She got a call from her manager's boyfriend.
00:49:00If you're having a meeting, I'll call you back.
00:49:05It's okay. I'm just here with Kuhara and the staff.
00:49:13I'm sorry. I'll call you back.
00:49:18The manager told him the truth.
00:49:22Why didn't Kuhara tell him that the male staff was with her?
00:49:28According to local media,
00:49:33Although he is usually kind, his true nature will be revealed.
00:49:40She got a phone call from her manager.
00:49:43She didn't want to cause any trouble.
00:49:46She didn't want to cause any trouble.
00:49:50That night...
00:49:56Why did you lie to me?
00:50:00I was surprised.
00:50:02What? What's going on?
00:50:05There was a man other than the manager.
00:50:09Why did you hide it?
00:50:11He seemed to be drunk.
00:50:15It was a lie so that his jealous boyfriend wouldn't worry.
00:50:18It was a lie so that his jealous boyfriend wouldn't worry.
00:50:25It's because I have something to hide.
00:50:27What kind of woman are you?
00:50:29It's not like that. Listen to me.
00:50:32You're a dirty woman.
00:50:34You're like a mop.
00:50:37Kuhara's private video was sent to the press.
00:50:43I'll send this video to the press.
00:50:49He threatened to send Kuhara's private video to the press.
00:50:57Stop it. Don't touch me.
00:51:01I'll end your career as an entertainer.
00:51:06Stop it. Please.
00:51:08Stop it.
00:51:15Give it back.
00:51:19Kuhara was furious.
00:51:22He kicked Kuhara's abdomen and threw an air purifier at her.
00:51:27Kuhara was injured in two weeks.
00:51:30Kuhara was injured in two weeks.
00:51:37This is a life-threatening incident.
00:51:40Kuhara was injured and was taken to the hospital.
00:51:45Normally, Kuhara would report to the police.
00:51:49However, Kuhara is an idol.
00:51:52If Kuhara reports to the police, Kuhara will be targeted by the media as a scandal.
00:51:59According to a reporter, Chae Jong-ah, who has been covering Kuhara for many years,
00:52:08In Korea's entertainment industry, female idols are afraid of public exposure of their private life.
00:52:15They are banned from dating because of their pure image.
00:52:19They are asked not to have a lover.
00:52:23Even if they were abused by their lovers,
00:52:25female idols could not stand it and speak up.
00:52:35If I submit this evidence, I will have an advantage in the trial.
00:52:40But my fans may be disappointed.
00:52:43Will my life as an entertainer end?
00:52:48Kuhara hesitated, but his boyfriend acted surprisingly.
00:52:55He turned to the police and said,
00:53:00I was hit by her.
00:53:03He complained to the police.
00:53:06However, Kuhara decided to stand up with courage.
00:53:15Since only his ex-lover was charged,
00:53:18Kuhara chose to testify in court as a victim.
00:53:25I have to tell the truth.
00:53:28Even if my life as an entertainer is over.
00:53:33Kuhara decided not to cry.
00:53:40I will never lie.
00:53:44It was a great honor for Kuhara to testify in court.
00:53:58It's true that I was dating him.
00:54:01And the incident happened when they were breaking up.
00:54:07He kicked my stomach.
00:54:12On the other hand, Kuhara's boyfriend...
00:54:20Kuhara was the first one to take action.
00:54:24I resisted as a means to protect myself.
00:54:34This is a violation of justice.
00:54:40He justified violence.
00:54:42However, the police found the source of the problem.
00:54:46The defendant threatened to send her private video to the magazine.
00:54:56She is an entertainer.
00:55:00If the video is released, the damage will be great.
00:55:04The defendant was caught in that weakness.
00:55:11The biggest fear that Kuhara had
00:55:14was the spread of private videos.
00:55:19I will send this video to the magazine.
00:55:26I said I would send the photo to the magazine.
00:55:33But I didn't send it.
00:55:39Nothing happened.
00:55:45If the video is released, the damage will be great.
00:55:49He argued that it was not a big problem.
00:55:56Testifying in court reminds you of painful events.
00:56:01Kuhara continued to testify without running away from the mental agony.
00:56:07I didn't know when the video would be released.
00:56:13I was anxious every day.
00:56:20Even if I'm not an entertainer,
00:56:23it's painful for me as a woman.
00:56:27And the verdict is...
00:56:29The verdict is...
00:56:331 year and 6 months in prison.
00:56:383 years in prison.
00:56:42Kuhara's ex-lover's life sentence was accepted.
00:56:46But he was sentenced to 3 years in prison.
00:56:50Why was he sentenced to 3 years in prison?
00:56:53Kuhara's ex-lover's life sentence was accepted.
00:56:57At the time of the incident,
00:56:59it was caused by a quarrel between lovers.
00:57:03That was the reason why he was sentenced to 3 years in prison.
00:57:06After that, the trial continued until the Supreme Court.
00:57:10Kuhara's ex-lover was sentenced to 1 year in prison.
00:57:16Kuhara's testimony in this trial
00:57:19gave courage to Korean women.
00:57:26Until now, in Korea,
00:57:28female entertainers didn't tolerate violence from men.
00:57:35When male-female relationships spread through the media,
00:57:39there is a risk that the entertainment industry will suffer.
00:57:44Kuhara's courageous action
00:57:46encouraged many Korean women to speak up.
00:57:55But on the other hand...
00:57:58Stop it.
00:58:00You'd better not watch it.
00:58:04After the truth was revealed in court,
00:58:08malicious comments about Kuhara started to spread on the Internet.
00:58:13You look like a victim.
00:58:17As expected of an entertainer.
00:58:19It's a great success to be distracted.
00:58:22You're in my way again.
00:58:25I'm not interested.
00:58:27He didn't want to worry the staff around him.
00:58:32Kuhara acted with a smile.
00:58:37His brother talked about his sister like this.
00:58:42He pretends to be calm on the surface,
00:58:45but he laughs a lot.
00:58:48He's always crying in his heart.
00:58:54Kuhara said this to the malicious comments on SNS.
00:59:01Your expression is free.
00:59:04But before writing,
00:59:07can't you think about the other person's feelings?
00:59:13However, there were a lot of malicious comments in Korea.
00:59:19Kuhara was mentally cornered.
00:59:25There was a place where she, who had suffered so much,
00:59:29was looking for peace.
00:59:32It was...
00:59:39Kuhara's second home was Japan.
00:59:45She was a new Japanese.
00:59:50In 2019, Kuhara moved to Japan,
00:59:55and started living in Tokyo.
00:59:58When she came to Japan for a concert,
01:00:01she was kind to her.
01:00:03That's how she fell in love with Japan.
01:00:07In 2011, when the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred,
01:00:14Kuhara donated 100 million won,
01:00:18about 7.2 million yen, as support for the affected area.
01:00:24K-pop's top idol, Kuhara,
01:00:27fell in love with Japan.
01:00:30She said she liked Japanese restaurants.
01:00:37It's delicious.
01:00:40She loves Japanese rice bowls.
01:00:45What do you usually eat at home?
01:00:47Yesterday, I ate this.
01:01:01Let's eat.
01:01:04It's simple, but it has a gentle taste.
01:01:07When I eat something like that, I feel the happiest.
01:01:11It's delicious.
01:01:14Her heart was healed by the gentle taste of Japan.
01:01:20She also liked the sea in Japan.
01:01:27She didn't search for herself on social media,
01:01:31and her heart was refreshed.
01:01:35And Kuhara, who loves Japan,
01:01:38didn't miss studying Japanese.
01:01:41The rice is cute.
01:01:44If it's pink,
01:01:47there's also blue.
01:01:50What does blue mean?
01:01:53It means light and fluffy.
01:01:56She wrote down her favorite Japanese words on her phone.
01:02:01There were words she liked in Japanese.
01:02:05When I'm in a relationship,
01:02:10I feel lonely without it.
01:02:17Thank you for the warmth.
01:02:22She said she liked the sound and kindness of the words.
01:02:27Her favorite Japanese words were included in this song.
01:02:36It may have been something she couldn't get even if she wanted it.
01:02:42Kuhara, who has experienced many sad things,
01:02:46wished for a restart in Japan,
01:02:49and put special thoughts into this song.
01:02:53In addition, in order to show a new appearance,
01:02:56she challenged herself to a mature song.
01:02:59She also decided to hold a nationwide tour.
01:03:04Hello, everyone. I'm Hara.
01:03:07I've decided to hold a Japan tour in Japan.
01:03:11From January 14th,
01:03:14I'll hold a live tour in Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya.
01:03:18I'm preparing a live show that everyone can enjoy,
01:03:24so please come and see me.
01:03:26See you in November.
01:03:29Thank you.
01:03:31During the nationwide tour,
01:03:34Hara performed a song she wrote.
01:03:38She told her fans that she would show them
01:03:42how much she grew up in Japan.
01:03:48After the nationwide tour in Japan,
01:03:51Hara said she had something to do
01:03:54and had to go back to Korea.
01:04:01Hara's Story
01:04:09She updated her SNS account,
01:04:12saying good night.
01:04:18She was 28 years old and could not go home.
01:04:24She was declared dead.
01:04:30Many people were sad.
01:04:35Her brother, Hoin, was the one who was sadder than anyone.
01:04:45My heart aches.
01:04:49I feel sorry for her.
01:04:53I couldn't save her.
01:04:55I couldn't save her.
01:04:59A person came into her heart.
01:05:06Who are you?
01:05:08Where is your family?
01:05:10I'm Hara's mother.
01:05:12I can't see her.
01:05:14She abandoned me and Hara.
01:05:19I gave birth to my daughter.
01:05:22I'm Hara's mother.
01:05:25After this, the battle between Hara's mother and her brother begins.
01:05:32I will take half of Hara's inheritance.
01:05:37I don't want to give it to my mother who abandoned us.
01:05:43I will come back alive and meet my family.
01:05:469.11 American simultaneous terrorist attack
01:05:49American simultaneous terrorist attack
01:05:52At this time, there was a brave hero who saved people.
01:05:59In addition, in July this year,
01:06:02there was a video that captured the moment of reunification, which was released for the first time in 23 years.
01:06:11Hara was 28 years old and could not go home.
01:06:16Her brother, Hoin, was the one who was sadder than anyone else.
01:06:26My heart aches.
01:06:30I'm sorry.
01:06:34I couldn't save her.
01:06:40The brother and sister have lived side by side since they were young.
01:06:46Hara was 9 years old.
01:06:54Mom, it's raining.
01:06:57The laundry will get wet.
01:07:00Mom, where are you going?
01:07:09The mother left the two children and went out of the house.
01:07:22Dad, won't mom come back?
01:07:27Forget about mom.
01:07:31I'm sorry.
01:07:39To raise the two children, the father went around the construction site all over Korea.
01:07:49For this reason, the brothers were raised by an aunt couple.
01:07:53Thank you very much.
01:07:54I'll make you a meal.
01:07:57Although they are relatives, they don't know how to spoil them.
01:08:02The younger brother and sister have to take care of them all the time.
01:08:07It was such a time.
01:08:10Hey, brother.
01:08:12It's good to have an animal parent and child, isn't it?
01:08:18Ms. Kuhara, who was watching the program of the animal parent and child, said,
01:08:22Even animals try to protect their children.
01:08:27They don't abandon them, do they?
01:08:32Why did mom give birth to us?
01:08:38According to the aunt couple who supported their lives,
01:08:42the mother didn't contact them after that.
01:08:46Ms. Kuhara said that she wanted the mother's love.
01:08:53Ms. Kuhara wrote down her sincere feelings in her diary.
01:09:01I miss my mother and I want to feel her love.
01:09:06I always swallowed it deep in my throat and held it in without spitting it out.
01:09:11I want to feel it more sincerely than anyone else.
01:09:14I want to feel it more sincerely than anyone else.
01:09:18Was it the mother's warmth that she wanted to feel since she was a girl?
01:09:24She kept it in her heart without spitting it out.
01:09:31The only thing that the patient girl was not good at was...
01:09:41She was not good at thunder.
01:09:45Ms. Kuhara!
01:09:52I was scared. What if I fell?
01:09:55Don't worry. I'm here. Let's go.
01:09:59Her brother was 2 years older than her.
01:10:02Ms. Kuhara's family was irreplaceable to her.
01:10:06She had a big dream.
01:10:11It was to become an idol.
01:10:14When she was a junior high school student, she worked hard to practice dancing.
01:10:19In the program, she went to a place to make her dream come true.
01:10:24She went to a place to make her dream come true.
01:10:27Zenshu Art High School
01:10:31She was allowed to shoot a special video.
01:10:35There was a K-pop idol, Ms. Kuhara's roots.
01:10:40This school has a department specializing in entertainment that aims to become a singer.
01:10:45It's amazing.
01:10:48Ms. Kuhara!
01:10:51It's amazing.
01:10:53She graduated from high school and has a lot of fans.
01:10:58She is also taking dance lessons to become a K-pop idol.
01:11:02She is serious.
01:11:08And we asked her to look for photos of her high school days.
01:11:15Photos of her first public appearance.
01:11:21We asked Ms. Kuhara's teacher.
01:11:26Ms. Kuhara practiced hard and took dance lessons until late at night.
01:11:32She never showed her bright and gloomy expression.
01:11:38On the other hand, she never talked about her family.
01:11:43When she was 17, she joined KARA and made her dream come true to become a K-pop idol.
01:11:53Ms. Kuhara and her brother, Mr. Hoin, were abandoned by their mother when they were young.
01:11:59They have been helping each other.
01:12:02There was a video that showed the bond between the two brothers.
01:12:06Ms. Kuhara received a surprise like this in a Korean program.
01:12:13Hello, I'm Hoin, a brother who raised Ms. Kuhara.
01:12:18A message from a brother who couldn't see Ms. Kuhara for two years in the military.
01:12:23It's a surprise from Mr. Hoin.
01:12:25A surprise from Mr. Hoin himself.
01:12:43In the midst of losing his beloved sister and his brother's sadness, a conflict broke out.
01:12:54It was at Ms. Kuhara's funeral.
01:13:00Who are you?
01:13:01Where is the seat of the family?
01:13:04I'm Kuhara's mother.
01:13:13The mother who left home 20 years ago appeared.
01:13:25What are you doing now?
01:13:28It's natural for a mother to say goodbye to her daughter.
01:13:32You abandoned me and Hara.
01:13:38I gave birth to my daughter.
01:13:40That's me.
01:13:42I'm Hara's mother.
01:13:46So, of course, I have a right.
01:13:56I will take half of Hara's inheritance.
01:14:01No way.
01:14:04Did you come here to say that?
01:14:07Because it's important.
01:14:21In addition, according to the three celebrities...
01:14:25Oh, you're the one I saw on TV.
01:14:34Would you like to take a picture with me?
01:14:39No, this is a funeral, so I can't.
01:14:43Even though his daughter had just died, he took a picture with the three celebrities.
01:14:54Thank you very much.
01:14:58I'm sorry.
01:15:05That's enough.
01:15:09I'll regret your attitude towards your mother later.
01:15:22Was the mother's goal the daughter's inheritance?
01:15:28According to lawyer Norihiko Kin, who is familiar with Korean law...
01:15:33According to Korean law, the heir is the legal heir.
01:15:38If there is no heir, the parents are the legal heirs.
01:15:43The legal inheritance is 5 to 5.
01:15:47When the parents inherit the child's inheritance, the legal inheritance of the father and mother is 5 to 5.
01:15:53Is it because she knew that?
01:15:57The mother rushed to the funeral to find out about the death of Mr. Hara.
01:16:03Mr. Hara was a top idol, but he was not luxurious.
01:16:08He was well-off.
01:16:11The inheritance is said to be worth hundreds of millions of yen.
01:16:15The inheritance is said to be worth hundreds of millions of yen.
01:16:20The mother rushed to the funeral to find out about the death of Mr. Hara.
01:16:28I will take half of Mr. Hara's inheritance.
01:16:33There was a man who could meet his mother.
01:16:37Mr. Kim Sun-jin, a former producer of TV Korea.
01:16:42I met my mother in person and talked to her.
01:16:47This is Mr. Kim Sun-jin's mother.
01:16:50I asked her if she would like to hear an argument against the media.
01:16:55Then my mother made a claim.
01:17:00What is her claim?
01:17:03She made a claim like this.
01:17:05She made a claim like this.
01:17:07The problem was between the husband and wife.
01:17:10She also had a problem with her husband.
01:17:13She was worried about her daughter.
01:17:16She couldn't meet her because of economic reasons and a bad condition.
01:17:20She didn't appear at the funeral all of a sudden.
01:17:25She claimed that she met her daughter once when she was sick.
01:17:31Meanwhile, Mr. Hara's father
01:17:33She visited construction sites all over the country and supported her daughter's dream by paying millions of yen for her education.
01:17:43Her wife, who left the house, told her that she had given up on her divorce and the custody of her two children.
01:17:52Hara's brother abandoned us and even gave up his right to live.
01:18:01I can't allow him to take away the property that his sister built.
01:18:07I can't allow him to use the law to get it.
01:18:13I absolutely don't want to give a single cent to my mother.
01:18:18In the case of inheritance, the mother and the son have a direct conflict.
01:18:29Regardless of whether or not the child is raised, it is decided by law that the mother and the son have to share half of the inheritance.
01:18:38As the law dictates, the mother has the right to receive half of the inheritance.
01:18:46The mother left everything to the lawyer and didn't say a word.
01:18:54On the other hand, what did Hara's brother think when he saw his sister?
01:19:07I'm not talking about money.
01:19:12The inheritance that my sister left is the proof that she has lived.
01:19:21All of my sister's efforts, passion, sweat, joy, sadness, everything is in it.
01:19:34Above all, this property was built by the people who spent time with my sister and the fans.
01:19:47I want to use the property for the people who laughed, cried, and spent time with my sister.
01:19:56I will never forgive my sister for taking away the property she built with her blood-stained efforts.
01:20:09I don't want to give it to my mother who abandoned us.
01:20:16Does your mother have anything to say?
01:20:26I'm the one who gave birth to it.
01:20:31It's an undeniable fact.
01:20:37Court, please issue a verdict according to the law.
01:20:45That's all.
01:20:55Will Hara's brother, who doesn't want to give his inheritance to his mother who abandoned him 20 years ago, pass?
01:21:08Where is Hara's brother?
01:21:11Hara didn't say he would take all the inheritance.
01:21:16He said he wanted to give it to the people who spent time with him and the fans.
01:21:23It's a very reasonable way of thinking.
01:21:28I think 10 to 0 is good.
01:21:31But I don't think the public will allow the law to be put in this way.
01:21:37But the rules are like that.
01:21:40Emotions are like this.
01:21:43It's a battle of different dimensions.
01:21:46The ideal is to be the best for my brother, my family, and my family.
01:21:50There is a law.
01:21:53Finally, the day of the judgment of fate.
01:21:58What will happen?
01:22:01What is the percentage of the inheritance of Hara's father and mother?
01:22:12Finally, the day of the judgment of fate.
01:22:16Will Hara's brother, who doesn't want to give his inheritance to his mother who abandoned him 20 years ago, pass?
01:22:35Will Hara's brother, who doesn't want to give his inheritance to his mother who abandoned him 20 years ago, pass?
01:22:40The percentage of the inheritance of Hara's father and mother is 6 to 4.
01:22:51The legal inheritance is 5 to 5.
01:22:54This is the percentage to recognize the father's 20% of the inheritance.
01:23:00The father's 20% of the inheritance was recognized by the father.
01:23:05So, the percentage of the inheritance is 6 to 4.
01:23:10However, the mother will also inherit the other's inheritance.
01:23:17The result of my sister's efforts will be passed to him.
01:23:22No way!
01:23:24Hara's brother, who said that he had no right to inherit the inheritance of his mother who abandoned him, was not convinced.
01:23:33This is not the end.
01:23:37Hara's brother, Ho-in, thought so.
01:23:41He challenged himself to a new battle without wasting his sister's efforts and tears.
01:23:51He appeared in the Korean parliament.
01:23:55I would like to propose a bill of Kuhara law so that tragedies like mine and Hara's will not happen again.
01:24:03I think this is the last gift I can give my beloved sister.
01:24:11Ho-in, his brother, tried to make a law to abolish the right to inherit the inheritance of his mother who abandoned him.
01:24:21The law is called Kuhara law.
01:24:25Even if this law is established, the result of the trial of Hara's inheritance will not be overturned.
01:24:33Even so, Ho-in stood up so that no one would feel regretful like them.
01:24:44Ho-in, his brother, said that he would visit this place where his sister slept several times a month.
01:24:52I would like to propose a bill of Kuhara law so that tragedies like mine and Hara's will not happen again.
01:24:59I would like to propose a bill of Kuhara law so that tragedies like mine and Hara's will not happen again.
01:25:06If the law stands as a wall, you can overcome it.
01:25:12If the law stands as a wall, you can overcome it.
01:25:19Ho-in, his brother, stood up to say that.
01:25:24Ho-in, his brother, who thinks of his sister, will move the country after this.
01:25:30It's been five years since Hara's death.
01:25:35Ho-in still has a hard time every day.
01:25:38Ho-in, his brother, who thinks of his sister, will move the country after this.
01:25:46More than 100,000 signatures were collected to propose a bill of Kuhara law.
01:25:53On the 28th of March,
01:25:57The bill of Kuhara law was passed at the National Assembly today.
01:26:02The bill of Kuhara law passed the National Assembly.
01:26:06Ho-in, his brother, made the following comment.
01:26:11A small group of people have finally come together.
01:26:15I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
01:26:18Let's all take care of our health and be happy.
01:26:22Kuhara means salvation in Korean.
01:26:28Ho-in, his brother, wishes for a future where his sister can save many people.
01:26:36September 11, which is approaching next week.
01:26:4023 years have passed since then.
01:26:43World Trade Center, we understand that a plane has crashed into the World Trade Center.
01:26:48We don't know anything more than that. We don't know if it was a commercial aircraft.
01:26:56Approximately 3,000 dead.
01:26:5925,000 injured.
01:27:01911, the worst terrorist attack in history.
01:27:10Two planes hijacked by terrorists crashed into the World Trade Center one after another.
01:27:19And the third plane crashed into the Pentagon.
01:27:25In addition...
01:27:28This plane is loaded with bombs.
01:27:34Actually, on that day, there was a fourth plane hijacked by terrorists.
01:27:41It was targeted by the White House and Washington, D.C.
01:27:47And on this plane, there were brave passengers who saved many people.
01:27:54We saw the courage of the passengers with our own eyes.
01:27:58Is it possible to fight against terrorists to save people on the ground?
01:28:03There was a man named Todd Beamer among the passengers.
01:28:07A man who was praised by former President Bush.
01:28:12Todd Beamer, a passenger who fought against terrorists.
01:28:20Let's get this plane back.
01:28:23Don't die.
01:28:27Please tell your wife.
01:28:30I love you.
01:28:39Wait for me. I'll save you.
01:28:43In the collapsing World Trade Center...
01:28:46Among the passengers...
01:28:49There was a man who fought to save 2,700 people.
01:28:55I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I was caught in a traffic jam.
01:29:00Thanks to you, my life was the best.
01:29:089.11, a terrorist attack that turned the world upside down.
01:29:15Heroes fought bravely against the crisis.
01:29:21The studio was moved by their brave actions.
01:29:26I wanted to be a person who fought against the crisis.
01:29:35I felt the strength of people who work for people.
01:29:40I hope you'll watch it.
01:29:449.11, 2001.
01:29:47In the United Airways 93, which took off from Newark International Airport in New Jersey,
01:29:55a terrible plan was about to be implemented.
01:30:00Would you like something to drink?
01:30:03United Airways 93 carried 37 passengers and 7 crew.
01:30:11The plane was heading for San Francisco International Airport.
01:30:16In fact, the plane departed 42 minutes late due to a traffic jam on the runway.
01:30:25It was just four minutes before the first passenger plane crashed into the World Trade Center.
01:30:33If this departure was a few minutes late and a terrorist attack was detected before departure,
01:30:40the fate of the people of United Airways 93 may have changed dramatically.
01:30:47Excuse me. Would you like some coffee?
01:30:51This United Airways 93 had a passenger, Todd Beamer, on board to San Francisco for work.
01:31:00Todd, a salesman at a software company,
01:31:04was a father of three-year-old David and one-year-old Andrew.
01:31:12He spent all his time at home with his children.
01:31:17The children also loved Todd.
01:31:21At this time, the third child was in Lisa's womb.
01:31:26For the sake of his beloved family, Todd flew around the U.S. and worked hard.
01:31:33Would you like some coffee?
01:31:38Jeremy Glick, who fought against terrorists with Todd, was also on board to San Francisco for work.
01:31:47The flight time of United Airways 93 was about six hours.
01:31:51This day was Tuesday, a weekday morning.
01:31:56There were many businessmen on board, and the air was clear.
01:32:00But inside...
01:32:12Four terrorists were hiding their identities and getting on board.
01:32:17The next moment...
01:32:26Shut up!
01:32:31Don't move!
01:32:33What's going on?
01:32:35Open the cockpit door!
01:32:37Yes, sir!
01:32:38Yes, sir!
01:32:45Knock, knock.
01:32:47I'll get it.
01:32:53Yes, what is it?
01:33:01Who are you?
01:33:03Get out!
01:33:05Leave me alone!
01:33:06Leave me alone!
01:33:07What are you doing?
01:33:10The terrorists took over the cockpit before they knew it.
01:33:15At this time, the captain's life was at stake.
01:33:21At that time, I often went to the U.S. by plane.
01:33:25The door of the cockpit was left open.
01:33:29It was like a service.
01:33:32Stay where you are!
01:33:34Don't say a word!
01:33:36Don't move!
01:33:38Don't resist!
01:33:42What are they talking about?
01:33:45The terrorists shouted in Arabic, so the passengers couldn't understand them.
01:33:53Don't move! Don't say a word!
01:33:56I'll kill you all!
01:33:58At that time...
01:34:01Dear passengers, this is the captain.
01:34:04Please take a seat.
01:34:08Please stay in your seats.
01:34:12The announcement of the flight of the terrorists told the captain's name.
01:34:18This plane is loaded with bombs.
01:34:28The plane of United Airlines 93 panicked at once.
01:34:38But at this time...
01:34:42The bombs are fake.
01:34:45Their purpose is money.
01:34:47Don't worry.
01:34:49The crew is trained in countermeasures at this time.
01:34:52They will return to the airport.
01:34:55I'm scared.
01:34:57The passengers, who didn't know that the United States was at the same time, thought that the purpose of hijacking the plane was money.
01:35:04They thought they would return to the airport for negotiation.
01:35:11But no one noticed that they were planning a terrorist attack.
01:35:16What did the terrorists target?
01:35:25In 911-0, four planes were hijacked by terrorists.
01:35:30Two of them were hijacked by the World Trade Center.
01:35:34One was hijacked by the Pentagon.
01:35:38And this United Airlines 93 was hijacked by the United States.
01:35:43What did the United Airlines 93 target?
01:35:49I'm going to Washington, D.C.
01:35:53Washington, D.C. is the target of the terrorists.
01:35:57There is the White House and the Capitol.
01:36:03If the United Airlines 93 crashes in Washington, not only the number of casualties will increase, but also the function of the government will stop and there will be great chaos.
01:36:13They will simultaneously attack the American economic, military and political leaders.
01:36:18They will give the most effective physical and mental blow.
01:36:23That was the purpose of Al-Qaeda.
01:36:27For that purpose, they don't care about any sacrifices or lives.
01:36:34God, I dedicate my life. I believe in you.
01:36:38Please protect us.
01:36:44The fate of the United Airlines 93.
01:36:48What is the fate of the United Airlines 93?
01:36:55The unpublished video of the World Trade Center was released on YouTube on July 24, this year.
01:37:03It has attracted the attention of the world.
01:37:07The number of views is 970,000.
01:37:13The program was successful in contacting the person who took the video.
01:37:18The person is Mr. K. Sugimoto, who lives in New York.
01:37:25The house I lived in at that time is this building.
01:37:32I was shooting from the roof of the 6th floor.
01:37:36When I saw it, the first fire broke out about 15 minutes later.
01:37:44I thought it was a fire because the building was on fire.
01:37:48After a while, the second fire broke out.
01:37:52I thought it wasn't just a fire, so I ran up the stairs to get the camera.
01:38:06They said the radio center was hijacked.
01:38:09Hijacked? You mean the passenger's on it?
01:38:14Oh my goodness.
01:38:16Mr. Sugimoto was watching this scene with three Japanese friends at the time.
01:38:26I was a little paralyzed while shooting.
01:38:30I couldn't feel the seriousness of the situation.
01:38:40A few days later, I saw a lot of news and media about how many people had died.
01:38:47At that time, I felt something for the first time.
01:39:01Mr. Sugimoto said he didn't understand the seriousness of the situation when he started shooting.
01:39:10He decided to release the video after 23 years to never forget this tragedy.
01:39:31This time, I got a special permission to go up to the roof.
01:39:38That's the One World Trade Center that was built later.
01:39:44There are two in the back left of this building.
01:39:52But it's only about 100 to 200 meters away.
01:39:59So it's almost the same from here.
01:40:02It might have been around here.
01:40:06Everyone was looking at the roof of this building.
01:40:13I'm sleepy.
01:40:21The video Mr. Sugimoto took shows the moment when two towers collapsed.
01:40:27I'm sleepy.
01:40:42It's the most scary thing in the world.
01:40:49It collapsed.
01:40:53I'm scared.
01:41:05Did you see it?
01:41:11Oh my god.
01:41:12I'm scared.
01:41:23Are you okay?
01:41:25It's 10.28 a.m., 29 minutes after the South Tower collapsed.
01:41:42It's 10.28 a.m., 29 minutes after the South Tower collapsed.
01:41:56It collapsed.
01:42:12It collapsed.
01:42:17The North Tower collapsed.
01:42:23It's almost September 11th.
01:42:26We must never forget that day.
01:42:35United Airways 93.
01:42:38This passenger plane is loaded with bombs.
01:42:43Oh my god.
01:42:45Terrorists occupied the plane.
01:42:50On the other hand, four minutes after United Airways 93 took off,
01:42:55at the World Trade Center in New York,
01:43:05the first passenger plane crashed into the North Tower.
01:43:08It crashed into the North Tower.
01:43:10The American Airways 11 was supposed to take off from Boston to Los Angeles that morning.
01:43:25The passenger plane crashed into the North Tower from the 93rd to the 99th floor,
01:43:31and engulfed the building in flames and smoke.
01:43:38It sounded like an explosion.
01:43:40Look, it's on fire.
01:43:43Did the pilot make a mistake?
01:43:45Maybe the plane broke down.
01:43:49I don't think it was a terrorist attack.
01:43:52Right after the crash, people didn't think it was a terrorist attack.
01:43:57They thought it was just an aircraft accident.
01:44:00This is the New Jersey Air Force.
01:44:03This South Tower is safe.
01:44:07There is no need to evacuate.
01:44:10It's safe. I'm glad.
01:44:13It doesn't seem to affect us.
01:44:16Not a single person in the world thought it was a terrorist attack.
01:44:25It's safe?
01:44:27No way.
01:44:29This is definitely a terrorist attack.
01:44:32Rick Reskoda, who was in charge of Morgan Stanley's security department,
01:44:38realized that this was a terrorist attack.
01:44:42He was actually a former soldier.
01:44:45In 1939, Rick was born in Cornwall, England.
01:44:50He joined the British Army at the age of 18.
01:44:53After that, he moved to the United States and joined the American Army.
01:44:58He was a specialist in countering terrorism.
01:45:06He decided to take action against terrorism for the sake of his employees.
01:45:12He hired a skilled security guard.
01:45:15He conducted evacuation training once every two months.
01:45:20And on September 11, 2001,
01:45:23unfortunately, Rick's prediction came true.
01:45:28If this is a terrorist attack,
01:45:31the next target will be this South Tower.
01:45:35I have to evacuate everyone as soon as possible.
01:45:39In Morgan Stanley's office on the 43rd to 74th floors of the South Tower,
01:45:45about 2,700 employees were working.
01:45:50Everyone, I'm going to start evacuating now.
01:45:55Rick decided to evacuate his employees by his own decision.
01:46:00What? Now?
01:46:02I have to finish my urgent work now.
01:46:05What are you talking about?
01:46:07There's actually a fire in the building next door.
01:46:09But the Public Security Bureau says it's safe.
01:46:12The distance between the North Tower and the South Tower is 40 meters.
01:46:15There is a high possibility that the fire will spread.
01:46:19It's dangerous to stay here.
01:46:21No way.
01:46:23I'm scared.
01:46:25Come on, everyone. Let's start evacuating.
01:46:28Rick didn't say it was terrorism.
01:46:30He led them in the same way as usual.
01:46:33This calm instruction and daily training
01:46:36was a big factor that allowed them to evacuate without panicking.
01:46:40Don't panic. Take your time.
01:46:43Remember the training.
01:46:45I'll contact Susan while I'm at it.
01:46:50Rick immediately started evacuating.
01:46:53He sent an email to reassure his wife, Susan.
01:46:57There was a fire in the North Tower next door.
01:47:01Just in case, I'm evacuating everyone now.
01:47:04Don't worry.
01:47:06I love you, Susan.
01:47:08What's going on?
01:47:11Unbelievable scenes were shown on TV.
01:47:21Rick, are you really okay?
01:47:24If you're okay, answer the phone.
01:47:27He called Rick many times, but he couldn't get through.
01:47:33Let's go.
01:47:35Calm down as usual.
01:47:36Rick, isn't it faster to take the elevator now?
01:47:42If we turn off the power, we'll be trapped.
01:47:44It's safer to go down the stairs.
01:47:47Rick's decision at the time was right.
01:47:52After the investigation,
01:47:54about 200 people who boarded the elevator were left inside.
01:47:57They were caught in a fire or a collapse and died.
01:48:01We found out later.
01:48:03With Rick's guidance,
01:48:05the remaining 2,700 employees on the 43rd to 74th floors
01:48:10began to escape using the emergency stairs.
01:48:13Everyone, calm down.
01:48:19How's it going over there?
01:48:21We've started evacuating, too.
01:48:23I'm counting on your guidance.
01:48:27I will definitely protect the lives of the 2,700 people who are here.
01:48:37When New York was in a crisis.
01:48:42United Airlines 93 was hijacked without knowing the real purpose of the terrorists.
01:48:50At that time,
01:48:51the staff members were hiding in the galley at the back of the plane.
01:48:58No, I can't connect to the cockpit.
01:49:01I have to do something to let the outside world know about this.
01:49:05The two staff members immediately started to move.
01:49:11Lorraine Bate, a veteran staff member with 37 years of experience.
01:49:16Sandra Bradshaw, who works while raising three children.
01:49:22Sandra, be careful.
01:49:25Leave it to me.
01:49:36This is United Airlines 93. We've been hijacked.
01:49:40The perpetrator has a bomb.
01:49:44Sandra used a mobile phone to tell United Airlines about the hijacking.
01:49:51And the passengers also stole the eyes of the terrorists and started calling their families.
01:49:58That's impossible. It's a lie.
01:50:02It's not a lie. The burning Twin Tower is on TV.
01:50:07What's going on?
01:50:09According to Sumo Arashi, an airplane crashed into the World Trade Center.
01:50:15What? An airplane crashed?
01:50:18Mom, it's not a missile. Is it really an airplane?
01:50:27Passengers received information about the terror on the ground.
01:50:36What's going on?
01:50:38It seems that both planes have been hijacked.
01:50:42Hijacked? Then what's their purpose?
01:50:45What's their purpose?
01:50:49It's not a purpose. They're going to attack somewhere with United Airlines 93.
01:50:56Self-destruction terror.
01:51:00Self-destruction terror.
01:51:02At this time, people of United Airlines 93 finally found out the true purpose of the hijacking.
01:51:11What's going on?
01:51:13We're going to die.
01:51:16What should I do?
01:51:19Mom, Dad, goodbye.
01:51:24Shut up! Shut up! If you make a noise, I'll kill you.
01:51:28He can't meet his beloved family anymore.
01:51:32Everyone is in sorrow.
01:51:36I can't die like this.
01:51:39I'm going to live and meet my family.
01:51:42Lisa, David, Andrew, wait for me.
01:51:48He didn't give up this time. He has a precious family.
01:51:53And if this plane crashes into an important facility in Washington, D.C.,
01:51:57not only the lives of the passengers, but also the people on the ground will be seriously damaged.
01:52:02We have to do something.
01:52:04What should we do?
01:52:07Hey, everyone.
01:52:09Let's get this plane back from them.
01:52:13Get it back?
01:52:15It's impossible.
01:52:17Everyone will die at this rate.
01:52:20But how?
01:52:22The four of them decided to fight the terrorists.
01:52:27But how are they going to fight the terrorists?
01:52:32I think there's only one thing in a galley.
01:52:37If you think about what's in the galley,
01:52:41one thing is boiling water.
01:52:43You can pour boiling water all at once.
01:52:47Let's get this plane back from them.
01:52:50But how?
01:52:53How are they going to fight the terrorists?
01:52:56There are four of them.
01:52:58If we jump at once, we can do it.
01:53:02Actually, Toido was all-rounder in baseball and sports.
01:53:06Furthermore, Jeremy has a history of being a judo champion,
01:53:11and a student champion in the United States when he was a college student.
01:53:16Thomas is an amateur.
01:53:19Mark is an experienced rugby player.
01:53:21Amef and Mark are experienced rugby players.
01:53:26Toido planned to suppress the terrorists with three brave passengers.
01:53:32Please collect something that can be used as a weapon.
01:53:36The four of us will suppress them.
01:53:40It's dangerous. They have a bomb.
01:53:43I don't know if it's real or not.
01:53:46We can't bring a bomb in easily.
01:53:49But what can be used as a weapon?
01:53:52Anything is fine. Just collect it.
01:53:56I found this.
01:53:59It's a cork for Lorraine.
01:54:05I'll boil the water. I'll distract them.
01:54:11I found it.
01:54:17It's good news. He can pilot an airplane.
01:54:24Yes, but he has only experience with a single-engine aircraft.
01:54:29Is it different from a jet aircraft?
01:54:32The size of the aircraft is completely different.
01:54:35Don't worry. You can do it.
01:54:37We'll get the cockpit back from them.
01:54:41Then you can pilot it.
01:54:43I got it.
01:54:45You must survive and go home.
01:54:49People who were on the brink of despair started to unite around Don.
01:54:57If I become one of them, I'll have to act.
01:55:04I'll do it.
01:55:05What are they doing secretly?
01:55:08If you do something strange, I'll kill you.
01:55:15It's not good.
01:55:17The next moment.
01:55:21Suddenly, the aircraft tilted.
01:55:24Damn it.
01:55:28Don't move.
01:55:35Damn it.
01:55:43The ground is so close.
01:55:45The altitude is going down.
01:55:48After the hijack, the 93 aircraft took off in the air.
01:55:53They were approaching Washington, D.C.
01:55:58We don't have much time.
01:56:00If they turn back, we'll be caught.
01:56:05I understand. But let me call my family.
01:56:11You should do it, too.
01:56:22World Trade Center.
01:56:25We did it.
01:56:27It's our turn.
01:56:31God bless us.
01:56:35While the passengers were getting ready,
01:56:39the terrorists were getting ready to self-destruct.
01:56:44On the other hand,
01:56:46Rick and the others were evacuated from the South Tower by the emergency stairs.
01:56:58It's a direct hit.
01:57:00At 9.03 a.m.,
01:57:03the hijacked United Aircraft No. 175
01:57:07hit the South Tower where Rick and the others were.
01:57:11The aircraft hit the South Tower
01:57:14from the 77th floor to the 85th floor.
01:57:18No. Help me.
01:57:21There are dozens of floors to the ground.
01:57:24It's no good.
01:57:26We're going to die.
01:57:28They were so terrified that they couldn't move at all.
01:57:36If they don't move, the building will collapse.
01:57:41That's right.
01:57:43Rick came up with a good idea.
01:57:46That is...
01:57:48The Song of Harlech
01:58:09The Song of Harlech is a folk song of Wales, England.
01:58:14It's also known as the British national anthem.
01:58:17Hey, Rick.
01:58:19It's not Cornwall. It's Harlech.
01:58:21The men of Harlech.
01:58:23Because I was born in Cornwall.
01:58:26I've never been to Harlech.
01:58:29What's that?
01:58:31Let's sing together.
01:58:35Rick encouraged the staff who couldn't move because of fear.
01:58:39The way to resume evacuation
01:58:42was to sing a song.
01:58:44The Song of Harlech
01:58:47Come on, everyone. Let's do our best.
01:58:50They didn't give up even in a dire situation.
01:58:53The experience they learned in the military gave them courage.
01:58:56The Song of Harlech
01:58:59The situation was getting worse,
01:59:02but thanks to Rick, they kept heading for the ground calmly.
01:59:08I heard the explosion from the south-west direction.
01:59:11That's amazing.
01:59:13If that's the case, it's dangerous to go down the emergency stairs like this.
01:59:18Everyone, we're going to move to the emergency stairs on the north-east side.
01:59:24Don't worry. Follow me.
01:59:31This way.
01:59:33Go down the stairs in front of you.
01:59:34What's going on?
01:59:36Rick, who had been familiar with the structure of the building
01:59:39and had been on the evacuation mission many times,
01:59:42immediately changed the evacuation route.
01:59:46In a world where you don't know what will happen in a minute or a second,
01:59:49he continued to make that decision.
01:59:52I really respect him.
01:59:55I can't do it myself.
01:59:58I'm sorry, Caesar.
02:00:00I'll call you as soon as I evacuate everyone.
02:00:04Please wait a little longer.
02:00:08He changed the evacuation route, and now he can escape safely.
02:00:12That's what he thought at that time.
02:00:16It's a big deal.
02:00:18What's wrong?
02:00:20It seems that three people are left on the upper floor.
02:00:25An employee on the same floor said that he got lost on the way to the evacuation.
02:00:35Rick, where are you going?
02:00:38You guys get off without stopping.
02:00:43You guys will be fine. Get off without rushing.
02:00:46Take your time and follow the instructions.
02:00:49Rick started climbing the building again to rescue the three people who were left behind.
02:00:55Where are you?
02:00:58Is anyone there?
02:01:00If you're there, answer me!
02:01:03Wait for me.
02:01:05I'll definitely save you.
02:01:10The building, Tokai, was approaching.
02:01:13How did Rick save the lives of 2,700 people?
02:01:21A miraculous phone call was connected in the building where Tokai was approaching.
02:01:26I've never been happier than when I met you in my life.
02:01:34What was the last word he said to his wife?
02:01:49Let me call my family one last time.
02:01:54You should do it, too.
02:02:00Just before the rescue operation, the passengers called their loved ones for the last time.
02:02:08Thomas, please stay still and sit still.
02:02:14I can't do that.
02:02:16I have to do something before the culprit crashes this plane.
02:02:20Is there any other way?
02:02:23Just pray.
02:02:25I just want you to pray.
02:02:38I just wanted to tell you that I love you.
02:02:42Mark, I love you, too.
02:02:45I love you.
02:02:51If I can go back alive, I'll quit this job.
02:02:58I can't leave you and the kids anymore.
02:03:03I understand, Sandra.
02:03:05I'll definitely come back alive.
02:03:09Tell the kids that I love them.
02:03:19What are you doing?
02:03:21I'm planning to fly with three passengers who are as tall as me.
02:03:29What do you think?
02:03:31I don't know.
02:03:33But we have to do it.
02:03:36That's the only way.
02:03:43I love you.
02:03:49I love you, too.
02:04:02What about Todd?
02:04:07Yes, this is the phone exchange office.
02:04:10Todd called the phone exchange office of GTE, a telephone company in the United States, instead of his beloved wife.
02:04:24I'm Todd Beamer.
02:04:26I'm on flight 93 of United Airways.
02:04:34Todd called the telephone exchange office of GTE, a telephone company in the United States.
02:04:41There are 37 passengers and 5 staff.
02:04:46Fortunately, there are no children among the passengers.
02:04:51But it seems that two pilots were killed.
02:04:56Todd told the telephone exchange office of GTE about the situation of the plane.
02:05:01It may have been a sense of duty to let someone on board know what's going on here.
02:05:12There are three or four culprits.
02:05:15One of them tied a bomb to his waist.
02:05:19Lisa also followed the emergency manual and recorded information from Todd.
02:05:27I have to do something.
02:05:28I have to do something.
02:05:30I'm going to get the plane back together with other passengers.
02:05:35Are you really going to do it?
02:05:38I think I have to do it.
02:05:43They decided to fight not only for their own lives, but also for the lives of many victims if this plane crashed into Washington, D.C.
02:05:56Mr. Todd.
02:05:58Don't you have to talk to your family?
02:06:03Do you want to make a phone call?
02:06:12No, I won't do that.
02:06:19Why did Todd refuse to make a phone call with his family?
02:06:22Did he change his mind?
02:06:24My wife, Lisa, is pregnant.
02:06:31If I tell her that my plane has been hijacked, she will panic.
02:06:42Todd didn't make a phone call to the exchange office just to tell her the situation of the plane.
02:06:48He didn't tell his wife directly because he was worried about her.
02:06:56Please tell your wife that I love her.
02:07:02Tell your sons that I love them, too.
02:07:07Tell them that I'm proud of them.
02:07:18I understand.
02:07:20I will tell them.
02:07:23I have one last request.
02:07:28Will you pray with me?
02:07:34The last thing Todd asked for was to pray with him.
02:07:39Please pray with me.
02:07:43Our Father, who art in heaven,
02:07:47hallowed be thy name.
02:07:50Thy kingdom come,
02:07:53Thy will be done,
02:07:56on earth as it is in heaven.
02:07:59Give us this day our daily bread,
02:08:02and forgive us our trespasses,
02:08:05as we forgive those who trespass against us.
02:08:09And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
02:08:18Lord Jesus, please help us.
02:08:22This is bad.
02:08:24Something's wrong!
02:08:26The passengers are plotting something!
02:08:29What are you doing?
02:08:31Get back!
02:08:35Let's go!
02:08:40It's happening! We have to go!
02:08:45Finally, Todd and his men are on the move!
02:09:06What are you doing?
02:09:09The bomb!
02:09:12Let me go!
02:09:14Give it to me!
02:09:23It's a fake!
02:09:25The bomb is a fake!
02:09:31Help me!
02:09:36They're fighting back!
02:09:39Please, open the door!
02:10:03Take the cockpit back!
02:10:10One more time!
02:10:14Open the door!
02:10:25Hold on!
02:10:27Let go!
02:10:29Let go!
02:10:32I'll kill you!
02:10:34Let go!
02:10:49I'll sacrifice my life!
02:10:52I'll believe in you!
02:10:54Please, protect me!
02:10:56Let go!
02:10:58I'll go back alive!
02:11:01I'll go back to the surface alive!
02:11:06I'll become a crab!
02:11:28At 10.03 a.m., United Airways Flight 93 crashed into the grassland of Shanksville in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
02:11:41It was about 20 minutes away from Washington, D.C.
02:11:47There were no survivors.
02:11:50However, United Airways Flight 93 was the only one in the U.S. to stop the railroad project and did not send any survivors to the ground.
02:12:02The brave actions of the Toads prevented the damage to the ground.
02:12:09On the other hand, Rick headed to rescue the three survivors.
02:12:15Is anyone there?
02:12:16Is anyone there?
02:12:18If you're there, answer me!
02:12:20Wait for me!
02:12:22I'll save you!
02:12:25But the building, Tokai, was approaching.
02:12:30Hey, are you okay?
02:12:32No, I can't move.
02:12:34Please, help me!
02:12:36Someone, help me!
02:12:38We're going to die!
02:12:39What are you doing?
02:12:44The front was blocked, and smoke was coming from the rear.
02:12:48It was almost nightfall.
02:12:51At that moment...
02:13:03Sorry to keep you waiting.
02:13:05I was caught in a traffic jam.
02:13:10Does your leg hurt?
02:13:12I can't move.
02:13:15Hang in there.
02:13:27You did a good job.
02:13:29Give me your shoulder.
02:13:33Okay, everyone, let's get off together.
02:13:35Rick, thank you.
02:13:37Thank you.
02:13:39Thank you.
02:13:47At that moment, the first evacuees finally escaped outside the building.
02:13:54Rick, are you okay?
02:13:56I didn't expect to be involved in the explosion.
02:13:59That's when...
02:14:20Everyone is safe.
02:14:22I'm glad.
02:14:24Everyone was able to survive because they acted calmly as they were trained.
02:14:30About 15 minutes before the building collapsed, the evacuees were evacuated.
02:14:36But at that moment...
02:14:38John, where are you?
02:14:41What's wrong?
02:14:43I can't find John.
02:14:46Didn't you get off together?
02:14:49We got separated on the way.
02:14:51Then Rick...
02:14:55Rick, don't tell me...
02:14:57I'll go find him.
02:14:59Go back!
02:15:03It's okay.
02:15:07Go back!
02:15:09He knew that the Sun Star might collapse now, but he went back inside without hesitation.
02:15:25What's wrong, buddy?
02:15:30It's an explosion!
02:15:32An explosion just occurred at the South Tower!
02:15:36It's a bigger explosion than before!
02:15:39No way...
02:15:41An explosion occurred at the South Tower where Rick went back to rescue.
02:15:47No way...
02:15:51That's when...
02:16:02Hey, Susan.
02:16:08It's an explosion!
02:16:10An explosion just occurred at the South Tower!
02:16:13An explosion occurred at the South Tower where Rick went back to rescue.
02:16:20No way...
02:16:25That's when...
02:16:35Hey, Susan.
02:16:37Rick! It's you, Rick!
02:16:39You're safe! I'm so glad!
02:16:43I'm sorry.
02:16:45I called you so many times.
02:16:48It's okay.
02:16:50I thought you were running around inside the building because of me.
02:16:55I underestimated you.
02:17:00Where are you now?
02:17:02You're in a safe place, aren't you?
02:17:18Susan, I have something to tell you.
02:17:22Then hurry up and come back.
02:17:25I'll listen to you at home.
02:17:33I want you to listen to me no matter what.
02:17:36No, no, Rick. Stop.
02:17:41Please listen to me.
02:17:44No, please.
02:17:53Don't cry, Susan.
02:17:57I have to evacuate everyone here safely.
02:18:04I know that, but...
02:18:14Even if something happens to me...
02:18:17Even if something happens to me...
02:18:24Please remember this.
02:18:38The more I've met you in my life...
02:18:47I've never been happy.
02:18:51Thanks to you, my life was the best.
02:19:04My life is the best thanks to you.
02:19:09Until now...
02:19:11And from now on...
02:19:13Please come back soon.
02:19:17Your buddy is waiting for you.
02:19:25I love you, Susan.
02:19:29I have to go now.
02:19:48And after Rick's call...
02:20:04At 9.59 a.m.
02:20:07Rick's South Tower collapsed.
02:20:09It was only 56 minutes after the collapse.
02:20:18Rick continued to rescue people in the collapsing South Tower until the end.
02:20:3029 minutes later...
02:20:33At 10.28 a.m., another North Tower collapsed.
02:20:40More than 28,000 people were killed.
02:20:47Without Rick's appropriate judgment, 2687 people would not have been saved.
02:20:56After the incident, a statue was erected to praise him.
02:21:00In 2019, President Trump awarded the Medal of Honor to his wife, Susan.
02:21:12And now, the family of Todd, who fought against the terrorists and joined the United Air Force 93.
02:21:21Four months after 9.11, in January 2002, his daughter, Morgan, was born.
02:21:28We saw the courage of the passengers with our own eyes.
02:21:32Is it possible to fight against the terrorists to save the people on the ground?
02:21:36There is no such person among the passengers.
02:21:40It is impossible.
02:21:42We saw the courage of the passengers with our own eyes.
02:21:45Is it possible to fight against the terrorists to save the people on the ground?
02:21:49There is no such person among the passengers.
02:21:53It is impossible.
02:21:58President Bush praised Todd's courageous actions in his speech.
02:22:05His wife, Lisa, said in an interview...
02:22:07He is a brave, strong-willed person who does not resist.
02:22:15Even if he knew that it was impossible to return alive,
02:22:19Todd would have thought that this was not the end but the beginning.
02:22:25Now he is in deep suffering and joy.
02:22:29My suffering is certainly deep,
02:22:31but on the other hand, I am very happy to be able to tell you about Todd's character and actions.
02:22:41I hope what I felt about this incident will be a light for people.
02:22:48She said so.
02:22:51After that, Lisa and her children established the Dodd M. Beamer Memorial Foundation,
02:22:57which is a non-profit organization.
02:23:02She said she would like to continue to talk about their courageous actions.
