• last year
Government authorities of Honduras, such as Gustavo Sanchez, Security Secretary of Honduras, and Rixi Moncada, Minister of Defense, alongside of President Xiomara Castro to denounce the coup plots of the United States and reiterate the government's commitment to fight drug trafficking in the country.teleSUR
00:00Since 2013, published today in social media, I condemn any kind of negotiation between
00:11narco-trafficking dealers and politicians, as I expressed days before after the threats
00:21of the ambassador of the United States accusing the head of state of the armed forces and
00:30former minister of defense of drug traffickers.
00:39I ratify that peace and internal security of our republic is at risk.
00:46The plan to destroy the government of the socialist democratic government in the next
00:53electoral process are going on.
00:58The same internal dark forces and external of 2009 with the complicity of international
01:07media are reorganizing in our country to carry out a new coup d'etat that our people must
01:19repeal a plan solution against the crime, demonstrate our political commitment in favor
01:29of extradition, but I will not allow to instrumentalize the threat with the United States to destroy
01:45our government and the elections.
01:51I pass a word to our minister of security, general Gustavo Sanchez, and minister of defense,
01:59attorney Ritzi Moncada, to read all of the cases of drug trafficking open for investigation in the courts
02:11of the United States without applying any kind of selectivity.
02:26Twenty-six cases of the National Party, case number one, Juan Orlando Hernandez condemned to 45 years of
02:35prison for turning Honduras in a narco state.
02:43Case number two, Juan Antonio Hernandez condemned to perpetual chain for...
02:55Number three, Ana Garcia,
03:02case number four, Hilda Hernandez, case open for accepting bravery to David Rivera for people
03:21destinated to finance the campaign of Juan Orlando Hernandez.
03:25Case number 15, slash 379.
03:31Number five, Porfirio Nombresosa, open for receiving bravery coming from drug trafficking for a presidential campaign.
03:44Of a cartel with $4,000, currently is considered a conspiracy of Juan Antonio Hernandez.
03:57Case number 15, slash C-R-7-N-F-A-B-I-O, condemned to 24 years of jail after declaring himself guilty for carrying
04:11out the crime of drug trafficking.
04:17Oscar Chinchilla, open, case number 15.
04:24Number eight, Mauricio Oliva, creation of laws to protect drug trafficking, allies of Juan Orlando Hernandez.
04:38Case number 15.
04:40Case number nine, Rene Fonseca, former leader of armed forces of Honduras during the government of Orlando Hernandez,
04:50who was giving support to drug traffickers.
05:03Number 10, Evald Diaz, presumption of the crimes of drug trafficking.
05:14Eleven, Reynardo Economo, former deputy of the Congress of Honduras, mentioned during the judge,
05:28condemned for receiving between $60,000 from drug traffickers.
05:37Number 12, Mirodir Pastor, former presidential candidate, condemned for receiving $2 million from Xenoloa Cartel to finance its
05:50candidatorship and $50,000 to build a company in Puerto Cortez with the purpose of drug trafficking.
06:03Thirteen, Oscar Najda, former deputy of the National Congress, who was condemned for receiving bravery of the cartel in exchange
06:16of information of investigations against the members of the cartel.
06:29Yankel Rosenthal condemned to three years of prison after declaring guilty.
06:38Number 15, Julian Pacheco Dinoco.
06:43Case number 15, CR 74.
06:47Sixteen, Ricardo Alvarez, former precandidate of the National Party, condemned for receiving $300,000 to finance its presidential candidacy.
07:06Seventeen, Armando Caledonio, former minister of security during the government of Ricardo Maduro from the year 2005,
07:18and major of San Pedro Sula, condemned for being an ally of drug traffickers.
07:26Case number 12, case number 18,
07:32Alexander O'Donnell condemned for drug trafficking.
07:38Nineteen, Arnaldo Urbino Soto, former major of Yoro, guilty.
07:48Prosecutors have a video where they talk about drug trafficking and protection of Orlando to drug traffickers.
08:01Soraya Calix, prosecutor of the public ministry, former director of the Direction for Fighting Drug Trafficking,
08:11condemned during the jury case against allies of Orlando.
08:21Mario José Calix, former major of Elvira, is in the process of extradition due to drug trafficking and linked to Orlando Hernández.
08:40Number 22, Samuel Antonio Reyes, former minister of defense during the government of Orlando Hernández,
08:48is mentioned as one of the conspirators of Orlando Hernández.
08:53Number 15, CR 379, Roberto Wolfovich, number 23, former minister of energy and former chief of the presidential campaign of Orlando Hernández.
09:09Case number 15, CR 79.
09:1324, Milton Puerto, deputy of the National Congress, condemned in a case again for being involved in drug trafficking with Arnaldo Urbino Soto.
09:25Case number 18, CR 499, Juan Carlos Valenzuela, former deputy mentioned for Juan Antonio Hernández due to be linked with drug trafficking.
09:41Gerardo Martínez Pineda, former deputy of the National Congress and former vice president of the Congress, linked to the conspiracy of Hernández.
10:00Investigations of drug trafficking in courts of the United States in the case of the Liberal Party of Honduras.
10:09Case number one, Mauricio Villegas, former presidential candidate of the Liberal Party and current deputy of the National Congress who was mentioned during the trial of Orlando Hernández for receiving a bribery of $250,000
10:37in exchange of helping Carlos, alias Lobo, to get back goods that were seized from him.
10:54About this case, we have a video.
10:56Case number two, Roberto Micheletti, former president of the National Congress who was mentioned during the trial against Freddy Nadera for receiving $500,000 from the cartel of Los Cachiros in exchange of giving protection to this cartel after the coup d'etat of 2009.
11:24This case is registered in the Justice of the United States with number 15-CR-378.
11:36Case number three, Freddy Nadera, former deputy of the Liberal Party, condemned to 30 years of prison after being declared guilty.
11:47The Prosecutorship of the United States presented as part of the evidence a video of a meeting carried out in January 2014 in which they were meeting Freddy Nadera, RamĂłn Mata-Gualduraba, and Victor SavillĂłn,
12:09also MĂ­dense O'Kelley-Martinez, and Devis Leone Rivera Madariaga.
12:15In a fragment of this video, we can hear how Nadera assures that Juan Arnaldo Hernández offered them to him and Johnny Russelton 20 million lempiras coming from drug trafficking
12:37in exchange of each of the ballots to support the proposal of Mauricio Oliva as President of the National Congress.
12:49In this election, 25 of the 27 deputies, liberal deputies, supported the proposal, and Mauricio Oliva was elected as the President of this power of state.
13:06This case is registered with the number 15-CR-378.
13:16Case number four, Johnny Rosenthal, a former deputy and former presidential candidate of the Liberal Party, current President of this political institution, condemned to three years of prison.
13:34Case number 13-CR-413.
13:42Case number five, a former deputy of the Liberal Party, condemned for being accused of drug trafficking and receiving $500,000 from the cartel Los Cachiros.
14:04The afterwards were delivered to the former deputy, Juan RamĂłn Salgado, in exchange of positioning Amadeus as Vice Minister of Security, without achieving it.
14:21Case registered with the number 18-CR-499.
14:26Case number six, Victor Zavillón, current deputy of the National Congress, mentioned during the judicial process against Freddy Nájera and of whom there is a video in a meeting in which participated David Rivera-Madriaga,
14:49Freddy Nájera, and Ramón Mata-Gualduraba.
14:55In such meeting, the candidacy for the Presidency of the National Congress of Oscar Nájera was discussed as the chosen one of the drug traffickers to leadership this power of the state.
15:11Case registered with the number 15-CR-378.
15:20Number seven, former major of Coloma, condemned for allegedly receiving bribery of Giovanni Fuentes RamĂ­rez in exchange of protection.
15:38Number registered with the name 15-CR-379.
15:46The whole system of security of the state was exchanged using our system to introduce cocaine from the United States, making this country a paradise for drug traffickers.
16:16Raiders were annulated.
16:21Criminals news about the route and prints of tracks of drug trafficking using our sea and our aerial space is controlled from Cayo Hueso in the United States.
16:41They reformed the law protecting sovereignty of the airspace, avoiding the possibility of destroyed planes that participate in drug trafficking.
16:59The processes that initiate in the United States, as has been proven, are selective ahead of the activity of the police corruption and military corruption, prosecutors corruption, judges, and attorneys.
17:30I ask to the national prosecutorship to execute drastic actions in all of the cases here presented without any selectivity to fight drug trafficking.
17:48With all due respect, I ask to the National Congress, where my party is a minority, to reform all the laws so that the security forces of the state, currently limited, fight strongly these crimes.
18:10To the new Minister of Defense, Attorney Rizzi Moncada, I command you to provide all the tools and technology that the armed forces require to avoid that Honduras continue to be a source of drug trafficking, drugs that are consumed by tons in the destination countries.
18:37Good night.
