• last year
Intervention of Gustavo Sanchez, Security Secretary of Honduras, alongside other government authorities to denounce the coup plots of the United States and reiterate the government's commitment to fight drug trafficking in the country.teleSUR


00:00Instrumentalize the treaty with the United States to destroy our government and the elections.
00:13I passed a word to our Minister of Security, General Gustavo Sánchez, and Minister of
00:19Defense, Attorney Rizzi Moncada, to read all of the cases of drug trafficking open for
00:30investigation in the courts of the United States without applying any kind of selectivity.
00:47Twenty-six cases of the National Party, case number one, Juan Orlando Hernández, condemned
00:55to 45 years of prison for turning Honduras into a narco-state.
01:05Case number two, Juan Antonio Hernández, condemned to a perpetual chain for...
01:17Case number three, Ana García, obtained open in the sentence documents against Orlando
01:28Case number 15, case number four, Hilda Hernández, case open for accepting bravery of people
01:42destinated to finance the campaign of Orlando Hernández.
01:47Case number 15, slash 379.
01:53Number five, Porfirio Nombresosa, open for receiving bravery coming from drug trafficking
02:01for his presidential campaign of a cartel with $4,000.
02:12Case number six, case number seven, Oscar Chinchilla, openly is considered a conspirator
02:17of Juan Antonio Hernández.
02:19Case number 15, slash CR7, Fabio, condemned to 24 years of jail after declaring himself
02:30guilty for carrying out the crime of drug trafficking.
02:39Oscar Chinchilla, open.
02:43Case number 15.
02:46Number eight, Mauricio Oliva, creation of laws to protect drug trafficking, allies of
02:55Juan Orlando Hernández.
03:00Case number 15.
03:02Case number nine, Rene Fonseca, former leader of armed forces of Honduras during the government
03:10of Orlando Hernández, who was giving support to drug traffickers.
03:25Number 10, Evald Diaz, presumption of the crimes of drug trafficking.
03:3311, Reynardo Economo, former deputy of the Congress of Honduras, mentioned during the
03:46judge, condemned for receiving between $60,000 from drug traffickers.
03:59Number 12, Miguel Rodríguez Pastor, former presidential candidate, condemned for receiving
04:07$2 million from a Sinaloa cartel to finance his candidature, and $50,000 to build a company
04:18in Puerto Cortez with the purpose of drug trafficking.
04:2413, Oscar Nájera, former deputy of the National Congress, who was condemned for receiving
04:33bravery of the cartel in exchange of information of investigations against the members of the
04:50Jankel Rosenthal condemned to three years of prison after declaring guilty.
05:00Number 15, Julián Pacheco Tinoco, case number 15, CR-74, 16, Ricardo Alvarez, former precandidate
05:14of the National Party, condemned for receiving $300,000 to finance his presidential candidacy.
05:2717, Armando Caledonio, former minister of security during the government of Ricardo Maduro from the year 2005,
05:39and major of San Pedro Sula, condemned for being an ally of drug traffickers.
05:48Case number 12, case number 18, Alexander Aldón, condemned for drug trafficking.
05:5919, Arnaldo Urbino Soro, former major of Yoro, guilty.
06:10Prosecutors have a video where they talk about drug trafficking and protection of Orlando to drug traffickers.
06:23Soraya Calix, prosecutor of the public ministry, former director of the Direction for Fighting Drug Trafficking,
06:33condemned during the jury case against allies of Orlando.
06:43Mario José Calix, former major of Elvira, is in the process of extradition due to drug trafficking and linked to Orlando Hernández.
07:02Number 22, Samuel Antonio Reyes, former minister of defense during the government of Orlando Hernández,
07:10mentioned as one of the conspirators of Orlando Hernández.
07:15Number 15, CR-379, Roberto Ulpovich.
07:21Number 23, former minister of energy and former chief of the presidential campaign of Orlando Hernández.
07:31Case number 15, CR-79.
07:3524, Milton Puerto, deputy of the National Congress, condemned in a case, again,
07:43for being involved in drug trafficking with Arnaldo Urbino Soro.
07:47Case number 18, CR-499, Juan Carlos Valenzuela,
07:52former deputy mentioned for Juan Antonio Hernández due to being linked with drug trafficking.
08:02Gerardo Martínez Pineda, former deputy of the National Congress and former vice president of the Congress,
08:12linked to the conspiracy of Juan Antonio Hernández.
