Jhoot Sy bacho by Amjad Ali Amjad(360P)

  • 2 weeks ago
This lecture is about avoiding lie.
Kashif Mag.


00:00I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:05I praise Him and send blessings upon His noble Messenger.
00:09He is most worthy of reverence, the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.
00:14People are better than me. Peace be upon you and the mercy of Allah.
00:19This is the instruction of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
00:24There is a long hadith and there is a short sentence in it.
00:29It is said,
00:31Ittaqil mahaarim taakuna abdun naas
00:34Until a person does not leave what is haram, he cannot become a worshipper.
00:43If the Prophet has said this, then there is no doubt about it.
00:53The sins that are forbidden will be the basis of worship.
01:07It is said in the hadith that there are four major sins.
01:16Shirk, killing, disobeying parents, false testimony.
01:32These are the four major sins.
01:35We should at least beware of them.
01:38We should beware of everyone else.
01:41Allah is Merciful.
01:44But if we want to become worshippers, then we should beware of these four sins.
01:53It is Allah's will.
01:56He can accept someone's prayer.
01:58He is the Lord.
02:00He is Merciful.
02:03He can forgive.
02:05But we also have some rights.
02:10We are His servants.
02:12We should fulfill those rights.
02:15If a person leaves false testimony, then countless sins are eliminated.
02:24False testimony is such a dangerous thing.
02:28If a person commits adultery, we should consider it as a bad thing.
02:36If a person drinks alcohol, we should consider it as a bad thing.
02:42We hate him.
02:44But we do not have any right to lie.
02:49We do not hate other liars.
02:52However, lying is a bigger sin than these two.
02:58It has become a part of our lives.
03:01We are not paying attention to it.
03:04Sometimes, we lie for no reason.
03:09There is no reason for it.
03:11However, it is such a dangerous thing.
03:14The Qur'an has kept it with Shirk.
03:19The Qur'an says,
03:21The Qur'an says,
03:23The Qur'an says,
03:25The Qur'an says,
03:27The Qur'an says,
03:29The Qur'an says,
03:31The Qur'an says,
03:41The biggest truth is the belief that there is only one Allah.
03:45That there is no God, but Allah.
03:47This is the biggest truth.
03:50Therefore, lying is kept with Shirk.
03:53If we want to worship,
03:56So, we should at least leave the big sins, but we should not do even the small sins,
04:04because the child of a snake is also a snake, the child of a scorpion will also do the same thing that it is doing.
04:10Therefore, even a small spark sometimes burns the whole building.
04:15That is why, instead of getting into the debate between Sagheera and Kabira,
04:19we should try to leave the sins.
04:21But, at least, we should make a difference between lies and our lives from this very moment.
04:28From this very moment, which I understand.
04:32And then you see how many blessings of Allah will be revealed just by leaving lies.
04:38A person's spirituality increases.
04:41A person's Shariat increases.
04:47His way and spirituality increases.
04:50All his affairs increase, just by leaving lies.
04:54Which we do not even understand is a lie.
04:57We are not even coming to this point.
04:59There are many other such things.
05:02I remembered an incident.
05:05In Lahore, there is a saint whose shrine is Hazrat Mauj Darya Rahmatullah.
05:13When he was alive, some people came to him.
05:18They said that there was a small well in Lahore.
05:24The water of the well overflowed and started flowing towards Lahore.
05:30So, they requested him not to destroy the water that was flowing towards Lahore.
05:37So, he said that there is a shopkeeper, go to him.
05:42You told me his address.
05:44Take his scale and put it in the water.
05:49He went to him.
05:51He said that it is the order of Hazrat Sahib to give his scale.
05:55We have to put it in the water.
05:57So, when the scale was put in the water, the water changed its direction.
06:03Now, he was very surprised.
06:06He went to Hazrat Sahib and said,
06:09What is the problem?
06:11The water changed its direction when the scale was put in the water.
06:14You told me to ask the same person with whom you took the scale.
06:19So, he went to the shopkeeper.
06:22He said, which worship do you do?
06:24Which special work do you do?
06:27Because of which your scale is affected.
06:30He said, I have never weighed less than this scale.
06:39Now, is this incident wrong or right?
06:42But the lesson is that a Prophet, Hazrat Shoaib A.S,
06:47came for the same purpose.
06:50That do not adulterate.
06:52Do not weigh less.
06:53For the same purpose.
06:54And then the punishment came on that settlement.
06:57So, this is to avoid lying.
06:59Ittaqil mahaarim taakun abdun naas.
07:02If we start avoiding the lies and the commandments of Allah,
07:10then our worship will become,
07:13asalato mirajul momineen.
07:15It will go there.
07:17So, in Hadith Pak,
07:19when you stand for prayer,
07:21you should feel that you are seeing Allah.
07:24And if not, then Allah is seeing you.
07:27But to feel is also a very big worship.
07:31That I am seeing Allah.
07:33To feel.
07:34Because the floor is the feeling.
07:37The whole world is in a feeling.
07:40The world is a feeling.
07:42The world is a dream.
07:44But the reality is ahead.
07:46The reality is ahead.
07:48Therefore, you have to feel here.
07:51And whoever goes there,
07:53he has to see.
07:58You have to feel here.
08:00You have to see there.
08:02Here is the feeling.
08:03There is the reality.
08:04Therefore, the request is that
08:06the biggest thing is Taqwa.
08:10Those who are righteous are Allah's friends.
08:13So, Taqwa is not the name of adopting something.
08:17Taqwa is the name of leaving.
08:19To leave sins.
08:21To leave anger.
08:23To leave jealousy.
08:24To leave gossip.
08:26All these things are within us.
08:29They are under our control.
08:31We can control them.
08:33We can leave them.
08:35And this is a big struggle with the nafs.
08:38That if we leave these things.
08:41So, if you listen to one thing,
08:43and hear it from this ear,
08:45and take it out from the other ear,
08:47then that problem does not arise.
08:49The problem arises when you
08:51at least promise me one thing today.
08:55At least those people,
08:57with whom I have a good relationship,
08:59those who are listening to me
09:01in other countries,
09:03those who are watching,
09:05at least promise me one thing.
09:07And that is,
09:09from today,
09:11from your life,
09:13from this life,
09:15release the falsehood.
09:18From this life,
09:20release the falsehood.
09:23And you will see,
09:26you will see a loss in releasing the falsehood.
09:29You will see a loss in telling the truth,
09:32But, your spiritual progress,
09:35the peace in your sleep at night,
09:38your other things,
09:40your conscience being alive,
09:42your conscience being healthy,
09:44your soul being healthy,
09:45will begin.
09:47So, the souls that are in the ICU,
09:50we have to bring them out.
09:52So, we can bring them out in such a way
09:55that we can save ourselves
09:57from the command of Allah,
09:59from the command of the Prophet.
10:01And the sins that I have told you,
10:03at least from them,
10:05at least from the falsehood,
10:07we can try to save ourselves.
10:09Because this is a very dangerous thing.
10:11A person came to the Prophet.
10:13He said, O Prophet,
10:15I have three evils.
10:17And those people,
10:18you know,
10:19they were bad people,
10:20they were bad people.
10:21So, among the bad people,
10:23a very gentle Prophet was sent.
10:25A very compassionate Prophet was sent.
10:28So, he said, O Prophet,
10:30I have three evils.
10:32I can only release one.
10:34Now, this is not a question.
10:36Nor will any Prophet answer this.
10:38But, the Prophet said,
10:40Okay, tell me.
10:41He said, I commit adultery,
10:43I drink alcohol,
10:44I tell lies.
10:45You said, release lies.
10:46I released lies.
10:47He said,
10:48Okay, that's great.
10:49Let's release lies.
10:51Now, when he left,
10:53he sat down somewhere
10:54and decided to drink alcohol.
10:55He said,
10:56I will drink.
10:57But, if someone asks me tomorrow
10:59and the matter has reached the Prophet,
11:03then I cannot lie.
11:05I have to say that I drank alcohol.
11:07I quit alcohol.
11:08I quit other things.
11:10So, by releasing one lie,
11:13the rest of the evils will be over.
11:15So, Inshallah,
11:16I hope that
11:18we will make this covenant today.
11:20If you are trapped,
11:22then do not make a covenant.
11:24If you are not trapped,
11:26then make a covenant.
11:28From today,
11:29you have to remove any kind of lie
11:31from your life.
11:33And, if you and I are successful in this,
11:36then believe me,
11:37this is a great success.
11:39May Allah enable me and you
11:41to do what I have said.
