Short filmTranscript
00:07The more crooked the mojor que podemos hacer es
00:10disimular y hacer como si hubiésemos pasado página pero eso como ayudarnos a conseguir pruebas
00:15me gustaría tener al menos el beneficio de la duda pero entiendo que no estoy en disposición de
00:21lo que está a cabo
00:23si soy yo vino compañal ver si necesitamos su ayuda
00:27Creo usted que podría estar en madrid digamos
00:30en un par de días yo sólo quería un medio para ahorrar y volver a casa era lo único que me importaba de este trabajo
00:36pero lo que yo no entiendo basta pietro basta por favore basta yo entiendo que tú quieres saber
00:42pero hablar de estas cosas a mí me remueve muchos recuerdos y no precisamente
00:47buenos en la calle con un niño en camino y con una buena retahíla de mentiras que deshacer yo creo que está siendo un poquito
00:55No se te ocurre montar este numerito están tocando la bebida y corriendo
01:00montaré los numeritos que sean oportunos para seguir pareciendo una madre afectada por la muerte de su hija si agustín
01:06empezará a salir con otra mujer tú no querrías irte muy lejos celia yo no sólo somos amigas
01:11también somos socias
01:13y lo que está haciendo no está bien no está nada bien he llegado a mis oídos que don marcia lalanda va a venir aquí
01:18a la galería así es y usted cree que esa merienda podría alargarse digamos hasta la hora de apertura del
01:25Madrid cabaret tengo que mantener mi cabeza ocupada porque es que me acuerdo mucho de ella y para no acordarme tanto de ella creo
01:31que lo mejor será que me ocupe de organizar tu despedida soltero te recuerdo celia que marchándote para alejarte de mí me dejas aquí
01:37sola con todas las responsabilidades
01:39no voy a asumir una culpa que no me corresponde vamos a ir a la lucha leonesa
01:44pero no a verla si no a competir si algo me gusta de ti es tu personalidad fuerte y tu independencia para tomar decisiones
01:51Pues a ver si se te pega un poco de esa independencia pero no te has enterado de qué
01:56la vampira hoy no ha venido a trabajar
01:59y don fermín traía una cara larga ya le han llegado rumores de lo que pasó ayer en el despacho de don fermín
02:06de verdad que no te preocupa cómo se habrá tomado doña lásara todo este asunto
02:10no nosotros ni nos van y nos viene que se lo tome como quiera me encantaría a comer contigo
02:17Pero he quedado con inés parece que el nuevo profesor no podía verla durante semanas
02:22y tú has aceptado encantado yo creo que lo del despido se puede arreglar
02:26pero lo de marta ya
02:29Lo de marta más complicado no dejaré haber dicho esto pero quizá ha llegado el momento de que te enfrentes a tu padre
02:36él no es dueño de tu vida ojalá estos documentos lleguen pronto del consulado así dejarás de mentirme
02:43Porque estarás lejos de mí estará y lontanísima
02:46estoy seguro de que cuando pasen unos años echar de menos que siga siendo pequeña por cierto dónde está
02:53está en casa de su amiga susana y con su amiga lara sigues empeñada en quedarte madrid
02:59si tú no te vienes conmigo y con chancar la italia la que se queda a tu lado soy yo
03:04así de claro todo el mundo piensa que eres una niña y me escuela pati le piensa que esté en casa de una amiga
03:09susana sabía que podía confiar en ti
03:16Buscaba alguien
03:18Si estaba buscando a una amiga de mi madre
03:21Cómo se llama esta señora
03:24Sagrario sagrario torres
03:27Sagrario torre no no me suena pero es que yo soy nueva en esta corrala pero seguro que antonia no sabrá
03:34antonia podría ayudar a esta señora
03:37sí voy
03:43No es aquí adiós
03:51Que quería esa señora buscaba una mujer pero creo que está confundido
04:17Hay sitios que nunca se olvidan
04:21El mío está en tu corazón
04:25Como en un ajedrez tú y yo sin saber nos vamos jugando el amor
04:33Hay sueños que son de por vida
04:37Y siempre son un borrador
04:46Lo nuestro es un viaje hacia el sol
04:51Por siempre
05:07Por siempre
05:54Pero que me ha surgido una gran oferta profesional en un momento
05:58muy malo personal
05:59Celia yo no tengo la culpa de no corresponder tus sentimientos y en cambio voy a ser yo quien va a pagar el pato ya lo sé
06:04pero yo no decidí enamorarme de ti sí pero decidiste marcharte
06:09necesito marcharme porque necesito olvidarme de ti
06:15Se puede saber qué está pasando aquí
06:32Celia pensaba que sería mi hermana pasa
06:50Si has venido a buscar a Inés no está a salir a dar un paseo para irse
06:56No he venido a verte a ti
06:58quería pedirte un favor
07:00cuando estaba a punto de cerrar han llamado por teléfono
07:03Era el nuevo proveedor con el que habíamos quedado mañana
07:07Lo tengo apuntado en la agenda si has venido para recordar velón me ha olvidado no he venido a recordártelo venía a avisarte
07:16ha llamado para decirme que le ha surgido un problema y que tenía que adelantar la reunión
07:20yo le he dicho que sí pero después he recordado que a esa misma hora y había quedado con Íñigo
07:25con ello para qué
07:27para ultimar los detalles de la visita de Marcial Lalanda y sus amigos al Madrid cabaret
07:33Tú te podrías encargar
07:36Sí claro que qué remedio alguien tendrá que ir
07:45Si finalmente me voy no quiero dejarte gestiones a medio hacer
07:50si finalmente te vas
07:52yo pensaba que era algo definitivo de hecho te iba a decir que tenemos que hablar con mi tío cuanto antes
07:57Con tu tío para qué
07:58como que para qué lo primero de todo porque tiene que saberlo y
08:02segundo porque a lo mejor yo sola no me quiero hacer cargo del negocio en cualquier caso a tu tío se lo voy a decir
08:06yo así que tú no te preocupes no no si eso no es lo que me preocupa
08:10lo que me preocupa hacer es que estés jugando conmigo porque un día te quieres marchar al siguiente no lo tienes claro pero que no
08:15es nada fácil tomar esta decisión y tú crees que es fácil no saber qué va a ser de mi futuro tengo que organizar mi
08:20porvenir o no a tu futuro y qué pasa con el mío pero cómo puedes ser tan egoísta laura
08:25Mira no quiero discutir ya pues ya lo estás haciendo
08:33Quieres una respuesta
08:36Definitivamente me voy no tiene ningún sentido seguir a tu lado gracias por ayudarme a decidir
08:44de todo lo que hemos vivido de todo lo que tenemos sólo hay una cosa que no te puedo dar y tú decides
08:49abandonar el barco dime quién es la egoísta
08:52No te olvides de la reunión
09:16Pietro ya sabe que usted puede confiar en mí para lo que sea
09:21Lo sé hasta que puedo confiar en ti pero
09:25no quiero preocuparte
09:27Bueno pues quizás es un poco tarde porque ya me he preocupado
09:31y yo creo que mejor saber lo que le pasa por la cabeza que imaginarme lo que una siempre se pone lo peor y esta vez
09:37con razón
09:39Lucia no quiere volver a italia
09:42como que no quiere volver a italia y usted que le ha dicho no ha dicho nada
09:46porque me pilló con el pie cambiado y no supe reaccionar
09:50pero y dónde va a vivir no será con usted por supuesto que no
09:55Y antonia que le ha dicho nada nada me he hecho nada porque no se le ha contado aún
10:01no sabe nada y no sé cómo hacerlo
10:04Lo ve marta si algo puede salir mal saldrá mal voy a trabajar luego le veo
10:13Buenos días
10:16Buenos días cat es aquí ya
10:19que los días que vienes a limpiar no puedo dormir de la emoción
10:24De verdad te piensas que te va a servir de algo ser tan salamero no lo sé pero al que madrugado es la ayuda no
10:31Bueno que has hablado ya con tu padre
10:34o sigue pensando que lo único que quiero es llevarte al cuarto no me ha sacado el tema pero es que eso tampoco quiere
10:38decir nada que mi padre es un hombre de ideas fijas
10:41y tú qué clase de hombre eres de los que se dejan intimidad o de los que plantan cara yo soy de ideas fijas
10:47no tengo muchas pero las que tengo son mías y pienso luchar por ellas
10:52y le voy a demostrar a mi padre lo mucho que te aprecio y a ti también pues mira yo no necesito que nadie me
10:58defienda de algo que no tengo pensado hacer como por ejemplo en gatos arte
11:01te empeñas en fingir que no te gustó y eso es que te gustó
11:05como en el desen con el desdén una obra que me recomiendo miguel y que por cierto deberías leerte
11:12Y los protagonistas terminan juntos
11:15Como tú y yo
11:18Oye pasa esta noche a la fiesta de miguel y trini porque si tú no vas yo no pienso ir
11:23pues mira una cosa te voy a decir
11:25si me ves es porque he ido y si no me ves es porque no he ido
11:33A ver a ver cómo es eso
11:43Como verá en la columna de la derecha están todas las cosas que ya hemos conseguido para la fiesta y en la columna de la
11:49izquierda las cosas que faltan
11:51casi nada bueno a veces las cosas más pequeñas son las que quitan más tiempo
11:56además marcial de alanda no quiere que la decoración sea taurina dice que ya tiene bastante me parece razonable si le aseguro que es un
12:03hombre bastante imprevisible y no lo digo en el mal sentido
12:10Hola a los dos aquí
12:14Si quiere hablar a solas conmigo yo puedo volver en otro momento no es ninguna molestia no no se preocupe seria
12:20quédese lo que tengo que hablar con íñigo también le concierne a usted
12:24he estado pensando y
12:26me gustaría proponeros algo
12:37Bueno somos todo oídos bueno he pensado que me gustaría formar parte de la organización de la fiesta
12:45si me admitís en vuestro equipo claro pues claro
12:49Qué cosas tienes matilde claro que sí pero tú no tenías trabajo en el salón he hablado con don firmin así que tranquilo
12:56y como no tengo mucho que hacer estos días me ha dado permiso el bueno de don firmin siempre tan comprensivo
13:03Entonces perfecto
13:05Bueno entonces estaba haciendo una investigación a conciencia sobre marcial lalanda y he descubierto cosas muy interesantes
13:14cosas como que
13:16por ejemplo vosotros sabíais que hizo de protagonista una película
13:21No yo no lo sabía y cómo se titula esa película viva madrid que es mi pueblo me suena
13:29Sí sí estuve a punto de ir a verla pero al final por cosas de trabajo no pude y la quitaron de la cartelera
13:34una pena porque actuaba carmen viance y me encanta esa actriz a mí también me gusta mucho
13:40y lo que se me ha ocurrido
13:42tiene que ver con ella que nos propones he pensado que podríamos invitar a carmen viance y al director de la película fernando delgado
13:50Bueno yo creo que
13:52Le encantaría encontrárselo sobre todo si no se lo espero como una especie de sorpresa sería muy emocionante que pensáis
14:02Pues a mí solo se me ocurre una cosa levántese por favor
14:09Gracias acaba de convertir una fiesta más en un acto memorable enhorabuena matilde gracias
14:17Les dejo que tengo muchas cosas que hacer
14:20Muchas gracias por todo Celia a ustedes
14:31Llámame optimista pero diría que lo que acaba de pasar aquí es una muestra de que
14:38No te confundas y yo lo único que quiero es ayudar a Celia y a ti al hombre el que amo
14:46Y ahora señor optimista usted debería darme un beso porque me lo ha ganado
15:07La comida con mis antiguos compañeros de la facultad la cancela está bien
15:11Seguro pero ese día es sagrado es la única cita que no se puede cambiar y me si he dicho que no quiero ver a
15:16nadie en toda la semana
15:19Muy bien pues solo nos queda la reunión con los empresarios de la galería
15:23en la orden del día figura la renovación del contrato de la empresa de mantenimiento y lo tengo marcado como un asunto prioritario pues
15:29ya no lo es
15:30una llevar mi agenda implica que reubiques mis citas no las cuestiones eso es todo
15:37De verdad se cree que no me doy cuenta de lo triste que está
15:42Además de llevarle la agenda soy su sobrina puede confiar en mí y contarme lo que necesite
15:49No es importante
15:53Ayer nos dijo que doña nazara no es como usted se pensaba y que le tocaba digerirlo
15:58está claro que no lo está haciendo muy bien
16:02Yo usted siempre está cuando le necesito
16:04me ha ayudado a enfrentarme a mi problema con la voz y gracias a usted he conseguido superarlo y salir adelante
16:11tienes tenemos que apoyarnos las personas que nos quieren y yo soy una de ellas
16:27con su permiso don fermín
16:30le he traído estas hierbas del albolario
16:33tomillo jengibre hierbabuena y regaliz supone que son buenas para la garganta enriquecen los baños de vapor
16:40en fin
16:42no les interrumpo más
16:44me paso luego por su casa para continuar con los ejercicios de voz a la misma hora que ayer
16:48sí sí sí a la misma
16:52Espere porque quiero agradecerle que en estos momentos tan complicados
16:57con usted las riendas de la situación
17:00pero no tiene usted que agradecerme nada si yo de verdad lo hago encantado
17:04en cualquier caso porque dice usted que son momentos complicados
17:08Bueno el trabajo a veces
17:11Los asuntos se complican es que mi tío no asistirá a la reunión con los empresarios
17:19Don Fermín yo
17:21supongo que usted tiene motivos de sobra pero
17:24me gustaría recordarle la importancia de la misma vamos a tratar si la renovación del contrato de mantenimiento
17:29con la empresa que se encarga de la galería
17:34Y como usted sabe no es un asunto a la día más su opinión es fundamental
17:38Agustín no me encuentro bien no es nada grave pero
17:42creo que me voy a tomar la semana con un poco más de calma de lo habitual y respecto a la reunión le cedo mi voto
17:49confío plenamente en su criterio
17:53De acuerdo espero que se recupere pronto en cualquier caso espero que pueda asistir a la actuación de su sobrina el jueves próximo
18:00Jueves jueves próximo jueves
18:05Guardame una silla a su lado no pienso perdérmela
18:10Gracias de nuevo y si no ha desayunado me invita a la casa
18:17Gracias Agustín pero creo que debería pasar la tarde con mi hermana en lugar de conmigo
18:23porque dice eso
18:25Bueno porque la ahorita es su novia y tendrá sus obligaciones con ella y yo puedo hacer los ejercicios sola
18:30No no no la especialista fue tajante con eso usted necesita ayuda para continuar con su tratamiento
18:38una de las obligaciones que tengo con mi novia es la de preocuparme por su hermana
18:43la ahorita entiende perfectamente esto y sabe que la prioridad ahora mismo es su salud
18:51Pero bueno aún así aún así
18:54Nos vemos luego
19:07El primer frontón de raqueta
19:12con entrada a puesta simultánea y pago correspondiente de impuestos
19:18Impuestos como se abrió a se abrió en madrid en
19:231917 con un cuadro de 16 mujeres profesionales
19:28que fue aumentando hasta las
19:3145 que hay en la actualidad
19:34como se te queda el cuerpo por regular
19:36el nuevo frontón madrid que
19:40donde vamos a ir niña dispone de restaurantes peluquería salones y terrazas
19:46Una auténtico club social no volverás a verte en una así no duden visitarlo
19:56No dicen nada
19:58debería de algo
19:59por dios
20:00base la mejor despedida de soltera que se haya organizado nunca
20:04se correrá la voz y todo el mundo querrá saber quién ha sido la organizadora
20:09es que usted no se contenta sólo con ser la madrina
20:12por cierto
20:14A usted no le parece muy raro que la vampira no haya venido ni ayer ni hoy
20:19no es propio de ella a los que está enferma y usted fue la última en verla salir así que
20:25tenía mala cara
20:26buena no tenía llevaba los ojos rojos como de haber llorado la vampira llorando
20:34Está segura
20:35segurísima es que la bronca fue de órdago bueno y agárrate los machos allí también estaban teresa y cañete
20:44tresa cañete
20:45pero no te preocupes porque no me he quedado de brazos cruzados
20:48le he pedido a elías que son saque información a cañete de lo que pasó allí y que ha dicho
20:54todavía ni mucho
20:57Qué de palique
21:12Que él estaba comentando a esperanza que me parece muy raro que doña lázara no haya venido ni ayer ni hoy
21:17claro y si alguien puede saber el motivo esa tiene que ser usted que para eso es la encargada
21:23pues si soy la encargada pero no sé nada ella es mi superior así que no tiene por qué darme explicaciones
21:29Pero usted también estaba en el despacho de don felmín
21:32sabe si pasó algo entre ellos yo es que casualmente la vi salir con lágrimas en los ojos esto lo puede confirmar
21:38que si lo puedo confirmar
21:40yo lo único que confirmo es que sois un par de cotillas y que es la hora de volver al trabajo
21:45además lo que haga o deshaga doña lázara nos tiene que dar igual no nos tiene que importar
21:50si no nos preocupa pero
21:52usted parece que está disfrutando con este tema
21:55A ver esperanza nos forma a decir las cosas aunque tiene razón porque a ver dadas las circunstancias y para
22:02pues para calmar un poco los ánimos nuestros ánimos
22:05usted nos podría decir qué es lo que pasó en ese despacho he dicho lo mismo pero con mano izquierda
22:10pues va a ser que no
22:16Pero bueno ya te estás atiborrando otra vez a pepinillos que te va a entrar caballera mujer
22:21Desde cuando tienes tu asociación pues desde siempre lo he heredado de mi padre vamos
22:26no pues para un poco y venga las dos a trabajar
22:40Bueno pues para que lo puedas entender jefe la lucha leonesa es un combate entre dos contrincantes
22:45agarrados con las dos manos en el cinto
22:47utilizando unas estrategias que se llaman mañas
22:50Para derrocar al ponte y tirarle al suelo
22:53bueno de ahí viene lo de tener más maña que fuerza
22:56estupendo leas
22:58y tú a quién vas a apostar
23:00al gran hombro de mirando a debro o a miguel el librero
23:04yo no voy a apostar por nadie me parece muy mal que hayas apuntado a miguel a ese combate sin su consentimiento
23:10pero cuánto va a tardar el gigante es en arrancarle la cabeza
23:13a ver que para empezar no es un deporte violento y como te acabo de decir
23:18Trata de maña no de fuerza bruta jefe
23:21pero vamos a ver que por mucha mañana que tenga miguel no tiene ninguna experiencia en el asunto
23:26en cuanto ese gigante le coja el cinturón lo va a poner en órbita
23:32Emocionado con el tema
23:34Pues a mí me parece un plan perfecto jefe además ha salido de mi pesquis mira si me prometes que no hice rípeo
23:41te lo cuento
23:48Conozco una manera para poder hablar con mi madre si es
23:54es una forma de que
23:56de que ellas nos escuchen desde el cielo y nos puedan contestar
24:00Hoy no podemos hacerlo porque no tenemos lo que necesito pero pero mañana si quieres
24:07podrás verlo con tus propios ojos y podrás hablar con tu madre
24:12lo prometes de lo prometo
24:15Madre como ha ido la mañana ha visto a alguien interesante por la galería
24:21interesante supongo que te refieres a mati
24:26bueno resulta que ayer me crucé con ella
24:30no quería contártelo pero se me quedó un pellizco en el estómago que no me gusta nada
24:34estuvo de maravilla
24:37y me ha dicho que no me gusta nada
24:39No quería contártelo pero se me quedó un pellizco en el estómago que no me gusta nada estuvo demasiado amable amable
24:47pero olvídalo he venido a traértelo al pasaje
24:51El tren hacia lisboa donde harás noche y a la mañana siguiente cogerá es un barco rumbo a cuba por supuesto
24:59en camarote de lujo
25:02Se lo agradezco mucho madre pero no los voy a necesitar
25:08Qué estás diciendo Carla
25:10Que no me pienso ir
25:12Tengo algo entre manos
25:15Algo que usted no se puede ni siquiera imaginar como comprenderá no lo puedo dejar a medias espero que lo entienda no
25:21Lo que entiendo es que estás agotando mi paciencia y lo que es peor la de Fabio también
25:27Mañana cogerás ese tren y no hay más que hablar y como piensa obligarme
25:32va a llamar a la policía para que me escolte hasta la estación
25:36Además en cuanto a Fabio
25:39Creo que te lo estás tomando muy a la ligera
25:41A lo mejor es el que termina llamando a la policía y acaba denunciándonos
25:48No me hagas reír madre
25:50Fabio no va a hacer absolutamente nada y sabe por qué porque está tan metido en el ajo como usted y como yo
25:58si fuese a la policía a denunciarme cree que les diría
26:04Sabe que estoy viva desde hace días pero me estaba dando una pequeña oportunidad para huir o peor que
26:11repentinamente ha perdido la paciencia o peor todavía que lo estaba organizando todo con usted pero
26:16de repente se ha dado cuenta que eso no está bien y está muy arrepentido
26:21dígame madre
26:23cuál de todas esas opciones es la menos estúpida
26:27No te das cuenta de que estás jugando con fuego
26:30Que tu única oportunidad es que me hagas caso y te marches mañana y usted no se da cuenta de que yo no tengo miedo
26:36y que no pienso irme hasta que acabe lo que empezado que por cierto le aseguro que va a ser algo extraordinario
26:44Sobrenatural diría yo
26:46y qué pasa conmigo porque yo sí tengo miedo
26:50porque tu irresponsabilidad me está poniendo en peligro
26:54y por el amor de dios carla yo no quiero ir a la cárcel te lo pido por favor
26:59recapacita por el bien de todos
27:01por el bien de todos he de terminar lo que empezado
27:05es una insensata
27:07estoy empezando a pensar que has perdido el juicio que la loca no era mati sino tú
27:14Cierra la puerta al salir por favor
27:26Bueno y que te parece brillante o no montero
27:32Pues me parece algo inusual en ti elías no pues ya ves
27:37ahora eso sí me tienes que guardar el secreto porque sólo sabes albiter y ahora tú
27:41Don't worry, I'll save it for you, but I don't see Miguel very excited about it.
27:46Well, I don't think he's the only one.
27:48Don Fermin says he's not excited about it.
27:51I've seen him with a heavy arm and a low head,
27:54dragging his feet, and that's weird.
27:56That's a strange thing about him,
27:58because that's something that characterizes him,
28:00his grace and elegance when he walks.
28:03And now...
28:05Besides, he's been locked up in the office for many hours,
28:07and I'm starting to worry.
28:09So I'd appreciate it if you could give me a little information on your end.
28:13Boss, if he's going to die, I have a right to know.
28:16But you say, animal, that he's not going to die.
28:18Then what's wrong with him?
28:20Because Esperanza heard the noise when Mrs. Lázaro was in the office,
28:23and it was a coincidence that you were in that office,
28:26so do me a favor, let go.
28:29So do me a favor, let go.
28:31Well, look, it's a coincidence that I have nothing to tell you.
28:35Not when you asked me before, not when you ask me now,
28:38not when you ask me later.
28:40You're making a snowball out of a rain drop.
28:43Don Fermin is fine.
28:45He's wearing a suit.
28:47Cañete, I'm going home.
28:49Do me the favor of transmitting it to Teresa as soon as I see her.
28:52Very well.
28:55Elias, take a look at the terrace, please.
28:58Of course, let's go.
29:03I have the uncomfortable feeling that everyone is looking at me like I'm asking for explanations.
29:08Especially Elias.
29:11I'm unable to continue in the office.
29:14I can't stop thinking about what happened with Mrs. Lázaro.
29:17I understand.
29:19Anyway, I trust your discretion.
29:22As always, Mr. Fermin.
29:38Mr. Fermin!
29:40Mr. Fermin, please listen to me.
29:42Mrs. Lázaro, this is very embarrassing, don't you think?
29:45I'm very sorry, but I can't resign myself to losing him.
29:48I can't resign myself to losing everything we've built together all this time.
29:52Because don't deny me, Mr. Fermin,
29:55that everything we've lived has been real,
29:57and that the affection we've felt for each other is sincere.
30:00So please, let me explain.
30:03She had her chance when I called her to my office.
30:06Why didn't she do it then?
30:10In front of two employees? Teresa? Cañete?
30:13No, I'm sorry, Mr. Fermin.
30:15But that wasn't a chance, that was a trap.
30:18And I think I have every right in the world to ask her to listen to me.
30:29So, in the lion's fight,
30:32you have to grab the other guy by the belt and throw him to the ground.
30:37Isn't it?
30:38It's much better than the pair of shoes you'd have to wear in boxing.
30:42Let's see, Tini.
30:43If this guy from Miranda de Ebro grabs me by the belt,
30:46the most probable thing is that he throws me to the ground
30:48and hits me against the wall.
30:50Yeah, well...
30:51What if he feels sorry for you?
30:53What if you tell him that you've always been a clumsy and sick kid?
30:59Of course, you're right.
31:00I'm going to tell everyone that I'm sick
31:02and that I can't go to my own farewell party.
31:04Very good idea.
31:05No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
31:07Because if you're sick so you don't go to the farewell party,
31:09you'll also be sick so you don't go to the wedding,
31:11and we'll have to postpone the wedding,
31:13and this is never going to end.
31:15Yeah, but if I break my skull, I won't be able to go to my wedding either.
31:18Do you think I like the farewell party that Esperanza has prepared for me?
31:22I don't like sports.
31:24What's the point of hitting a ball with a racket?
31:28And what's the point of going to see it?
31:31Well, if you want, I'll change it for you.
31:34At least no one is going to grab you by the belt and make you fly against a wall.
31:38By the way, do you know anything about Don Salvador?
31:41Or is he still the lady of the house?
31:44And I don't know if that's good or bad,
31:46and if he's not going to say goodbye.
31:48The thing is, I don't have the body for parties.
31:50David and Goliath.
31:52The other one.
31:53What are you saying?
31:54I was thinking about how you could defeat Miranda de Ebro,
31:57and I remembered the story of David and Goliath.
32:00Do you want me to throw a rock at him with a wave?
32:04All I want is for him not to be the first boyfriend
32:06who doesn't survive his farewell.
32:08Well, the first fake boyfriend who doesn't survive his fake farewell.
32:16your father hasn't called to congratulate me yet,
32:20nor has he sent me any gift.
32:23Don't you find it strange that he hasn't told us anything,
32:25knowing that Trin and I are getting married tomorrow?
32:27I find it normal.
32:29And it is.
32:30Come on, Salvita, you have to be honest, son.
32:33His job is in danger.
32:35Your father is going to say goodbye to him.
32:37Couldn't you talk to him,
32:38and tell him something like,
32:39well, let's get married in peace?
32:41I'll try, but I can't promise you anything.
32:43He hasn't spoken to me in two weeks.
32:45Well, what about you?
32:46Where are you going to hide when you're getting married in the wilderness?
32:50We won't hide at home, and we'll pretend we're not there.
32:53And after a few days, the nightmare will be over.
32:56It's not a very elaborate plan, but it makes sense.
33:00Well, I'm going to make a message.
33:02See you tonight.
33:04Think of David and Goliath.
33:07I'm sure Miranda's great-grandson, Debra,
33:09had a weak spot, like all giants.
33:12In fact, I think that the story of David and Goliath...
33:16I think Goliath was a bit of a myopic,
33:18and that's why he didn't see David very well.
33:20What you have to do is move quickly so he doesn't see you.
33:23Like this, like this.
33:24What are you doing?
33:25Try it, try it.
33:26Like this, with a change of feet.
33:28To one side, to the other.
33:29Come on, Trini, go.
33:30Try it.
33:31That's it, go.
33:32Don't let him see you.
33:33To one side, to the other.
33:34That's it.
33:35To the front, to the back.
33:46Good afternoon, Antonia.
33:48Good afternoon.
33:49How was your day?
33:51Good, good, thank you.
33:53What I like most about this corral
33:55is that the neighbors can say hello and see us.
33:58Yes, yes, really.
34:01I'm glad you felt comfortable among us.
34:05A lot.
34:06But don't talk about the past, please.
34:10Didn't Pietro tell you?
34:13We will continue to be neighbors.
34:15And I hope that one day even friends.
34:20What are you talking about?
34:23Pietro didn't tell me anything.
34:25Antonia, I've been thinking about it for a long time
34:28and I have no doubt.
34:31I have made the firm decision to stay and live in Madrid
34:34and not separate from my husband.
34:37After all, we are still officially married
34:40and it doesn't seem possible that this can be broken.
34:43And honestly, Antonia,
34:45I have no intention of doing it.
34:48Quite the opposite.
34:50What are you talking about?
34:51That as long as there is a possibility,
34:53no matter how small,
34:54that Pietro and I can recover what we lost,
34:58I will fight for it with all my strength.
35:00And do you know why, Antonia?
35:02Because it's fair.
35:05And you, as a woman like me, know it perfectly.
35:10I forget a very important detail.
35:13Pietro loves me.
35:16And you forget another.
35:19My husband has only used you to alleviate his pain.
35:24And I am infinitely grateful.
35:26But it's a matter of time before he realizes it.
35:29Realizes what?
35:31That I am the love of his life.
35:33The true one.
35:34The original.
35:36And that he will never be able to fight against such a strong feeling, Antonia.
35:41Lucia, you don't know what Pietro and I have shared.
35:45What we have built together.
35:48It's true, I don't know.
35:49But what I do know
35:51is that Pietro has not dared to tell you that I stay in Madrid.
35:54Doesn't it seem a little strange to you?
35:58Good afternoon.
36:20You haven't noticed?
36:22You can't help fighting?
36:24Yes, I noticed a long time ago.
36:26No, you can breathe a much fresher air
36:29and much cleaner air since Lazaro is gone.
36:34What is Elias doing talking to the watchman?
36:39He is determined to find out what happened to the vampire.
36:42And we already know Elias, until he gets it, he won't stop.
36:45Well, Trinidad and Esperanza have also been questioning me,
36:48but I have cut them dry.
36:50The same thing you had to do with him.
36:53Well, look at that face.
36:54What you had to be is happy and content.
36:57I don't have this face for Elias.
36:59I'm just not sure we did the right thing.
37:02The right thing with whom?
37:03With that woman.
37:05No matter how bad the vampire is,
37:07what we have done to her is still a stabbing.
37:10Well, Cañete, and everything she has done, have you forgotten?
37:13I thought we were together on this.
37:16I also agree that we had to stop her.
37:19Don't you feel bad? Not a little?
37:22No, I'm not going to feel bad.
37:23What I feel is relief, because this woman is no longer here.
37:26And also satisfaction, because we have acted for everyone's sake.
37:30Especially Mr. Fermin's.
37:33Come on, they should have given us a medal and everything.
37:36Don't make that face, man.
37:38Bosses, I have fresh news.
37:41The watchman has told me that he has seen Don Fermin leave La Moderna
37:44and that he was waiting for Mrs. Lázara on the street.
37:47What, what, what? Mrs. Lázara what?
37:49Apparently they had a brief conversation
37:51and they have gone together.
37:53Mrs. Lázara was at the door of the tea room?
37:56Yes, yes, the watchman has also told me that he was dressed as usual.
38:00But let's see, this woman was not sick.
38:02Let's see if they have argued like two little turtles
38:04and they are going to get out of here much stronger.
38:07Come on.
38:08Well, boss, cheer up, man.
38:10And Mrs. Teresa, you too.
38:12I know you care about them.
38:14But, long live love.
38:18Long live.
38:21Long live.
38:27Please put your hand on your chest
38:32and the other on your abdomen.
38:35The idea is that you control your breathing little by little.
38:41So, breathe in.
38:43And when you breathe out, pronounce the sound Z, intense.
38:49That's it.
38:53A little slower.
38:59Very good, very good.
39:03You should ...
39:04May I?
39:07Chin in.
39:08That's it, crown of the sky.
39:10And shoulders ...
39:11That's it, back.
39:13Go ahead.
39:18I'm going to have to tell Miss Juanes
39:20that you are a spectacular patient.
39:24Well, because you have more patience than a saint.
39:28Now we're going to do the exercise backwards.
39:33So, breathe in.
39:35And when you breathe out, pronounce the sound Z, soft.
39:41And little by little, that sound gets more intense.
39:45Intensity, intensity, intensity.
39:52Breathe in.
39:56What happened?
39:57Did a butterfly come in?
40:02Through the window.
40:03No, it was me, it was me.
40:04No, no, no, please.
40:06No, no, no, it's very good.
40:07Agustín, I think it's a very interesting contribution.
40:11It reminded me of the butterfly that in spring is going to pollinate a flower.
40:21He's making it up, Agustín.
40:23No, no, I'm an insectologist.
40:25Ah, insectologist.
40:31Really, Agustín, you take too much trouble for me.
40:35Trouble is when you do something you don't want to do,
40:38but I want to come here to torture her while I pretend to be a language specialist.
40:44Laurita is very lucky because if she takes such good care of me,
40:48I can't imagine what she'll do to her.
40:52Sorry, sorry, really, that sounded out of place.
40:56What I'll do to her?
40:57No, no, no, no, it's very good, it's very good.
40:59No, no, but this, this has to be clarified.
41:02Ah, this is not a personal matter.
41:06And then?
41:08Ah, professional.
41:09I'm defending my investment in the future function of the court of Pharaoh,
41:14and I would do this for any member of the cast,
41:16or for a horse if it comes on stage.
41:20Or for a stork if it comes on stage.
41:23I'm sure.
41:26Oh, really.
41:27Hello, I brought a snack, I don't know if you've won it.
41:31Why are you laughing?
41:32Well, Agustín compared me to a horse and a stork,
41:37a stork, I don't know.
41:40Can I explain it?
41:45But are you working or doing a book?
41:47Well, I think both, right?
41:49With a little laugh, everything goes better, right?
41:54How are you?
41:55Well, in a bit of a hurry,
41:57because today I have a single farewell from a co-worker.
42:00We're going to see some racketeers.
42:02Some what?
42:04I'll explain it to you now, having a snack.
42:06Well, aren't you going to give me a kiss?
42:21I'm so glad you wanted to come see me.
42:23You're keeping our secret, aren't you?
42:27You know no one can find out.
42:30I was dying to see you.
42:32I can't stop thinking about what you told me,
42:35that you could get us to talk to our mothers.
42:39That's why we're here.
42:41Because I want to show you.
42:43But first I have to know if you're ready,
42:47if you're old enough.
42:49I am.
42:51Very well.
42:52I trust you.
42:57Do you see these posters?
43:01The yes, the no and the Virgin's stamp.
43:04Yes, what do we have to do?
43:06It's very simple.
43:09When you want to ask your mother something,
43:12close your eyes and the Virgin will answer you.
43:19She's very old.
43:21Because she's been helping girls like you for many years
43:24who want to talk to their mother.
43:31Can I ask her anything?
43:35But they have to be simple questions
43:37that can be answered with a yes or a no.
43:40Like, for example,
43:42Mother, is it true that I'm talking to you?
43:45Do you understand?
43:48And if you show fear, the Virgin will notice
43:52and won't want to transmit that fear to your mother.
43:55So you have to be very prepared.
43:58I'm not afraid.
44:01Very well.
44:03Close your eyes and ask the Virgin.
44:15Mother, the first thing I want to know
44:18is if it's okay up there.
44:23Can't I change the question?
44:26I think so.
44:37I'd like to know
44:41if I've met Father.
44:44You can open your eyes now.
44:56Your mother answered very quickly.
45:01But I'm really talking to my mother.
45:04That's how the Virgin wanted it.
45:07Can I ask her more questions?
45:12as many as you want.
45:36Can I know where you are?
45:38Can I know where you are?
45:40I told you before I left, Elías, but you don't listen to me.
45:43I went with Laurita and Matilde to get a taxi.
45:46Do you think it's a good idea to have the two of them together?
45:50We were going to have a great time.
45:52Now we have to wait.
45:54Be careful.
45:55Don't complain, or they'll come looking for you.
45:58Don't tell me about Mrs. Lázara.
46:00I tried to find out the truth.
46:02It was for everyone's sake.
46:04You like to see Don Fermín like a snitch.
46:06Now we know you've reconciled.
46:08No, we don't know.
46:13He's looking for you two.
46:16I don't know how to thank you for the wonderful bachelor party you prepared for me.
46:20It's the least you can do for a great friend you've spent so many years with.
46:25Well, one more than the other.
46:27Don't forget, in life, when they say your name through the megaphone,
46:30you have to compete with the big eye.
46:33For the big eye!
46:36Don't miss anything. We have to celebrate this.
46:39For the big eye!
46:43And who wants to make another toast?
46:45For Miguel.
46:46I was impressed.
46:48Your gesture of terror, your strategy.
46:50It was...
46:51For Miguel!
46:53For Miguel!
46:59It's true, Miguel.
47:00That look of terror you gave seemed real.
47:03A good strategy.
47:05Although it didn't work at all.
47:07It looked like you were going to faint.
47:09But the big eye says,
47:11congratulations on the wedding.
47:13You knew the joke too?
47:15No, but Salvita, Cayet and I, the chosen ones, knew it.
47:19The chosen ones!
47:23For the big eye!
47:27Oh my God, poor Elias.
47:29I hope they won't leave him worse than he is.
47:32Hey, I'm sure you haven't been scared with the big eye.
47:36Only at the beginning, a little bit.
47:38I got a little dizzy and I almost died.
47:41What are you talking about? I can't hear the music.
47:44Nothing, I was telling him that we had a great time at the front door
47:47and that everything was great.
47:49Yes, now what you have to do is recommend me as a farewell party.
47:53Of course, Esperanza.
47:55But tell us, how was it with the racketeers?
47:57Well, we had a misfortune because the man didn't want to.
48:00Well, he gave me a ball to the head.
48:04I almost fainted.
48:07Well, you don't know how strong those women are.
48:10They would be good companions in the modern world
48:12because at least that way we would save some money.
48:15What? I don't understand you.
48:17Of course, serving the ensaimadas to the racketeers.
48:22Come on, I'll introduce you.
48:24Is he single?
48:26I think so.
48:27Then I'll go.
48:32Marta, will you dance with me?
48:35But only if you're friends.
48:37What's the difference?
48:38Because if I pass you, I'll shake you.
48:40I didn't remember we were together.
48:47I'm sorry.
49:03My friend!
49:04My son!
49:06By the strength of your hug, I'd say you missed me, right?
49:10You don't know how much.
49:11Come in, man, come in.
49:17I see you look very good.
49:20Sevilla is treating you very well.
49:22Tell me, how's everything over there?
49:24Inigo, I think it's time to say goodbye, don't you think?
49:28I think it's great, but tell me, how's it over there?
49:31Well, the truth is I can't complain.
49:33The business is going very well,
49:35the weather is great, the people are great, the food is great.
49:39But it's true that my two friends,
49:42my only family, is here.
49:45Nothing is perfect.
49:47And where's Matilde?
49:49Well, Matilde is on a bachelor party,
49:51with her friends from La Moderna, but they'll be back soon.
49:54And Clarita, how is she? Is she around?
49:56Yes, she's in her room sleeping.
49:58Jacobo, I'm very grateful that you came so quickly.
50:02Well, due to the urgency with which you called me,
50:04I couldn't do anything other than take the first train.
50:07The truth is that I haven't stopped thinking during the trip
50:10what could be such a serious matter.
50:12Sit down, please.
50:18What happened?
50:20You see, it's about Carla.
50:25Matilde and I are convinced that
50:28the calcined corpse she found
50:31wasn't her.
50:35No, but that can't be true.
50:39That's impossible.
50:43Carla is alive.
50:46And we want to know where she is hiding.
50:48In her house.
50:59I thought you'd be at the farewell of Soltar Aditrini.
51:02Yeah, and I thought you'd be at Miguel's.
51:06No, I wasn't in the mood to attend a fight
51:09or a Lioness fight.
51:10I think it was something like that.
51:12Neither was I in the mood to go to a racket match.
51:15Anyway, I'm grateful that you came.
51:18I wanted to take advantage of Marta's absence
51:20so that we could talk in peace.
51:24Well, if Lucia doesn't interrupt us, of course.
51:28No, she won't.
51:30I don't know what to believe.
51:32Nor who.
51:34What do you mean?
51:37Antonia, did you ask me to come so that we could discuss again?
51:42Not only do I have to see how things get with Lucia,
51:45now with you too.
51:46Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were the only victim in this situation.
51:54What did you want to talk to me about?
51:57That I know we've both been all day at La Moderna
52:01and we've only exchanged a couple of words, right?
52:04I don't know.
52:05To ask for a couple of trays.
52:07That's it.
52:08So I don't understand why I had to find out about her and not about you.
52:13Yes, because when I got there,
52:15I was looking forward to hearing the big news.
52:17What big news?
52:19Her firm decision to stay in Spain.
52:22I was hoping she would be willing to tell me, but...
52:26But no, I had to find out about her.
52:28Why, Pietro?
52:30I'm sorry, Antonia, but it's not the first time
52:32she says she wants to stay here and we've already talked about it.
52:34No, but this time it's different.
52:36Because now she has no doubt, quite the opposite.
52:40I thought I could solve it.
52:43And what did she tell you exactly?
52:46That it's only a matter of time
52:48for you two to get back what you had
52:50and that she's not in a hurry
52:52because she's convinced you feel the same way about her.
52:54And it's not true, Antonia. It's not true.
52:56And you know it.
52:57No, I don't know, Pietro.
52:59I don't know because I don't know what to believe anymore.
53:01Because you say one thing and then you do another.
53:03You live with that woman, you hear all her sorrows,
53:05you justify her all the time.
53:07Pietro, what's next?
53:10You're being very unfair to me.
53:12I'm being unfair to you?
53:13Yes, because you don't know
53:15that the consulate could report me.
53:16No, sorry.
53:17The consulate doesn't force you to live with her.
53:19That's your decision.
53:20So take it.
53:22Take it!
53:25Maybe it's the best decision.
53:27It's true, because she's your wife, right?
53:30She's your wife and I'm nothing.
53:32That's why...
53:33Antonia, please.
53:35Get out of my house.
53:38Get out, please.
53:42Get out, Pietro, please.
53:44Yes, yes, I'm leaving.
54:01Hello, honey.
54:07How are you?
54:13How was the bachelor party?
54:15Good, it was curious.
54:17I'm glad you had a good time.
54:19I'm sorry I'm not so effusive,
54:21but I'm still digesting the news that Inigo gave me.
54:25I was commenting on the arguments with Jacobo,
54:28so we think Carla is still alive.
54:31As incredible as it seems, we're convinced.
54:34The only problem is that we need to prove it to the court.
54:38That's right.
54:39And that would make sense of what happened to Matilde.
54:42Well, if Carla is hidden in her palace,
54:45she'll be hidden enough
54:47that it's impossible to access her.
54:50That's what we believe.
54:52It has to be an unknown and inaccessible room for the service,
54:56and only Mrs. Bárbara knows about it.
54:59And she's been there since her false death?
55:01Except when she went out to cause my hallucinations.
55:07Well, what's the plan?
55:09Because I suppose you'll have one.
55:13Let's sit down.
55:21That's why we called you.
55:23Because only you can help us.
55:25The idea is that you watch the palace discreetly
55:28while we show ourselves close to Mrs. Bárbara.
55:31Something that, to her surprise, I've already started doing.
55:34Yes, we'll make her believe that we've crossed the line
55:37so that she can relax and, with a bit of luck, lower her guard.
55:44I think it's good.
55:46I'm looking forward to going back to action.
55:49The countdown has begun.
55:55I'm very proud of you.
55:57Do you think she'll be in Madrid too?
55:59Of course. She'll always be with us.
56:02I know. And now that I can talk to her, I'm much happier.
56:06Wait, what do you mean you can talk to her?
56:09Because of Lucia, I'm going to lose Antonio.
56:11I don't think that woman will let him go
56:13even if he comes to get the shower from Italy.
56:15I think something's going on here,
56:17and if it's something, then it's not good.
56:21I think something's going on here,
56:23and if it's something, then it's not good.
56:25Well, woman, don't get into the worst of it.
56:27Mrs. Lázara has made trouble for him again.
56:29Look, it's true that there was an accident.
56:31It's true that the maid who suffered it was under my orders.
56:34And it's also true that we were all overwhelmed
56:37by the excess of work we had.
56:39I don't know. I don't know if I should believe Mrs. Lázara.
56:42I should have told her all this much earlier.
56:44I was talking to Jacobo. He gave me great news.
56:47What is it about?
56:49Well, he's been able to rent a room
56:51in a house in front of Carla's palace.
56:54So he can control who comes in and who goes out.
56:58He can't go upstairs.
56:59Fabio told me he was going to stop by the house.
57:01It's a good idea.
57:02Besides, at this point, he'll think you're on your way to America
57:05and not here playing a loner.
57:07I wanted to prove what I suspected.
57:09How long did you think you were going to make fun of me?
57:11At this point, all I want is for the whole truth to be known.
57:15That woman shows up in our lives,
57:17annoys us at the wedding,
57:18gets into Pietro's house,
57:19and now she says she won't even throw hot water at him.
57:21Can you believe it?
57:22If Pietro doesn't make up his mind,
57:24I'll knock on his door and I'll go on with my life.
57:26I've already told you that.
57:27The thing is, well, it's a tricky situation.
57:30Come to the gypsy
57:33No, no, no.
57:35My little boat
57:39Santa Lucia
57:44Did you think we wouldn't notice or what?
57:47One thing is to be discreet and another is to want to deceive us.
57:51Well, Clarita, what do you want to ask your mother today?
57:54Mother, are you okay up there?
58:02Can you ask her what you have to do to go with her?