Forbidden Love Episode 7

  • 2 weeks ago
Forbidden Love Episode 7 - You Give Love a Bad Name


00:00Previously on Forbidden Love...
00:05In Islam, we eat with our hands.
00:07Right hand for school, left hand for the Pope.
00:10I'm very afraid, Rose, you're going to be like one of your family.
00:14I feel like you're being kind of dumb right now.
00:16The way you speak to me is respectful.
00:19Obey, respect, trust.
00:21That's why I need you to be a Muslim.
00:23The more that Muhammad tells me to obey and respect him,
00:26the less I feel like converting.
00:28So you think I can't be a good wife unless I am a Muslim?
00:34So when does this all happen as far as Laurie converting?
00:38We're just waiting for Rabbi to schedule the last test.
00:42My family has expressed their reservations about me converting to Orthodox Judaism.
00:48So you were totally cool with this whole thing?
00:50I'm not saying I agree with it.
00:52There's a lot of rules.
00:54Some of them are pretty drastic.
00:58I want you to be Muslim.
01:01I mean, it's...
01:03My father, he was a Pentecostal pastor for 45 years.
01:07Somebody help me say Lord!
01:10So converting over to Islam could hurt my family
01:13and, you know, potentially push them away.
01:15Let's pump the brakes a little bit.
01:18My biggest fear is I'm going to be stuck raising this kid all alone.
01:23How do you know that I'm not going to be there for her kids?
01:25Because you can't even take care of yourself.
01:27He is forgetting everything about manners and hygiene
01:31and just picking up after himself.
01:33If he's not ready to do this,
01:35then how are we going to bring this baby into the world?
01:37I need a man to raise a baby with.
01:40I'm done.
01:41Me too.
01:59Good morning.
02:00I'm looking for kosher, like kosher for Passover stuff.
02:13If you need help, I will help you.
02:18Today, I'm shopping at a kosher market
02:20because me and Eli are getting ready
02:24Is this kosher for Passover?
02:26Oh, no, I'm getting out of the wrong area.
02:30On Passover, you can't eat just regular kosher stuff.
02:34It has to be kosher for Pesach.
02:38So you can't eat yeast or any leavening agents.
02:41And things like barley, wheat,
02:43you can't eat any of that stuff.
02:45You can't eat any of that stuff.
02:47You can't eat any of that stuff.
02:49You can't eat any of that stuff.
02:51And things like barley, wheat,
02:53barley, I said that.
02:55Barley, wheat.
02:57Barley and wheat.
02:58You can't have any of that.
03:06Everything good?
03:07I've been here.
03:08How's your brother?
03:09Brother, is everybody good?
03:10Everybody's doing fine.
03:11Oh, you know Simon?
03:12Me and him are good friends now.
03:13Oh, yeah?
03:14Thank you for helping her out.
03:15I told her she could have some date and walnut for the haroset.
03:19Yeah, yeah, yeah.
03:20My mom has a good recipe.
03:23Traditional Jewish food is great,
03:26but there's a lot of non-kosher food that I miss,
03:29like lobster, fried clams, shrimp.
03:36I'm from New England,
03:38so you grow up literally eating from the sea.
03:42We'll never agree on this,
03:44because I didn't grow up eating bottom feeders from the ocean.
03:54How are you?
03:55Who's that?
03:57Rabbi Block.
03:58All right, answer, answer, answer.
04:01Rabbi, how are you?
04:05It's been about six months
04:07that I've been taking conversion classes,
04:09and I've been eagerly waiting for Rabbi Block
04:12to let me know if I can take the conversion test.
04:15I have no idea why Rabbi Block is calling me.
04:18He could be calling me to take the test next week,
04:21but also he can say,
04:23I'm not ready, and you're never going to make it as a Jew.
04:26Just, like, give up.
04:28So, I don't know what's going to happen.
04:32I was wondering, like, the test soon, or what?
04:48All right.
04:52What's going on?
04:54What'd he say?
04:57We're going to have the test soon.
04:59He said it's happening.
05:00Mazel tov!
05:01Mazel tov!
05:02It's happening.
05:03Mazel tov! Mazel tov!
05:04Shema tov! Shema tov!
05:06Mazel tov! Mazel tov!
05:09Lari's test is happening soon for a conversion,
05:12and it's very exciting for us.
05:15I think she's going to do great.
05:17She's really been putting in an effort.
05:22As Jews, we sing a song
05:24any time there's the birth of a child,
05:26or someone gets married, or anything good happens,
05:29you sing the Mazel Tov song.
05:39All right.
05:40Mazel tov.
05:41I'm so happy for you.
05:42Thank you, thank you.
05:43I'm very happy for you.
05:44I'm excited.
05:45This is amazing,
05:47but just because he scheduled the test
05:49doesn't mean s***, OK?
05:51It doesn't feel real until I pass it.
05:53And I haven't looked at my cue cards
05:55in I don't know how long, you know?
05:57So I need to study and study now.
06:01Because if I don't pass,
06:04I don't convert.
06:06If I don't convert,
06:07then that means that we can't get married,
06:09and me and Eli are going to be forced to break up.
06:13So I'm freaking out now.
06:15Freaking out.
06:18Bye, be good.
06:31Oh, here's Chris.
06:38What's up?
06:39How you doing?
06:40Pretty good.
06:41I'm about to be heading out.
06:45All right.
06:46I'm about to move to Michigan to be with Linza,
06:49and I gotta say goodbye to my parents,
06:52but also I have to tell my parents
06:55something they don't want to hear.
06:59We hate to see you leave.
07:03After that conversation with Linza,
07:06about converting,
07:08I've thought long and hard about what I'm going to do.
07:13And honestly, this is the woman that I want to marry.
07:19So I'm thinking about converting over to Islam.
07:27I was going to talk to y'all about something.
07:36I think that, you know,
07:39I'm thinking about converting, you know, to Islam.
07:55It's sort of a hard pill to swallow.
08:00That's hurt.
08:03It really do.
08:12It's hurt.
08:14It don't make me feel good.
08:20It's just like a slap in the face
08:23because I'm a Muslim.
08:26It's a slap in the face
08:28because we taught you about the Bible
08:32and about Jesus.
08:34It's hurt.
08:36I just think that, you know,
08:38everybody's gonna have their beliefs,
08:40and you can't condemn or criticize someone
08:43for what they believe in.
08:45No, I'm not criticizing you.
08:46You just can't do that.
08:47But I'm talking about
08:48something you don't let nobody change about you.
08:53Linda did not change.
08:55You were brought up in holiness,
08:58true holiness.
08:59Going to church on Sunday all day,
09:02on Tuesday, on Wednesday, and Friday.
09:06You should be so strong in this
09:08that can't nothing move you.
09:10You can't tell me,
09:11now I'm gonna change to a Muslim.
09:14A Muslim, thank God.
09:17It makes me kind of sad
09:18because he's changing his life,
09:21and his religion is disappointing
09:24because, you know,
09:26we know how we raised him.
09:29When a dad thinks about his son
09:32leaving a really good foundation
09:35that bothers him,
09:37it bothers me.
09:46I'm sorry.
09:52It hurt.
09:54It hurt.
09:58It's like your way is the right way
10:00and everyone is wrong,
10:01and I grew up, you know, thinking that
10:03until, you know, I opened my eyes
10:05and got to really do my own research
10:07and come to my own feelings.
10:08Let me tell you something.
10:10God is not gonna go against Jesus Christ.
10:13That is not gonna happen.
10:15Jesus is one of the most respected prophets in Islam,
10:18but he's not God, and...
10:20He's Christ.
10:21No, he's not God.
10:22He's God's son.
10:24But if you don't accept his son,
10:26you don't accept God.
10:28But since Jesus died for our sins,
10:30you know, there is no way we can go to hell.
10:33So then why would hell exist?
10:35You know why?
10:36Because you got a lot of people that's like you.
10:41Nobody gonna go into God's kingdom
10:43that ain't come through Jesus Christ.
10:49That hurts to hear that.
10:50Like, this is your son you're talking to.
10:54And I understand that, you know, my father's hurt,
10:57but the decision to convert
11:00is not an indictment on him or his preachings,
11:03because I admire the man that he is.
11:06Honestly, this is more about
11:08falling in love with somebody who's
11:10opened my heart to a new religion
11:12and a new way of life.
11:15I understand y'all position, what this is,
11:18and how y'all feel about it,
11:20but I think that, you know,
11:21Lindsa is a special woman,
11:23and this is just something I'm gonna do,
11:26because anything in life that's worth achieving
11:30is gonna take some amount of risk.
11:33Have you spoke to her parents since y'all been dating?
11:38I mean, not one time.
11:40And y'all been dating now, what, for how long?
11:43Nine months now.
11:47Don't you think that's a little out of order?
11:57The culture that she comes from,
11:59there isn't such a thing as a boyfriend,
12:02so when the time is right,
12:04of course, I mean, she wants me to meet her parents.
12:07You know, she wants me to be a part of her family.
12:09No, you don't.
12:10But it has to be the right way.
12:11No, you don't.
12:12If she didn't want me to be a part of her family,
12:13she wouldn't be with me.
12:14No, you don't.
12:15The handwriting on the wall,
12:17out of nine months of dating,
12:19and have not told your parents,
12:21something wrong with that picture.
12:24You feeling like when they do find out about me,
12:27they're gonna reject it?
12:29This is something you're gonna have to prove me wrong on.
12:35It'll be okay.
12:37If things was a little bit different,
12:39he'd have met her parents,
12:41the parents would have accepted him
12:42as their son-in-law or something.
12:45That hasn't happened.
12:47And I feel that if Lindsay has to choose
12:51between her parents and Chris,
12:53she's gonna choose her parents.
13:05It is hadith.
13:08Wife must obey her husband.
13:12Muhammad wants me to just, like, jump in
13:14and commit and convert,
13:15but for me, I still have a lot of concerns.
13:18You are not translating it right.
13:20He's not your servant.
13:29This day has finally come,
13:32and it's supposed to be joyful.
13:34Unfortunately, I'm an emotional wreck.
13:38So I finally talked to my parents,
13:41and my father was like, that's not happening.
13:44After everything that I put into this relationship,
13:47the thought that all of this could be for nothing,
13:51I'm just feeling numb.
14:03Oh, my gosh, my scarf is falling off.
14:07So things have been a little bit tense
14:09between Muhammad and I at home
14:11since our fight in the park.
14:12The main issue that we're having
14:14is about my commitment to becoming Muslim.
14:16Muhammad wants me to just, like, jump in
14:18and commit and convert,
14:19but for me, I still have a lot of concerns.
14:22After everything that I put into this relationship,
14:24the thought that all of this could be for nothing,
14:26I'm just feeling numb.
14:28After everything that I put into this relationship,
14:30Muhammad wants me to just, like, jump in
14:32and commit and convert,
14:33but for me, I still have a lot of questions and concerns,
14:36like, do I have to wear hijab every time I go outside?
14:39Or, as a Muslim wife,
14:41do I always have to obey my husband?
14:44So today we're at the mosque
14:46to meet with a Muslim couple who are community leaders,
14:49and hopefully I can get some clarity.
14:55Before you enter the mosque,
14:57you gotta do things to get ready to pray,
14:59which is wudu.
15:01You wash your hands, you wash your mouth,
15:03your nose, your face, your arms,
15:05and your head and your legs.
15:07It's basically, like, you know, to be clean
15:10and ready, like, to pray.
15:12That's why we make wudu.
15:16Are you gonna make wudu?
15:18Normally, this would be the time I make wudu,
15:20but a woman can't make wudu and pray on her cycle,
15:23so today I'm not.
15:25Islam has a lot of rules in regards to prayers.
15:29And it's forbidden for women to pray
15:31when they're on their period,
15:33because the menstrual cycle is viewed as being impure,
15:37and there's a really big importance in Islam
15:39placed on being clean and being pure.
15:43So how's life?
15:46Hard, complicated.
15:57He grew up in a very conservative culture, so...
16:03That is not true.
16:07But I do sometimes, I feel struggle with, like,
16:09modesty and hijab, because I, you know,
16:11I didn't grow up with that.
16:13Like, is this, for example, the expectation,
16:16no matter what you're doing?
16:20So objective is not to show your body,
16:25not to entice.
16:27Your beauty is for your husband.
16:30These are not from him.
16:32These are from Allah.
16:34You have to listen to your husband.
16:38That is sometimes where we really struggle.
16:41He loves to throw around the word obey.
16:51Yeah, he says that I don't obey him.
16:54Yes, you do.
17:00One more example, if I told her,
17:02do not go outside at night.
17:04Let's say at night time.
17:06Or do not go out in general.
17:09There is a reason for that?
17:11The reason is, like, I want to stay in the house.
17:14There is a hadith.
17:17It says, like,
17:19Meaning, wife must obey her husband.
17:27Well, you are not translating it right.
17:33In English, obey is for servant or slave.
17:39Oh, in English.
17:41So it's not exact translation.
17:43She's not your servant.
17:48Not slave, not servant.
17:51She's your life partner.
17:53In every language, you know,
17:56it's a different meanings of the words.
17:58In this country, obey is like
18:00you're telling your dog to obey you, you know?
18:03You cannot say that to your wife.
18:05Listen is the right word to use.
18:08She just needs to listen to him.
18:10It's just a misunderstanding they both had.
18:15Allah says, you are in charge.
18:18You should listen to me
18:21because I'm responsible for you.
18:24Does that make sense?
18:26I feel like it's more of, like, guiding
18:29instead of demanding.
18:34Sheikh Noman, he's with me, 100%.
18:36But he don't want her feeling.
18:38He's not with you or with me.
18:40He's with me by the sense, like, obey and the Quran.
18:43I just think that this lesson went right over your head.
18:46I don't think you learned anything.
18:48Well, listen.
18:49We use the word obey for, like, a slave or a dog.
18:52I don't think there should ever be a situation
18:54where you're like, listen to me.
18:56Do what I say.
18:57You never listen to me.
18:59After all that obey, listen,
19:01you actually never listen to me.
19:05You put the efforts in this relationship.
19:08You solve your problems.
19:10I mean, that's what Islam says.
19:13I'm really glad that we did come here today.
19:15I definitely learned a lot,
19:17and I do feel like some of my concerns were addressed.
19:19But converting to Islam is still a huge decision for me.
19:23I don't want to just half commit.
19:25I need to know that I'm fully ready.
19:27And I just don't know if I'm there yet.
19:29But I also know that if I don't convert,
19:32my marriage won't last much longer.
19:34If you want to stay in the marriage,
19:36you love him, you will say,
19:38this is my choice.
19:40I made this choice, and I'm going to stick with it.
19:49This is a new chapter.
19:51Like, we're going to start a new chapter.
19:53I'm not going to cry.
19:55It's our gender reveal party tonight,
19:57and things can be a little touch and go with Elmer.
20:00We're going to find out if it's heels or heels.
20:03Hopefully he can stay consistent and on the right track,
20:07because our marriage depends on it.
20:095, 4, 3, 2, 1.
20:29Who would have thought I'd be so picky about a trash can?
20:39Who's here now?
20:41Hello, Daddy.
20:43New Daddy.
20:44How you doing, Caitlin?
20:45I'm good. How are you?
20:46Haven't seen you in a while.
20:49So we're getting ready for our gender reveal party tonight.
20:52And the theme is wheels or heels.
20:54So wheels if it's a boy, and heels if it's a girl.
20:57And we're just excited.
20:58I can't wait to find out what we're having.
21:00All righty.
21:01Come on in.
21:03Things have been going a little bit better with Elmer and I
21:05since I confronted him.
21:06He's been picking up after himself.
21:08Thank God he's been brushing his own teeth
21:10without me having to remind him.
21:12I think the porn blockers are helping him.
21:14And he's even helping me set up the gender reveal party.
21:17So is it perfect yet?
21:19No, but it's a work in progress.
21:22And I'm glad to see that it's improving a little bit
21:26because our marriage depends on it.
21:29What do you have a hospital bag for?
21:31Some Amish dolls that we'll make.
21:34Oh my gosh.
21:35Are they faceless?
21:38It's kind of creepy looking, not going to lie.
21:40Like, look at that.
21:43These dolls are scary.
21:46Like, I'm going to have nightmares.
21:48That's what I grew up with.
21:49Come on.
21:50I don't know.
21:51If Elmer didn't give them to me,
21:52I would have thrown them outside and burnt them.
21:54Get them far away.
21:56I'm going to put lashes on it.
21:57You know, make it look a little bit.
21:59You know why they don't have faces?
22:01It's vain.
22:02You know, you're basically representing a person.
22:04They think it's vanity.
22:05It's the devil.
22:07That is so weird.
22:09It's not like it's one of those slutty dolls
22:10that have all, like, the hooker clothes and makeup on.
22:16Did they have gender reveals in the Amish?
22:19You didn't know what it was till it came crawling out?
22:22Crawling out?
22:23Crawling out?
22:24Dude, something comes crawling out of me.
22:26Gender reveal parties are weird.
22:28Where I come from, once that thing comes out of the vagina,
22:30you know, it's like when a horse gives birth.
22:33You pick up the tail and see what it is.
22:35Is it a boy or a girl?
22:56I'm more nervous for this than our wedding.
22:58At least I could do a couple shots before that.
23:00So we rented out a brewery to do our gender reveal party.
23:04I am wearing pink because I know it's a girl.
23:07Somebody to go shopping with,
23:09and I can just teach her all the tomboyish, girly things
23:11that I like to do.
23:12A little mini-me.
23:18Oh, hi!
23:21I made it!
23:23Hey, girl, you look so cute.
23:25You're so beautiful.
23:26I'm freezing.
23:28I want to go around and give everybody a hug,
23:30whether they like it or not.
23:31It's good to see you.
23:35I'm wearing blue because I hope it's going to be a boy.
23:39Hey, Elmer.
23:41I want to teach him how to ride bulls and hunt and fish.
23:45Be a country boy.
23:47Tougher than a box of nails, bro.
23:49Amish boy.
23:51Hey, party people!
23:55Sit over here real quick.
23:57I like your shades, Grandma.
23:59You should a rock star.
24:01Are you team boy?
24:02No, it's something where I personally think it's going to be a boy
24:05because my whole family, like, there's a lot more boys than girls.
24:10Well, you're a part of this family now.
24:11There's more girls than boys, so.
24:15Seeing Elmer not have family, I felt bad for him.
24:20I really did.
24:21We've talked about his family situation,
24:23and I don't want to talk to him.
24:25He got very emotional about it.
24:27He does miss his family, and it's hard on him,
24:30but I love Elmer like a son.
24:32He is definitely our family.
24:34We're his family.
24:36We love him.
24:38We'll cherish these years because they grow up fast.
24:41I know.
24:42So if you need advice or help, I'm there for both of you.
24:46Of course, I'm always there for Lindsey,
24:48but I want you to know I'm there for you too.
24:51See, I appreciate that.
24:52That means a lot.
24:54We're here for you.
24:55We're all here for you.
24:57We got you.
24:59We got you.
25:01I'm grateful to have, you know, Lindsey's family and friends
25:04taking me under their wings.
25:06At least my cousin Wilma showed up.
25:08It means a lot.
25:09But it sucks that my family's not here.
25:17Don't make me cry.
25:20All right, everybody, can I have your attention?
25:23Lindsey and Elmer want to say a few words,
25:25and then we're going to find out if it's heels or wheels.
25:30It means a lot to us, like, the world that you all came.
25:33And, like, it's exciting.
25:35This is a new chapter.
25:36Like, we're going to start a new chapter.
25:38I'm not going to cry.
25:40But you can take it.
25:42Before I start bawling.
25:46We all love you guys.
25:48We love you.
25:53It just means a lot that you guys all came out here.
25:57Growing up in the Amish, you know, we never celebrated nothing.
26:03Like, I never had a birthday cake until she made me one.
26:07I bought it.
26:08I didn't make it.
26:11But it was a struggle.
26:13I was really alone.
26:15But I met her, and she made me a better person.
26:20So I appreciate that.
26:22And I really appreciate you guys coming out here tonight.
26:26It means a lot.
26:27You guys have no idea.
26:28Hopefully it's a boy.
26:30All right.
26:31Let's see who's right all along.
26:35All righty.
26:38Oh, my.
26:40All right, we count.
26:55I told you.
26:56You know, I was hoping for a boy.
26:58But you know what?
26:59It's a girl.
27:00And she'll have me wrapped around that thing right there.
27:03Lord help me when she's a teenager.
27:05Be two of them when they're on their period at the same time.
27:10I'll be sleeping in the dog house.
27:17I knew it!
27:20I knew it!
27:25Elmer's left his whole family and culture for us.
27:28And I know it's hard.
27:30And at times it seems like things can be a little touch and go.
27:33But I love Elmer.
27:35And hopefully he can stay consistent and on the right track.
27:39And he can be the father and husband that I need him to be.
27:44If he can do that, when our little girl comes, I think we can make it.
27:57The wig fairy?
27:59As I've been getting more dedicated to Orthodox Judaism,
28:03I figured I'm going to have to really be getting used to wearing a sheitel.
28:08Just don't tell mom about it.
28:10She's having a hard time.
28:12She even said to me, she's like, I feel like I'm losing a daughter.
28:25You have an egg. You have a hard-boiled egg.
28:27Hard-boiled egg?
28:28Hard-boiled egg.
28:30God damn it, dude.
28:32F*** my life.
28:38Could you start on the harosha, please?
28:41I'll take care of this and the brisket.
28:44First night of Passover, we're having everybody over for a seder at our apartment.
28:49A seder is a ritual meal that we have in commemoration of the Jews leaving Egypt.
28:56All right, everyone's coming at 6.30.
28:59We have time. We have plenty of time.
29:01Passover is eight days long.
29:03And out of all the holidays, it's probably my least favorite
29:06because you can't eat yeast or anything like that.
29:09And I'm a bread guy.
29:14The briskets.
29:16It's almost done, I guess.
29:18My anxiety is through the roof right now.
29:21Not because I'm just, like, hosting the seder,
29:23but also because Rabbi Block has finally scheduled this test.
29:28And I need to, like, hit the books.
29:33Oh, is it Angela?
29:34Wow, so fancy.
29:36Come in.
29:37How are you?
29:39Today, I invited my sister Angie over.
29:43She's been a little apprehensive about all the changes that are going on throughout my conversion.
29:48So I'm not sure how she's going to react, but I have a little bit of a surprise to show her.
29:54Does this look right? Does it look stupid?
29:56It looks good. I'm a little thrown from the paper plates.
29:59We didn't have kosher for Pesach stuff, so...
30:01Regular plate, that's a regular kosher plate.
30:03You can't use it on Passover.
30:04You have to get different plates for Passover, but no cleanup.
30:07Just throw it out.
30:08There you go.
30:09I want to show you something real quick.
30:12Come, come, come, come, come.
30:15What are you showing me?
30:17Your room?
30:18Yeah, this is my room.
30:19Yeah, I've been in here.
30:22Don't look in my closet.
30:28The wig fairy?
30:30As I've been getting really serious and more dedicated to Orthodox Judaism,
30:36I figured I'm going to have to really be getting used to wearing a shei doll.
30:41Initially, I was unsure, but now I'm kind of opening up to it.
30:46Plus, I found a wig that looks pretty much like my real hair,
30:50so it makes me a lot more comfortable to wear it.
30:54Okay, well, this is not really how it looks on.
30:58I mean, I need to figure it out a little bit better.
31:02But if the wig looks just like your natural hair, what are you really hiding?
31:07Your hair.
31:08Or what's the point, though?
31:09Your regular hair.
31:10Yeah, but this is still hair.
31:12It's somebody's hair.
31:14Yeah, but it's not your hair.
31:16It just doesn't make any sense to me.
31:19Yeah, but it's not your hair.
31:21It just doesn't make any sense to me.
31:23Okay, so in some cultures, your hair is very sacred to you and to your husband,
31:30and it's kind of like a thing that you do.
31:34The wig is a little confusing.
31:36She's not supposed to show her hair to anybody that isn't her husband.
31:40I mean, I've seen her hair, and I hope I see her hair after she's married,
31:45because even though I'm not her husband, I mean, I'm her sister.
31:50Why is your hair sacred, though, as opposed to anything else, like your face?
31:54Well, technically, in other cultures, they cover their entire face,
31:58and they just show their eyes.
32:00Yeah, that's true.
32:02But you're halfway there.
32:05I'm definitely a little worried, because as time goes by,
32:08it's revealing itself to be a very strict kind of atmosphere, and I don't know.
32:16It makes me question it a little bit more than I did before.
32:20Just don't tell Mom about it.
32:22She's having a hard time, because I know she wants to be cool with all of it,
32:27but it's still really different for her.
32:30She even said to me, she's like, I feel like I'm losing a daughter a little bit.
32:34She didn't say that.
32:36She did.
32:37You're lying.
32:38She just said that she just feels like you're just kind of like going into
32:43like a whole different world that's separate from our lives.
32:46And she's like, when she has kids, am I going to be able to like see them?
32:53Like, are they going to come here for holidays and things like that,
32:57or is she going to be living her totally separate life, you know?
33:02And I just feel like she needs to hear from you that that's not what's going to happen.
33:10It's really hard to hear that my mom is worried about my conversion affecting us.
33:18And it hurts my feelings, and it makes me really sad that she thinks that way,
33:22because she would never lose me, you know?
33:24And I can't believe she thinks that.
33:28She just like feels so disconnected.
33:33I want to have my family's full support,
33:36because then I feel like what I'm doing is right.
33:39And if I don't have their support, I feel like, but why?
33:43Am I doing something wrong?
33:52I am moving from Cincinnati to Michigan,
33:55and I'm going to do everything in my power to make this work.
33:58F*** up.
33:59Man, f*** you.
34:00F*** what you done did.
34:01Delete all your motherf***ing messages.
34:03He in the corner on his phone writing messages to women.
34:08This is not a man who's ready to settle down.
34:10This is not a man.
34:11Let me get out of my motherf***ing face.
34:13F*** you.
34:27It's been real since then.
34:28I'm about to go get my baby.
34:33And it dies, and it dies, and it dies.
34:45How are you?
34:46I'm doing pretty good.
34:47How are you feeling?
34:49What's your ETA?
34:50About five hours.
34:52Can't wait to see you.
34:53You miss me?
34:54Miss you.
34:55I miss you too.
34:56I love you.
34:57I love you too.
34:59All right.
35:00Today is a big day.
35:02I am moving from Cincinnati to Michigan.
35:05It was a tough decision to make because I'm leaving behind a family.
35:09But I really love Linza, and I'm going to do everything in my power to make this work.
35:19I want to get engaged.
35:21I want to get married.
35:22And Linza wants me to convert to Islam.
35:27I've been reading up a lot on the religion.
35:30That's like a big sacrifice.
35:32But I think that she's worth it because I want to spend the rest of my life with her.
35:46Just nine months ago, he was joking about doing these things.
35:50And now he's moving to Michigan and possibly converting to Islam.
35:56This day has finally come, and it's supposed to be joyful.
36:01But unfortunately, I'm an emotional wreck.
36:10So I finally talked to my parents about our relationship.
36:16Oh, okay.
36:19I was just like, you know, hey, Baba.
36:21Hey, Uma.
36:22I have a boyfriend.
36:25We've been dating for a while now.
36:28And he's moving up here, and he would love to meet you guys.
36:36You know, my mom was in the kitchen, and she was cooking, and she just, like, threw the knives down.
36:40I was like, what?
36:42And then my father stepped in, and he was like, that's not happening.
36:48We're not doing this.
36:49We don't know this guy.
36:50You don't know this guy.
36:53Then they started bringing up my past.
36:55I got frustrated with them, you know?
36:57Because I don't want to be with the men that they continue to select for me, you know?
37:03And then at that point, I was just like, you know what?
37:05I don't want to do this anymore.
37:07I don't want to talk about this anymore.
37:08But I am shaking in my boots.
37:10I'm not even going to lie.
37:12Because I've never put my foot down with them ever in life.
37:17I finally talked to my parents about Chris, because he moved here, and he's willing to convert to Islam.
37:24But they didn't want to hear what I have to say.
37:27They didn't want to hear about my feelings about the matter.
37:30They didn't want to hear about Chris.
37:32They just want to decide who I'm in a relationship with, because that's their culture, and that's how they do things.
37:39Muslim women deal with this all the time.
37:42There's a hierarchy, and, you know, you have God, and then it's your parents.
37:46And they will cut you off.
37:48Like, they will cut you off emotionally, financially.
37:52There will be no support.
37:54Do you think it would help if I, like, went to go talk to him?
37:58Like, if I introduced myself?
38:00No, not right now.
38:06To be honest, I'm a little worried, because I keep hearing my father's voice stating that her parents will never accept me.
38:15And it just makes me, you know, question what the future's going to hold with us.
38:21Well, I got to get this stuff out the truck, because it's getting late.
38:26It's too much.
38:29After everything that I've sacrificed and everything that I've put into this relationship, and with me moving,
38:35the thought that all of this could be for nothing is a slap in the face.
38:41I mean, at this point, I'm just feeling numb.
38:52Because what?
38:53Because what?
38:59Why the f**k am I dealing with this?
39:02Look, look, look. I blocked her.
39:04F**k, why the f**k am I f**king with her in the f**king first place?
39:07Why the f**k?
39:09If a mother f**ker write me and I block her, what the f**k am I supposed to do?
39:12You stupid a** f**ker, why are you even writing her in the first goddamn place?
39:16Chill out.
39:18Chill out.
39:19F**k you.
39:20What the f**k is wrong with you?
39:23I'm gonna f**king write you back.
39:24I am leaving, and I'm f**king hot shit.
39:27Shut the f**k up.
39:28Stupid a**.
39:31I was leaving out the apartment, and then I doubled back, and I think he thought I left, but I didn't,
39:37and I creeped up behind him, and he in the corner on his phone writing messages to women.
39:45This is not a man who's ready to settle down.
39:47This is not a man.
39:48This is a child that still wants to play in a man's body.
39:54I'm not even about to feel some type of way about that, because I'm telling him I'm in a relationship.
40:00Come on, man.
40:01Why the f**k are you even talking to the bitch?
40:03Stupid mother f**ker.
40:04Man, f**k you.
40:05F**k what you done did.
40:06Delete all your mother f**king messages?
40:09Man, f**k you.
40:10What is happening?
40:11Let me show you what she mad about.
40:13Man, shut your bitch ass up.
40:14Read this.
40:15She upset because some girl keep writing me.
40:18I told her I had a girlfriend.
40:21I blocked her.
40:22You know, just because I even wrote something, I'm wrong.
40:46Next time on Forbidden Love.
40:48From the very beginning, I struggled with the decision to convert.
40:52Every aspect of my life is going to change with this decision.
40:56The way that I eat, the way that I dress, the way that I pray.
41:00And that's very scary.
41:05This is feeling realer than ever.
41:09Today is my conversion test.
41:11This is months of just studying and non-stop classes.
41:18Realistically, if she doesn't pass, she can't become Jewish.
41:23And then there's no us.
41:25You're hungry, girl.
41:27We were totally happy, proud new parents.
41:30Elmer was the best.
41:32But then he had a job and met this girl.
41:36Did I push him to do this?
41:39Honey, don't let him crush you.
41:42What does the word echad mean?
41:44I don't even know.
41:46Well, you should.
41:47I'm completely overwhelmed.
41:49I definitely can't f*** the test up.
41:52No, I can't f*** it up.
41:54No, you're not ready yet.
41:55You believe in this, right?
41:57Ashley's been promising me like for three years to convert to Islam.
42:00I just need a moment.
42:02You for real?
42:03That's not a game.
42:05I have been very patient.
42:07But if she's not doing this today, I'm nervous she will never will.
42:10Come here.
42:11F*** you. I don't know who the f*** you are.
42:13Why are there even DMs in your motherf***ing phone in the first damn place?
42:16This is not how someone behaves when they want to get married.
42:19I'll never talk to you again.
42:21You've made my life so miserable for the last six months.
42:24Oh yeah, so miserable.
42:25Why are you all Snapchatting that horse girl?
42:27I'm seeing Elmer's true colors.
42:29He's sexist.
42:30He's a hypocrite.
42:31He's nothing like what I fell in love with.
42:33If you would take some fault upon yourself.
42:35You cheated.