Fboy Island Australia S02E04 (2024)

  • evvelsi gün
00:00Bu dizinin betimlemesi ES FİLM tarafından Sesli Betimleme Derneğine yaptırılmıştır.
00:07Sesli Betimleme Metin Yazarı ve Seslendiren...
00:10...Ali İçen
00:12...Sesli Betimleme Derneğine yaptırılmıştır.
00:20Joey neden bu gece altında oldun?
00:23Joey, kötü bir kuşaksın.
00:26Ve hala eminim ki...
00:28...senin repütasyonun için buradasın.
00:30O yüzden...
00:31Bence evime gideceğim.
00:3450.000 dolar için buradayım.
00:36Bu şeyi kaybedemeyeceğim.
00:39O yüzden...
00:40Son bir deneyim.
00:44Kesinlikle öpücük...
00:50Gerçekten çok deneyimli değilim.
00:53Aslında kralım.
00:57Aman Tanrım.
00:58Bu zavallı çocuk.
01:04Eğer açık dikkatli olursan...
01:09...bu adama başka bir deneyim verebilirsin.
01:14Kafam dönüyor.
01:22Belki de ciddi.
01:26Bence o kesinlikle bunu alacak.
01:28Ali, aptalsın.
01:30Ve bunu benim için kullanmalıyım.
01:33Bunu aldık.
01:35Çok teşekkür ederim, Joey.
01:37Çok dürüst bir bakış.
01:41Kıvılcım zamanı.
01:45Bu gece kimi kaybediyorsun?
01:53Bu gece...
02:03Bu gece kimi kaybediyorsun?
02:19Bu gece kimi kaybediyorsun?
02:34Hepiniz güvendiniz.
02:35Lütfen oturun.
02:46Kalkın, çocuklar.
02:48...statüs reveal zamanı.
02:53Sen iyi bir adam mısın...
02:55...ya da bir f-boy musun?
02:58Ben gerçekten...
03:05...nefretli bir f-boyum.
03:07Her zaman bunu reveal ederek nefret ediyoruz.
03:10...ben bir f-boyum ama...
03:11...ben öyle demek istemedim.
03:25Teşekkür ederim.
03:28Sen iyi bir adam mısın...
03:29...ya da bir f-boy musun?
03:32Ben bir f-boyum.
03:34Ben seni kaybettim, Norman.
03:36Seni kaybettim.
03:38...kendine güvenmiyorum.
03:45Sen iyi bir adam mısın...
03:47...ya da bir f-boy musun?
03:53...rar uzak zostan.
03:58Bir şey yok.
03:59Ben gerçekten efektli bir f-boyum.
04:03Gerçekten efektli bir f-boy mu?
04:05Bekle sen efektli misin?
04:06Ben efektli bir efektliyim.
04:07Hayır, o silinmiş, hayır.
04:08Ben efektli değilim diye.
04:12Sen efektli misin?
04:13Hayır, ben efektli değilim.
04:15Joey, b u sound verilirsen lanet olsun.
04:16Senin için çok şanslıyım!
04:18Eğer f-boy olursan, neden öpmeyi bırakmıyorsun?
04:20Joey, f-boy olmanız çok etkileyici.
04:22Ama öpmeyi bırakamazsın.
04:24Tüm hikayenin içinde öpmeyi bırakamazsın.
04:26Show'da olduğun tek zaman, öpmeyi bırakamazsın.
04:30Biz sadece evden kaçtık.
04:38f-boy, f-boy, f-boy,
04:42İyi işler kızlar, iyi işler.
04:44Görüşmek üzere Lewis.
04:46Hoş bulduk.
04:48İyi günler.
04:56Kızlar, buradan çıkalım.
05:02İşimiz bitti.
05:04Görüşmek üzere kızlar.
05:28F-boylar harika.
05:30Gerçekten iyi bir iş yaptınız.
05:323 f-boy yok.
05:34Hepimiz için A+.
05:36Çok iyi yaptık.
05:38Bu f-boylar dünyayı yürüyor gibi düşünüyorlar.
05:40Çok uzun sürdü.
05:42F-boylar Trifecta'da.
05:44F-boylar aşağıya düşüyorlar.
05:48Joe'yu nasıl düşünüyorsun?
05:50Joe'yla ne oluyor?
05:52Birkaç çocuk bana geldi.
05:54F-boylarımı marka ediyorlar.
05:56Kimse benimle konuşmak istemiyor.
05:58Kimse benimle konuşmak istemiyor.
06:00Kimse benimle konuşmak istemiyor.
06:02Joe'dan dolayı.
06:04Sen bir kapı takımısın.
06:06Kimse Ali'yle konuşamaz.
06:10Evet, sen onu takıyorsun.
06:12Aşağıya gitmemiz gerekiyor.
06:14Birçok işaretçi olmalı.
06:16İnsanlara tanışmak istiyorsun.
06:20İnsanlara tanışmak istiyorum ama çok zor.
06:22İyi ki intrüderlerimiz var.
06:26Çad'ı aramaya geldik.
06:28Çad gözlerimi yakaladı.
06:30Blond, kırmızı bir ağız,
06:32Kırmızı gözler.
06:34O sadece güvenliği yüklüyor.
06:36O tatlı.
06:38Çad'ı aramaya geldik.
06:56ve hoşgeldiniz.
06:58İlk önce
07:00Mr. Full Paket
07:02Master'a geldik.
07:04Ben Abby Chatfield ve bugünkünün çok önemli ve tüm anti-kredit
07:10tepkilerinin nedeni, üç çok önemli kısımlar arasında
07:15senin değerini doldurmak.
07:17Suikast kısımları, Q&A ve lap dansı.
07:22Bu kısımda, bir adamın tüm paketleri,
07:27güvenliği, bilgisayarı ve seks özelliği
07:32ve bir adamın tüm paketlerini
07:34tüm paketlerden kazanmakta.
07:41Kadınlar, tüm paketleri aradığınızı
07:44söyleyebilecek misiniz?
07:47Birçok güvenli, birçok seksi adamı görmekten heyecanlıyım.
07:51Model olduğum zaman,
07:53bir çoğunluğun önünde oturup,
07:55yönelen bir adam olabilmeyi biliyorum.
07:57Ve bunu yönelemek için yetenekli bir adam olmalıyım.
08:00Herkese sevdiğiniz kısımları,
08:02bu kısımlar arasında çok iyi.
08:03Bu ilk defa,
08:05çöpçülerin hareketinde olduğunu görüyoruz.
08:07Ve Chad, gözlerimi yakaladı.
08:10Kesinlikle, benim en sevdiğim adamım.
08:13O yüzden, ne yapacaklarını görmekten çok meraklıyım.
08:17Ve gerçekleşelim herkese.
08:19Kesinlikle, Joe'yu sormakla ilgili sorularım var.
08:23O yüzden, bugün umarım,
08:25gerçekten bir kıza yardımcı olur.
08:26Erkekler için bir tip var mı?
08:29Büyük bir enerji var.
08:31Kızlar olarak,
08:32bunu yüzyıllarca kadar çalıştık.
08:35Bir günün peşinde yapabileceklerini görelim.
08:39Bu erkekleri yargılamak için sabırsızlanıyorum.
08:41Biz kadınlar gibi, her zaman yargılanıyoruz.
08:46Şimdi benim sıram.
08:48İzlediğiniz için teşekkürler.
09:48Vogue boy.
09:49Typical Vogue boy.
10:02Oh my god.
10:03These boys are looking sexy.
10:06Especially Nathan.
10:18I'm not gonna lie, I know we're supposed to be on the hunt for the full package, but
10:24right now, I'm just enjoying watching these boys strut their stuff.
10:33It's definitely getting the juice flowing.
10:37Wow, there's so much cherry right now.
10:41I'm wet.
10:48Ladies, you've just seen the confidence round, but now it's time to focus on brains.
10:56Each man will be asked a simple question and here's the twist, he answers.
11:02We need men that have strong opinions on big issues.
11:07We're not just pretty faces and we expect our partners to be the same.
11:11Recent statistics say that 60% of men and 45% of women cheat in relationships.
11:21Why do you think this is?
11:25Look, in my case, it's the other way around.
11:27100% of my women are cheaters, so.
11:29Chad has kind of got me intrigued and I want to know more.
11:35Doug, it's been two weeks since we last discussed this.
11:38Doug, what's a clit?
11:41Well, pussy hole.
11:43What new information have you learned about the clitoris?
11:52I stand by what I said.
11:55And hopefully I can show you how good I am at the clitoris.
12:00So nothing.
12:01Still the same.
12:03We are not leaving Effway Island until he finds out where the clit is.
12:08It's going to get exposed anyways, might as well do it myself.
12:12Why does the gender pay gap exist in Australia?
12:15And what would you do to fix it?
12:22I got distracted heaps.
12:24Could I please have the question again?
12:27When considering marrying a woman, what is an acceptable number of people for her to have slept with?
12:34I don't really think there is an appropriate number that should make you love someone.
12:40First impressions are everything to me.
12:42And it sounds like Nathan has a lot of respect for women.
12:45Yeah, he's definitely giving nice guy advice at the moment.
12:47Joe, you're up.
12:50My head and my heart at the moment is torn.
12:52I feel something genuinely for Joe.
12:55But last night's mixer was a bit of a shit show.
12:58I don't know if it's because of the music.
13:00If Joe is going around telling boys not to approach me, it's a red flag.
13:05So I need to get to the bottom of this and work out what is going on.
13:12Often women are seen as possessions in relationships.
13:17What is your view on this?
13:18I think that could come from a childhood trauma.
13:23Like it's a way of expressing myself.
13:26You can just admit to it.
13:28A lot of people might have grown up, you know, just by themselves.
13:34How do you know not to be possessive?
13:37I don't know.
13:39I don't know.
13:41I don't know.
13:43I don't know.
13:45I don't know.
13:46How do you know not to be possessive?
13:50I'm getting really bad vibes.
13:52My f-boy radar is ringing.
13:56I do have my concerns about Joe.
13:59It's not the greatest thing, but...
14:02Did you just admit to being possessive?
14:05It's called f-boy behaviour.
14:07And Ali deserves to actually be with someone who is genuine and actually, you know, is a nice guy.
14:16Look, Joe's got some terrible traits.
14:18He's possessive.
14:19He's proven that.
14:20He's boring.
14:22And honestly, I don't know what Ali sees in him.
14:26I thought I actually did really good.
14:32Now ladies, here's the exciting part.
14:35Each of you get to send two men to the final round.
14:39The lap dance.
14:41Let's see if these boys can get your engines revving.
14:46Oh, woof, woof!
14:48These are potential boyfriends.
14:50They'd better be able to turn us on with something as simple as dancing.
14:54They need some rhythm, babe.
14:56It's all in the hips.
14:58Crystal, who are you taking through to the final round?
15:03Paddy and Jerome.
15:06Ali, what about you?
15:09Chad and...
15:21It was definitely a little strategy picking my final two.
15:25I want to learn more about these intruders.
15:27But also, you know, I'm liking the fresh meat, so I want to see how they can move.
15:47The intruders.
15:48I do wish they stayed behind the bar.
15:51Oh my God!
15:54Yeah, I'm pretty pissed.
15:55Coming out of nowhere, intruder.
15:59Oh my...
16:01What a booty!
16:03It's a shit dance.
16:05Oh my God!
16:07Piss off!
16:09Here he is!
16:14He's gonna send me again.
16:39Piss off!
16:42I love it!
16:45Here comes Aaron!
16:47I've chosen Aaron because even though we may not have a spark, I can still appreciate a good rig.
16:53Let's go Azar!
16:55I already sort of feel protective.
16:58There's a competition.
16:59There's a lot of testosterone.
17:00I'm definitely spiked right now.
17:05Oh yeah!
17:07You're good!
17:08Have you done this before?
17:09Maybe once or twice.
17:15Move those hips boy!
17:18I don't like it.
17:20It annoys me.
17:21Makes me upset and jealous.
17:24You're up!
17:28I've been in the house only one night.
17:29Now that I'm here, I've openly got my sights on Ali.
17:34I'm the stripper.
17:35I've got all the experience.
17:36I can definitely give the best lap dance.
17:38I can just absolutely whip her off her feet.
17:42Do you mind if I give you a dance?
17:44I would love one.
17:45I would love one.
17:46Thank you.
17:47He's a gentleman.
17:48He's a gentleman.
17:54Oh wow!
17:57Oh my God!
18:05I said I need you right now.
18:17Yes Chad!
18:18Don't stop!
18:20Thank you!
18:24Oh my God!
18:31My word!
18:32That's sexy!
18:35She's hot and sweaty!
18:37I'm a bit thirsty after that one.
18:44It's now time for the final result.
18:51It's time to deliberate.
19:03Ladies, have you reached a verdict?
19:06We have Abby.
19:08Envelope please.
19:12The winner of the first ever Mr. Full Package pageant is...
19:26Here you go Nathan.
19:27Oh thank you.
19:29I don't want to mess up your hair but...
19:30That's okay, you can do whatever you want.
19:32Nathan absolutely deserves today's win.
19:34Not only did he give confidence in the catwalk
19:36and show that he really respects women in the Q&A
19:39but damn, that boy can move.
19:45He's absolutely the full package.
19:50This group date has been extremely eye-opening.
19:54Joe admitting that he's possessive has actually blown me away.
19:58My f-boy alarm is going off right now.
20:00It's actually made me like really worried for Ali.
20:03There is no way I'm letting this one slide.
20:23Tonight's mixer is at the girls' villa.
20:26We're going to be having a pool party.
20:30Hey baby.
20:32Hey baby.
20:34Hey baby.
20:35The group date was really eye-opening.
20:38There's obviously a possessive side to Joe
20:41and I don't care for that.
20:43I am not going to be possessed or owned.
20:47So tonight I really want to explore my options
20:50and see what else is out there.
20:57There we are.
20:58Hey, what?
21:00Nice to see you.
21:01Hello, hello, hello.
21:05What a beautiful place.
21:06Isn't it nice?
21:07Boys, boys, boys, welcome.
21:09I'm very protective of my friends
21:11and having my reservations about Joe
21:13it just comes from a place of love for Ali.
21:15Like I do think she deserves the best.
21:18Can I try tea for a second?
21:19Yeah, of course.
21:21Tonight, my main thing that I want to do
21:24is just to have a chat with Joe.
21:26Let's suss him out.
21:31Yeah, so obviously I do have my concerns.
21:35About your intentions about being here.
21:37Ali had guys come up to her and be like
21:39sorry, like I can't talk to you because of Joe.
21:41She is now in a situation
21:43where she can't get to know all these other guys
21:45because there's this overarching vibe
21:48that Joe owns her.
21:51Have you said something to the boys?
21:52Like is there a reason as to why they're acting that way?
21:55No, I've said nothing to the boys.
21:56I think they just see
21:58a common connection between me and Ali.
22:05Nicole's got a clear connection with Jack.
22:07Nicole's got a clear connection with Sean.
22:09But the boys are still chatting to her.
22:11So what is it that you're doing in that resort?
22:14I can promise you I'm not doing anything.
22:19Are we missing something?
22:21Are you possessive?
22:23No, I don't think I'm possessive at all.
22:25Is she your property?
22:27No, she's not my property.
22:31So can we just clarify what you said earlier?
22:33The possessiveness stems from childhood
22:35and being an only child.
22:37And that's why people are possessive.
22:39Yeah, but I'm not an only child.
22:40I have seven siblings.
22:45Honestly, I am shocked.
22:48It's only been a few hours
22:50and he's already getting caught up
22:52in his web of lies.
22:54Why have you said that then, Joe?
22:56You need to get your story straight.
22:58He's a walking, screaming red flag.
23:00He knows how to manipulate situations
23:03to kind of get what he wants.
23:05It's almost as if
23:07it's all a bit of a plan and strategy.
23:09It's just, to me,
23:11it's just giving F for it.
23:13Like, you're here for a motive.
23:15You've got a plan. Ali's your plan.
23:17You've come here. You want the money.
23:19You're going to focus on this prize
23:21till you get your money. That's what it's giving.
23:23I don't know why the boys are coming up to me.
23:25Okay, well, you need to find out.
23:26I will.
23:27At this moment, you're being an absolute cockblock.
23:29I'm so off him, honestly.
23:31If that doesn't give F for it,
23:33there's nothing else it does.
23:34I've actually had enough of it.
23:36Yeah, righto.
23:37He's a waste of space and he needs to go.
23:39Yeah, goodnight.
23:46Crystal definitely has it out for me.
23:48I guess she's trying to look after her mate,
23:50but all she did was accuse me
23:52of being this horrible person.
23:54I thought it was fucking rude, actually.
24:07Sean is looking hot.
24:09Just oozes rizz and confidence
24:11and he's sexy.
24:13You know, there's always a bit of chemistry
24:15and fire between Sean and I.
24:17We had a really great date.
24:19And then he showed his loyalty
24:21to me in the men of service group date
24:23when he refused to kiss Ellie.
24:25Oh! Oh!
24:27What the fuck is that?
24:29I found that really attractive
24:31and since then, I have been dying
24:33to get some more one-on-one time with him.
24:35Come with me. Come with me, Sean.
24:37So, I want to give Sean
24:39a house tour.
24:41Come with me, Sean.
24:43And a room tour.
24:45This is my room, by the way.
24:48And a Nicole tour.
24:51I feel like a man for you
24:53I feel like a man for you
24:55Feel like, feel like
24:57Feel like, feel like
24:59Feel like, feel like
25:01I feel like a man for you
25:03I feel like a man for you
25:05Feel like, feel like
25:07Feel like, feel like
25:09Yo, it's like this
25:11When it comes to those intimate encounters,
25:13100%, I'm not a selfish guy.
25:17I love to make sure that, you know,
25:19I'm pleasuring someone.
25:21Jeez, Sean!
25:27If the girl's happy, I'm happy.
25:29I'm so physically wet and
25:33But I can't help
25:35ruin my shorts.
25:39Oh my God!
25:41He knows what he's doing.
25:43I feel like the sex between me and you would be really good.
25:50It's hot.
26:18I'm working behind the ball doing my thing.
26:20I see Krystal.
26:22I have my eye on her.
26:24She's beautiful, man.
26:26She's already digging me.
26:28Like last year.
26:30She hit me up on Instagram.
26:32Big, big, big, big, strong.
26:34Big C.
26:36How are you?
26:38I've been behind the ball working.
26:40But I'm also working.
26:42Wow, double parking. Thank you.
26:44Caleb, slide with me a little bit.
26:48He'll be looking at me
26:50giving me the Caleb eyes.
26:52Very sexy.
27:04Chad, Chad, Chad.
27:06Absolutely gorgeous.
27:10Why are you wearing a jumper?
27:12Like an idiot.
27:14Do you want to take it off?
27:16Good idea.
27:18Did you enjoy the dance?
27:20I love the dance.
27:22I'm a little annoyed that I had to share it with everyone else.
27:24I'm impressed by Chad.
27:26The group date showed the man is obviously talented.
27:28Maybe one time we're going to have some private time.
27:32I'd like to see what else you can do with the belt though.
27:34Aside from put it over my mouth.
27:38You've been tied up.
27:40I'm not opposed to it.
27:42Are you dominant or sub?
27:44It's a combination of both.
27:46Like if I'm in a good mood
27:48or I'm feeling myself like
27:50show ass down.
27:52I've been a bad girl.
27:54Oh, I like it.
27:56I like it so much more right now.
27:58There's definitely a very flirtatious
28:00kind of chemistry between me and Ali.
28:02She's naughty.
28:04I'm getting turned on.
28:06You look a little blush.
28:08Why are you like flushed?
28:10I'm just going off naughty thoughts in my head.
28:12I think he's very good with women
28:14and I'm a woman.
28:16I hope she gets rid of him
28:18to be honest.
28:20He's annoying me.
28:22I'd like to spend some more time
28:24to get to know you.
28:26I'd love to spend some more time
28:28to get to know you.
28:38At this point
28:40I'm just defeated.
28:42I thought I was the only one
28:44that was getting the kiss.
28:56You got me a bit of a fluster.
29:00You've got obviously
29:02a little bit of an advantage.
29:04I think.
29:06You've come in as an intruder
29:08and you've been in.
29:10Have you overheard anything?
29:14A couple of goss.
29:16I want to know.
29:18I really don't want to throw you under the bus.
29:20It's just between you and me.
29:22This intel has come from
29:24when I was undercover as a barman
29:26but I don't want this motherfucker
29:28to come and punch me.
29:30Apparently one of the guys
29:32has a girlfriend
29:34or a situation ship.
29:38Someone who's talking to you a lot.
29:48What the fuck?
29:50Sorry, did I hear that right?
29:52I just want to repeat that.
29:58You've got to be kidding me.
30:00I just daggers back.
30:08Hey big dog.
30:12Bro, you're in a world of shit.
30:14Maybe you've got a girlfriend on the outside.
30:16A girlfriend on the outside?
30:18This fucking Chad
30:20has come in and told Alec.
30:22Bro, I don't know what you're talking about.
30:24Go crack some fucking eggs mate.
30:26Fucking fuming.
30:28It's just a dumb night.
30:30First it was this possession thing
30:32and now this.
30:36Me and Alec have something pretty special
30:38and I'm pretty worried about this.
30:40We're going to go on the round.
30:42We've ruined everything.
30:46I'm a real...
30:48No, no, no. None of that.
30:50Hey, shake my hand.
30:52You just come over and talk to me.
30:54For some fucking reason
30:56you think I have a girlfriend
30:58on the outside.
31:00I barely even talk to you, man.
31:02You've been at a fucking bar the whole time.
31:04I've only ever got a drink from you.
31:06I'm happy to judge you about it, man, of course.
31:08It's come from your room, man.
31:10It's come from Joey.
31:12From fucking Joey? Joey that's gone?
31:14Lying about being a virgin.
31:16I just don't understand.
31:18It doesn't make sense.
31:22Do you have a girlfriend?
31:26Look at that.
31:28I can swear on this, mate.
31:30I just don't understand why all this fucking hate
31:32is being brought towards me.
31:34This rumor didn't start out of thin air.
31:36This is the information that
31:38I've heard from one of the conversations
31:40of the boys at the bar.
31:42And I feel like Joe's so
31:44overdramatic about this
31:46and defensive about it that
31:48whether there's smoke there's fire
31:50and I don't know.
31:52I don't think it's true.
31:54All I want to do is talk to Ali.
31:56I just need Ali to know that
31:58the rumor isn't true.
32:00I genuinely do like her
32:02and I really don't want to lose her.
32:06I'm just fucking alone.
32:18Hey, Caleb.
32:20What's up?
32:22What's up, bro? Of course, man.
32:24I'm here as a bar staff.
32:26Number one bartender, right?
32:28I'm not here as a contestant.
32:30That's last year.
32:32For Crystal, I'm digging her.
32:34I'm not pump faking.
32:36This is all real.
32:38I'm shooting them shots, baby.
32:40What up, bae?
32:42Here you go. This is for you.
32:44My shift ends in five minutes.
32:46Meet me in the bedroom.
32:49Okay, Caleb.
32:57Man, this shit feel good.
32:59I wanted to be in the bed butt naked,
33:01ass out, balls hanging.
33:03But I couldn't
33:05because that's F-boy activity.
33:09And I want to show
33:11a different side of me.
33:13Not the F-boy, the reformed man,
33:15the crazy man.
33:17I'm a bit nervous.
33:21I watched Caleb last year
33:23and he's the biggest F-boy.
33:27he's playing hard.
33:29So hard.
33:31When he walks up to me, I'm like...
33:33Oh, my God.
33:35Come see me. How you doing?
33:37You're here in my room
33:39right now.
33:41I had to.
33:43I had to.
33:45Right now.
33:47I had to.
33:49I wanted to see if we legit had a connection.
33:51And I feel like when I see you, I see that.
33:53Do you really?
33:55I do.
33:57I know Caleb is here as a bartender,
33:59so he's not officially on the menu.
34:01But I kind of want to see what he has to say.
34:03Caleb, I'm going to be completely honest with you.
34:05My background,
34:07what I have been through as a child,
34:09like my dad, love him.
34:11He's amazing. Very similar to you almost.
34:13He can talk to girls.
34:15He has all of this.
34:17Good looking.
34:19The biggest F-boy.
34:21In my head, I cannot repeat history.
34:23So I can't
34:25go with an F-boy.
34:27Yeah, I feel you.
34:29I'm a reform now.
34:31Things are changing.
34:33What's changing?
34:35My attitude has changed.
34:37And I feel like this me is more mature.
34:39So what would you want with me right now?
34:41Can I just keep it real?
34:43We can keep it very real.
34:45When I see you,
34:47I feel like it's the energy
34:49that don't lie.
34:51I would be crazy to be on this island
34:53and not try.
34:55You got to give me a shot.
34:57Even though I'm breaking
34:59all of the rules right now,
35:01I can't help myself.
35:11Great kisser.
35:13Phenomenal kisser.
35:15This is what the problem is with F-boys.
35:17They kiss so well.
35:21That's what gets you.
35:23Before you know it,
35:25you're just
35:27in the trap.
35:41Hey! Hey!
35:51My brain is a bit all over the place.
35:55No matter how much I like him,
35:57the rumour about
35:59Joe potentially having a girlfriend
36:01and the need to
36:03be possessive over someone
36:05are red flags I can't just ignore.
36:07Hi, how are you?
36:09I've been better.
36:11Yep. I heard there's a little rumour
36:13going around about me that I have a girlfriend
36:15on the outside.
36:17Yeah, girlfriend, situationship.
36:21You want to shine some light on that situation?
36:25I don't even know how to shine light
36:27on that situation because it's not true.
36:31This whole time, like, you've...
36:33You've done a pretty
36:35fucking good job at convincing me
36:37that you're a nice guy and that you're here
36:39for the right reasons, and then I hear that
36:41and it's just...
36:47Can't say it doesn't hurt that you instantly
36:49believe it.
36:51What was your relationship status
36:53before coming in here, before you met me?
36:55Single. For nine months.
36:59Honestly, Ellie, I don't know what to say to you
37:01to make you believe me.
37:03I don't really want
37:05to convince you.
37:09I would rather you just...
37:11just know.
37:17I've just done nothing but, like,
37:19do my best
37:21to treat you right
37:23and, like,
37:25show you I'm a
37:27decent fucking bloke.
37:29And then, you know, it's like
37:31I'm possessive all of a sudden and...
37:35Now it's like I have a girlfriend
37:37on the outside.
37:39That's some
37:41fucking big accusations, hey?
37:45Is there anything that you haven't told me
37:47that I should know?
37:49What do you want to know? Ask me a question
37:51and I will tell you, Ellie.
37:55Is what
37:57we shared the first
37:59few dates real?
38:01I don't know if I faked all of that.
38:03All of it?
38:05Every moment? Is it real, Joe?
38:07Yes, everything was real, Ellie.
38:11How? How do I know that?
38:13How do I fake every single moment we've shared?
38:15Every kiss?
38:21I don't know how you feel anymore.
38:23It's gonna hurt if you don't feel the same way.
38:27I'm not lying to you, Ellie.
38:33I don't know how else to tell you.
38:35I don't.
38:53Seeing Joe
38:55get really upset and emotional
38:57made me realize, oh shit,
38:59maybe he is scared to lose me and maybe he is genuine.
39:03I'm just so confused at this stage.
39:07I can't believe it.
39:19Everybody feel it
39:21Come around with the rhythm it's a sound
39:23Everybody get down when we put it together
39:25Everybody feel it Come around with the rhythm it's a sound
39:27Everybody get down when we put it together
39:37I'm here today
39:39to provide you with the one thing
39:41that F-Boys really need.
39:45We're gonna get to the root of your issues.
39:47Why are you laughing, Norman?
39:49Oh, I just
39:51said root, you know.
39:53Saying the word root
39:55is funny to you, is it?
39:57What do you think has led to your F-Boy tendencies?
39:59Well, I had a relationship
40:01for three years. Okay.
40:03And then I got my heart broken.
40:05Some could say I'm in my villain arc at the moment.
40:09I just wanna say that always for me it's been difficult to be in therapy.
40:11It's hard for you to be in therapy?
40:13Very hard. Have you tried before? Yeah, I've tried before.
40:15And what happened in therapy?
40:17I fucked my therapist.
40:19You're a sick fuck. Get the fuck out of my shit.
40:23Let's pop a lada.
40:25Let's open a bottle.
40:27To a good night, ladies.
40:29To a good night.
40:33Things are heating up on F-Boy Island.
40:35So tonight we've got
40:37Doug, Chad and Jack
40:39coming over to the girls' villa.
40:41Ready for the boys.
40:43Ready for the boys.
40:45Ready for the boys.
40:47Ready for the boys.
40:49Ready for the boys.
40:51It's time to get really intimate
40:53with some of our favourite guys.
40:55Here comes trouble.
41:01It's very obvious that there is that sexual
41:03tension between me and Doug.
41:05I've still not had a single date with him.
41:07So it'd be nice to kind of just have some alone time
41:09with Dougie.
41:11How are you?
41:13I'm good.
41:15Boys, boys, boys.
41:17I've chosen Jack for this date because
41:19well, have you seen him?
41:25Jack has a shirt on!
41:29What is this?
41:31I didn't know you owned that many clothes.
41:33I have about three.
41:35Okay, so this is it.
41:37We're maxing out.
41:39You look great. What the hell is happening here?
41:41Jack has clothes on.
41:43Wow, you look so different.
41:45You with the shirt and the fit.
41:47Jack, I'm happy you put a shirt on
41:49but it will definitely be coming off later.
41:51Dressed up for me tonight.
41:53I did.
41:55My head is spiralling
41:57over Joe right now.
41:59And Chad has really intrigued me.
42:01Thank you for joining us.
42:03His lap dance was so hot.
42:05And it just feels so easy when I'm with him.
42:07Which is exactly what I need tonight.
42:09Alright well,
42:11here's to a fun night guys.
42:13Thank you.
42:15A little more!
42:17Getting to know each other.
42:19Yeah, absolutely. I love it.
42:25I'm actually going to take my shoes off.
42:27Now that we're sitting.
42:29I was locking eyes with Chad
42:31from the beginning even when he was just faster.
42:33Wait, which one do we think is hot?
42:35The middle.
42:37Oh my god.
42:39Yeah, yeah.
42:41So, I can't wait to see
42:43what's beneath the surface.
42:45I'll check your legs out.
42:47Oh, I can check my legs out. I love that.
42:49I haven't shaved my legs in like two days though.
42:51Actually, I didn't shave mine either.
42:53I mean, I'm fucking in heaven.
42:59Now I get to spend a whole night sleepover
43:01with the girl that I want.
43:03I'm like a dropped apple.
43:07I've never heard that before.
43:10I'm a guy who trusts massively in relationships.
43:12So, I'm going to get deep with Ali.
43:14I'm going to tell her about my past.
43:16I'm going to ask her if she has any concerns.
43:18I want to let her know that she can trust me.
43:22You know, you mentioned that you've been
43:24burnt in the past and you have
43:26trust issues and stuff.
43:28Like I have too.
43:30I understand that completely and
43:32that's a big thing
43:34for me is like trust
43:36in relationships.
43:39My last relationships definitely
43:41burnt me pretty hard.
43:43My ex cheated me with my best friend.
43:47So, you know, when you have
43:49when your girlfriend cheats on you,
43:51you hope that you have your friends there to help you out.
43:53But when your best friend is involved too,
43:55it's like you have no one.
43:59My walls are up sometimes
44:01and a little bit like held back in that regard.
44:05I'm so sorry that you went through that.
44:08No one deserves that.
44:10No, they don't but it's, you know,
44:12it taught me a lot.
44:16I really appreciate you being honest
44:18and sharing things with me.
44:20I think that to me communication and honesty
44:22is the most
44:24important thing in any kind
44:26of relationship.
44:28I don't care if like you fucked up
44:30or you're struggling with something.
44:32Being honest and communicating about it
44:34is going to save everything.
44:36100%. I agree.
44:38Chad, opening up about his past relationship
44:40really made me feel stronger
44:42towards him. I really appreciate
44:44and admire him, you know,
44:46having the courage to tell me and open up
44:48to me about that.
44:50I really felt it.
44:52You're very touchy-feely.
44:54Would you say that
44:56physical touch is one of your love languages?
44:58Yeah, definitely. I love love.
45:00I love giving love. If I'm with someone,
45:02I want to cuddle them all night.
45:04Like be moms.
45:06Yeah, there you go.
45:16My heart was going
45:18a million miles an hour.
45:22Something about him just
45:26has my head doing cartwheels.
45:28You're really good in my arms.
45:30I look good in your arms?
45:32You feel good in my arms.
45:42A bit hot.
45:58So strong!
46:00So strong!
46:02Doug and I, we have a lot
46:04of sexual chemistry.
46:06And every time I'm around him,
46:08I just feel like the only girl in the world.
46:10We are definitely overdue
46:12for some one-on-one time together.
46:14I can't believe you're actually here.
46:16It's actually nice.
46:18It is nice.
46:22Crystal makes me feel like
46:24I'm on cloud nine.
46:26I've got to be real to myself,
46:28real to Crystal,
46:30so I'm going to put my heart out on the line
46:32and tell her how I've been feeling about her.
46:34Yeah, so the
46:36all the
46:38days I've been
46:40in the villa
46:42waiting for my single date,
46:44I've had a lot of spare time.
46:46I brought
46:48something in to
46:50show my passion to you.
46:52What are you doing?
46:54So I made this
46:56little bracelet for you.
46:58What's this?
47:00Oh my God!
47:02Doug, are you actually serious?
47:04It's not a friendship bracelet though.
47:06It's more than that.
47:08What does it say?
47:10Doug, love, Crystal.
47:12My heart honestly burst.
47:14That is so thoughtful.
47:16He's just itching to give it to me.
47:18His face just lights up.
47:20He's around me.
47:22And you see what I did?
47:24What have you done? Show me.
47:26Our favourite colours. Did you actually think about that?
47:28Yeah, of course.
47:30You're actually so cute.
47:32That's so nice. You listen.
47:34Yeah, of course.
47:36Do you know what?
47:38I'm actually going to keep this forever.
47:40I hope so.
47:42I am surprised by how much I like Doug.
47:44He seems very genuine.
47:46And he just
47:48makes me smile so much.
47:52Why are you such a good kisser?
47:54Growing up, I've practised on the back of my hand so much.
47:56And that's why I'm the best kisser here.
48:00this is Crystal.
48:02This is Doug.
48:04And I just do a little
48:06smooch at the start.
48:22And then like a bit of tongue.
48:24Oh, yeah.
48:26And just work it.
48:28And then get those lips sucking
48:30on her lips because we've got two big
48:32juicy lips.
48:34And it's just like an
48:36orgasm with the lips.
48:40And then the rest
48:42is history.
48:44So, welcome.
48:46I thought maybe we could
48:48have a little chitchat in here.
48:52Lucky me.
48:54I'm putting the heat on Jack tonight.
48:56We had that amazing first date.
48:58And I am starting to like him a lot.
49:00But it feels like just because
49:02he got my attention straight away,
49:04he's become a little bit comfortable.
49:06Like he doesn't have to try and impress me.
49:08And I'm wondering if he's here for me
49:10or if he's a lazy effigy.
49:12I guess I'm at the stage now like where
49:14I'm here to find like a genuine connection.
49:18But the facts are the facts.
49:20And the facts are that there are still
49:22a lot of effboys in the mix.
49:24And that scares me a lot.
49:26I haven't met many nice guys, I'll be honest.
49:28Like a lot of people I've interacted with,
49:30a lot of people that I've been in
49:32relationships with have not been great people
49:34to their core.
49:36I feel like when you're looking at me
49:38and when you're speaking to me,
49:40you're presenting really, really nice.
49:42Maybe too nice.
49:44And I'm trying really hard to believe
49:46what you're saying.
49:48But at the end of the day,
49:50there's a cash prize.
49:52And I guess it would really fucking suck
49:54if that was a lie.
49:56Yeah. No, I get it.
49:58I was in real estate.
50:00I've had money. I have money.
50:02It's not about that.
50:04That's the thing, like real estate agent,
50:06like in sales, like your job is to sell a dream
50:08and sometimes it's like a fake dream
50:10and sometimes it's a really shitty house.
50:12So are you, I guess,
50:14selling me like a fake reality, a fake dream?
50:16That's what I'm trying to figure out.
50:18Good question.
50:20You said yeah.
50:22No, I said yeah, it's a good question.
50:24I mean, I've been out of real estate
50:26for a year.
50:28For this very reason.
50:30To find a genuine connection,
50:32to find the right person.
50:34And I actually think I've found it.
50:36Anyway, I'm so all in
50:38with you, Nicole.
50:40Jack is finally putting in effort.
50:42I need someone that can step up
50:44and it's really nice
50:46to hear how he feels about me.
50:56So this is the Jackie
50:58that I wanted.
51:04I think I have a bit of a crush.
51:28Do you need a shower or anything?
51:30I probably do need a shower.
51:32Let's do that.
51:34I think we had a lot of energy
51:36that we needed to release.
51:38Holy shit!
52:04You're wet, this is wet by the way.
52:06You didn't take your shorts off.
52:08I'm not joking,
52:10you can't lay on my bed wet.
52:12At this point,
52:14I'm 99% sure
52:16that Doug is a nice guy.
52:18He's shown me the emotive side,
52:20he's been sensitive, vulnerable.
52:22Everything is pointing
52:24towards a nice guy.
52:26For fuck's sake, Doug!
52:30Let me grab you a towel.
52:32Here you go.
52:36It's okay.
52:38Oh my God!
52:48Doug, I would say,
52:50is definitely impacting.
52:52He's going alright,
52:54he's not doing too badly for himself.
52:56Why is your bum so nice?
52:58Yeah, I got a really cute bum.
53:00What the hell?
53:02He's hot.
53:04Who am I?
53:10Right now, I'm feeling like
53:12I'm gonna shit myself.
53:14It's just so hot.
53:16Crystal is beautiful.
53:22Doug can't wipe this smile
53:24off his face.
53:32Please let Doug know where the kitchen is.
53:40Next time on FBoy Island Australia.
53:46The girls take the boys
53:48for a spin.
53:50Let's see who's got the better moves.
53:54And some of the boys spin out.
53:56Oh my God!
54:00It's time to shake things up.
54:02Is that the social media laptop?
54:04Secrets are about to come out.
54:06Last year, the ladies
54:08used this to troll for the men's
54:10social media.
54:12There's guys here that are looking fucking terrifying.
54:16As controversy hits the island.
54:18I just want to show you someone that he follows.
54:20This is Andrew Tate.
54:22He's following someone that was
54:24pretty problematic and
54:26he does raise alarm bells.
54:28He's a red flag.
54:30It's scary.