TNA Emergence 8/30/24 – August 30th, 2024 Part 2

  • 2 days ago
TNA Emergence 8/30/24 – August 30th, 2024 Part 2
00:00:00It's filling the air here in Louisville
00:00:17There it is once again again smirk from both men the tension that you can cut with a knife
00:00:24But there's something i'm sensing in the air too. There's a little there's a little bit
00:00:30of a tense
00:00:32Yet mutual respect you think here between both these guys for what the other one is capable of between those ribs
00:00:42Oh, yeah
00:00:43Smashing macklin into the top turnbuckle big right forearm there by ey
00:00:48You mentioned it earlier. Ey is a tna original
00:00:52He makes sure that everyone that steps into this company is up to the standard of tna wrestling
00:00:57Steve macklin has done more than prove that a former tna world champion. That's right. You don't rise to the top like macklin has done
00:01:07Passing those tests without passing the muster
00:01:13And this is a battle frankly that I believe eric young
00:01:16May not know that he wanted but has been looking for for quite some time here in tna looking across the ring
00:01:23It's someone else's tough and nasty as he is and is willing to go all out to get a victory
00:01:30And there might be more in common here
00:01:33Between these two then I think either one of them may even realize
00:01:39Young using the top rope there
00:01:49Slam delivered to eric young
00:01:53Copper pressing the arm down and a kick out macklin breaking out the big guns early here
00:01:59Talking about two guys who obviously veterans of the squared circle in general, of course eric young has that experience advantage, but
00:02:07you want to talk about similar statures both guys and they're they're
00:02:12They're thick they're they're reading extremely similar athletes similar
00:02:15Yeah, similar builds if you will we want to talk about the nastiness eric young who started. Oh
00:02:21Violence by design back way back when we saw steve macklin take pco to a bloody
00:02:29Massacre at one point during his tna world championship reign
00:02:33As eric young with the death valley driver to put macklin away and a kick out there by macklin
00:02:40But these guys that they have similar temperaments at times similar attitudes at times similar even arsenals
00:02:47In times when it comes to their physicality in the ring
00:02:50And now young trying to set up there maybe for a moonsault
00:02:55And it's slowed up there by macklin and young's in a bad spot here
00:02:59And young is caught in the crosshairs
00:03:03Macklin pressing both shoulders down and a kick out there by young
00:03:12Macklin's gonna have to dig down deep in this one
00:03:17It's not a world championship match, but it might as well be
00:03:22With the pedigree the resume eric young has under his belt backbreaker there by macklin
00:03:28You can hear macklin moments ago saying yeah, you're the heartbeat, huh?
00:03:33You know this very well as a wrestler
00:03:35Trying to come up in this industry
00:03:37You're going to run into veterans that even if you had respect for them at one point or another when you step in between the ropes
00:03:43They can't be your hero any longer. They've just got to be a target
00:03:47No, the bell rings and everything changes the bell rings. You become a competitor. You're no longer
00:03:51A buddy, you're no longer a ride like whatever is going on backstage
00:03:56It's gone. Now. You're just two fighters. You're two competitors doing what supposedly you do best
00:04:04And macklin's gonna prove it right here, oh and again young is caught in the crosshairs
00:04:10Is this it for eric young? Oh, no, he gets the right shoulder up
00:04:16And there's the resilience that eric young has made an entire career of
00:04:21every time
00:04:23He's been told he's not good enough. Every time he's been down. He's been out. He's been pushed to the bottom. He's stayed alive
00:04:35Looking young trying to prepare himself. It's been a barrage here
00:04:38by macklin the olympic slam a pair of caught the crosshairs plus the backbreaker very
00:04:45focused attack on the midsection
00:04:47of eric young
00:04:51Now a slugfest between these two
00:04:58Young and macklin exchanging blows center of the ring. Oh and a big heavy forearm shiver
00:05:09Macklin ducks underneath. Oh both men thinking the same thing and they go down hard
00:05:18I tell you great minds think alike. There's more in common between these two
00:05:23Than they're realizing but they're learning a lot of that right now
00:05:28One two
00:05:38Referee daniel spencer checking on macklin and young
00:05:44You heard ui and second it was that you want this
00:05:50Oh my god
00:05:58I'm the damn blood running through the veins of this place
00:06:07That one's not wrong ui did ask for this now he's about to give it back I think
00:06:13Smile on the face of eric young he put his hands behind his back said he'd be smiling the whole damn time tonight with macklin
00:06:20Macklin gives young the opportunity. I think macklin might regret that
00:06:25That's just got his bell rung
00:06:45Brawling in the center of the ring. Sorry louisville. It is true when you get that close. You either got a fight or a kiss
00:06:51They fought and they're still fighting the psycho knee
00:06:56And young to the outside macklin's not done a skull in a moment young ducked it
00:07:05And macklin landed hard on the ramp
00:07:11Nasty fall looked like mack ate a lot of that on his shoulder there
00:07:18Apparently gonna make kia a lot harder to lock in
00:07:22Oh and mack with a big right hand trying to slow up eric young potentially was thinking about that
00:07:28elbow drop from the top turnbuckle
00:07:34And that's the now meet by oh, I mentioned it just a moment ago kia
00:07:38Is he thinking off the top here trying to put away young? Oh and young fighting macklin
00:07:46Down goes macklin young's got an opportunity here windows open
00:07:51drop by young
00:07:53Right through the heart of macklin
00:07:57Oh, just trying to set up for the pile driver and macklin felt it coming
00:08:02Great resilience great wherewithal from steve macklin there
00:08:06Oh once again, go for the pile driver go for the pile driver and you saw macklin extended his legs go for the pile driver
00:08:13And he got it
00:08:15Macklin was trying to fight him all the way. Eli muscled up through it though. Is this it cover?
00:08:21Oh and macklin kicked out of the pile driver. Are you kidding me?
00:08:28Are you kidding me there it is the pile driver once again from ely but make that that one
00:08:35Couple of seconds there was all macklin needed
00:08:38To get his wherewithal together
00:08:46There are not many
00:08:49In the history of eric young's career that can say they've kicked out of the pile driver he delivers
00:09:04Here is your winner steve macklin
00:09:08And almost out of nowhere there
00:09:11Imagine i'm running on fumes running on life support here after that pile driver staying alive
00:09:19Eli trying to go for number two
00:09:23Beautiful strategy by macklin. Eli you can tell though surprises everybody here is tonight
00:09:34Macklin thought
00:09:36Young thought he had macklin dead to rights, but somehow macklin found a way to get the victory
00:09:44And macklin is still certainly favoring that left shoulder after going for the scud on the outside
00:09:51But eric young is looking back on a man. It's steve macklin
00:09:56Who took everything he had?
00:09:58They still came out on top
00:10:14And extended by ui here
00:10:31Color me surprised tom
00:10:34a sign of respect between these warriors
00:10:37Well earlier on we heard from josh alexander right now. Let's hear from the tna
00:10:43world champion himself
00:10:48Please welcome my guest this time. He is tna world champion nick nemeth
00:10:55Nick you heard the comments from josh alexander earlier tonight. What's your response?
00:11:02My response is the same that it's been for the last 15 years
00:11:07You make some points you make some you make some moves
00:11:11And then you take it down a peg and you find a way out of that crevice somehow
00:11:15Somehow someway
00:11:17I made it along 20 years stealing the show stealing girlfriends. That's out of my head right now right now is being the best
00:11:24I represent tna as an ambassador and a fighting champion. I know what josh is capable of he's well aware
00:11:34And his match the ironman match, that's the only thing that sets us apart
00:11:38He's had the only tna ironman match it is in his eyes
00:11:42I see it that he can do it. He can come out on top and win
00:11:46Maybe just maybe me the sports entertainer slash pro wrestler best one on the planet is going to look him in his eyes
00:11:53And beat him at his own game. I know how hard he hits
00:11:57But at the end of the day, no matter what no matter how many times you hit me
00:12:01I find a way to get up and stare you straight in the eye and kick you in the mouth
00:12:06I am coming out on top tonight. No matter what he says or what he's done in the past
00:12:11This is the time for the wanted man to hold this title high and be your tna champion
00:12:20And tonight I hit harder and walk out on top as you were champion
00:12:28Nemeth and alexander later on tonight for the tna world championship and a one hour
00:12:33Ironman match well right now who will gain critical momentum on the path towards bound for glory in the knockouts division
00:12:41We're ready for action here at emergence
00:12:53The following is the sixth knockout tag team match introducing team number one first from moscow, russia
00:12:59She is one half of the tna knockouts world tag team champions
00:13:16Trust the system
00:13:25And the gold representation in the system continued her partner representing the system she is one half of the tna knockouts world
00:13:37Well, you just love the system don't you hey if the system works why try to fight it alicia edwards proudly representing this system
00:13:46Along with masha slanovich as tna knockouts world tag team
00:13:54The team known as the militia at rain as your knockouts world tag team champions now for 119 days
00:14:02For alicia and the system tonight
00:14:07Because i'm the one that does the introductions around here
00:14:10I am the personal cousiers for the greatest box office attraction in tna knockouts history
00:14:19So show some respect and welcome the often imitated never duplicated the beautiful and now ruthless
00:14:29by elegance
00:14:35And very few take it from a guy tom who knows a thing or two about introducing somebody
00:14:40That is how you do it
00:14:42That is what we wanted. That's what the people of louisville want to see. That's what you all at home want to see
00:14:49A now ruthless mash by elegance as we saw last night
00:14:54It was a match by elegance for the knockouts world championship on impact eight
00:14:59balls count anywhere style of mass and all sorts of
00:15:03Weaponry that looked like it was out of the barbie movie
00:15:06And this mocked the personal concierge took your microphone. Hey, look, I told him too. There's anybody who deserves this spot
00:15:13It's so much
00:15:16I hope all the bad things
00:15:19The team of danny luna and the wild child jody threat together they are
00:15:26Meanwhile spitfire
00:15:28Have a long history
00:15:30With the reigning knockouts world tag team champions the militia got involved last night amidst a match by elegance to back up toward a grace
00:15:38Because slavish and edwards were trying to help pass by elegance win the knockouts world championship
00:15:44And this has been going on for months, you know spitfire has had their mind on getting their tag team titles back
00:16:03Their partner from austin texas chance that she and a world knockout champion
00:16:14No one has won more matches in tna in 2024 than the juggernaut
00:16:2014 successful defenses of this knockouts world championship second only to tya bowery's
00:16:2717th in a single knockouts world title reign jordan grace
00:16:32230 days in her third knockouts world title reign simply historic
00:16:39There is nobody on this planet that can question the work ethic the schedule the intensity
00:16:47of jordan grace
00:16:49The tear she has been on the pace. She has kept over the last several months has been nothing short of breathtaking
00:16:58The bell has rung uh, the match is technically underway
00:17:01He however could not get control of all six of these knockouts to begin this tag team matchup in proper fashion
00:17:10And there it goes sashed by elegance slavish and edwards. This one's breaking down quick. Look at this
00:17:16And threat over the top wipes out all three of them the wild child goes airborne
00:17:23Look at this
00:17:24Danny luna's turn
00:17:29What a way to begin this six knockouts tag team matchup
00:17:36And it looks like the knockouts world champ
00:17:41Is ready and waiting
00:17:45On jordan grace
00:17:52And alicia edwards is down here on the outside
00:17:55jordan grace
00:17:58Spitfire going to work against ash by elegance and masha slamovic
00:18:03As this six knockouts tag team match continues on the outside again a referee page prince of ollie trying to gain control of this situation
00:18:12Chaos continuing to brew
00:18:15At ringside though the action spilling everywhere is the cover
00:18:20Going for a cover inside the ring the referee I believe is tending to alicia edwards
00:18:25Our ringside physician is checking on alicia edwards who is down on the outside
00:18:30i'm going to keep an eye on that situation here as this six knockouts tag team matchup continues
00:18:36Driving ash by elegance down. There's the cover. Oh and a kick out by ash
00:18:42Jordan grace showing off that strength but ash by elegance there
00:18:46You see alicia edwards trying to recover this hey, but it's a physical business we make no bones about that
00:18:54These are some of the toughest most badass women on the face of the planet
00:18:58There is a reason for it
00:19:01Alicia edwards is down and uh
00:19:03Some help is coming from the from the back there. I believe that's tommy dreamer coming to help alicia edwards here
00:19:08I'm going to keep an eye on her situation
00:19:11Right now this is essentially two versus three in this tag team match
00:19:17Hey, if there's anybody who can anchor that team though ash by elegance and
00:19:24Excuse me copper on the exploder and a kickout ash by elegance and masha slanovich
00:19:30That's a hell of a team right there
00:19:32Don't worry we got
00:19:46We are not exactly
00:19:47Sure what proceeded there on the outside? We saw the series of dives
00:19:51But we're not entirely sure what happened to alicia edwards at this point. We'll try and get you some information as soon as possible
00:19:57And ash by elegance is down there's the cover the match continues in a kickout by ash and now you're in the situation
00:20:04Where this is masha slanovich and ash by elegance against spitfire and the knockouts world champion jordan grace
00:20:11It is two versus three
00:20:13And already the three-on-two bully has begun
00:20:18From spitfire and jordan grace first into the post when danny luna that could be valuable for ash by elegance and masha slanovich
00:20:25I wouldn't refer to this as bullying ray walt. This is an unfortunate circumstance. What happened to alicia edwards, of course
00:20:36Going after danny luna on the outside ash by elegance has drawn the attention of the officials some illegal contact there by masha
00:20:43And a kickout by luna now
00:20:45Luckily masha slanovich has the intensity of three wrestlers and ash by elegance has the beauty of 12. So they
00:20:53In theory, this is like a 18 on three handicap match and a kickout
00:21:00Masha slanovich a reigning knockouts world tag team champion has captured that title multiple times
00:21:06Let's not forget the tear that slanovich went on in 2022 was undefeatable
00:21:13Or basically the first nine plus here. Here's a kickout by luna. How do you turn the tide if you're slanovich and ash?
00:21:22You do what you know best against slanovich you talk about that that is inside masha slanovich that person
00:21:29We see that come out. She digs into that
00:21:31Intensity that viciousness that she's made a career out of
00:21:36and look
00:21:37You've talked about a dead martian this new side is more intense this dangerous side of ash by elegance that has come out since
00:21:45This whole situation with jordan grace has begun ash by elegance more dangerous than ever
00:21:51So, you know what you just continue to lean into that because so far so good
00:21:57Now luna trying to set up for a suplex there and drives down ash by elegance and now luna trying to make a tag
00:22:09And slanovich is illegal luna trying to get to her corner makes a tag to jordan grace and I was just talking about
00:22:16The 2022 that masha slanovich had bound for glory 2022
00:22:21Slanovich and grace for the knockouts world championship. One of the greatest matches i've ever had the pleasure of calling
00:22:28That's a hell of a conscious the rivalry these two had back in
00:22:332022 and oh my god
00:22:36Grace really tagged her there with the back fist and now going for shades of samoa
00:22:42The muscle buster how grace retained last night. Oh and it's broken up by ash by elegance
00:22:50Look at this now ash by elegance dumped by the juggernaut
00:22:57Asha slanovich all alone here
00:23:02Tag made
00:23:08Hashtag tna emergence now trending on social media
00:23:12Thank you all so much for tuning in all over the world live on tna plus as we continue our march
00:23:18Towards bound for glory our biggest event of the year. We're sold out tonight here in louisville and the wild child is having some fun
00:23:29Not fun for masha slanovich. That's for damn sure cover
00:23:33Shoulders down there. Oh and a kick out and ash by elegance was chirping there with our referee page prince of ollie
00:23:40Perhaps that saved slanovich
00:23:42And you know that spitfire had their eyes i'm getting back the knockouts world tag team titles. That's for damn sure
00:23:53A suplex into the corner
00:23:56Nasty landing there for jody threat
00:23:59back of the legs lower back
00:24:02Obliterated courtesy of masha slanovich
00:24:09Now ash by elegance in to pick the bones here
00:24:18Jody threat is going to try to
00:24:20Try to fight but ash by elegance again, just continuing to lay down the punishment
00:24:26ash by elegance
00:24:28Toying with jody threat i'm still trying to think about what's legal the personal concierge trying to broker with the militia
00:24:36To try and get them to help ash by elegance last night in a knockout world title match a match by elegance
00:24:44Look some things are just not meant to be known by the public eye
00:24:48Looking for rarefied air there not to be
00:24:53On our jody threat. Look at this going for pop shoving
00:25:13So a challenging situation obviously for ash by elegance and masha slavich the match continued, however
00:25:20Grace and spitfire able to secure the victory here in emergence
00:25:27That's a big win any which way you put it for spitfire
00:25:35And grace disposing of ash by elegance
00:25:43What a victory for these three here at emergence right now, I want to take you back to earlier on tonight the countdown to emergence
00:25:51Pco defending both these titles. I guess
00:25:57Pco solves
00:26:03Pco retains his titles
00:26:07And here's your winner and still gna digital media and international heavyweight wrestling champion
00:26:20Babe look what matches
00:26:25How dare can you say this
00:26:31Must be watching the show I see brisky i'll be seeing you on thursday
00:26:40Well stl gonna confront nat cardona this thursday, but right now at emergent the tag team titles are on the line
00:26:48As the abc defend against aj francis and the newest member of first class
00:26:54Casey navarro this match was made official earlier on tonight on the countdown to emergence the abc
00:27:01Demanding this matchup against first class after what happened last night on impact austin and bay both recently have been competing in the ultimate
00:27:10Exqualifiers that matchup. We saw go down earlier on tonight first class jumped the abc last night on impact that first case in bay
00:27:18Defeated cody diener and jake something aj francis announcing earlier on tonight that casey navarro
00:27:24Is now part of first class and will join him to compete for the tag team titles
00:27:37The following contest is set for one fall and it is for the gna world tag team championship
00:27:44Introducing the challengers the team of casey navarro and aj francis
00:27:51And I uh do want to bring forward
00:27:54Look at cardona
00:27:57Moments ago step to lander and pco conferring after pco's win earlier on tonight mac cardona has tweeted out
00:28:04Pco is lucky that i'm not hashtag always ready. Yeah, stay away from my step to lander. She's my property
00:28:16Well, we love that acronym is watching the show don't we don't hide that
00:28:20I hope you do. I hope you're recovering. Well there buddy conspicuous by his absence putting another monster in the way of pco
00:28:27But right now it's all about aj francis and casey navarro
00:28:32first class of an opportunity at the gna world tag team titles
00:28:57As I mentioned last night on impact ace and bay were able to take their business against cody deaner and jake something after the fact
00:29:04It was first class
00:29:09Austin and bay went to san diego morelle and demanded a chance to get their hands on first class and were
00:29:15Willing to put their titles on the line to do so and you know that aj francis heard
00:29:22Absolutely got exactly what he wanted
00:29:25Look, I know abc they're fighting champions this and that and stand up guys and this and blah blah blah
00:29:32Whatever either way the man aj francis in first class
00:29:37They got what they wanted and now with casey navarro in the fold. That's a wonderful addition, man
00:29:42I've always said this young man has got nothing but potential he can realize all of that right here tonight and walk out
00:29:49As champion as a member of first class he's doing it against one of the best tag teams in recent memory in tna wrestling
00:29:56The abc are tied with the motor city machine guns and the good brothers as teams who have won the tna world tag team championship
00:30:05Three times that mark has only exceeded by
00:30:08Santana and ortiz of lax with core the wolves with more and pure money
00:30:14With five of tna world tag team titles, and that's what it's all about tonight out of urges
00:30:20Thank you abc. They're still so young in their careers
00:30:25You can very much see them reaching those levels some of the greatest of the great in tna tag team history
00:30:32But tonight they got their hands full with first class
00:30:52So this will be ace austin to start things off against aj francis
00:30:57And uh, as you like to say there's a bit of a size advantage here you would say for aj francis I would say that
00:31:07Jump ace jump you got those powerful legs
00:31:13Of course, of course i'm sportsmanlike conduct to start the damn match
00:31:19Francis wanted a test of strength and instead ace austin went for a test of smarts
00:31:25And now austin just lighting up the former nfl defensive lineman, well, this is how you paid for it ace
00:31:36Look at that those powerful legs of ace austin not enough to get francis up there today. Boom
00:31:47Francis mows down ace austin francis a former tna digital media champion tag made in comes chris bay
00:31:57Now after watching what just happened today's austin chris bay has got to
00:32:01Restrategize himself. He's got to think about what he's got to do to take the big man down
00:32:11Chris bay a former x division champion now three-time tna world tag team champion as a member of the abc
00:32:20Oh, they just tossed here by francis
00:32:24Kick right to the face there by chris bay who's having some fun here tonight sold out louisville
00:32:30Yeah, it's all fun and games until you get punched in the mouth
00:32:35Oh or grabber on the throat francis thinking about the down payment going for the choke slam and it's blocked by bay
00:32:43drop kick staggers francis
00:32:49Tried to keep on the move there
00:32:53Shut down there courtesy of aj francis
00:32:57And a tag made in comes casey navarro and it's amazing just about all of navarro's matches
00:33:04This year in tna have either been a championship match. Oh or a championship
00:33:10Qualifying matchup. He's been in the mix now for three different titles cover here and a kick out there by bay down with a media title
00:33:18The x division title recently and now the tna world tag team title
00:33:23Is a young man who's had opportunity written all over him since the first time I saw him work
00:33:30And now getting to see him do it here in a tna ring title on the line
00:33:35It was earlier this summer at the countdown to under siege if you can relive any time on demand tna plus casey navarro was a
00:33:43Last second replacement to challenge then tna digital media champion laredo kid for the title
00:33:51Kc proving that he's always ready shout out man. I know you're watching the show. I know you're still there tweet about me, baby
00:33:57Such a kiss ass. Oh and down goes bay
00:34:01Kc he's perfect perfect addition. Like I said, he's a first class athlete always looks sharp to his hair that pink hair
00:34:11Oh and catching bay first class look first class ability that's casey navarro
00:34:17All the way from the 305 with that kick to chris bay
00:34:24Kick right to the face and this is a huge opportunity for casey navarro whether you like first class or not
00:34:32Navarro able to roll through well, if you're not first class your last so tom your last
00:34:38Back breaker by chris bay. Oh and a huge clothesline and some aggression out of bay trying to retain the titles and a kickout
00:34:46I like to see that out of the abc. I know chris bay calls himself the ultimate finesser
00:34:51But when he gets nasty gets very very real in a hurry attack
00:34:56You know
00:34:56It gets very very real tom when we fly out of here and you walk all the way back to 38 c
00:35:01And people like me and casey and aj francis are in 1a cover to hold on to the championship and a kickout
00:35:09By the way, I was referencing being in first class. That's how it ties into the whole situation
00:35:16Right after the shoulder of casey navarro
00:35:22Bad place to be for casey navarro here
00:35:31Is that all you got kentucky and that's the public education system abc we stopped there they're gotcha gotcha sees music
00:35:40That tracks that tracks
00:35:42There's so many states. You just can't go back to
00:35:45I'm, not welcome many places. Oh
00:35:48Overcut great teamwork there by the ace and bay connection
00:35:52Oh kick right to the back of that double stop by bay
00:35:56Bay is legal. Navarro's legal to hold on to the titles and a kickout
00:36:03Either way abc has maintained control here of casey navarro maintain control of this matchup
00:36:11Oh, can they hold on to it long enough to hold on the tag team titles and oh
00:36:19And francis trying to run some interference there and now frank gaston our referee trying to control ace austin francis grabbing at bay
00:36:28Oh, wait a minute. Oh navarro into the arms of beautiful. That's a tag team partner for you
00:36:35Good touch
00:36:37And now bay through the ropes
00:36:39Uh-oh francis francis caught him then went for the down payment. Oh a kick right in the back of the head
00:36:46Oh and navarro capitalizes on multiple distractions
00:36:54Navarro had taken a shot at austin that took austin off of the apron the referee was checking on ace austin did not see the
00:37:02Bury of illegal contact made by first class. It's not about if you do it
00:37:06It's how you do it and if you get caught
00:37:20There ain't nobody in this match who can't wrestle
00:37:24They all doing it they all doing at the top of their game. It's a double negative
00:37:29Again, I told you where we are tom. I already I already
00:37:33I made my judgment about the education system here. Why does that not surprise us? I'm talking about the chicago education system
00:37:40Oh and down goes navarro francis charges at bay bay from the second turnbuckle measuring. A.j. Francis already gets caught
00:37:55Great counter by chris bay
00:38:00No doubt about that was a beautiful counter from chris pay
00:38:07Takes the big man down, but now now he desperately needs a tag to ace austin here
00:38:14And francis needs a tag too
00:38:18And it's casey navarro to meet ace austin
00:38:22Austin there beating casey navarro to the punch and turning this match on its head
00:38:28So the brightest young athletes in all of professional wrestling sign russian leg sweep
00:38:35click click boom
00:38:38Ace austin regains control of this matchup for the abc for the tag team championships
00:38:49Lighting up the chest and now it's austin
00:38:53Set out to the apron there against navarro. Oh big shot right to the face. Oh, yes francis taking a swipe at austin
00:39:03But austin able to thwart that effort eyes in the back of his head
00:39:09As the action does not stop here
00:39:15Look at the strength of one half of the tag team champions driving navarro down
00:39:24And now austin tied up with a.j. Francis
00:39:31Oh, look at that straight one for the two
00:39:35Francis up. I think he'd rock francis
00:39:38Is francis a little wobbly there and austin trying to get him up
00:39:43Looks like it was austin who ended up a little wobbly there trying to pick the big man out
00:39:47Now that's francis up on his shoulders one for the muddy cupid. Oh my god
00:39:55dumping the 300 pounder
00:40:02And now austin
00:40:05Is driving navarro face first into the center of the ring to hold on to the tag team titles and a kickout by navarro
00:40:14Wherewithal the resilience
00:40:16of kc navarro, what a flurry though from ace austin
00:40:21Impressive as it was not enough to get it done in the middle of the ring tag made
00:40:27And it's chris bay who's legal
00:40:29kc navarro legal for first class
00:40:34Uh-oh great combination offense by the abc cover. Oh wait francis breaks it up
00:40:45That's what first class needs to do they need to keep this thing going they can't let abc hit their double teams those finishing shots
00:40:55Oh, wait a minute now the abc go for the double suplex here
00:40:59Oh, it's francis
00:41:01What strength by aj francis there was indeed a double suplex
00:41:06But not the way that the abc wanted and look at this
00:41:11Francis creating his own opportunity
00:41:14That's what that's what he's done his whole career
00:41:21And now francis is gone for the choke slam
00:41:24Oh look at ace austin protecting chris bay
00:41:27On a tag made by navarro
00:41:32Navarro's legal kick right in the face by francis
00:41:37Oh went for the art of finessing and gets caught by francis. Oh, that's the strength of aj francis
00:41:50But francis is illegal to borrow tag themselves in
00:41:57Francis is incensed. Look out
00:42:03And take a look at this aj francis not legal to look out
00:42:09Don't let him
00:42:25When aj francis hit that enormous choke slam he wasn't legal casey navarro and tagged it off of francis's back
00:42:34I don't know if francis was aware. He's been tagged out. No, it's a tag
00:42:38to the back in the heat of the moment, I
00:42:41We saw it. I saw it but again in the heat of the moment. Aj francis did not see it
00:42:46Thought he was in control that millimeter that minor tiny millisecond of a mistake
00:42:53Costs first class everything
00:42:57The abc get a measure of payback against first class tonight out of urgence
00:43:05We are ready for an epic and fantastic
00:43:08Clap in the system re-enter their stranglehold on this company matt and jeff harvey
00:43:15Mike santana and joe henry stand in their way
00:43:26The system is still the greatest faction in professional wrestling today for everybody in the back
00:43:33We will do anything
00:43:35and I mean
00:43:37Anything have you?
00:43:40Actually looked at my resume. Do you know the amount of hall of famers i've put to sleep?
00:43:52Oh smashing hardy into the steel post meyers making matt hardy watch jeff hardy is hurt badly
00:44:13Jdc you decided to come at me and cost me my purpose
00:44:32You want to come at me that's fine
00:44:37But the next time you boys better make sure you don't miss
00:44:40The next time you boys better make sure you get the job done
00:44:45i'm not stopping
00:44:47to warfall
00:44:50by one
00:44:51I'm not stopping until I cut the head off the snake
00:45:13It appears to be a system beat down
00:45:26System failure and emergency
00:45:46Hey guys
00:46:08And the way that the system has tried to cost him some of the biggest opportunities of his career
00:46:17Since his return to tna
00:46:19He has not forgotten remember in the lead up to slammiversary
00:46:23It was moose himself who sent jdc
00:46:27To remove santana from the qualifying matches
00:46:31Santana has got this sold-out crown era move from behind him
00:46:38And him
00:46:40Along with a ragtag group of other tna wrestlers are going to try to take down one of it's not the most dominant
00:46:49faction we've had in tna
00:46:51in quite some time
00:47:00I believe in joe
00:47:33This guy is even infected the hardys what in the damn hell is going on
00:48:11What timeline is this
00:48:14Well, I need to get the kate space time continuum all in a line again because this is weird and wild and I don't know
00:48:21How I feel
00:48:27Matt and jeff hardy we saw recently on impact. They took out moose in jdc and tag team competition
00:48:35Joe henry the last night on impact had to deal with brian myers santana went one-on-one with eddie edwards
00:48:42This team has a lot of momentum rolling into emergence
00:48:47Like I said
00:48:49There is no doubt about that. They've come together. They proved a formidable force
00:48:54But they're going against a rock solid unit in the system one of the most deadly dangerous factions
00:49:01in tna history
00:49:08Ever since slammiversary the system has been claiming great store for a system reboot
00:49:14But henry santana and the hardys stand in their way
00:49:58Together they are the system
00:50:03There is no doubt that slammiversary was a rough night for the system
00:50:10But to turn a phrase hell hath no fury like a system scorn
00:50:16And they are here to take out all of that on the four men across the ring from them here tonight at emergence
00:50:25The bolt of 2024
00:50:32They first made their presence
00:50:52Here they are
00:50:54In my mind united stronger than ever
00:50:57And to reclaim what they feel is rightfully theirs the championships they've lost
00:51:03The pride that's been taken from them by the likes of joe henry, but the likes of mike santana and the hardys
00:51:18I do not envy
00:51:21Our referee principality here trying to maintain control of these eight very dynamic
00:51:28Very chaotic forces in this matchup
00:51:38You can feel the tension there's so much crowd here in louisville
00:51:45Stalker against the system
00:51:53Most people yeah who know what's good for them are against it at first tom
00:52:01Your parents had to make you take medicine when you were a kid too, but eventually you learn that it's good for you
00:52:10And not exactly the reception that first
00:52:26Now mike santana staring right at moose the face of the franchise remember it was moose
00:52:33Who gave the order to gdc to take out mike santana and lead up the slammer?
00:52:39Now the strategy begins
00:52:43That's a team that sticks together and strategizes together
00:52:48The team that huddles together
00:52:50Wins together tom. That's football
00:52:55It's like taking a timeout after the first play of the game. Hey
00:53:01Strategy is strategy
00:53:05Now moose climbs back inside
00:53:08The bell has rung this match is officially underway. There's a moose
00:53:13That's a leader former world champion the caleb williams of the system if you will you like that?
00:53:19How do you feel about that one? I don't know one bears player ever
00:53:23That's one more than i've ever known before
00:53:27Outside of walter payton and speaking of which it's the walter payton of the system jdc moose
00:53:33Wanted no part of mike santana
00:53:35For jdc, I think it's mind games. I think it's intentional
00:53:40You think a former multi-time world champion and moose is afraid?
00:53:45To take on mike santana, no, no, no, he's just playing the man
00:53:50Santana all that is a part of the expense of johnny dango curtis. Is that old adage? Don't shoot the messenger. I don't think
00:53:58Mike santana gives a damn about old adages
00:54:01Jdc is the one who assaulted him and cost him a tna world title shot in slammerversary
00:54:07There is still a lot of bad blood between these two
00:54:12I agree with you
00:54:14Jdc has done a lot and done a great job of proving his loyalty to the system. That's very true
00:54:23Great sparks into the top turnbuckle santana all smiles right now
00:54:31Line up jdc here in the corner
00:54:39Santana has been laser locked
00:54:42On the system and everybody involved with them raining down the punches here in louisville
00:55:01You got to pay attention to the guy in the ring there's a lot to distract you in these eight-man tag team matches
00:55:09Telling about suplex there
00:55:11It was about a week ago on august 23rd that santana marked one year back in wrestling for a
00:55:19Extremely difficult leg injury that he sustained
00:55:22Wasn't sure if he was ever going to be able to make it back. He's made some critical changes in his personal life
00:55:28Changes physical conditioning and it's not thriving here in tna wrestling and a tag main
00:55:34Here's matt hardy who also wants to get his hands on jdc anytime he possibly can
00:55:42Oh, wait, look at this
00:55:45Jeff hardy says yes a little poetry in motion from matt harvey and santana and now jeff hardy wants in
00:55:56Jeff hardy on the jdc
00:56:01And credit where it's due the teamwork
00:56:04On the side of the hardy santana and henry is paying off
00:56:08Remember, it was the lead up to slammerversary. Hold on cover here and a kick out
00:56:13the hitter for the system jdc
00:56:16Assaulted jeff hardy and rebecca hardy backstage that night billy matt hardy dispatched jdc with prejudice at slammerversary
00:56:26Look there's no doubt about it. You put your hands
00:56:29On someone close to anybody else, especially in this business. You're going to pay for it
00:56:35as weird as it sounds I
00:56:38I give a lot of kudos to jdc not for doing it
00:56:42But for the lengths he was willing to go to to prove himself to moose and to the system
00:56:50Edwards and jeff matt hardy rather going out of here. Remember the mixed tag team matchup that we saw between eddie and alicia
00:56:59And matt and rebecca hardy over a month ago
00:57:03It was by winning that matchup that the hardys were granted a tag team title shot, which they got against edwards and myers
00:57:11That was the same night of goad alfea that jeff hardy got sent to the hospital
00:57:15For the system again all instigated by jdc
00:57:20He's done a great job of standing out here. Look at this
00:57:24Everybody's starting to get tied up here
00:57:38A little three for two action
00:57:45I mean, what is this?
00:57:55I just can't believe it one in one out. Those are the rules of a tag match or in this case three outs get out of the ring
00:58:07The damnedest things happen around joe henry, I swear joe henry, by the way this sunday at nst no mercy
00:58:13Is going to be challenging ethan page for the nxt championship
00:58:18We could see a tna wrestler
00:58:29Andrew looking to make history this weekend
00:58:32Wants to start it off here. Obviously with a big tag team win here send a message to the system
00:58:39And look out now the system isolating santana
00:58:44And wiping out any tag options. This is basically four on one
00:58:52Oh santana though trying staying defiant to the end trying to fight all four members of the system here
00:59:01Santana somehow staying in this fight double drop kick there by santana
00:59:07Getting the system to the outside
00:59:13On jdc over the top
00:59:16Got a rope outing for the system thus far. No kidding. Santana holding his own here against everybody
00:59:25That is the level of passion mike santana has
00:59:29I'm looking santana off of the top
00:59:41Take another look at santana the four-time tna world tag team champion gets every member of the system
00:59:50What a tear
00:59:52Not only in tna in general, but in this matchup that mike santana has been out here. He is relentless
00:59:59I might have chopped the oic hooked the inside leg and there's the entirety of the system to break that up
01:00:06Wait a second
01:00:08That's off to a referee trying to control this matchup
01:00:12Good luck
01:00:13Looks like it's about to break down again
01:00:17All right, all eight men go to war here at emergence
01:00:23Picking up where these men left off a number of weeks ago
01:00:27We saw that beat down to the soundtrack as joe henry's music was playing
01:00:34No kidding now everybody's spilling everywhere left with matt hardy with eddie edwards
01:00:44Santana who dispatched eddie edwards last night on impact
01:00:50Laying the boots
01:00:53To eddie edwards here
01:00:56And now getting a semblance of control once again matt hardy made legal into this matchup
01:01:08And hardy with the elbow right to the spine
01:01:13Hardy hardy wants to put this one away time
01:01:17All for the twist of fate center of the ring went for it all went into myers
01:01:22Incidental contact there and edwards used it to his advantage
01:01:28Tag made now jdc is legal taking an opportunity to go after matt hardy
01:01:34And like a wild dog you see jdc
01:01:37immediately in there
01:01:40And in comes the face of the franchise the two-time tna world champion moose
01:01:46Hardy and moose battled a broken rules match earlier on this summer and against all odds live in chicago
01:01:54The tna world title was on the line that night moose walked away with the championship
01:01:58But it was the night that jeff hardy returned to this company one of the biggest moments in tna in 2024
01:02:07But now it's the system
01:02:10Just like that
01:02:11Taking over like a pack of wolves picking apart broken matt hardy
01:02:26Climbing down ryan myers
01:02:31Jeff hardy is legal
01:02:37Jeff hardy no doubt has been craving this opportunity to get his hands on myers and
01:02:43Former tna world tag team champions who were a part of him going to the hospital well over a month ago. There's the cover now
01:02:51Oh has broken up quickly by edwards
01:02:55Great wherewithal from edwards there protecting his tag team partner
01:02:59Edwards volley trying to control the hardy's corner. It's never an easy job in these matchups. Look out
01:03:24Hardy not done yet
01:03:30Jeff hardy's going to the top turnbuckles in time for the swanton ball. Oh and jdc running interference
01:03:37Jeff hardy trying to collect himself
01:03:40Once again, the after magic on was looking for swanton again, but not enough time there
01:03:47Jdc bought enough time for the system and myers to retaliate
01:03:54They give the system an inch they take 10 miles and now it's jeff hardy who's in trouble
01:04:13Remember jeff hardy is still legal. So matt hardy santana and dentry trying to will jeff hardy back into the ring
01:04:19He's got to make the tag
01:04:25Just like that tag team specialist brian myers and eddie edwards here just using that cover
01:04:33Oh and a kick out by jeff hardy shoulders
01:04:36Another kick out edwards out of frustration a third cover and a kick out
01:04:41Just relentless here with jeff hardy
01:04:44Continuing to force him to kick out keep him going takes a lot more effort than most people say I always I always say that
01:04:52Cutting the ring off here at santana now
01:04:58Trying to protect jeff hardy there. I I get the passion I get the urge
01:05:02But sometimes you got to be careful that draws a lot of the referee's attention can cause more chaos than intended
01:05:14Jeff hardy
01:05:20A lot of jack party trying to scramble to the corner trying to make a tag
01:05:26Moose positioning jack marty. Very wise corner. Jgc is legal
01:05:33Wise move there by moose to drag jeff hardy immediately back to the corner
01:05:40This has been tag team isolation 101 in the system when it comes to jeff hardy here
01:05:56Oh first into the top turn buckle cover by jdc and hardy gets to the bottom rope
01:06:03I believe in
01:06:07Joe hendry has infected infested this crowd here in louisville
01:06:25Look at this. Oh moose clearing a little bit of house on the opposite side of the ring
01:06:31Can sense the frustration with hendry and santana
01:06:36Jeff hardy's been isolated a cheap shot there on matt hardy and moose taking another swing at santana
01:06:44But moose looking back at joe hendry the only man who's been able to pin
01:06:49Moose in the past year. We don't the reason why moose is no longer. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
01:06:56We don't need any reminders of that look out
01:07:06That's a huge opening
01:07:08For jeff hardy here
01:07:10With only one team member left on the apron. The door is open for the charismatic enigma
01:07:23Moose reaching for the system's corner. Jeff hardy needs a tag. Here's joe hendry
01:07:36Oh and hendry
01:07:42Is there enough belief
01:07:45For hendry to take down the entire system
01:07:50Able to get out of the way
01:07:52Now jdc charges after hendry
01:07:56Fall away slam
01:07:59Oh now myers myers
01:08:05How dare joe hendry
01:08:08And another fall away slam
01:08:12I'll look out though. Look out. Oh and a burp by moose
01:08:17Moose got all the way up wait for the cutter. Nobody home
01:08:25Simple but very effective
01:08:28I believe in joe hendry
01:08:34On the pump-up powerbomb by hendry covered on a kick out
01:08:49And joe hendry
01:08:51Has changed the complexion has changed the entire energy makeup of his matchup of this building
01:09:00He's got a hold of edwards think about the standing ovation
01:09:07And now henry and edwards meet towards the center of the ring
01:09:15Huge collision
01:09:20And now it's hendry who might look for a tag and there it is
01:09:26I know matt hardy sign up back to eddie edwards
01:09:35Trying to get involved
01:09:39Holding moose inside out but look out
01:09:42Oh myers able to sidestep santana big roster cut by myers
01:09:51Face first goes myers. Oh look out not done yet. Tom
01:10:00This sold-out crowd on their feet
01:10:05But there's jdc right on his tail
01:10:08Oh the falcon arrow snuck out jump party. Oh no hendry hendry standing ovation
01:10:18Look out there's edwards. Oh standing blue thunder bomb. It's sounding edwards and harney go for a twist of fate
01:10:26Got it
01:10:28Lance him in the middle. Is that it cover?
01:10:32Oh and moose pulled harney off of the cover
01:10:38Great job by moose paying attention. Look out
01:10:49Harley dispatches moose
01:10:54And now it's back down to harvey and edwards, oh
01:10:58Oh and a shot by edwards. The referee was out on the floor checking on moose after that twist of fate and now
01:11:06Boston knee party good night. Matt hardy the system wins
01:11:16Here are your winners
01:11:22I don't know how many times I got to explain it. I don't know how many times I got
01:11:28Sometimes it takes a minute. Sometimes it takes an hour
01:11:31Sometimes it takes more but in the end any which way gets cut in the system always works
01:11:56What's mine
01:12:01Throwing clear he was paying attention to tonight's
01:12:20Life in detroit, michigan
01:12:44Welcome to bound for glory tna wrestling presents bound for glory tickets on sale now at
01:12:53You can feel the intensity building as we get closer and closer to town for glory. We've had so much fun tonight here at emergence sold out in louisville
01:13:04We do invite you to stay tuned to tna social and digital platforms immediately following emergence for a medical update involving
01:13:11Alicia edwards and the entirety of the roster tonight for tna wrestling, but we are not done this evening
01:13:17We're moments away from our main event and we're of course looking ahead to this thursday on impact
01:13:22That's right a lot to look forward to coming out of emergence including we will hear from our brand new x division champion
01:13:30One half of the rascals zachary wentz will be live this thursday on tna impact
01:13:35But that's not it. Ladies and gentlemen, that's not it. Everybody. We will also hear and see an open challenge another
01:13:43Open challenge from the juggernaut jordan grace for the tna knockouts world title this thursday on impact
01:13:50From one championship to another ladies and gentlemen
01:13:53It is time for our main event here at emergence a one hour iron man match for the tna world title
01:14:01Who is the face of this company? Who is the standard of tna? Who is the iron man?
01:14:16Here's your winner
01:14:19Tna world champion
01:14:28There are some
01:14:30Real moments in pro wrestling. There are some surreal moments and there are some absolute dream moments that happen
01:14:36You know
01:14:36A lot of people say finally became tna world champion and as much as that's been a goal
01:14:41And a dream of mine for the last year
01:14:44More importantly it was about showing everyone I can still go
01:14:47I didn't know if everything I had done had happened and existed
01:14:50In this vacuum in a bubble and I wanted to say I see myself as one of the greatest
01:14:56Nick nema's presence in tna is something that upsets me because
01:15:00The welcome mat's been rolled out for him. You've got a shiny new toy from another company
01:15:05Nick, you're a sports entertainer. I'm a pro wrestler my legacy not just in this company this business that i've dedicated my life to
01:15:14Tied with that tna world championship
01:15:16Longest reigning tna world champion of all time
01:15:19Slammiversary the main event all the pressures on you the brightest lights the biggest show in the year in front of the biggest crowd
01:15:24We've had over a decade that was supposed to end with me holding up the tna world championship
01:15:29It still happened it happened and the copy
01:15:33What i've realized is I fit right in here at tna
01:15:37I fit right in here as the flag bearer. I know that i'm better than josh alexander
01:15:42Because he told me so
01:15:45A low blow lets me know
01:15:48He was out of options no answer for everything that I had
01:15:52He can't hang with me. I'm the iron man at tna
01:15:57You're in for the hardest match of your life because you cannot get better
01:16:01I am the standard and i'm going to expose you for the sports entertainer
01:16:05You are because you are stuck in the ring with the best professional wrestler on earth
01:16:10Josh alexander made a pretty obvious point that there's a difference between
01:16:16A sports entertainer and professional wrestler now when there's someone like me that sees themselves as the epitome of both
01:16:22I don't understand what the issue is my collegiate background my love for the business
01:16:28My love for getting punched in the face and punching right back mixed in with wanting to put on a show and steal it
01:16:33You think you're on the right side of this i'm both
01:16:36You're one of them and there's a reason the world knows my name and there's a reason i'm the world champion. What's your excuse?
01:16:52Ladies and gentlemen, this is your emergency main event of the evening
01:17:03The following is a one hour ironman match and it is for the dna world championship
01:17:11In this match
01:17:12Falls count via pinfall submission count out or disqualification
01:17:19The competitor with the most falls before the time expires will be declared the dna world champion
01:17:27in the event of a
01:17:33In the event of a tie when the time limit expires
01:17:36both wrestlers
01:17:38Will have to compete under sudden death rules where one fall will determine the winner
01:17:58Looking down
01:18:09According to josh alexander himself he has competed in five
01:18:13one hour ironman matches in his 19 year career
01:18:1960 minute matches on his resume have occurred in this company in the last three years one back in
01:18:252021 he defeated tjp in a 60 minute ironman match for the x division title and then in this very building
01:18:33We put on the match of the year and impromptu tna world title defense against me ball by mail in the back end of 2022
01:18:40In a match that clearly went 60 minutes
01:18:45He has a workload of experience in this type of matchup
01:18:50Josh alexander believes the ironman match is his match
01:18:55There are few wrestlers on this planet with the conditioning with the fortitude with the intensity
01:19:02With the guts the ability I could go on all night
01:19:07There are few who can compete with the walking weapon when it comes to pro wrestling
01:19:25Oh my god
01:19:40This is just the second one hour ironman match in tna's 22 year history
01:19:46And it's just the second ironman match in nick nemeth's entire career
01:19:53The last one he could be there was a 30 minute ironman match
01:19:59Six years ago, there was a decided disadvantage against the champion tonight
01:20:05And look I get nick nemeth
01:20:08I believe nick nemeth when he says
01:20:11He has the ability he wants to prove to everyone that he can go and he's always been one of the best wrestlers going
01:20:18At any given time for the better part of the last 10 plus years
01:20:21There's no doubt about that. But when you get into this territory these types of matches
01:20:27It takes another year another level
01:20:31That's one that clearly is patched all over the resume and josh alexander nick nemeth has a couple of question marks
01:20:39Those get answered tonight
