TNA Emergence 8/30/24 – August 30th, 2024 Part 1

  • 2 days ago
TNA Emergence 8/30/24 – August 30th, 2024 Part 1
00:00We are gathered here today to witness this marriage of this monster and this beautiful
00:13I, Stephanie, take you, PCO, to be your lawfully wedded undead bride.
00:21No way, Spenny!
00:24Cardona, you son of a bitch!
00:30Cardona has crashed PCO and stepped the lander's wedding!
00:36At Emergence, it's gonna be you versus PICO, one on one.
00:39We'll build it.
00:40Yeah, I mean, I swear.
00:43You see, Santino, he didn't do his due diligence.
00:46I'm not medically cleared to compete yet.
00:50But listen, I found this monster, this mystery monster, to take on PCO at Emergence.
00:55It's gonna be amazing, bro.
00:57Think about it.
00:58You won't get away with this, Cardona!
01:28The system is still the greatest faction in professional wrestling today!
01:39For everybody in the back, we will do anything, and I mean anything!
01:46Have you actually looked at my resume?
01:50Do you know the amount of Hall of Famers I've put to sleep?
01:59Oh! Smashing Hardy into the steel post!
02:03Myers making Matt Hardy watch!
02:06Jeff Hardy is hurt badly!
02:11Reby's hurt! Come follow me!
02:13Reby's hurt!
02:14Reby's hurt!
02:15JDC! It was JDC! It was JDC!
02:19JDC decided to come at me and cost me my purpose.
02:26Let's go! Let's go!
02:33And now, TNA Wrestling presents Countdown to Emergence.
02:45Tonight, TNA Wrestling is live in Louisville, Kentucky,
02:48as the sold-out crowd is making their way inside Old Forester's Paris Town Hall.
02:53We welcome you to the Countdown to Emergence.
02:57TNA! TNA! TNA! TNA!
03:03And let's kick this whole evening off with the king of TNA himself.
03:12The following contest is set for one fall.
03:14Introducing first, from Yucca Valley, California,
03:17Brandi Kostarian!
03:20As you saw moments ago, the first match of the night,
03:23once we began at 8 p.m. Eastern with Emergence,
03:25will be Ultimate X.
03:27And recently, we've got a series of qualifying matches.
03:30It was last week on Impact that Brandi Kostarian took part
03:33in a qualifying match-up against Hammerstone and Kushida.
03:36Hammerstone won that match-up.
03:38It was after the fact, Brandi Kostarian hit Fade to Black on Kushida.
03:43Remember, during that match-up, Kushida had fainted,
03:47utilizing the green mist that duped Brandi Kostarian,
03:51who was about to hit Fade to Black on Hammerstone.
03:54So after the fact, Kaz went after the TimeSplitter.
03:57I mean, to be fair, it could be argued that that mist is indeed
04:00a foreign object, Tom.
04:03Wait a minute.
04:05What's Kostarian doing to a member of our ringside crew?
04:08He's asking him to do his job.
04:10The man's in a cast!
04:11God forbid the man do his job, Tom.
04:13You have got to be kidding me!
04:18Hey, the ultimate X-Structure now allowing us to have any stairs
04:22at ringside, the king has got a guest in the ring.
04:25Absolute scum.
04:33His opponent, from Tokyo, Japan, TimeSplitter Kushida!
04:41Frankie Kostarian, I think, has picked a fight with the wrong person.
04:45Kushida, one of the most dangerous and lethal competitors
04:48we'll see in TNA.
04:50I mean, there's no doubt about it, Kushida,
04:52if he gets a hold of that arm,
04:54you know the hoverboard lock does a lot of damage.
04:57We saw what it did to our longest reigning TNA world champion ever,
05:00Josh Alexander, not so long ago.
05:03Frankie Kostarian, though, we're talking about one of the best
05:06in the business in the last 20 years.
05:08I hope Kushida knows what he's gotten into.
05:12And Kushida anxious to get his hands on Frankie Kostarian.
05:17A referee takes Principale, he's trying to get in control of things here
05:20before we officially get underway here,
05:23just about in Louisville, Kentucky.
05:25The countdown to emergence, the first action is underway
05:28and Frankie Kostarian is begging off the official,
05:31trying to back off Kushida.
05:33You know the deal, Tom.
05:35Again with this?
05:36Jade is wonderful, but she keeps forgetting this one thing.
05:41Ladies and gentlemen,
05:50Frankie Kostarian would like for me to remind you all
05:54that he is, in fact, the king of TNA.
06:00Say it with a little less enthusiasm, why don't you?
06:03Meanwhile, the bell had rung and here's Kushida
06:07finally getting his hands on Frankie Kostarian.
06:10This one, starting off hot.
06:12The whole night here at emergence, starting off hot.
06:17Kushida raining down these shots here
06:19on the self-proclaimed king of TNA.
06:22And down goes Kostarian.
06:24Kostarian's got to regroup on the outside of the ring.
06:28Catching his breath here.
06:30But Kushida not letting him catch too much of it.
06:37Now it looks like the TimeSplitter himself is not done.
06:43Knee right off the apron.
06:45Kushida is running the show at the start of this matchup.
06:53Kostarian again, trying to create a little bit of space
06:56between himself and Kushida.
06:58You know it was Kostarian who had planned
07:00to use Ultimate X, win the X Division title.
07:04Here's the cover and a kick out.
07:06And like he had in the past, Tom,
07:09use that title to cash in option C
07:11for another chance at the TNA World Championship.
07:15Knee right to the midsection there by Kostarian.
07:23Oh, and a towering back body drop by Kushida.
07:30This is the beginning of the action here on the countdown.
07:33Still to come, we will see the TNA Digital Media Championship
07:37and the International Heavyweight Wrestling Championship
07:40defended by PCO against Matt Cardona's Monster.
07:44Who has Matt Cardona selected to face Perfect Creation 1?
07:47We're going to find out.
07:48Oh, and also Emergence begins live at 8 p.m. Eastern
07:52with Ultimate X for the X Division Championship.
07:55And not only that, Tom,
07:57we are going to get a first time ever matchup
08:01as Steve Macklin goes one-on-one with TNA original Eric Young.
08:06As well in the knockouts division,
08:08six knockouts action as Jordan Grace and Spitfire
08:11team up to take on Ash by Elegance and The Militia.
08:16But that is not all.
08:17There is a huge eight-man tag team matchup
08:20as The System with JDC take on Matt and Jeff the Hardys,
08:24Mike Santana and Joe Hendry.
08:27And then, of course, it all comes down to the main event,
08:30the one-hour Ironman match between Nick Nemeth
08:34and Josh Alexander for the TNA World Championship.
08:38Well, right now it's Frankie Kazarian mocking the time splitter.
08:42Kazarian has taken control.
08:44He went to the eyes moments ago to take the advantage here.
08:48He's in control right now against Kushida.
08:51And not making any friends in Louisville.
08:58I think Kazarian gives a damn about making any friends here in Louisville.
09:05No, he cares about sending a message all the way to the back.
09:09He wants everyone, especially management here at TNA,
09:12to know that he is here, he is ready once again
09:16for a TNA World Championship opportunity.
09:18He's been obsessed with that.
09:20Uh-oh. Boom!
09:22Off the power slam, Kazarian.
09:24Slingshot leg drop.
09:26That is just classic Kaz.
09:28Classic King, if you will.
09:32We invite you to head to right now
09:36and use the promo code BFGFree
09:38for $40 off the World Champion annual plan of TNA+.
09:41This $40-off coupon is equal to a free pay-per-view order
09:46for Bound for Glory 2024.
09:48If you sign up for the World Champion annual plan of TNA+,
09:52for a full year of TNA Wrestling,
09:54this offer expires this Tuesday, September 3rd
09:57at 11.59 p.m. Eastern.
09:59Again, head to
10:02and use the promo code BFGFree.
10:05A little flurry there by Kushida,
10:08and it's Kazarian who drives him throat first there
10:10into the rope and turnbuckles.
10:12Kushida digging down deep,
10:14finding some of that fighting spirit he developed
10:17in his home country of Japan.
10:19Defiant in the face of Frankie Kazarian,
10:22but ultimately shut that down again.
10:24Kazarian, who you alluded to it earlier,
10:26is trying to find any possible way
10:29to get himself a TNA World Title shot.
10:31Right now, he's going for fade to black,
10:34trying to put away Kushida in this matchup.
10:36Roll down the back and a kickout.
10:38Well, Tom, you said it at the beginning of this match.
10:40Look, Kushida, he is, he's one of the most dangerous
10:42and lethal competitors in TNA.
10:45He's proven it just there for a moment.
10:47Cover, hook to the leg.
10:48Oh, and a kickout by Kushida.
10:50So then there's a strong argument to be made
10:52if Frankie Kazarian gets the win right here tonight.
10:55He beat one of the most lethal competitors in TNA.
10:58That's got to raise your standing.
11:00Could certainly be a resume builder for Frankie Kazarian,
11:03but he doesn't really care about earning anything.
11:05Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
11:06Brett, I get what you're saying there,
11:08and I'm not going to fault you for it,
11:09but a resume builder, the man has an immaculate resume,
11:12as it is over two decades plus in this business.
11:15He doesn't need anything else to build his resume.
11:17That's where his frustration comes from.
11:19There's no argument about what is a surefire
11:22future TNA Hall of Fame induction for Frankie Kazarian.
11:26I'm not going to fight that.
11:27Oh, face first.
11:28Into the middle turnbuckle goes Kaz,
11:30but as you well know, in the here and now,
11:32if you want to get yourself a TNA world title shot,
11:35you've got to earn it.
11:42Right now, Kushida has earned himself
11:46an opening here, a much needed opening against Kaz.
11:50Can he take full advantage of it?
11:53The hip toss cartwheel,
11:54top kick right to the face, classic Kushida.
11:59Oh, it could be time.
12:02Oh, go for the hoverboard lock.
12:05Oh, reverse.
12:06Kazarian with the chicken wing.
12:08Kazarian nearly had him, shoulders down.
12:10Kushida trying to end the matchup.
12:12Great counter wrestling here from both guys.
12:16Oh, there's the chicken wing.
12:18Chicken wing by Kazarian.
12:19Oh, shoulders pressed down by Kushida and a kick out.
12:22Quick thinking by Kushida there.
12:24Frankie Kazarian slipped right into that chicken wing,
12:27but Kushida finding his way out here,
12:30keeping that door open, and it is needed.
12:35Head to curry right to the back of the neck there by Kushida.
12:38That bought him some valuable time here
12:40on the countdown to emergence.
12:44Oh, went for that handspring back elbow,
12:46hit with a backstabber, and now the chicken wing.
12:49Great combination there from Kazarian.
12:52Backstabber into the chicken wing, dead center of the ring.
12:55What's Kushida going to do?
12:57He's caught up in a bad way here, center of the ring.
13:00He's got to move both his body weight
13:02and the body weight of Frankie Kazarian
13:05if he wants to get to the ropes and break this hold.
13:08Look at these elbows right to the ribs by Kushida.
13:11Did that do enough to soften up Kazarian?
13:14Oh, look at this. You need cover.
13:16Kushida nearly had him.
13:18Ready where it's due.
13:19It was at least enough to loosen the hold
13:21and get out of it for a second.
13:24Tanaka punch.
13:26Down goes Kazarian.
13:27You beat me to it.
13:29Falling like a sack of bricks there.
13:32Kushida's got to be careful.
13:33Frankie's not going to be down for long.
13:40And Kazarian made him think about it.
13:43Got him there with that guillotine leg drop.
13:45Talk about classic.
13:47Frankie Kazarian is a living, breathing classic.
13:51The king of them all.
13:55Caught there in the corner by Kushida.
13:59Kaz might be out a little bit on the top rope.
14:03And now Kushida is thinking about going up top here.
14:06Trying to grab a hold of that left arm.
14:08He's got it in.
14:09Go for the hoverboard lock.
14:10Hoverboard lock here.
14:11Top turnbuckle.
14:13But they're technically in the ropes up here.
14:16He's got to bring him down.
14:17Frankie Kazarian knows that.
14:19Referee trying to get Kushida to bring Kazarian down to the mat.
14:24Only way you could have scored a submission there.
14:25You're absolutely right.
14:27But we have seen Kushida use that hoverlock
14:29to drag his opponent off the top.
14:30And look at that.
14:31Kushida off of the top levels.
14:34And now an arm bar on the outside of the ring.
14:38And again, this is a nasty way to hurt your opponent's arm.
14:42But anything that happens out here does not count as a submission.
14:46But a lot of damage can be done by Kushida.
14:50Could this set up Kushida for a submission here in a matter of moments inside the ring?
14:57Kushida looking frustrated.
14:59He should know that's not the way this should work.
15:03Wait a minute.
15:05Kazarian kicked the rope and caused a low blow.
15:08Our referee was putting the apron back and didn't even see it.
15:11Either way, that's beautiful.
15:13Using the arena around you.
15:15Good night, Kushida.
15:17Fade to black.
15:20And Kazarian puts away Kushida.
15:24Here's your winner, Frankie Kazarian.
15:28And the king stays the king.
15:32Resume builder.
15:34Unnecessary as it was.
15:36Kaz continues to prove why he is one of the best of the best TNA has had now and always has.
15:45Will Frankie Kazarian find another way to the TNA World Championship
15:50as we get closer and closer to Bound for Glory?
15:52But right now, for more untimed proceedings,
15:55let's check in with our broadcast colleague, Gia Miller.
16:00I'm standing by with A.J. Francis of First Class.
16:03A.J., after that attack against the ABC last night,
16:06they demanded a match with you at Emergence
16:09and they were willing to put their titles on the line to get it.
16:12Now, Santino has approved that match, but with Rich Swann unable to compete,
16:16who is your partner going to be?
16:18Well, first things first.
16:19Shout out, Rich Homie Swann.
16:20Nothing but love for you, baby.
16:22But the NFL is back.
16:24Football is back.
16:25And as you know, I have a storied NFL career,
16:27unlike these other guys who lie on their name and pretend they play football.
16:31And what I learned while I was in the NFL,
16:33mentoring and advising people that end up becoming Pro Bowlers and Hall of Famers,
16:37I learned this little idea.
16:40Next man up.
16:43See, we're going for the gold tonight against ABC,
16:46but that's not the only color that matters.
16:47See, you got green for the money and pink for the honeys.
16:53Princess G, how you doing, girl?
16:55To my main man, KC Navarro.
16:59Hey, man, let's talk about it.
17:01I am blessed with many gifts.
17:03My charisma, my skills, and most importantly, my good looks.
17:08I mean, AJ, let's talk about it.
17:10We blessed up from the feet to the neck.
17:11I mean, come on.
17:12Look at our shoes.
17:13Louie down, Gucci down.
17:15Nobody else do it like us.
17:16Nobody do it like first class.
17:17Nobody does it like first class.
17:18I mean, Gia, tell me, how good do I look?
17:20Tell me how blessed I am.
17:22You don't have to tell me.
17:24I know.
17:25Just like I know, tonight first class walks out of Emergence
17:29as the TNA World Tag Team Champions,
17:32because if you ain't first class, you're last.
17:37You look good, though.
17:38Yeah, princess.
17:39Real good.
17:40Real nice.
17:41Let's go.
17:47One, two, three.
17:52Here's your winner, the new TNA World Champion, McNamara.
18:04There are some real moments in pro wrestling.
18:08There are some surreal moments,
18:09and there are some absolute dream moments that happen.
18:12You know, a lot of people say finally became TNA World Champion,
18:15and as much as that's been a goal and a dream of mine for the last year,
18:20importantly it was about showing everyone I can still go.
18:23I didn't know if everything I had done had happened and existed
18:26in this vacuum and a bubble,
18:28and I wanted to say I see myself as one of the greatest.
18:33McNamara's presence at TNA is something that upsets me
18:35because the welcome mat's been rolled out for him.
18:39He's got a shiny new toy from another company.
18:41Nick, you're a sports entertainer.
18:43I'm a pro wrestler.
18:45My legacy not just in this company,
18:47it's that I've dedicated my life to,
18:49tied to that TNA World Championship.
18:52I'm the longest reigning TNA World Champion of all time.
18:55Slammiversary, the main event, all the pressures on you,
18:58the brightest lights, the biggest show of the year,
19:00in front of the biggest crowd we've had over a decade.
19:02That was supposed to end with me holding up the TNA World Championship.
19:05It didn't happen. It happened.
19:09What I've realized is I fit right in here at TNA.
19:13I fit right in here as the flag bearer.
19:15I know that I'm better than Josh Alexander
19:17because he told me so.
19:20A low blow lets me know he was out of options.
19:25No answer for everything that I have.
19:28He can't hang with me.
19:30I'm the Iron Man of TNA.
19:32You're in for the hardest match of your life
19:35because you cannot get better.
19:37I am the f***ing standard.
19:39And I'm going to expose you for the sports entertainer you are
19:41because you are stuck in the ring with the best professional wrestler on Earth.
19:46Josh Alexander made a pretty obvious point
19:49that there's a difference between a sports entertainer and a professional wrestler.
19:54Now, when there's someone like me that sees themselves as the epitome of both,
19:58I don't understand what the issue is.
20:00My collegiate background, my love for the business,
20:03my love for getting punched in the face and punching right back,
20:06mixed in with wanting to put on a show and steal it.
20:09You think you're on the right side of this.
20:11I'm both.
20:12You're one of them.
20:13And there's a reason the world knows my name
20:16and there's a reason I'm the world champion.
20:18What's your excuse?
20:22Earlier today, ladies and gentlemen,
20:24there you see it, Josh Alexander arriving to the building here
20:27for this grueling Iron Man matchup.
20:30And that man right there is no stranger to going for an hour or more
20:34in a pro wrestling ring.
20:36Meanwhile, there is the TNA World Champion making his way to Louisville
20:40here earlier on today.
20:41It has been six years since he competed in any type of Iron Man matchup.
20:46Those two will battle in a one-hour Iron Man match tonight
20:50for the TNA World Championship.
20:51Well, we're a matter of moments away from another championship match.
20:54PCO set to defend both his titles against Matt Cardona's Mystery Monster.
21:00Now, things obviously began as marital bliss between PCO and Steph Dillander.
21:05However, the honeymoon period is over.
21:14We are gathered here today to witness this marriage of this monster
21:21and this beautiful lady.
21:22I, Stephanie, take you, PCO, to be your lawfully wedded undead bride.
21:31Always ready!
21:36Cardona, you son of a bitch!
21:39Matt Cardona has crashed PCO and Steph Dillander's wedding.
21:46At Emergence, it's going to be you versus PICO, one on one.
21:49We'll build it. Yeah, I mean, I swear.
21:53You see, Santino, he didn't do his due diligence.
21:56I'm not medically cleared to compete yet.
22:00Listen, I found this monster, this Mystery Monster, to take on PCO at Emergence.
22:05It's going to be amazing, bro. Think about it.
22:07You won't get away with this, Godova!
22:14Well, I hope PCO is always ready for whatever Cardona has in store.
22:31The following contest is set for one fall,
22:33and it is for the TNA Digital Media and International Heavyweight Wrestling Championship.
22:39Introducing the challenger, from Punjab, India, the Indian lion, Shira.
22:45So, it was recently on Impact, Matt Cardona put the self-proclaimed baddest man in TNA con
22:52and madman Fulton in the path of PCO.
22:55Tonight, Matt Cardona has picked Shira, the 270-pound Indian lion, to battle Perfect Creation Walker.
23:04No stranger to TNA wrestling, no stranger right here in Louisville,
23:08and no stranger to being one of the biggest, baddest men in any wrestling ring he steps into.
23:14PCO's going to have his hands full tonight.
23:26His opponent, being accompanied by Steph Dillander, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada,
23:40he is the reigning and defending TNA Digital Media and International Heavyweight...
23:45Whoa, whoa, whoa! And PCO charging right after Shira, the bell is rung.
23:50This double title match is underway.
23:55And you can understand why PCO is so ticked off, going right after Shira this way.
24:01Think about the ways that Matt Cardona ruined his wedding,
24:04attacked him during his honeymoon with Steph Dillander,
24:08and then the recent mixed tag team matchup where Cardona refused to step in the ring against PCO,
24:14despite being contractually obligated to do so.
24:17I mean, look, there's no argument to be made here.
24:20Clearly, right now, Shira merely serving as a proxy for Matt Cardona
24:27in the unhinged, twisted, monstrous mind of PCO.
24:31Shot right to the throat there. Get a look at Steph Dillander in full PCO garb.
24:36He's got the glove and the STL jacket.
24:39She said moments ago, that's my monster, that's her husband.
24:42A true bride of Frankenstein.
24:45Whoa, whoa, whoa!
24:51Look out, Shira.
24:53And Shira, whoa!
24:57Almost wrong place, wrong time for PCO's bride,
25:01but just enough of an opening there for the Indian lion.
25:05And a big boot by Shira,
25:08as Steph Dillander looks on, driving PCO's spine first into the apron.
25:13You even heard Shira there moments ago,
25:15espousing what I imagine is the message of Matt Cardona.
25:19Steph Dillander, this is all your fault.
25:24No doubt the message sent by Matt Cardona through Shira.
25:28There's the cover, shoulders down,
25:30and a kick out trying to win both championships.
25:34And Shira has a moment here, has a window to take over.
25:39Well, the next time that we are going to be live on TNA.TV,
25:43Well, the next time that we are going to be live on TNA+.TV
25:45is in about two weeks' time for Victory Road,
25:48live in San Antonio, Texas, September 13th.
25:51And then TNA Impact, September 14th in San Antonio.
25:54Don't miss TNA Impact in Spartanburg, South Carolina,
25:57September 27th and 28th.
25:59Bound for glory, our biggest event of the year is Saturday, October 26th,
26:03live on pay-per-view at TNA+.TV in the Motor City.
26:07Huge cover from Shira, put away!
26:09Tickets are on sale now for all those events.
26:11Join us in Fayetteville, North Carolina, November 8th and 9th for TNA Impact.
26:16The pre-sale for Fayetteville begins on September 5th
26:19for TNA Plus subscribers only.
26:21The general on sale on Friday, September 6th.
26:24That's for Fayetteville.
26:25Tickets for Turning Point in our show in WrestleCade
26:28in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
26:30On sale now at
26:32Final resolution in Atlanta, that will also go on sale on September 5th.
26:36Pre-sale only for TNA Plus.
26:38And then the general on sale on September 6th
26:41for both Atlanta and Fayetteville.
26:43Those both via
26:45Of course, go to for complete event information.
26:50Meanwhile, right here in the Impact Zone, Shira
26:55hitting in the face and stepped to lander.
27:01But Shira has, oh, I was just about to say,
27:04has been dominating PCO for the last couple of minutes,
27:07but the electricity has driven through the system
27:12of the French-Canadian Frankenstein yet again.
27:14He is charged by love and charged by revenge,
27:18charged by trying to get after Matt Cardona.
27:21One monster at a time.
27:24Oh, and a DDT out of the corner.
27:26And think about how important the TNA digital media title
27:30and the international heavyweight wrestling title are to PCO.
27:34Winning them in his hometown of Montreal at Slammiversary.
27:38Oh, through the ropes!
27:42Nasty landing for PCO, colliding with Shira as well.
27:49PCO never afraid to use his own body,
27:53his own massive flesh, as a weapon.
27:59Stepped to lander, checking on her husband.
28:03As you and I well know, PCO is not human.
28:08Just keeps on moving forward.
28:14No, he is not.
28:17And it looks like Shira, in a matter of moments,
28:22may be absolutely obliterated.
28:24The smile on the face of Step to Lander.
28:26PCO is going to the top turnbuckle
28:29amidst the structure of Ultimate X.
28:32And now, oh, the de-animator to Shira!
28:38I think Stephanie likes it.
28:42Look, I don't make judgments about what anybody does
28:45within their own marriage.
28:47But that's gotta be a twisted bout of intimacy with those two
28:51if that's the kind of things she likes.
28:54Look at this.
28:56He likes it too!
28:58Not afraid of the physical punishment.
29:08Love makes you do crazy things.
29:10And I can see why Cardona has been very confused by all of this.
29:14Cardona's called Step to Lander his property.
29:17That's completely crossing a line.
29:19I mean, Cardona made Step to Lander the name she is today
29:22in the wrestling world.
29:24I think it's fair to be put off by everything that's going on here.
29:29And now PCO is going to the top turnbuckle.
29:32Shira is down.
29:34Is it time?
29:36PCO sells!
29:43PCO retains his titles!
29:47And here's your winner and still TNA Digital Media
29:51and International Heavyweight Wrestling Champion,
29:59PCO withstands yet another monster thrown in his path
30:04by Matt Cardona.
30:06You have to wonder if the always ready one himself,
30:10Matt Cardona, was watching.
30:12I have a funny feeling he's got all his eyes,
30:15he's got all his attention right on Step to Lander.
30:18Everything she's up to here at TNA.
30:21So great action here on the countdown to emergence.
30:24We are sold out tonight in Louisville, Kentucky.
30:28Paris Town Hall.
30:29And we will begin emergence at 8 p.m. Eastern
30:32with Ultimate X for the X-Division Championship
30:36live on TNA+.
30:38And then after that, it'll be a one-on-one,
30:40first-time-ever matchup as Steve Macklin takes on Eric Young.
30:44Also, Jordan Grace, the Knockouts World Champion,
30:47teams with Spitfire to take on Ash by Elegance
30:50and the Knockouts World Tag Team Champions,
30:52Masha Slavich and Alicia Edwards.
30:54And the TNA World Tag Team titles are on the line
30:57as ABC defends against First Classes,
31:00AJ Francis and Casey Navarro.
31:02Meanwhile, it's JDC, Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers,
31:06and Moose of the System trying to snuff out the Hardys,
31:10Joe Hendry and Mike Santana.
31:12And then, of course, it's the one-hour Ironman match
31:15for the TNA World Championship.
31:17Nick Nemeth defends against the walking weapon,
31:20Josh Alexander.
31:22Very quickly, what do you think will be the X-Factor
31:24between Nemeth and Alexander?
31:26I think it's Josh Alexander's incredible amount of experience
31:29in long, long, long matches.
31:32He's got the gas tank to go all night.
31:34Tonight, we're gonna find out who is the face of TNA,
31:38who is really the standard, who is the true Ironman.
31:42We are sold out tonight in Louisville, Kentucky.
31:45Are you guys ready?
31:47Emergence begins live now.
32:47We have all heard the stories.
33:01We have all been up, and we have all been down.
33:04The bruised voices of failure.
33:12The shining light of glory.
33:15It's all about perspective.
33:17And Emergence!
33:19We're gonna strap four steel poles to TV.
33:22It's gonna be the ultimate X.
33:24Get out of here, you goddamn mean, freaking kid!
33:29Who will walk away with the X Division Championship?
33:33History reminds us that it can be a burden.
33:36How do we react, grow, and move forward?
33:40All the lengths that Ash by Elegance has gone through
33:43to get to the Knockouts World Championship.
33:45Whoa, and Ash by Elegance attacking with a Kendo Six Spitfire,
33:49going after Alicia Edwards and Asha Slamovich.
33:52Oh my God. Oh my God. Through the table!
33:57Ash, you are finally going to come to realize
34:01that nothing can stop the Juggernauts.
34:04Somewhere in the space between fear and failure
34:08is where you emerge and become what you were meant to be.
34:12Here's your winner, and new DNA World Champion, Big Nevis!
34:23I am truly the standard of DNA.
34:27Hey, you're a sports entertainer. I'm a pro wrestler.
34:30If there's someone like me that sees themselves, hit him to the bone.
34:34I am a fighting champion! I will end you!
34:38For 60 long minutes, and I'm going to expose you
34:41for the sports entertainer you are, because you are stuck in the ring
34:44with the best professional wrestler on Earth.
34:49Becoming World Champion is a huge deal.
34:52Proving myself to say, I can be a World Champion
34:55in any company, in any country, anywhere on the planet.
34:58I see myself as one of the greatest.
35:02We are live and sold out in Louisville, Kentucky
35:06at All Forrester's Paris Town Hall on this Labor Day weekend.
35:11Roughly two months away from our biggest event of the year,
35:15Bound for Glory. And tonight in Louisville,
35:18we will begin with Ultimate X,
35:21the signature matchup of DNA Wrestling.
35:24The X Division Championship hangs in the balance
35:28The X Division Championship hangs in the balance
35:32to begin DNA Emergence.
35:38And could this weekend, could tonight be the beginning
35:41of a huge weekend for this young man?
35:49Ladies and gentlemen, this is Ultimate X!
35:54In this match, the first competitor to drop down with full speed
35:57touching the canvas and position of the title belt
36:00will be declared the DNA X Division Champion.
36:03Introducing competitor number one, representing The Rascals,
36:07Zachary Wentz!
36:09Some support from Trey Miguel moments ago.
36:11There are no disqualifications in Ultimate X.
36:14This has been far and away the most emotionally tensing month
36:18of Zachary Wentz's career.
36:20This Sunday on NXT No Mercy,
36:22nine years of friendship with Wesley will go out the window.
36:26But tonight, his focus has to be on the X Division title.
36:35From Toledo, Ohio, representing The Good Hands,
36:38Jason Hatch!
36:40Meanwhile, this is without a doubt the biggest opportunity
36:43of Jason Hatch's career.
36:47There's no doubt about that.
36:49We have talked about it at Gauzeal,
36:52the amount of potential that is etched in this kid's DNA
36:57has always been there.
36:59Can tonight be the night he capitalizes on all of that
37:03with everything on the line?
37:12From NXT, representing GCU, Riley Osborn!
37:19Tonight, Riley Osborn makes history
37:22as the first contracted WWE wrestler
37:25to ever compete in TNA's Ultimate X.
37:29What an opportunity.
37:31He is in hostile territory, technically.
37:33That's right. Enemy turf.
37:39From the huevo Laredo, Mexico,
37:41Laredo Kid!
37:44The former TNA digital media champion, Laredo Kid.
37:47You see that scar down his midsection,
37:49the back end of 2022.
37:51He nearly passed away in Mexico following a matchup.
37:55He recovered in record time,
37:57returned to this company to compete in 2023,
38:00and it has been his mission in life
38:02to make his fans and his family proud
38:04and to call himself a champion, perhaps once again.
38:18From Phoenix, Arizona, Hammerstone!
38:22And Tom, you want to talk about an X-Factor
38:25in this matchup, the big man, the colossus himself.
38:30About to get ready to scale the ropes here.
38:33He might bring the whole thing down with him.
38:35With him. He's one of the largest wrestlers
38:37to ever compete in Ultimate X.
38:40Joins the likes of TNA Hall of Famers,
38:43Brother Ray and Brother D-Von,
38:45Abyss Plus, Hernandez, Jake Something,
38:48the legend Samoa Joe.
38:50Could Hammerstone walk away with the title
38:52that is all about weight?
38:54It's not about weight limits, it's about no limits.
38:58And the final competitor from Montreal, Quebec, Canada,
39:01he is the reigning and defending TNA X-Division champion,
39:06Speedball Mike Ealy!
39:09Meanwhile, the reigning champion making his third appearance
39:12in an Ultimate X match and has actually won
39:14Ultimate X once upon a time.
39:16Let's take a look at the X-Factors.
39:18Speedball, in unprecedented fashion,
39:21put his own title on the line
39:23to qualify for his own title defense weeks ago.
39:27Absolutely astonishing.
39:28Ealy then gambled again last night,
39:30putting his title on the line
39:31and successfully retained the X-Division championship.
39:34The first man to unhook the title
39:36and get down to the mat with possession of the belt
39:39will be declared the X-Division champion.
39:43Mike Ealy absolutely ran himself through the gauntlet.
39:47In my mind, for no good reason
39:49other than just to say he did, I guess.
39:52Speedball believes that he can't win,
39:55he doesn't deserve to be champion,
39:57and he has quite literally put his money where his mouth is.
40:01Now he's gonna have to put his money, his body,
40:03and everything else along with everybody here.
40:05Hodge there making a quick climb.
40:07Hodge is all set on social media.
40:10He's the dark horse of Ultimate X.
40:12And now Hammerstone dumping bodies outside the ring.
40:15I don't know what to hand on Hammerstone tonight.
40:17I'd say he's the dark everything.
40:21And look at that.
40:22He's also the biggest, baddest, strongest guy in the matchup.
40:25A little bit of teamwork here to try to take him down.
40:29Oh, now Loreno King dumping Hammerstone
40:32who slides out of the ring.
40:33Remember, there are no countouts or disqualifications.
40:35All you have to do is climb these trusses,
40:37scale the cables, and unhook the title belt.
40:40That's all you have to do.
40:41I was just gonna say, that's all you gotta do, Tom.
40:43You get up there and try it.
40:44Let's see what happens.
40:45Oh, and Riley Osborne just got a piece of Bailey.
40:49Oh, and Loreno King got Hammerstone into the barricade.
40:53And look at this.
40:54Wentz about to fly.
40:56Saw it coming though.
40:57Hodge now.
40:58Jason Hodge.
41:00We should call him Jason Hodge.
41:02Jason Hodge with the air he just got on that one.
41:11This is Jason Hodge's first opportunity as a lone competitor
41:15in a TNA live special event.
41:19Well, thank God he had John Schuyler teach them all about
41:22that great strength for the ultimate X-Match,
41:25but I don't know what good it's gonna do if you're knocked out cold.
41:29Hammerstone clearing house.
41:32And this is smart strategy, trying to control the ring.
41:37Clear as many competitors as you can.
41:39There's the reigning defending X-Division champion.
41:47Oh, driven down hard.
41:51There's the fortitude and the strength of Hammerstone.
41:59Maybe trying to set up early there for the Nightmare Pendulum,
42:02and instead low bridge to the outside.
42:04Hammerstone is still standing.
42:07Bailey looking to take to the skies.
42:10Caught, caught by Hammerstone.
42:13Oh, and just dumped back inside the ring.
42:17Loreno King and Jason Hodge working together against Hammerstone.
42:22And the teamwork, common enemy at times,
42:24happens a lot in matches like this.
42:33Look at this, Loreno and Hodge trying to get rid of Bailey.
42:36Oh, wait a minute, look at Riley Osbourne over the top.
42:39Oh, my God!
42:43Everybody down!
42:46T-M-A, T-M-A, T-M-A, T-M-A, T-M-A, T-M-A, T-M-A!
42:53Take a look back here.
42:56Riley Osbourne, basically sunset flipped the entire pile of people there.
43:00Oh, now look at Wentz going after Riley Osbourne of Chase Yu.
43:05Oh, and a car off of the top turnbuckle!
43:09It is moments like these that have made Ultimate X
43:13etched into the very skeleton of TNA's history.
43:17Moments that continue to be created in events like Emergence right here tonight.
43:22I'm loving it.
43:24This is the 52nd Ultimate X match in history.
43:31And now, Zachary Wentz at the start of a long, long weekend of work,
43:38trying to make a name for himself here,
43:40staring down the current X Division champion.
43:44Tonight is going to be physically taxing for Wentz.
43:47Sunday will be emotionally taxing, no doubt.
43:51Continuing both Bayley and Wentz scaling the truss here.
43:58Bayley, who captured his first X Division championship at Slammiversary 2022
44:03by winning Ultimate X.
44:05Look out, Bayley barely hanging on here.
44:08Oh, and Bayley kicked off of the truss by Wentz!
44:11Bayley wiped out the field on the floor.
44:16Take another look. Watch Bayley. Wentz right into the pile.
44:23And now Wentz has a clear path, reaching up for the cable.
44:27There it is. He's the first one to grab the cables.
44:32Is it going to be one and done?
44:34Wentz trying to make his way as quickly as he can to the X Division title.
44:39But there's Osborne, Loreno Kent, and Jason Hodgertz getting awfully crowded on the cables.
44:45Look at Hammerstone on the right side of your screen. There's a big man.
44:48Oh, my God. Hammerstone drops Loreno Kent.
44:53Trying to kick down Osborne, and now a hunch!
44:56And now it comes down to Wentz. There goes Wentz!
45:00Hammerstone! Does he clear the path to the X Division title?
45:04Look at this. Oh! So close.
45:10Was trying to reach with the one free hand, but that...
45:13I cannot emphasize how much strength it takes just to hold on there.
45:17Especially with the size and strength of Hammerstone.
45:29It absolutely is. There's a reason this match has defined TNA for 20-plus years.
45:37Now Hammerstone, center of the ring.
45:43It's like an elephant with flies on its back.
45:47Just swatting away everybody he can.
45:51And the rest of the field trying to pile on Hammerstone when they can.
46:01And Bailey realizes the threat that is Hammerstone.
46:04Trying to focus in on the Great White Shark.
46:13Now Bailey showing some aggression here to get the nasty side.
46:18Oh, what a super kick by Wentz!
46:21A retort there by Bailey.
46:23He's got the more fortitude to withstand this barrage.
46:28Uh-oh. There's the knee! Right on the cheekbone!
46:33Hammerstone no lying in wait.
46:36Hammerstone launches Wentz outside of the ring.
46:39There's Riley Osborne. Uh-oh! Launched out of the ring!
46:44Using Riley Osborne as a weapon there and now in the ring it's Hammerstone.
46:50And look, Laredo Kid trying to climb.
46:52And Laredo Kid trying to go up top here.
46:54Going to the cables.
46:55And Hammerstone, good God!
46:58Are you kidding me?
47:01There is no freaking way!
47:04The power of Hammerstone!
47:14The shark gets his meal here at Emergence.
47:19Are we looking at the next X-Division champion?
47:23And now Jason Hutch with a low blow.
47:26There are no disqualifications.
47:28But you saw it there. He was coming up.
47:30He didn't know what to do.
47:32Figure may as well take whatever route he can.
47:34Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
47:35Look at this. Hutch. Hutch has got Hammerstone up.
47:38Oh! And a torture rack bomb to the 275 pound Hammerstone.
47:44Look at the power of Jason Hutch.
47:47And now he's all alone.
47:49Title waiting for him.
47:53Years of work put in by Jason Hutch here in TNA.
47:58Can he make a dream come true by capturing the X-Division title in Ultimate X?
48:03Laredo Kid, however, trying to jump the line here.
48:06Get onto the cables ahead of Hutch.
48:08Laredo Kid low. Is he going to get her in Karate here?
48:13Hutch ripped down to the mat.
48:15Well, look out. There's Riley Osborne going up to the top turnbuckle.
48:19And going to the cables.
48:21Again, you got to keep eyes in the back of your head.
48:23You never know when the next person who's going to climb, where they're going to come from.
48:29Oh, wait a minute.
48:30Oh! And Riley Osborne improvises with a shooting star.
48:37Osborne. Look out. Look at this.
48:40Laredo Kid. Beautiful hurricane run.
48:43And Osborne with that shooting star from the ropes.
48:46Back to live action. The tornado kicked there moments ago by Bailey.
48:49Now, ultimate weapon to Osborne.
48:53Do not blink. You will absolutely miss it.
49:01And now Bailey going to the troughs.
49:08Wentz on the other side of the ring.
49:10Trying to meet him on the ropes.
49:14And now Bailey, who's competed in multiple Ultimate X matches and won one of them.
49:20Here's the thing, Tom. The longer this match goes on, the harder it is every time to get up there.
49:26And bring all your body weight to the center of that X.
49:29Now, Bailey and Wentz at the center.
49:31Who can unhook the championship and get down to the mat with possession of the belt?
49:36The two smacking each other up here.
49:39Trying to outwill the other.
49:47And now Wentz is trying to kick Bailey straight in the face here.
49:50It worked earlier on the outside off the troughs.
49:56And now Bailey. Bailey trying to hold on here using every limb he's got.
50:02There we go. Bailey now going to restrain those kicks.
50:04But in doing so, he's got to hold on with his hands now.
50:07Look at this.
50:08Trying to break the grip. Trying to break the grip.
50:10And down goes Bailey.
50:11Wentz. Is it in?
50:13Wentz trying to unhook the title.
50:16Trying to unhook the title.
50:18Got it.
50:19Zanery Wentz is X Division champion.
50:23Here is your winner and new TNA X Division champion, Zanery Wentz.
50:31And that's the one. He did it for the boys.
50:34For the Treehouse.
50:36For his brother, Trey Miguel.
50:38The start of what could be an incredible, incredible weekend for Zachary Wentz.
50:44And most importantly, Zachary Wentz did it for himself.
50:48Breaking the grip of B-Bomb Mike Bailey.
50:51And managing to unhook the title belt and rappel down to the canvas.
50:57Zachary Wentz is your new X Division champion.
51:04What a moment.
51:07A huge win to start this week, Tom.
51:10But now all his attention turns towards West Lee.
51:14Wentz and Lee.
51:16This Sunday at XT No Mosey.
51:20Zachary Wentz now has plenty of time.
51:23West Lee No Mosey.
51:25Zachary Wentz now has plenty of momentum.
51:33Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we begin TNA Emergence with fireworks.
51:38But Emergence is presented by Tomorrow Before After.
51:43You can buy or rent it now digitally on Amazon, Apple TV, Google Play, and Bandango at home.
51:50Let's take a look at Tomorrow Before After.
52:00I have no name anymore.
52:05This is impossible.
52:09This makes no sense.
52:14I can't bring another human being into this world.
52:18You should be dead.
52:26Welcome to Ringside. He's the Drama King, Matthew Raywald.
52:29I'm Tom Hanifin again.
52:30Congratulations to the brand new X Division champion, Zachary Wentz of the Rascals.
52:36The action is just getting started tonight here as we're sold out in Louisville.
52:40Still to come tonight, it's a battle of two former TNA world champions.
52:44The heartbeat of TNA, Eric Young and Steve Macklin promises to be the blood and the veins of this company.
52:50They go one-on-one for the first time ever.
52:52And then we turn our attention to knockout action.
52:55As a knockout world champion, Jordan Grace teams with Spitfire to take on the knockout world tag team champions, Militia and Ash by elegance.
53:05This match was made official during the countdown to Emergence.
53:08The ABC will defend their TNA world tag team titles against AJ Francis and the newest member of First Class, KC Navarro.
53:16And it's a huge eight-man tag team match as the system with JDC take on the Hardys, Matt and Jeff, Joe Hendry and Mike Santana.
53:27And also a one-hour Iron Man match for the TNA world title.
53:34Nick Nemeth, the champion, Josh Alexander, the challenger.
53:38For more on our main event, let's check in with Gia Miller.
53:45Please welcome my guest at this time. He is the walking weapon, Josh Alexander.
53:53Josh, tonight you'll challenge Nick Nemeth for the TNA world championship in a one-hour Iron Man match in the main event of Emergence.
54:01That's right, Gia. In the main event of Emergence. And it's a one-hour Iron Man match.
54:05We might as well call this Josh Alexander's match. There's been one other Iron Man match in TNA history that went 60 minutes.
54:13And I won that match. I am in the history books forever as the Iron Man of TNA.
54:19I have won dozens of Iron Man matches across the world. This is my match.
54:27And Nick tries to say he's at some disadvantage. Like, oh my God, this is Josh Alexander's match.
54:32But he's a fighting champion. He wants to step up to the plate.
54:35Well, Nick, tonight you get embarrassed because Josh Alexander is back in the main event.
54:40I'm not leaving. I'm going to take that championship. I'm going to embarrass you.
54:45I'm going to show the world that you don't have what it takes to cut it in TNA where the very best professional wrestling happens.
54:53I am the standard. I am the heart and soul of this company. I will spill all the blood. I will drip sweat.
55:01I have a heart that will pump all day long because I need that championship because that championship belongs to me.
55:08And tonight I said it all right. Tonight I have you for 60 long minutes.
55:16And after this, you'll be lucky to get out alive.
55:25Well, right now it's time for a first time ever matchup between a man who wants to lead the future of TNA wrestling, Steve Macklin,
55:33as he takes on a man who helped build TNA wrestling in Eric Young.
55:46The following contest is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Rutherford, New Jersey, Steve Macklin.
56:10It was last night on Impact. Steve Macklin joined us on commentary as Eric Young went one-on-one with Hammerstone.
56:17In the end, Hammerstone was able to secure the victory.
56:20The distraction of Steve Macklin on the outside drew the attention of Eric Young.
56:25One could argue that led to the loss that night.
56:28Steve Macklin said he was just sitting there doing his job and talking about what was going on for the matchup at Emergence ultimately.
56:35Tonight it's an opportunity for Macklin to prove that he is the future of TNA.
56:41Steve Macklin has always stood by that idea, that he is the new federal of this company.
56:50You can run for a long time. You can run for a long time.
57:21His opponent, from Franklin, Tennessee, the world-class maniac, Eric Young!
57:29Eric Young has made it very clear that he is no issue truly with Steve Macklin until how things went down last night.
57:37Steve Macklin and Eric Young, both men who have expressed interest in getting back to the TNA World Championship this year.
57:44Eric Young, who challenged for the title and sacrificed back in March.
57:48Macklin, who went after the championship in the main event of Slammiversary.
57:52This could be pivotal with Bound for Glory only two months away.
58:07Steve Macklin wants to lead this company into the future while Eric Young is a fan.
58:14He'll help lay the groundwork. He's a man who was here helping build this company during some of its most formative years.
58:21Eric Young has seen the good, has seen the bad, has fought through all of it, in and out of the ring.
58:29For Steve Macklin, this is a milestone matchup potentially.
58:34If he can topple one of the best TNA and professional wrestling has come to know over the last two decades.
58:43As Steve Macklin mentioned last night on commentary, these two have never so much as touched in a professional wrestling match.
58:50This is a first time ever encounter.
58:55Macklin has also been very vocal recently on social media.
58:59Quoted the movie Gladiator and said, I knew a man who once said that death smiles at us all.
59:04All a man can do is smile back and he targeted that at Eric Young.
59:08Young responded, quote, I've been smiling for years.
59:12How much you want to bet I'll be smiling the whole effing time tonight at Emergence?
59:19I mean, you can make an argument that that's a smile.
59:22It's a gnarly smirk from both these guys.
59:26Really an intensity that's filling the air.
