偉人・敗北からの教訓 2024年8月31日 第57回「清少納言・涙で綴った『枕草子』」

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偉人・敗北からの教訓 2024年8月31日 第57回「清少納言・涙で綴った『枕草子』」
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Although it was a coincidental victory, all the defeats were inevitable.
00:08How did the foreigners, who had colored the history of Japan, lose?
00:13What was the cause and mistake behind it?
00:19This time, we will focus on the defeat of Seisho Nagon, who wrote the Kinji of Suishitsu Bungaku and Makura no Soushi.
00:28It is a culture of base and laughter that was born along with Jyuguu Teishi.
00:33Eventually, it was overtaken by Kijiwara no Michinaga and turned into a tragic fate.
00:40Even so, what message did Seisho Nagon, who acted brightly, put in Makura no Soushi?
00:47The Philosophy of Life Learned from the Failures of the Defeated
00:53The Lessons from the Defeat of the Foreigners
01:03What do we learn from the failures of the foreigners in history?
01:09I'm Yuri Nakanishi, voice of Shinko, and I teach the Lessons from the Defeat of Foreigners.
01:14I'm Jun Ito, a historian and author.
01:19This year, it seems that the culture of the Heian period is also getting a lot of attention due to the influence of the Taiga drama.
01:27There are many things that we imagine as Japanese-style, but I think it is a culture that bloomed in the Heian period.
01:36For example, the Waka, Joryu no Kizoku, Yamato-e, Gagaku, and Shinden-zukuri.
01:46I think we can say that Japanese culture has bloomed.
01:52Speaking of people who represent the Heian culture, this person.
01:58The author of Makura no Soushi.
02:00This time, I would like to focus on the failure of Seisho Nagon.
02:04Makura no Soushi is a famous work that no Japanese knows about.
02:12In the first place, what was the position of this work in Japan's long history?
02:18When it comes to Ocho literature, the story of the Heian period and Makura no Soushi are lined up.
02:24As you know, the story of the Heian period is a story.
02:28However, Makura no Soushi is classified as a Seisho literature that wrote the rough story of Shinden.
02:37Its appeal is the sharpness of the sense of Seisho Nagon, the exchange between the seven, and the focus on their own things.
02:48I think it can be called the only Seisho literature.
02:52This time, I would like to look for a lesson to live for tomorrow while unraveling the defeat of Seisho Nagon.
03:00First, let's look back at the life of Seisho Nagon.
03:03Please take a look at this.
03:06The mountains are getting whiter and whiter in the spring.
03:13Seisho Nagon, the author of Makura no Soushi, which is also called Japan's first Seisho literature,
03:20was born in Heian Prefecture as the daughter of Kiyohara no Motosuke, a nobleman known as the master of Waka around 966.
03:33At that time, Fujiwara was the outside seat of the emperor.
03:37Seisho Nagon became the seat of the emperor and held great power.
03:45Seisho Nagon married the nobleman Norimitsu Tachibana
03:49and gave birth to a child, but he got a divorce.
03:54Soon, he changed his position and knowledge of Waka,
03:57and started to live in Miyazuka as the wife of the emperor's wife,
04:02the emperor's wife, Fujiwara no Teishi.
04:08Seisho Nagon is a talented man,
04:11and he appears to be the center figure of a gorgeous palace salon.
04:17However, an incident happened.
04:21Fujiwara no Michitaka, who was the father of the emperor's wife,
04:27died suddenly, and the brother of the emperor's wife
04:32shot the emperor with an arrow.
04:35The emperor's wife, who was pregnant at that time,
04:39was so shocked that she had a miscarriage.
04:42The new emperor was Michitaka's younger brother, Fujiwara no Michinaga.
04:49Seisho Nagon, who was suspected of having a connection with Michinaga,
04:54left the emperor's wife and settled in the palace.
04:58It is said that he started writing Makura no Soushi around this time.
05:06Soon, according to the request of the emperor's wife,
05:11Seisho Nagon returned to the palace again,
05:14enduring the pressure of Michinaga,
05:17a powerful man who tried to bring his son closer to the emperor,
05:20and supported the emperor's wife.
05:25However, the emperor's wife died at the age of 25
05:29immediately after giving birth to the third child.
05:34Seisho Nagon, who was disappointed, left the palace on behalf of his wife.
05:41The moment of Seisho Nagon's defeat.
05:47Even so, Seisho Nagon continued to write Makura no Soushi with a certain desire.
05:54This time, the story of Seisho Nagon's defeat in the middle ages.
06:02Now, let's take a look at the main events of Seisho Nagon's life.
06:07Seisho Nagon's father was Kiyohara no Motosuke.
06:12He was a famous waka artist.
06:15That's right.
06:16There are 106 different types of waka.
06:20Seisho Nagon was used to waka since he was a child.
06:24I think that was an advantage for him to write Makura no Soushi.
06:29Seisho Nagon was chosen by Ogura Hyakuninshu, the waka artist he created.
06:34That's right.
06:36I first knew the name of Seisho Nagon from Ogura Hyakuninshu.
06:41When I was a child, I didn't have much information.
06:45So I imagined the life of the family members and enjoyed their songs.
06:53I also learned the name Ononokomachi from Hyakuninshu.
06:57That's how it started.
06:59That's the beginning.
07:01Seisho Nagon, or Makura no Soushi, was the oldest waka in Japan.
07:10That's right.
07:11It is said to be the oldest waka in Japan.
07:14Waka is easier to understand if you read it as an essay.
07:19That's right.
07:20Compatibility and unexpectedness are very important for an essay.
07:26Makura no Soushi has both compatibility and unexpectedness.
07:32That's why Makura no Soushi is highly rated.
07:37Makura no Soushi, which is a brilliant Japanese literature,
07:42is a light touch of the Heian period.
07:47What kind of life was this work born in?
07:51There is a hidden story behind Seisho Nagon.
07:55Let's take a look.
07:57Makura no Soushi, which depicts what you see and feel with sharp observation and humor.
08:07Seisho Nagon's free-spirited spirit has fascinated readers.
08:14However, there was a person who strongly criticized this work at the time.
08:21It was Murasaki Shikibu, the author of Genji Monogatari.
08:27Seisho Nagon was a man with an incredible face.
08:32Even in the worst of times, when the wind blows,
08:36Makura no Soushi will be moved and will not miss the wonderful and exciting things,
08:41so it will become a story that is far from reality.
08:47It is said that there is a correct part in the harsh criticism of Murasaki Shikibu,
08:53saying that Makura no Soushi is a story.
08:57We asked Yamamoto, a professor at Kyoto Sentankagaku University,
09:01who studies the history behind Heian literature.
09:06Objectively, it was a tragic situation.
09:10There was a part that rewrote reality,
09:13and I think there was a difference in their understanding of reality.
09:18What was the tragic reality behind Makura no Soushi?
09:28Seisho Nagon, who was known as the daughter of a scholar,
09:33was 28 years old at the time,
09:37and was able to use her as a wife.
09:44For Seisho Nagon, who became free after divorce,
09:48Miyazuka was a challenge to a new world.
09:53What was the life of the palace that Seisho Nagon jumped into?
09:59We asked at the Fuzoku Museum, which reproduces the life of Heian nobles.
10:06At that time, there was a place called Dairi,
10:11which was the residence of the emperor.
10:14The emperor's residence was in a building called Tokaden.
10:19The center was called Moya,
10:22and the main residence of the emperor was in Moya.
10:26The wives lived in the surrounding areas.
10:31Seisho Nagon was tired,
10:34and there were 30 to 40 wives in the palace.
10:40The care of the palace was the job of the lower-class wives.
10:46The middle-class wives of Seisho Nagon
10:50were always around the middle-class,
10:53and raised the status of the middle-class.
10:58Only the upper-class wives had the experience to talk directly with the emperors.
11:06However, Seisho Nagon, known as the daughter of a young scholar,
11:11immediately talked to the emperors.
11:15I was so embarrassed that I almost cried.
11:21At that time, the emperor, who was only 18 years old,
11:25was trying to create a new culture in the palace with his talented wife.
11:32Eventually, Seisho Nagon began to show off her talent.
11:39On a snowy winter day,
11:42the wives were talking to each other.
11:47Then, the emperor asked.
11:52Seisho Nagon, I wonder what is going on with the snow on the road?
11:58Seisho Nagon immediately realized that this was a famous story.
12:04After the snow on the road,
12:07the emperor held a sudare.
12:15Then, Seisho Nagon raised the mist high
12:19and showed the snowy scenery of the garden.
12:23That's right.
12:27Yes, that's right.
12:31Seisho Nagon's starting point, which showed the scenery depicted in the kanji,
12:37was to meet the emperor's expectations.
12:43The palace became a cultural salon for the emperors
12:48to have a conversation with the wives,
12:52including Seisho Nagon,
12:56and the conversation spread rapidly.
13:02We asked Mr. Shigeta, who knows about the daily life of the emperor.
13:07The most interesting part of the conversation is the song.
13:12What's amazing about Seisho Nagon is that
13:15instead of asking for information about the kanji,
13:19he asked for information about the waka.
13:24That's the starting point.
13:28The emperor was proud of that,
13:31and the emperor's husband, Ichijo Tendo, was also proud of it.
13:34He said,
13:35there is such an excellent cultural salon in his palace.
13:41The job of the wife, which was carried out by the emperor and Yūmoa,
13:45was a heavenly job for Seisho Nagon.
13:50However, on happy days,
13:52a dark shadow falls.
13:58The emperor's father, Michitaka Fujiwara,
14:01who was a great emperor,
14:04died at the age of 43.
14:08And then, a big incident happened.
14:13The emperor's brother, Koreshika, and his younger brother, Takaie,
14:17were mistaken for lovers,
14:19so they shot the emperor of Sendai, Kazan Kōō.
14:25Kōō was not injured,
14:27but he was killed by a gunman.
14:30The two were arrested at the scene of the assassination,
14:33and were sent to a distant place.
14:36It's a so-called Chōtoku Seihen.
14:41The emperor lost his father and brother,
14:46so he cut his hair and went on a business trip.
14:58Even though the emperor was a Chūgū,
15:01he couldn't be an agent because he went on a business trip.
15:07Seisho Nagon left his favorite job,
15:10which was the palace,
15:13and moved to Saitama Gakuen University,
15:16where he lived with his husband.
15:20Fukutō-san of Saitama Gakuen University,
15:23who studies the true story of this incident,
15:26talks about this incident.
15:30I just came here.
15:32My father-in-law didn't come,
15:34so I didn't think that my husband and my in-laws
15:39would go on a business trip.
15:42But Michinaga and the people around him
15:45were able to make it happen.
15:52Michinaga's plot attacks the emperor and Seisho Nagon.
16:13Episode 1
16:16In the Chōtoku Seihen,
16:18which was led by the brothers,
16:20the Chūgū Keishi appeared.
16:26Michinaga of Fujiwara,
16:28who was the uncle of the emperor,
16:30took the first seat in the court.
16:35Michinaga wanted to make sure
16:38that the emperor's favorite, Seisho Nagon,
16:41wouldn't get in the way.
16:47In Makura no Sōshi,
16:49Seisho Nagon is depicted having fun
16:52with a young noble,
16:55Tadanobu of Fujiwara.
17:03However, when Tadanobu was attacked by Michinaga,
17:07it became clear from various studies
17:10that he was trying to pull Seisho Nagon out.
17:14The Chōtoku Seihen was
17:16set in the house of this person's sister.
17:20I think it was this person
17:23who reported the incident to Michinaga of Fujiwara.
17:27I think that Seisho Nagon had the suspicion
17:31that he was connected to Michinaga
17:34because of his sister.
17:39Seisho Nagon, who was suspected by Michinaga's wife,
17:42couldn't stand it anymore
17:44and finally left the emperor's side
17:47and stayed in the village.
17:51The great incident that brought down the emperor
17:54and pushed Seisho Nagon.
17:56However, in Makura no Sōshi,
17:59such a dark incident was not depicted at all.
18:23Seisho Nagon, who was trapped in the village,
18:26kept refusing to return to the emperor.
18:33At that time, a gift arrived from the emperor.
18:37It was a blank piece of paper.
18:43Seisho Nagon remembered
18:46what he had once said to the emperor.
18:51Even when I want to die
18:54because of something unpleasant,
18:57as long as I have a blank piece of paper
19:00and a good brush,
19:02I will not be able to leave this world.
19:06The emperor remembered that
19:09and sent the paper.
19:13Seisho Nagon began to write
19:16what he felt and what he felt.
19:22It was an interesting and strange event
19:25that he experienced in his days as an emperor.
19:33If the emperor sees this,
19:36he can forget the unpleasant things
19:38and regain his confidence.
19:41And if this spreads to the world,
19:44the reputation of the emperor may return to normal.
19:51This is how Makura no Sōshi,
19:54the forbidden island of watercolor literature,
19:57was born.
20:02He didn't write it with the intention
20:05of drawing a wonderful watercolor painting.
20:08It was really a coincidence.
20:10It was born from the feeling of thinking about the emperor.
20:13Seisho Nagon himself was deeply in love with Sōtoku.
20:16He must have been attracted to him.
20:20I think so.
20:22He was his superior.
20:24He was his master.
20:26But I think he had no more than that.
20:29I think he had no more than that
20:32in his knowledge of classical Japanese.
20:35In a sense, he was his friend.
20:38I think Seisho Nagon got that.
20:41Seisho Nagon was his friend and his admirer.
20:44He must have been happy to meet him.
20:47He must have been happy.
20:50Seisho Nagon was suspected of having
20:53a relationship with an aristocrat
20:56close to Fujiwara no Michinaga.
20:59What do you think about this suspicion?
21:02He was his wife.
21:05He had to go back and forth with many people.
21:08He had to get along with people close to Michinaga.
21:11But the problem was the jealousy of the women.
21:14Seisho Nagon is now a member
21:17of the samurai clan.
21:20It is said that he was jealous
21:23because he was close to Michinaga's people.
21:26But that's not all.
21:29Seisho Nagon had literary talent
21:32and was liked by the emperor.
21:35That's why he was the target of jealousy.
21:38I see.
21:41It's not strange to have someone to support you.
21:45A strong relationship of trust between a superior and a subordinate
21:48can be the target of jealousy
21:51if you look at it from the surroundings.
21:54It may be a problem
21:57because he was a talented person.
22:01The emperor loved Seisho Nagon very much.
22:04When the emperor was oppressed by Michinaga,
22:07Seisho Nagon encouraged the emperor
22:10with his own brush
22:13and worked hard to protect himself.
22:16But a sad day will come.
22:19Please look at this.
22:22Seisho Nagon wrote a letter
22:25to the lord of Makurano
22:29and the emperor read it.
22:34At that time,
22:37the emperor wrote a short letter.
22:42Iwade omouzo.
22:45Kono kuchinashiiro no hana no you ni
22:48nanimo iwanai anata koso
22:51ichiban omoi ga fukai to
22:54watashi ni wa wakatte imasu.
22:57This novel communication
23:00was their own culture.
23:04Seisho Nagon was overflowing with joy and tears
23:07and decided to return to the emperor.
23:15On the other hand,
23:18the nobles had their daughters
23:21sent to the emperor one after another.
23:25Michinaga's youngest daughter,
23:28Shoushi, was about to give birth
23:31and the emperor thought
23:34there was no more room for her.
23:38However, the emperor loved her deeply
23:41and could not give up on her.
23:46So he sent the nobles who lived far away
23:49to Shikino Mizoshi,
23:52the capital of Japan.
23:58Seisho Nagon returned to his wife
24:01and changed this sad scene
24:04into a lively place.
24:08Day and night,
24:11Seisho Nagon's cultural salon
24:14became more popular than ever before.
24:18A year and a half later,
24:21a happy thing happened.
24:25Emperor Ichijo
24:28finally invited the nobles
24:31and spent time together.
24:35Emperor Ichijo
24:38invited the nobles
24:41for the birth of a prince.
24:44On the other hand,
24:47Michinaga started to chase down the nobles.
24:50He made Shoushi, his 12-year-old daughter,
24:53grow up as soon as possible
24:56and was always ready to take the throne.
25:04A powerful rival appeared
25:07to threaten the happy days.
25:15The emperor's son,
25:18Seisho Nagon and the nobles
25:21moved to a nearby house.
25:25I think this is a very sad thing.
25:28Normally, a noble would just rent a house.
25:31Michinaga, the prince,
25:34wouldn't let anyone rent a house.
25:37He probably did something behind the scenes.
25:40When the emperor's son
25:43moved to a nearby house,
25:46the nobles and the emperor's guards
25:49hadn't arrived yet.
25:53This was Michinaga's problem.
25:58Another problem was
26:01how weak the neighbors were.
26:04Seisho Nagon's door was too small
26:07for the nobles.
26:10They had to walk through
26:13the empty house.
26:18Seisho Nagon
26:21changed the story into a comedy.
26:25Oh, I'm so angry.
26:28I thought I could enter the palace
26:31but my hair is a mess.
26:34The nobles and the emperor's guards
26:37are staring at me.
26:40Seisho Nagon made himself a clown
26:43and made it into an episode.
26:46I think he was a genius
26:53cornered Seisho Nagon even more.
27:06Three months after moving,
27:09the emperor gave birth to a boy.
27:12The first prince of Emperor Ichijo,
27:15Shinno Asuyasu.
27:20On the same day,
27:23Michinaga made his daughter,
27:26Shoshi, his wife
27:29and made her serve the emperor.
27:33Seisho Nagon, who supported the emperor,
27:36was worried about Michinaga and Shoshi.
27:39The first prince of Emperor Ichijo,
27:42Shinno Asuyasu,
27:45came to the palace.
27:52One spring,
27:55Emperor Ichijo called his wife
27:58and his children
28:01while he was away.
28:04Shinno Asuyasu played his flute
28:07and made everyone laugh
28:10and it was a funny episode.
28:15However, the children
28:18who were supposed to be there
28:21didn't show up.
28:25It was like a family.
28:28Shinno Asuyasu
28:31was the first prince of Emperor Ichijo.
28:34It was a sign that
28:37Michinaga would be treated
28:40as a rebellious prince.
28:43That's why he didn't play the flute.
28:47Seisho Nagon
28:50was not involved in politics at all.
28:53However, he was suppressed
28:56by the great power of politics.
28:59At the age of 13,
29:02he was given the title of Chūgū.
29:05On the other hand,
29:08he was called Kōgō.
29:11Thus, two emperors
29:14lined up at the top of the palace.
29:17Michinaga and his henchmen
29:20were responsible for this.
29:24At that time,
29:27the emperor was depressed again.
29:30The emperor was exhausted
29:33because of the power struggle
29:36between Emperor Ichijo
29:39and Michinaga.
29:42Seisho Nagon felt
29:45the suffering of the emperor
29:48up close.
29:54In May,
29:56the blue leaves are shining.
29:59In Makurano Sōshi,
30:02he is painting a scene
30:05where he is celebrating
30:08the birth of a child.
30:11In this scene,
30:14the children of the emperor
30:17who should have avoided the scene
30:21This is actually
30:24the last scene
30:27in Makurano Sōshi.
30:30He was recognized
30:33as an official emperor
30:36until the end.
30:39I think he was
30:42claiming the importance
30:45of the emperor.
30:48The emperor found
30:51a rare fruit in the tree.
30:54He served it beautifully
30:57to the emperor.
31:03the emperor tore off
31:06the fruit and gave it back to the child.
31:09Even when everyone
31:12is celebrating,
31:16Seisho Nagon is the only one
31:19who understands
31:22the suffering of the emperor.
31:25In Makurano Sōshi,
31:28he doesn't care about
31:31the suffering of the emperor.
31:34He is celebrating
31:37the birth of a child.
31:46But at that time,
31:49the emperor was suffering
31:52from pregnancy and labor.
31:59Seisho Nagon
32:02doesn't care about
32:05the emperor at all.
32:15At the end of that year,
32:18the emperor gave birth to a girl
32:21and died at the age of 25.
32:26Seisho Nagon
32:29should have been with him until the end,
32:32but Makurano Sōshi
32:35didn't even tell him
32:38that he was going to die.
32:41I think it was a great shock.
32:44He just bit her a little,
32:47but he was so excited
32:50that he was going to chase her.
32:53It's exactly politics.
32:56He understood it well,
32:59but he didn't write anything about it.
33:02He didn't show his son's angel
33:05as much as possible.
33:08Both sides supported each other.
33:11That's how Seisho Nagon was created.
33:15Seisho Nagon and the emperor
33:18were defeated by the power struggle
33:21between Michinaga and his followers.
33:24However, the imperial culture
33:27that they created
33:30captured the hearts of the people.
33:37It was a beautiful world
33:40but there was a contrast
33:43between swordsmanship and zumaku.
33:46I felt like my heart was being tightened.
33:52The purpose of the Kugekei
33:55was to have their own daughter.
33:58And they wanted to be the emperor's great-grandchildren.
34:01In that case,
34:04politics and religion would be as they wanted.
34:08I wonder if there was a way
34:11for the emperor to win.
34:14Here is Jun Ito's point of view
34:17from the perspective of a historian.
34:23I think the biggest mistake
34:26was that he was disappointed
34:29that his older brother, Korechika,
34:32left the country.
34:35He lost his position as a princess.
34:38The reason was that
34:41Chūgū was in charge of the emperor's family.
34:44Of course, he was a Shinto.
34:47But he couldn't do that with Amasan.
34:50He had to resolve the contradiction.
34:53In the end, the emperor
34:56didn't know if it was Amasan or not.
34:59He had to choose between Ichijo and Korechika.
35:02If the emperor had decided to leave the country,
35:05the situation could have been different.
35:08He should have stayed in Chūgū's position.
35:11He was loved by Ichijo.
35:14But if he had to leave the country,
35:17there would be a gap in the future.
35:20No matter how politically cornered he was,
35:23he continued to write
35:26about a humorous world.
35:30I think he calculated
35:33in his own way.
35:36That's right.
35:39The reason why he wrote this book
35:42was that he wanted to leave
35:45the beauty of the Teishu Salon.
35:48He wanted to convey
35:51that there was such a wonderful moment
35:54and such a wonderful place
35:57in Chūgū's life.
36:00He fought against the enemy
36:03with wisdom and humor.
36:06But it took a lot of time
36:09to achieve that effect.
36:12It seemed that the struggle
36:15for the peace of the Teishu Salon
36:18was over with the death of his beloved Teishi.
36:21But his brush was back
36:24Let's take a look at the following two books.
36:55It's called
36:57A White Paper and a Good Brush.
37:03Nagon Seishō returned to Kyoto
37:06and rewrote the writing of Makurano Sōshi.
37:11Makurano Sōshi,
37:13which is now written in the form
37:16of a blog,
37:19is widely read in the city of peace
37:23It is thought that Michinaga also read it.
37:29Makurano Sōshi
37:32opened up the genre of
37:35free-spirited writing
37:38and influenced various writers.
37:43On the other hand,
37:46Nagon Seishō himself
37:49was proud of his spirit
37:52and criticized as a woman
37:55who had no coolness.
37:58When it comes to a male-dominated society,
38:01women who have been active
38:04really create a lot of
38:07fascinating stories.
38:10The last glimmer of the history
38:13of equality between men and women
38:16was the middle period of the Heian period.
38:24Nagon Seishō is highly regarded
38:27as a progressive woman
38:30ahead of her time,
38:33and the culture of the Heian period
38:36is also attracting attention again.
38:39It is not a political world,
38:42but another world of power.
38:45There is not only military power,
38:48but also a power other than military power.
38:51This is what Makurano Sōshi
38:54and Genji Monogatari
38:57showed us 1,000 years ago.
39:00Makurano Sōshi
39:03depicts everything in the world
39:06as an interesting event.
39:09The power of Nagon Seishō's words
39:12can be said to have polished the world.
39:21The content of Makurano Sōshi
39:24is not only about the beautiful nature
39:27and the beauty of the world,
39:30but also honest feelings,
39:33complaints, and complaints.
39:36It's a work that makes you feel
39:39as if you are reading Makurano Sōshi.
39:42That's right.
39:45Even if we read Makurano Sōshi,
39:48we can sympathize with it.
39:51In that sense,
39:54I feel that this kind of literature
39:57has an eternal life.
40:00I think it's interesting
40:03that Michinaga did not
40:06write Makurano Sōshi.
40:09He was afraid of the grudge
40:12of his father's death.
40:15He was afraid of being attacked
40:18by the grudge of his father's death.
40:21He wanted to bury his father's death.
40:24At that point,
40:27he wrote Makurano Sōshi
40:30with the same feelings as Genji Monogatari.
40:33There must have been a feeling
40:36that there was nothing he could do.
40:39I think so.
40:42I didn't think he would die at the age of 25.
40:45I was terrified.
40:48In fact, Michinaga
40:51was worried about various diseases.
40:54Originally, he wrote Makurano Sōshi
40:57to encourage his father's death.
41:00Why did he continue to write
41:03even after his father's death?
41:06The biggest reason is that
41:09he enjoyed his father's death salon
41:12more than anywhere else.
41:15He wanted to convey his feelings to his son.
41:18I think that's why he continued to write.
41:21I think he knew that
41:24he would not be able to support
41:27his father's death salon.
41:30Now, it has become a great disassembly.
41:33In that sense, I think he achieved a great victory.
41:36That's right.
41:39Next, another story by Jun Ito.
41:47Another story that cannot be told only by facts.
41:50Another story by Jun Ito.
41:53If Makurano Sōshi
41:56were still alive today,
41:59what kind of works would he send to the world?
42:03If you look at the sharpness of his sensibility,
42:06I'm sure he would be an essayist.
42:09But I think he was also suitable for a singer-songwriter.
42:12Yumin, Sina, Ringo,
42:15and now Aymyon.
42:18Those people express their sharp sensibilities.
42:21And recently,
42:25I think he was also an influencer on YouTube.
42:28The reason for that is that
42:31Makurano Sōshi himself
42:34uses empathy and surprise well.
42:37Empathy and surprise.
42:40People who use these two well
42:43are very popular.
42:46So, in a sense,
42:49what we have in common
42:53is what Makurano Sōshi used.
42:57Now, let's look at some lessons
43:00we can learn from the defeat of Nagon Seisho.
43:04I think it's important to always be there for people
43:07who are mentally unstable.
43:10I think Nagon Seisho lost
43:13because they couldn't stop the execution of the emperor.
43:16I think Nagon Seisho was under the emperor,
43:19but he was a very friendly person.
43:22He was in a situation where he was blocked by other women.
43:25He couldn't talk to them about his pain and worries.
43:28He couldn't talk to them about his pain and worries.
43:31He was just tired of those things.
43:34He was just tired of those things.
43:37The emperor, who didn't have anyone to talk to,
43:40was mentally unstable and was executed.
43:43In this case, the emperor was the master,
43:46so Nagon Seisho was the master.
43:49I think it's important to always be there for people
43:52who are mentally unstable.
43:56To support the heart of the person you care for,
43:59you should be there for them as close as possible
44:02and accept their pain and worries.
44:06Of course, you should never forget humor.
44:10This is the lesson from the defeat of Nagon Seisho.
44:17I really like Yumi Matsutoya.
44:21I've listened to a lot of her songs,
44:24and I think I can relate to her.
44:27I think I can relate to her.
44:30I think I can relate to her.
44:33I think I can relate to her.
44:36I think I can relate to her.
44:39I think I can relate to her.
44:42If Nagon Seisho was still alive today,
44:45I think I would have been able to relate to her.
44:48I agree.
44:50Thank you for your time, Mr. Aito.
44:55This is the lesson from the defeat of Nagon Seisho.
44:58See you next time.
