昼の特選ドラマ劇場 山村美紗サスペンス 狩矢父娘シリーズ 第3シーズン

  • last month


00:00:00We'll be waiting for your call!
00:00:03The show is brought to you by the gorgeous cast of Muyou An Inkyo Shugyou.
00:00:07Episode 1
00:00:28Let's take a picture here.
00:00:30Line up over there.
00:00:34Let's go.
00:00:37Next, this way.
00:00:39This way?
00:00:40Line up over there.
00:00:46Shouko, get closer to your husband.
00:00:49No, you can't.
00:00:52Hoshiyuki, give Shouko a big hug.
00:00:58Come on, don't be shy.
00:01:06Yes, I'm Tada.
00:01:11Okay, I'll be right back.
00:01:14Sorry, I had to go to the interview.
00:01:17I can't have lunch with you.
00:01:19Okay, I understand.
00:01:20That's a lot of work.
00:01:22Take care of Shouko.
00:01:29Toshiyuki, it's been two years since you moved to the Kyoto City Bureau.
00:01:35How long will you be single?
00:01:37About a year or two.
00:01:40You should have come back to Kyoto.
00:01:44I built a house in Tokyo.
00:01:47And I just started working for a publishing company.
00:01:52I see.
00:01:53That's why you're single.
00:01:57Takashiki no momiji wo mireba wagimoko ga
00:02:01matamu to iishi tokizoki ni keru
00:02:05nani sore?
00:02:08This is a poem that my husband read when he went to Shiragi.
00:02:12Before he reached his destination,
00:02:14he was supposed to go home.
00:02:16Aki ga kite shimatta
00:02:17It's a lament song.
00:02:19I see.
00:02:21It was a difficult time for you.
00:02:25But I'm glad, Shouko.
00:02:27Now you can fly on the Shinkansen.
00:02:30You can go to Tokyo and Kyoto in no time.
00:02:33But there are things that can't be shortened on the Shinkansen.
00:02:42Even if time can be shortened,
00:02:45the distance between our hearts can't be shortened.
00:03:26Yes, this is Kariya.
00:03:28Hello, Kazumi.
00:03:33What are you doing up so early?
00:03:37Komiyoji. Momiji's...
00:03:42Komiyoji? Momiji?
00:03:47Hello? What is it?
00:03:57The number you have dialed cannot be reached.
00:05:19Dad, this is my best friend's husband.
00:05:23Kazumi, why are you here?
00:05:30You're back.
00:05:31This is a new gun, isn't it, Detective?
00:05:33Detective Hashiguchi.
00:05:48I found out the truth.
00:05:50The man is Tadatoshi Yuki.
00:05:51He works for the Kyoto Bureau of the Zennichi Newspaper.
00:05:53The woman is Sumoto Yuki, who lives in Kobe.
00:05:57Tadatoshi Yuki, Shouko's husband.
00:06:04Shouko has a wife.
00:06:06Why a new gun?
00:06:08Miss, that's why it's a new gun.
00:06:11It's the growth of love that doesn't go the way.
00:06:13Didn't you want to burn it beautifully under Momiji?
00:06:17Did you hide your face in Momiji?
00:06:29Do you know anything?
00:06:32Shouko called me this morning.
00:06:37Hello, Kazumi.
00:06:41What's wrong with you so early in the morning?
00:06:48That's all I got.
00:06:51The woman named Shouko, your friend's daughter.
00:06:54It's suspicious, isn't it, Detective?
00:06:55Mr. Shiguchi, please stop.
00:06:57But why did you call me to find the body?
00:07:42Why did you do this?
00:07:54Yukiko said she was going to her friend's house in Kyoto.
00:07:58I went out after noon yesterday.
00:08:02That friend's house.
00:08:04Excuse me, but can you tell me your name and contact information?
00:08:08I don't know.
00:08:12Don't you know where you're going?
00:08:14I had a cell phone, so I thought I'd call you if I had anything.
00:08:21Then I don't know your name or address.
00:08:26I'm sorry.
00:08:30Why did Yukiko break in?
00:08:35With such a stranger.
00:08:38No, they weren't strangers.
00:08:43They've been dating for about six months.
00:08:47No way.
00:08:48Your wife went to a Japanese confectionery shop in Kyoto once a week, didn't she?
00:08:57Yes, sir.
00:09:01There was a hotel room key in the possession of the other man.
00:09:07It seems that they always used this hotel as a meeting place.
00:09:11No way.
00:09:13There is also a certificate of a hotel employee.
00:09:36My husband is the president of a printing company in Kobe.
00:09:39One of the deceased was the president's wife.
00:09:42Did you see the finger?
00:09:46It was a strange finger.
00:09:48There was ink on the nail.
00:09:53My husband is a very honest man.
00:09:58But his wife was in love with another man.
00:10:01Did she kill him?
00:10:07The wife of Tada Toshiyuki is Shoko.
00:10:09Did you get in touch with her?
00:10:10No, I haven't.
00:10:12You haven't?
00:10:23The number you have dialed cannot be reached at the moment.
00:10:27Please try again later.
00:10:31Where is Shoko?
00:10:35Please answer the phone.
00:11:01Did you find out anything new?
00:11:05Tada Toshiyuki died when he was alive.
00:11:10It was around 6 p.m. the day before the body was found.
00:11:14The cause of death was poisoning.
00:11:17So the two of them drank poison here.
00:11:23In the evening, they wanted a beautiful place to die.
00:11:28So they committed suicide by poisoning.
00:11:33I just heard from the officer here.
00:11:36At 5.30 a.m., when he was cleaning the cell,
00:11:39he testified that there was no body.
00:11:41There was no body?
00:11:44If there was a forest like that, he must have noticed it was strange.
00:11:49I arrived here at 7.30 a.m.
00:11:54So the body was brought here between 5.30 and 7.30 a.m.?
00:12:00That's right.
00:12:03Father, don't tell me...
00:12:07They were killed and brought here.
00:12:11It's a fake Shinjyu.
00:12:13A fake Shinjyu?
00:12:37It was a murder?
00:12:39The woman's skin and the man's skin were covered in blood.
00:12:45I think it's a crime.
00:12:48No way.
00:12:50Who did it?
00:12:52Officer, who killed Yukiko?
00:12:54Mr. Sumoji, I'm sorry to ask you this,
00:12:58but I'd like to ask you a few questions.
00:13:02What is it?
00:13:04Where did you go around 6 p.m. the day before your wife's body was found?
00:13:13Yes. I'd like to ask you a few questions.
00:13:17Around 6 p.m.?
00:13:21Yukiko wasn't there that day,
00:13:24so I went out to eat and waited for her in the evening.
00:13:27Were you with someone?
00:13:29No, I was alone.
00:13:32I see. You were alone.
00:13:48Is photography your hobby?
00:13:51It's just one of my hobbies.
00:13:53It's mainly landscape photography,
00:13:55but sometimes I take pictures of myself like this.
00:13:59I took this picture with a self-timer.
00:14:02It was around 6 p.m.
00:14:04Look, there's a clock here.
00:14:13What's this?
00:14:15It's a teletel pose.
00:14:17A teletel pose?
00:14:19It was a day of kindergarten excursion,
00:14:21and that's when Genji and the others made a teletel pose.
00:14:25November 5th.
00:14:27I'm sure that photo was taken on the day of the crime.
00:14:31Sumoto's identity has been proven.
00:14:34So Sumoto was in Kobe when the two were killed?
00:14:39Sumoto received a phone call at home
00:14:41from 5 a.m. to 7 a.m.
00:14:43when the two bodies were thought to have been carried.
00:14:47Sumoto's acquaintance called Sumoto's house
00:14:50and testified to what he had said.
00:14:53There is also a phone call record of Sumoto.
00:14:56In other words, it is impossible for Sumoto,
00:14:58who was in Kobe at that time,
00:15:00to be alive in Kyoto with the two bodies.
00:15:02Sumoto is white, isn't he, detective?
00:15:06Toshiyuki Tada's wife, Shoko,
00:15:08disappeared without a trace,
00:15:11and there is no contact with the police.
00:15:14She is not home,
00:15:16and there is no sign of her returning to her home in Tokyo.
00:15:19Shoko, who knew of her husband's affair,
00:15:21killed her husband,
00:15:23and brought her to the police station
00:15:25to pretend to be a murderer.
00:15:29Shoko Tada is under arrest as a key witness.
00:15:39At around 5 a.m. before the time of the discovery,
00:15:42a witness testified that there were no bodies,
00:15:45so the investigation is proceeding as a murder case.
00:15:50On the other hand,
00:15:52Toshiyuki Tada's wife, Shoko,
00:15:54disappeared after the incident,
00:15:56and the police identified Shoko as a key witness.
00:16:01Let's continue with the weather forecast.
00:16:03First, let's take a look at the national weather forecast.
00:16:16I should have talked to Shoko more that day.
00:16:24At the time of Kazumi's miscarriage,
00:16:28Shoko was the one who came to the house and trained.
00:16:34If Shoko wasn't there,
00:16:36I would have been in trouble.
00:16:42This is the picture when Toshiyuki moved to Kyoto.
00:16:54This man...
00:17:05That time...
00:17:10Toshiyuki Tada
00:17:14It's a special project for the end of the year.
00:17:16In winter, it's Christmas and New Year's.
00:17:18The biggest worry for a woman is...
00:17:21I see.
00:17:22Diet, of course.
00:17:24I want to eat delicious food, but I also want to get a man.
00:17:27For a woman, a slim body is a battle weapon.
00:17:34Kariya, this man stinks.
00:17:37I think he's Toshiyuki's co-worker.
00:17:43That's even more suspicious.
00:17:45A co-worker is peeking at his wife.
00:17:48That's right.
00:17:50Maybe this man and Shoko are cheating.
00:17:53Stop it.
00:17:55Shoko is not that kind of person.
00:17:58First of all, Shoko and Toshiyuki are cheating.
00:18:03Kariya is right.
00:18:05Men and women are not that simple.
00:18:08But Shoko is missing.
00:18:12I'll ask Yuko's husband.
00:18:14Maybe he knows about this man.
00:18:17Then I'll go to Kobe.
00:18:19The souvenir is pork buns and sesame buns from Chukagai.
00:18:22Kobe cake is delicious.
00:18:24And the pudding is...
00:18:26Isn't a slim body a woman's battle suit?
00:18:30A slim body is also a battle suit.
00:18:33Hurry up.
00:18:35I'm going.
00:18:37Wait a minute.
00:18:39See you later.
00:18:42Bring the garlic bread.
00:19:01I don't know this man.
00:19:03Is that so?
00:19:05I don't know much about that woman.
00:19:08The police say that woman is a criminal.
00:19:13I was also suspected.
00:19:16So I showed this picture.
00:19:22I was also suspected.
00:19:25So I showed this picture.
00:19:33I took a picture in the city of Ijinkan.
00:19:35I happened to see a watch.
00:19:37So I bought it.
00:19:396 o'clock 10 minutes.
00:19:47Here you are.
00:19:48Thank you.
00:19:55You came to a good place.
00:19:57Are you a guest?
00:19:59He is a friend of Tata's dead wife.
00:20:03He is a friend of the mayor.
00:20:05Fukuyan told me.
00:20:09He told me that I was here when he was abandoned in Kyoto.
00:20:16So I came here.
00:20:18I can't be abandoned in Kyoto.
00:20:23Sumoyan was really here.
00:20:26I called her.
00:20:29But I feel sorry for Fukuyan.
00:20:33I feel sorry for Sumoyan.
00:20:37This company was inherited from my father.
00:20:42When my father was alive.
00:20:45He was called a scoundrel.
00:20:47He was really a scoundrel.
00:20:51Sumoyan is a great man.
00:20:54By the way.
00:20:55Are you okay?
00:20:59I'm sorry.
00:21:01Is your friend the culprit?
00:21:06Leave Sumoyan alone.
00:21:09I beg you.
00:21:11Go home.
00:21:13Go home.
00:21:35Is your friend the culprit?
00:21:41Go home.
00:22:11Is your friend the culprit?
00:22:34Follow that taxi.
00:22:41This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:07This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:11This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:13This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:15This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:17This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:19This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:21This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:23This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:25This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:27This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:29This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:31This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:33This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:35This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:37This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:39This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:41This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:43This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:45This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:47This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:49This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:51This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:53This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:55This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:57This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:23:59This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:01This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:03This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:05This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:07This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:09This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:11This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:13This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:15This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:17This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:19This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:21This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:23This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:25This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:27This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:29This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:31This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:33This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:35This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:37This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:39This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:41This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:43This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:45This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:47This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:49This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:51This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:53This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:55This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:57This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:24:59This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:25:01This is the mansion of Toshiyuki.
00:25:03Thank you!
00:25:07You're a great person.
00:25:09You're a great person.
00:25:11Please give me a drink with my apology.
00:25:13Please give me a drink with my apology.
00:25:17I'm getting thirsty.
00:25:19I'm getting thirsty.
00:25:21I'm getting thirsty.
00:25:25Let's have a toast.
00:25:27Let's have a toast.
00:25:29Let's have a toast.
00:25:31Let's guess what he does for a living.
00:25:39You know?
00:25:42He's a teacher.
00:25:46He's a teacher.
00:25:50He's a journalist.
00:25:55You got it right.
00:25:58My friend's husband is also a journalist.
00:26:04Oh, I see.
00:26:06He's a journalist for a newspaper.
00:26:10Do you know him?
00:26:12He's from the Shinjyu case.
00:26:16Yes, Tada.
00:26:18My friend's name is Tada Shoko.
00:26:22You're Shoko's friend?
00:26:24Yes, I am.
00:26:27Do you know Tada?
00:26:31Yes, I do.
00:26:38You're from the same newspaper?
00:26:41What a coincidence!
00:26:44Are you really a maid?
00:26:49A maid is up to 20 years old.
00:26:52You don't look that young.
00:26:56You're so handsome.
00:27:07Let's go.
00:27:09Just follow me.
00:27:13I have to go home.
00:27:16I won't let you go.
00:27:18I have something to ask you.
00:27:19What is it?
00:27:21Did you hear anything from Shoko?
00:27:24No, I didn't hear anything.
00:27:26I'm asking if you heard anything about the case.
00:27:29No, I didn't hear anything.
00:27:45What's with that look?
00:27:49What's with that face?
00:27:51What's going on?
00:27:53You're the one who's drunk.
00:27:55You didn't even take me to a restaurant.
00:27:58How could you drink in such a fancy restaurant?
00:28:00You idiot!
00:28:01I was just asking around.
00:28:03What are you talking about?
00:28:06I was just asking around.
00:28:16You idiot!
00:28:20Kazumi, who was that?
00:28:22Who was that man?
00:28:25I was just asking around.
00:28:28He's Tada's colleague.
00:28:30His name is Natsume.
00:28:34Natsume Toshihiko.
00:28:44It's Shoko.
00:28:55Answer me!
00:28:56Thank you for using My Drive.
00:29:00It's closed today at 9 o'clock.
00:29:03We look forward to your next visit.
00:29:08She hung up.
00:29:10Dad, it's Life.
00:29:13Life from the chain supermarket.
00:29:15I think it was an announcement from the store.
00:29:18I definitely heard it.
00:29:20It's Shoko.
00:29:42I definitely heard it.
00:29:44It was an announcement from the store.
00:29:47I'm sure it's around here.
00:29:56Driver, is there any other store called Life?
00:29:59Let's see.
00:30:01I think it's in Nakagyo.
00:30:03Go over there.
00:31:00Dad, Shoko...
00:31:18It's all my fault.
00:31:21I brought the two dead to Momiji Temple.
00:31:25I thought about going back to Tokyo, but I was tired.
00:31:29I'll leave the rest to you.
00:31:31I'm sorry I died.
00:31:34Please forgive me.
00:31:35Shoko Tada
00:32:03Today, we'll introduce a delicious set of donburi.
00:32:07Let's start with this oyako-don.
00:32:13The meat is fragrant and tender.
00:32:16The texture of the egg is also good.
00:32:20The chicken was grilled on a direct fire to add flavor.
00:32:25The bonito and kelp were used to make the soup.
00:32:31It's a restaurant-style donburi.
00:32:36You can eat it in three minutes.
00:32:39It's perfect for a tiring day at work.
00:32:44Next is the Chinese donburi.
00:32:47Pork, chicken, Chinese cabbage, bamboo shoots, carrots, onions, shiitake mushrooms, quail eggs, and many other ingredients were used.
00:33:00The meat and vegetables are delicious.
00:33:06The Chinese donburi is also delicious.
00:33:09Next is the marble donburi.
00:33:15The tofu and chicken are very delicious.
00:33:19It's a mild taste.
00:33:22Today, we'll introduce the Hokkaido Obihiro Pork Donburi.
00:33:27Do you also serve pork donburi?
00:33:30The pork donburi is from Obihiro Bussan Kyokai.
00:33:34It's seasoned with a rich sweet sauce.
00:33:37There are six types of oyako-don, six types of Chinese donburi, and six types of marble donburi.
00:33:42There are three types of pork donburi.
00:33:45There are 21 types in total.
00:33:47The price is 3,980 yen.
00:33:50The price of pork donburi is very reasonable.
00:33:56You can apply by calling 0120-002244.
00:34:10What are you going to do?
00:34:15What are you going to do with Genki?
00:34:19I want to be with my grandparents forever.
00:34:26I understand. I'll try it.
00:34:30That's good.
00:34:32I want to spend time with my family and Genki.
00:34:34This is Shinpino Health Power.
00:34:37Shinpino Health Power is usually 3,024 yen.
00:34:41The special price is 2,700 yen for a regular course.
00:34:45In addition, the total amount is double.
00:34:48In addition, there is another gift for the first time.
00:34:53There are four phone numbers, 0120-66-7.
00:34:58Shinpino Shinpino Health Power
00:35:05The text of the letter was confirmed to be the work of Tadashoko himself.
00:35:11In addition, it was found that the used paper was behind the origami ad the day before,
00:35:17and that this letter was not written before.
00:35:21In addition, the fingerprints of Tadashoko himself were detected from the shoes left on the roof of the building.
00:35:27So, Tadashoko is a suicide?
00:35:31I think he was a man who had escaped from a crime, got tired of it, despaired, and committed suicide.
00:35:38What is the basis for claiming that Tadashoko is a suspect?
00:35:41It is true that Tadashoko's husband, Toshiyuki, and his wife, Yukiko, were in an affair.
00:35:47They were probably jealous, and as written in this letter, they were killed.
00:35:54Tadashoko's Husband, Toshiyuki
00:36:00It's terrible.
00:36:02Why is Tadashoko a murderer and a suicide?
00:36:06That's what happened to me.
00:36:09Tadashoko is not a man who kills people.
00:36:12I don't believe it.
00:36:16Well, there are some strange points.
00:36:20Strange points?
00:36:22Hey, Dad. What's so strange?
00:36:28Hey, Dad.
00:36:32Take off your shoes and line them up there.
00:36:37That's right.
00:36:39Tadashoko's Husband, Toshiyuki
00:36:51See, I told you.
00:36:54When you line up your shoes, you usually do it with one hand in the middle of both shoes.
00:37:00But Tadashoko was different.
00:37:03The fingerprints on his right hand are from his right shoe, and the fingerprints on his left hand are from his left shoe.
00:37:09Right hand, right shoe. Left hand, left shoe?
00:37:15That's right.
00:37:17It's true that you don't line them up like this.
00:37:23I don't get it.
00:37:25But at this point, I can only say that Tadashoko is the culprit and has committed suicide.
00:37:40You look well.
00:37:42Here, drink this special drink.
00:37:46It was around 9 o'clock when Tadashoko died.
00:37:51He called me and jumped off the building.
00:37:56I see.
00:38:03If I had realized it then, I might not have let Shoko die.
00:38:11I might have been able to save him.
00:38:14Don't blame yourself so much.
00:38:16But if I had realized it...
00:38:20No, Shoko called me because she wanted to hear your voice at the end.
00:38:30Don't blame yourself.
00:38:32Shoko won't be happy.
00:38:35Here, drink this and cheer up.
00:38:42What is this?
00:38:45Black sesame, soybean flour, Okinawan black vinegar, blueberries, mozuku, honey, and a drop of propolis.
00:38:53I put everything in my body.
00:38:55Here, drink it.
00:39:02It's bad.
00:39:03It's okay. You'll get used to it.
00:39:15Black sesame, soybean flour, Okinawan black vinegar, blueberries, mozuku, honey, and a drop of propolis.
00:39:42Don't be afraid. Don't do anything.
00:39:44But you were worried about Shoko.
00:39:47I was watching over her because I was worried about her.
00:39:51Were you worried about Shoko?
00:39:55I was worried if she would do something reckless.
00:40:03Here you go.
00:40:05She's my colleague.
00:40:08We started dating a year ago after she moved to Kyoto.
00:40:13It was on the wall when she moved to Kyoto.
00:40:17Yes, it was.
00:40:20Did you know that Tada-san had a miscarriage?
00:40:27It looks like she was really worried about it.
00:40:42I'm with my colleague right now.
00:40:45What? Right now?
00:40:48That's impossible.
00:40:51Don't cry.
00:40:54Anyway, I'll call you later.
00:41:01I'm back.
00:41:03How's Shoko?
00:41:06She's fine.
00:41:08You should have called me.
00:41:13I bought a house and she has a job.
00:41:18It's tough.
00:41:19You're right.
00:41:21But I have a dream to go back to Tokyo.
00:41:25I'll be a member of the political club.
00:41:28And I'm going to have a baby when I get back.
00:41:33Thank you for the food.
00:41:39Toshiyuki-san, you were thinking about your future with Shoko.
00:41:45You loved Shoko.
00:41:49I guess so.
00:41:52What about Yukiko-san?
00:41:55She wasn't the kind of person to play with women.
00:42:00She was serious and kind.
00:42:03Maybe that's why she was worried.
00:42:06Does that mean she loved Yukiko-san?
00:42:20Men and women are different.
00:42:31There was a stupid guy.
00:42:34He told Shoko about Tada's affair.
00:42:40I happened to hear about it.
00:42:43Shoko was serious and kind like Tada.
00:42:49She was worried about Tada.
00:42:53Her worries came true.
00:42:57But I can't believe she killed them.
00:43:00No, it wasn't Shoko.
00:43:03You said it yourself.
00:43:06Toshiyuki-san had an affair.
00:43:09But he was serious about his future with Shoko.
00:43:14Shoko wasn't that stupid.
00:43:17Then why did she kill herself?
00:43:20It was an illusion.
00:43:23It was an illusion.
00:43:35Tell me about the guy who told Shoko.
00:43:39What kind of guy?
00:43:42I can't tell you yet.
00:43:45Why not?
00:43:47A reporter can't judge a book by its cover.
00:43:52We need to find out more about Shoko's suicide.
00:43:58I got it.
00:44:06This is the way to the cemetery.
00:44:09Check all the restaurants and bars.
00:44:12I recommend all of them.
00:44:15There's a nice place in Shin-Kyogoku.
00:44:20I'll call you later.
00:44:24That's strange.
00:44:26What is it?
00:44:28It's about Shoko's will.
00:44:32I don't think Shoko wrote it.
00:44:39This sentence doesn't suit Shoko.
00:44:45I got it.
00:44:47This is how to write kanji.
00:44:58They're all hiragana.
00:45:00You don't know kanji, do you?
00:45:02No, I don't.
00:45:04Shoko went to a national college.
00:45:07She didn't like kanji.
00:45:10The commentator wrote...
00:45:12...that she was upset before she committed suicide.
00:45:16But look at this.
00:45:18She wrote kanji for forgiveness.
00:45:26Shoko can't write kanji and hiragana.
00:45:32That's strange.
00:45:35TV commercials.
00:45:38It's good.
00:45:40I love it.
00:45:41It's really good.
00:45:43I love it.
00:45:45For those who are worried about calcium deficiency.
00:45:52I'm really worried about calcium deficiency.
00:45:56It's thin and easy to eat.
00:45:59I eat it every day.
00:46:02Fresh katakuchi-iwashi caught in Tachibana Bay, Nagasaki.
00:46:06Boil it in 10 minutes at the port.
00:46:09It's a super-fast method.
00:46:12It's made of seasonal sardines.
00:46:15So it's full of calcium.
00:46:17And it's easy to eat.
00:46:19Super Usuyaki.
00:46:21Put four katakuchi-iwashi in one Usuyaki.
00:46:25If you're in your 60s, you can eat two per day.
00:46:28It's good for calcium deficiency.
00:46:32Usuyaki-Iwashi can replenish calcium.
00:46:35It's full of sardine flavor.
00:46:38It's delicious.
00:46:40I can't leave this sardine rice cracker.
00:46:43I'm worried about calcium deficiency.
00:46:45It's easy to get rid of calcium deficiency.
00:46:48The fish flavor is really good.
00:46:51I really love this sardine rice cracker.
00:46:55Please try it first.
00:46:57If you're worried about calcium deficiency,
00:46:59Usuyaki-Iwashi is a good choice.
00:47:02It's 2 bags of 2,786 yen for a month.
00:47:06If it's a regular course,
00:47:08it's 1,392 yen for the first 50% discount.
00:47:131,392 yen.
00:47:1510% discount for the second time.
00:47:18The total amount will be burdened by the regular course.
00:47:21If you apply for a regular course,
00:47:25you'll get a year's worth of free delivery.
00:47:29You can apply by calling 0120-538-538,
00:47:33or by calling 538-538.
00:47:40Do you know about implants in detail?
00:47:43In fact, the treatment method,
00:47:45the tools used,
00:47:46and how to control the fire,
00:47:48implant treatment continues to evolve every day.
00:47:52Please take a look at the guidebook of implants.
00:47:57Even if you have one,
00:47:59you can fix it with a small number of implants
00:48:01and reduce the cost.
00:48:03There's a treatment method to reduce the number of implants
00:48:05and reduce the burden.
00:48:07Up to 2 million yen.
00:48:09How to reduce medical expenses.
00:48:11Equipment, number of patients,
00:48:13tips on choosing a doctor.
00:48:15There's a lot of detailed treatment.
00:48:18Did you know that?
00:48:21Chew well.
00:48:23Speak with a smile.
00:48:25Implants may be of help.
00:48:28Apply at 0120-418-460.
00:48:33Learn about the present of implants.
00:48:48Implant Implant
00:55:00What are you doing out here?
00:55:02I'm sick of this!
00:55:19I'm sorry.
00:55:22I'm sorry about the day.
00:55:28Open the door!
00:55:31Shut up!
00:55:33No, don't be a nuisance!
00:55:35I need to talk to you!
00:55:36Come on, open the door!
00:55:49What the hell is he thinking?
00:55:52It's so embarrassing to see him like that.
00:55:56Oh, you forgot something?
00:56:01I remember you...
00:56:04I think it was Kamogawa.
00:56:07I heard the sound of the Kihon festival.
00:56:13I remember we just started dating.
00:56:17I'm going to bed.
00:56:19I think it was under the Shidare-zakura in Maruyama Park.
00:56:23You idiot!
00:56:41Episode 2
00:56:59I'm going to destroy your alibi.
00:57:03No, no, I can't do this.
00:57:06I can't gather any more information about the diet.
00:57:09For example, chocolate that makes you lose weight the more you eat.
00:57:12Specialties of diet spots that are healing spots.
00:57:15Specialties of temples that make you lose weight the more you worship.
00:57:20I'm sorry, president. I'm going to the market.
00:57:23Kariya, make sure you order a Chinese pork bun as a souvenir.
00:57:28I'm going.
00:57:30See you later.
00:57:32President, diet, diet.
00:57:34What are you talking about? Pork has a lot of hormones in it.
00:57:37It's good for your skin.
00:57:48First of all, yes.
00:57:51The phone alibi.
00:57:53The man who testified that he was on the phone with Sumoto that morning.
00:58:00Thank you very much.
00:58:07The man who testified that he was on the phone with Sumoto that morning.
00:58:14There it is!
00:58:38Akashiya's specialty, Poko Poko Head!
00:58:43Here you go.
00:58:45How is it?
00:58:47Thank you for waiting.
00:58:50Thank you.
00:58:52Here you go.
00:58:56Can I have a refill?
00:58:58No matter how many you eat, I won't let you go.
00:59:02I'll eat until you let me go.
00:59:04Here you go.
00:59:12Poko Poko Head
00:59:24I'll have another one.
00:59:26You're still eating?
00:59:33Here you go.
00:59:42Poko Poko Head
00:59:46I'll eat until you let me go.
00:59:50Watch where you're going!
00:59:52Watch where you're going!
00:59:56As I told you last time,
00:59:59Sumoyan was at home that morning.
01:00:04I heard the sound of a printer.
01:00:06We talked for about 10 minutes.
01:00:09We talked about our trip to the shopping district.
01:00:19You talked for 10 minutes in all that noise?
01:00:26That's right.
01:00:28Sumoyan called me again.
01:00:32I called her at 7 o'clock.
01:00:35The machine was noisy.
01:00:39Oh, I remember now.
01:00:41Sumoyan called me again.
01:00:44But isn't it too early to talk about our trip to the shopping district?
01:00:52It's early, but...
01:00:55She said she'd be home by 7 o'clock.
01:00:58She told me to call her at that time.
01:01:01That means...
01:01:03She told you to call her at that time?
01:01:08That's right.
01:01:12I know where the shop is.
01:01:15I'll leave it to you.
01:01:17Thank you very much.
01:01:19Thank you.
01:01:31Sumoyan's Shopping District
01:01:55This is Natsume.
01:01:57I'm in Kobe right now.
01:02:00If you're Natsume, listen to me.
01:02:02I heard you went to Kobe.
01:02:04It's dangerous, so don't go in there without permission.
01:02:07I see.
01:02:09It's a trick.
01:02:14It's a trick.
01:02:30Sumoyan's Shopping District
01:02:36Oh, Rian.
01:02:38The machine is noisy, so I'll call you back.
01:02:41Wait a minute.
01:02:44The machine's sound was heard in the back of the message.
01:02:56Hello, Sumoyan.
01:02:58Oh, Rian.
01:03:00The machine is noisy, so I'll call you back.
01:03:03Wait a minute.
01:03:05I see.
01:03:11At 7 o'clock in the morning,
01:03:13Sumoto of Lusuden answered Mr. Fukumoto.
01:03:18The phone records from Fukumoto's house to Sumoto's house remained.
01:03:24Sumoto was in Kyoto at that time.
01:03:27To bring the bodies of the two to the temple.
01:03:55Oh, it's me.
01:03:57Oh, Fukuyan.
01:03:59I can hear you.
01:04:01I'm on a trip to the shopping district.
01:04:03I'm going to the Onsen in Kinosaki.
01:04:06He timed it well and called Fukumoto.
01:04:09And they talked about a 10-minute trip.
01:04:25The phone records from Fukumoto's house to Sumoto's house remained.
01:04:30The phone records from Fukumoto's house to Sumoto's house remained.
01:04:37I'm home.
01:04:39Welcome back.
01:04:41Your father hasn't come home yet, has he?
01:04:44Yes, he said he would be late.
01:04:47Oh, that's good.
01:04:50Kazumi, don't hate your father so much.
01:04:54Because he always shows up at unnecessary places.
01:04:58He's always noisy.
01:05:00It's the worst.
01:05:02It's a parent's heart that thinks of Kazumi.
01:05:06No, that's a father's heart.
01:05:13What is this?
01:05:15I started studying Japanese at the culture center this fall.
01:05:20It's interesting.
01:05:22Look, for example, this.
01:05:26Waka is 5-7-5-7-7, right?
01:05:30I connected the first letter and made it into a code.
01:05:35Look, this.
01:05:42I connected the first letter and made it into a code.
01:05:52Waka is 5-7-5-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-
01:06:41家 を 買却 し て も その 間 ます に 続け る こと が できる house do の house r youtuber と いう サービス ご 存知 ん です か
01:06:49house these
01:06:51If you sell your house, you can't live in it, right?
01:06:54Can you live in it as it is?
01:06:57HouseDOO will buy the house you live in with cash.
01:07:03After that, by paying monthly rent,
01:07:06you can continue to live as it is without moving.
01:07:11You can also buy it again.
01:07:13I've never heard of it.
01:07:15Many people are already using it.
01:07:18Oh, I see.
01:07:21I wanted to live in it forever, so I bought a house leaseback.
01:07:25I had some money left, but it was okay.
01:07:30It's an old house, so I was worried about it,
01:07:35but it was surprisingly okay.
01:07:39I thought it would be great to be able to buy a house again.
01:07:45It is used as a living fund for the elderly,
01:07:48a compensation for property damage, and a business fund.
01:07:51Please consider it once.
01:07:53The house leaseback is 10 years old.
01:07:57It is selected from more than 5,000 customers nationwide.
01:08:02Also, customer satisfaction is 97.6%.
01:08:06Many people are satisfied.
01:08:10We are delivering pamphlets that are easy to understand and popular to everyone who received them for free.
01:08:17HouseDOO's house leaseback is 10 years old.
01:08:22For inquiries about free pamphlets,
01:08:25call 0120-350-340.
01:08:34We are waiting for your call.
01:08:37Do you feel any discomfort in your knees?
01:08:40Climbing up and down the stairs.
01:08:43Elongation of the knees.
01:08:46It may be due to the decrease in knee cartilage component in curry.
01:08:52FUJIFILM's cartilage care.
01:08:56HIZA TECT
01:08:59FUJIFILM focuses on the work of creating cartilage components.
01:09:04Including proteoglycan,
01:09:06four functional components are independently combined.
01:09:11In one trial of 8 weeks,
01:09:13the discomfort in the knee joint is reduced.
01:09:15It is confirmed that there is a function to maintain the smoothness of climbing up and down the stairs.
01:09:22In addition, in one trial of 24 weeks,
01:09:25it is confirmed that it supports the work of creating the first cartilage component in Japan.
01:09:30This is HIZA TECT's independent support.
01:09:33I have to start right now.
01:09:36With the knees you care about now and the future steps,
01:09:42Normally, it costs 4,980 yen.
01:09:46It's a chance to make a profit.
01:09:48If you apply on a regular basis,
01:09:50you will receive a limited 80% discount of 980 yen for the first time.
01:09:55You can get it for 980 yen.
01:09:58Applications are 0120-2121-2121.
01:10:09Let's eat.
01:10:11It's delicious.
01:10:15I didn't know there was a dying message.
01:10:18Shoko is from a national culture.
01:10:21I think he knew how to put a code in Waka.
01:10:25So I think he purposely made it Hiragana.
01:10:29I see.
01:10:55It's hot.
01:11:07I can't drink this hot tea.
01:11:11Damn it.
01:11:13HIZA TECT
01:11:19There must be a picture of the kindergarten when Toshiyuki was killed.
01:11:26I'm going.
01:11:28Wait a minute.
01:11:29Take this.
01:11:31What is it?
01:11:32It's a time-destroying spray I always carry around.
01:11:36President, what is the effect of the destruction?
01:11:38I want to say it's perfect, but I've never used it.
01:11:45It's effective. Take it.
01:11:47I'm going.
01:11:49Be careful.
01:12:12HIZA TECT
01:12:28Excuse me.
01:12:29Is there a kindergarten around here?
01:12:31It's on the right.
01:12:33Thank you.
01:12:42HIZA TECT
01:12:49It's here.
01:13:02Something is strange.
01:13:13HIZA TECT
01:13:24The color is different.
01:13:27The flower in the picture was white.
01:13:35Excuse me.
01:13:37That flower over there.
01:13:39Did you replant it recently?
01:13:44That flower?
01:13:46The picture you took was white.
01:13:49That must be the picture you took in the morning.
01:13:53It's called a hydrangea.
01:13:55It blooms white in the morning,
01:13:57but in the afternoon,
01:13:59the flowers turn pink as if they were drunk,
01:14:02and turn red in the evening.
01:14:05A hydrangea.
01:14:07It's a flower that changes color.
01:14:10It changes color?
01:14:13The color of the flower changes?
01:14:23Thank you very much.
01:14:29Sumoto said it was the picture he took here in the evening.
01:14:34But in reality,
01:14:36it was the picture he took at 6 a.m.
01:14:42My alibi...
01:14:44is broken.
01:14:54Oh, it's connected.
01:14:58Where are you now?
01:15:00I'm at Eiko Kindergarten in Kobe.
01:15:04I found it!
01:15:06Sumoto's alibi trick!
01:15:09It's in the picture.
01:15:12Did you mess it up?
01:15:18Kazumi, what's wrong?
01:15:24Eiko Kindergarten in Kobe.
01:15:32This is the police station.
01:15:38Yes, this is the police station.
01:15:42Who are you?
01:15:46Kazumi is in Kobe?
01:15:48I think she's involved in an incident.
01:15:51I'm on my way to Kobe right now.
01:15:55Thank you for calling.
01:16:01We're in an emergency.
01:16:03We need your help.
01:16:12You killed them, didn't you?
01:16:15And now you're accusing Shoko of it.
01:16:19Stop the car and walk!
01:16:23What did Shoko do?
01:16:27That woman went there.
01:16:29That woman?
01:16:31What about Shoko?
01:16:33Shoko seduced that woman.
01:16:47I'm sure that woman came here.
01:16:50She asked me about that flower.
01:16:52Then she went with a man in a car.
01:16:55Which way did she go?
01:16:57She went to Rokkosan.
01:17:01Thank you.
01:17:09Kazumi, please be safe.
01:17:17If you eat one, you'll get a habit.
01:17:20I'll introduce you to Umashio Chicken Sticks.
01:17:28It's good.
01:17:29It's good, isn't it?
01:17:31The meat is soft and very juicy.
01:17:35If you eat one, you'll get a habit.
01:17:39The secret to its deliciousness is that the wings are marinated with salt and pepper.
01:17:43The meat is softened with black pepper.
01:17:46I see.
01:17:47It's fried crispy and heated in a steam oven.
01:17:52Double heating method.
01:17:54It's a juicy finish.
01:17:58It's easy to eat.
01:18:05You can take out as much as you want from the freezer and heat it in the microwave.
01:18:11If you grill it on a grill or a frying pan, it'll be more delicious.
01:18:16It's a perfect snack for lunch boxes.
01:18:21It's good.
01:18:25It's good.
01:18:26It's a perfect snack for beer, too.
01:18:30It's good.
01:18:32These are 13 to 18 pieces.
01:18:35They weigh 250g.
01:18:37We've prepared one, two, three, and four plates.
01:18:45It's full of volume.
01:18:48Today, we've prepared a large grilled chicken wing.
01:18:54It's big.
01:18:55We've put a capsicum in the chicken wing and marinated it with sugar, soy sauce, garlic, and black pepper.
01:19:04It was grilled in the oven.
01:19:12It's good.
01:19:17It's big, so it's worth eating.
01:19:20It's big.
01:19:24It's soft and easy to eat.
01:19:30It's good, too.
01:19:33It's big, so it's satisfying.
01:19:36We'll add this delicious and large grilled chicken wing.
01:19:41It weighs 1kg for 20 pieces.
01:19:44We'll add this.
01:19:46Will you add this, too?
01:19:49We'll add 1kg of chicken sticks.
01:19:52It's a special set of 1kg of large grilled chicken wings.
01:19:56It's 4,880 yen in total.
01:20:01It's 4,880 yen in total?
01:20:05You can buy it at this price with this volume.
01:20:09You can apply at 0120-002244.
01:20:17You're old.
01:20:20You can't leave out the pain in your knees.
01:20:22KONDOROIZER Alpha
01:20:23The KOUWA special treatment is effective and makes your knees comfortable.
01:20:27It's good for the beginning of pain.
01:20:28It's good for the beginning of drinking.
01:20:32I'm tangled up again.
01:20:34It's a hassle to dry my laundry.
01:20:36I'll give you a dry cleaner from Attack Koukin EX.
01:20:39Dry cleaner?
01:20:40Just wash it with this.
01:20:42It's smooth and comfortable.
01:20:45And it's wrinkly.
01:20:48It's easy to dry.
01:20:56It's smooth and comfortable.
01:20:58Attack Koukin EX Dry cleaner
01:21:06I want more energy.
01:21:08Please cooperate.
01:21:09Mysterious health power.
01:21:19I didn't notice anything.
01:21:24I didn't know anything.
01:21:28Until that woman called me a year ago.
01:21:41I'm Sumoto.
01:21:44She was drinking in the daytime.
01:21:48You're a thief.
01:21:51You should be hanged.
01:21:54Who are you talking to?
01:21:57I'm Sumoto.
01:22:01Sumoto Yukiko is your wife, isn't she?
01:22:05Yes, Yukiko is my wife.
01:22:08What is Yukiko?
01:22:12I told you.
01:22:14I told you to hang a thief.
01:22:21I don't understand what you're talking about.
01:22:29Your wife is pretending to be my husband.
01:22:35Do you understand?
01:22:43Sumoto Yukiko
01:22:53Yukiko can't pretend to be my wife.
01:22:58She must have been deceived by that man.
01:23:04I think this is Yukiko's story.
01:23:09Please sit down.
01:23:22I know you're pretending to be my wife.
01:23:28If you apologize to me, I'll forgive you.
01:23:34If you apologize to me, I'll forgive you?
01:23:38That's right.
01:23:41It's not a mistake.
01:23:45My only way out is to help my relatives in Kyoto once a week.
01:23:52That's when I met you.
01:24:09Arigatou gozaimashita.
01:24:12I'm not sure if that's a good idea, but I'm going to try it anyway.
01:24:17I'm not sure if that's a good idea, but I'm going to try it anyway.
01:24:22I'm not sure if that's a good idea, but I'm going to try it anyway.
01:24:27I'm not sure if that's a good idea, but I'm going to try it anyway.
01:24:32I'm not sure if that's a good idea, but I'm going to try it anyway.
01:24:37I love you, Mr. Toshiyuki.
01:24:42I love you, Mr. Toshiyuki.
01:24:47I love you, Mr. Toshiyuki.
01:24:52I'm sick of it.
01:24:55I didn't know until I got married.
01:24:58I didn't know until I got married.
01:25:03I died.
01:25:08I'm a lonely hell.
01:25:13I'm a lonely hell.
01:25:18I think I'm not a good wife in any way.
01:25:23I think I'm not a good wife in any way.
01:25:28He's a man who lives by his own power.
01:25:31He's just a newspaper reporter, isn't he?
01:25:36When he returns to Tokyo, he'll become a reporter for the political department.
01:25:41And he'll report on Japanese politics.
01:25:44He has a big ambition.
01:25:47He's very different from you.
01:25:50What ambition?
01:25:53I don't know anything about Japanese politics.
01:25:56He's just a womanizer.
01:26:01I see.
01:26:24Hello, this is Natsume.
01:26:26Yes, this is Sumoto's car.
01:26:28Yes, I'm on my way.
01:26:38You killed two people.
01:26:41And you killed Shoko, too.
01:26:44Why did you kill Shoko?
01:26:47I had to cover up the crime of killing two people.
01:26:53When I called her, she came running.
01:26:56So I gave her some medicine and put her to sleep.
01:27:02But the next morning,
01:27:04she woke up and called me on her cell phone.
01:27:08It's Komiyoji.
01:27:23You killed yourself.
01:27:26I'll release you when Otomori wakes up.
01:27:29But you have to stay here.
01:27:41I'm sorry.
01:28:12I'm sorry.
01:28:33Thank you for using My Drive.
01:28:38It closes at 9 p.m. today.
01:28:42We look forward to your next visit.
01:28:52Shoko knew you were going to kill her.
01:28:57That's why she left a dying message.
01:29:01She left your name in the will.
01:29:05She knew you were the killer.
01:29:08Shut up!
01:29:35Help me!
01:29:57Help me!
01:30:06Ladies and gentlemen,
01:30:09I have good news for you.
01:30:12What is it?
01:30:14Today, we're going to show you how to get insurance.
01:30:17Insurance is hard to get, isn't it?
01:30:20Yes, it is.
01:30:23There are a lot of rules.
01:30:25We don't know which one is the best.
01:30:28That's why we're going to show you this.
01:30:32It's an insurance that you can get even if you have a disease.
01:30:37You can't get insurance if you have a disease, can you?
01:30:41It's up to you.
01:30:44But I'm sick.
01:30:46It's hard to get insurance now.
01:30:49I recommend this insurance to people like that.
01:30:52For example,
01:30:54if you're a 70-year-old woman
01:30:56and you plan to get a one-time insurance of 1 million yen,
01:31:00how much do you think you'll get?
01:31:03If you're over 70, it's expensive, isn't it?
01:31:06No, no.
01:31:09it's 2,073 yen per month.
01:31:14For a 70-year-old woman?
01:31:162,073 yen per month?
01:31:182,000 yen is amazing.
01:31:21I thought it was more expensive.
01:31:23My friend was young,
01:31:26but he had a disease and was rejected.
01:31:29No, no, Sumi, don't worry.
01:31:31This insurance is okay even if you have a disease.
01:31:35Yes, that's right.
01:31:37Even if you have a disease,
01:31:39even if you have experience in hospitalization and surgery,
01:31:41you can apply if you don't reject a simple notice.
01:31:45I can't believe it.
01:31:47Now, look at this.
01:31:49I don't want to bother my family with money.
01:31:52I want to get a good insurance.
01:31:54I don't want to give up even if I have a disease.
01:31:56I recommend it to such a person.
01:31:58That's right.
01:31:59When my father passed away,
01:32:01I remember how hard it was for me.
01:32:04If I were you,
01:32:07I wouldn't want to bother my husband and sister with money.
01:32:12When my father passed away,
01:32:14I couldn't ask for a cheap funeral fee.
01:32:18When your birthday comes,
01:32:20your insurance fee changes.
01:32:22It's a good thing to start thinking about it now.
01:32:25Now, the insurance for the death of the solar life.
01:32:28Please consider it for your children and family.
01:32:32I don't want to bother my family with money.
01:32:35I want to get a good insurance.
01:32:38I'll think about it, too.
01:32:40The insurance for the death of the solar life.
01:32:42Let's start with the application form.
01:32:46Please prepare your notes.
01:32:49Please fill in the form at 0120-264-333.
01:32:56Please fill in the form at 0120-264-333.
01:33:00Please fill in the form at 0120-264-333.
01:33:02Please fill in the form at 0120-264-333.
01:33:08You have not worn a kimono for 5 or 10 years.
01:33:12Please consult with VICE-EL.
01:33:16Yes, this is VICE-EL.
01:33:18You have not worn a kimono for 10 years.
01:33:21Can I buy one?
01:33:24It is difficult to store your kimono,
01:33:28so please consult with VICE-EL as soon as possible.
01:33:31How should I prepare my kimono?
01:33:34Just leave it as it is and wait at home.
01:33:39Does it cost money to bring it home?
01:33:43It doesn't cost any money.
01:33:46If you don't agree with the estimate,
01:33:49you can refuse it.
01:33:52Then, I will ask him to come.
01:33:55Now, you can get a double discount with a lottery.
01:34:40Get out of the way!
01:34:46Get out of the way!
01:35:20Are you okay?
01:35:21I'm fine.
01:35:24Come here.
01:35:42Get up!
01:35:44Get up!
01:35:58Mr. Natsume.
01:36:01I got a scoop of the culprit who was arrested.
01:36:06I was caught.
01:36:14Yukiko continued to go to Kyoto
01:36:18even after she was found guilty.
01:36:29When I helped my relative's confectioner,
01:36:32she lied to me.
01:36:34I met her for free.
01:36:38I didn't feel guilty.
01:36:41When I woke up that day,
01:36:43I was following Yukiko.
01:36:47The End
01:37:08I didn't want to destroy the company
01:37:12which my father had taken over.
01:37:14I came here with a heavy heart, but it was the worst time of the year.
01:37:26Nice to meet you.
01:37:28You can't get any better than this.
01:37:30No, it's amazing.
01:37:36I finally got my hands on Yami Kinyu.
01:37:40I was so excited.
01:37:45I can do something about this for a while.
01:37:54But of course, the fastest movie came.
01:37:59I was looking for something to put out at seven o'clock.
01:38:03I found that key ring.
01:38:14I remember Yukiko at that time.
01:38:26I was wearing a beautiful kimono and laughing happily.
01:38:31Compared to that, I was looking at it from the outside.
01:38:38I was running around in bad luck every day.
01:38:42The president was a miserable man with only a name.
01:38:50Yukiko had to pay 50 million yen for insurance.
01:38:54Kill Yukiko and get insurance money.
01:38:58Protect the company with that money.
01:39:08Yes, I understand.
01:39:11See you on Friday at Komyoji.
01:39:25I'm going to Kyoto.
01:39:27I was asked to help the store.
01:39:30I knew it was a lie to go to help.
01:39:33I'll see you at Komyoji.
01:39:46Why are you here?
01:39:50I want to talk about divorce.
01:40:04I want you to hurry.
01:40:06I understand how you feel.
01:40:10So let's get a divorce.
01:40:13I should get a car.
01:40:17But I don't need that.
01:40:35I don't need insurance money.
01:40:43How did you kill Tada?
01:40:47I waited for him to come.
01:40:57I want to divorce Yukiko.
01:41:01You should divorce your wife and live with Yukiko.
01:41:09Yukiko, I'm counting on you.
01:41:12I don't want a divorce.
01:41:17I'm sorry.
01:41:37I'm sorry I can't tell you how I feel.
01:41:47I'm sorry.
01:41:56I killed two people and waited for one night.
01:42:01The next morning, I went to the temple to throw away the body.
01:42:18Yukiko was beautiful.
01:42:22Yukiko wore a kimono and was covered in snow.
01:42:28Yukiko was the most beautiful Yukiko I've ever seen.
01:42:48Why did you kill Tada?
01:42:53Yukiko was in the hospital for less than a year.
01:42:58In that case, I couldn't get insurance money.
01:43:02So you killed Tada?
01:43:09You mean Oda?
01:43:12No, Oda is not an accomplice.
01:43:16I did it alone.
01:43:19She has nothing to do with the case.
01:43:23It's all my fault.
01:43:30I was a fool.
01:43:34I killed Yukiko for money.
01:43:44When I first met you,
01:43:48I saw your hand in your suit.
01:43:51It was a hand of suffering.
01:43:56I thought you were a hard-working person.
01:44:02But you were soaked in sweat and ink.
01:44:08You were soaked in the blood of three people.
01:44:14No matter how much you wash it, it won't come off.
01:44:19The lives of the three people who disappeared once will never return.
01:44:27I don't want to die.
01:44:35I said you had nothing to do with the case.
01:44:41Did you say that?
01:44:46I said I did it all by myself.
01:44:51Did you have an affair with Sumoto?
01:44:55I had nothing to do with it.
01:44:58The president has a weak mind.
01:45:01But he has never played with women at work.
01:45:06It was a serious job.
01:45:11But he killed three people for the insurance money.
01:45:21Why did such a weak man think of such a terrible thing?
01:45:37I couldn't forgive him.
01:45:40I couldn't forgive that woman.
01:45:46I was against it when I got married.
01:45:50I was against it when I got married.
01:45:54I never gave her a penny.
01:46:02I always bought her flowers and water.
01:46:09I couldn't forgive her.
01:46:12She was the president's wife.
01:46:15I couldn't forgive her.
01:46:34You can't break this.
01:46:37Please leave me alone.
01:46:39What will change if you break this?
01:46:43I can't do this anymore.
01:46:46I can't do this anymore.
01:46:52I can't do this anymore.
01:46:55You can't do this anymore.
01:47:03This company was built by my predecessor.
01:47:09I know how hard he worked.
01:47:15I know how hard he worked.
01:47:27Yukiko should die.
01:47:32What a beautiful kimono.
01:47:35What a beautiful kimono.
01:47:37It's perfect for this season.
01:47:39It's perfect for this season.
01:47:41Yukiko should wear this kimono and die.
01:47:47Yukiko should wear this kimono and die.
01:47:51If I kill that woman, the company will be saved.
01:47:56The company is important.
01:48:01The company is important.
01:48:07What about Sumoto's life?
01:48:10If you hadn't killed him, he wouldn't have killed you.
01:48:17If you hadn't killed him, he wouldn't have killed you.
01:48:18Sumoto's life is ruined.
01:48:23Do you still think the company is important?
01:48:30The company is important.
01:49:01Shoko is with the person she loves.
01:49:05Shoko is with the person she loves.
01:49:07I thought I had found happiness.
01:49:10I thought I had found happiness.
01:49:14What is happiness?
01:49:17What is happiness?
01:49:19I think it's something to be cherished.
01:49:21I think it's something to be cherished.
01:49:23Like this.
01:49:25Like this.
01:49:30Like this.
01:49:32Like this.
01:49:34Like this.
01:49:36Like this.
01:49:38Like this.
01:49:40Like this.
01:49:42Like this.
01:49:44Like this.
01:49:46Like this.
01:49:48Like this.
01:49:50Like this.
01:49:52Like this.
01:49:54Like this.
01:49:56Like this.
01:49:58Like this.
01:50:00Like this.
01:50:02Like this.
01:50:04Like this.
01:50:06Like this.
01:50:08Like this.
01:50:10Like this.
01:50:12Like this.
01:50:14Like this.
01:50:16Like this.
01:50:18Like this.
01:50:20Like this.
01:50:22Like this.
01:50:24Like this.
01:50:26Like this.
01:50:28Like this.
01:50:30Like this.
01:50:32Like this.
01:50:34Like this.
01:50:36Like this.
01:50:38Like this.
01:50:40Like this.
01:50:42Like this.
01:50:44Like this.
01:50:46Like this.
01:50:48Like this.
01:50:50Like this.
01:50:52Like this.
01:50:54The next episode will be on the next episode.
01:50:56The next episode will be on the next episode.
01:50:58Attention, please.
01:51:00This is a hot topic.
01:51:02There are surprising supplements.
01:51:04This is a hot topic.
01:51:06There are surprising supplements.
01:51:08I think this is amazing.
01:51:10I'm not worried about anything.
01:51:12I'm happy.
01:51:14I'm happy.
01:51:16I'm grateful.
01:51:18Itadori, a hot topic.
01:51:20Itadori, a hot topic.
01:51:22The locals actually tried it.
01:51:24The locals actually tried it.
01:51:26It contains glucosamine and chondroitin.
01:51:28It contains glucosamine and chondroitin.
01:51:30Itadori is my first time eating it.
01:51:32Itadori is my first time eating it.
01:51:34I hope it's different from what I've eaten before.
01:51:36When they visited later,
01:51:38When they visited later,
01:51:40Itadori is amazing.
01:51:42Itadori is amazing.
01:51:44I'm happy.
01:51:46Itadori is amazing.
01:51:48Itadori is amazing.
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