Dr. Seuss Beginner Book Video (1989) VHS

  • 2 days ago
When The Cat in the Hat was published in 1957 as the first Beginner Book, it revolutionized reading. Today, more than 30 years later, Beginner Books are still revolutionary-and just as much fun! Now generations can enjoy Dr. Seuss's unpredictable humor in these great videos from Random House.
00:00:30Dr. Seuss beginner book video
00:01:16Say can you say
00:01:24Said a book reading parrot named Huey
00:01:27The words in this book are all buoy
00:01:30When you say them your lips will make slips and backflips and your tongue may end up in st. Louis
00:01:40Fresh fresher freshest
00:01:42Do you like fresh fish? It's just fine at Finney's diner
00:01:47Finney also has some fresher fish that's fresher and much finer
00:01:52But his best fish is his precious fish and Finney says with pride
00:01:57The finest fish at Finney's is my freshest fish French fried
00:02:04Don't order the fresh or the fresher fish at Finney's if you're wise
00:02:10You'll say that's me the finest French fried freshest fish that Finney fries
00:02:22We have a dinosaur named in
00:02:25then spin
00:02:27Then doesn't have much skin
00:02:30And the bones fall out of his left front chin
00:02:35Then we have to call in pin or blim who comes with this handy shin pin bin and with the thin blin
00:02:42shinbone pin
00:02:44Blin pins dim shinbones right back in
00:02:48Bed spreader bread spreader
00:02:52Bed spreader spread spreads on beds
00:02:56Bread spreader spread butters on breads
00:03:01And that bed spreader better watch out how he's spreading
00:03:05Or that bread spreader sure going to butter his bedding
00:03:12Ape cakes grape cakes
00:03:14Ape cakes grape cakes
00:03:18As he gobbled the cakes on his plate the greedy ape said as he ate
00:03:25The greener green grapes are the keener keen apes are to gobble green grape cakes. They're great
00:03:34Are you having trouble in saying this stuff
00:03:39It's really quite easy for me I
00:03:42Just look in my mirror and see what I say and then I just say what I see
00:03:52And now let's talk about money
00:03:56You should leave your rocks home when you travel by air
00:04:01If you take him along they charge double the fare
00:04:06And your rocks must be packed and locked up in a grox box
00:04:12Which cost much much more than a little old fox box
00:04:18So it keeps a lot cheaper to fly with your foxes
00:04:22Then waste all that money on boxes for Grox's
00:04:29what do you think costs more a
00:04:33A simple thimble
00:04:35or a single shingle a
00:04:39Simple thimble could cost less than a single shingle would I guess?
00:04:44So I think that the single shingle should cost more than the simple thimble would
00:04:52Eat at skipper's zips
00:04:55If you like to eat potato chips and chew pork chops on clipper ships
00:05:00I suggest that you chew a few chips and a chop at skipper's zips clipper ship chip chop shop
00:05:08And if your tongue is getting queasy don't give up the next one's easy
00:05:15The Fudd Nuddlers
00:05:18There are so many things that you really should know and that's why I'm bothering telling you so
00:05:25You should know the first names of the Fudd Nuddler brothers who like to pile each on the heads of the others
00:05:32If you start at the top, there are Bipper and Bud and Skipper and Jipper and Jeffrey and Judd
00:05:41Horatio Horace and Hendrix and Hud and then come Dinwoody and Dinty and Dud
00:05:49Also Fritz Simmon and Frederick and Fudd and Slinky and Stinky
00:05:54and Stuart and Stud
00:05:56And down at the bottom is poor little Ludd, but if Ludd ever sneezes
00:06:04His name will be Mudd
00:06:10Quack quack
00:06:13We have two ducks one blue one black and when our blue duck goes quack quack
00:06:20Our black duck quickly quack quacks back
00:06:25The quacks blue quacks makes it quite a quacker
00:06:29but black is a quicker quacker backer and
00:06:35Speaking of quacks
00:06:37Reminds me of cracks and stacks and sacks and shacks and snacks
00:06:44So oh say can you say I
00:06:48Have cracks in my shack I
00:06:51Have smoke in my stack
00:06:54And I think there's a snack in the sack on my back
00:06:59West Beast East Beast
00:07:03Upon an island hard to reach
00:07:05East Beast sits upon his beach
00:07:09Upon the West Beach sits the West Beast
00:07:12Each Beach Beast thinks he's the best
00:07:17Which Beast is best
00:07:20Well, I thought at first that the East was best and the West worse
00:07:28Then I looked again from the West to the East
00:07:33And I like the Beast on the East Beach
00:07:39Pete Pat's pigs
00:07:41Don't ask me why it doesn't matter Pete Briggs is a pink pig big pig patter
00:07:48Pete Briggs patches big pink pigs all day. Don't ask me why I cannot say
00:07:56Then Pete puts his padded pigs away in his big pink pig
00:08:01Pigs and then he puts his big pink pigs away in his big pink pig
00:08:07Then Pete puts his padded pigs away in his Pete Briggs pink pigs big pigs pig pen
00:08:18Fritz food Fred food
00:08:22Fritz needs bread and bread needs Fritz
00:08:28Fritz feeds bread and bread feeds Fritz
00:08:33Bread feeds Fritz with ritzy Fred food
00:08:38Fritz feeds bread with ritzy Fritz food
00:08:42And Fritz when fed has often said
00:08:47I'm a bread fed Fritz Fred's a Fritz fed Fred
00:08:54How to tell a klutz from a glutz
00:08:57How to tell a klutz from a glutz
00:09:01Well a glutz you will notice has lots of black spots. The klutz is quite different with lots of black dots
00:09:11But the big problem is that the spots on a glutz are about the same size as the dots on a klutz
00:09:20So you first have to spot who the one with the dots is
00:09:24Then it's easy to tell who the klutz or the glutzes
00:09:31What would you rather be when you grow up a
00:09:36Cop in a cop's cap
00:09:39Or a cupcake cook in a cupcake cook's cap
00:09:44Or a fat flapjack flapper in a flat flapjack cap
00:09:49Or if you think you don't like cop's caps
00:09:53Flapjack flappers or cupcake cook's caps
00:09:57Maybe you're one of those choosy chaps
00:10:01Who likes kooky captain's caps perhaps?
00:10:07More about Blinn
00:10:10Well when Blinn comes home tired from his work pinning shins the happiest hour of the day is
00:10:17The happiest hour of old Blinn's day begins
00:10:22Mr. Blinn is the father of musical twins who tucking twin instruments under twin chins
00:10:30lull their daddy to sleep with twin Blinn violins
00:10:37And oh say can you say
00:10:41Far away in Berlin a musical urchin named Gretchen von Schwinn has a blue footed, true footed, trick fingered, slick fingered, six fingered, six stringed, ten shwinned, mandolin
00:10:58Rope soap hoop soap
00:11:01If you hope to wash soup off a rope
00:11:05Simply scrub it with scrub
00:11:08Scrub is so scrubby
00:11:10Strong that no rope is too long
00:11:15But if you should wish to wash soup off a hoop
00:11:19I suggest that it's best to let your whole silly souped up hoop soak in soapy cooper super soup off hoop soak suds
00:11:29Merry Christmas mush
00:11:32One year we had a Christmas brunch
00:11:35With Merry Christmas mush to mush
00:11:39But I don't think you'd care for such
00:11:42We didn't like to mush mush mush
00:11:47And speaking of Christmas, here are some great gifts to give to your daddy
00:11:53If your daddy's name is Jim, and if Jim flims, and if Jim flim, the perfect Christmas gift for him
00:12:01Is a set of slim Jim flim fins
00:12:04But if your daddy's name is Dwight, and he likes to look at birds at night
00:12:09The gift for Dwight that might be right, is a bright Dwight bird flight night sight light
00:12:18But never give your daddy a walrus
00:12:22A walrus with whiskers is not a good pet
00:12:27And a walrus which whispers is worse even yet
00:12:31When a walrus whispers through tough rough wet whiskers
00:12:36Your poor daddy's ear will get blispers and bliskers
00:12:43And that's almost enough of such stuff for one day
00:12:46One more and you're finished
00:12:48Oh say can you say
00:12:51The storm starts when the drops start dropping
00:12:56When the drops stop dropping
00:12:59When the drops stop dropping
00:13:02Then the storm starts stopping
00:13:08One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish
00:13:11By Dr. Seuss
00:13:17One fish
00:13:19Two fish
00:13:22Red fish
00:13:24Blue fish
00:13:28Black fish
00:13:30Blue fish
00:13:33Old fish
00:13:35New fish
00:13:39This one has a little star
00:13:43This one has a little car
00:13:46Say, what a lot of fish there are
00:13:49Yes, some are red and some are blue
00:13:54Some are old and some are new
00:13:59Some are sad and some are glad
00:14:04And some are very very bad
00:14:08Why are they sad and glad and bad?
00:14:12I do not know, go ask your dad
00:14:16Some are thin and some are fat
00:14:21The fat one has a yellow hat
00:14:25From there to here, from here to there
00:14:30Funny things are everywhere
00:14:36Here are some who like to run
00:14:39They run for fun in the hot hot sun
00:14:43Oh me, oh my, oh me, oh my
00:14:47What a lot of funny things go by
00:14:51Some have two feet
00:14:54And some have four
00:14:57Some have six feet
00:15:00And some have more
00:15:02Where do they come from?
00:15:04I can't say, but I bet they have come a long long way
00:15:12We see them come
00:15:14We see them go
00:15:16We see them go
00:15:19Some are fast
00:15:22And some are slow
00:15:26Some are high
00:15:28And some are low
00:15:31Not one of them is like another
00:15:33Don't ask us why
00:15:35Go ask your mother
00:15:40Say, look at his fingers
00:15:43One, two, three
00:15:46How many fingers do I see?
00:15:50One, two, three, four
00:15:53Five, six, seven
00:15:56Eight, nine, ten
00:15:59He has eleven
00:16:02Eleven, this is something new
00:16:05I wish I had eleven too
00:16:10Bump, bump, bump
00:16:13Did you ever ride a wump?
00:16:15We have a wump with just one hump
00:16:20But we know a man called Mr. Gump
00:16:25Mr. Gump has a seven hump wump
00:16:28So, if you like to go bump bump
00:16:32Then jump on the hump of the wump of Gump
00:16:38Who am I? My name is Ned
00:16:41Ned, I do not like my little bed
00:16:45This is no good, this is not right
00:16:48My feet stick out of bed all night
00:16:52And when I pull them in, oh dear
00:16:55My head sticks out of bed up here
00:17:00We like our bike, it is made for three
00:17:03Our mic sits up and back, you see
00:17:07We like our mic, and this is why
00:17:10Ned does all the work when the hill gets hot
00:17:15Hello there, Ned
00:17:17How do you do?
00:17:20Tell me, tell me, what is new?
00:17:23How are things in your little bed?
00:17:27What is new? Please tell me, Ned
00:17:31I do not like this bed at all
00:17:33A lot of things have come to call
00:17:36A cow, a dog, a cat, a mouse
00:17:40Oh, what a bed, oh, what a house
00:17:46Oh dear, oh dear, I cannot hear
00:17:49Will you please come over near?
00:17:52Will you please look in my ear?
00:17:55There must be something there, I fear
00:17:59Say, look, a bird was in your ear
00:18:03But he is out, so have no fear
00:18:06Again your ear can hear, my dear
00:18:11My hat is old, my teeth are gold
00:18:15I have a bird I like to hold
00:18:19My shoe is off, my foot is cold
00:18:23My shoe is off, my foot is cold
00:18:27I have a bird I like to hold
00:18:31My hat is old, my teeth are gold
00:18:35And now my story is all told
00:18:41We took a look, we saw a nook
00:18:46On his head he had a hook
00:18:48On his hook he had a book
00:18:51On his book was how to cook
00:18:55We saw him sit and try to cook
00:18:59He took a look at the book on the hook
00:19:03But a nook can't read, so a nook can't cook
00:19:07So, what good to a nook is a hook cookbook?
00:19:14The moon was out and we saw some sheep
00:19:18We saw some sheep take a walk in their sleep
00:19:23By the light of the moon, by the light of a star
00:19:27They walked all night from near to far
00:19:32I would never walk, I would take a car
00:19:38I do not like this one so well
00:19:41All he does is yell, yell, yell
00:19:44I will not have this one about
00:19:46When he comes in, I put him out
00:19:51This one is quiet as a mouse
00:19:53I like to have him in the house
00:19:57At our house we open cans
00:20:00We have to open many cans
00:20:04And that is why we have a Zanz
00:20:07A Zanz for cans is very good
00:20:10Have you a Zanz for cans? You should
00:20:17I like to box how I like to box
00:20:21So every day I box a gox
00:20:26In yellow socks I box my gox
00:20:29I box in yellow gox box socks
00:20:36It is fun to sing if you sing with a ying
00:20:42My ying can sing like anything
00:20:47I sing high and my ying sings low
00:20:53And we are not too bad, you know
00:20:59This one I think is called a ying
00:21:02He likes to wink, he likes to drink
00:21:06He likes to drink and drink and drink
00:21:10The thing he likes to drink is ink
00:21:13The ink he likes to drink is pink
00:21:16He likes to wink and drink pink ink
00:21:20So if you have a lot of ink
00:21:23Then you should get a ying, I think
00:21:29Hop, hop, hop, I am a yop
00:21:33All I like to do is hop
00:21:36From finger top to finger top
00:21:39I hop from left to right and then
00:21:43Hop, hop, I hop right back again
00:21:47I like to hop all day and night
00:21:51From right to left and left to right
00:21:55Why do I like to hop, hop, hop?
00:21:58I do not know, go ask your pop
00:22:03Brush, brush, brush, brush
00:22:06Comb, comb, comb, comb
00:22:10Blue hair is fun to brush and comb
00:22:13All girls who like to brush and comb
00:22:16Should have a pet like this at home
00:22:21Who is this pet?
00:22:23Say, he is wet
00:22:26You never yet met a pet, I bet
00:22:29As wet as they let this wet pet get
00:22:35Did you ever fly a kite in bed?
00:22:39Did you ever walk with ten cats on your head?
00:22:44Did you ever milk this kind of cow?
00:22:47Well, we can do it, we know how
00:22:52If you never did, you should
00:22:54These things are fun and fun is good
00:22:59Hello, hello, are you there?
00:23:03Hello, I called you up to say hello
00:23:07I said hello, can you hear me Joe?
00:23:11Oh no, I cannot hear your call
00:23:14I cannot hear your call at all
00:23:17This is not good and I know why
00:23:20A mouse has cut the wire, goodbye
00:23:25From near to far, from here to there
00:23:29Funny things are everywhere
00:23:33These yellow pets are called the Zeds
00:23:36They have one hair up on their head
00:23:40Their hair grows fast, so fast they say
00:23:44They need a haircut every day
00:23:49Who am I? My name is Ish
00:23:52On my hand I have a dish
00:23:54I have this dish to help me wish
00:23:58When I wish to make a wish
00:24:00I wave my hand with a big swish, swish
00:24:04Then I say, I wish for fish
00:24:06And I get fish right on my dish
00:24:09So, if you wish to wish a wish
00:24:12You may swish for fish with my Ish Wish Dish
00:24:18At our house, we have fish
00:24:21At our house, we play a back
00:24:24We play a game called Ring the Gak
00:24:27Would you like to play this game?
00:24:30Come down
00:24:32We have the only Gak in town
00:24:38Look what we found in the park in the dark
00:24:43We will take him home, we will call him Clark
00:24:47He will live at our house, he will grow and grow
00:24:52Will our mother like this?
00:24:54We don't know
00:25:00And now goodnight, it is time to sleep
00:25:04So, we will sleep with our pet Z
00:25:08Today is gone, today was fun
00:25:11Tomorrow is another one
00:25:15Every day, from here to there
00:25:19Funny things are everywhere
00:25:25The Cat in the Hat comes back by Dr. Seuss
00:25:30This was no time for play, this was no time for fun
00:25:35This was no time for games, there was work to be done
00:25:39All that deep, deep, deep snow, all that snow had to go
00:25:45When our mother went down to the town for the day, she said
00:25:49Somebody has to clean all this away
00:25:52Somebody, somebody has to, you see
00:25:56And she picked out two somebody, Sally and me
00:26:01Well, there we were, we were working like that
00:26:06And then who should come up? But the Cat in the Hat
00:26:11Uh-oh, Sally said, don't you talk to that cat
00:26:15That cat is a bad one, that Cat in the Hat
00:26:18He plays lots of bad tricks
00:26:21Don't you let him come near
00:26:23You know what he did the last time he was here
00:26:26Play tricks?
00:26:27Laughed the cat
00:26:28Oh my, my, no, no, no
00:26:31I just want to go in to get out of the snow
00:26:34Keep your mind on your work, you just stay there you two
00:26:39I will go in the house and find something to do
00:26:43Then the cat went right in, he was up to no good
00:26:48So I ran in after, as fast as I could
00:26:52Do you know where I found him?
00:26:55You know where he was?
00:26:57He was eating a cake in the tub, yes he was
00:27:02The hot water was on and the cold water too
00:27:06And I said to the cat, what a bad thing to do
00:27:10But I like to eat cake in a tub
00:27:13Laughed the cat
00:27:14You should try it sometime
00:27:16Laughed the cat as he sat
00:27:19And then I got mad, this was no time for fun
00:27:23I said, Cat, you get out, there is work to be done
00:27:29I have no time for tricks, I must go back and dig
00:27:34I can't have you in here eating cake like a pig
00:27:37You get out of this house, we don't want you about
00:27:42Then I shut off the water and let it run out
00:27:47The water ran out and then I saw the ring
00:27:51A ring in the tub and oh boy, what a thing
00:27:55A big long pink cat ring
00:27:58It looked like pink ink
00:28:01And I said, will this ever come off?
00:28:04I don't think
00:28:07Have no fear of that ring
00:28:10Laughed the cat in the hat
00:28:12Why I can take cat rings off tubs just like that
00:28:17Do you know how he did it?
00:28:19With mother's white dress
00:28:23Now the tub was all clean
00:28:26But her dress was a mess
00:28:31Then Sally looked in, Sally saw the dress too
00:28:35And Sally and I did not know what to do
00:28:39We should work in the snow
00:28:41But that dress, what a spot
00:28:45It may never come off, Sally said, it may not
00:28:51But the cat laughed
00:28:53Ho ho, I can make the spot go
00:28:56The way I take spots off a dress is just so
00:28:59Ha ha, see here
00:29:01Laughed the cat
00:29:02It is not hard at all
00:29:04The thing that takes spots off a dress is a wall
00:29:09Then we saw the cat wipe the spot off the dress
00:29:13Now the dress was all clean
00:29:16But the wall, what a mess
00:29:20Ho ho, wall spots
00:29:21He laughed
00:29:22Let me tell you some news
00:29:24To take spots off a wall
00:29:27All I need is two shoes
00:29:31Whose shoes did he use?
00:29:33I looked and saw whose
00:29:35And I said to the cat, this is very bad news
00:29:40Now the spot is all over dad's ten dollar shoes
00:29:45But your dad will not know about that
00:29:48Said the cat
00:29:49He will never find out
00:29:51Laughed the cat in the hat
00:29:54His ten dollar shoes will have no spots at all
00:29:57I will rub them right off on this rug in the hall
00:30:02But now we have rug spots, I yelled
00:30:05What a day
00:30:06Rug spots, what next?
00:30:09Can you take them away?
00:30:12Don't ask me
00:30:13He laughed
00:30:14Why you know that I can
00:30:16Then he picked up the rug
00:30:18And away the cat ran
00:30:21I can clean up these rug spots before you count three
00:30:25No spots are too hard for a hat cat like me
00:30:31He ran into dad's bedroom
00:30:33And then the cat said
00:30:35It is good that your dad has the right kind of bed
00:30:39Then he shook the rug
00:30:42Now the bed had the spots
00:30:46And all I could say was
00:30:48Now what cat, now what?
00:30:53But the cat just stood still
00:30:55He just looked at the bed
00:30:57This is not the right kind of a bed
00:31:00The cat said
00:31:01To take spots off this bed will be hard
00:31:04Said the cat
00:31:06I can't do it alone
00:31:08Said the cat in the hat
00:31:11It is good I have someone to help me
00:31:13He said
00:31:14Right here in my hat, on the top of my head
00:31:17It is good that I have him here with me today
00:31:20He helps me a lot
00:31:22This is little cat A
00:31:25And then little cat A took the hat off his head
00:31:29It is good I have someone to help me
00:31:32He said
00:31:33This is little cat B
00:31:36And I keep him about
00:31:38And when I need help, then I let him come out
00:31:42And then B said
00:31:44I think we need little cat C
00:31:48That spot is too much for the A cat and me
00:31:52But now have no fear
00:31:54We will clean it away
00:31:56The three of us
00:31:58Little cats B, C and A
00:32:02Come on, take it away
00:32:05Yelled little cat A
00:32:08I will hit that old spot with this broom
00:32:12Do you see?
00:32:13It comes off the old bed
00:32:15It goes on the TV
00:32:18And then little cat B cleaned up the TV
00:32:22He cleaned it with milk
00:32:24Put the spot in a pan
00:32:26And then C blew it out of the house with a fan
00:32:31But look where it went, I said
00:32:34Look where it blew
00:32:36You blew the mess out of the house, that is true
00:32:40But now you made snow spots
00:32:42You can't let them stay
00:32:45Let us think about that now
00:32:47Said C, B and A
00:32:51With some help we can do it
00:32:53Said little cat C
00:32:56Then pop!
00:32:57On his head we saw little cat D
00:33:01Then pop, pop, pop
00:33:03Little cats E, F and G
00:33:06We will clean up that snow
00:33:08If it takes us all day
00:33:10If it takes us all night
00:33:12We will clean it away
00:33:14Said little cats G, F, E, D, C, B, A
00:33:22They ran out of the house then
00:33:24And we ran out too
00:33:26And the big cat laughed
00:33:28Now you will see something new
00:33:31My cats are all clever
00:33:33My cats are good shots
00:33:35My cats have good guns
00:33:37They will kill all those spots
00:33:41But this did not look very clever to me
00:33:44Kill snow spots with popcorn?
00:33:47That just could not be
00:33:49All this does is make more spots
00:33:52We yelled at the cat
00:33:54Your cats are no good
00:33:56Put them back in your hat
00:33:58Take your little cats G, F, E, D, C, B, A
00:34:03Put them back in your hat
00:34:05And you take them away
00:34:07Oh no!
00:34:08Said the cat
00:34:09All they need is more help
00:34:11Help is all that they need
00:34:13So keep still and don't yelp
00:34:17Then little cat G
00:34:19Took the hat off his head
00:34:21I have little cat H here to help us
00:34:23He said
00:34:24Little cat H, I, J, K, L, N, M
00:34:27But our work is so hard
00:34:29We must have more than them
00:34:31We need little cat N
00:34:33We need O, we need T
00:34:35We need little cats Q, R, S, T, U, and V
00:34:40Come on, kill those spots
00:34:43Kill the mess
00:34:44Yelled the cat
00:34:46And they jumped at the snow
00:34:48With long legs and red backs
00:34:52They put it in pails
00:34:54And they made high pink hills
00:34:56Pink snowmen, pink snowballs, and little pink hills
00:35:03Oh, the things that they did
00:35:05And they did them so hard
00:35:07It was all one big spot now
00:35:10All over the yard
00:35:14But the big cat stood there
00:35:16And he said
00:35:17This is good
00:35:19This is what they should do
00:35:21And I knew that they would
00:35:23With a little more help
00:35:25All the work will be done
00:35:27They need one more cat
00:35:29And I know just the one
00:35:31Look close
00:35:33In my hand, I have little cat V
00:35:36On his head are cats W, X, Y, and Z
00:35:41Z is too small to see
00:35:44So don't try, you cannot
00:35:46But Z is the cat who will clean up that spot
00:35:50Now here's the Z you can't see
00:35:53Said the cat
00:35:54And I bet you can't guess what he has in his hat
00:35:58He has something called boom
00:36:00Boom is so hard to get
00:36:02You never saw anything like it, I bet
00:36:05Why, boom cleans up anything clean as can be
00:36:09Then he yelled
00:36:10Take your hat off now, little cat Z
00:36:13Take the boom off your head
00:36:15Make it clean up the snow
00:36:17Hurry, you little cat
00:36:19One, two, three, go!
00:36:22Then the vroom
00:36:24It went vroom
00:36:25And oh boy, what a vroom
00:36:28Now don't ask me what vroom is
00:36:31I never will know
00:36:33But boy, let me tell you
00:36:35It does clean up snow
00:36:39Haha, so you see
00:36:41Laughed the cat
00:36:42Now your snow is all white
00:36:44Now your work is all done
00:36:46Now your house is all right
00:36:48And you know where my little cats are?
00:36:51Said the cat
00:36:53That vroom blew my little cats back in my hat
00:36:58And so, if you ever have spots now and then
00:37:02I will be very happy to come here again
00:37:05With little cats ABCDEFG
00:37:08HIJK, LMN and OP
00:37:12And QRST and Cat U and Cat V
00:37:15And little cats W, XY and Z
00:37:30The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss
00:37:35Left foot
00:37:38Left foot
00:37:39Left foot
00:37:42Right foot
00:37:47Feet in the morning
00:37:51Feet at night
00:37:55Left foot
00:37:57Left foot
00:37:59Left foot
00:38:03Wet foot
00:38:07Dry foot
00:38:10Low foot
00:38:14High foot
00:38:18Front feet
00:38:21Back feet
00:38:24Red feet
00:38:27Black feet
00:38:30Left foot
00:38:33Right foot
00:38:36Feet, feet, feet
00:38:39How many, many feet you need
00:38:45Slow feet
00:38:48Quick feet
00:38:51Trick feet
00:38:56Sick feet
00:39:02Up feet
00:39:05Down feet
00:39:09Here come clown feet
00:39:14Small feet
00:39:16Big feet
00:39:20Here come pig feet
00:39:25His feet
00:39:27Her feet
00:39:30Fuzzy fur feet
00:39:34In the house
00:39:37And on the street
00:39:41How many, many feet you need
00:39:47Up in the air feet
00:39:52Over a chair feet
00:39:57More and more feet
00:40:00More and more feet
00:40:05Twenty-four feet
00:40:10Here come more and more and more feet
00:40:19Left foot
00:40:22Right foot
00:40:25Feet, feet, feet
00:40:31Oh, how many feet you need
00:40:40I Can Read With My Eyes Shut by Dr. Seuss
00:40:49I can read in red
00:40:52I can read in blue
00:40:56I can read in pickle color too
00:41:00I can read in bed
00:41:03And in purple
00:41:06And in brown
00:41:09I can read in a circle
00:41:13And upside down
00:41:19I can read with my left eye
00:41:22Another fish
00:41:24I can read with my right
00:41:27I can read Mississippi
00:41:30With my eyes shut tight
00:41:34Mississippi, Indianapolis, and Hallelujah too
00:41:39I can read them with my eyes shut
00:41:43That is very hard to do
00:41:49But it's bad for my hat
00:41:52And makes my eyebrows get red hot
00:41:56So, reading with my eyes shut
00:42:00I don't do an awful lot
00:42:05And when I keep them open
00:42:08I can read with much more speed
00:42:11You have to be a speedy reader
00:42:13Cause there's so, so much to read
00:42:18You can read about trees
00:42:22And bees
00:42:24And knees
00:42:25And knees
00:42:28And knees on trees
00:42:33And bees on threes
00:42:39You can read about anchors
00:42:43And all about ants
00:42:48You can read about ankles
00:42:51And crocodile pants
00:42:56You can read about hoses
00:43:01And how to smell roses
00:43:05And what you should do about owls on noses
00:43:11Young cat, if you keep your eyes open enough
00:43:16Oh, the stuff you will learn
00:43:18Oh, the stuff you will learn
00:43:21The most wonderful stuff
00:43:27You'll learn about fish bones
00:43:31And wish bones
00:43:34You'll learn about trombones too
00:43:40You'll learn about Jake the Pillow Snake
00:43:43And all about Fufu the Snoo
00:43:48You can learn about ice
00:43:51You can learn about mice
00:43:54Mice on ice
00:43:57And ice on mice
00:44:01You can learn about the price of ice
00:44:05Nice ice for sale
00:44:07Ten cents a pail
00:44:09You can learn about sad
00:44:13And glad
00:44:15And mad
00:44:19There are so many things you can learn about
00:44:22But you'll miss the best things
00:44:26If you keep your eyes shut
00:44:32The more that you read
00:44:34The more things you'll learn
00:44:36The more that you read
00:44:38The more things you'll know
00:44:41The more that you learn
00:44:43The more places you'll go
00:44:47You might learn a way to earn a few dollars
00:44:53Or how to make donuts
00:44:58Or kangaroo collars
00:45:02You can learn to read music
00:45:05And play a hot set
00:45:08If you keep your eyes open
00:45:11But not with them shut
00:45:17If you read with your eyes shut
00:45:19You're likely to find
00:45:21That the place where you're going
00:45:23Is far, far behind
00:45:29So, that's why I tell you to keep your eyes wide
00:45:35Keep them wide open
00:45:37At least on one side
00:45:46Hop on Pop by Dr. Seuss
00:45:56Pop is op
00:46:07Pop in cop
00:46:17Pop on pop
00:46:28Mouse on house
00:46:40House on mouse
00:46:50We all are tall
00:46:59We all are small
00:47:09We all play ball
00:47:18Hop on a wall
00:47:26Fall off the wall
00:47:38We play all day
00:47:48We fight all night
00:48:00He is after me
00:48:11Jim is after him
00:48:22We see a bee
00:48:33Now we see three
00:48:44Three fish in a tree
00:48:48Fish in a tree? How can that be?
00:48:58They call me Red
00:49:07I am in bed
00:49:20And Ed
00:49:23In bed
00:49:31They call him Pat
00:49:40Pat sat on hat
00:49:51Pat sat on cat
00:50:03Pat sat on bat
00:50:08No, Pat, no!
00:50:10Don't sit on that!
00:50:24Dad is sad
00:50:26Very, very sad
00:50:28He had a bad day
00:50:31What a day, Dad
00:50:39What is that thing?
00:50:48That thing can sing
00:50:59A long, long song
00:51:04Goodbye, Thing
00:51:06You sing too long
00:51:14We like to walk
00:51:20We like to talk
00:51:29We like to hop
00:51:31We like to hop on top of Pop
00:51:38You must not hop on Pop
00:51:42Mr. Brown
00:51:45Mrs. Brown
00:51:48Mr. Brown
00:51:50Upside down
00:51:54Pop up
00:51:56Brown down
00:51:59Pop it down
00:52:01Where is Brown?
00:52:03Where is Brown?
00:52:06There is Brown
00:52:10Mr. Brown is out of town
00:52:18Brown came back
00:52:21Brown came back with Mr. Black
00:52:32Eat a snack
00:52:35Eat a snack with Brown and Black
00:52:45He jumped, he bumped
00:52:52He went past fast
00:52:59He went into the tent
00:53:03I sent him out of the tent
00:53:13Two dogs get wet
00:53:23They yelled for help
00:53:30Will went uphill
00:53:39Will is uphill still
00:53:53That one is my other brother
00:53:58My brothers read a little bit
00:54:02Little words like it and it
00:54:07My father can read big words too
00:54:12Constantinople and Timbuktu
00:54:22What does this say?
00:54:32Ask me tomorrow
00:54:34But not today
00:54:45There's a rocket in my pocket
00:54:47By Dr. Seuss
00:54:52Did you ever have the feeling
00:54:55There's a wasket
00:54:57In your basket?
00:55:02Or a neuro in your bureau?
00:55:07Or a wasset
00:55:09In your closet?
00:55:13Sometimes I feel quite certain
00:55:16There's a jerton
00:55:18In the curtain
00:55:22Sometimes I have the feeling
00:55:25There's a zlot
00:55:27Behind the clock
00:55:30And that zelt
00:55:32Up on that shelf
00:55:35I have talked to him myself
00:55:41That's the kind of house I live in
00:55:45There's a nink
00:55:47In the sink
00:55:51And a zamp
00:55:53In the lamp
00:55:55And they're rather nice I think
00:56:00Some of them are very friendly
00:56:03Like the yacht
00:56:05In the pot
00:56:09But that yottle in the bottle
00:56:13Some are friendly
00:56:15Some are not
00:56:18I like the zable on the table
00:56:22And the gare under the chair
00:56:28But that bofa on the sofa
00:56:32Well, I wish he wasn't there
00:56:39All those nubbers
00:56:41In the cupboards
00:56:43They're good fun to have about
00:56:48But that new thrush
00:56:50On my toothbrush
00:56:53Him I could do without
00:56:58The only one I'm really scared of
00:57:02Is that bug
00:57:04Under the rug
00:57:08And that quimmy
00:57:10Up the chimney
00:57:12I don't like him, not at all
00:57:16And it makes me sort of nervous
00:57:19When the zonks creep down the hall
00:57:24But the yeps
00:57:26On the steps
00:57:28They're great fun to have around
00:57:33And so are many, many other friends that I have found
00:57:39Like the teller
00:57:41And the neller
00:57:43And the geller
00:57:46And the diller
00:57:49And the beller
00:57:51And the weller
00:57:54And the zeller
00:57:56And the seller
00:58:02And the geeling
00:58:05On the ceiling
00:58:09And the zower
00:58:13In my shower
00:58:14And the zillow
00:58:17On my pillow
00:58:21I don't care if you believe it
00:58:25That's the kind of house I live in
00:58:29And I hope we never leave it
00:58:44Dr. Seuss
00:58:53Knox in box
00:58:56Fox in socks
00:59:00Knox on fox
00:59:02In socks
00:59:03In box
00:59:06Socks on Knox
00:59:09And Knox in box
00:59:12Fox in socks
00:59:15On box
00:59:16On Knox
00:59:20Chicks with bricks come
00:59:22Chicks with blocks come
00:59:24Chicks with bricks
00:59:26And blocks
00:59:27And clocks come
00:59:31Look, sir
00:59:32Look, sir
00:59:33Mr. Knox, sir
00:59:35Let's do tricks
00:59:36With bricks
00:59:37And blocks, sir
00:59:39Let's do tricks
00:59:40With chicks
00:59:41And clocks, sir
00:59:45I'll make a quick trick brick stack
00:59:48Then I'll make a quick trick block stack
00:59:53You can make a quick trick chick stack
00:59:57You can make a quick trick clock stack
01:00:03And here's a new trick, Mr. Knox
01:00:07Socks on chicks
01:00:09And chicks on fox
01:00:12Fox on clocks
01:00:14On bricks
01:00:15And blocks
01:00:17Bricks and blocks
01:00:18On Knox
01:00:19On box
01:00:23Now we come to ticks and tocks, sir
01:00:27Try to say this, Mr. Knox, sir
01:00:31Clocks on fox tick
01:00:34Clocks on Knox tock
01:00:38Six sick bricks tick
01:00:42Six sick chicks tick
01:00:44On Knox tock
01:00:48Please, sir
01:00:49I don't like this trick, sir
01:00:51My tongue isn't quick or slick, sir
01:00:54I get all those ticks and clocks, sir
01:00:56Mixed up with the chicks and tocks, sir
01:00:59I can't do it, Mr. Fox, sir
01:01:02I'm so sorry, Mr. Knox, sir
01:01:06Here's an easy game to play
01:01:09Here's an easy thing to say
01:01:12New socks
01:01:13Two socks
01:01:15Whose socks?
01:01:16Sue's socks
01:01:19Who sews whose socks?
01:01:22Sue sews Sue's socks
01:01:25Who sees who sew whose new socks, sir?
01:01:29You see Sue sew Sue's new socks, sir
01:01:34That's not easy, Mr. Fox, sir
01:01:39Who comes?
01:01:41Crow comes
01:01:43Slow Joe Crow comes
01:01:47Who sews Crow's clothes?
01:01:51Sue sews Crow's clothes
01:01:54Slow Joe Crow sews whose clothes?
01:01:59Sue's clothes
01:02:02Sue sews socks of fox in socks now
01:02:07Slow Joe Crow sews Knox in box now
01:02:12Sue sews Rose on Slow Joe Crow's clothes
01:02:18Fox sews hose on Slow Joe Crow's nose
01:02:24Hose goes
01:02:26Rose grows
01:02:29Nose hose goes some
01:02:31Crow's rose grows some
01:02:35Mr. Fox, I hate this game, sir
01:02:37This game makes my tongue quite lame, sir
01:02:41Mr. Knox, sir, what a shame, sir
01:02:45We'll find something new to do now
01:02:49Here is lots of new blue goo now
01:02:52New goo, blue goo
01:02:55Gooey gooey
01:02:57Blue goo, new goo
01:02:59Gluey gluey
01:03:01Blue goo, blue goo
01:03:03Blue goo, blue goo
01:03:05Blue goo, blue goo
01:03:08Gooey goo for chewy chewing
01:03:12That's what that goo goose is doing
01:03:16Do you choose to chew goo too, sir?
01:03:19If, sir, you, sir, choose to chew, sir
01:03:22With the goo goose
01:03:24Chew, sir, do, sir
01:03:28Mr. Fox, sir, I won't do it
01:03:31I can't say it
01:03:33I won't chew it
01:03:35Very well, sir
01:03:37Step this way
01:03:39We'll find another game to play
01:03:44Ben comes
01:03:46Ben comes
01:03:49Ben brings Ben broom
01:03:52Ben brings Ben broom
01:03:56Ben bends Ben's broom
01:04:00Ben bends Ben's broom
01:04:05Bims bends
01:04:07Bens bends
01:04:10Bens bent broom breaks
01:04:13Bims bent broom breaks
01:04:18Bens band
01:04:21Bims band
01:04:24Big bands
01:04:26Pig bands
01:04:29Bim and Ben lead bands with brooms
01:04:32Bens band bangs and Bims band boom
01:04:38Pig band, boom band, big band, broom band
01:04:42My poor mouth can't say that, no sir
01:04:46My poor mouth is much too slow, sir
01:04:50Well then, bring your mouth this way
01:04:54I'll find it something it can say
01:04:57Luke Luck likes lakes
01:05:00Luke's duck likes lakes
01:05:03Luke Luck licks lakes
01:05:05Luke's duck licks lakes
01:05:08Duck takes licks in lakes Luke Luck likes
01:05:13Luke Luck takes licks in lakes Duck likes
01:05:18I can't blab such blibber blubber
01:05:21My tongue isn't made of rubber
01:05:23My tongue isn't made of rubber
01:05:26Mr. Knox, now come now, come now
01:05:31You don't have to be so dumb now
01:05:35Try to say this, Mr. Knox, please
01:05:39Through three cheese trees, three free fleas flew
01:05:43While these fleas flew, freezy breeze blew
01:05:47Freezy breeze made these three trees freeze
01:05:51Freezy trees made these trees cheese freeze
01:05:55That's what made these three free fleas sneeze
01:06:00Stop it, stop it, that's enough, sir
01:06:03I can't say such silly stuff, sir
01:06:07Very well then, Mr. Knox, sir
01:06:10Let's have a little talk about Tweetle Beetles
01:06:17What do you know about Tweetle Beetles?
01:06:21Well, when Tweetle Beetles fight, it's called a Tweetle Beetle battle
01:06:28And when they battle in a puddle, it's a Tweetle Beetle puddle battle
01:06:35And when Tweetle Beetles battle with paddles in a puddle, they call it a Tweetle Beetle puddle paddle battle
01:06:43And when beetles battle beetles in a puddle paddle battle
01:06:49And the beetle battle puddle is a puddle in a bottle
01:06:53They call this a Tweetle Beetle puddle puddle paddle battle muddle
01:06:59And when beetles fight these battles in a bottle with their paddles
01:07:04And the bottles on a poodle and the poodles eating noodles
01:07:08They call this a muddle puddle Tweetle poodle beetle noodle bottle paddle battle
01:07:16Now wait a minute, Mr. Socks Fox
01:07:20When a fox is in the bottle where the Tweetle Beetles battle with their paddles in a puddle on a noodle eating poodle
01:07:27This is what they call a Tweetle Beetle noodle poodle bottle paddle muddle duddle puddle wuddle fox in socks, sir
01:07:37Fox in socks, our game is done, sir
01:07:41Thank you for a lot of fun, sir
01:07:50Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now
01:07:55By Dr. Seuss
01:08:01The time has come
01:08:04The time has come
01:08:07The time is now
01:08:11Just go, go, go
01:08:14I don't care how
01:08:18You can go by foot
01:08:21You can go by cow
01:08:24Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now
01:08:28You can go on skates
01:08:32You can go on skis
01:08:36You can go in a hat
01:08:39But please go, please
01:08:44I don't care
01:08:46You can go by bike
01:08:49You can go on a zike bike if you like
01:08:54If you like, you can go on a bike
01:08:57If you like, you can go in an old blue shoe
01:09:03Just go, go, go
01:09:06Please do, do, do
01:09:11Marvin K. Mooney I don't care how
01:09:16Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now
01:09:21You can go on stilts
01:09:25You can go by fish
01:09:30You can go in a crunk car if you wish
01:09:37If you wish, you may go by lion's tail
01:09:42Or stamp yourself
01:09:45And go by mail
01:09:47And go by mail
01:09:50Marvin K. Mooney, don't you know
01:09:54The time has come to go, go, go
01:10:01Get on your way, please, Marvin K.
01:10:06You might like going in a zumble, say
01:10:13You can go by balloon
01:10:17Or broomstick
01:10:20Or you can go by camel
01:10:24In a bureau drawer
01:10:28You can go by bumble boat
01:10:32Or jet
01:10:34I don't care how you go
01:10:37Just jet
01:10:42Get yourself a gazoo
01:10:45You can go with a boom
01:10:49Marvin, Marvin, Marvin
01:10:52Will you leave this room?
01:10:56Marvin K. Mooney I don't care how
01:11:01Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now
01:11:08I said go
01:11:11And go I meant
01:11:15The time had come
01:11:18So, Marvin went
01:11:26Mr. Brown Can Moo
01:11:29Can You? By Dr. Seuss
01:11:34Oh, the wonderful things Mr. Brown can do
01:11:38He can go like a cow
01:11:41He can go moo, moo
01:11:46Mr. Brown can do it
01:11:49How about you?
01:11:52He can go like a bee
01:11:55Mr. Brown can buzz
01:11:59How about you?
01:12:02Can you go buzz, buzz?
01:12:07He can go like a cork
01:12:10Clop, clop, clop
01:12:15He can go like horse feet
01:12:18Clop, clop, clop
01:12:21He can go squeak, squeak
01:12:25Like a squeaky shoe
01:12:28He can go like a rooster
01:12:34He can go like an owl
01:12:37Coo, coo, coo, coo
01:12:42Eek, eek, eek, eek
01:12:49Coo, coo, coo, coo
01:12:53How about you?
01:12:56He can go like the rain
01:12:59Dibble, dibble, dibble
01:13:02Dibble, dibble, dibble, dibble
01:13:04Dub, dub
01:13:07He can go like a train
01:13:10Choo, choo, choo, choo
01:13:15Oh, the wonderful things Mr. Brown can do
01:13:20Moo, moo
01:13:23Buzz, buzz
01:13:26Pop, pop, pop
01:13:29Eek, eek
01:13:31Hoo, hoo
01:13:34Clop, clop, clop
01:13:37Dibble, dibble, dub, dub
01:13:43Mr. Brown can do it
01:13:46How about you?
01:13:49Mr. Brown can whisper, whisper
01:13:53Very soft, very high
01:13:57Like the soft, soft whisper of a butterfly
01:14:03Maybe you can, too
01:14:06I think you ought to try
01:14:11He can go like a horn
01:14:14Blurp, blurp
01:14:17Like a big cat drinking
01:14:20Slurp, slurp
01:14:24He can go like a clock
01:14:27He can tick
01:14:30He can talk
01:14:33He can go like a hand on a door
01:14:36Knock, knock
01:14:39Tick, tock
01:14:41Tick, tock
01:14:43Knock, knock, knock
01:14:46Oh, the wonderful things Mr. Brown can do
01:14:50Blurp, blurp
01:14:53Slurp, slurp
01:14:59Knock, knock, knock
01:15:02And hoo, hoo, hoo
01:15:07He can even sizzle, sizzle
01:15:11He can do that, too
01:15:14Like an egg in a frying pan
01:15:17How about you?
01:15:20Mr. Brown is smart, as smart as they come
01:15:25He can do a hippopotamus chewing gum
01:15:29Grum, grum
01:15:32Grum, grum
01:15:35Grum, grum, grum
01:15:38Mr. Brown is so smart he can even do this
01:15:44He can even make a noise, like a goldfish kiss
01:15:48Boom, boom, boom
01:15:51Mr. Brown is a wonder
01:15:54Boom, boom, boom
01:15:57Mr. Brown makes thunder
01:16:00He makes lightning
01:16:03Splat, splat, splat
01:16:06And it's very, very hard to make a noise like that
01:16:11Oh, the wonderful things Mr. Brown can do
01:16:16Moo, moo
01:16:20Buzz, buzz
01:16:23Pop, pop, pop
01:16:26Shh, shh
01:16:28Hoo, hoo
01:16:31Clop, clop, clop
01:16:34Dibble, dibble
01:16:36Top, top
01:16:41Grum, grum, grum, grum
01:16:43Chew, chew, chew
01:16:46Boom, boom
01:16:49Splat, splat
01:16:52Tick, tick, tock
01:16:55Sizzle, sizzle
01:16:57Blurp, blurp
01:17:00Knock, knock, knock
01:17:03A slurp
01:17:06And a whisper
01:17:08And a fish kiss, too
01:17:13Mr. Brown can do it
01:17:15How about you?
01:17:22Dr. Seuss's ABC
01:17:27Big A
01:17:30Little a
01:17:33What begins with a?
01:17:37Aunt Annie's alligator
01:17:39A, a, a
01:17:44Big B
01:17:47Little b
01:17:50What begins with b?
01:18:03And a bumblebee
01:18:06Big C
01:18:09Little c
01:18:12What begins with c?
01:18:18On the ceiling?
01:18:21C, c, c
01:18:25Big D
01:18:28Little d
01:18:31What begins with d?
01:18:34David Donald Doo
01:18:36He dreamed a dozen donuts
01:18:39And a duck dog, too
01:18:44A, b, c
01:18:48D, e, e, e
01:19:01E, e, e
01:19:06Big F
01:19:09Little f
01:19:12F, f, f
01:19:15Four fluffy feathers
01:19:18On a fiffer feffer feff
01:19:23A, b, c, d, e, f, g
01:19:38Goo-goo goggles
01:19:41G, g, g
01:19:45Big H
01:19:48Little h
01:19:51What begins with h?
01:19:54Hungry horse
01:20:00Hen in a hat
01:20:03Hooray! Hooray!
01:20:08Big I
01:20:11Little i
01:20:14I, i, i
01:20:17Ichabod is itchy
01:20:20So am I
01:20:24Big J
01:20:27Little j
01:20:29What begins with j?
01:20:32Jerry Jordan's jelly jar
01:20:35And jam begin that way
01:20:38Big K
01:20:41Little k
01:20:50Kick a kettle
01:20:55And the king's ka-choo!
01:21:00Big L
01:21:03Little l
01:21:06Little lola lop
01:21:09Left leg
01:21:12Lazy lion
01:21:15Licks a lollipop
01:21:18Big M
01:21:21Little m
01:21:23Tiny mumbling mice
01:21:26Are making midnight music
01:21:29In the moonlight
01:21:32Mighty nice
01:21:35Big N
01:21:38Little n
01:21:41What begins with those?
01:21:44Nine new neckties
01:21:47And a nightshirt
01:21:50And a nose
01:21:53O is very useful
01:21:56You use it when you say
01:21:59Oscar's only ostrich
01:22:02Oiled an orange owl today
01:22:06A, B, C, D, E, F, G
01:22:14H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P
01:22:26Painting pink pajamas
01:22:31Policeman in a pail
01:22:35Peter Pepper's puppy
01:22:39And now Papa's in the pail
01:22:44Big Q
01:22:47Little q
01:22:49What begins with q?
01:22:52The quick queen of Quincy
01:22:55And her quacking quackeroo
01:23:00Big R
01:23:03Little r
01:23:05Rosie Robin Ross
01:23:08Rosie's going riding
01:23:10On her red rhinoceros
01:23:15Big S
01:23:18Little s
01:23:21Silly Sammy Slick
01:23:24Sip six sodas
01:23:27And got sick, sick, sick
01:23:43What begins with T?
01:23:46Ten tired turtles
01:23:49On a tuttle-tuttle tree
01:23:53Big U
01:23:56Little u
01:23:59What begins with u?
01:24:02Uncle Ub's umbrella
01:24:04And his underwear, too
01:24:08Big V
01:24:11Little v
01:24:14Vera Violet Vinn
01:24:17Is very, very, very awful
01:24:20On her violin
01:24:29Willie Waterloo
01:24:31Washes Warren Wiggins
01:24:34Who is washing?
01:24:37Waldo Woo
01:24:40X is very useful
01:24:43If your name is Nixie Knox
01:24:46It also comes in handy
01:24:49Spelling X
01:24:52An extra fox
01:24:55Big Y
01:24:58Little y
01:25:01Yellow yak
01:25:04Young Yolanda Jorgensen
01:25:08Is yelling on his back
01:25:13A, B, C, D
01:25:16E, F, G
01:25:19H, I, J, K
01:25:22L, M, N, O, P
01:25:25Q, R, S
01:25:28T, U, V
01:25:31And Z
01:25:34Big Z
01:25:37Little z
01:25:40What begins with z?
01:25:43I do
01:25:46I am a zizzer-zazzer-zuz
01:25:49As you can plainly see
01:25:52A, B, C, D
01:25:55E, F, G
01:25:58H, I, J, K
01:26:01L, M, N, O, P
01:26:04W, X, Y, and Z
01:26:31Or think about blue
01:26:35You can think about red
01:26:38You can think about pink
01:26:41You can think up a horse
01:26:44All the things you can think
01:26:49All the things you can think up
01:26:52If only you try
01:26:55If you try, you can think up a guff going by
01:27:01And you don't have to stop
01:27:04You can think about slop
01:27:07Slop, slop
01:27:10Beautiful slop
01:27:13Beautiful slop
01:27:16With a cherry on top
01:27:20You can think about gloves
01:27:23You can think about snubs
01:27:27You can think a long time about snubs and their gloves
01:27:32You can think about a cat
01:27:35You can think about Kitty O'Sullivan Krause
01:27:39In her big balloon swimming pool
01:27:42Over her house
01:27:47Think of black water
01:27:50Think of a white sky
01:27:53Think of a boat
01:27:56Think of blues blowing by
01:27:58Think of blues blowing by
01:28:05You can think about night
01:28:08A night in the night
01:28:11The birds are asleep
01:28:14And the three moons are up
01:28:20You can think about day
01:28:23A day in the day
01:28:25A day in the day
01:28:28The water is blue
01:28:31And the birds are awake
01:28:36Think, think and wonder
01:28:39Wonder and think
01:28:42How much water can 55 elephants drink?
01:28:50You can wonder
01:28:52How long is the tale of the song?
01:29:00There are so many things that a thinker can think
01:29:05Would you dare yank a tooth
01:29:08Of the rink rinker fink?
01:29:13And what would you do if you met a jabu?
01:29:17Oh, the things you can think
01:29:21Think of Peter the postman
01:29:24Who crosses the ice once every day
01:29:28And on Saturdays twice
01:29:33Think, you can think anything that you wish
01:29:39Think a race
01:29:42On a horse on a ball
01:29:44With a fish
01:29:50Think of light
01:29:53Think of bright
01:29:56Think of stairs in the night
01:30:01Think, think a ship
01:30:05Think up a long trip
01:30:09Go visit the viper
01:30:11Go visit the viper
01:30:14The viper of vip
01:30:18And left
01:30:21Think of left
01:30:24And think about left
01:30:27Why is it that left always go to the left?
01:30:33And why is it so many things go to the right?
01:30:38You can think about that
01:30:41Until Saturday night
01:30:47Think left
01:30:51And think right
01:30:55And think low
01:30:59And think high
01:31:02Oh, the things you can think of
01:31:06If only you try
01:31:31If only you try
01:32:01If only you try
01:32:31If only you try
