Dr. Seuss Beginner Book Video: The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (1989) VHS

  • 2 days ago
When The Cat in the Hat was published in 1957 as the first Beginner Book, it revolutionized reading. Today, more than 30 years later, Beginner Books are still revolutionary-and just as much fun! Now generations can enjoy Dr. Seuss's unpredictable humor in these great videos from Random House.

Three classic Dr. Seuss stories:
The Cat in the Hat Comes Back: Sally and her brother soon that C-A-T spells trouble! This favorite story about the mischievious cat has delighted generations of children.

There's a Wocket in My Pocket!: Do you suspect that there's a nureau in your bureau? Find out what other fantastic creatures could be lurking in your home!

Fox in Socks: The Fox in Socks presents his rubber-tongue collection of brain-numbing tongue twisters for kids of all ages.
00:47Dr. Seuss beginner book video
01:30The cat in the hat comes back by dr. Seuss
01:34This was no time for play this was no time for fun
01:39This was no time for games. There was work to be done
01:45All that deep deep deep snow all that snow had to go
01:50When our mother went down to the town for the day, she said
01:55Somebody has to clean all this away
01:58Somebody somebody has to you see then she picked out to somebody Sally and me
02:06well, there we were we were working like that and
02:12Then who should come up, but the cat in the hat?
02:18Sally said don't you talk to that cat that cat is a bad one that cat in the hat
02:24He plays lots of bad tricks, don't you let him come near, you know
02:29What he did the last time he was here play tricks left the cat. Oh my my no
02:35No, no, I just want to go in to get out of the snow
02:40Keep your mind on your work. You just stay there you two. I
02:44Will go in the house and find something to do
02:48Then the cat went right in he was up to no good
02:52So I ran in after as fast as I could
02:56Do you know where I found him?
02:59You know where he was?
03:01He was eating a cake in the tub. Yes, he was
03:06The hot water was on and the cold water, too
03:10And I said to the cat what a bad thing to do
03:15But I like to eat cake in a tub left the cat. You should try it sometime
03:20You should try it sometime left the cat as he sat
03:24And then I got mad this was no time for fun. I
03:29Said cat you get out. There is work to be done. I
03:35Have no time for tricks. I must go back and dig. I
03:39Can't have you in here eating cake like a pig you get out of this house. We don't want you about
03:47Then I shut off the water and let it run out
03:52The water ran out and then I saw the ring a ring in the tub and oh boy
03:59What a thing a big long pink cat ring. It looked like pink ink and
04:06I said will this ever come off? I don't think
04:13Have no fear of that ring left the cat in the hat
04:17Why I can take cat rings off tubs just like that
04:22Do you know how he did it with mother's white dress?
04:28Now the tub was all clean
04:31But her dress was a mess
04:36Then Sally looked in Sally saw the dress too
04:40And Sally and I did not know what to do
04:44We should work in the snow, but that dress what a spot
04:50It may never come off Sally said it may not
04:56But the cat laughed
04:58Ho-ho, I can make the spot go the way I take spots off a dress is just so
05:05See here
05:07It is not hard at all. The thing that takes spots off a dress is a wall
05:13Then we saw the cat wipe the spot off the dress
05:18Now the dress was all clean
05:21But the wall what a mess Oh
05:25Wall spots he laughed. Let me tell you some news to take spots off a wall
05:32All I need is two shoes
05:36Whose shoes did he use? I looked and saw whose and I said to the cat
05:43This is very bad news
05:45Now the spot is all over dad's $10 shoes
05:51But your dad will not know about that said the cat he will never find out left the cat in the hat
05:58His $10 shoes will have no spots at all. I will rub them right off on this rug in the hall
06:07But now we have rug spots. I yelled what a day rug spots. What next?
06:14Can you take them away?
06:16Don't ask me. He laughed why you know that I can
06:21Then he picked up the rug and away the cat ran
06:26I can clean up these rug spots before you count three
06:30No spots are too hard for a hat cat like me
06:36He ran into dad's bedroom and then the cat said
06:41It is good that your dad has the right kind of bed. Then he shook the rug
06:47Crack now the bed had the spot
06:51And all I could say was now what cat now what?
06:58But the cat just stood still
07:00He just looked at the bed
07:02This is not the right kind of a bed the cat said to take spots off
07:08This bed will be hard said the cat. I
07:12Can't do it alone said the cat in the hat
07:16It is good. I have someone to help me. He said
07:20Right here in my hat on the top of my head. It is good that I have him here with me today
07:26He helps me a lot. This is little cat a and
07:31Then little cat a took the hat off his head. It is good
07:36I have someone to help me
07:38He said this is little cat B
07:41And I keep him about and when I need help then I let him come out
07:47And then B said I
07:51Think we need little cat see that spot is too much for the a cat in me
07:57But now have no fear
08:00We will clean it away the three of us little cats B Z and a
08:08Come on take it away. Yeah, little cat a I
08:14Will hit that old spot with this broom
08:17Do you see it comes off the old bed? It goes on the TV and
08:24Then little cat B cleaned up the TV
08:28He cleaned it with milk put the spot in a pan and then see blew it out of the house with a fan
08:37But look where it went I said look where it blew
08:41You blew the mess out of the house that is true, but now you made snow spots you can't let them stay
08:50Let us think about that now said CB and a
08:56With some help we can do it said little cat see
09:01Then pop on his head. We saw little cat D then pop pop pop
09:09Little cats E F and G. We will clean up that snow if it takes us all day
09:16If it takes us all night, we will clean it away said little cats G F E D C B a
09:27They ran out of the house thing and we ran out too and the big cat left
09:33Now you will see something new
09:36My cats are all clever. My cats are good shots. My cats have good guns. They will kill all those spots
09:46But this did not look very clever to me
09:49Kill snow spots with popcorns that just could not be
09:54All this does is make more spots
09:57We yelled at the cat your cats are no good put them back in your hat
10:03Take your little cats G F E D C B a
10:08Put them back in your hat and you take them away. Oh, no said the cat
10:14All they need is more help help is all that they need. So keep still and don't yell
10:22Then little catchy took the hat off his head I have little cat H here to help us
10:28He said little cats H I J K L and M
10:50Yelled the cat and they jumped at the snow with long rakes and red bats
10:57They put it in pails and they made high pink hills pink snowman pink snowballs and little
11:08Old the things that they did and they did them so hard it was all one big spot now all
11:15over the yard
11:19But the big cat stood there and he said this is good
11:24This is what they should do and I knew that they would
11:28With a little more help all the work will be done. They need one more cat and I know just the one
11:36Look close in my hand. I have little cat V on
11:42His head our cats W X Y and Z
11:46Z is too small to see so don't try you cannot
11:51But Z is the cat who will clean up that spot
11:55Now here's the Z. You can't see said the cat and I bet you can't guess what he has in his hat
12:03He has something called boom
12:05Boom is so hard to get you never saw anything like it. I bet
12:10Why boom cleans up anything clean as can be then he yelled take your hat off now little cat Z
12:18Take the boom off your head make it clean up the snow. Hurry you little cat one, two, three go
12:27Then the boom it went boom and oh boy what a boom
12:33Now don't ask me what boom is. I never will know but boy
12:38Let me tell you it does clean up snow
12:44So you see left the cat now your snow is all white
12:49Now your work is all done. Now. Your house is all right and
12:54You know where my little cats are said the cat
12:58That boom blew my little cats back in my hat
13:03And so if you ever have spots now and then I will be very happy to come here again
13:10With little cats ABCDEFG
13:14hijk LMN and OP and
13:18QRST and cat you and cat V and little cats W X Y and Z
13:34Fox in socks by dr. Seuss
13:39Fox socks box
13:46Knox in box Fox in socks
13:52Knox on Fox in socks in box
13:59Socks on Knox and Knox in box
14:05Fox in socks on
14:08Box on Knox
14:13Chicks with bricks come chicks with blocks come chicks with bricks and blocks and clocks come
14:24Look sir, look sir. Mr. Knox, sir. Let's do tricks with bricks and blocks, sir
14:31Let's do tricks with chicks and clocks, sir
14:37First I'll make a quick trick brick stack, then I'll make a quick trick block stack
14:46You can make a quick trick chick stack you can make a quick trick clock stack and
14:56Here's a new trick, mr. Knox
15:00Socks on chicks and chicks on Fox
15:04Fox on clocks on bricks and blocks
15:10Bricks and blocks on knocks on box
15:16Now we come to ticks and tocks sir try to say this mr. Knox, sir
15:24Clocks on Fox tick clocks on Knox talk
15:31Six sick bricks tick
15:35Six sick chicks talk
15:40Please sir, I don't like this trick sir. My tongue isn't quick or slick, sir
15:46I get all those ticks and clocks sir mixed up with the chicks and tocks sir. I can't do it. Mr. Fox, sir
15:54I'm so sorry. Mr. Knox, sir
15:58Here's an easy game to play
16:01Here's an easy thing to say
16:06Socks two socks whose socks sue socks
16:12Who sews whose socks
16:15sue so sue socks
16:18Who sees who so whose new socks sir?
16:23You see sue so sues new socks, sir
16:28That's not easy. Mr. Fox, sir
16:33Comes crow comes slow Joe crow comes
16:40Who sews crows clothes
16:43Sue sews crows clothes
16:47Slow Joe crow sews whose clothes
16:52Sue's clothes
16:55Sue so socks of Fox in socks now
16:58Slow Joe crow sews knocks in box now
17:04Sue sews rose on slow Joe crow's clothes
17:10Fox sews hose on slow Joe crow's nose
17:15Hose goes rose grows
17:20Nose hose goes some crows rose grows some
17:29Mr. Fox, I hate this game, sir
17:33This game makes my tongue quite lame sir
17:38Mr. Knox, sir, what a shame sir
17:42We'll find something new to do now
17:46Here is lots of new blue goo now new goo blue goo
17:53Gooey gooey glue glue new goo gluey gluey
18:00Gooey goo for chewy chewy
18:04That's what that goo goo is doing
18:08Do you choose to chew goo too, sir?
18:11If sir you sir choose to choose sir with the goo goo's choose sir do sir
18:17Do sir do sir
18:21Mr. Fox, sir, I won't do it. I can't say it. I won't chew it
18:29Very well, sir step this way we'll find another game to play
18:37Then comes
18:40Ben comes
18:43Bim brings Ben broom
18:46Ben brings Bim broom
18:50Then Ben's Bim's broom
18:53Bim Ben's Ben's broom
18:58Bim's Ben's Ben's Ben's
19:02Ben's bent broom breaks
19:06Bim's bent broom breaks
19:10Ben's bad
19:13Bim's band
19:17Big bands pig band
19:21Bim and Ben lead bands with brooms Ben's band bangs and Bim's band
19:31Pig band boom band big band broom band my poor mouth can't say that no, sir
19:39My poor mouth is much too slow, sir
19:43Well, then bring your mouth this way
19:47I'll find it something it can say
19:52Luke luck likes lakes
19:55Luke's duck likes lakes
19:58Luke luck licks lakes
20:00Luke's duck licks lakes
20:03Duck takes licks in lakes Luke luck likes
20:08Luke luck takes licks in lakes duck likes
20:13I can't blab such blibber blubber
20:16My tongue isn't made of rubber
20:19Mr. Knox now come now come now
20:24You don't have to be so dumb now
20:28Try to say this, mr. Knox, please
20:32Through three cheese trees three free fleas flew while these fleas flew
20:39Freezy breeze blue
20:40Freezy breeze made these three trees freeze
20:44Freezy trees made these trees cheese freeze. That's what made these three free fleas sneeze
20:53Stop it. Stop it. That's enough sir. I can't say such silly stuff, sir
21:00Very well, then mr. Knox, sir. Let's have a little talk about tweetle beetles
21:09What do you know about tweetle beetles
21:13well, when tweetle beetles fight it's called a tweetle beetle battle and
21:21When they battle in a puddle, it's a tweetle beetle puddle battle
21:28When tweetle beetles battle with paddles in a puddle, they call it a tweetle beetle puddle paddle battle
21:38when beetles battle beetles in a puddle paddle battle and
21:42The beetle battle puddle is a puddle in a bottle
21:46they call this a tweetle beetle puddle puddle paddle battle muddle and
21:54When beetles fight these battles in a bottle with their paddles and the bottles on a poodle and the poodles eating noodles
22:01They call this a muddle-puddle-tweetle-poodle-beetle-noodle-bottle-paddle-battle.
22:08Now, wait a minute, Mr. Socks-Fox.
22:13When a fox is in the bottle where the tweetle-beetles battle with their paddles in a puddle on a noodle-eating poodle,
22:20this is what they call a tweetle-beetle-noodle-poodle-bottle-paddle-muddle-duddle-fuddle-wuddle-fox-in-socks-er.
22:30Fox in Socks, our game is done, sir.
22:33Thank you for a lot of fun, sir.
22:45There's a Wacket in My Pocket by Dr. Seuss
22:52Did you ever have the feeling there's a wasket in your basket?
23:00Or a neuro in your bureau?
23:06Or a wasset in your closet?
23:12Sometimes I feel quite certain there's a jerton in the curtain.
23:21Sometimes I have the feeling there's a zlock behind the clock.
23:30And that zelf up on that shelf.
23:35I have talked to him myself.
23:41That's the kind of house I live in.
23:45There's a nink in the sink.
23:51And a zamp in the lamp.
23:55And they're rather nice, I think.
24:00Some of them are very friendly.
24:03Like the yot in the pot.
24:09But that yottle in the bottle.
24:13Some are friendly, some are not.
24:18I like the zable on the table.
24:23And the gare under the chair.
24:29But that bofa on the sofa.
24:33Well, I wish he wasn't there.
24:40All those nubberds in the cupboards.
24:44Good fun to have about.
24:48But that noothbrush on my toothbrush.
24:53Him I could do without.
24:58The only one I'm really scared of
25:02is that bug under the rug.
25:08And that quimney up the chimney.
25:12I don't like him, not at all.
25:16And it makes me sort of nervous
25:20when the zol scoots down the hall.
25:24But the yeps on the steps.
25:28They're great fun to have around.
25:33And so are many, many other friends that I have found.
25:38Like the teller.
25:41And the neller.
25:44And the geller.
25:47And the deller.
25:50And the beller.
25:53And the weller.
25:56And the zeller.
25:59And the celler.
26:02And the geeling.
26:07And the zower.
26:11In my shower.
26:15And the zillow.
26:19On my pillow.
26:23I don't care if you believe it.
26:27That's the kind of house I live in.
26:31And I hope we never leave it.
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