Dr. Seuss Beginner Book Video: Dr. Seuss's ABC (1989) VHS

  • 2 days ago
When The Cat in the Hat was published in 1957 as the first Beginner Book, it revolutionized reading. Today, more than 30 years later, Beginner Books are still revolutionary-and just as much fun! Now generations can enjoy Dr. Seuss's unpredictable humor in these great videos from Random House.

Three classic Dr. Seuss stories:
Dr. Seuss's ABC: From Aunt Annie's Alligator to the Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuss, children will love learning their ABCs with the zaniest alphabet ever!

I Can Read with My Eyes Shut!: Follow the Cat in the Hat and Young Cat as they lead children on a reading adventure.

Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?: The amazing Mr. Brown can imitate un-imitatable sounds, and children will want to boom, buzz, and moo right along with him.
00:52Dr. Seuss beginner book video
01:00Dr. Seuss beginner book video
01:30Dr. Seuss's ABC
01:36Dr. Seuss's ABC
01:40Big A
01:44Little a
01:47What begins with a
01:50Aunt Annie's alligator a a a
01:58Big B
02:02Little B
02:04What begins with B
02:16And a bumblebee
02:21Big C
02:23little C
02:24What begins with C camel
02:30On the ceiling
02:33see see
02:38Big D
02:40little D
02:42What begins with D?
02:45David Donald do
02:47Dreamed a dozen doughnuts and a duck dog, too
02:57A B C D e e e
03:06Here a
03:19Big F
03:21little F
03:23F F F
03:25Four fluffy feathers
03:27On a
03:29Fiffer feffer feff
03:31A B C D E F G
03:52Goo-goo goggles
03:54G G G
03:59Big H
04:01little H
04:03What begins with H?
04:07Hungry horse
04:13Hen in a hat
04:21Big I
04:23little I
04:25I I I
04:29Ichabod is itchy
04:33So am I
04:37Big J
04:39little J
04:41What begins with J?
04:43Jerry Jordan's jelly jar and jam begin that way
04:51Big K
04:53little K
05:01Kick a kettle
05:09And the king's kachoo
05:13Big L
05:15little L
05:17Little Lola Lop
05:21Left leg
05:25Lazy lion
05:27Licks a lollipop
05:31Big M
05:33little M
05:35Many mumbling mice
05:37Are making midnight music
05:39In the moonlight
05:41In the moonlight
05:43Mighty nice
05:47Big N
05:49little N
05:51What begins with those?
05:55Nine new neckties
05:59And a night shirt
06:03And a nose
06:07O is very useful
06:09You use it when you say
06:11Oscar's only ostrich
06:15Oiled an orange owl today
06:19A B C D E F G
06:27H I J K L M N O P
06:39Painting pink pajamas
06:45Policeman in a pail
06:49Peter Pepper's puppy
06:53And now Papa's in the pail
06:57Big Q
06:59little Q
07:01What begins with Q?
07:05The quick queen of Quincy
07:07And her quacking quackaroo
07:13Big R
07:15little R
07:19Rosie Robin Ross
07:21Rosie's going riding
07:25On her red rhinoceros
07:29Big S
07:31little S
07:33Silly Sammy Slick
07:37Sip six sodas
07:39And got sick
07:53What begins with T?
07:57Ten tired turtles
07:59On a tuttle-tuttle tree
08:03Big U
08:05little U
08:09What begins with U?
08:13Uncle Ub's umbrella
08:17And his underwear too
08:21Big V
08:23little V
08:25Vera Violet Vinn
08:29Is very very very awful
08:31On her violin
08:41Willie Waterloo
08:43Washes Warren Wiggins
08:47Who is washing?
08:49Waldo Woo
08:53X is very useful if your name is Nixie Knox
08:57It also comes in handy
09:01Spelling X
09:03An extra fox
09:07Big Y
09:09little y
09:13A yawning yellow yak
09:17Young Yolanda Jorgensen
09:21Is yelling on his back
09:27A B C D E F G
09:31H I J K
09:33L M N O P
09:37Q R S
09:39T U V
09:41W X
09:43Y and Z
09:47Big Z
09:49little Z
09:51What begins with Z?
09:55I do
09:57I am a zizzer zazzer zuzz
09:59Finally see
10:03A B C D E F G
10:07H I J K
10:09L M N O P
10:11Q R S
10:13T U V
10:15W X
10:17Y and Z
10:29I can read with my eyes shut
10:31By Dr. Seuss
10:37I can read in red
10:41I can read in blue
10:45I can read in pickle color too
10:49I can read in red
10:53And in purple
10:55And in brown
10:59I can read in a circle
11:03And upside down
11:09I can read with my left eye
11:11Another fish
11:13I can read with my right
11:17I can read Mississippi
11:19With my eyes shut tight
11:29And hallelujah too
11:31I can read them with my eyes shut
11:35That is very hard to do
11:41But it's bad for my hat
11:45And makes my eyebrows get red hot
11:49Reading with my eyes shut
11:53I don't do an awful lot
11:57To keep them open
11:59I can read with much more speed
12:03You have to be a speedy reader
12:05Cause there's so so much to read
12:09You can read about
12:13And bees
12:15And knees
12:19And knees on trees
12:21And knees
12:25And bees on trees
12:31You can read about anchors
12:35And all about ants
12:39You can read about ankles
12:45And crocodile pants
12:47You can read about hoses
12:53And how to smell roses
12:57And what you should do about owls on noses
13:03Young cat
13:05If you keep your eyes open enough
13:09Oh the stuff you will learn
13:11The most wonderful stuff
13:17You'll learn about
13:19Fish bones
13:21And wish bones
13:25You will learn about trombones too
13:31You'll learn about
13:33Jake the pillow snake
13:37And all about
13:39Fufu the snoo
13:43You can learn about ice
13:45You can learn about mice
13:49Mice on ice
13:51And ice on mice
13:55You can learn about
13:57The price of ice
13:59Nice ice for sale
14:01Ten cents a pail
14:05You can learn about
14:09And glad
14:11And mad
14:15There are so many things
14:17You can learn about
14:19But you'll miss the best things
14:21If you keep your eyes shut
14:27The more that you read
14:29The more things you will know
14:33The more that you learn
14:35The more places you will go
14:39You might learn a way to earn a few dollars
14:45How to make donuts
14:49Or kangaroo collars
14:53You can learn to read music
14:55And play a hot sun
14:59If you keep your eyes open
15:01But not with them shut
15:09If you read with your eyes shut
15:11You're likely to find
15:13That the place where you're going
15:15Is far, far behind
15:21So, that's why I tell you
15:23To keep your eyes wide
15:27Keep them wide open
15:29At least on one side
15:35Mr. Brown Can You
15:37Can You
15:39By Dr. Seuss
15:43Here are the wonderful things
15:45Mr. Brown can do
15:47He can go like a cow
15:51He can go moo, moo
15:55Mr. Brown can do it
15:57How about you?
16:01He can go like a bee
16:03Mr. Brown can buzz
16:09How about you?
16:11Can you go buzz, buzz?
16:15He can go like a cork
16:19Pop, pop, pop
16:23He can go like horse feet
16:25Clop, clop, clop
16:29He can go squeak, squeak
16:33Like a squeaky shoe
16:35He can go like a rooster
16:41He can go like an owl
16:49Eek, eek, eek, eek
16:59How about you?
17:03He can go like the rain
17:05Dibble, dibble, dibble
17:07Dibble, dibble, dibble
17:11Dibble, dibble, dibble
17:15He can go like a train
17:19Choo, choo, choo, choo
17:23Oh, the wonderful things
17:25Mr. Brown can do
17:29Moo, moo
17:31Buzz, buzz
17:33Buzz, buzz
17:35Pop, pop, pop
17:37Eek, eek
17:41Hoo, hoo
17:43Clop, clop, clop
17:45Dibble, dibble
17:47Top, top
17:51Mr. Brown can do it
17:55How about you?
17:59Mr. Brown can whisper
18:01Very soft
18:03Very high
18:05Like the soft, soft whisper
18:07Of a butterfly
18:11Maybe you can too
18:13I think you ought to try
18:19He can go like a horn
18:25Like a big cat drinking
18:27Slurp, slurp
18:33He can go like a clock
18:35He can tick
18:37He can talk
18:41He can go like a hand on a door
18:43Knock, knock
18:45Tick, tock
18:47Tick, tock
18:49Knock, knock, knock
18:53Oh, the wonderful things
18:55Mr. Brown can do
18:59Blurp, blurp
19:03Slurp, slurp
19:09Knock, knock, knock
19:11And hoo, hoo
19:13Hoo, hoo
19:17He can even sizzle, sizzle
19:21He can do that too
19:23How about you?
19:29Mr. Brown is smart
19:31As smart as they come
19:33He can do a hippopotamus
19:35Chewing gum
19:37Grum, grum
19:39Grum, grum
19:41Grum, grum, grum
19:47Mr. Brown is so smart
19:49He can even do this
19:51He can even make a noise
19:53Like a goldfish kiss
19:57Boom, boom, boom
19:59Mr. Brown is a wonder
20:01Boom, boom, boom
20:05Mr. Brown makes thunder
20:09He makes lightning
20:11Splat, splat, splat
20:13And it's very, very hard
20:15To make a noise like that
20:17Oh, the wonderful things
20:19Mr. Brown can do
20:23Moo, moo
20:27Buzz, buzz
20:29Pop, pop, pop
20:31Shh, shh
20:33Hoo, hoo
20:37Clop, clop, clop
20:39Dibble, dibble
20:41Top, top
20:47Grum, grum
20:49Grum, grum
20:51Choo, choo, choo
20:55Boom, boom
20:57Splat, splat
20:59Tick, tick, tock
21:03Sizzle, sizzle
21:05Blurp, blurp
21:07Knock, knock, knock
21:11A slurp
21:13And a whisper
21:15And a fish kiss, too
21:19Mr. Brown can do it
21:21How about you?
21:43How about you?
21:45How about you?
21:47How about you?
21:49How about you?
21:51How about you?
21:53How about you?
21:55How about you?
21:57How about you?
21:59How about you?
22:01How about you?
22:03How about you?
22:05How about you?
22:13How about you?
22:15How about you?
22:17How about you?
22:19How about you?
22:21How about you?
22:23How about you?
22:25How about you?
22:27How about you?
22:29How about you?
22:31How about you?
22:33How about you?
22:35How about you?
22:37How about you?
22:39How about you?
