Kyosokyoku - 協奏曲 - E5

  • last month


00:30You're welcome.
00:51I'm stuck.
01:01Watch out.
01:04It's dirty.
01:09You'll get dirty.
01:14You'll get dirty.
01:16Get dirty.
01:20Don't touch the floor.
01:22I'll wash it there.
01:30I'm sorry.
01:36You're early.
01:38I thought you'd be late.
01:41The party ended early.
01:43I came by car.
01:46I'm glad.
01:55It's the last night.
01:57What do you think?
02:01The sea is better in summer.
02:07What time is the wedding?
02:10At four o'clock.
02:13Let's go home.
02:19I'm sorry.
02:29The wedding is now.
02:34It's at the entrance to the garden.
02:37It's 6,300 yen.
02:396,300 yen.
02:40Kakeru, did you bring the necklace?
02:43You can try it on.
02:45I'll help you.
02:47Are you okay?
02:49I'm fine.
02:52I'll make rice.
02:56I'll be back.
03:02Give me your hand.
03:04I'm fine.
03:06What's this?
03:08It's red.
03:10It's white.
03:17I have to think about the time.
03:21He's still at the entrance.
03:27A wife and a husband.
03:29What a nice couple.
03:32At dinner last night,
03:35they had a lot of fun.
03:38It was funny.
03:41But they have a strange relationship.
03:46What do you mean?
03:48They were lovers.
03:51It's not like they're in a relationship.
03:57Don't you feel weird when you see that?
04:03It's like Othello.
04:06It's not a cut.
04:08Are you jealous?
04:10Yes, I'm jealous.
04:13Look at Othello.
04:18I believe in them.
04:22You're boring.
04:32Are you Othello?
04:46Is it just for the moment we live?
04:54What's it all about
04:58when you sort it out, Alfie?
05:03Are we meant to take more than we give?
05:11Are we meant to be kind?
05:18And if only fools are kind, Alfie,
05:27then I guess it is wise to be cruel.
05:35And if life belongs only to the strong, Alfie,
05:44what will you lend on an old golden rule?
05:52As sure as I believe
05:58there's a heaven above, Alfie,
06:07I know there's something much more,
06:14something even non-believers can believe.
06:30Yes, yes.
06:32Welcome back.
06:38What is it?
06:40Famicom. You wanted it.
06:42The latest one.
06:44Super Mario 64?
06:47Your phone.
06:48Yes, I'm coming.
06:54Hello, this is Ebisawa.
06:57Oh, what?
06:59I just got back.
07:04It's for you.
07:05From Kakeru.
07:07By the way, have you been eating well?
07:11It's good because it's full of vitamin B2.
07:16Your lips were dry in Kamakura the other day.
07:21It's good for that.
07:23I taught you how to cook the other day.
07:26Yes, I understand.
07:28Wait a minute.
07:32Yes, it's me.
07:34The sketch for the theme park.
07:37Can you give it to Famicom?
07:39Yes, I can.
07:43The sketch for the theme park is in the drawer.
07:46It's in the second drawer.
07:49Here you go.
07:57It goes up here, right?
08:00From here to here.
08:02Is that bridge broken?
08:05This is the only one.
08:06I think this is fine.
08:08Here you go.
08:10I can't open my eyes.
08:12Here you go.
08:16You fell down.
08:18I'm sorry.
08:20I'm sorry.
08:21I'm sorry.
08:23It's interesting.
08:25There must be a way out over there.
08:32Kakeru knows this well.
08:35He's a master of this.
08:38Let's call him and ask.
08:40I can't sleep like this.
08:42Stop it.
08:43Stop it at this hour.
08:49I can do it myself.
08:52Don't call me at this hour.
08:55Let's do it again.
08:57Let's do it again.
08:59I don't know.
09:00What should we do?
09:06Good morning.
09:07Good morning.
09:08Please put this board in the concrete.
09:12Yes, sir.
09:13The depth of the board.
09:17Yes, sir.
09:22Yes, sir.
09:29You look sleepy.
09:34I played Famicom last night.
09:37Super Mario, right?
09:40I got a call from Hana this morning.
09:43She said she couldn't clear the cold mountain.
09:48It's 5 o'clock in the morning.
09:50I went to the bathroom.
09:52You can't give her a Famicom.
09:55She'll die in the afternoon.
09:58You should be prepared.
10:00She won't be able to sleep for a while.
10:02Are you going to sleep?
10:03I've been doing it for a long time.
10:05I'll drink it.
10:09It's 5 o'clock in the morning.
10:12I'm sorry.
10:14I bought it for you.
10:17You don't have to worry about me.
10:20I've been looking for other things.
10:30It used to be like that.
10:32It's different now.
10:36Just don't call me in the morning.
10:44I'll go first.
10:46I'll go first.
10:59Don't kill me!
11:03Don't move!
11:07Don't move!
11:10Don't move!
11:12Don't move!
11:14Don't move!
11:16Don't move!
11:40When I called the office,
11:42they said Takakura was in an ambulance.
11:44I was so surprised.
11:46I'm sorry to have worried you.
11:47How is he?
11:49He has a crack in his right arm.
11:52He has a cramp in his ankle.
11:53I was worried if he had a head injury.
11:55I was relieved that he didn't have it.
11:58I feel sorry for him.
12:02What's wrong?
12:04It must have been hard for you.
12:07It's nothing serious.
12:09I'll get the prescription.
12:11Please get in here.
12:13Can I walk?
12:15I'll get in.
12:22Doctor, please come here.
12:30I don't know if I should say this,
12:34but I can't build the house in Kamakura anymore.
12:39My company is in danger.
12:41It's not good.
12:43What do you mean?
12:45I don't know if it's my father.
12:50I feel sorry for him.
12:53He has a crack in his right arm.
12:56He has a crack in his ankle.
12:59I can't believe it.
13:01I can't believe it.
13:03I asked Mr. Takakura to write me a letter.
13:07But I can't build the house in Kamakura anymore.
13:14I can't believe it.
13:18But I want to tell you as soon as possible.
13:22It's not good.
13:24Please tell Mr. Takakura.
13:31I have one million yen.
13:33It's a cancellation fee.
13:35Please forgive me.
13:38I'll contact you again.
13:57You have a crack in your arm?
14:00What about the hospitalization?
14:01It's not serious.
14:03But I have to go to work.
14:06Kuromitsu sent me a letter.
14:09A letter?
14:11It's a cancellation fee.
14:14I couldn't talk to him about it today.
14:16It was his first job.
14:20It's a double shock.
14:23I'll explain it to him tomorrow.
14:27It's too early.
14:30You should wait a little longer.
14:33I'll wait a little longer.
14:36But I don't have money.
14:40Let's eat together.
14:44Kakeru, what are you going to do?
14:48You can't move your right hand.
14:51And you have a bad leg.
14:53You can't do anything by yourself.
15:02I'll go see what's going on.
15:33I'm going to see Kakeru.
15:36I heard you couldn't eat last night.
15:40I made breakfast.
15:42Please warm up the milk.
15:59It's done.
16:06It's done.
16:22Do you need anything?
16:25I'll give you a discount.
16:29Are you going to buy it or not?
16:33I'll buy everything.
16:38Are you sure?
16:42I'm glad.
17:25I'm going to make dinner for Kakeru.
17:28Please warm up the milk.
17:31Please warm up the milk.
17:42It's been a long day.
17:45It's been a long day.
17:48Where's Kakeru?
17:50He'll be back soon.
17:53But there's a problem.
17:57You can't do the laundry by yourself.
18:01You have to clean the house.
18:03You have to do the shopping.
18:05You have to deliver the mail.
18:07But I want to have dinner with you.
18:14I see.
18:17I'm sorry.
18:19I'm sorry.
18:21I'm sorry.
18:22I'm sorry.
18:24I'm sorry.
18:26I'll make dinner for you.
18:29I'll be back at 5 o'clock.
18:31I'll be back at 5 o'clock.
18:51What are you doing here?
18:54I thought I'd have lunch with you.
18:56I was wondering where you were.
18:58Are you alone?
19:00What about you?
19:01I'm shopping with my boyfriend.
19:04I see.
19:07He's not here yet.
19:08I got here 30 minutes early.
19:11I'll go out with you.
19:13It's okay.
19:14The katsudon over there is good.
19:16It's okay.
19:17It's okay.
19:19It's sad to have to eat alone.
19:23It's okay.
19:24I haven't had lunch yet.
19:26It's okay.
19:27It's okay.
19:28Let's go.
19:33What happened to your tooth?
19:36Thanks to you, it doesn't hurt anymore.
19:39You have beautiful teeth.
19:44If you get sick again, come to me.
19:48What's wrong?
19:50What's wrong?
19:52I'm going to praise the person I like.
19:55Who do you like?
19:57He looks a little like me.
20:00Do you think so?
20:04Take good care of him.
20:06Don't let him be taken away by some young man.
20:09Like you?
20:11Fortunately, she doesn't like baseball players.
20:15She's a member of the B-class team.
20:22But I don't know if she's a promising architect in the future.
20:27If she's someone I used to date.
20:32She's been coming to the dentist again lately.
20:35She's worried about you and she tells me a lot.
20:39Does your wife go to the young man's place every day?
20:45Does she seem to be in a relationship with him?
20:49Don't worry about her.
20:52I have my girlfriend.
20:58Is he good?
21:03If I were you, I'd hit him.
21:07I like a woman who's done it.
21:10But I feel romanticism even before she's done it.
21:14The better she is, the more romantic she is.
21:18Once you have it, you have it twice.
21:24It's him. I'm going too.
21:28He was 2.3% last year, but this year he's 2.6%.
21:34I hit him twice. I can still do it.
21:38Today is a celebration of 3%.
21:42It's romantic.
21:45See you.
22:04I'm sorry.
22:34I'm sorry.
22:36I'm sorry.
23:02What's up?
23:04I'm here to see you off.
23:06How's your foot?
23:08It's fine.
23:11Please come in.
23:25I'm sorry to bother you.
23:31Would you like some tea?
23:33No, I'm fine.
23:35I'll make you some.
23:44This room is too small.
23:47I know.
23:50I'd like another room.
23:54I'd like another room.
24:00That would double my rent.
24:03Why don't you move to a bigger room?
24:06I'll give you a raise.
24:08That's bad.
24:10It's not bad.
24:12I'm sorry it's so cheap.
24:14You did a good job last year.
24:16I'll give you a raise.
24:20You're welcome.
24:24It's about Hana.
24:28It's about Hana.
24:30To be honest,
24:32it's complicated.
24:34You're here every day.
24:36You're always together.
24:40I want you to give her back to me.
24:44That's a weird way to say it.
24:47I've been thinking about it for a week.
24:51I've told her many times.
24:54But she said she couldn't cook.
24:58I'm upset, but I can't cook.
25:01I feel bad for her.
25:05You can hire a cook.
25:08I'll pay for it.
25:10I'll help you.
25:12You don't have to.
25:15The problem is
25:17about Hana.
25:21I don't know if she'll live on that.
25:27What do you think?
25:29What do I think?
25:32You were holding hands
25:36at the beach in Kamakura.
25:39Of course,
25:41I was looking at it
25:43as a beautiful way
25:45to express our friendship.
25:50But I'm worried.
25:55I don't know how you really feel.
25:58But I'm worried.
26:00If I were you,
26:03I wouldn't like it.
26:06I'm sorry.
26:08But I think you're different.
26:11I think about a lot of things.
26:16Things from the past.
26:19It's strange to see you here.
26:25I think you're at your limit.
26:31What about Hana?
26:33I see you here every day.
26:36Don't you feel anything?
26:38Don't you feel what you feel?
26:41I don't know.
26:43I don't know what she's thinking.
26:50I'll tell her tomorrow.
26:53I'll tell her tomorrow.
26:58Do you still care about her?
27:04Do you still like her?
27:14Yes, I do.
27:30What happened?
27:32Did you come up with a theme park?
27:35It depends on the image.
27:37I came up with an idea.
27:40Let me see.
27:42I came up with an idea.
27:44Let me see.
27:48I want to tell you something.
27:53Oki's family is in trouble.
27:59His uncle's company is in trouble.
28:03He wants to cancel it.
28:12He wants to cancel it.
28:16He wants to cancel it.
28:22He wants to cancel it?
28:30It was his first job.
28:34It was his first job.
28:38He'll come back.
28:41He'll come back.
28:44I'll look for him.
29:00This is it.
29:04This is it.
29:34This is it.
30:04This is it.
30:13This is a delivery.
30:21Let me introduce you.
30:23This is Ebisawa Hana.
30:26She's my teacher's wife.
30:32This is Kyoko.
30:36I'm sorry.
30:38I'm Tatsumi.
30:39I'm Tatsumi Kyoko.
30:41When I moved here,
30:43I brought her stuff.
30:45Now she eats at my house.
30:49I was busy at work.
30:52I didn't know Takakura was injured.
30:56I was surprised.
30:59It's almost time.
31:02It's almost time.
31:05She's on leave for 4 days.
31:08She's on leave for 4 days.
31:11I don't want to bother her.
31:16I don't want to bother her.
31:19I made meat and potatoes.
31:22I don't know if it's good.
31:24How about lunch?
31:28I'll call you later.
31:30I was busy.
31:33I'll call you later.
31:35Thank you for coming.
31:37Don't mention it.
31:40I'm fine.
31:44I'm sorry.
31:47I don't mind.
31:49I like this.
31:51I have two plates.
31:56You can stand up.
31:59I have something to do.
32:04I have something to do.
32:06I have something to do.
32:09I'm so excited.
32:14I'm so excited.
32:16I'm so excited.
32:19I like this flavor.
32:24Welcome back.
32:26Welcome back.
32:28I'm sorry.
32:33Thank you for a week.
32:53I need more soy sauce.
32:56I need more soy sauce.
32:58I need more soy sauce.
33:08I'm fine.
33:12I'm fine.
33:16I'm fine.
33:20I have something to tell you.
33:24I have something to tell you.
33:28I have something to tell you.
33:32I'm rich now.
33:35I'm happy.
33:40I want to hear your story.
33:48I want to hear your story.
34:18I want to hear your story.
34:28I want to hear your story.
34:38I want to hear your story.
34:48I want to hear your story.
34:58I want to hear your story.
35:03I want to hear your story.
35:05I want to hear your story.
35:07I want to hear your story.
35:09I want to hear your story.
35:11I want to hear your story.
35:13I want to hear your story.
35:15I want to hear your story.
35:17I want to hear your story.
35:19I want to hear your story.
35:21I want to hear your story.
35:23I want to hear your story.
35:25I want to hear your story.
35:27I want to hear your story.
35:29I want to hear your story.
35:31I'm from Fukui.
35:33I'm from Fukui.
35:35I'm from Fukui.
35:37I'm from Fukui.
35:39I'm from Fukui.
35:41I'm from Fukui.
35:43I'm from Fukui.
35:45I'm from Fukui.
35:47I'm from Fukui.
35:49I'm from Fukui.
35:51I'm from Fukui.
35:53I'm from Fukui.
35:55I'm from Fukui.
35:57I'm from Fukui.
35:59Please leave.
36:01Please leave.
36:03Please leave.
36:05We're from Fukui.
36:07We're from Fukui.
36:09Please call us if you need us.
36:11Please call us if you need us.
36:19Do you know what you're doing?
36:23Do you know what you're doing?
36:25What if something happened to you?
36:27They're good people.
36:29How do you know that?
36:31How do you know?
36:32I know.
36:33How do you know?
36:38Because what?
36:41It's boring to play Famicom alone at home.
36:47There's nothing else to do.
36:50I want to talk to anyone.
36:58Forget it.
37:02Forget it.
37:03Let's clean up.
37:04Let's clean up.
37:12What's wrong with Kakeru?
37:16He doesn't have to go anymore.
37:21The woman next door...
37:24The woman next door...
37:27She does a lot of things for me.
37:31She makes meat that looks delicious.
37:36And she looks at me from top to bottom.
37:42Did he have a woman like that?
37:45That's good.
37:51That's good.
38:21I'm sorry I drank so much.
38:32I'm sorry for bothering you every day.
38:36From tomorrow...
38:39I'll give you a week's salary.
38:43I'll give you a week's salary.
38:46I'll give you a week's salary.
38:50I'll give you a week's salary.
39:01I'm begging you.
39:05I want you to be with me all day tomorrow.
39:12Don't leave me alone.
39:19Don't leave me alone.
39:25I'm lonely at work every day.
39:33I understand.
39:35I understand.
39:38I'll be with you tomorrow.
39:40I'll be with you forever.
39:49I'll be with you forever.
40:14What's wrong?
40:16I just got a call from a church in Kamakura.
40:21I just got a call from a church in Kamakura.
40:24He wants to rebuild the church.
40:29He wants to rebuild the church.
40:32I don't know.
40:35Why don't you call him?
40:38Why don't you call him?
40:41Call him and tell him you got a call.
40:47Where in Kamakura?
40:52St. Mary's Church?
40:54What's that?
40:57Okay, I'll call him.
41:07Wake up.
41:10What you just told me...
41:13Was that the story of the church in Kamakura?
41:18You know about it?
41:20Yes, it's the story of the church in Kamakura.
41:23Yes, it's the story of the church in Kamakura.
41:28I see.
41:30I see.
41:31It's the story of the church in Kamakura.
41:33He's been writing that story for a while now.
41:37He's been writing that story for a while now.
41:41He even told me he sent it to a church.
41:43Kana, I heard he used that story to build his church.
41:47He even told me he sent it to a church.
41:50He's been using it a lot?
41:54He said he's going to get in touch with the church in Kamakura.
41:57He said he's going to get in touch with the church in Kamakura.
41:59He's been using it a lot?
42:00He's been using it a lot?
42:01Kakeru-chan, that's the church design I've been thinking about for four years.
42:08That's great.
42:09I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it!
42:16Hey, we have to tell Kai as soon as possible.
42:20Hey, call him.
42:21No, no, Kuromitsu-kun just called, but he's not coming out.
42:24I wonder where he's been all this time.
42:26He's not coming out?
42:29Should we try again?
42:32Let's try again.
42:33Let's try again.
42:35I'm sorry.
42:36He's not coming out?
42:42Should I go to see Kakeru-chan?
43:08Don't worry. I'll tell him as soon as I can.
43:11I'll take a cab.
43:13Are you going now?
43:15Yes, I'm going to make dinner.
43:18I'll be right back.
43:20Take care.
43:38Good morning. This is Takakura.
43:42I'd like to talk to you about something.
43:53The design of the Kamakura church that I used to draw was adopted.
44:01Officially, the house has been notified.
44:07I got a call.
44:11I'd like to talk to you about that.
44:15Where are you now?
44:18Are you nearby?
44:20Hana! Hana!
44:22Kageru is nearby.
44:24Open the door.
44:32Good morning.
44:33Congratulations on the church.
44:36I'm glad.
44:38Oh, I'm sorry.
44:44It took four years.
44:48It was a long time, wasn't it?
44:52I'm sorry I came so early in the morning.
44:55I'm sorry I came so early in the morning.
44:58I'm glad.
45:05I'm going.
45:16Actually, I have a job at the church.
45:21They want a design within three months.
45:30Can I quit the office?
45:37I want to be in this church.
45:40I want to go out into the world.
45:48Can I quit the office?
