The Cursed.S01 Ep11

  • 2 days ago
The Cursed
Season 01 episode 11 in urdu/Hindi dubbed K-drama
4 K-drama Lovers
00:30Please don't hurt me.
00:47This is the monster that has been kept for 5 years.
00:50Which part would you like to take?
00:53Excuse me, Ma'am.
00:56I really don't know about these things.
00:58Why don't you choose for me?
01:00I like my meat to be soft and tender like marble.
01:06Then I'll prepare the mutton.
01:08Wait a minute.
01:11Actually, I would like to take the last one from the left.
01:16I don't know much about meat.
01:19But I think it would be best for our chief physician.
01:26Yes, I'll get it prepared.
01:27Oh, you are so considerate when it comes to him.
01:32Yes, he was my client.
01:35After his promotion, I thought why not invite you for dinner and thank you.
01:42Now that everything is taken care of, I have got a chance to thank you.
01:47If he wasn't so talented, none of this would have been possible.
01:52Actually, I didn't do anything, Ma'am.
01:55He kept refusing, but I gave him the amulet you made.
01:59And I also made sure that he doesn't eat non-vegetarian food until the promotion is announced.
02:05It felt like I was raising a small child.
02:08I had to take care of every little thing.
02:11What do you say?
02:13Yes, you are right.
02:15Looking at your face today, I felt that you should have been a hospital director.
02:25Whatever it is, I thank you, Ma'am.
02:28I expect good advice from you.
02:34When will I get rid of him?
02:37What's going on?
02:39Nothing much.
02:41We have recently had a strange patient.
02:44His symptoms have shaken us all.
02:48What kind of a patient is he?
02:50I am a little curious to see you so worried.
03:01How is he?
03:03He is really good.
03:08He is the owner of a small business.
03:11He fainted during a meeting.
03:14He is still unconscious.
03:15He is screaming and has gone mad.
03:18I don't know why this is happening to him.
03:20I have never seen such symptoms.
03:22This is really a headache for all of us.
03:27Maybe he is possessed.
03:30What did you say?
03:34There are such things that cannot be explained with science.
03:38So, what do you think about meeting him?
03:43He is your client.
03:45He is your client.
03:47So, you should take care of him till the end, right?
03:51Oh my goodness.
03:53Oh my gosh.
04:15He is still unconscious.
04:18You will think he will get tired.
04:20But he has been doing this for the past two days.
04:35I am afraid that he will die.
04:38And then he will file a case at the hospital.
04:40That the hospital will not treat him.
04:44The hospital could not treat him.
04:46What did you say?
04:53Some evil spirit has possessed him.
04:58Listen to me.
05:00Let me perform this ritual.
05:07I will fight him till I win.
05:10So, please give me time till morning.
05:18If you could not bear the evil spirit's influence,
05:21you will get another headache.
05:26Do you want to be the director here?
05:32What about the cost of this ritual?
05:37Don't worry about that.
05:38I will take that from him.
05:40Just look at the other side.
05:54Listen to me.
05:58Prepare the ritual for me.
09:20You fools!
09:22You will destroy everything!
11:32Are you okay?
11:36Untie him.
11:38Yes, ma'am.
12:25Who are you?
12:29Please accept my respects first.
12:53I think I've been through so much
12:55in my life
12:57so that I can meet you.
13:03I never thought
13:05I'd serve such a great soul.
13:09And I...
13:12Why did this happen?
13:18Someone tried to curse you.
13:22What did you say? Curse?
13:24A curse is...
13:26someone trying to ruin you
13:28and it seems
13:30something went wrong in the process.
13:32And because of that
13:34the soul inside you got very angry.
13:36And I...
13:38was able to calm it down.
13:44And why?
13:52Do you...
13:56any Oja?
14:00I don't know
14:02why that Oja stopped
14:04in the middle of the curse.
14:06But if he changes his mind
14:08he can try to curse again.
14:12So what do we have to do?
14:14Tell me.
14:42Take this.
14:44Write your name in Chinese letters.
14:46And your date of birth and time.
15:55I was right.
16:01You are here
16:03to change the world.
16:21there is a hurdle
16:23in your path.
16:25If you don't take care of it now
16:27it can hinder
16:29your great work.
16:35If you don't take care of it now
16:37it can hinder
16:39your great work.
16:43I see that
16:45in your last years
16:47my last years?
16:49Countless people
16:51have gathered
16:53to celebrate
16:55your last rites.
17:01You should
17:03kill that Tantric.
17:09From now on
17:11I will be with you
17:13in your spiritual journey.
17:55You don't need to
17:57come with me.
17:59No, I want to see it myself.
18:03Ha ha ha!
18:05It will be fun.
18:33Wait here.
18:35Wait here.
19:01Let's clean it quickly.
19:05Ha ha ha!
19:35Ha ha ha!
20:05Ha ha ha!
20:35Ha ha ha!
20:39Ha ha ha!
20:45Ha ha ha!
20:49Ha ha ha!
20:53Ha ha ha!
21:01Let's go, Sojin.
21:03But we have to go and get a personal thing from Jinjong.
21:57Kim Pil Sung claims that he was kidnapped here.
22:01When Kim Pil Sung was released, Kim Pil Sung noted down the entire process in his diary.
22:07When the team estimated his notes, we really started to believe his notes.
22:12And when we went back, we were convinced of his notes.
22:16We suspect that this van was used in the kidnapping of Kim Pil Sung.
22:20And we also found out that this van was also used in the kidnapping of Cheon Ju Bong and Lim Jin Hee.
22:26So we can assume that this man was involved in the kidnapping of Lim Jin Hee and Kim Pil Sung.
22:33We saw the CCTV footage of the area where he was threatened by Kim Pil Sung.
22:38We entered the building where we found the footage of Mr. Lee.
22:42That's all we have for now.
22:46We are sure that we have found that scoundrel.
22:49What can be more solid than this?
22:51What is the problem now?
22:52That's the motive.
22:54That's why he kidnapped Kim Pil Sung and Lim Jin Hee.
22:58And even Yang Jin Su.
23:00If he is behind the kidnapping and murder of Yang Jin Su, then we have to find out his motive.
23:05With such solid evidence, he will be found guilty without any evidence.
23:10Even the prosecution will have no choice.
23:12This investigation should be based on the fact that the forest is behind these kidnappings.
23:17And the chairman is Jin Jong Hyung.
23:20He is responsible for all these kidnappings.
23:22So you are saying that the forest has no motive for all these kidnappings.
23:29According to the interview that Yang Jin Su did with the ex-employee of the forest,
23:33the forest wants to hide the fact that
23:36he made fun of the hashtag of the jungle of curses to increase popularity.
23:40The cyber crime department is sure that we will be able to go behind the forest for cyber surveillance.
23:46If this happens, how much loss will they suffer?
23:51At most, their IPO will be canceled.
23:54Isn't it enough to be a part of the forest for evidence?
23:58Do you think Lee Won would like to take all the blame on himself
24:03when he knows that all this is being done by God?
24:05So tell me, Lee Won is in our custody, right?
24:09Yes, we will start interrogating him in the afternoon.
24:11Give him the greed and get all the information about the forest.
24:16Yes, sir.
24:18You can go.
24:20Yes, sir.
24:55According to the government records, this is Jin Jong Yoon's mother's house.
25:04I have been here before.
25:12Anyway, is there anything here that belongs to Jin Jong Yoon?
25:19I hope so.
25:34Hello, madam.
25:36Who are you?
25:37I am Lin Jin.
25:39I am a journalist for Dainik Jung Jin.
25:45A reporter and here?
25:47Forest's chairman Jin Jong Yoon is your son, right?
25:51I don't want to say anything about him.
25:56Do you know who is the favorite businessman among young people these days?
26:00He is the forest's chairman, Jin Jong Yoon.
26:02I have come here to meet the great woman who has raised such a great son.
26:07She is the forest's IPO.
26:09We want to print a big letter in her honor.
26:12Madam, can you give us a minute?
26:16Just a small interview.
26:18Please, ma'am.
26:25Bring him here.
26:32This is the same van that we think was used during Kim Pil Sung's kidnapping.
26:37After seeing all the CCTV footage of the area,
26:41according to Kim Pil Sung's statement,
26:43we have found out that he was kept as a prisoner here.
26:46And this is your picture while going to that place.
26:50Look carefully.
26:52This is enough to prove that you are the person who has done all this.
26:57And the criminal behind Kim Pil Sung's kidnapping
27:00is the same person who has recently been arrested in the kidnapping case of Lin Jin.
27:07And we believe that you are fully responsible for all these incidents
27:11with the chairman of the forest, Jin Jong Yoon.
27:24Mr. Lee Hwan,
27:26I don't think you are behind all these incidents.
27:30I am sure that someone is behind all this.
27:33Maybe the chairman, Jin Jong Yoon, has done this through you.
27:38The evidence that you have shown so far,
27:41I don't think we need to answer for it.
27:45Who hired your lawyer?
27:54If you keep quiet like this,
27:57then you can be charged with many more cases.
28:00Are you that loyal to your company?
28:02Are you?
28:08Mr. Lee Hwan.
28:10Whatever Forest has done so far,
28:13to make the jungle hashtag of curses famous,
28:16to tease the coding team, right?
28:19Who was he?
28:22Whoever is the leader of the coding team, call him immediately.
28:29Mr. Lee Hwan.
28:32I am sorry.
28:34I just realized that I made a mistake.
28:37I thought that you both are stupid policemen.
28:39I mean, what they call stupid.
28:42Do you know what you are saying?
28:45I was the one who gave the order.
28:47What did you say?
28:49I gave the order.
28:51Kim Pil Sung, Lim Jin Hee.
28:53I couldn't bear to go out of their reach and work.
28:55So I hired them.
28:57You don't have to take responsibility for everything.
29:00Why is your voice getting higher?
29:02Look, I am telling you the truth.
29:05Look, I took out the money from the company's fund peacefully.
29:09And I gave them the order myself.
29:12So it's all my doing.
29:18The culprit has confessed his crime.
29:22What are you going to do now?
29:32I don't know.
29:38So how did it go?
29:39He has accepted everything.
29:41He says that the company has nothing to do with this.
29:43He is taking all the blame for the kidnapping on himself.
29:48Was he really that loyal?
29:51The share price is the reason.
29:54If he is at such a high level in the company,
29:56then he must have the company's shares too.
29:58This means that if he is the owner of the forest's shares…
30:02If the forest becomes public in the future,
30:04then he can make a lot of profit.
30:07How much can he make?
30:09I can't say how much.
30:11But once it becomes public,
30:14he will make millions.
30:16If he tells about the real culprit,
30:18then the IPO can be cancelled.
30:20This means that he can lose his chance to make such a big profit.
30:25Then he will definitely save his money.
30:26Even if he has to accept all the blame.
30:32Sir, what should we do?
30:36Sumjan, you will have to listen to that mad man.
30:39Only then you will be able to catch that scoundrel.
30:42Oh please, why don't you listen to me?
31:47What are you doing with this cup?
31:50Do you need more to drink?
31:54Where did you get this from?
31:56Last month, a local youth group gave it to me.
32:00Oh, I see.
32:04I think you don't have more stuff than Chairman Jinjong Yoong.
32:09A few days ago,
32:11some people from the company came and took all the stuff.
32:21I could only save this.
32:23I had hidden it in the storeroom of my bedroom.
32:31What is all this?
32:35All this is the reward that Jinjong Yoong had won in his childhood.
32:44Oh, I understand.
32:46That's great.
32:48Chairman Jinjong must have been very active in his childhood.
32:53When my son was young,
32:56he was very handsome.
32:58He was very intelligent.
33:00He had a very good nature.
33:02Everyone liked him and said that he would become a lawyer when he grew up.
33:07Now those lawyers have become great judges.
33:10He is the chairman of such a big company.
33:12I don't like the work of this company at all.
33:16Not at all.
33:18It would have been better if he had become a lawyer or a judge.
33:24Look here.
33:26Do you know how cute he was when he was a child?
33:30Look at him.
33:32He had to start his own business.
33:34That's why he divorced and used all our money.
33:42I don't think the chairman calls you much.
33:47Let it go now.
33:52It's so strange.
33:54Looking at him, it seems like he takes good care of his mother.
33:57You have helped him so much.
34:01I have a lot of trouble talking bad about my own son to you.
34:06But I tell you.
34:08He has completely changed.
34:11It seems like he is not my son.
34:14Since when?
34:15Since when?
34:20So it was about 10 years ago.
34:26His business was in trouble.
34:29And with so much debt, he took a divorce.
34:33His wife took the child with her.
34:37I understood.
34:39I was very helpless at that time.
34:42I thought his fate would change if I got a tantric to perform a ritual.
34:54There was a famous tantric in the city.
34:58I went to meet him.
35:00I told him that my son's business was in trouble.
35:03I asked him to perform a ritual.
35:06And then?
35:08I gave him $4000.
35:09And he agreed to perform a ritual.
35:13I called my son there.
35:16To perform a ritual.
35:18Why are we doing all this?
35:20Keep quiet.
35:22You are not able to do anything because a spirit has joined you.
35:27This is nonsense.
35:29Don't say anything.
35:31Forget it. I won't do all this.
35:33What are you saying? Come with me.
35:35Don't say anything.
35:37We have to do this.
35:39Let's go.
36:39He agreed to perform a ritual.
36:42Then what happened?
36:44He didn't even call me for several months.
36:49I thought something must have happened to him.
36:52I called his wife after the divorce.
36:55I asked her if she has heard anything about my son.
37:00Do you know what she told me?
37:03After the divorce, he didn't even go to meet his son.
37:06He has no connection with him.
37:11Oh God.
37:14Think about it.
37:16I can understand if someone doesn't want to meet their parents.
37:19At least they should meet their son.
37:22When I heard that he is not even meeting his son.
37:25I thought something bad has happened to him.
37:29Because of this, I went to Seoul.
37:32To his office.
37:34His office.
37:36I went to his office.
37:39And I saw that I was there when he came.
37:42I waited for a long time.
37:44Finally, a car came in.
38:45Are you...
38:47Are you not my son Jonghyun?
38:59When he looked into my eyes.
39:02He looked at me as if he has never met me in his life.
39:08Then he...
39:10He looked at me for a while and said...
39:13I am not your son.
39:16Your son...
39:19Is dead.
39:36What did he say?
39:40How can he say this to his mother?
39:48But the thing is...
39:52He is in the custody of an Inugami.
39:56What did he say?
40:01A dog's soul.
40:11A dog's soul has taken over my son.
40:17From whom?
40:20Did you hear this?
40:22The same Inugami who performed the ritual of my son.
40:27She came to meet me.
40:29What did she say?
40:31There is a dog's soul in him.
40:33That Inugami...
40:35He gave me 4000 dollars.
40:38Which I gave him for the ritual.
40:45I was trying to save my son.
40:51And that bad soul...
40:53Sent him to your son.
40:59I made a mistake.
41:01He made a mistake during one of his rituals.
41:04Because of which his daughter...
41:06The soul of the curse came in the custody of Inugami.
41:09And the ritual he performed for my son...
41:12The Tantric tried to send that bad soul to my son.
41:21You can't get out of here.
41:23Do you understand?
41:43I have chosen a good day for this ritual.
41:49You have got the treasure today.
42:22But that bad soul didn't get transferred.
42:26It got divided into two parts.
42:29That bad soul was still inside his daughter.
42:34But she...
42:37She went inside my son too.
42:50One bad soul went inside the body of Oja's daughter...
42:54And Chairman Jing.
42:58I asked her.
43:01What is she going to do about it?
43:04That devil...
43:07Let me curse him.
43:10Only then your son will be able to live a normal life.
43:13Let me do it.
43:14I don't want money.
43:16I don't want money.
43:18Just let me...
43:20Let me curse that devil.
43:23How did you do this?
43:31I thought if she performs another ritual...
43:35Then I will get my son back.
43:38That's why I agreed for another ritual.
44:14Forests are being built easily.
44:17Designed by people.
44:20Type A, Type B and Type C.
44:45We have made three different types.
44:48As you can see.
44:50With Type A.
44:52It is very similar to the shadow of a real tree.
44:55Move away.
44:57Move away, bad soul.
44:59Move away, bad soul.
45:01Move away.
45:03Let my son go.
45:06With Type B and Type A.
45:08With Type B and Type A.
45:38With Type C.
46:15What are you looking at?
46:17Call an ambulance.
46:19Hurry up.
46:28Sir, look at me.
46:30Sir, breathe.
46:32Sir, look at me.
46:34Call an ambulance.
46:36Sir, look at me.
46:38Sir, look at me.
47:01You will be fine, sir.
47:03Hang in there.
47:08Hang in there.
47:13Hang in there.
47:38Hang in there.
48:33I don't know what happened to the bad soul.
48:38Whatever it is.
48:40But I didn't get my son back.
48:52My son.
48:55Levan is a bad boy.
48:58It seems that he will take the blame for everything on himself.
49:02If he stays here till tomorrow, the forest will become public.
49:05And when that happens.
49:06Then he can earn lakhs from his share.
49:13Hey, Yungsu.
49:15What will you do? Tell me that.
49:19Obviously, I would have done the same.
49:21I don't have a chance to earn lakhs here.
49:24With 20 lakh dollars.
49:26I will sit by the river and drink coffee in my apartment.
49:30Going to jail is not that dangerous.
49:33Look at your nonsense.
49:34This is nonsense.
49:36He is not going to say anything.
49:38Do you understand?
49:41Okay, the forest of curses.
49:44I don't understand.
49:46How did it become so famous?
49:48Yes, you don't know.
49:50Because you are not on social media.
49:52Are you kidding me?
49:54I have a lot of followers.
49:56Whatever it is.
49:58Imagine how bad you will feel
50:00if someone tags you with the hashtag of the forest of curses.
50:02Imagine if that scoundrel tags us with the hashtag of the forest of curses.
50:06You and I are in danger.
50:08When Jin Chong Yun's spirit goes to the forest tomorrow.
50:11Then thousands of people who are tagged with the hashtag of the forest of curses
50:14will be killed at once.
50:17The forest of curses.
50:20After killing them all together.
50:22Maybe it will keep killing.
50:24Do you think it will end?
50:26Thousands of people who are tagged with the hashtag of the forest of curses
50:29will be killed at once.
50:32They will ask you to curse.
50:34And they will agree.
50:36They asked you to make the post of the curse popular.
50:39Make the forest of curses famous with the hashtag.
50:42Killing Jinsu in the same condition by cursing.
50:45Do you believe it?
50:51Chairman Jin Chong Yun is the one who is crazy about superstitions.
50:54Whatever happened is because of Jin Chong Yun's obsession.
50:58The forest's IPO is tomorrow. We will be killed.
50:59Okay. Can I know about the information given by Mufat?
51:04The one who had the cover of the fountain pen.
51:07You will have to listen to that mad man.
51:09Only then you will be able to catch that scoundrel.
51:12Didn't you use the coding team to handle the forest of curses?
51:16Maybe it is a little difficult to understand all this.
51:19Because you don't know the company well.
51:21And to be honest, this is called a reasonable doubt.
51:24Isn't it?
51:26Is the graphic designer of the PR team still here?
53:09Why are you standing here? It's very cold here.
53:19So in the end it was my mother's fault.
53:23No. Maybe it's mine.
53:25The evil spirit who has captured Jin Chong Yun,
53:29that evil spirit was inside me.
53:33And it is still inside me.
53:36Inside me.
53:43Now you don't like me either, right?
53:48Because there is only one evil spirit inside me and Jin Chong Yun.
54:03No, So Jin.
54:07You are not like Jin Chong Yun.
54:10The evil spirit must have easily captured Jin Chong Yun.
54:14But not you.
54:16The So Jin that I know,
54:19she will never be like that.
54:45no matter what, I am going to curse Jin Chong Yun.
54:49It would be good if Jin Chong Yun also died because of me.
54:53But he won't die just because my body will die.
54:58Then what about you?
55:00If you curse Jin Chong Yun,
55:03you will also be cursed, right?
55:06I have no other way.
55:10This is my fate.
55:13And no one knows,
55:15until the curse is not applied,
55:17I am more worried about the fact that
55:19if we are not able to curse him before entering his forest,
55:24then I really don't know what I should do.
55:29When the curse is applied,
55:31other sorcerers will try to save him.
55:34Will I be able to defeat them?
55:37And will I be able to curse him on time?
55:41I am sure,
55:44there is another way to stop Jin Chong Yun.
55:47To stop Jin Chong Yun.
55:50That professor said,
55:53we can win
55:55if we take the first step.
56:01How can you defeat the evil spirit?
56:04Find the target and curse him first.
56:07And before he attacks the other body,
56:10you should break that link.
56:12In this way, you are one step ahead.
56:15If we are not able to curse Jin Chong Yun on time,
56:22imagine, I have been tagged in the forest of curses.
56:25If Jin Chong Yun tries to enter the evil spirit forest,
56:30then whoever is tagged will try to curse them all.
56:35Then you should curse me.
56:41Once you curse the evil spirit,
56:45you will be one step ahead.
56:47And he will lose his ability to curse them.
56:52And what will happen to you?
56:57You said,
57:00I am an honest person.
57:05I have to save people.
57:08Do you remember, when we met for the first time,
57:11you said,
57:14we are destined to be together.
57:22Nothing has changed, So Jin.
57:30curse Jin Chong Yun.
57:42Jin Chong Yun
57:45Jin Chong Yun
57:48Jin Chong Yun
57:51Jin Chong Yun
57:54Jin Chong Yun
57:57Jin Chong Yun
58:00Jin Chong Yun
58:03Jin Chong Yun
58:06Jin Chong Yun
58:08Jin Chong Yun
58:12Jin Chong Yun
58:15Jin Chong Yun