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00:00The beginning of time, the first book, the beginning of the world
00:11The creation, a mold of clay, the breath of life
00:19Origin of man, origin of history
00:27Let there be light, let there be faith
00:33Let there be heaven, let there be earth
00:39Let there be light, let there be faith
00:46The beginning of time, the first book
00:57The creation, a mold of clay, the breath of life
01:04Let there be light, let there be faith
01:10The beginning of time, the first book
01:16Let there be light, let there be heaven
01:22Previously on Genesis
01:25You were almost devoured by a beast, my son. Do you think it's not enough?
01:29Don't worry, mother. If the beast shows up, I'll protect you.
01:33On your side, I'll find out the value of true love.
01:38I'll call you.
01:50The well is almost dry.
01:52What about the other well they were digging?
01:54Not yet.
01:55I have no hope. I don't think there will be water.
01:58The pasture is getting drier.
02:01It's drying up too fast.
02:03We have to get out of here before things get worse.
02:05There's no other solution.
02:07Mmm, the smell of this bread.
02:10Is it good, Jacob?
02:11What am I going to get out of this?
02:12What do you want?
02:15I want your right as a cousin to your mother, Isaú.
02:19Stop fooling around and give me that bread, Jacob.
02:22Give it to my firstborn.
02:25Your mother died because of you.
02:27That's why no one talks about her to you.
02:29That's a lie. It's a lie.
02:31They've always protected you.
02:32Now you can ask questions.
02:34Be careful.
02:35Be careful with what you may discover.
02:38It's time for Zilpha to learn how to do housework.
02:43The problem is that you hate this girl.
02:45When she came into this house, she was always forbidden.
02:48But now she's not anymore.
02:51Zilpha is going to be of great value here in this house.
02:55What do you want to know?
02:56End of discussion.
02:59Are you going to keep fooling around all day?
03:02Kate died, Isaú.
03:04This should have happened sooner or later, right?
03:06How can you say that?
03:08Have more compassion, son.
03:10It's a friend of ours who just passed away.
03:12To die, just be alive.
03:14And then, everyone was already waiting for themselves, right, mom?
03:17Here in this house, you're going to have a much better life.
03:26Just obey me.
03:30Jacob, my son.
03:32Did you sell this in the first batch?
03:35No, mom. There was more.
03:36Isaú ate almost everything.
03:38That's your brother, huh?
03:41And there's more.
03:43I finally saw that courage.
03:46And I asked myself if he gave me the right to be his firstborn.
04:10He couldn't take it, Isaac.
04:12He just left.
04:18And did he suffer?
04:20It looks like it was in peace.
04:22Fofona was with him at the time, son.
04:26And how is she?
04:28Trying to find strength.
04:30Fofona is in love with Aunt Deborah.
04:36This is my son's house.
04:37Can you take it to the kitchen, please, Matheus?
04:39I'll see how things are.
04:41Of course.
04:42We don't have much time for mourning.
04:45Because of the drought, we'll leave tomorrow from Bellaroy.
04:49A pebble for everyone, please.
04:51Of course.
05:03Excuse me.
05:06Oh, my cat, Isaac.
05:08He left.
05:11He's gone.
05:16I'm not sure he's being welcomed by God.
05:20He's always been a hard worker.
05:26He's so lifeless.
05:28I thought he was laughing at something.
05:34It was a joke.
05:36That's how he won me over.
05:39He overcame the obstacles along the way.
05:43He found out that the great secret is...
05:46not to be consumed by the sadness of everyday life.
05:53After he found Fofona, he was reborn.
05:59The old man was very grateful to spend his old age with you.
06:04He put an eternal smile on his face.
06:08He was generous.
06:10He insisted on telling me that.
06:14I have nothing to complain about.
06:16I spent the best moments of my life with him.
06:21I'll miss him a lot.
06:24A lot.
06:27We know very well...
06:29how it is to lose someone so close.
06:33We'll give you all the support in this moment of pain.
06:36You can count on me.
06:38I know.
06:49Get up!
06:50Let me sleep.
06:52The cat will be buried. Get up!
06:54I don't want to.
06:56Stop it! Get up!
06:58It's your fault.
07:00I ate so much that I look like a tired animal.
07:06Are you really in a hurry?
07:08Why are we in a hurry to bury the dead?
07:10Can't it be tomorrow?
07:12You don't know, do you?
07:15The pots are dry. There's no more water.
07:17What does this have to do with the cat's death?
07:19We have to set up camp.
07:21We have to leave early tomorrow.
07:23Otherwise we'll starve.
07:36I love you.
07:38I love you.
08:05I love you.
08:09It's so strange. I can't leave.
08:12It's like I'm going to leave my husband here.
08:15No, Fofona.
08:18He's not here anymore.
08:21And you did everything that was possible.
08:25And most importantly, you gave him love.
08:28You gave him affection.
08:30When he was alive.
08:34But now...
08:36How will it be?
08:38It will be different, my love.
08:41But look, I'll be here.
08:43As always, by your side.
08:48I know.
08:49Giving me more work.
08:53I promise this will change too.
08:59You're a mother to me, Fofona.
09:02A mother.
09:04And don't they say that there comes a time...
09:07when children take care of their parents?
09:11My time has come.
09:14I'll take care of you.
09:17Thank you, my love.
09:19You're welcome, my love.
09:21Everything will be okay.
09:27Everything will be okay.
09:46First I'll serve my grandfather.
09:48Then my father, and finally mine.
09:50Always from the oldest to the youngest.
09:52I understand. Thank you.
09:55Now sit down to eat there.
09:58Just a moment, please.
10:00I'm helping Zilpa.
10:04Luía, you didn't go to the pastoral service today...
10:07as we agreed.
10:10May I know why?
10:14It was today, grandfather. I forgot.
10:19Where is he going, father?
10:21What's the problem?
10:22The problems.
10:25He ran away from work today.
10:28As always.
10:30And now I have to lie.
10:33I'm not lying, Raul. It's true.
10:35I really forgot.
10:37It happens to me sometimes.
10:39It happens to me too.
10:41I don't remember much of my past.
10:44Everyone has their forgetfulness.
10:46It's normal.
10:48I learned that people forget what they want...
10:53and remember what suits them.
10:55That's it.
10:58It's different in my case.
11:00It's sad to realize that part of my life is empty.
11:07Forgetting is a gift too.
11:09Memories that fade are not to be remembered.
11:22I'm not hungry.
11:24My love, you have to eat.
11:27Life goes on.
11:30I liked the cat, but I don't lose my appetite.
11:33You can tell, Isaú.
11:35It's not tasty.
11:37Don't take me seriously, Isaú.
11:39I'm just saying, mom.
11:41Even the bread you made today was better.
11:43Of course.
11:45The one you almost sold to your great-grandmother.
11:50What are you talking about?
11:52Tell him, Jacob.
11:54It was nothing.
11:55He wanted to sell me to my great-grandmother...
11:57in exchange for the bread he had baked.
11:59Is that true, son?
12:01It was just a joke, dad.
12:04Do I have to eat a lot of bread to get to my feet, Jacob?
12:12You know things don't work that way, right?
12:16The firstborn is born first.
12:18And we don't exchange that for food or anything.
12:21I know, dad. I just wanted to see Isaú's face.
12:29You two stop talking nonsense...
12:31and finish eating so you can go to bed.
12:33Today was a hard day.
12:35And tomorrow we have to move.
12:37There's a lot to do, a lot to think about.
12:41It's going to be a long trip.
12:44And soon I'll see how Fofana is.
12:46If she wants me to spend the night with her.
12:48Can I talk to you, mom?
12:50I didn't talk to Fofana.
12:52Maybe Fofana doesn't lose weight because of the struggle.
12:55But there are things you can say, son.
12:57Everything can have its good side.
13:00Isaac, did you hear what he said?
13:06Leave it there.
13:08Son, let's go, Jacob.
13:10Let's support our friend, unlike the others.
13:13Come on.
13:23Finish eating.
13:28You really don't want me to keep you company today?
13:32I have to get used to being alone.
13:34It's going to be like this from now on.
13:36Fofana, if you want, I can sleep in your tent...
13:39until you get used to it.
13:41My little bunny, so generous.
13:43At least I'm going to run away from Isaú.
13:46That's right.
13:48But I need to face reality.
13:50The cat left.
13:51Fofana, we know how strong you are.
13:54But we're your family.
13:56So anything you need, just say it.
13:59You can leave it.
14:00I'm so relieved that you're close to me.
14:03I was getting ready for this moment, but...
14:07I didn't know it would be so difficult.
14:13At least I have his sweet memories.
14:18They will stay with me forever.
14:21No one will ever take that away from me.
14:26I'm sorry.
14:45What do you think about us going to Egypt, Gael?
14:48I'm a little apprehensive.
14:50They say it was complicated for Abraham.
14:53Because the pharaoh wanted Sarah as his wife.
14:55Everyone says that.
14:57That's right.
14:58We weren't even born.
15:00And God delivered Sarah.
15:01The pharaoh didn't even touch her.
15:03The problem is that we don't know anything about that land.
15:07Ishmael prospered there.
15:09He got a name.
15:11But does he help us if we need it, mother?
15:14Support a camp that was expelled years ago?
15:18It's easier to mess up our lives.
15:20But Isaac mentioned Egypt.
15:22It looks like he's going there.
15:23I trust Mr. Isaac.
15:25He knows what he's doing.
15:55Where should we go?
15:58Don't go down to Egypt, Isaac.
16:06My God.
16:13Pilgrim on this land.
16:16You will be a pilgrim.
16:19You will be a pilgrim.
16:21Pilgrim on this land.
16:23And I will be with you.
16:25And I will bless you.
16:27Because to you and all your descendants...
16:31I will give all these lands.
16:35Yes, my Lord.
16:37And I will confirm the oath I made to your father Abraham.
16:42You will have as many descendants...
16:44as the stars in the sky.
16:47And through your descendants...
16:49all the nations of the earth...
16:51will be blessed.
16:53Because Abraham...
16:55obeyed my voice...
16:57and kept my precepts...
17:00my commandments...
17:02my statutes...
17:04and my laws.
17:06And so it will be with me, my Lord.
17:11You have my word.
17:20I'm going to tell you one last story.
17:24It's late, dear.
17:26You need to sleep.
17:31Once upon a time...
17:33there was a shepherd who took care of a large flock.
17:36This shepherd...
17:37shouldn't have taken anything from the trunk, Lia.
17:40I have the right, Zilpa.
17:43The things of my mother...
17:45and this pendant were already mine.
17:47I had only taken it.
17:50I think my father took it from me.
17:53I don't remember.
17:57Still awake?
17:59We were just talking a little before going to sleep.
18:04I spoke softly and the little one fell asleep.
18:11How was your day at work, Zilpa?
18:13It was all right.
18:15Lia helped me, but I'm using your mother.
18:18You get used to it.
18:22Can I know what you're hiding?
18:29I found this.
18:31I had lost it a long time ago.
18:45It's a pendant.
18:49It's orange.
18:51But I think it's beautiful.
18:53I'm going to wear it.
18:55It reminds me of my mother.
18:58It reminds me of my Aunt Rebecca.
19:00I've always wanted to meet you.
19:05Here, dear.
19:16It's beautiful, isn't it?
19:18It's beautiful.
19:20Thank you, Aunt Rebecca.
19:29No, Isaac, don't listen to me.
19:31Rebecca, don't listen to me.
19:32Don't listen to you.
19:34My love, your son is impossible.
19:36Every day, a malcreation after another.
19:38Don't talk to me.
19:47It was moving.
19:49It was wonderful.
19:54What did he say?
19:56That we shouldn't go to Egypt.
20:01And where does God want to take us?
20:03I don't know.
20:06But the Lord will show us the way.
20:11My love.
20:14It's beautiful.
20:26I was already upset before.
20:28With Gate.
20:30With Zeca.
20:32I had to move to Belaroy.
20:36I'm also upset.
20:38Calm down.
20:40Everything will be fine.
20:43Do you think we'll find another virgin on the way?
20:46I wanted to take you to the quiet place with us.
20:49But I thought I was going to kill that animal.
20:51Why are you still surprising me with your selfishness?
20:54Are you worried about this, Isaú?
20:56About your hunt?
20:57Of course not, Jacob.
20:58Who invites all of us from now on.
21:00Now, yes.
21:04Do you really think we'll find a good place to live?
21:07God is with our father.
21:09He will guide us on this journey.
21:13If you say so.
21:15I'll be more relaxed.
21:17Good night.
21:19Good night.
21:20Sleep well.
21:41Good night.
22:07How are you, cutie?
22:09Did you sleep well last night?
22:11I didn't sleep much, but everything is fine.
22:14Did you manage to eat anything?
22:16At least you have to eat.
22:18Don't worry about that.
22:20The cat wouldn't like your cutie to turn into a dry tree.
22:24It doesn't matter if it doesn't exist.
22:26It doesn't change.
22:28I'll follow my love's advice.
22:30Look at the good side of life.
22:32And thank you always for being here with you.
22:40Attention, please.
22:43Attention, everyone.
22:47We are about to leave, but before we take down the tents...
22:50I need you to listen to me.
22:55As some of you already know...
22:57God spoke to me.
23:00And He will guide us safely to a better place.
23:04I have faith that soon we will be in a fertile place again.
23:09I learned from my father...
23:11that we should not fear difficulties.
23:15And once again, with the help of the Lord...
23:18we will overcome...
23:20and be strengthened.
23:23Let's go.
23:25Let's go, my friends.
23:28You can go back to work.
23:30Let's go.
23:35Will God show this place to our father?
23:38Is it magical?
23:40I don't know.
23:42What did Gerardo say?
23:44Who knows what he's up to?
23:46What a bunch of names.
23:48I've never heard of them.
23:50Are you serious?
23:52Do you really think I have no patience?
23:55Stop acting like a fool.
23:57This is not foolishness.
23:59This is knowledge.
24:01I don't want to know about the world.
24:03I'd rather use my own feet.
24:06It seems that the time has come.
24:09Let's see what's out there.
24:27Let's go.
24:57I've never seen so much green.
24:59Yes, my child.
25:01The land is fertile.
25:03It would be good to plant a lot of things here.
25:27Until the end.
25:41I want to drink.
25:46We're thirsty.
25:47I'm not done yet.
25:49Leave some space for us.
25:51I can't.
25:53Let's go.
25:55Let's settle down.
25:59Tell me about it.
26:02God brought us to this little paradise.
26:14Go, go, go.
26:16There's no water.
26:18There's no good water.
26:25What are you doing?
27:14Isn't she your aunt?
27:16Is she?
27:18Yes, she is.
27:20I recognize her.
27:22It's Janikau.
27:24What's going on?
27:30It can't be.
27:32It can't be.
27:42You haven't changed at all.
27:45We recognized you because of the tent.
27:48Because of the tent?
27:50Are you trying to teach me something?
27:54You're more beautiful than ever.
27:56You're still temperamental.
28:10I can't believe it.
28:12What are you doing here?
28:14We had to leave Bellahoya.
28:16The drought affected everything there.
28:18Our well dried up.
28:20We dug another well.
28:22But we didn't find anything.
28:24Don't worry.
28:26Water is something we don't lack.
28:28Good to know.
28:30I'm Isaac.
28:34The baby I met, son of Abraham and Sarah.
28:38This is my wife, Rebecca.
28:40I'm Shaim.
28:42Son of Manu and Mikau.
28:44With all due respect, Isaac.
28:46Your wife is as beautiful as your mother, Sarah.
28:54Thank you for your hospitality.
28:56These are my children.
28:58Esau and Jacob.
29:02It's a great pleasure to welcome you.
29:04So many plantations around here.
29:06There must be a lot of land.
29:08You can use it all.
29:10As you wish.
29:12Thank you, Shaim.
29:14I intend to settle in the region.
29:18I can't believe our family is going to disappear again.
29:24But first I need to ask for the king's permission.
29:28Be careful, Isaac.
29:30Don't tell anyone in the palace...
29:34that Rebecca is your wife.
29:38Because the king may want to kill you...
29:40and take your wife from him.
29:46Something similar happened to my father.
29:48I remember my mother telling me about it.
29:50But you're very old now.
29:52King Abimelech must be very old, Shaim.
29:54I'm sorry, but that doesn't make sense.
29:56But he became even more mean as he got older.
30:00He took my youngest daughter...
30:04to his harem.
30:06Your daughter?
30:10A beautiful girl...
30:12This happened...
30:14shortly after your husband's mysterious death.
30:42I need to feed myself, Hannah.
31:10If you continue like this, you'll get sick.
31:12Shaim is worried about you.
31:14Your grandmother too.
31:16Think about your family, dear.
31:18I'm sorry, aunt.
31:20But I don't want anything.
31:22I just want to go up.
31:24I'm desperate to live in this harem.
31:26Be discreet, Hannah.
31:28You know the king's wives like to cause intrigues.
31:34If they hear you...
31:36If they hear me, I don't care.
31:38Don't be like this, Hannah.
31:42It's been a year since you became Abimelech's wife...
31:44and you need to stop suffering.
31:46It's impossible.
31:48My husband was found dead.
31:50I became a widow.
31:52I had all my dreams stolen.
31:54I can't get used to it.
32:00The longer you take to accept it...
32:02the more you'll suffer.
32:04Get me out of here, please.
32:06I've tried to come to you with the king.
32:10But it's getting stranger.
32:12I'm scared.
32:14There's nothing I can do, dear.
32:36It's all tasteless.
32:42The fruits are fresh, father.
32:44The tamarind is very good.
32:48Try one.
32:50It must be the age that's making Abimelech lose his taste.
32:54I think there are certain companies...
32:58that take the taste out of my life.
33:02Wouldn't it be the lack of a certain company?
33:08The saffron is of high quality, thank God.
33:12Me too, I'm the king.
33:14It seems that some people have forgotten that.
33:18Each with his own attributes, Soberano.
33:20And all of them.
33:22All of them.
33:24To satisfy me.
33:26Including my 45th wife.
33:28I've already explained that Hannah refuses.
33:30What are you talking about?
33:32Your father.
33:34He insists on having his youngest wife in bed.
33:36But the poor woman seems sick.
33:38She lives in the corners, dragging an endless sadness.
33:42She still loves her late husband.
33:44But if she marries me, it's the greatest honor a woman can have.
33:48I don't care what she feels.
33:50She has an obligation to serve me.
33:52She already enjoyed the first night.
33:56After that, whoever rules will not sleep.
33:58Calm down.
34:00Calm down.
34:02I don't think they can be trusted people.
34:04I'm very curious about my great-grandson.
34:08May I help you, gentlemen?
34:10Bringing news.
34:14A caravan has just approached the surroundings of Gerard.
34:18It reminded me a lot of the people of Abraham, great king.
34:20Will it be your heir?
34:22After so many years?
34:24I hope so.
34:26I really want to meet my relatives.
34:56Father, are you okay?
35:00I'm exhausted.
35:02Taking care of the family business is not for everyone.
35:06It's hard to find a moment of peace.
35:08Do you want me to serve you a herbal infusion?
35:10If you can be quiet, it will be of great help.
35:30What is it, Lia?
35:32I'm bleeding.
35:34How did I get hurt like this?
35:36Was it the needles of the earth?
35:38Father, I need help.
35:40No, Lia, you don't need anything.
35:42Am I going to die?
35:46For the woman, Lia.
35:48That's all.
35:56I love you.
36:22I swear it's not a disease.
36:24I told you it wasn't.
36:26Then why am I bleeding?
36:28Every woman goes through this, Lia.
36:30The Jews believe that fertility causes bleeding.
36:32But why is that?
36:34Stop asking so many questions.
36:36Go spend the day with Erin and ask her to explain it to you.
36:38But I'm forbidden to leave the house during the day.
36:40I only authorize you this time.
36:42Go now.
36:44Serva will take care of you.
36:54I love you.
37:04Isaac's tent is ready.
37:06The kitchen, the women's tent too.
37:08We were quick this time.
37:14I'm sorry if I insist on this, Roberto.
37:16But it's for your own good.
37:18I understand, Shaim.
37:20But it's very uncomfortable to be married
37:22to Isaac for so many years
37:24and have to hide it.
37:26Honestly, I think this request is absurd.
37:28I know it sounds crazy.
37:30But it's better
37:32for the Philistines not to know
37:34that you're married to Isaac.
37:36Do we really have to do this, Mr. Shaim?
37:40Your father's life is at risk.
37:42If you touch a strand of hair on my father,
37:44I'll kill you, Melech.
37:46And all his family.
37:48My son, don't say that.
37:50Did you hear me?
37:52Mom, but executing someone
37:54to steal your wife is terrible.
37:56Do you even have money to generate?
37:58All you have to do is withdraw it.
38:00I told him who does it.
38:02My children, we're not going to lie.
38:04We're just going to omit this detail
38:06and say that Isaac and I are relatives.
38:08That way, we protect ourselves
38:10and don't betray our principles.
38:14I'm more at ease this way.
38:16I still haven't overcome Bimelech
38:18I can't allow it to happen to you
38:20the same way it happened to my daughter.
38:22Thank you for your concern, Shaim.
38:24And for warning us in advance.
38:28And did you understand?
38:34Let's get this over with.
38:36So you know if my son is hurt.
38:44Imagine the harm that a man can do.
38:46Oh, Eliza.
38:48My old man was everything to me.
38:52We had a lot of losses in the camp.
38:54Life goes by too fast.
38:58Uncle Manga was so dear.
39:00He didn't die of what?
39:02Deborah, that's a question you should ask yourself.
39:04Is it wrong to be interested
39:06in the lives of our relatives?
39:08He died choked, my niece.
39:10The old man was good with his mouth
39:12and bad with his eyes.
39:14He was like a duck's bone
39:16that fell into the broth and ended up choked.
39:18That's horrible.
39:20I could never imagine that a man like that
39:22would have such a stupid end.
39:24A man who didn't deserve it.
39:26At least he was spared
39:28from the tragedy that struck our family.
39:30What do you mean?
39:32My granddaughter Hanna was kidnapped
39:34by King Abimelech.
39:36How sad.
39:38Just like Sarah years ago.
39:40And did she live here in the camp?
39:42Chaya and my grandchildren
39:44spread all over the world,
39:46but Hanna married Gerard's stepson.
39:48We always saw each other.
39:50She was happy, present.
39:52Now her life is over.
39:54All because of that murderous king.
39:58Why do you say that?
40:00Because I'm sure
40:02the king had her husband killed
40:04to make my granddaughter his wife.
40:14Announce the arrival of Mr. Isaac
40:16and his servant, Mateo.
40:20King Abimelech.
40:24What an honor.
40:28Prince Omar.
40:30I'm glad to see you.
40:32It's my pleasure.
40:34And you?
40:36The last time I saw you,
40:38you were a boy.
40:40It's been a long time, sir.
40:52I'd like to introduce you
40:54to Queen Najla.
40:56General Fekol.
41:00Auzat, my advisor.
41:02My present children
41:04that you already know.
41:06Omar, Bashir,
41:10My grandson, Nader.
41:12Loser of the throne.
41:22So it's you.
41:26The long-awaited son
41:28that Abraham had in his old age.
41:32I follow his teachings
41:34and manage the camp he started.
41:36I admired Abraham a lot.
41:38A great man.
41:40And he was reciprocal, sir.
41:42My father always spoke of the king with great respect.
41:44What brings you here, Gerard?
41:46I would like to ask permission
41:48so that my people and I
41:50could camp in your lands.
41:52Unfortunately, drought punished our region.
41:56I don't see any problems.
41:58I like to do good business.
42:08what do you have to offer me in return, Isaac?
42:12A wife, perhaps?
42:16Among your people
42:18there is an exuberant beauty
42:20capable of making a king happy.
42:24A woman.
42:36You're really going to take my granddaughter away?
42:40This one.
42:42I never thought she would stay.
42:44Hannah lives in the palace
42:46and is my wife.
42:48Your prisoner, you mean?
42:50Stop it, mother. Please.
42:52Don't do this, Michael. It's not worth it.
42:54It's better to listen.
42:56It will end in the dungeon.
42:58You think I'm afraid of your threats, Abimelech?
43:00And I don't have time
43:02or patience for you, Michael.
43:04You weren't born
43:06when Abraham was in Gerar.
43:08But I recognize some of you.
43:14I just haven't seen Gath.
43:16He died not long ago.
43:22The most powerful
43:24poison in Egypt.
43:26The most powerful poison in Egypt.
43:32Thank you, Michael.
43:34Are you going to use the poison
43:36in Abimelech
43:38or in his grandson?
43:42Come here.
43:48This is for Abimelech.
