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00:00:00And action in a mud mold
00:00:05The center of life
00:00:08Origin of man
00:00:11Origin of history
00:00:16Let there be light
00:00:19That is not seen
00:00:22Let there be sky
00:00:24Let there be earth
00:00:28Let there be light
00:00:31That is not seen
00:00:34Let there be sky
00:00:37Let there be earth
00:00:53Let there be light
00:00:56That is not seen
00:00:59Origin of the world
00:01:02Beginning of everything
00:01:05Let there be light
00:01:11Previously on Genesis
00:01:14Because the hairy
00:01:16I will give the name of Esau
00:01:20And you, my little naked
00:01:23I will give the name of Jacob
00:01:27Your family is waiting for you
00:01:29Go, Isaac
00:01:33Come and meet your children, my love
00:01:38They will make me a decision
00:01:41It will be with Betuel
00:01:43Because he planted me
00:01:45He grabbed me
00:01:47I was able to get rid of him
00:01:52How am I going to keep working here?
00:01:55He's unhappy, he's worth nothing
00:01:58But he owns almost the whole area
00:02:01How am I going to stay in the city
00:02:05If I don't go to work for him?
00:02:07What happened?
00:02:09Esau is kicking my brother
00:02:12You're not calm?
00:02:14Yeah, but
00:02:15Just put the twins side by side
00:02:17They started kicking
00:02:20Listen to what I'm going to tell you
00:02:22After Ignatius left
00:02:23I allowed you and your sister to be raised by the servants
00:02:26Chiarinha is very good for us, father
00:02:28She's not your aunt
00:02:30She's just a servant
00:02:33You're growing up and some things will have to change for your own good
00:02:36So for your protection I want you to reduce contact with the servants
00:02:39You can keep sleeping in the girls' tent
00:02:41But during the day I want you here
00:02:43Inside the house
00:02:50Don't look at me, Lia
00:02:54How many times do I have to tell you this?
00:02:56Father, please
00:02:57Don't look
00:02:58Isn't my daughter here with Judite?
00:03:00I don't know
00:03:01Oibias, are you going to call your brother?
00:03:03Isn't Judite at home?
00:03:04What do you mean?
00:03:05She left early
00:03:08We saw some barks
00:03:10And we decided to stay here quietly
00:03:12So as not to disturb your hunt
00:03:14Shouting like that?
00:03:15Tell the truth
00:03:17Total silence
00:03:20They heard
00:03:24Is it them?
00:03:25Everyone ran
00:03:29I don't remember
00:03:31The barks are coming
00:03:39Jacob, my son
00:03:40Come here
00:03:41Cut these onions for me
00:03:42That we're going to use to season the meat and lentils
00:03:45Okay, leave it to me
00:03:46If there's one thing I love about onion food
00:03:50It goes with everything
00:03:52Cut this onion, Jacob
00:03:54Away from my face
00:03:55Or you're going to cry
00:03:58Cut a lot
00:04:00Remove the bark
00:04:01Like I taught you
00:04:02Here are the lentils, Mrs. Rebeca
00:04:04Oh, my love
00:04:05You can take it to the fire
00:04:11Leave it here with me
00:04:13Lentils with tabasco?
00:04:15And there's something better
00:04:16The lentils have to cook
00:04:18But I already washed the fruits
00:04:19Is it good like this, mom?
00:04:20It's great, my love
00:04:21It's great
00:04:22Mom, is it good?
00:04:23I'm going to finish the rest
00:04:25Thank you
00:04:33What a blessing this son is, isn't it, Rebeca?
00:04:35Oh, cutie, don't even tell me
00:04:36He helps me so much
00:04:38I'm so happy it's the woman who's going to marry him
00:04:42The child who is always by the mother's side
00:04:44Gives a good husband
00:04:47Unlike Isaú
00:04:48Who only thinks about hunting this one
00:04:50I don't see it
00:04:51I don't see it
00:04:52They have different temperaments
00:04:56But Jacob suits me better
00:04:59The biggest will serve the smallest
00:05:02If someone hears
00:05:03Don't talk like that
00:05:04People have already realized, Rebeca
00:05:06Jacob should have an alliance with God
00:05:09I know
00:05:10But no one needs to know yet
00:05:12But yes
00:05:14That's how it's going to be
00:05:15Is it good like this, mom?
00:05:16My son
00:05:17It's great, my love
00:05:19It's great
00:05:20Thank you
00:05:21Now go
00:05:22Go call your father
00:05:23Go call your brother
00:05:24Because the meal is almost ready
00:05:25Go, go
00:05:26It's good
00:05:30You cut it right
00:05:36The lack of water is worrying
00:05:37Worse than last year
00:05:40The Seahawks are digging a new well
00:05:42The Seahawks are digging a new well
00:05:44Let's have faith
00:05:46Excuse me
00:05:47Come in, son
00:05:49It's time for lunch
00:05:52Mom asked me to call Mr. Isaú
00:05:53But I don't know where he is
00:05:55He must be wandering around
00:05:57But soon, soon the hunger hits
00:05:58And he'll be back
00:06:00I just need to finish these notes
00:06:01And we'll go
00:06:03Father, can I help you?
00:06:06Of course you can
00:06:08Of course
00:06:10Get out of here
00:06:36I'm sorry, Mrs. Labon
00:06:37But what happened to Lia?
00:06:39She looked like she was crying
00:06:41I was worried
00:06:42Lia is very sad
00:06:44I can't say anything
00:06:45She's already in tears
00:06:48It's a difficult age
00:06:52It's better to start from the beginning
00:06:57I've decided something
00:06:58Lia can't spend so much time with the Seahawks
00:07:01I don't want her to grow up with Rebeca's mania
00:07:04I'm sorry, Mr. Labon
00:07:05But I raised your daughters after my wife's death
00:07:08I've always taken care of them with all my love
00:07:10I don't understand
00:07:12And then you dumped me again
00:07:15And what am I going to do when I die?
00:07:18How am I going to take care of my two granddaughters
00:07:21With a baby in my arms?
00:07:25I know very well what my duties are, Mr. Labon
00:07:28And I also know that you need help with the girls
00:07:31Especially with Lia
00:07:33Is she really upset?
00:07:36But don't worry
00:07:38I think I already went after her
00:07:49Did you see Lia, Mr. Labon?
00:07:57Hey! Did you see Lia?
00:08:08Excuse me
00:08:10Did you see Lia, Mr. Labon?
00:08:26Excuse me
00:08:28Did you see Lia?
00:08:29No, I didn't
00:08:31Thank you
00:08:34What's the hurry?
00:08:35What's the hurry?
00:08:37Did you lose your man?
00:08:39I lost the boss' granddaughter, Mr. Schafer
00:08:42You saw Lia around
00:08:44I don't want to worry you
00:08:46But did you see Lia leaving the city with a face that was worth it?
00:08:52Thank you
00:08:53You don't even thank me
00:08:54It doesn't cost you anything
00:08:55I'll bring Lia here later
00:08:57She deserves to get a...
00:09:11My little girl
00:09:13Don't be like this
00:09:16My father wants to take me away from you
00:09:20Mr. Labon only wants to protect you, Lia
00:09:23And that's what every father does to his daughter
00:09:28He doesn't love you
00:09:29He doesn't love you
00:09:30He doesn't love you
00:09:31He doesn't love you
00:09:32He doesn't love you
00:09:33He doesn't love you
00:09:35He never loved me
00:09:36Not even Raquel
00:09:37Only my brothers
00:09:39It's not true
00:09:43You were very expected
00:09:45And very loved
00:09:48For my mother, yes
00:09:51Not for my father
00:09:55I count the times he was affectionate to me
00:10:00A lot of worries in your head
00:10:03That's all
00:10:07I didn't even let myself look at him
00:10:10My little girl
00:10:13Calm down
00:10:16There are times when life seems hard
00:10:19But everything passes
00:10:25There is no sadness that lasts forever
00:10:27Why does my father hate me so much?
00:10:30He doesn't hate you
00:10:33But you
00:10:35You remind me a lot of your mother
00:10:39You have the same way of speaking
00:10:43The same joy for life
00:10:46The same sweetness
00:10:48And especially
00:10:51You have the same eyes
00:10:53You have the same eyes
00:11:10I didn't do anything
00:11:11With the shoemaker's daughter, okay?
00:11:13A kiss is nothing by chance
00:11:15He came to complain
00:11:16It will be left for you
00:11:17It was an impulse
00:11:18A kiss for nothing
00:11:20I'll have to marry her now
00:11:21I'll have to marry her now
00:11:25Look, Eben
00:11:26I consider you as a brother
00:11:27We grew up together
00:11:28That's why I tell you
00:11:29A boy who is for everyone
00:11:30Is not for no one
00:11:32What's my fault if they want me, Zilpa?
00:11:41Are you okay?
00:11:42Why are you worried?
00:11:43I found this girl
00:11:44At the entrance of the city
00:11:45Counting clouds
00:11:48I just wanted to be alone
00:11:51You know you can count on me always
00:11:54Thank you, my friend
00:12:06I think we should wait for Ezaú
00:12:10I asked everyone, dad
00:12:11He's not at the camp
00:12:14He probably went hunting
00:12:17He should have returned
00:12:18I think there's no reason
00:12:19For worry, my love
00:12:23Let's eat?
00:12:24Let's go
00:12:25I just think Ezaú should
00:12:26At least make meals with us
00:12:29Like a family
00:12:30Ezaú prefers freedom
00:12:31He doesn't care about these things
00:12:32Camp, family
00:12:34Don't criticize your brother like that, Jacó
00:12:37I don't admit
00:12:39Stop, you two
00:12:41I don't accept discussion
00:12:42In this rare moment
00:12:43That we are together
00:12:44Together, yes
00:12:46But it would be primordial
00:12:48Excuse me
00:12:49Can we come in?
00:12:51You already came in
00:12:53I only came because
00:12:54It's a matter of extreme importance
00:12:56I'm sorry for the intrusion
00:12:58But it's really urgent
00:12:59Didn't I just say that?
00:13:00What happened, Uriala?
00:13:02We want to know about our daughters
00:13:04Where did Judite and Bazemate go?
00:13:08No disguise, please
00:13:09Call both of them
00:13:10I don't know what you're talking about
00:13:11No, neither do I
00:13:14What are you trying to teach, Uriala?
00:13:16I'm not teaching, Rebeca
00:13:18I'm being clear and direct
00:13:20I want to know about my daughter and Elon, too
00:13:24Go, open the door
00:13:25See how you talk
00:13:26Because you're in my tent
00:13:28Big deal
00:13:29A tent
00:13:30I'm not staying
00:13:31Calm down, please
00:13:32I think it's good
00:13:35I already understood, Uriala
00:13:37That the two girls disappeared
00:13:38I already understood
00:13:40Now, why do you think they would be here?
00:13:43Tell them, Ibiza
00:13:44Judite and Bazemate only talk about Saul
00:13:46They must be with him
00:13:49Jacob, go look for your brother
00:13:51But where, dad? No one knows about him
00:13:52Where else, Jacob?
00:13:54Where he usually hunts
00:13:56Now I don't have to stay behind my brother?
00:13:58Let's go
00:14:00Do what your father told you
00:14:04Ibiza, go with him
00:14:06And bring those bastards back
00:14:14A few days later
00:14:24He's getting close, try to get him
00:14:26How many have you hunted?
00:14:27More than a hundred
00:14:28Can you both shut up?
00:14:30I'm sorry, Isaú
00:14:31But Judite won't stop talking
00:14:33I'm quiet
00:14:34Bazemate won't stop
00:14:35The other four already ran away
00:14:37This is our last chance
00:14:38Stop now and I'll never talk to you two again
00:14:44I won't wait any longer
00:14:46Calm down, she's still far away
00:14:47She's mine, get out
00:14:48Isaú is right, it's better to get closer
00:14:52You made a mistake
00:14:53Leave me alone
00:14:54It's impossible
00:14:58You did it, incredible
00:14:59You were lucky
00:15:00Did you see? She was still running
00:15:02It was a perfect shot
00:15:03Good job, Isaú
00:15:04Let's go get the animal and see if he's really dead
00:15:05Congratulations, Isaú
00:15:06I always knew you were the best
00:15:08But I said it first
00:15:09I said it first
00:15:10But I'm prettier
00:15:11And I'm smarter
00:15:12I'm older
00:15:13And I'm more adaptable
00:15:35You don't let me come here, do you?
00:15:37Shouldn't you be at home, resting?
00:15:40I'm going to stay in that bed that I love
00:15:42As you like a soft talk
00:15:46How many years have I been in this forge, Gael?
00:15:49There's a place of honor in this workshop
00:15:52You taught us everything
00:15:53But it's a mess
00:15:56Each one with their talents
00:15:58I have to admit
00:15:59You tell the best stories of the camp
00:16:02Some recognition
00:16:05I told you when Ló's wife was giving birth in the middle of a sandstorm
00:16:09He already told his story
00:16:12We have a visitor in the camp today
00:16:14That's good
00:16:15Who is it?
00:16:19Nothing good
00:16:23What did she come here for?
00:16:25Something good that isn't
00:16:30Why isn't anyone showing up?
00:16:31Calm down
00:16:32Calm down, Uriala
00:16:33Jacob went to look for his brother
00:16:35They'll be back soon
00:16:36Calm down
00:16:37I don't trust Isaú
00:16:38I don't trust Jacob
00:16:39My children are great boys
00:16:42They are incapable of hurting anyone
00:16:44Because they were raised very well
00:16:46I'm sure Isaú didn't call anyone to meet him
00:16:49Excuse me
00:16:51Are you saying that my daughter and Basemática went after your son?
00:16:55Is that what it looks like?
00:16:57What if we go back to Hebron?
00:16:59Maybe the girls won't show up there
00:17:01You go if you want, Lón
00:17:03I won't stop until Judith shows up
00:17:05If she's really in Isaú's company
00:17:08Do you know where this girl could have gone?
00:17:11With her mother?
00:17:13I don't understand, what are you talking about?
00:17:15I know how to take care of my daughter
00:17:18That's not what it looks like
00:17:22What is it?
00:17:23Calm down
00:17:24I'm not feeling well
00:17:26I'm dizzy, I think I'm nervous
00:17:28Maybe it's the sun, it's too hot
00:17:30No, I'm really nervous
00:17:32It's better to wait in the shade, Uriala
00:17:35Yes, drink some water
00:17:36I'll get it for you
00:17:37No, no, you don't have to, Matheus
00:17:38Thank you
00:17:39Let's go, Uriala
00:17:42I'll wait for you in the tent
00:17:44Eat something, we're going to have a meal
00:17:48If that's the case, I'm obliged to accept
00:17:51Let's go
00:17:53Excuse me
00:18:01I regret sending Jacob after my brother
00:18:04Because Isaú knows how to protect himself in the desert
00:18:06You're right
00:18:08Now Jacob is a boy who lives in the tent
00:18:11You're right
00:18:13You never know what they might face
00:18:15They're taking too long
00:18:17Shouldn't we go after them?
00:18:24The more nervous I get, the hungrier I get
00:18:27I'm desperate
00:18:29This nervousness is useless
00:18:32You're calm because you have male children
00:18:34If I had a daughter like Judite, I'd know what to worry about
00:18:40This is horrible
00:18:41I bet you cooked it, Rebeca
00:18:44Everybody loves my cooking, Uriala
00:18:47Poor Isaac doesn't have the courage to tell you the truth
00:18:50If you're unsatisfied, it's simple
00:18:52Don't eat
00:18:53Besides being a bad cook, you're also very rude
00:18:56Like I said
00:19:00Can you leave my tent, please?
00:19:04You know what, Rebeca?
00:19:06I feel sorry for Isaac
00:19:09He deserved a much better woman to marry
00:19:16For example
00:19:19At least I don't cook badly
00:19:21I don't mistreat guests
00:19:23And I don't fool around
00:19:25Me? Fooling around?
00:19:27You know I never believed in that weird belly you had?
00:19:30Nobody has a belly that big
00:19:32They were twins, Uriala
00:19:34Yes, they were
00:19:36Yes, they were
00:19:37Why are Zahul and Jacob so different?
00:19:40I can't believe I'm hearing all this
00:19:43Confess that you adopted both
00:19:47Hurry up, Jacob
00:19:49I'm going faster than I can
00:19:53Damn it
00:19:55Thank you for this rock
00:19:57You're welcome
00:19:58It hurts
00:20:00I'm seeing them, look
00:20:04Let's go
00:20:15But I can't carry it by myself
00:20:17She's a hunter, you hit her, you carry her
00:20:19Who told you that?
00:20:20Nobody, we were born knowing these things
00:20:22I've never heard of it, but I'll help you
00:20:30I can't do it
00:20:32It's too heavy
00:20:33You're so weak
00:20:34Do you need help from the girls?
00:20:36Look, it's Jacob and Bias
00:20:40You're crazy, looking for you
00:20:43Your father too
00:20:44And they sent me after you, Zahul
00:20:46And Bias, you said we were here
00:20:48They showed up
00:20:50I have nothing to do with it
00:20:51We need to go to the camp now
00:20:53Help me carry this rope, Jacob
00:20:55It's the biggest I've ever carried
00:20:57You and Uriela, take the one on the left
00:20:59You and Uriela, take the one on the right
00:21:00I'll carry it from here
00:21:15Is my father very angry?
00:21:17Uriela is the one who's worse
00:21:19My mother, always making me feel ashamed
00:21:21I'm going to get in trouble
00:21:24I wanted to help, but I hit my foot on a rock
00:21:26No, let them see
00:21:27Jacob, don't do things like that
00:21:29You're so naughty
00:21:34There's already a lot of meat in the camp
00:21:36We didn't need too much
00:21:38I think she's going to have a hard time
00:21:40We're going to kill all the grass in front of us
00:21:43When we need it, we won't
00:21:44We could wait a little longer
00:21:48You two are so soft
00:21:50Do you want me to get you some water, Zahul?
00:21:52I'm going faster, I always win in the race
00:21:54Both of you are going nowhere
00:21:55They're waiting for us at the camp
00:21:57In that case, we'll only get there at 8 o'clock
00:22:01What kind of joke was that?
00:22:02That sounded like a...
00:22:27I'm going to get you some water
00:22:29I'm going to get you some water
00:22:30I'm going to get you some water
00:22:31I'm going to get you some water
00:22:32I'm going to get you some water
00:22:33I'm going to get you some water
00:22:34I'm going to get you some water
00:22:35I'm going to get you some water
00:22:36I'm going to get you some water
00:22:37I'm going to get you some water
00:22:38I'm going to get you some water
00:22:39I'm going to get you some water
00:22:40I'm going to get you some water
00:22:41I'm going to get you some water
00:22:42I'm going to get you some water
00:22:43I'm going to get you some water
00:22:44I'm going to get you some water
00:22:45I'm going to get you some water
00:22:46I'm going to get you some water
00:22:47I'm going to get you some water
00:22:48I'm going to get you some water
00:22:49I'm going to get you some water
00:22:50I'm going to get you some water
00:22:51I'm going to get you some water
00:22:52I'm going to get you some water
00:22:53I'm going to get you some water
00:22:54I'm going to get you some water
00:22:55I'm going to get you some water
00:22:56I'm going to get you some water
00:22:57I'm going to get you some water
00:22:58I'm going to get you some water
00:22:59I'm going to get you some water
00:23:00I'm going to get you some water
00:23:01I'm going to get you some water
00:23:02I'm going to get you some water
00:23:03I'm going to get you some water
00:23:04I'm going to get you some water
00:23:05I'm going to get you some water
00:23:06I'm going to get you some water
00:23:07I'm going to get you some water
00:23:08I'm going to get you some water
00:23:09I'm going to get you some water
00:23:10I'm going to get you some water
00:23:11I'm going to get you some water
00:23:12I'm going to get you some water
00:23:13I'm going to get you some water
00:23:14I'm going to get you some water
00:23:15I'm going to get you some water
00:23:16I'm going to get you some water
00:23:17I'm going to get you some water
00:23:18I'm going to get you some water
00:23:19I'm going to get you some water
00:23:20I'm going to get you some water
00:23:21I'm going to get you some water
00:23:22I'm going to get you some water
00:23:23I'm going to get you some water
00:23:24I'm going to get you some water
00:23:25I'm going to get you some water
00:23:26I'm going to get you some water
00:23:27I'm going to get you some water
00:23:28I'm going to get you some water
00:23:29I'm going to get you some water
00:23:30I'm going to get you some water
00:23:31I'm going to get you some water
00:23:32I'm going to get you some water
00:23:33I'm going to get you some water
00:23:34I'm going to get you some water
00:23:35I'm going to get you some water
00:23:36I'm going to get you some water
00:23:37I'm going to get you some water
00:23:38I'm going to get you some water
00:23:39I'm going to get you some water
00:23:40I'm going to get you some water
00:23:41I'm going to get you some water
00:23:42I'm going to get you some water
00:23:43I'm going to get you some water
00:23:44I'm going to get you some water
00:23:45I'm going to get you some water
00:23:46I'm going to get you some water
00:23:47I'm going to get you some water
00:23:48I'm going to get you some water
00:23:49I'm going to get you some water
00:23:50I'm going to get you some water
00:23:51I'm going to get you some water
00:23:52I'm going to get you some water
00:23:53I'm going to get you some water
00:23:54I'm going to get you some water
00:23:55I'm going to get you some water
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00:23:57I'm going to get you some water
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00:31:14I'm going to get you some water
00:31:15I'm going to get you some water
00:31:17What is it, Caleb?
00:31:18It's footprints
00:31:19Footprints of a big animal
00:31:21It could be a lion
00:31:22Or a leopard
00:31:25The other day, they saw one of these around
00:31:27They're in danger
00:31:29Let's hurry
00:31:46Fine, I'll go
00:31:55Come, Uriel
00:31:57Go after it
00:31:59Go after it
00:32:00Hand off
00:32:05Thank you, I told him I was going to die
00:32:07I told him
00:32:12These foxes are worse than the others
00:32:13This is making me sick
00:32:14It's making me sick
00:32:15Do you prefer this or being swallowed by that monster?
00:32:17We should have stayed at home.
00:32:19I'm sorry to all the gods.
00:32:20When I said I could die if I didn't get married,
00:32:22the street was playing.
00:32:23If we escape from this, I promise to be more comfortable.
00:32:26Me too.
00:32:30If you hadn't shot, we would have been in the camp.
00:32:32Why did you make the animal nervous?
00:32:34You should thank me.
00:32:35I saved our lives.
00:32:36Of course not.
00:32:37Now Leopoldo is behind us.
00:32:39But Copiara is hurt. I bet he went far.
00:32:41Come on, girls.
00:32:42If I find out I didn't take care of my sister,
00:32:44he'll kill me.
00:32:45Jacob must have stayed with them.
00:32:47That coward!
00:32:48I doubt it.
00:32:49Jacob! Are you listening to me?
00:32:57Did you see?
00:33:02Is it safe here?
00:33:08Do you understand animal?
00:33:10Can it climb trees?
00:33:14It was good to be your friend, Jacob.
00:33:16Your father!
00:33:17Don't move!
00:33:18Your father is coming!
00:33:19Here! Here!
00:33:22Take this, you bastard!
00:33:35Come down.
00:33:37Come slowly.
00:33:39Do you understand?
00:33:41Come, Jacob.
00:33:43Give me your hand.
00:33:48It was horrible, father.
00:33:49You scared me, girl.
00:33:52Are you crazy to face an animal like this?
00:33:55Where is Saul?
00:33:57Did something happen to him?
00:33:58I don't know.
00:34:00Thank you, father.
00:34:04What about my daughter?
00:34:05Is she hurt? Where is she?
00:34:07I don't know.
00:34:08We separated.
00:34:13My son!
00:34:14My son!
00:34:17Are you okay?
00:34:18Are you okay?
00:34:19Show me his name.
00:34:20Look, father ran away.
00:34:21Calm down.
00:34:22Everything is fine now.
00:34:23Oh, my son.
00:34:25You never do something like this to me again.
00:34:28I almost died and you still fight with me.
00:34:33If you hadn't shown up, I would have killed him.
00:34:36I know. You are very brave.
00:34:39I got something for you.
00:34:40But I left it behind.
00:34:42We can go get it.
00:34:45It's important that you are okay.
00:34:47And that everyone is okay.
00:34:51Fruits again? No.
00:34:53How are you going to make a tamarind candy?
00:34:54A fig jelly for us to eat, Saul?
00:34:56It's ugly to complain about food.
00:34:58The gods don't like it.
00:34:59If you don't want to...
00:35:00Get out. Get out of there.
00:35:03What is this? You look like a child.
00:35:05It's Yan's fault for not being polite.
00:35:07The table is not a place for jokes.
00:35:08Eat in silence.
00:35:11Just like Lia.
00:35:13Who is here, quiet.
00:35:16What is it?
00:35:18Are you sad because of your new attributes?
00:35:21Is that it?
00:35:22No, Grandpa.
00:35:23I was just thinking about something.
00:35:25It's a waste of time to think too much.
00:35:27It's because it doesn't leave my head.
00:35:31What happened to our mother?
00:35:33How did she die?
00:35:34How many times do I have to repeat that it's forbidden to talk about Yan in this house?
00:35:38Can't you respect my pain?
00:35:40You don't have to scream.
00:35:41I scream to see if this girl understands.
00:35:44She was my mother.
00:35:46I can't pretend she didn't exist.
00:35:48I want to know more about her.
00:35:50Stop it, Lia.
00:35:51You don't have the right to make everyone suffer.
00:35:53Please, less.
00:35:56Your mother was a wonderful woman.
00:35:58Don't lie, Yarin.
00:35:59I forbid everyone to touch my late wife's name.
00:36:02I haven't overcome my grief yet, so have some respect.
00:36:05Don't hurt yourself, Dad.
00:36:06Do you want to know how she died?
00:36:08I'll tell you.
00:36:10Lower your voice.
00:36:11We're eating.
00:36:13Adiná held Raquel for a few moments and Lia died.
00:36:17Covered in tears and blood,
00:36:18with an expression of pain and abandonment that I'll never forget in my life.
00:36:24I'm sorry, Dad.
00:36:26I don't remember.
00:36:27It's better this way.
00:36:28I don't even know where she was buried.
00:36:31You're being punished!
00:36:32Go to the tent!
00:36:34And don't leave without eating!
00:36:56Look straight, Rebeca.
00:36:58My love, are you sure you didn't get hurt?
00:37:01No, Mom. I'm fine. I already told you.
00:37:06It's not what it looks like.
00:37:08Rebeca, how could you want our rabbit to be here?
00:37:11He and Uriel were almost devoured by a leopard.
00:37:14I can't even imagine the horror!
00:37:17Those two hanging on the tree,
00:37:19that beast rolling down,
00:37:21ready to attack!
00:37:22Don't talk!
00:37:23Ready to attack!
00:37:25It's really scary, Fofé.
00:37:26If my dad had shown up,
00:37:28I don't think I'd be here.
00:37:30Don't say that. Come here.
00:37:34Look, what matters is that everything ended well.
00:37:39But if it weren't for Isaú's stubbornness,
00:37:41everything would have been different.
00:37:43Why are you saying that?
00:37:44It's all Isaú's fault.
00:37:46I begged him to let the leopard hunt,
00:37:48but he didn't listen to me at all, Mom.
00:37:50He's stubborn. It's his business.
00:37:52Fofona, please.
00:37:53I'm not lying.
00:37:54Fofona is right, Mom.
00:37:56It was Isaú's great irresponsibility
00:37:58to attack that beast.
00:38:00What if something happens to the girls?
00:38:02Don't even talk about it.
00:38:03Jacó, don't even talk about it.
00:38:04Uriel would be able to declare war.
00:38:06She's furious with her daughter.
00:38:08Who wouldn't be?
00:38:09That girl is completely out of her mind.
00:38:12Fofona, hold your tongue. Jacó is here.
00:38:14And Rebeca is stronger than me.
00:38:16How can I control myself,
00:38:18knowing that Isaú is taking advantage
00:38:20of the whole camp?
00:38:22And my rabbit is here, all upset.
00:38:26Be good, okay?
00:38:29Look, come here.
00:38:35Do you feel sorry for your brother?
00:38:39If it was just him, Mom, it would be easy.
00:38:43What do you mean?
00:38:44My father.
00:38:45He just wanted to know about Isaú.
00:38:49A son is...
00:38:51It's just your father's concern.
00:38:53No, Mom.
00:38:54He only has eyes for Isaú.
00:38:56I do everything to please him,
00:38:58and he only thinks about Pyrmogenes.
00:39:00Oh, my love.
00:39:02Don't worry about that, son.
00:39:05Just try to please God.
00:39:08I think you only have eyes for Isaú too.
00:39:12Not really, my love.
00:39:14God has eyes
00:39:16for all those who invoke Him.
00:39:18And now stop comparing yourself to Isaú.
00:39:21You're not in a competition.
00:39:23I think I've lost that competition a long time ago.
00:39:29Come here, my love.
00:39:32Oh, my love.
00:39:35You don't know what you have.
00:39:41You have a great face.
00:39:43Please, you can serve.
00:39:46So, you were saying?
00:39:48Everyone was paralyzed with fear.
00:39:53I shot.
00:39:54But was the leopard going to attack you?
00:39:56My son, in doubt,
00:39:59it's better to go up.
00:40:01I couldn't let my brothers and friends die.
00:40:04I had to face that beast.
00:40:05Yes, you did well.
00:40:06You did the right thing.
00:40:07You saved your friends and all of us here.
00:40:09We are very grateful to you, my son.
00:40:11Besides bringing this meat,
00:40:12you had a wonderful face.
00:40:14Gentlemen, please.
00:40:15A toast to my son.
00:40:19But now, dad,
00:40:20I want to go back there
00:40:21and finish that beast once and for all.
00:40:23I'll make a beautiful outfit with his hair.
00:40:29Be careful not to belittle nature like that.
00:40:32What my son is trying to say
00:40:34is that we should not show fear to anyone.
00:40:39If we are intimidated,
00:40:41we are devoured.
00:40:43That's right, dad.
00:40:45And now I want to see who has the courage
00:40:47to devour this meat,
00:40:49fill this belly
00:40:50and only leave here
00:40:51when we finish eating it whole.
00:40:54Please, Mr. Cirrus.
00:40:56Let's go.
00:40:59Don't you think he went too far?
00:41:01Your son thinks he's invincible.
00:41:03He could have died.
00:41:06You don't have to worry, Zion.
00:41:08I'm sorry, Zack.
00:41:10But I think he's going too fast.
00:41:12He may end up choking.
00:41:14Isaú is my heir.
00:41:17He was chosen by God
00:41:20to make a huge nation prosper.
00:41:23As numerous as the stars in the sky.
00:41:27Don't worry.
00:41:29Trust me.
00:41:30My son is blessed and safe.
00:41:33Let's eat?
00:41:40Yes, I was there.
00:41:41Tell me. I want to get something from this story.
00:41:43Go on.
00:41:44I'm paralyzed.
00:41:47Go on.
00:41:51I didn't like what happened today, Uriel.
00:41:53Yes, son.
00:41:54Your grandfather is right.
00:41:56They could all have died.
00:41:57It wasn't my brother's fault.
00:42:00As long as your brother
00:42:02gets along with his father and grandfather.
00:42:04But it's not fair for him to take Branca.
00:42:06It's true.
00:42:07It was all Isaú's fault.
00:42:09He made the animal infuriated.
00:42:10That's the point, my grandson.
00:42:12You shouldn't get involved in Isaú's
00:42:14confusions and adventures.
00:42:16I was very scared.
00:42:17I can imagine.
00:42:18I was scared to death.
00:42:20We should thank God
00:42:22that nothing serious happened.
00:42:24How is it going to be, Uriel?
00:42:26Did you learn your lesson?
00:42:28I did.
00:42:29Do you promise you won't get involved
00:42:31in Isaú's madness anymore?
00:42:33I promise I won't put myself at risk again.
00:42:36I'd rather live in peace
00:42:38than be in danger of being hunted.
00:42:40That's right.
00:42:42Very well, my son.
00:42:43That's how you say it.
00:42:46To be continued...
00:43:16To be continued...
00:43:46To be continued...
00:44:16To be continued...
00:44:46To be continued...
00:45:16To be continued...
00:45:46To be continued...
00:46:16To be continued...
00:46:46To be continued...
00:47:16To be continued...
00:47:46To be continued...
00:48:16To be continued...
00:48:36To be continued...
00:48:41To be continued...
00:49:11To be continued...
00:49:41To be continued...
00:50:11To be continued...
00:50:42Why does my father do this to me, Silva?
00:50:56I know today was a hard day for you,
00:50:58but I brought you something to cheer you up.
00:51:04I couldn't let you sleep hungry.
00:51:12It's your honey cake.
00:51:15Thank you, Silva.
00:51:17I understand you, dear.
00:51:19A daughter can't grow up without knowing who her mother was.
00:51:23Are you going to help me?
00:51:25Are you going to tell me how she was?
00:51:27I remember my mother so little.
00:51:30This honey cake, for example.
00:51:32I learned from her.
00:51:34Really? It's my favorite.
00:51:36Mrs. Dina used to cook very well.
00:51:38She was affectionate, funny,
00:51:40but tough when she needed it.
00:51:44Even with all that sweetness, she knew how to impose herself.
00:51:47But she was unpredictable, too.
00:51:49One time she was carrying a jug of milk in my head
00:51:51and I knocked it all over the floor.
00:51:53Mrs. Dina looked at me, gave me her eyes.
00:51:56Did she yell at you?
00:51:57I thought so, but she fell on her face.
00:52:05Now eat it.
00:52:11Do you like it?
00:52:28You're dragging yourself, aren't you, Yari?
00:52:31Pregnant legs weigh, Mr. Betuel.
00:52:36Pregnancy definitely didn't do you any good.
00:52:43It's even unpleasant to look at that belly.
00:52:48I know.
00:52:50Just like admiring you sticking your finger in your nose when you're distracted.
00:52:55Just do as I do.
00:52:57Don't look.
00:52:59You respect me, don't you?
00:53:02Oh, Yari, Yari.
00:53:05I'm serious.
00:53:07So am I.
00:53:08I'm just thinking about your health.
00:53:12Ever since you got pregnant,
00:53:15you haven't been able to do your job properly.
00:53:20What do you suggest?
00:53:22Are you going to find another maid?
00:53:23Do I have to?
00:53:25You do.
00:53:27You're a strong girl.
00:53:29You've grown up.
00:53:32My daughter was never accepted in this house.
00:53:37But now it's different.
00:53:40I want her to do her job until you give birth.
00:53:56Are you mad?
00:53:58You put us in danger.
00:53:59You shouldn't have pulled that arrow.
00:54:03I faced danger.
00:54:05But I faced death as a true leader.
00:54:08A true leader does what's best for his people,
00:54:11not just for himself.
00:54:13You called attention.
00:54:14You were irresponsible.
00:54:15You almost killed everyone, Isaú.
00:54:18You have to be afraid.
00:54:19That's all.
00:54:20Without lowering your head to any beast.
00:54:23I give up.
00:54:24I'm still going to hunt that damn animal.
00:54:26And the whole camp.
00:54:28You'll see my courage.
00:54:30It's stupid to kill something just to show your worth.
00:54:33It's stupid not to show who's in charge.
00:54:36Sleep well.
00:54:37I hope your friend doesn't drown.
00:54:53I hope your friend doesn't drown.
00:55:13I only said that because...
00:55:16a future leader can't act like that.
00:55:20What am I saying?
00:55:24Zinhol came up with that story too.
00:55:27Isaú did the right thing.
00:55:28Do you really think so?
00:55:29I do.
00:55:30Isaac provoked a beast three times bigger than him with other kids.
00:55:34And what did you want him to do?
00:55:36The obvious.
00:55:37He would just leave and leave Corsa to the animal.
00:55:40I bet it was Jacob who told you that.
00:55:42Then we wouldn't have eaten Cassie.
00:55:45My love.
00:55:49Isaú shows himself to you.
00:55:52He wants to please you all the time, but he's...
00:55:57He's impossible.
00:55:59Isaac, he...
00:56:00He doesn't think about others.
00:56:03What are you talking about, Rebecca?
00:56:12Isaú doesn't have the profile of a leader.
00:56:16He lies to me.
00:56:18Did you know that?
00:56:19Because no matter how much I complain,
00:56:21he only hangs out with the worst kids in Gebron.
00:56:23He's becoming completely irresponsible.
00:56:26How dare you talk about our firstborn?
00:56:29My love, he's my son. I love him too, but...
00:56:33But don't let yourself be led by the fact that he's our firstborn, Isaac.
00:56:38Isaú needs discipline.
00:56:42Unlike Jacob.
00:56:44Jacob never worries us.
00:56:46He does, my love. He has...
00:56:48He has everything to be a great leader.
00:56:50But he wasn't the chosen one.
00:56:55The firstborn is everything, and you know that very well.
00:56:57The two of them were born together.
00:56:59Jacob... Jacob was clinging to his brother's lap.
00:57:02My love, he has so much right to...
00:57:04And where did you get that from now?
00:57:06Isaac, it's true. They were born together, at once.
00:57:11My love, they're becoming men, and you...
00:57:15You keep putting your hand on Isaú's head.
00:57:18That's a mistake. You...
00:57:19And you, Rebeca?
00:57:22You live with Jacob,
00:57:24clinging to your skirt, your tent, your kitchen.
00:57:29Isaú also feels his mother's lack of attention.
00:57:31What's the point of arguing?
00:57:33What's the point of trying to educate him?
00:57:35If you put your hand on Isaú's head right now...
00:57:38Isaú is your son too.
00:57:42He deserves your attention.
00:57:45He deserves your affection.
00:57:52And if you want Jacob to be someone in your life...
00:57:58You better teach him other things.
00:58:02Because a leader needs to know much more than just cooking.
00:58:10Good night.
00:58:16Good night.
00:58:37Let me see your hand.
00:58:40Give me your hand.
00:58:43Monja, don't be sad.
00:58:48This is a waste.
00:58:50I'm used to it, Mr. Betuel.
00:58:53Here in this house, you'll have a much better life.
00:58:59Just obey me.
00:59:03Mom, do you have food?
00:59:04Isaú, my son. My son, come here.
00:59:07Wait a little.
00:59:08Everyone's thinking about the cat.
00:59:09I think he'll die of thirst if he doesn't eat anything.
00:59:11My son, show some respect.
00:59:13Do you know that the cat is not well?
00:59:15He cares more about himself than his own son.
00:59:17My son, Isaú, come back here. Don't talk like that.
00:59:23Mom died because of you.
00:59:25That's why no one talks about her to you.
00:59:27That's a lie. It's a lie.
00:59:29They've always protected you.
00:59:31Now you can ask questions.
00:59:33Be careful.
00:59:34Be careful with what you may discover.
00:59:37This bread smells good.
00:59:39Give me one, Isaú.
00:59:40What will I gain from this?
00:59:42What do you want?
00:59:48I want your right as a great-grandmother, Isaú.
