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00:00Previously on Apocalypse
00:02I won't kill you, so don't die
00:12Was it really that cop who saved your life?
00:14The one who's getting on my nerves
00:15Fraud in the Aizen hospital
00:17And this sect?
00:18Sons of tomorrow
00:20I'm sure that if we look around, we'll find something
00:23We'll all have to do this, master
00:26One by one, every week, until you put out all that you've hidden from yourself
00:30There's nothing left
00:31Your father loves you
00:32You have each other
00:35It's easier to handle
00:36My father is either like him, or he's not like anyone else
00:39What's important now is for her to do a battery of tests
00:41And go through a psychiatric evaluation
00:43So we can close this diagnosis of panic syndrome
00:46Look for me, I'm at the church
00:48Whenever you want
00:49If you feel like it, I'll be waiting for you there
00:50It's not appropriate to touch people like that
00:53You seem so real
00:54I am real
00:55From now on, my life will always remain open to you
00:58How I've waited for this day
01:01With these disappearances, many people have defended the theory that it was a biblical event
01:05And these people say that there is a coded message here
01:09Something through the numerical value of each letter
01:13Each one seems destined to great things
01:15It's too early to say
01:16What's wrong with you?
01:17What could be wrong, Zanel?
01:18I'm so sick of it that I can't even eat properly
01:21You're pregnant, right?
01:22Go do the test, what are you waiting for?
01:24I know you don't believe in God
01:26Much less in the Bible
01:27Would you be able to open your mind to the possibility of the prophecies about the end of the world
01:32Really being fulfilled?
01:34Why haven't they started the reconstruction yet?
01:36If we start the construction, a war must start the next day
01:40Don't worry
01:42I give my word, I will make it happen
01:47Oh, Ricardo, he's all good
01:50Intelligent, charming, handsome
01:53It's a dream of consumption
01:57Oh, it's a way of speaking, Hanna
02:00Oh, okay
02:02What about Noah?
02:03Did you give up on him?
02:06But then?
02:10I know I'm a little confused, but I think I'm liking both
02:16How is that possible, Bella?
02:18I don't know
02:19Noah, he's so handsome, so kind, so sweet
02:25And every time he looks at me, it's like I'm the most beautiful woman in the world
02:30But he's naïve
02:34And Ricardo, he's like, you know, safe
02:40I understand
02:41No, Bella
02:43I don't really understand
02:45If you don't like my brother anymore, if you don't want anything to do with him anymore, please
02:49Be clear
02:51You can't play with people like that
02:54Noah really likes you
02:57I'm sorry, Hanna
02:58I didn't say it with all this weight
03:00You guys take everything too seriously, Israel
03:03I just said what I think
03:06I'm going to work, okay? I'm late
03:15Pick up
03:17Pick up
03:21Cesar, it's me, Zoe
03:23Thank God I was able to talk to you, I've been trying to talk to you since last night
03:28Yeah, I saw on the internet the suffering you went through with Nicanor
03:34I'm glad you're okay
03:37Look, I'm calling about something else
03:42Ricardo Montana is really Antichrist
03:45Wait, Zoe, talk slowly
03:47How did you come to this conclusion?
03:49I interviewed an archaeology teacher last night
03:53He taught me to do an alphanumeric account
03:56Do what?
03:57Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet corresponds to a number
04:00It's a coded message, Cesar
04:03And there's a Bible verse
04:05Wait a minute, I'll get it for you
04:09Pay attention
04:10Revelation chapter 13
04:13And let all, small and large, rich and poor, free and servants
04:20Let there be a sign in your right hand or in your forehead
04:25So that no one can buy or sell, but he who has the sign
04:30The name of the beast
04:32Or the number of his name
04:36Here is the wisdom
04:38He who has understanding, calculates the number of the beast
04:42Because it is the number of a man
04:44And his number is 666
04:47Passing the name of Ricardo Montana to Hebrew is one of the values of each letter
04:52Guess the number
04:57The number of the beast
05:00Zoe, this can't be just a coincidence
05:02If it were an isolated case, Cesar
05:04It turns out it's another proof that the prophecies are coming true
05:09It's too much of a coincidence, it's not possible
05:14No, and Professor Rodrigo confirmed to me that he really wants to rebuild the third temple
05:19It's him, Cesar
05:21Zoe, if Ricardo Montana is really Antichrist
05:24You're in danger
05:27This man is the devil
05:29I know
05:30Look, I don't talk about this with anyone
05:33Okay, and be careful
05:36No, don't worry, I didn't tell anyone, just you
05:40In a little while I'm going back to New York on his jet
05:43No, isn't it better for you to take a commercial flight?
05:47Zoe, he can't even dream that you know the truth
05:50Of course, you're right
05:53But won't I raise suspicion if I, I don't know, give up from one time to another to travel with him?
05:59The less time you spend with him, the better
06:02Take care
06:04And as soon as you get to the United States, let me know
06:08A kiss
06:09Another one, Cesar
06:31Good morning, friend
06:32I bought a pharmacy exam
06:36These exams are not 100% safe, right, Barbara?
06:39Look, when this test is negative, you have to do it again, but if it's positive, it's potato
06:46It was positive
06:51I can't believe it, friend
06:56I'm terrified, Barbara
06:58Why are you terrified?
07:00This news will make you angry, Zoe
07:04Friend, aren't you happy?
07:08Now, at this moment, my God
07:10Have you told Ben?
07:11No, I'm going back to New York
07:14Ricardo offered me a ride on his jet
07:17That's cool
07:19You can do it, right, Zoe?
07:20Yeah, but actually I don't even know if I'm going, I think I'm going to take a commercial flight
07:25Are you crazy?
07:26No, stop being silly
07:28It's a great opportunity for you to get into the guy's intimacy
07:31Friend, I bet he's going to say things to you that he would never say in any interview
07:38Let's see, I don't know
07:40Look, get your worries out of your head
07:43I'm sure everything will be fine with Benjamin
07:46Friend, he's going to be furious with this news
07:53Don't tell anyone, okay?
07:55It's just between us
07:57Of course, don't worry
07:59I'm going to keep it a secret
08:02Have a good trip, mom
08:04I love you, mom
08:06I loved the news
09:04I love you
09:38This day wouldn't exist without you
09:52What can I say?
09:54It's good to know that this house is still mine
09:58It always will be
10:03I made some tamarins for you to take on the trip
10:10And they are much better than in Malta
10:17I have no doubt about that, grandma
10:26I'm not going to rest until the third time doesn't become reality
10:32Thank you very much, Ricardo
10:34I'm going to take our dream forward
10:52What's wrong, Noah?
10:54It seems you don't like Ricardo
10:56Sorry, dad, it's not that
10:58I still don't...
10:59Still what?
11:00Ricardo is the answer to our problems
11:03Only Hashem is the answer, dad
11:18The house where the earrings stay
11:20It won't clean itself
11:22It's not because the owners aren't here
11:24That the house shouldn't be clean and perfumed
11:27Let's go, honey
11:30Let's go
11:40I promise I'll come visit you whenever I can
11:43I'll always be waiting for you
11:45Do you know what we should do?
11:47Exchange the medals
11:49That way we can stay together forever
11:52You in my hand
11:54And my mother in my thoughts
12:00I love you
12:17Using a little medal
12:19That surprises me
12:21It's the devotion to the Lady of Light that has accompanied me since I was a child
12:25I'm glad to hear that
12:27On your next birthday
12:29I want to give you a new one
12:32Thank you, Holy Father
12:34I thank you, it's very generous of you
12:37But I came to talk to you about something else
12:40Yes? What is it?
12:42I don't know if you've been following Ricardo's trip to Israel
12:46Of course, if you mention it
12:48An inspiring journey
12:52Although personal
12:54Ricardo's mission will soon
12:56Bring consequences for everyone
12:59But how, Holy Father?
13:01Everything in due time, Vittorio
13:03You will understand
13:05I need you to help me now
13:07Review my new pronouncement
13:10Of course, it will be an honor
13:12We are living a critical and decisive moment
13:15I want to send a message of forgiveness
13:18And of union for all of us
13:20For all religions
13:22Our differences no longer matter
13:25This is exactly what Ricardo is doing in Jerusalem
13:30And this is the only possible path for all of humanity
13:47Why are you so sad?
13:49An epic love doesn't match this feeling
13:53That's where you're wrong, girl
13:55Love is such a complicated thing
13:57Everything fits in it
13:59Excitement, anguish, joy, pain, sadness
14:04Can I sit down?
14:14Explain it to me, please
14:16There's no way to explain it
14:18It's just living
14:20I'm sorry, Melina
14:22I didn't mean to say that you...
14:24I understand my limitations
14:31Do you like me?
14:33How can I not like you?
14:35I'm happy
14:37Why aren't you happy too?
14:39No, I am
14:40I'm very happy, Melina
14:42What I'm living is a dream for me
14:48I can't stop thinking about my mother
14:52Was she one of those who mysteriously disappeared that day?
14:58Mrs. Esmeralda never gave up on me
15:03She always believed that I could be someone in life
15:06And now that I'm here
15:09There's no way to share this with her
15:11I'm sure you'd be proud
15:15Are you sure you're not human?
15:20Brenda, I'm more and more convinced that encrypted information
15:24Should be stored separately in millions of servers
15:27What do you think?
15:31Hey, hello?
15:33Brenda, can you hear me?
15:35I'm sorry
15:37I was distracted here with the HD app
15:41I think there's a good chance it's going to work
15:45Who doesn't want a love to call their own?
15:49Don't be silly, Brenda
15:51Forget it and focus on what's important
15:54Have you ever fallen in love, Andre?
15:56Or have you always been this ice force?
16:02It's none of your business, girl
16:04Now that I miss it, I have to talk about my personal life at work
16:08You're very difficult
16:10And you're very loose
16:14Go, focus
16:16What were you saying?
16:18So, if encrypted information, of course, is stored in separate servers
16:23The chances of system invasion are practically zero
16:29Are you sure, Ricardo? Do you think it's the right time?
16:32Okay, I'll go there myself
16:35Of course
16:37What did Ricardo want?
16:39The United Nations Council will make an important statement tomorrow
16:43I'm going there myself
16:45I'm going with you
16:46Talking to these diplomats is usually unbearable
16:49I can handle it, Adriano
16:51I'm used to dealing with them
16:53Gentlemen, please
16:55In my absence, don't take the bank to bankruptcy
17:05Adriano, can I ask you a personal question?
17:07Sure, as much as you want
17:09If I don't like it, I'll send you the fables, what is it?
17:11You and Ariella, have you ever...
17:13Several, several times
17:16And so many other times
17:18I imagined it, and you didn't tell me anything
17:22Ariella was with your brother
17:24It may not seem like it, but I'm a man of principles, do you understand?
17:28I have no doubt
17:29Now if you want an advice, be careful
17:31Ariella is the kind of woman that when a man meets her
17:34She makes him lose himself completely
17:38This feeling of fear, of horror
17:46I feel paralyzed, I feel powerless to react
17:51Stella, all of this will pass, I promise
17:55Soon, soon, all of this will pass
17:59You had an emotional crisis, a very strong stress
18:03It's natural for you to feel like this
18:05You now need to treat yourself
18:08I'll stay with you, I'll accompany you in all the exams
18:11In a little while, the nurse will take your blood
18:13Then we'll go together to do the resuscitation, okay?
18:19Thank you, my sister
18:23Thank you, thank you
18:27Without you, I don't think I would have the strength to go home
18:34We are a family
18:37And I won't leave you
18:40As long as it's necessary
18:48No, no, no, I don't want it anymore, mom, I don't want it
18:53Mom, I'm not a child anymore to keep giving myself in the mouth, okay?
18:57And I'm not sick
19:00See, Lodi? Gratitude
19:02Look, for those who went through what you went through yesterday
19:06I think you're great
19:10Cesar, Cesar
19:13No, not at all
19:16Look, there's nothing I say or do
19:18That will express my gratitude for what you did for my daughter
19:21What is this, Magina?
19:27Leave it, Cesar
19:30Look, if you need a feminine hand in your house
19:34You can call me
19:36Mom, really
19:37Thank you
19:39Daughter, he has no wife, has a teenage son, right?
19:42I'm just trying to help
19:45Thank you
19:46Ms. Angela, could I talk to your daughter for a minute?
19:50You can
19:52Of course, of course
19:54Today you can do anything
19:56We'll be waiting outside
19:58That's it, let's go
20:01We'll wait outside, okay?
20:02Thank you
20:03I'm outside, if you need anything
20:04Okay, mom
20:12I'm sorry for my mother
20:13Magina, she's funny
20:15Because she's not your mother, okay?
20:26Mr. Jones
20:33Mr. Jones
20:40I'm glad you came
20:46We really need to talk
20:50Bere, how is the response of our members in the purification room?
20:55Master, the flashback is super positive
20:58I felt so relieved to put all my faults aside
21:02That's it, girl, venting is like cleaning the soul
21:06Look, isn't he the son of that policeman who was here?
21:12I'll tell you something
21:14I messed with that boy, it's the same thing I did in Vespídio
21:17Vespídio, women's collective
21:19It's like Alcaparra, which is a group of wolves
21:21It's Alcateia, Bere
21:23Guys, stop, stop, silence, stop
21:25Let me take care of this
21:36Augusto, right?
21:38You can call me Guto
21:41Are you going to travel?
21:43Oh no, I'm not traveling
21:45Are you going to travel?
21:46Oh no, I'm not traveling
21:48I came to stay
21:51It's a shame we thought it was true, Pastor
21:55In the morning we confirmed that this thing had happened
21:59That the mother had been kidnapped
22:02I confess to you that I didn't have much faith in her, you know?
22:11I miss her a lot
22:15Because of her I wanted to change
22:17But now...
22:20Now that you really need to change, Robinson
22:24There's only one chance for those who want to save your soul
22:30You can't waste it
22:37You don't understand
22:40Nobody understands
22:43I'm alone, I'm abandoned
22:46There's no one
22:48My brother got a job and went abroad
22:50The most loving woman in my life
22:55She left
22:58I have a crazy father
23:00Who doesn't even know I exist
23:02Your father is in the hospital
23:05And he's going to be fine
23:10I'm so sorry
23:14Your life may have been so difficult
23:18But it's in your hands to make a difference
23:31You're easy to talk to, Pastor
23:34You're easy to talk to, Pastor
23:39Nothing else is worth it to me
23:42I also have my problems
23:44I know it's not easy
23:47But there's one thing
23:49For which it's worth fighting
23:54And for the salvation of our soul
24:01Do you want to spend eternity?
24:05Is it to hell that you want to go?
24:11I'm already in hell
24:14There's still time
24:16Believe in that
24:18There's still time
24:23Get away from bad company
24:29If you go back to God
24:33You can't surrender like this
24:46It's worth it, Pastor
24:48It's worth it
24:53I'll think about what you said
24:58Really think
25:02And I'll be here
25:05When you decide to take the right path
25:18I'll be here
25:26I'll be here
25:48Thank you for saving my life
25:51You also saved mine
25:55Look, Cesar
25:57Don't worry
26:00I know how to separate things
26:03I won't...
26:07...insist anymore
26:09I won't...
26:11...insist anymore
26:13I won't...
26:15...insist anymore
26:19I know it's over
26:28I didn't want you to be angry with me
26:33I like you
26:34I won't be angry
26:36Imagine, Cesar
26:38It wouldn't be fair
26:41You lost your wife
26:44Your daughter
26:46Almost your whole family
26:51I have no right to demand anything
26:55Actually, I never had
26:57You're a very nice person
27:00To end a guy
27:02So complicated like me
27:04You'll find the right guy
27:06And you?
27:10I'll focus on what's left of my family, Natalia
27:14Guto, my son, really needs me now
27:20You know...
27:25Being close to death made me think about so many things
27:31Me too
27:34I'll find a new direction in my life
28:05Take care, ok?
28:07You too
28:12Don't forget that it won't be everyday
28:14That I'll be around to save your life
28:52Any problem?
28:54Not today
28:56I just came to visit your daughter
28:58One of the nicest people I know
29:02I heard you saved her life
29:04I was doing my duty
29:07Look, Cesar
29:08Thank you for taking care of Natalia
29:10See you later
29:16Actually, I think it's faster than you think
29:19With Nicanor and Samael out of circulation
29:22I have plenty of free time
29:38Are you sure this is what you want?
29:41Does your father know?
29:45Guto, I'm very happy that you want to join our humble community
29:50Here we have no prejudice
29:52We accept all creeds
29:54Social conditions, football team, it doesn't matter
29:57Of course, that's why I'm here
29:59Our goal here, Guto, is to organize the chaos of these times
30:03And give a chance to those who want to prepare for the end of the world
30:08And the beginning of a new era
30:10And I believe in that, Master
30:12Yes, but...
30:14But your father, Guto, he has threatened me in many ways
30:19And has messed with the balance of our followers
30:22He doesn't understand my cosmic elevation
30:26Does that mean I won't be able to be a Master?
30:28No, no, that's not it
30:30But I'm going to need you to sign a term
30:33Exempting the children of tomorrow from any responsibility about your choice
30:37Making it very clear that the choice is up to you
30:40Of course, I'll sign whatever you want
30:42That's fine, that's great
30:43If that's the case, we'll provide a mattress for you
30:46Nina, get a mattress for Guto, he'll stay with us
30:48Oh, come with me
30:49You won another brother, my children
30:51Another brother
30:54Master, look at this
30:56Isn't this the man from your book?
31:00It's Nicanor
31:01Yeah, he's dead
31:03Silvio's dead
31:05Now I'll see if you can write his biography
31:07I think it's better if you write the obituary
31:09Go on
31:19Hey, Felipe, how's it going?
31:21The hero finally comes home
31:24There's no hero in this
31:26I should have arrested this psychopath a long time ago
31:30But I confess that I'm happy that it's all over
31:33Sit down and eat half of my sandwich
31:35Thank you
31:38What's this bunch of magazines?
31:40I bought that in a newsstand out there
31:43I'm doing a retrospective of everything I didn't live in the time I was in a coma
31:48By any chance, have you heard of the internet?
31:51Search engines?
31:53I prefer to do it like this, the old fashion way
31:55The shock is a little less
31:57And Guto, have you seen him around?
31:58I only saw him earlier
31:59Then I went out to look for a job, I came back a little while ago
32:01He must be in his room
32:02Listening to music and blowing his horns
32:04Well, I'll call him to eat
32:05These kids, you know how they are
32:06If we don't remember, they forget to breathe
32:18I love you
32:43I love you
32:48I love you
32:50Hi guys
32:51Pay attention, come here because I need to talk to you about something
32:55Next week we will receive new equipment here at the Archeology Center
33:00Mr. Montana is financing our research from now on
33:05Wow, that's great!
33:07On the one hand, yes, more resources
33:10But also much more obligations, higher charges and less...
33:15But I don't want you to be scared by that
33:17I just want you to do an excellent job, as you have been doing
33:22Mr. Montana, I thought you were gone
33:25Can I steal it from you for a minute?
33:28Please, Professor
33:30Ricardo, as you can see, our work is still in full swing
33:35You challenged me
33:37Of course, I want the best on my side, Professor
33:40I count on you
33:42You won't be disappointed, I guarantee it
33:44I'm sure I won't
33:47Come say goodbye to me
33:49It was a pleasure
33:51You will still meet that reporter, Zoe Santero
33:55They are in the same hotel, right?
33:57Yes, why?
33:59She forgot this here last night
34:01She was so excited that she left in a hurry and left the book behind
34:05She's new
34:07My baby
34:10Zoe Santero was here?
34:12She is investigating the disappearances
34:16Trying to find a biblical explanation for what happened
34:20How interesting
34:22Let me give it to her, Professor
34:24Well, I have to go now
34:26See you
34:28You all did a great job
34:30Can we talk a little?
34:33I have an important message for her brother, Professor
34:36Do you mind?
34:37As you wish
34:39Excuse me
34:42Excuse me
34:45Wow, he's amazing, isn't he?
34:49He is
35:12What do you want me to tell my brother?
35:34If you want to talk to Benjamin, I'll call him
35:39Or I'll make another surprise visit
35:44But then?
35:47It was just an excuse to get you out of there
35:52I want to say goodbye
35:56Actually, I just came here for that
35:59I thought you wanted to talk to Professor Rodrigo
36:02No, I already told him everything I had to say
36:06And why all of this?
36:08From what I understand, you are now my boss
36:11If you told me to leave, I would have to obey
36:19I don't want them to think you have an affair with the boss
36:24Or anything like that
36:26But why would they think that?
36:37I hope you don't forget me
37:09How are you?
37:10I'm fine
37:11Do you know if Zoe Santero is still in her room?
37:13No, sir. Miss Santero left
37:15By the way, she left a message for you
37:17She said she'd be back soon
37:19Has she already checked out?
37:21Yes, sir
37:22These bags are hers, by the way
37:25These ones?
37:26Yes, sir
37:27You can leave them with me
37:28My driver is coming to take them to my plane
37:30Sorry, I can't do that
37:32It's against the rules
37:33Sorry, I can't do that
37:34It's against the rules
37:35These bags are hers
37:37But she's going to travel with me
37:39She's my guest
37:40I know, but I can't
37:41I'm sorry, I'm sorry
37:43Look, I'm sorry for being so insistent
37:45But if you could do me this favor...
37:52We shouldn't have bet all the chips on Ricardo Montano's retreat
37:56There's no way, Dylan
37:57There's so much to rebuild in the world
37:59There's always a different cut in our budget
38:02We're the national reserve
38:04Ricardo Montano can give us a new opportunity
38:08But is he the kind of person who goes back on his decision?
38:11I don't know
38:12That's why we hand over the chips, amigo
38:17Take a look
38:22There's a lot of information coming in every day
38:26What if there's something in this mass of data
38:30that shows us a logical path to understand what happened?
38:33You're right
38:35And we need more money, right?
38:37More people
38:40Speaking of challenges that go beyond our capacity
38:45How's it going with Joyce?
38:53Well, little by little
38:56It looks like we're getting to know each other again
38:58Yeah, you're right
39:01You know snakes that change their skin?
39:03That's not our case
39:06Come on, Dylan
39:07We're getting old, amigo
39:13But if you...
39:16If you let...
39:21Everything can change
39:26We can start over
39:33Give me a hug
40:31What if I gave you a list of facts
40:34Of events that happened and were foreseen
40:38And others that will happen in the next seven years
40:43Would you be able to open your mind
40:46to the possibility of the prophecies about the end of the world
40:49really coming true?
41:08Another sign was sent to heaven
41:10It was a red dragon
41:12And the dragon stood before the woman
41:14Who had to give her light
41:15So that by giving her light
41:17He would bring the child
41:22I can't understand anything
41:30The Antichrist, the Beast
41:32Will take power and sign a peace pact with Israel
41:35The Antichrist, the Beast
41:43Ricardo Montana, President of Nations Council
41:45Is in Jerusalem
41:46He's been spotted near the Western Wall
41:48He is there to promote peace
41:50And speak with his immediate family
41:54What am I doing?
41:56Are you talking to yourself, amigo?
41:58No, I'm thinking out loud
42:00That's all
42:02Benjamin thinks you're weird
42:05What do you mean weird?
42:08It's not today
42:09Do you have a problem with Zoe?
42:11No, no problem
42:13You know you can open up to me
42:16I know
42:17It's all right, relax, really
42:18It's all right, amigo
42:19Come here, don't forget that we have that meeting
42:21About Ricardo's order
42:23Ok, it's on the agenda
42:24Good, go ahead
42:36Ricardo, I hadn't seen you
42:40Ready for the trip?
42:44But I've been thinking
42:46Maybe it would be better to take a commercial flight
42:52I don't know
42:53I'm not sure
42:54I'm not sure
42:55I'm not sure
42:56I'm not sure
42:57I'm not sure
42:58I'm not sure
42:59I'm not sure
43:00I'm not sure
43:01I'm not sure
43:02I'm not sure
43:03I'm not sure
43:05Are you afraid to travel with Antichrist?
43:13What kind of joke is that?
43:15That's what you think, isn't it?
43:18That I'm the beast of the apocalypse?
43:25Are you afraid of me, Zoe?
