• last year


00:00Blast off for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel,
00:19in the story of The Slave World.
00:27As you know, every 30 years these two planets orbit through our galaxy, and for a couple
00:32of months we get a fairly good look at them.
00:33I remember them, Chief.
00:35They move in a contrary orbit to the rest of our planets.
00:39And since the development of this new telescope, we've had a chance to get a closer picture
00:43of these babies.
00:44There's every reason to believe that both of these planets are in...
00:48What strange looking stars.
00:50Not stars, Crystal, spacecraft.
00:52Like saucers.
00:53Saucers like we used to see from Earth?
00:55Yes, and they undoubtedly came from this smaller planet.
00:59Scott, I want you to go there, and if you find intelligent beings, invite them to join
01:04the Interplanetary Council.
01:06We'll take off immediately.
01:07Oh, darn.
01:08There goes my hair appointment.
01:10Maybe they have beauty parlors out there, Crystal.
01:13Oh, Taurus.
01:15Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
01:18ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
01:19ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
01:20ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
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01:23ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
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03:55ha, ha, ha.
04:14We have arrived.
04:15This is our capital building.
04:17SESUM awaits you.
04:19And so, on behalf of the Interplanetary Council,
04:22We're pleased to invite your planet as a full member.
04:24To be governed by its laws and share in its benefits.
04:28If only we could, Commander.
04:31Unfortunately, we have no control of our affairs.
04:34Utopia is a slave state.
04:37Slave state? In this day and age?
04:40Well, we'll fix that.
04:41No, my friends. It cannot be fixed.
04:44Our very existence is controlled by Spartania.
04:50What great power does Spartania have over the planet Utopia to keep it a slave planet?
04:55And how will Scott be able to help?
04:57Don't miss the next exciting episode of Space Angel!
05:02Blast off for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel,
05:22in the story of The Slave World.
05:32You remember last time, Scott, Crystal, and Taurus blasted off in the starduster for two
05:47small planets that orbit through our galaxy once every 30 years.
05:52They landed on the smaller planet and started exploring when a flying saucer appeared.
05:57The friendly pilot, Eto, took them underground to Sesum, the ruler of Utopia,
06:02who explained that Utopia was a slave to its first planet, Spartania.
06:06What power do the Spartanians have over your people?
06:10Many centuries ago, the Spartanians declared war on us.
06:14Because we were a peace-loving people, we were not prepared to defend ourselves.
06:19They orbited megatomic ray stations around our planet.
06:23Observe the view screen.
06:31They can activate the ray stations at will, contaminating our atmosphere.
06:35Of all the dirty tricks!
06:37In all these years, why haven't you contacted us for help?
06:41We tried on several occasions.
06:44We sent out our saucers.
06:46Let me show you.
06:56We had hoped to find a civilization more highly developed than our own,
07:00who could help us resolve our interplanetary dispute.
07:04But a horrible sight awaited us when we arrived at your Earth.
07:08We found you Earthlings engaged in primitive battles among yourselves.
07:18That was the First World War!
07:20Oh, how terrible!
07:32Many years passed before we again sent saucers to your world.
07:51World War II!
07:52Seems pretty ridiculous, doesn't it?
07:55But there were intervals of peace between these conflicts.
07:58That may well be.
08:00We never attempted to contact you again.
08:02We have accepted our fate.
08:04But that was a long time ago.
08:06That's right.
08:07Wars have been outlawed in our solar system, in fact, the whole galaxy.
08:12That's right, Ceason.
08:13We now have the Interplanetary Space Council to enforce peace.
08:17And I can assure you it has the power to do so.
08:20No, my friend.
08:21We cannot risk it.
08:23Spartania could destroy us in a matter of hours.
08:26The Spartans are here.
08:28What shall we do?
08:29Prepare for tribute.
08:31What tribute?
08:33Whenever they ask, we must pay tribute to the Spartanians.
08:36Let us go to the surface and you may see for yourselves.
08:40Is this the tribute you must pay?
08:43Your own people?
08:45Yes, Scott.
08:46How barbaric!
08:48All must take their turns at serving the Spartanians.
08:51I wouldn't submit to slavery.
08:53Why don't you fight them?
08:54That would not be very utopian.
08:56This is the only way our race can survive.
08:59Remember, the Spartanians could suffocate our planet in a matter of hours if they chose to do so.
09:05I think it's time we paid a visit to these Spartanians.
09:09No, my friend.
09:10You must not go there.
09:12The Spartanians are not to be trifled with.
09:14Well, now, we didn't intend to trifle with them.
09:17Scott, the saucer's blasting off.
09:19So are we, Chris.
09:21Just as soon as we can get back to the stardust.
09:24We'll put a stop to this nonsense once and for all.
09:36Can Scott, Crystal, and Taurus free the small planet of Etopia from slavery?
09:40Don't miss the next exciting episode of Space Angel!
09:55Blast off for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel,
10:01in the story of The Slave World.
10:05Last time, SESOM, the ruler of Etopia, explained to Scott, Crystal, and Taurus
10:10how the neighboring planet, Spartania, orbited megatomic rays around the small planet.
10:15As they were talking, the Spartanians said,
10:18The neighboring planet, Spartania, orbited megatomic rays around the small planet.
10:22As they were talking, the Spartanians' spacecraft landed.
10:26Those Etopians chosen to serve as slaves file on board to be taken to Spartania.
10:31Scott, Chris, and Taurus blasted off for the neighboring planet.
10:34We're in free flight.
10:35This is going to be a short run.
10:37Old SESOM was sure upset about our going to Spartania.
10:41I guess he has good reason to be upset.
10:43The Spartanians must be terrible people.
10:46Can you imagine a slave state in the 21st century?
10:49There it is, altering course for orbital approach.
11:05Guess I better radio in for landing instructions.
11:08Spartan Control, this is the Starduster from the United Planets' outer galaxy
11:13requesting permission to land.
11:15I wonder if they'll let us.
11:16Starduster, this is Spartan Control.
11:19Permission denied. You have no official business here.
11:22On the contrary, this is an official visit.
11:25We represent the Interplanetary Space Council.
11:28We do not recognize your space council.
11:31We are masters of our own affairs.
11:33Strongly suggest you turn back.
11:35I wonder if they're as big as they sound.
11:38Starduster to Spartan Control.
11:41We are landing. Notify your superiors.
11:44Very well, Starduster.
11:46We'll give you a homing beam on interstellar channel.
11:49Stay on the beam.
11:51Your ship will be covered by disintegrating rays at all times.
11:54Well now, that's what I call a friendly invitation.
11:58Stand by for vertical landing.
12:08Extend landing legs.
12:11Landing legs extended.
12:15So far, so good.
12:17Crystal, you stay aboard.
12:19We'll keep our intercom open to the Starduster's frequency.
12:22If we get in trouble, you'll know it.
12:24And contact the Space Force for help.
12:26Right, Scott.
12:27Skipper, here comes a surface craft.
12:30Let's go out and meet it.
12:36No driver.
12:38Must be rockets.
12:41No driver.
12:43Must be remote control.
12:53Well, hop aboard, Taurus.
13:02The invaders will please follow the blinker guides to the conference room.
13:06Invaders? That must mean us, Skipper.
13:09I suppose it does, Taurus. Let's go.
13:12Well, here we are.
13:15What a place to throw a ball.
13:20These are the terrible Spartanians?
13:23I was expecting men.
13:25They may be physically weak, but remember their strength and intelligence.
13:29Well, intruders, state your business.
13:31What does your Space Council want of us?
13:34We've come to invite you to join the Interplanetary Space Council.
13:38However, we must protest your practice of force servitude.
13:42We have no interest in your Space Council.
13:45By what right do you interfere with our affairs?
13:48For the right of individual freedom and equality.
13:51Spartania recognizes only the power of the superior mind.
13:55If it's power you respect, the Space Council has plenty of that, too.
14:00In other words, you intend to force us to give up our slaves?
14:04The decision to use force is not up to me.
14:07But we certainly must report to the Space Council what we've found here.
14:11Fools, I can destroy you with the touch of my finger.
14:15Thus, perhaps, that you'd have the whole galaxy to answer to.
14:20Huh. Very well.
14:22We accept the challenge.
14:26Oh, no! Mayday! Mayday!
14:28Starduster calling Space Control. Come in, please.
14:32You will turn off the communicator and come with me, Earth creature.
14:38Did the Space Control Center receive Crystal's message?
14:41Or are Scott, Taurus, and Crystal completely cut off from outside help?
14:45Don't miss the next exciting episode of Space Angel!
15:02Blast off for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel,
15:08in the story of The Slave World.
15:11Last time, Scott, Crystal, and Taurus landed on the planet Spartania.
15:15Leaving Crystal aboard the Starduster, Scott and Taurus went to find the ruler.
15:20Scott protested the Spartanian practice of slavery against the planet Etopia.
15:24As they were about to leave, the ruler paralyzed Scott and Taurus with a ray beam.
15:29Crystal, aboard the Starduster, sent an emergency call.
15:32But she was captured before the call was completed.
15:35I suppose I have no choice, little man.
15:38Since you have a weapon and I am defenseless.
15:41Precisely. And it is my intention that you remain defenseless.
15:46Now let's join your friends.
15:50Yes, Chief. I'm sure it was the Starduster.
15:53She said, Mayday, twice. Then the emergency homing signal.
15:56Send a squadron from Pluto to investigate.
15:59Right, Chief.
16:00I think that should be enough.
16:03Skipper, I can't move.
16:05I can't either, Taurus.
16:08It was some kind of paralyzer ray.
16:11Just temporarily, so that you will see the hopelessness of your situation.
16:16The full power would have made you permanently immobile.
16:20We're not entirely without resources ourselves.
16:23Is that so?
16:25Can you turn your heads yet?
16:27We have the other member of your crew.
16:29She was trying to communicate with her people, Excellence.
16:33I suspected as much.
16:35We Spartanians are not easily fooled.
16:39Then what do you intend doing with us?
16:41With proper discipline, you might become good slaves.
16:45Hoth, take them to their quarters.
16:49Did you get a message through to the Space Force, lass?
16:53I didn't have a chance, Taurus.
16:55But I switched on the emergency homing signal.
16:57And there's probably a squadron on the way out here now.
17:00Skipper, they won't know what to expect.
17:03They could fly right into a trap.
17:06The Spartanians can activate those ray stations and wipe them out.
17:10Along with the planet Utopia.
17:12Then we've got to get to a radio and warn them.
17:14But how?
17:16Scott McCloud.
17:17Scott McCloud.
17:19What are you doing here?
17:20Never mind that.
17:22I've been thinking.
17:23You have been risking your lives to help free my people.
17:26That's our job, Cecil.
17:28I know.
17:29And I owe it to my people to help you if I can.
17:32Do you have a service craft we can use?
17:34Yes, I have.
17:35But how will you get out?
17:37I have no weapon.
17:38I think we can manage it.
17:40How about it, Taurus?
17:42Shouldn't be too difficult.
17:44Just stand back, Cecil.
17:46What's he going to do?
17:47They took all our weapons.
17:49Not all of them, Chris.
17:51We still have Taurus strength.
17:55Squadron to strength.
17:57Let's go.
18:02Do you have a fix on the Starduster signal yet?
18:05Triangulation fixes the Starduster in the area of the twin planets.
18:09Base Force One to Squadron.
18:11Our destination seems to be in the area of the twin planets.
18:14Hold tight and keep your eyes open.
18:25Stay out of sight till we get through the city.
18:27We will.
18:28Don't worry.
18:35All clear.
18:36So far, so good.
18:38Do you know where our ship is, Cecil?
18:40Yes, I know.
18:41I will take you to it.
18:42Scott, we'll never get off the ground.
18:44Their surface rays will blast us if we attempt to take off.
18:47Not if we can knock out the ray stations before we blast off.
18:50First, we've got to find them.
18:52I know where all their installations are.
18:55Our people had to build them.
18:56That's great, Cecil.
18:58If you'll point them out to us, we'll do the rest.
19:01We are nearing your ship.
19:03Set down where there's cover.
19:13Your Excellence, the prisoners have escaped.
19:16The fools.
19:17They can't get off this planet.
19:19Notify all stations to shoot them on sight.
19:22What about their ship, Excellence?
19:24Cross the disintegrator beams over their ship.
19:27If they try to take off, their ship will become their tomb.
19:35What will happen when the stars collide?
19:38What will happen when the starduster blasts off into the disintegrator beams?
19:42Can Scott's plan possibly work?
19:44Don't miss the next exciting episode of Scott McCloud.
19:48Space Angel.
20:02Blast off.
20:05Blast off for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel,
20:11in the story of The Slave World.
20:14Last time, Scott, Taurus, and Crystal escaped from the Spartan dungeon
20:18and headed back toward the starduster with Cecil.
20:20The Spartans, meanwhile, had crossed disintegrator rays over the ship
20:25so that if they tried to take off, they would be destroyed.
20:27Do you know where the ray stations are that would be covering our ship?
20:31That strange-looking tower across the valley is one.
20:34Its ray is invisible.
20:36You cannot tell with the eye whether it is on or not.
20:39There's another one on the opposite side of the valley.
20:42I see. They've really got us boxed in.
20:45That's why they landed us in this valley.
20:47This is as close as we dare get with a saucer.
20:50You'd better take it from here on foot.
20:52Thanks, Cecil.
20:54If we make it, we'll be back with our space force.
20:57Thank you, my friends.
20:59I must get back now before I'm missed.
21:03I've got a definite fix on the starduster homing signal.
21:06It's coming in from the larger planet.
21:08Keep trying to reach them.
21:10Aye, aye.
21:13Ready, gang?
21:15Aye, skipper.
21:16Right, Scott. Should I radio the space force?
21:19No, Chris.
21:20If we started broadcasting, the Spartanians would know we're here
21:23and blast us before we could get a message off.
21:25I can see the rays crossed over us on the infrared detector.
21:28I wonder why they haven't blasted our ship.
21:31Either they don't know we've escaped yet
21:33or they're just waiting for us to fly into the ray on liftoff.
21:36We'll blast them on liftoff. Right, skipper?
21:38Right. We don't want to give them time to put any other rays into action.
21:42Sounds like awful close timing. I hope we make it.
21:45Stand by for blastoff.
21:56Hold her steady. Now!
22:05Good shooting, Joris.
22:13Starduster, this is Space Force One. Come in, please.
22:17Here they are.
22:18Chris, switch me to the space force channel.
22:20Space Force One, this is Starduster. Over.
22:24Skipper, I've got them.
22:26Starduster, this is Space Force One. What's the trouble?
22:29Space Force One, this is Starduster. I have a target for you.
22:32There are eight megatomic ray stations orbiting the small planet of Etopia.
22:38They must be knocked out.
22:40Use caution. They can be activated at any time.
22:43Try to hit them simultaneously.
22:45I'll keep them occupied down below.
22:47Roger, Starduster. We'll be in your area in two space units.
22:53Here they come.
22:54Chris, stand by to launch the space star. I'm going below.
22:58Space Force One to all ships.
23:00Arm your rockets. Split and attack.
23:08I'll take the one on the starboard.
23:10Roger, Captain.
23:13Boy, these things really go off with a bang.
23:16Just like the Fourth of July. Like shooting fish in a barrel.
23:23Fire! Fire! Fire!
23:28Your Excellency, spacecraft are destroying our ray stations.
23:31Blast them with the surface rays.
23:41Skipper, the ray station got two of our ships.
23:44I'll get it. Blast off.
23:46Blast off.
23:51Scott dives down into the Etopia atmosphere to blast the ray station.
23:55Watch out for that surface ray.
24:03I got it, Taurus.
24:04Good work, Skipper.
24:08All orbiting ray stations knocked out. Any further orders?
24:12Pull in and secure. And thanks, Space Force.
24:17I don't know how to thank you for securing the freedom of our people.
24:21It's our privilege.
24:23Freedom is one thing that's always worth fighting for.
24:26Make sure you never lose it again.
24:29We won't, Scott.
24:30The freedom that you and your brave friends have won for us will never be lost.
24:35Speaking of freedom, how about a leave, Skipper?
24:39Yes, I need time to get my hair done.
24:42To a woman, there's nothing more important than her hair.
24:49And so ends the adventure of The Slave World.
24:52Don't miss the next exciting story of Space Angels.