• 3 months ago


00:00Blast off for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel,
00:18in the story of Incident of the Loud Planet.
00:27Our story opens at Earth Control on a routine day.
00:30The dispatchers are about to okay a Venus Junction space freighter launch.
00:39Venus Junction, Venus Junction, this is Earth Control, over.
00:42Earth Control, this is Venus Junction, go ahead.
00:46Here's your party, Chief.
00:48Space freighter 005, this is Earth Control, request granted.
00:52Launch your cargo capsule on orbit 2.76.
00:56Earth Control, this is space freighter 005, roger, releasing cargo on orbit 2.76, over.
01:08Hey, what's this?
01:12Oh, no, it couldn't be.
01:20Master Control, Master Control, this is Station 7, alert.
01:24This is Master Control.
01:25What's wrong, Bill?
01:26I'm recording red alert in sector 045, over.
01:30Station 7, red alert, sector 045, roger.
01:35Hang on, Bill.
01:37This is Master Control.
01:38Put me through to the Chief.
01:40This is an emergency.
01:42Come in, Earth Control, what's up?
01:44Disturbance in sector 045, Chief.
01:46Source unidentified.
01:48It's jamming communications.
01:50Check all stations and verify.
01:51And move, man.
01:54All stations, stand by for fix on unidentified signal and report.
01:59Roger, Master Control.
02:25Oh, Johnny, you haven't touched a bite of your lunch yet.
02:31How long do you think you could keep this up without making yourself sick?
02:36You've got to eat.
02:38I'll eat, Mom.
02:39I'm just not hungry yet.
02:41Oh, dear.
02:43I'm okay, Mom.
02:44Just leave me alone, please.
02:46No, Johnny, I won't.
02:48It's high time we put a stop to this.
02:50I've put up with this beep, beep, beep of your equipment every day for three years now
02:55while you've searched the skies for your father.
02:57Johnny, it's no use.
02:59He's gone.
03:00He's not coming back.
03:02He is, too.
03:03I'm going to find him if it takes all my life.
03:06Don't stop me, Mom.
03:07Someday I'm going to find that wild planet.
03:09It has to come back.
03:11It has to.
03:13Oh, Johnny, dear, it's just no use.
03:16Oh, how I've prayed that...
03:19Mom, that's it.
03:20I found it.
03:22Look, it's the wild planet.
03:24We found Dad.
03:26Oh, Johnny.
03:27Johnny, do something.
03:29Yahoo, you know it.
03:31I'll beat the game.
03:33Hit the bearing computer and recorder.
03:36And now what?
03:37That's it.
03:39In a minute we'll know the position and speed of the planet Sonics
03:42and Earth Space Control can send searchers after it.
03:45I did it, Mom.
03:46I did it.
03:47I produced an element that can't be found any place on Earth.
03:51But, Chief, we put the data through the analyzer
03:54and it's unable to locate the source.
03:57Put me through to the Starduster.
03:58It's operating in that area.
04:00Maybe we can get some missing data from the Space Angel.
04:03OK, Chief.
04:04Stand by.
04:16Urgent signal from Master Control, Scott.
04:18It must be the Chief.
04:20Right, Crystal.
04:21Master Control, this is the Starduster.
04:24Go ahead, Chief.
04:25Scott, there's a strange signal coming from the direction of your patrol area.
04:29Have you seen anything?
04:30Sure have, Chief.
04:32And our wave detector registers sonight.
04:34It's getting stronger.
04:37Are you sure?
04:38Afraid so, Chief.
04:39We haven't had a blast yet.
04:42Here it comes!
04:53Are you all right?
04:54So far, Chief, but...
04:56Hey, Skipper!
04:57Our automatic guidance system is knocked out.
05:00We're coming apart at the seam!
05:02She... She's out of control!
05:05Where can the mysterious sonight signal be coming from?
05:08Will the Space Dark be able to escape its force?
05:11Be sure and see the next exciting episode of...
05:14Space Angel!
05:28Blast off for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud,
05:32Space Angel, in the story of...
05:35Incident of the Loud Planet!
05:42Remember last time, Johnny transmitted a signal into space
05:46and was receiving an answer when Scott and his crew were suddenly thrown out of control
05:51by a mysterious sonight signal.
05:55Scott, we're spinning!
06:04We've stabilized, but...
06:06What's happening, Scott?
06:07When we blasted into that sonight belt, it threw us out of control.
06:11And when I chopped off the power, the sonight waves took over
06:14and are pulling us along, and they're weak!
06:18Now we're churning along with it like a chip of wood on a gigantic wave.
06:22Eh, Skipper?
06:23But how do we get out of this?
06:25Just hang on to your hats.
06:27It's going to be quite a journey.
06:29Just hang on to your hats.
06:31It's going to be quite a jolt.
06:33Try to strap yourselves in now.
06:35This is it.
06:36Right, Skipper.
06:37All okay here, me lad.
06:39Let her rip.
06:40I'm going to pour on all the coal she can take and blast free.
06:44We hope.
07:01That felt like an elephant was standing on my middle.
07:04That's enough of that for one day.
07:07Taurus, you're just getting old.
07:09Earth Control.
07:10Earth Control, this is Starduster.
07:13Starduster, this is Earth Control.
07:15Go ahead.
07:16All right.
07:17All right.
07:18All right.
07:19All right.
07:20All right.
07:21All right.
07:22All right.
07:23All right.
07:24All right.
07:25All right.
07:26All right.
07:27All right.
07:29Go ahead.
07:30Earth Control, this is Starduster.
07:32Clear pad for landing.
07:33Priority one.
07:34Roger, Starduster.
07:35I'll notify the chief.
07:36Take pad three.
07:59Chief, this is Master Control.
08:12The Space Angel just landed in the Starduster.
08:14Splendid, Master Control.
08:16Send the Space Angel right in.
08:18Yes, sir.
08:19And call Dr. Mace for an immediate conference.
08:22Dr. Mace.
08:23Yes, sir.
08:24Right away, sir.
08:25My viewer was knocked out and never did get a glimpse of the asteroid.
08:28The sonight wave at that point was two space units across, Professor Mace.
08:33From that angle, I would say the sonight waves must have been transmitted from Earth.
08:39The sonight asteroid only magnified them and bounced them back.
08:43Then sonight transmission could knock out any spacecraft that got into the path of its transmission?
08:48Not the path of transmission, Scott.
08:51It's the bounce-back wave from the greater source of sonight that is dangerous.
08:55That's why we've got to find out who, when, where, what is broadcasting this thing.
09:00We're running the recorded data through now.
09:02We'll know exactly where it's coming from in a minute.
09:05Uh, come in.
09:07Pardon me, Chief.
09:09There's a young boy out here who says he's been broadcasting sonight.
09:12I thought you'd like to talk to him.
09:14Would I?
09:15I'll say I would.
09:16Send him in here.
09:17Your computer pinpoints the sonight transmission in the 1200 block on Pine Street, right here in the city.
09:26And where do you live, young man?
09:281240 Pine Street, sir.
09:31Young man, don't you know that transmitting sonight is against the law?
09:34Yes, sir, but...
09:36Do you know you almost killed a space angel?
09:38Now, Chief, don't be so tough on him.
09:41It was the only way to locate the wild planet Sonex through harmonic response.
09:46And my dad was lost on it over three years ago, and I found it.
09:49I had the computer tape, and...
09:51Wait a minute. Slow down.
09:53Boy, makes sense.
09:55The planet Sonex was in this area three years ago.
09:59And Professor Kendall, who went out to survey it, has never returned.
10:03Scott, this looks like a job for the space angel.
10:06Oh, boy, the space angel.
10:09Roger, Chief. I'll, uh...
10:11I'll notify the space angel to have the Starduster ready for blastoff first thing in the morning.
10:17Will Scott find the planet Sonex?
10:20Can Professor Kendall still be alive?
10:23Don't miss the next exciting episode of Space Angels.
10:42Blastoff for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel.
10:48In the story of Incident of the Loud Planet.
10:51Remember last time, Johnny was picked up by the space control for transmitting sonight,
10:57which was interfering with space travel lanes.
11:00Johnny pointed out that he believes through harmonic response he's discovered the missing planet Sonex.
11:07The Chief then ordered Scott to blast off and go in search of the wild planet Sonex
11:11on which Johnny's dad has been lost.
11:14Scott, is the Starduster all ready to blast off on schedule?
11:17Ready, willing, and able, sir.
11:19Crystal's helping Professor Mace check out our new tracking gear,
11:22and Taurus is directing the loading of supplies.
11:25Where's the space angel? Can I meet the space angel?
11:32No, Johnny, he's already on board.
11:35I'll see if I can't get you two together when we get back.
11:39You're going along too, huh, Mr. Scott?
11:41You bet, Johnny. I'll be taking along.
11:44When will you tell him I know he can find my dad?
11:47I'm counting on the space angel.
11:49I'm sure the space angel will do his very best, Johnny.
11:52Thank you, Mr. Scott, sir.
11:54Okay if I go down and look over the Starduster?
11:57Sure, Johnny. Go ahead.
11:59Launching crew, report to platform three.
12:02Launching crew...
12:04That kid's sharp, Scott.
12:06Could be he'll catch on that you're the space angel.
12:08I know, Chief.
12:10I'd better get aboard before he returns and fires more questions at me.
12:13Okay, Scott. Good luck.
12:15And stay in close contact, my friend.
12:17Right, Chief. All set, kids.
12:19Ready when you are.
12:21Okay here, Skipper.
12:23Okay, Scott.
12:25Space control. Space control.
12:27This is Starduster. Ready for countdown. Over.
12:30Roger, Starduster. Ready for countdown.
12:33Clear launching station three of all equipment and personnel.
12:37Emergency vehicles, stand by.
12:41Hit. Seven.
12:43Atomic engine activator.
12:45Atomic engine activator, go.
12:47Six. Five.
12:49Trajectory angle.
12:51Four. Three.
12:533.05. Go.
12:56Two. One. Zero.
13:11We're free of Earth's gravity.
13:13I'll switch over to our own gyro-gravity equalizer.
13:16Roger, Taurus.
13:18Trajectory looks very good, Scott.
13:20Roger, Crystal.
13:26We're in free flight.
13:28How's the new solar system?
13:30It's working just fine, Chief.
13:32It's working just fine.
13:34It's working just fine.
13:36It's working just fine.
13:38It's working just fine.
13:40How's the new sonight tracking equipment working, Chris?
13:42All okay.
13:44I'm just checking the present position of the sonight asteroid.
13:47Hey, Taurus.
13:49Yes, Skipper?
13:51My radiation indicator isn't working.
13:53Better go left and check the shielding.
13:55Aye, Skipper. Right away.
13:57Probably a resistor out.
13:59What? What? What the?
14:01But I'll be...
14:05Hey, Skipper.
14:07I found a mouse in the machinery.
14:11What are you doing here?
14:13I sneaked aboard while they were loading the sonight tracking equipment.
14:15How on earth did you survive the blast-off?
14:17I strapped myself to the computer rack.
14:19That's why your indicator wasn't working, Skipper.
14:21That's why your indicator wasn't working, Skipper.
14:25Where's the space angel?
14:27Well, uh...
14:31You see, lad, he's, uh...
14:33Johnny, I suppose we'll have to take you into our confidence.
14:35And trust you'll never tell anyone.
14:37I'm the space angel.
14:44Now, as long as you're here,
14:46we have no choice but to take you along.
14:48Taurus, see if you can rig up a spacesuit
14:50for our new crew member, Johnny Kendall.
15:07We're entering Sector 5.
15:09Won't be long now.
15:14Scott, the alarm.
15:16We're registering sonight.
15:18There it is.
15:20The sonight planet.
15:26The sonight planet.
15:28Will they find Professor Kendall?
15:30Be sure to see the next exciting episode
15:32of Space Angel.
15:47Blast off for another
15:49exciting adventure in outer space
15:51with Scott McCloud,
15:53Space Angel, in the story of
15:55Incident of the Loud Planet.
15:59You remember last time,
16:01Johnny had stowed away on the space dart.
16:03Scott had gone too far to turn back.
16:05So agreed to take Johnny along
16:07on their search for the sonight planet
16:09and Johnny's dad, Professor Kendall.
16:17It certainly looks evil enough, Skipper.
16:19It looks completely dead.
16:21How could anyone survive on such a place?
16:23If anybody could,
16:25it would be your father, Johnny.
16:27He's a very capable man.
16:29Aye, laddie.
16:31I read one of his books on how to survive
16:34in a vacuum environment.
16:36Gravity reading .015.
16:38Moving up fast, Scott.
16:40Right, Chris.
16:42We'll drop into orbit now
16:44and survey this planetoid.
16:46Taurus, get on the analyzer
16:48and check for atmosphere content.
16:50Aye, Skipper.
16:52Crystal, check the radiation
16:54and ground conditions, please.
16:56Right, Scott.
16:58Aren't we going to land, sir?
17:00Not until we take a look around, Johnny.
17:28Out, out!
17:30Guard! Notify the Queen.
17:32Unidentified spacecraft approaching.
17:34Your Highness, we have an alert.
17:36Unidentified spacecraft
17:38coming in on low approach.
17:40Well, General,
17:42shall we go see who our
17:44unexpected visitor is?
17:46Of course, Your Highness.
17:48Who knows,
17:50but we may fall heir to another
17:52youthful bride.
17:54Safe enough.
17:56Let's drop down and drag the area.
18:08Any atmosphere readings, Taurus?
18:10Atmosphere negligible, Skipper.
18:12Geiger reading in the green.
18:14Safe gravity,
18:16.094 G's.
18:18Very good.
18:20They're coming closer now, Your Highness.
18:24Does this stranger have any markings, General?
18:28Your Highness,
18:30it looks like the Space Angel ship.
18:32The Space Angel.
18:34I might have known.
18:36Your Highness, the tower.
18:38They'll spot the sonar transmission tower.
18:40Of course they will,
18:42you fool.
18:44We'll just prepare until surprise
18:46reception for the Space Angel.
18:48Ha, ha, ha.
18:50Why, of course,
18:52Your Highness.
19:06Sure hope my dad's down there.
19:08Aye, lad.
19:10Hey, look. Was that a tower?
19:12Out here
19:14in the middle of nowhere?
19:16Hey, Taurus, check a stern.
19:18Aye, Skipper. Jump in Jupiter.
19:20It's a tower, all right.
19:23There's smoke coming up near it.
19:25Then it must be coming from an underground installation.
19:27Oh, boy.
19:29Dad must be there. He's alive.
19:31He must be alive.
19:33Chances are pretty good, Johnny.
19:35Stand by, crew. We're coming about for a landing.
20:08Landing legs extended.
20:10Steady power. Steady.
20:13Power steady. Ready for touchdown.
20:22That space angel is such a fool.
20:25Is everything in readiness for his surprise, General?
20:30Everything, Your Highness.
20:34The space angel will get the surprise reception he deserves.
20:39What kind of a surprise has the Queen for the space angel?
20:43Will Scott fall into their trap?
20:46Don't miss the next exciting episode of Space Angel.
21:03Blast off for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel, in the story of Incident of the Loud Planet.
21:15Remember last time Scott, Crystal, Taurus, and Johnny saw a sonar tower on the mysterious planet?
21:21Unbeknown to Scott, Queen Zora and her henchman, the General, have spotted the space angel.
21:27Open outer panel.
21:29Outer panel opening.
21:30How's the suit fit, Johnny?
21:32Very comfortable, sir. Mr. Taurus is a genius.
21:35Hey, okay here then, Crystal.
21:37The brave fool is opening the hatchway already.
21:44It is the space angel, all right.
21:46And a small figure.
21:48They're headed straight for our sonar tower.
21:51Checking communications, Crystal.
21:53Loud and clear, Scott.
21:54Look, Johnny. There's a door in the main building just to the right of the tower.
21:58I can see it, sir.
21:59Let us accommodate our friends, General.
22:02Open the sonar tower door.
22:05Yes, your highness.
22:10Look, sir. The door.
22:13Scott, be careful.
22:15Looks like somebody is inviting us in.
22:21Ah, our friends are trying to decide whether or not they should enter our trap.
22:26Are you ready, General?
22:28Most certainly, your highness.
22:30Okay, Johnny. This is it.
22:32Stick close to me.
22:38Some kind of strange generator room, sir.
22:41Yeah, Johnny.
22:43You can bet somebody's around opening and closing doors for us.
22:47It's the evil Queen Zora.
22:50I thought she was dead.
22:52I am so sorry to disappoint you, Space Angel.
22:56But now you see it is you who will be destroyed.
23:00Is my father, Professor Kendall, here?
23:03Professor Kendall is helping us process sonar
23:07so that we can control the universe.
23:10That's not true. That's not true.
23:12My father would never help you.
23:14Not willingly, I will admit.
23:18But we have had ways of persuading the good professor
23:23since he fell into our trap three years ago.
23:27You see, Space Angel, we have prepared sonight capsules
23:32so we can put them in orbit around all inhabited planets.
23:36And you, Space Angel, and your little friend
23:39have brought us the means to deliver them.
23:42Your spaceship, the Starduster.
23:46The Starduster?
23:48I see.
23:49If the people of the universe refuse to pay you tribute,
23:52you will activate the sonight.
23:54Of course. I will rule the universe.
23:57I want to see my father.
23:59Of course, little man.
24:01General, send the professor to join his son.
24:05We have no further use for him.
24:08In what fashion do you intend to eliminate us,
24:11Your Royal Highness?
24:13You are standing directly over a sonight deposit.
24:16I need only throw this switch,
24:19and you will be shattered as the waves pass through you
24:22to the tower above.
24:24Professor Kendall!
24:27My son.
24:30You found me.
24:32A touching reunion indeed.
24:34Too bad it must end so soon.
24:37You get that, Taurus?
24:38Aim for the ball at the top of the tower.
24:40But don't fire until I give the word.
24:43Aye, Skipper.
24:45You have been most helpful, Professor.
24:48But your usefulness has ended.
24:52No, Taurus.
24:55The tower has been hit.
24:56Don't throw that switch.
24:58You have activated the sonight.
25:00And the load control is destroyed.
25:03The activator is still going.
25:05Quick, we must get out.
25:07The whole planet will explode.
25:09That's right.
25:11We only have seconds.
25:12Grab a spacesuit, Professor.
25:16Taurus, Crystal.
25:17Stand by to blast off.
25:19Aye, Skipper.
25:32Quick, look to the viewer.
25:34Oh, by Jiminy Gulley.
25:40I wonder if Queen Zara escaped.
25:43I don't know, Chris.
25:44But our mission is accomplished.
25:46If I knew who you were, Space Angel,
25:48I could thank you properly.
25:50That's right, Dad.
25:51But no one knows who the Space Angel is.
25:59All hell that ends well.
26:01Be sure and see the next exciting story with Scott McCloud, Space Angel.
