• last year


00:00Blast off for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel,
00:18in the story of Expedition to a New Moon.
00:24We find Taurus, Crystal, Scott, and Professor Mace aboard the evening star discussing plans
00:29for colonizing a new moon.
00:31But father, what's so unusual about a new moon?
00:35This moon resembles our Earth so much, we think it may have an atmosphere.
00:40And if it has an atmosphere, it can be colonized.
00:42Aye, we can use a little more productive land in this solar system.
00:46Precisely why you're going there, Taurus.
00:49We need a complete survey.
00:51Then we'll have to make a geological survey as well.
00:55Your ship is outfitted with all the necessary equipment.
00:58Of course, Chris.
00:59We'll be taking the new survey ship.
01:01Scott, have you had a chance to look over the new ship since your return?
01:05Not yet, Professor.
01:06We'd better go down and check it out now.
01:09It's being outfitted in tube three.
01:11The chief expects you to blast off at 6.03 a.m. Earth time.
01:16We're no sooner than get back to home base, in here we go again.
01:21Now, Taurus.
01:23Father has just explained that the target is approaching orbital position for blast
01:27Otherwise, we'll have to delay the project for another year.
01:30Notify the chief, we'll make the deadline, Professor.
01:33Come on, gang.
01:34Let's get going.
01:35You and Taurus tested the surveyor, didn't you, Scott?
01:38Yes, Crystal.
01:39But the instrumentation wasn't complete at the time.
01:42We still have a lot of equipment to check out.
01:44There she is.
01:46That's going to be our home for a while.
01:53How do you like the surveyor, Chris?
01:55It's a beautiful ship.
01:57It's probably the most completely equipped survey ship ever built.
02:01With all the equipment necessary to do a geological survey.
02:05The control section can be ejected and act as a landing sphere.
02:09I'd feel more at home in the star duster.
02:12This ship is too slow.
02:14Taurus, this is a survey mission, not a space race.
02:18There goes our moon mobile aboard.
02:23It's built to travel over any kind of terrain.
02:26It's going to come in real handy.
02:28Hi, Skipper.
02:29I'm glad they remembered space men are allergic to walking.
02:33Okay, gang.
02:34Let's get aboard and check this baby out.
02:36Got to be ready for blastoff at 0600 in the morning.
02:42Now hear this.
02:43Clear the tube for blastoff.
02:56Reactors go.
02:58Umbilical go.
03:00Cabin pressure go.
03:02Tube doors opening.
03:05Ready and curling.
03:09Angle of blastoff 320.
03:11Vector four.
03:13Correcting angle.
03:17Angle of blastoff 320.
03:19Vector four.
03:21Correcting angle.
03:27Trajectory angle go.
03:29Increasing power.
03:31OS 3210.
03:45Trajectory good.
03:47Approaching target velocity.
03:49Count it.
03:56Shut off.
04:02We're in free flight.
04:03Oh, this baby's got a kick like a mule.
04:06What's the matter, Torres?
04:07Can't you take it anymore?
04:09There's more pounds of me to be pressed.
04:12That's for sure.
04:13Check the course, Chris.
04:15Right on target, Scott.
04:17Two points off the twin star mirror.
04:20And our flight plan velocity should get us there in 12 space periods.
04:24So we may as well relax and enjoy the scenery.
04:28Except for one thing, Torres.
04:30We'll be getting into an uncharted area.
04:32Turn on your forward viewer and keep a sharp lookout.
04:35OK, Skipper.
04:37Where will this new assignment into uncharted areas take Crystal, Scott, and Torres?
04:42Be sure and see the next exciting episode of Space Angel.
05:07Blast off for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel,
05:19in the story of Expedition to a New Moon.
05:37Remember last time, Scott, Torres, and Crystal were instructed to board a new survey ship
05:43and venture into an uncharted area where they were to explore a new moon.
05:48The survey ship is now approaching its destination,
05:51where they must land and prepare for their expedition.
05:54There it is.
05:55Take a look in your viewer.
05:57The mirror, the red giant.
05:59Look at the size of those suns, Skipper.
06:03If we took our solar system and placed our sun in the middle of that red star,
06:08Mars would barely touch the surface.
06:11That's big.
06:13Scott, center focus two zero degrees east and south.
06:17There's our moon.
06:19She's sure coming up fast, Skipper.
06:21Yes, we're intercepting its orbit head on.
06:24Prepare to reduce speed.
06:25Aye, Skipper.
06:26DX tubes ready for fire and turn.
06:29Give us a gravity count, Chris.
06:31Point one, point two, three, four, five.
06:37Deflect two degrees up.
06:41Fire three.
06:49Stand by.
06:50I'm placing this baby into orbit.
06:55We're in orbit, Scott.
06:57Torres, spare the landing sphere.
06:59Aye, Skipper.
07:00We're going to take a trip downstairs.
07:02There doesn't appear to be any atmosphere, Scott.
07:05We'll soon find out, Chris.
07:07I'm sure not gonna go without our space helmets.
07:21Hate to mention it, Skipper, but who's going to watch the storm?
07:25We can control the surveyor by remote control.
07:28When we land, we'll set up a station.
07:30That'll be our home base for a while.
07:32We'll land this big baby after we prepare a pad.
07:35Uh, just thought I'd ask.
07:4380,000 feet and dropping fast.
07:45Stand by retro rockets, Torres.
07:48Aye, lad.
07:49This is strange, Scott.
07:51The gravity indicator keeps switching.
07:54Now it's negative.
07:55There it goes again.
07:58Well, now it's just about double Earth's gravity.
08:01So how do you make a landing, Skipper?
08:03We may begin hopping like a jackrabbit in another minute.
08:08Fire retros.
08:09Must be gravity strips.
08:11Let's pick one and try it.
08:13Aye, Skipper.
08:22Scott, we're falling!
08:24Pretty fast, Skipper.
08:42Good work, Skipper.
08:44That landing was much softer than I expected.
08:47I share your sentiments.
08:49Now let's roll up the moon buggy and see what the climate's like outside.
08:53What's the oxygen indicator suggest, Torres?
08:56There's an atmosphere, lad.
08:58But we can't breathe it.
08:59But if there's air...
09:01It's frozen.
09:02You see that funny-looking iceberg?
09:04There's your atmosphere.
09:06That might just explain the crazy gravity on this moon.
09:10How do you mean, Skipper?
09:12At double Earth's gravity, the air must have been pulled down
09:16and formed into these glaciers.
09:18Notice how they appear in rows?
09:23Now that you mention it...
09:33Stand by.
09:34Something's pulling us over.
09:40Well, trapped in their moon mobile
09:43on a strange new moon.
09:45What will happen to Scott, Crystal, and Torres?
09:48Don't miss the next exciting episode of Space Angels.
10:08Blast off for another exciting adventure in outer space
10:11with Scott McCloud, Space Angel,
10:14in the story of Expedition to a New Moon.
10:29You remember last time Scott, Torres, and Crystal
10:32blasted off in a specially built survey ship
10:35to explore a newly discovered moon.
10:37They left the main body of the ship in suspended orbital flight
10:40and landed on the planet in the control sphere.
10:43Embarking from the sphere in their specially equipped moon mobile,
10:47they started their survey of the new moon.
10:49While exploring, they discovered that the gravity on this planet
10:52was in strips.
10:53As they neared one of these gravity strips,
10:55a strange force grasped the ship.
10:58Even with power and throttle full forward,
11:00they were pulled slowly but steadily backward
11:03into the gravity strip.
11:10Are you all right?
11:11I can't seem to move, Skipper.
11:14I feel so heavy.
11:16It's hard to breathe, Scott.
11:19We're caught in one of those gravity belts.
11:22If I can activate this engine again.
11:31What's wrong, lad?
11:33I can't reach it.
11:36I think I can make it.
11:40Watch it!
12:10That was close.
12:12Taurus, you're a bull.
12:14I felt so heavy, I couldn't even blink my eyes.
12:17Clean living, Skipper.
12:21Before we do much traveling,
12:23I suggest we set up our lunar station
12:25and land the surveyor.
12:27Good idea, lad.
12:29This place is not too friendly,
12:31and I'd feel better if we had a home base to run to.
12:34Taurus, you roll out the shelter dome
12:36while I find a good spot to set her up.
12:38Okay, Skipper.
12:40We'd better hurry, Scott.
12:42We haven't much daylight left.
12:44You're right.
12:46Inside that creeping shadow,
12:48it's cold enough to freeze the atmosphere.
12:50Where do you want it, Skipper?
12:52Over there, Taurus.
12:54Here she comes.
12:56Good catch, Skipper.
13:00Everybody stand back.
13:02Watch closely, lass,
13:04and you'll see how a king-sized igloo is hatched.
13:07That should give us ample living quarters.
13:10Now let's attach the landing sphere
13:12and set up housekeeping.
13:20Well, now to test the equipment.
13:23Go ahead, Skipper.
13:25Everything seems to be in order.
13:27Let's see if we can pick up the surveyor.
13:33That should be it.
13:35Check it on the screen.
13:37Yep, that's her all right.
13:39She's holding a stable orbit.
13:41We'll bring her down in the morning, eh, Skipper?
13:43Yes, but first we'll have to build
13:45a hard pad to land her on.
13:49Lucky for us, Skipper,
13:51we've got a lot of time.
13:55Lucky for us, we're not out there.
13:57The temperature's dropping ten degrees a second.
13:59Look out there.
14:01Did you ever see such a sight?
14:03Aye, but we're as snug as bugs in here,
14:05and tis a beautiful sight to see.
14:10What? Scott, what's that?
14:12Those are rocks exploding
14:14from a sudden change in temperature.
14:16Suffer it, Jupiter.
14:18This is something we didn't plan for.
14:20Scott, we're losing air.
14:22We've been hit.
14:24Our shielding's punctured.
14:26Their lunar station losing air
14:28after being punctured by exploding rocks.
14:30How will Scott, Crystal and Taurus
14:32be able to get out alive?
14:34Don't miss the next exciting episode
14:36of Scott McCloud, Space Angel.
14:50Blast off
14:52for another exciting adventure
14:54in outer space
14:56with Scott McCloud, Space Angel
14:58in the story of
15:00Expedition to a New Moon.
15:05Remember last time,
15:07having had a narrow escape from death
15:09by falling over the cliff?
15:11Taurus got the moon mobile going again
15:13so they could get back
15:15to setting up their lunar station.
15:17Having set it up
15:19and checked to see
15:21if the surveyor
15:23was holding a stable orbit,
15:25Mira, the red giant,
15:27started a series of explosions.
15:29Rocks punctured their lunar house
15:31and it started to collapse
15:33from lack of pressure.
15:35Quick, Taurus.
15:37Flip on our auxiliary compressor.
15:39Roger that, Taurus.
15:43we've got a problem.
15:45Flip on our auxiliary compressor.
15:47Aye, Skipper.
15:51Give us the pressure reading, Chris.
15:538.5 pounds and dropping.
15:55Pressure suits, lad.
15:57No time. We'll never make it.
15:59Pressure at 6.3, Scott.
16:01This is it, Skipper.
16:03Now what's the reading, Chris?
16:05It's still holding at 6.3 pounds.
16:07I don't get it.
16:09Pressure at 8.5 pounds and rising.
16:11Ever hear of an old-fashioned
16:13Well, if that isn't the blasted
16:15of course.
16:17This station's nothing but a flat inner tube.
16:19I'll be darned.
16:21Of course, if we'd been hit by a really
16:23large fragment, I wouldn't
16:25have been so confident.
16:27You dog. You could have told us.
16:29I was frantic.
16:31How about you getting your father on the televiewer, Chris?
16:33He'll want to know what we found on this moon.
16:35Yes, sir. Right away.
16:40Yes, Dad.
16:42The atmosphere is frozen in strips.
16:44Frozen atmosphere, eh?
16:46Scott, what happens when ice
16:48is heated?
16:50It melts and turns to steam,
16:54Exactly. Now listen and listen carefully.
16:56You are going to try a little experiment.
16:58Go ahead, Professor.
17:00Basically, what we are going to attempt
17:02is utilize kinetic
17:04energy derived from the various
17:06gravity belts on your moon.
17:08This friction should generate a continuous
17:11But, Professor,
17:13wouldn't that create a flood condition?
17:15Possibly, if the heat generated
17:17were not hot enough.
17:19To ensure against this possibility,
17:21you are going to plant a
17:23thermonuclear activator within the
17:25depths of the moon.
17:29All clear, Scott?
17:31I've got you, Professor. We'll contact you later.
17:35Good luck. Out.
17:37Well, let's get busy.
17:39Under Mace's instruction, they planted
17:41the magnetic electrodes at strategic points
17:43between the gravity belts.
17:45How far from the next gravity belt, Taurus?
17:47Almost there, Skipper.
17:49Okay, slow down.
17:51There it is.
18:25That should do it, lad.
18:27We've planted almost 200 of these
18:29magnetic electrodes.
18:31All right. Back to the station.
18:33This next step is a doozy.
18:39I don't mind telling you, Skipper,
18:41I was scared silly when we planted
18:43that thermonuclear activator.
18:45What if it had gone off?
18:47Nothing could happen
18:49unless we trigger it.
18:51And that doesn't occur until we're a safe distance
18:53out in space.
18:55Then our job here is about finished, eh, Skipper?
18:57As soon as I check our circuits,
18:59we'll bring our ship out of orbit
19:01and blast off.
19:03Good. I'll prepare the landing pad
19:05while you're doing that.
19:09Good grief!
19:13It's the Surveyor.
19:15Something's wrong. Look!
19:17Why, it's being pulled out of orbit.
19:23It's falling towards the twin suns.
19:25Another moment
19:27and their Surveyor rocket will burn up
19:29in the atmosphere of the twin suns.
19:31Then how will they ever get back?
19:33Be sure to see the next
19:35exciting episode of
19:37Space Angels.
19:55Blast off for another exciting adventure
19:57in outer space with Scott McCloud
19:59Space Angel
20:01in the story of
20:03Expedition to a New Moon.
20:05Just like last time, having talked
20:07to Professor Mace, Scott, Torres and Crystal
20:09were on their way to plant thermonuclear
20:11activators within the depths
20:13of the moon, Mira.
20:15Having planted over 200 electrodes
20:17which would not be triggered until
20:19they were out in space, they left
20:21for the Surveyor rocket, only to find
20:23Mira's magnetic field pulling it out of orbit.
20:25Quick, Torres!
20:27Activate remote controls on the Surveyor.
20:29Aye, Skipper.
20:33Engines on.
20:35Basing Mira's suns, Torres.
20:37Maybe we can blast her out.
20:39Pressure up, lads.
20:41Fire when ready.
20:43Stand by.
20:47I can feel the heat from here.
20:49I'm changing the orbit path.
20:51The Surveyor will circle over us now.
20:53Like orbiting the North Pole
20:55on Earth, eh, lad?
20:57In a way. All set, gang?
21:01Go ahead, lad.
21:03I can feel the heat from here.
21:05I'm changing the orbit path.
21:07The Surveyor will circle over us now.
21:09Like orbiting the North Pole
21:11on Earth, eh, lad?
21:13In a way. All set, gang?
21:17Go ahead, lad.
21:33Switching to ILS, Chris.
21:35She's on the beam, Scott.
21:37Okay, Torres. Looks good.
21:39Extend landing legs.
21:41Roger, Skipper.
21:55There she is, gang.
21:57Perfect touchdown.
21:59Good work.
22:01I, for one, am sure glad to see that baby.
22:03Okay. Let's get out of here.
22:05What about the shelter, Scott?
22:07Leave it.
22:09There's no time to dismantle.
22:11Take a look back there.
22:13I, lass, you wouldn't want to spend another night here, would you?
22:31Torres, reading.
22:33She's not clear yet, Skipper.
22:35She's still struggling through the scrambled gravity belts.
22:37As soon as we're clear,
22:39we'll change all that.
22:41She's clear.
22:43Flame out.
22:49She's in free fall.
22:57First, we'll activate
22:59the electrodes we planted back there.
23:01Get set, everybody. Here goes.
23:03Now, here we've got
23:05a grandstand seat.
23:14How much longer, Skipper?
23:16Just a couple of seconds.
23:20It's working.
23:22Father was right.
23:24A beautiful sight.
23:26An Earth being born right before our eyes.
23:28This is
23:32Look at that.
23:34What a spot for an
23:36asparagus ranch.
23:38That has to be the place.
23:40It looks like Earth in its formative stage.
23:42Just think.
23:44In a few hundred years,
23:46there'll be cities down there.
23:48People working.
23:50A whole new life taking shape.
23:52Aye, Skipper.
23:54But I sure hope we get back down there
23:58Why, Torres?
24:00Oh, soon those trout streams are going to be jumping.
24:02And I sure would like to do some fishing
24:04before those Sunday picnickers
24:06start to clutter them up.
24:22And so ends another
24:24episode with Scott McCloud,
24:26Space Angel.