Real Vs Fake Commercials-

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00:00This burger isn't real phony. This is what it actually looks like when you order it
00:04That's a sham this commercial was filmed with a toy car. Just use a real one
00:09We're gonna go behind the scenes of commercials and expose them. Let's see how they make a burger in a commercial
00:14All right, this seems pretty normal. Oh, wait a minute. You can't eat toothpicks or makeup sponges to put makeup on a burger
00:21Pretty burger. That's the real burger. That's the commercial
00:24Why does that look like a burger in Spongebob when it always cuts to real life? You know what I'm talking?
00:29Looks exactly like it. Oh
00:31Is that how they get the slow-mo fall? I guess that's way cheaper. Hey, that's satisfying and here
00:36I thought they just went into a subway and just drop stuff. I thought it was CGI CGI these nuts dang it now old spice
00:42I've always wondered how they did this. I thought this was CGI. I'll be surprised
00:47It's all like practical
00:50They're moving rooms around him. That's insane and the camera rotates so it looks like oh
00:56My gosh out of all the things that were CGI'd they CGI'd the chocolate fountain the thing he's dipping in the chocolate
01:02Oh, it's not there
01:06Is this how they give her oh that makes sense you can kind of see it a little bit interesting
01:12That is impossible standards for women to live up to their hair doesn't floss smack that dough. Okay. I
01:18Like that shot. I like when people drop stuff on the camera
01:22Wait a minute. Did he have to cook the camera? Yeah
01:24Whoo, oh, that's not a fridge Pepsi's got a good can. Yeah, perhaps he does have a good I mean for how
01:30Proud terrible their soda is at least
01:33This is how they film a chase scene James Bond. I saw this car and fast and the furious
01:37They had it driving on the ice. I saw a tick tock with it. Oh, no, I'm getting chased in the desert
01:46Mom and pop commercial
01:52We'll give him an A for effort, I'll buy a mattress from yeah, honestly, yo, it looked like a commercial from a couple decades ago
01:57But if you're still open, I'll buy a mattress hit us up making a commercial with only my iPhone. That's cool
02:02Oh, that's a cool shot. It's a good shot. iPhones have gotten really good quality over the last few years
02:09It's the sound people where they called fully artists would it be easier just to snap someone's arm in half
02:19Was gonna say wouldn't it just be easier just to go to a ranch and just put a mic by a horse's feet
02:23I think celery is way easier than using actual
02:27Hey, it's a Domino's commercial. Wait, really? I'm guessing I'll bet $100. Oh, wow. I know my Domino's, baby
02:34Order B's burger. You don't need Domino's we have B's burger. Just go order some my order pizza if you order pizza
02:39I'm hiring Walt. Oh, those are cool shots. Whoa zoom in. That's a good camera. Why don't you have good cameras zoom in?
02:45See, that was crappy compared to that. We're at a wedding. Oh
02:53Camera's ruined both cameras
02:56That feels bad. What a dingus. Why did your wedding have something like that? I didn't see a guy falling a fountain
03:01That's true. Nobody fell on a fountain. Exactly. I'm giving your wedding a 9 out of 10. No fountain falling
03:05I'll try again next time
03:07TV drone. Oh, oh wait, is it falling the ball? Oh, that's all we need to use drones like these more in our videos
03:13We have them the shots don't ever make it in except for this one in squid games made it
03:17Wait, is this a commercial or race? A little bit of both probably. Is that how they film?
03:20Yeah, helicopter races cuz what else could keep up with it? Yeah, but dude that helicopters like he's playing with it
03:25I wouldn't feel comfortable having that helicopter fly over me. Yeah, especially not near a bunch of fans watching
03:31They're getting just dusted by that car. Oh my god. Did you see how close dude between that car just drifting in that helicopter?
03:38I don't know if I attend safety first agreed
03:40Obviously absolutely worth it. Wait, what is this? Oh
03:45My gosh, I don't know why that's crazy. But it is crazy. That's how smooth it is
03:49I'm too dumb to understand how cool it is. But it is cool. It's this scene from Fast and Furious where they really go out
03:59This is how they film that yes, sir practical baby Fast and Furious does it right they wait CGI
04:06Things get exploded. That's why these movies are still going baby. Oh my god
04:14No story no art just fire story confused me fire make me happy. Let's show this one more time
04:19I don't know what movie this is, but I'm watching it. I'm pretty sure it's Fast and Furious still
04:24This is all Fast and the Furious. I think this is seven, right? Is this GI Joe? No, this is also Fast and Furious
04:30Shut up, Chris. There's an explosion. Oh, look at that. We didn't see that Ford Explorer in the video. Oh
04:36I don't understand what blew up. Oh my gosh. Oh see this is good camera work
04:40You couldn't do that with all these rules and safety regulations. I love that. That's a great shot
04:46All right, so corn syrup shortening shortening food coloring pink. What am I watching? I don't understand. Is this play-doh?
04:53Oh, wait, that's fake ice cream. Oh, what?
04:56Everything I know is a lie. They have to do this because real ice cream would melt because of studio lights interesting
05:00They're faking it Hollywood's just one big lie. I'm boycotting ice cream now
05:04What is this a commercial for juice like Minute Maid and see it splashes the juice on it?
05:08It's like the thirst refresher again. That doesn't make me want to buy juice. Oh my gosh. Are you kidding me?
05:13This is not a car commercial. No, that isn't real. That's pretty cool. It looks real
05:17This is the power of computers man. You're kidding me. The world has gone too far. It's time to go back
05:23What is this Oh Doritos, oh snap
05:25This looks like something Mark Roper would build the super spinny camera machine of death. Honestly now I want some Doritos
05:31Good job Doritos. What is this? Oh
05:34That's nice. Those machines be nice. Oh
05:37It looks like it falls onto the glass
05:40That's a giant ice cube. That is a giant
05:45It's also a very nice looking cute news forecast, right wonder why I don't wear green on TV because I'm always at the chroma-key
05:52When you wear green don't work, that's hilarious. Hey pancakes, that's evil. That's not that's very deceiving
05:58That's where you cross the line. That's deceptive. Yeah, honestly, I'm suing mess with my burgers mess with anything
06:04I don't care. Don't mess my pancakes man. Oh
06:08Jimmy they put motor oil on the bank. They did put motor oil on the pancakes
06:12Your mama your mama has something to say about that mom. It's okay. Oh
06:19Oh, you can tell this is filmed a long time ago. You can't do this anymore
06:23You can't just throw a plastic in the street. Oh my gosh. Those are bouncy balls
06:27You know, they did not get all this up either
06:30All that for a commercial. Whoo
06:33Capitalism, baby. It looks cool. Screw the environment. We got a TV to advertise
06:37They definitely picked them all up. Definitely. You think they got those ones that are going into the storm drain? Yeah, sure
06:43Whoever did this commercial exposed Oh stop-motion. Oh, I always have huge respect for people that do stuff like this
06:49Not only stop-motion also origami. That's insane. This stuff is very impressive
06:53It's one of those things where you think you can do it
06:55But I when I was younger tried to do stop-motion with Legos and it is way harder than you think
06:58Can you imagine little Jimmy filming stop-motion Lego movies? What a nerd on this channel used to upload them
07:04Hey, take us back to those days. I know now I have to recreate squid game joiner Lucas
07:09CGI people in all that CG. Look the people in the back or CG. Oh
07:16Honestly would have not been easier just to go to a school. I don't understand why you would CG that dude
07:21It looks so good at the top. I don't believe that's CG. Yeah, I refuse to believe it
07:26Hey another TV commercial just dumping paint everywhere. No, that's not real. Yes, it is. That's all practical. That's all real
07:31Let us know in the comments what you think?
07:33Okay, this is real and the girl literally expands the boundaries of her apartment real graphics was created by hand
07:40but it's a tiny model a
07:42terrifying monster
07:45Terrifying monster imagine getting to be that guy just be like
07:49I haven't watched Invisible Man. Should I watch it? Honestly, I might now. Yeah, I'm kind of interested
07:54That seems like a good premise. You know what everyone if you haven't already hit the subscribe button right now do it
07:59Let's go watch a movie. All right