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टेक कंपनी एपल ने iPhone 16 सीरीज के लिए होने वाले इवेंट की तारीख को लेकर जानकारी कंफर्म कर दी है. इवेंट कैलिफोर्निया में स्थित एपल पार्क में 9 सिंतबर को भारतीय समयानुसार रात साढ़े 10 बजे आयोजित होगा. इवेंट से पहले कंपनी ने एक बड़ा एलान कर दिया है. कंपनी ने केवन पारेख (Kevan Parekh) को अपना मुख्य वित्तीय अधिकारी नियुक्त करने का एलान किया है.

#kevanparekh #apple #iphone16 #kevanparekhCFO #AppleCFO


00:00On September 9, Apple is bringing new iPhones, and before that, the company has made a big announcement, has made a change in top management, the company has got a new CFO who is of Indian origin, who is Apple's new Indian CFO, we will know in the last video.
00:18Tech company Apple has announced Kevin Parikh as its chief financial officer, Kevin Parikh will replace Luca Mastry in the company, Kevin will be in the company from January 1, 2025, and this big change in the company has happened just before the launch of many new Apple products.
00:37Let me tell you that the company is bringing new iPhones for its customers on September 9, and the new iPhones will be special for a big software upgrade.
00:46AI technology is being added to the new iPhone by the company, for Apple, it is important to present AI with the iPhone in many ways.
00:55On the other hand, other competitors have become irresponsible in improving the company, Apple's competitor companies have started working better with AI, in this case, Apple has also announced AI intelligence in view of the needs of its users, and the new iPhone will be launched on September 9.
01:19Kevin Parikh has been with Apple for more than a decade, Kevin will now join the company's executive committee, recently he was the vice president of financial planning and analysis, and before Apple, Parikh had held senior leadership positions in Thomson Reuters and General Motors.
01:38From 2014 to CFO, Mastry has now been transferred to supervise corporate services, Mastry also supports Parikh's appointment, which shows Apple's commitment to a smooth leadership transition.
01:51Mastry will now focus on information systems and technology, information security, real estate, and development, as well as corporate services, and will directly report to the company's CEO Cook.
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