• last year
The Teachings Of Our Prophet (ﷺ)
00:00The Prophet s.a.w. went to such detail that you need to move your lip in this direction to get a reward.
00:08That's the detail.
00:09You know your lips? Here are your lips.
00:11To move this one up here and this one up here is a sadaqah.
00:16Like this, let me show you.
00:19You see, everyone did the same thing.
00:21I'm only showing you but we are all showing.
00:25One old man in Cape Town, he came to me.
00:28He told me, shaykhs, you told us about smiling.
00:31Smiling is a charity.
00:32I find it difficult to smile.
00:34I said, uncle, why?
00:36He goes, I don't have teeth.
00:39I said, inshallah, for you is a double reward.
00:41Just smile.
00:43Imagine that he doesn't have teeth, he's smiling.
00:46It's so cute.
00:47I said, my uncle, when they look at you, the heart is melting.
00:51They say, wow, look at this old man, no teeth.
00:53He said, don't call me old, I'm still young.
