Sueños de Libertad - Capítulo 135 Alta Calidad

  • last month
00:30I'm going to do something and not hide my head like the rest of you.
00:33Some land. Could it be that's why they've asked for a mortgage to the bank?
00:37To buy them?
00:38Could be.
00:39Don't let yourself be dragged down by apathy and sadness.
00:42Begoña, fight, please. Fight.
00:44Look, over my dead body you come back with that freshness.
00:47Don't lower yourself, Gaspar. You don't deserve it.
00:48It's easy for you to talk.
00:50But don't you know how hard it is to be alone?
00:52Because I feel a very special affection for that boy.
00:55And that he has to leave causes me a lot of pain.
00:58So be careful. I'm going to be watching him.
01:01Do you think it can end like her?
01:03End like?
01:04In a sanatorium.
01:05No, honey.
01:06What are you going to do with all that?
01:08Well, I don't know yet.
01:10Maybe I'll make them public.
01:12Come on, Cletina.
01:14Jesus has been drugging you.
01:16To have me postponed or something worse.
01:28Dreams of freedom
01:30Live another way
01:32Wings to fly
01:34Wherever the soul wants
01:37Dreams of freedom
01:39The heart does not wait
01:41It's asking for another chance
01:45Dreams of freedom
01:47Although the past hurts
01:50Start again
01:52Love whoever I want
01:54Shout my truth to them
01:56Live without fear and without looking back
02:16Dreams of freedom
02:27Luz, I need to get out of here.
02:30And I need your help.
02:32Will you help me?
02:34Of course, Begoña.
02:36I'm going to help you.
02:37I'll do whatever it takes.
02:41Where are you going?
02:43I still have the idea of ​​going to England.
02:45There I know people who can help me from scratch.
02:48And Jesus would never find me.
02:49And if he did, it would be very difficult for him to bring me back.
02:52What's the plan?
02:54Jesus must trust me.
02:56He must think that I am still under the effects of the drug.
02:58And that I have ceased to be a danger.
03:00How do you say?
03:02I'll take a train to Lisbon.
03:04And from there I will travel to England.
03:05This time I have everything planned, Luz.
03:07I will not let myself be carried away by my impulses.
03:08Everything will be fine.
03:12I will help you in everything you ask of me.
03:16I think you need an ally.
03:18Someone who can help you from the inside.
03:22If you're thinking about Andrés,
03:24I can't tell him.
03:26But why?
03:27Andrés has always been willing to help you.
03:29He will do anything to get you out of this house.
03:31Luz, I can pretend in front of Jesus for a while.
03:34But do you really think Andrés could?
03:36After knowing that Jesus has poisoned me?
03:38I think it's worth trying.
03:40I can't risk it.
03:42As soon as Jesus sensed the slightest movement,
03:44everything would be lost.
03:45And my life is at stake.
03:47Andrés will understand the gravity of what you are trying to do.
03:50And he will do anything to help you.
03:52Andrés has to focus on his wife.
03:54They just lost a baby.
03:56And he needs him by his side.
03:58I can't be so selfish.
04:03Do you feel ready to start this farce?
04:07I have to be.
04:08I have no other choice.
04:10I will do anything to help you.
04:13The most important thing is that no one suspects anything.
04:16Especially Julia.
04:19It makes me sad to think
04:21about what that little girl is going to miss.
04:27Julia will come with me.
04:29What are you saying, Begoña?
04:31Did you really think I was going to leave that monster in her hands?
04:36Begoña, you have to reconsider.
04:38If you take his daughter, Jesus could report you for kidnapping
04:41and you could go to jail.
04:43Luz, Julia is not my blood, but she is my daughter.
04:46Don't do it, please.
04:48Do you want me to save myself?
04:50Begoña, Jesus may look for you and can't find you.
04:53And after a while, everything will be lost.
04:55But if you take his daughter,
04:57he won't stop until he punishes you.
05:02But how am I going to leave her?
05:04Luz, how would Julia feel if she woke up that morning
05:07and I had disappeared?
05:09If you really want to disappear, you have to do it alone.
05:13I don't know.
05:14The idea of going without her...
05:16It's very hard, I know.
05:19But for her to be okay, you have to be okay.
05:22And for that, you have to leave this house as soon as possible.
05:25You'll be safe.
05:26You'll come back for her.
05:31Maybe she's right.
05:36You should leave in case Jesus comes back before time.
05:40Take care, friend.
06:15I know it's very early and I'm sorry for coming without telling you,
06:18but today...
06:20Today is my birthday.
06:25Come in, come in.
06:29You told me it was this week, but I didn't remember...
06:32No, don't worry.
06:33You already gave me a present.
06:35And since it was today, I bought a cake to thank you.
06:42Come in, come in, please.
06:44If you'll excuse me, we'll leave the bag here.
06:48You can sit down as if you were at home.
06:53I'm sure it's delicious.
06:55Do you want some coffee?
06:56Yes, please.
07:06Wait, we have to do this right.
07:08I think I have the kitchen...
07:19You have to make a wish, but you don't have to say it out loud,
07:22because if you don't, it won't come true.
07:34That's it.
07:44Is something wrong?
07:46It's his birthday.
07:50It's a strange time for a celebration.
07:53I'm sorry I came so early,
07:55but I wanted to share this moment with my only friend.
07:59Come on, sit down.
08:00He brought a cake that looks delicious.
08:03No, I'm not going to finish dressing.
08:10Isabel, congratulations.
08:21Let's do this.
08:30Ah, yes.
08:32Thank you, Teresa.
08:34Very kind of you.
09:14I think he didn't like it.
09:17He's not in a good mood.
09:19Don't take it to heart.
09:22I should go.
09:24You and I are looking for a way out to Toledo.
09:27And since today is your birthday,
09:29why not today?
09:31Are you sure you're not going to change your plans?
09:33I'm not going to change my plans.
09:35I'm going to go.
09:36I'm going to see you.
09:37I'm going to see you.
09:38I'm going to see you.
09:39I'm going to see you.
09:40I'm going to see you.
09:41I'm going to see you.
09:42I'm going to see you.
09:43I'm going to see you.
09:44I'm going to see you.
09:46You're so good to me, Gema.
09:48Get real.
09:49What if we meet at four in the canteen?
09:52I have a family dinner
09:54and I don't think I can get away before that.
09:57Well, I'll be there.
10:05See you later.
10:12I don't like that woman.
10:14What's wrong with you, Joaquín?
10:16Why do you take her with you?
10:17Because she works hand in hand with Jesús de la Reina.
10:20And I don't want to see her in our house.
10:22But what fault does she have to have a boss like that?
10:25Gemma, we have very important things on our hands, really.
10:28I want her far away from here.
10:30Can you relax a little?
10:32Isabel is not interested in your business.
10:35She is interested in making a friend in La Colonia.
10:37Come on, come on.
10:39Don't be so naive.
10:41In two days she has become your friend.
10:43You know perfectly well, just like me,
10:45that Jesús de la Reina manipulates the people around him
10:48to achieve his goals.
10:50And you think I'm going to tell her the details of your business
10:53the first thing that happens?
10:54Well, if you spend so much time with her,
10:56sooner or later you'll end up telling her.
10:58I'm not a gossip.
10:59Gemma, I know you have good intentions with that girl,
11:01but really, now is not the time to make friends.
11:04Now we have to be discreet and polite.
11:09But I think you're wrong, really.
11:11Well, I hope you're right.
11:13But please, stop seeing her.
11:25Father, Dignami said he wanted to see me.
11:35Close the door.
11:37Of course.
11:44What's wrong?
11:45Sit down.
12:01What is the nature of your relationship with Fina?
12:09I think the question is clear.
12:13You know what it is?
12:15She's a store clerk.
12:17She's Adela and Isidro's daughter.
12:20So your relationship with her is strictly professional?
12:25Of course.
12:27Of course.
12:29What's this about?
12:45What are you going to tell me now?
12:50He hired someone to follow me.
12:52Don't change the subject!
12:55Why did he do this to me?
12:58I just received them this morning, anonymously.
13:01Do you have anything to say?
13:03Then who would want to do this to me?
13:08That's what I'm asking, Marta. Why?
13:10Why did you do it?
13:12Why are you doing this to all of us?
13:14Father, I haven't done anything to anyone.
13:17Right now, I don't even know who you are.
13:19It's me. Marta, his daughter.
13:23The same person he was before he received those papers.
13:26No, you're a liar. You're a liar.
13:28You can't be talking.
13:36What have we done wrong?
13:38What have we done wrong?
13:41Neither you nor mother have done anything wrong.
13:45And neither have I.
13:47Because this isn't fair.
13:50This is a disgrace, Marta.
13:54I've always trusted you.
13:56And you can keep doing it.
13:59You've betrayed me. You've betrayed my trust.
14:03I haven't hurt anyone.
14:06I'm just in love.
14:08Shut up! Shut up! Don't go on or I'll have a heart attack.
14:13I can't believe my daughter is a...
14:15Now I'm the one who's going to ask you to stop talking.
14:23I won't let you insult me.
14:26Have you stopped to think what would happen if this came to light?
14:32Don't you think I think about it every day?
14:38Why do you do it?
14:41Do you think I haven't tried to deny what I feel?
14:44To settle for my marriage?
14:47Do you think I haven't hated myself?
14:51But none of that has helped, Father.
14:55Why am I like this?
15:03I have no choice but to make some decisions.
15:11What are you going to do?
15:14For now, I can't allow you to represent the family...
15:18...and the company in the award ceremony tomorrow.
15:21I don't give credit.
15:24That award ceremony is in recognition of everyone's work.
15:27And that means a lot to me, too.
15:30I can't stop myself from picking it up just because...
15:34Because it's an embarrassment for the family?
15:37Of course I can.
15:40I didn't think your prejudices could dominate the situation.
15:46It's not about prejudices.
15:48It's about principles.
15:52I also thought your principles were defending the family.
15:56But I see that your retrograde ideas are above me.
15:59I don't allow you to talk to me like that!
16:01Well, right now I can't talk to you any other way.
16:03This conversation is over. That's all.
16:06Now, go.
16:11Father, look at me.
16:15Look at me.
16:29Come in.
16:32Good morning, Luz.
16:36What brings you here?
16:38Sorry to bother you, but I need to talk to someone.
16:41Begoña didn't even come down to breakfast this morning.
16:44I can't stand seeing her like this.
16:46She's more and more absent.
16:48Shattering little by little.
16:51Do you really think I could have inherited her mother's illness?
16:54It would make sense.
16:56But I know it's not what you want.
16:58No, no. It kills me to think that it's not.
17:00It will be the same as always.
17:02Let's see.
17:03Begoña's illness doesn't have to evolve in the same way as her mother's.
17:07She could suffer from these episodes from time to time and then recover.
17:11Mental illnesses are a mystery.
17:14And how can I help?
17:16I'm afraid that the only thing that can help Begoña now is rest and affection.
17:22But I can't stand watching her like this, Luz.
17:26Begoña needs tranquility.
17:28That's why all of us around her need to keep calm.
17:32Trust me. Keep calm.
17:34Luz, it's complicated.
17:36Maria, my wife, is starting to notice that I'm too affected.
17:39I can't stand her talking badly about her.
17:42We have to do something.
17:44Like what?
17:45I don't know. Maybe I should see a specialized doctor.
17:48I'm going to look for someone.
17:50No, Andres. No.
17:51But why not?
17:52I want you to hire a doctor for her and not Jesus.
17:55He's the reason for all your problems, Luz.
17:57Let's not confuse things.
17:59Begoña's diagnosis has nothing to do with your brother.
18:02I remember what he did to him.
18:03It's not necessary.
18:04I have him with me every day.
18:07Are you sure?
18:09I'd be more at ease if Begoña was far from Jesus.
18:12Begoña could lose her mind if we put her in the hands of a stranger.
18:16Yes, but she'd be in the hands of a professional.
18:18A professional who would give her a very strong medication.
18:20And who would also constantly test her.
18:24I don't know.
18:26Well, I do.
18:27Begoña needs family stimuli.
18:29A well-known world that makes her feel anchored to reality.
18:33Maybe you're right, Luz.
18:35I'm sorry, but I feel so powerless.
18:39Begoña is better now.
18:40She's calmer.
18:41Let's hope she stabilizes in the next few days.
18:43It's not good to make desperate decisions, okay?
18:47Yes, okay.
18:51Good morning.
18:52Good morning.
18:55I'm leaving.
18:58Goodbye, Andrés.
19:06Is something wrong?
19:07No, why?
19:08I don't know. I thought I was interrupting something important.
19:12Andrés has come for some aspirins.
19:15We've finished talking about Begoña's condition.
19:19Is there any news?
19:21I'm afraid not.
19:29Carmen, good morning.
19:31Good morning.
19:32I wanted to tell you something.
19:34I'm late for work.
19:36You were actually telling me everything you were telling Gaspar yesterday, weren't you?
19:40You're so smart.
19:42So you think I don't deserve a second chance?
19:45Look, Tassio.
19:47You showed me that you could change.
19:49And you became the best life partner.
19:53But little by little you've played me again.
19:56Who told me you wouldn't do it again?
19:58So you think I'm going to give up?
20:00That I'm the Tassio I've always been or that I'm shameless and you can't trust me?
20:04I give up.
20:09There has to be something I can do to make you trust me again.
20:13If there is, of course.
20:15I can't think of anything.
20:18In this life, we've come to suffer, Tassio.
20:22And with you, it's going to be one after the other.
20:25Well, I've received your message. I won't bother you anymore.
20:36I'm very worried, Gaspar.
20:41About Begoña again. I've got it all under control. Don't worry.
20:44The more you tell me not to worry, the more afraid I am that something will happen.
20:48Nothing will happen to her. Believe me.
20:50The effects she has from the medicine are completely irreversible. I already told you.
20:54I'm not only worried about her nonsense.
20:57But that she or someone else may discover that you're drugging her.
21:04Do I have to remind you of her attempt to escape with Julia?
21:07Or when she reported you to the Civil Guard?
21:10No one is going to find out anything. I'll take care of that.
21:15Well, if you hadn't asked us here at 10, where is my brother?
21:21Speaking of the King of Rome, the Aragon appears.
21:23I don't like you talking to Andrés like that.
21:25Father, don't worry. It's not worth it to try to make this little rooster come to his senses.
21:30Look, Andrés, you're late.
21:33Let's have the party in peace.
21:37First of all, I thank you for coming back from the factory.
21:39If I brought you here, it's because I have something important to tell you.
21:43What happened? Something serious?
21:45There has simply been a change of plans.
21:47Marta renounces to represent the family in the award ceremony of the circle of businessmen.
21:54And what are you going to do about it?
21:56One moment.
21:58Aren't you going to ask why she suddenly renounced?
22:01Of course she's going to do it. Don't you give me time?
22:04And has Marta given any explanation about it?
22:07She doesn't want to neglect her work in the store and prefers someone else to pick them up.
22:12Father, it doesn't make any sense.
22:14Where is she? And why did she come to this meeting?
22:16I already told you that she is very busy.
22:18And we are too.
22:19Andrés, we already know that she was very excited about Marta, but she will have her reasons, right?
22:23We have to respect it.
22:26Sit down, Andrés. The decision is made.
22:31Marta is not going to go to the award ceremony.
22:35She will have her reasons.
22:36Well, for whatever reason, Marta is not going to pick up that award, but someone will have to go do it, right?
22:41Yes, someone will have to go.
22:45And it will be me.
22:51Well, if you have nothing else to do, I have to go to the factory.
22:54Yes, go, go.
23:05From what I hear, Sonsa came to the store to get my information from Gaspar.
23:10Of course, I didn't even tell Pío.
23:13I mean, what he wanted was to find out if Gaspar was single because he wants to make a connection.
23:17I'm telling you.
23:18And we both know how it would end.
23:20Well, with Gaspar humiliated.
23:23Look, we have to do something, Carmen.
23:25What do you mean? You and me?
23:28Well, I mean on time.
23:31I mean, we get together to help a good friend, nothing more.
23:35You're messing with me.
23:36No, no, Carmen.
23:37Look, all I want is to prevent a good friend like Gaspar from making the same mistake as you.
23:42To go back to someone you know is going to hurt you.
23:46I don't know, what do you think? Do you want to help me?
23:50Well, but I want you to know that I'm still thinking about every word I've said.
23:56I've already forgotten.
23:59Besides, now we have a good mission ahead.
24:02I'm going to show you that we're still a good team.
24:04Mahoum, I'm already regretting it.
24:18I am the head of the family.
24:20And it is logical that I am the one who goes to the party and picks up the bath.
24:26And so it should have been from the beginning.
24:28But I thought you weren't excited about these things.
24:31And they still don't excite me, Jesus.
24:34Very well.
24:41From now on, I will always be the last option.
24:43I say it because I know what to do.
24:47Look, son.
24:48Going to pick up a prize like that
24:51means, in some way, a recognition within the family and the company.
24:57And I don't deserve that recognition.
24:59You don't deserve to be given any prize.
25:02I think I made it quite clear to you yesterday.
25:07Father, I had him for many things, but not for a sadist.
25:10Do you dare to call me a sadist?
25:12I'm working harder than anyone else.
25:14I give my skin for this company.
25:16We are not going to give any prize to bad arts.
25:20It would create a bad precedent.
25:23What do you mean?
25:24Are you going to tell me that you have nothing to do
25:28with the photographs that have come to me anonymously this morning?
25:32What photographs?
25:34Don't fool me, Jesus.
25:35I know what you are capable of to achieve your goals.
25:40This decision is completely...
25:41I have your ambition, son.
25:44But it also scares me a lot.
25:46You have tried to end your wife's life.
25:50Now you try it with your sister.
25:53What is your limit?
26:00Get out, Andra.
26:02Get out.
26:33Are you leaving?
26:38Listen to me, Mateo.
26:40I want you to know
26:41that I have never judged you for feeling what you feel.
26:44When someone has been talking nonsense about it,
26:46I have kept quiet.
26:48I know, Gaspar.
26:49In affections, passions are human,
26:51no matter how much of a man you are.
26:53I know that your feelings have always been sincere,
26:56that you have always acted from the heart.
26:59And more, I'm going to tell you something else.
27:01I think priests should go down to earth from time to time,
27:04fall in love,
27:05put a little face in the air.
27:07Because only from experience
27:09can you give good advice to the filigrees.
27:11Gaspar, please.
27:14I've been waiting for you, haven't I?
27:16Well, yes.
27:17Let's pretend I didn't say what I said.
27:19Come on, let's do it like this.
27:20Yes, better.
27:22Come on.
27:30A wine around here.
27:32Better a coffee.
27:33No, Father.
27:35Since when does the canteen judge?
27:37Gaspar is right.
27:39Wait, wait, wait.
27:40Has the good priest come to tell me
27:42how I have to behave?
27:44Of course.
27:45Father Mateo is an example to follow.
27:47Even Don Damián says so.
27:49Any last advice before you go?
27:51Come on, I'm listening to you.
27:53In fact, everyone should do it.
27:56Silence, everyone.
27:57Father Mateo is going to speak.
28:00Go ahead, Father.
28:03I'd better go.
28:04I'm going to spend time at the station.
28:07Are you going to leave all these poor people
28:09with a man as machiavellian as me?
28:11Father, go home too.
28:13What are you telling me, Mateo?
28:15Are you sure you want to leave here?
28:17Because apparently there are people who think
28:19I'm not up to the job.
28:22Father, don't go on.
28:26I'm the one who should go.
28:27Be honest with me.
28:29Would you miss me?
28:32There are many happy people who would miss you, yes.
28:35Do you want to leave your good intentions at once?
28:38Don't you get tired?
28:41Where's the wine?
28:43I'm not going to put the wine, Father.
28:44And tomorrow he will thank me.
28:46You stay there.
28:48Don't go to Toledo.
28:50And I'm sure the waiters won't talk to me like a priest.
28:55Let me go.
28:56You can't go like this, Mr. Agustín.
28:58I can't? Look at me.
29:01Do you see how I can?
29:06Caspar, can you take care of my suitcase for a moment?
29:08What are you going to do?
29:09What am I going to do?
29:10Well, go get him, help him.
29:12You'll see.
29:17I'm sorry.
29:23Can you come for a moment?
29:24Yes, of course.
29:32What's wrong with you?
29:35I'm stuck in the never-ending story.
29:38I argued with Andrés again.
29:40And you don't need to be pitonite to know the reason.
29:43You already know what Begoña's situation is.
29:46And that lately the coexistence is becoming unbearable.
29:49And I don't just know it, but I've suffered it more than anyone else.
29:52The little medal is the worst thing I've had to live in this house.
29:55So you're going to understand my situation.
29:58Jesús became a beast when I suggested that he be admitted to a clinic.
30:03Did you tell him that?
30:04What? He would be safe.
30:06And attended by professionals. Do you think he's that crazy?
30:09But how dare you give him the opinion about something so delicate?
30:12It's Jesús.
30:13It seems you didn't know him.
30:15Of course, I've sinned naively.
30:18And in the afternoon I did it again because I told Andrés.
30:21My God.
30:23And he thought you did it to keep him away from Begoña.
30:26Is that so?
30:28I can't stand being the bad guy in the movie.
30:30And what did your husband tell you?
30:32I don't want to hear about getting Begoña out of the house.
30:36And I don't know if he says it for her or for him.
30:40I think, María, that you don't know how to see the advantages of this situation.
30:43At this moment, what you have to do is reinforce your role in this family.
30:48And how?
30:50Now everyone sees me as a jealous woman.
30:52Well, do the opposite.
30:54Get the best out of you.
30:56Show your compassion for Begoña, your concern for her.
30:59Become the opposite of what Andrés is thinking of you right now.
31:04You think so?
31:06Become his shadow, take care of her.
31:08Make everyone see that you are capable of sacrificing yourself for her.
31:11You'll see.
31:12You were only going to win this game.
31:21Come in.
31:26What happened?
31:27He fell in the courtyard.
31:28I tried to help him, but he fell on his arm.
31:30It's your fault, it's your fault, it's your big fault.
31:33But if he had gone barefoot, it would have been worse.
31:36It hurts a lot.
31:37Father, I need to explore this place.
31:39Father, I need to explore the arm.
31:41And I'm going to need you to take off your bra, if you don't mind.
31:44I can do it here, behind the shoulder.
31:53Take care of the promotion.
31:55At least this year.
31:56The cards are talking very clearly.
32:01And the tip?
32:10Look at her.
32:11Me here, breaking my back from sun to sun, behind the bar.
32:14When I could be perfectly earning my living here,
32:17sitting down and drinking coffee.
32:19No, I've made a mistake in my profession, of course.
32:22Pitonisa is born, it is not done.
32:24Either you have it or you don't have it, Gaspar.
32:26Whatever you say, Pepa.
32:29You think I'm a charlatan, right?
32:32Well, I can show you that you're wrong. Sit down.
32:35I accept the challenge.
32:37The fate of every man is written on the lines of his hand.
32:41Oh yeah?
32:42Well, the most you're going to read
32:44is the shortcut I made when I threw the trash.
32:47Come on, how do you paint my future?
32:49This is not going to be like that.
32:51You have to ask me a specific question.
32:53Well, I don't know.
32:59I understand.
33:02Let's see, I haven't said anything.
33:04Did you forget that I'm a pitonisa?
33:06Sure, but that's easy, man.
33:07Everyone is interested in love.
33:15I see...
33:16I hear...
33:18I see...
33:20But I see a woman.
33:22Yes, yes, look.
33:25It is very clear that a woman is going to enter your life, Gaspar.
33:29Look, here.
33:30And when is that going to be, more or less?
33:32Well, very soon, very soon.
33:37Well, this is it.
33:38It hasn't been for long, Father.
33:40This, when I was on the boat, I did it one day and another too.
33:42Well, who would say how it hurts?
33:44But if the doctor has been very fast, I'm sure it hurts less.
33:47You say it.
33:48I'm going to send him some analgesics for the pain.
33:51Well, go giving me one.
33:53Father, one important thing about the treatment.
33:56You should not mix alcohol with the pills.
33:58It would be very strong for the liver.
34:00Of course, because it takes me.
34:01And I need him to be for a few days with the headband on.
34:04So that he is at rest during the recovery.
34:06Is it necessary? Do I have to go to mass, visit the sick?
34:09I am a busy man.
34:11I can't consecrate the hosts or give communion with a single arm.
34:15I'm afraid you're going to need help to do all that.
34:18Help from whom?
34:20I don't know, don't you have a family member who can come and lend a hand?
34:23I don't have anyone.
34:25How am I going to dress or prepare the food?
34:28Look, I'm sure there will be a lot of people in town who are delighted to help you.
34:31Well, if he doesn't mind, I can help him.
34:34You don't help yourself?
34:36Well, I can delay the trip.
34:38No way.
34:39As you wish.
34:40It's just that now I feel bad because it was just when I was going to grab him.
34:46Here you go.
34:48This pain kills me.
34:59Remember that we both have to go to a sauna, okay?
35:02And don't show up, okay?
35:04Even if he looks at us with a proud lamb face.
35:06I already told you that the Sonsoles is a nanny.
35:08Now that she is single, it is convenient for her.
35:09As soon as she finds another one, you'll see.
35:13How are you?
35:14Well, I'm fine. I came to talk to Gaspar.
35:16Oh no, it was a very bad day today.
35:22Well, you can see for yourself.
35:25Who is that woman?
35:30His girlfriend.
35:31Of course.
35:32What do you mean his girlfriend?
35:34Oh, you didn't know, maybe.
35:36You know perfectly well that I didn't know.
35:38Are you laughing at me?
35:39No, no, no.
35:40Not at all, Sonsoles.
35:41But Gaspar is our friend and we have to tell you.
35:44He has fallen in love with another woman.
35:46We'll see about that.
35:47No, no, no.
35:48How are you going to bother him?
35:49For a while they have the poor.
35:51Look, Leslie, they are in love.
35:52A lot.
35:53It's better to leave things as they are.
35:54A temporary retirement is the most elegant.
35:56Of course.
35:57But I thought Gaspar was still interested in coming back to me.
36:01No, no, no.
36:02He has misinterpreted the signals.
36:06Yes, he's crazy about Pepa.
36:08Everyone knows that.
36:19It's Clarissa.
36:20How are you?
36:23Pepa just read my hands.
36:25And you know what?
36:27That the woman of my life is about to enter through that door.
36:30Come on, don't tell me.
36:33And when?
36:34Right now?
36:35Soon, soon, soon.
36:36Soon, soon.
36:37Well, we'll have to be attentive.
36:38Yes, yes, yes.
36:49Come in.
36:52Do you need something?
36:56I have prepared a consommé that will suit you wonderfully.
36:59I'm going to tell Teresa to bring you a cup.
37:02Your hands are cold.
37:04Bring it.
37:07How good you are always with me.
37:09You are good.
37:10And not just with me.
37:13With everyone.
37:14That's why I'm so sorry to see you like this.
37:16Without your natural joy as always.
37:21You don't know what you miss in the house.
37:24Especially Julia, who walks around all day.
37:26From one side to the other, asking for attention and affection.
37:31I'm sorry.
37:32I don't want to burden you with more weight than you already have.
37:38She's a wonderful girl, right?
37:41And she adores you.
37:43She is impatient for you to get well.
37:47I miss hearing her laugh so much.
37:50These days she doesn't laugh much.
37:53She is very worried about you.
37:55But she is a very cheerful girl like you.
37:58And since you are going to get well soon,
38:00the girl will smile again.
38:02And you too.
38:03You'll see.
38:07If you don't need anything else, I'm going to finish my homework.
38:11Tell me, wait.
38:13Wait, I do need something else.
38:15Tell me.
38:17I need you to swear to me that you will always take care of Julia.
38:20Of course.
38:21I will always take care of her.
38:22I adore that girl.
38:23No, Dina.
38:24If one day I'm not here,
38:26swear to me that you won't let go of her hand when she's afraid.
38:29And that you'll sleep with her if she feels lonely, please.
38:31Begoña, you're not going anywhere.
38:32This is your home.
38:33I need you to swear to me.
38:35Of course.
38:37Of course I swear to you.
38:39I'm going to take care of her as if she were my granddaughter.
38:42I'm going to take care of her and you.
38:45And now,
38:47I'll let you rest.
39:21This is a tragedy, Marta.
39:27I've always trusted you.
39:30And you can keep doing it.
39:33You've betrayed me.
39:34You've betrayed my trust.
39:36I haven't hurt anyone.
39:40I'm just in love.
39:41Shut up!
39:42Shut up and don't follow me because my stomach is rumbling.
39:46I can't believe my daughter is...
39:48Now I'm the one who's going to ask you to stop talking.
39:54I'm not going to let you insult me.
39:57Have you stopped to think
40:00what would happen if this came to light?
40:11You've told Father that you've given up on the prize.
40:14Did he say that?
40:16Yes, and it's not true.
40:19What's more, the fact is that I'm not going to take it.
40:23And that's it?
40:24There's no more explanation?
40:26No, I've given up and that's it.
40:30And why?
40:32Because now I have other priorities.
40:35Andrés, don't give him any more ideas.
40:37Come on, Marta.
40:39I'm your favorite brother.
40:40Do you remember?
40:42Believe me, right now I remember more than ever.
40:46The stew was delicious.
40:49Wait, I'll help you pick it up.
40:50Hey, don't move, you're our guest.
40:53You've helped me, Gemma.
40:54I wouldn't have been able to do it alone with the noise of the house.
40:56It's a shame you didn't come to accompany us.
40:59Don't worry, the food has been great.
41:02I'm very grateful, really.
41:04I'm not anymore.
41:05I was wondering why my son was so determined to live a lonely life.
41:10Maybe because he hadn't found the right person yet.
41:12Look, he's the one we know.
41:14How is fate, right?
41:16When you least expect it, the person who will change your life forever appears.
41:21But you have to take care of love.
41:23Things don't stay alone.
41:25Not so much.
41:27Although I believe, Luis,
41:29that with a woman like her, you're going to have it very easy.
41:32In addition to being beautiful, understanding, she's very intelligent.
41:36Dignam, stop, please.
41:37She's going to hit me.
41:38And she has a lot of sense of humor.
41:39Well, mother, leave something for me, right?
41:41She's giving everything to her.
41:42Do you want coffee?
41:45It would be good for me to wake up a little before going back to work.
41:47I'll bring it right now.
41:51Does it have to do with Jesus?
41:52Has he asked you directly?
41:53Jesus will do a great job collecting that award.
41:56It will be father who collects it and not him.
41:59Marta, what's going on?
42:00I need a convincing explanation this time.
42:02It's happening as usual.
42:03You can't breathe in this house, Andrés.
42:05What does that mean?
42:07That we live in a golden cage and that we are supposed to have everything.
42:10Because we have service, driver,
42:12a lot of cars, an incredible house with a beautiful garden.
42:16But none of this is free.
42:18Marta, you're scaring me.
42:21In exchange for a life full of luxuries, we have to realize,
42:23hide what we feel,
42:25put on a good face,
42:27give up our freedoms,
42:28make decisions,
42:30to be who we really could be.
42:32You know?
42:34If I could, I would leave here forever.
42:37I would break everything and start from scratch somewhere else.
42:42I would go far away from this damn place and this strange character
42:45in which I have become to survive among those of the queen.
42:49Marta, can you trust me and tell me what all this is about, please?
42:52This family is a big farce. I don't know who is who anymore.
42:57And I can't take it anymore.
43:05What a beautiful couple.
43:06I had my three children there already.
43:09Do you like hydrangeas?
43:11It's my favorite flower.
43:13My husband gave me a bouquet on every special occasion.
43:19And this is Luis?
43:21When he was little, he already had a bouquet.
43:24He was always picking flowers.
43:25Look how chubby he is.
43:26Well, okay.
43:27Mother, please.
43:28He was with you.
43:29How is this?
43:30He was great.
43:31The next day, do you bring your album?
43:36Well, I...
43:39That's going to be a little difficult, Lidia.
43:42My parents died in an accident.
43:45And I grew up in an orphanage until the Borrell family adopted me.
43:48I'm very sorry, daughter.
43:49Don't worry.
43:51I hardly keep photos of my childhood.
43:54My adoptive family also died a long time ago.
43:58And why were you interested in medicine?
44:01My adoptive father was a doctor.
44:03And I became interested in the profession little by little.
44:05I deeply admire women who go to university.
44:08I would have liked it, but...
44:11Where did you study your degree? In Barcelona?
44:14Yes, in Barcelona.
44:15Of course.
44:16And how many women were there in your promotion?
44:18Few, right?
44:19Well, okay, no.
44:20I mean, with the interrogation.
44:22We are there...
44:23No, no, no.
44:24I don't want to do an interrogation.
44:26For God's sake.
44:27No, no.
44:28I'm sorry.
44:29You don't have to.
44:30I should go back to the pantry.
44:33The food has been great.
44:34Thank you, Salda.
44:36Here is your house.
44:38And good afternoon.
44:50What happened?
44:52Nothing, mother.
44:53What's going to happen?
44:55Are you sure?
44:56Yes, mother.
44:57Please, what's going to happen?
44:58I have to go to work.
44:59I'm going to go up to my room for some documents and I'm leaving.
45:05Mr. Agustin?
45:08Mr. Agustin?
45:12Don't shout.
45:13Lower your voice.
45:14What do you want?
45:15Are you going to be my fucking fly or what?
45:17No, I'm not your fucking fly.
45:19I just came to see how you are.
45:21Well, you see me.
45:22Discharged and with a hangover.
45:23But with the remains to fulfill my obligations.
45:25And now it's time to give a mass of five.
45:27Your suitcase.
45:28Are you going to leave at once?
45:31No, no, no.
45:32Let's see, Mr. Agustin.
45:33I come in peace.
45:36What are you looking for?
45:37I don't trust you.
45:38You have more assets than a Russian mountain.
45:41Have you already regretted your idea of ​​leaving?
45:44Well, no.
45:45But I can't leave him like that.
45:47Like what?
45:48Well, he's not in a condition to give a mass.
45:51Besides, I don't know if he's going to be able to move.
45:53Again with those.
45:54I don't need your help.
45:55You did a lot by taking me to the dispensary.
45:57So you have already fulfilled your obligation.
45:59You did a lot by taking me to the dispensary.
46:01So you have already fulfilled your obligation.
46:03Go in peace.
46:05Why don't you listen to the doctor?
46:06And take a few days off.
46:09What do you want?
46:10Give a mass you.
46:12Well, only if you think it's good.
46:14I see you pretty bad.
46:16I'm in a high, but I can stand it.
46:18Physical pain is not important.
46:21And the sense of sacrifice is our obligation.
46:25I could replace him until he recovers.
46:27But let's see, Mateo.
46:29Are you good or stupid directly?
46:32I just want to help.
46:33Good or stupid, that's what you're saying.
46:36Stupid, maybe not.
46:38I see you coming more well, smarty.
46:40You have hidden intentions.
46:42Look, that's enough.
46:44I'm not going to continue to indulge in impertinences.
46:46With God.
46:55I got caught in the mass.
47:12Only today.
47:15Come on.
47:30Come in.
47:37Hi, Begoña.
47:39Hi, honey.
47:42What are you doing?
47:47I was looking at my jewels.
47:49They are very beautiful.
47:53Didn't your mother take that medal?
48:04Now it's too big for you, but one day it will be perfect.
48:08But it's yours, Begoña.
48:10But one day it will be yours.
48:12No, I don't want it.
48:15You give me this so that when you are not I have a memory of you, right?
48:20Julia, I will always be with you.
48:22Begoña, tell me the truth.
48:25Why do you ask me that?
48:27Why did you ask Adina to take care of me when you are not?
48:32You can't go, you hear me?
48:34I'm not going to let them take you to a hospital like your mother.
48:37I'm going to take care of you, I'll do whatever it takes.
48:39Julia, my love.
48:42I'm not going to any hospital.
48:44So where are you going?
48:48You can't go, you can't leave me here alone.
48:50I would die without you, I would die.
48:52Come here, come here, come here.
49:03I'm not going to leave you.
49:06Swear it.
49:08I swear it.
49:22For God's sake.
49:23Not now, Marta.
49:24Stop looking at those photos.
49:26They are made to betray and with the sole intention of hurting me.
49:29You yourself realized how dangerous it was to take the girl.
49:32The decision is made.
49:33The girl is coming with me.
49:35I'm not going to leave her.
49:36Damn, I see a lot of suffering here.
49:39You have crossed a line that is too dangerous, Marta.
49:41Something that does not agree with your religious values.
49:45Your mother is a swindler.
49:47She wanted to show her interest in me.
49:50I have answered everything she has asked me.
49:52Well, Gaspar, I'm glad you're dating a girl.
49:57But what do you mean a girl?
49:59I mean, a girl?
50:01They have to be here.
50:06For God's sake, what a scare.
50:07What are you doing here?
50:08Someone has taken some photos of us walking around engaged.
50:11And he has sent them.
50:13Oh my God.
50:14So everything is over.
50:16Come on, don't be a child and take it.
50:17I don't feel like it.
50:18Take it without joking, you look like Julia now.
50:20Come on.
50:21You like to set up the little number, huh?
50:22He feels bad for having to lie to his mother.
50:24And I feel terrible too.
50:26He is in the pool.
50:27I have not gone crazy.
50:28I hate you, I hate you.
50:29Let me go.
50:31Julia is not in the water.
