バナナマンの早起きせっかくグルメ!! 2024年8月25日 設楽さんが忘れられない思い出の町中華を大捜索

  • 2 weeks ago
バナナマンの早起きせっかくグルメ!! 2024年8月25日 設楽さんが忘れられない思い出の町中華を大捜索
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Watch delicious gourmet food, make you hungry, and eat the best breakfast for everyone!
00:08The show is called...
00:19Banana Man's Fast and Furious Gourmet!
00:25Good morning!
00:26Banana Man's Fast and Furious Gourmet, I'm your host, Bananaman Hitaro.
00:30I'm Himura Yuki.
00:31And I'm Himura-san.
00:32Thank you for having us.
00:33Watch delicious gourmet food, make you hungry, and eat the best breakfast for everyone!
00:40As you can see, we're hungry just by watching this week's show.
00:44We've received a lot of gourmet photos, so let's take a look at them.
00:47Let's go.
00:48This is a post by Tsuyudaku Daisuki from Hitachi City, Ibaraki Prefecture.
00:52The title is...
00:54Let's go.
00:55Photo, go!
01:01Isn't it tempura tempura?
01:03There are two of them.
01:05I wonder if one is tendon.
01:07I wonder.
01:09It looks like shamoji.
01:10What is this?
01:12What does this mean?
01:13This is a post by Tsuyudaku Daisuki.
01:15A 50-year-old man.
01:17This is a post by Miso Latte from Hitachi City, Ibaraki Prefecture.
01:21This is a post by Miso Latte from Hitachi City, Ibaraki Prefecture.
01:24What is this?
01:25Is this a comparison of tendon?
01:27Does it mean that the ingredients are different?
01:30About a year ago, when a tendon restaurant was established near our office, it became a hot topic.
01:34I went to the restaurant with my co-worker.
01:37I ordered a sauce flavor and a salt flavor.
01:40The colors are different.
01:42I ordered a menu where you can taste two kinds of tendon at the same time.
01:46That's amazing.
01:47There's no such thing.
01:48Chicken, sweet potato, eggplant, bell pepper, and mackerel have lotus root tempura on them.
01:53The salt flavor is refreshing with lemon.
01:55Salt flavor?
01:56It's probably on the right.
01:57It's got lemon on it.
01:58The mackerel tempura, which is deep-fried locally, is so crispy and fluffy that I've never tasted it before.
02:05It's very satisfying to eat.
02:07Chicken and mackerel are on both tendons.
02:09Especially the salt-flavored mackerel tendon was delicious.
02:14I've never eaten a salt-flavored tendon.
02:17I've never seen it.
02:18I've eaten tempura with salt.
02:20It's got a lot of volume.
02:22I've never seen a tendon like this.
02:25I've never seen it.
02:26If you don't eat a lot of this, you won't be able to eat a lot of tempura.
02:32That's true.
02:33Is it a small bowl?
02:36I think so.
02:37Is the rice a little light?
02:39I don't think so.
02:42It looks delicious.
02:43I want to go there.
02:46Thank you very much.
02:48This is for Mr. Chiraku.
02:51It's amazing.
02:52It says, scoop a super ball.
02:54It's a super ball scoop today.
02:57I prepared it.
02:58Did you do this?
02:59I did it last year, too.
03:01Let me explain.
03:03There's a number on the inside of the super ball.
03:07If you scoop a ball with that number, the number on this panel will open.
03:11The same number.
03:13There's a famous person whose birthday is August 25th.
03:19Please guess who it is.
03:21This is a super ball scoop.
03:23This is a Poi scoop.
03:26There are three Poi.
03:28If you break it, it's over.
03:30Did you bring Poi?
03:31Do I have to bring Poi?
03:33Wait a minute.
03:34Then you can't do it.
03:36I can't do it without Mai Poi.
03:38Isn't your nail sweet?
03:40I thought that might happen, so I prepared Poi.
03:43That's the only way.
03:45Why do you have Poi now?
03:47Give me Poi.
03:49This is Poi.
03:50This is Poi.
03:51You can use three of these.
03:54So I'd like to do it.
03:57You can see the number on the super ball.
04:02The good thing is that the big one is good, but the big one is difficult to scoop.
04:07That's right.
04:08It's difficult.
04:09Mr. Himura.
04:10New rules have been added this year.
04:16Is that all?
04:21What is this?
04:24It's a chance ball.
04:27There are two chance balls.
04:28What is a chance ball?
04:29If you take this, you can open two of your favorite places.
04:35Can I take this?
04:36I will take this.
04:37I will definitely aim for this.
04:38Chance ball.
04:40But this is big and difficult.
04:43There's water in it, so it's heavy.
04:46Let's go.
04:49Super ball scooping.
04:51Let's start.
04:52Let's start from here.
04:58I got it.
05:00Let's open it.
05:01Can I?
05:03Number 9.
05:05I got a good one.
05:06Let's go.
05:09I don't know if it's a man or a woman.
05:13I haven't opened it yet.
05:15I'll take another one.
05:19I got two.
05:21That's amazing.
05:22What number is it?
05:24Number 10 and number 2.
05:25Number 10.
05:26Number 10.
05:27It doesn't make sense.
05:29Number 10 and number 2.
05:33Small ones are like this.
05:36Can you still take it?
05:37I can take another one.
05:38You can.
05:39You're good.
05:40This one is stronger than the last one.
05:43Is it?
05:48That's amazing.
05:49What number is it?
05:50Number 4.
05:52Don't go there.
05:55I got it.
05:57I've seen this before.
06:00Do you know what this is?
06:03Who is the famous person on his birthday?
06:08I've seen this before.
06:10Do you know what this is?
06:14Yagai Yokota.
06:18I haven't opened it yet.
06:19I can take a lot.
06:22Can I take these two?
06:24What number is it?
06:25This one.
06:29This is the second one.
06:31I'll use the chance ball.
06:36That was close.
06:37I can't use the chance ball.
06:39You can't?
06:40I have to take this one.
06:41It's a waste.
06:42I'll take these two.
06:45He took three.
06:46There are two numbers.
06:47This one.
06:48Number 11 and number 7.
06:52Number 11.
06:54Number 7.
06:57His hair is...
07:01I don't know what this is.
07:04This is still strong.
07:05There are 12 and 13.
07:07There are 13 and 14.
07:08I'll go with the strong one.
07:10Are you going for the big one?
07:12Otherwise, it's impossible.
07:16Oh, no.
07:20This is the last one.
07:22The key is how to use the new one.
07:26Are you going for the chance ball?
07:29The chance ball is heavy.
07:32Can I use this one?
07:34No, you can't.
07:35You can't take it by hand.
07:37You have to use the chance ball.
07:42I used this one.
07:45No, you didn't.
07:47I used this one.
07:49You can't do that at this moment.
07:52This is okay.
07:56It's heavy.
07:58It's very heavy.
08:00It's very heavy.
08:01Can I open two?
08:03Number 12.
08:04Can I open this one?
08:06I'll go with the first one.
08:08There are 13 and 14.
08:12I'll go with number 13.
08:13Which one?
08:14Number 13.
08:15Number 13.
08:16Here I go.
08:22I know what it is.
08:23I know what it is.
08:24Did you get it?
08:25Buruzon Chiemi.
08:27It's not.
08:29I'm sorry.
08:32It's Buruzon.
08:33It looks like Buruzon Chiemi.
08:35It's not.
08:36I have to go again.
08:37Is it still alive?
08:38Yes, it is.
08:39What should I do?
08:40I have to open 14 or something.
08:42That's right.
08:4314, 18 or 19.
08:45Let's go with 14.
08:47It's a little big.
08:51Can I open it?
08:55Damn, it ended in a different location.
08:57I'm not so happy about that.
08:59I know.
09:00I don't get this.
09:04It says, help and rescue.
09:07It says, I have a chance.
09:10You should use it.
09:12I'll go with I have a chance.
09:16Do you have a voice?
09:18You didn't bring it from home, did you?
09:20No, I didn't.
09:22You can use this one time, but where do you want to open it?
09:27It's pretty strong, so I want to get a chance.
09:30Do you want to get a chance?
09:32I understand.
09:33Are you good at it?
09:34Yes, I'm good at it.
09:37Give me a chance.
09:38Yes, I understand.
09:39You're good at it.
09:42It would be great if you get a chance.
09:44Here I go.
09:52Okay, nice, nice, nice.
09:54Thank you, thank you, thank you.
09:55Nice, nice.
09:56I wonder what the silence is like the moment you get it.
10:00All right.
10:01Okay, two cards.
10:02What will you do?
10:03Eighteen and...
10:04Do you want to go here first?
10:09This looks really good on Bruce's team.
10:13If I get 14, I'll go for it.
10:16It's an eye.
10:27This is bad.
10:28I really don't know.
10:29Who is this?
10:30It looks like you still have a chance.
10:31You haven't lost it yet.
10:32Hey, Arima-kun.
10:35Nineteen, yes.
10:36Well, if 19 is dangerous,
10:38you can go for anything.
10:40You can go for 23 or 24.
10:42If it's 24, I think I can do it.
10:44Can you do it?
10:46I think this is your last chance.
10:51Oh, you lost it, but you got it.
10:53Okay, okay, 24.
10:57Oh, I can see the mouth.
11:06Who is this?
11:10It might be a different way of thinking.
11:13Bruce's team...
11:16Here it is.
11:17Naomi Watanabe!
11:20Oh, it's not?
11:21It's not.
11:22Too bad.
11:23I have no idea.
11:25Who is this?
11:26Today is August 25th, your birthday.
11:30I can't tell even if I take it off.
11:36Who is this?
11:38I'm so rude.
11:39I have no idea.
11:41You said it, but it's not a photo.
11:46Junko Koshino?
11:47Yes, correct!
11:48I'm sorry.
11:51The correct answer is Junko Koshino.
11:54I had no idea.
11:55Oh, really?
11:56She looks like Chiemi Buruzon.
11:58I saw her on TV.
12:00I'm sorry, Koshino.
12:01I'm sorry.
12:03I had no idea.
12:04Happy birthday.
12:09You got it right.
12:11I had no idea.
12:13You had no idea.
12:15To Daisuke Tsudaku, this is a gift for you.
12:20I'll give it to you.
12:22Please take it.
12:25You had no idea.
12:26It's hard.
12:28It came out of nowhere.
12:31If you're hungry just by looking at these pictures, please send them to us.
12:36For more information, please visit our website or our official SNS.
12:40Thank you for waiting.
12:43Let's move on.
12:45This is a special program about me, Chitara.
12:48First, please look at this.
12:51It was about 10 months ago.
12:5410 months ago?
12:56This is a special program about Shorin Shoujo Gourmet.
13:00Chitara's comment was the reason why I watched Ginger Roast's VTR.
13:08I used to live in Karaseyama, Chitose.
13:13It was a little far from my house.
13:14There was a ramen shop in front of 7-Eleven.
13:17There was a course to go to 7-Eleven by ramen.
13:22At that ramen shop, I was 19 years old.
13:25I used to eat ramen and rice with ginger roast.
13:31It was a little sweet.
13:34Ramen was delicious.
13:36But, I think that ramen shop closed down on the way.
13:40When I lived in Karaseyama.
13:43I often think that I can't eat that ramen for the rest of my life.
13:48I don't even remember the name of the shop.
13:51I don't even know the owner of the shop.
13:53I want to eat the ramen and rice with ginger roast that I ate at that time.
13:58I always think that I can't eat that ramen for the rest of my life.
14:02But, I can't eat that ramen for the rest of my life.
14:04This story continued in the dressing room after the recording.
14:09He was like a young man.
14:11I think he was young.
14:12I think he was doing it alone.
14:16He started to draw a map to remember that time.
14:21Did you look for this?
14:23I went to a supermarket when I was a university student.
14:27Did you go to a supermarket?
14:30There was a 7-Eleven around here.
14:32There was a ramen shop on the ground floor.
14:36I think there was a ramen shop in front of the shop.
14:40I think it moved on the way.
14:44I think it was more than 30 years ago.
14:47I think it was more than 30 years ago.
14:53After receiving this information, the staff started to move.
15:00I want to eat the ramen and rice with ginger roast that I ate at that time.
15:05I want to eat the ramen and rice with ginger roast that I ate at that time.
15:09I will give you a special project to make your wish come true.
15:16Is that true?
15:19It's been a long time ago.
15:22It's been 10 months since that story.
15:24Did you look for this?
15:26It's a special project.
15:28Let's do it.
15:29Let's look for the memory of SHITARAO.
15:34That's great.
15:37Please do this.
15:39I said this in the program.
15:44I'm happy even if I don't have this.
15:47I'm glad you found this.
15:49It's a story that doesn't exist in V.
15:52I can't eat this anymore.
15:55Did you do this?
15:58Actually, this is my job.
16:00I was promoted to director the other day.
16:03I did this project for the first time.
16:06Is this your first time as a director?
16:08That's great.
16:09It's a very difficult project.
16:13I went to Karasuyama many times last year.
16:20I did a lot of interviews.
16:23I'm glad.
16:25Let's go.
16:26Everyone, please go with me.
16:28Please watch the video.
16:30It's a special project.
16:32Let's look for the memory of SHITARAO.
16:36It's been 30 years.
16:38It was 32 years ago.
16:40It was 1992.
16:42SHITARAO used to live here when he was 19 years old.
16:46He moved to SHITOSE KARASUYAMA.
16:49By the way, this is the scenery in front of the station where SHITARAO lived.
16:56The station building and shops have changed.
17:00But there are still traces of that time.
17:05It's like this.
17:07However, a large-scale construction is underway at SHITOSE KARASUYAMA station.
17:14That's right.
17:15The development of SHITASE KARASUYAMA will change its appearance in the near future.
17:23Let's start looking for SHITARAO's memory in SHITOSE KARASUYAMA.
17:30This is my first job as a director.
17:33You have a lot of luck.
17:35First, let's go to the supermarket where SHITARAO worked part-time at that time.
17:39Let's go to the oil store.
17:43Let's walk to the palace of KOSHUKAIDO on the map.
17:50I live there.
17:52Let's go to the intersection where the oil store is.
17:57There is an oil store.
17:59I came to the intersection.
18:03There is no supermarket here.
18:07There is a FAMILY MART on the map that SHITARAO drew.
18:16There is a store name.
18:19It says OIL STORE.
18:22Is there a counter?
18:25Let's go to the FAMILY MART to find out the truth.
18:31I'm sorry.
18:33I make TV programs on TVS TV.
18:37I have a question.
18:40Does this store have anything to do with the oil store?
18:45Before the FAMILY MART, there was a supermarket called OIL STORE.
18:50How many years ago was the FAMILY MART?
18:53The FAMILY MART was established 12 years ago.
18:57I don't know that.
18:58Can I talk to you for a moment?
19:00It's okay.
19:02Let's ask the store manager, IKEKAME, about the story of the oil store.
19:13He is my son.
19:17Is this the place where SHITARAO used to work?
19:22That's right.
19:25Does IKEKAME have an acquaintance with SHITARAO?
19:29I was working with him when I was 20 years old.
19:35That's right.
19:37Actually, the oil store was a shop that IKEKAME's family had been running for a long time.
19:44At that time, the oil store was a supermarket in the city where liquor sales were the main.
19:51In addition, SHITARAO's father and mother, who were the owners of the part-time job at that time, asked IKEKAME's parents about the story.
20:01That's right.
20:03That's nostalgic.
20:06SHITARAO was about 20 years old.
20:08That's right.
20:10SHITARAO was working at my house as a car driver for MASAKI WATANABE.
20:17What was your impression of SHITARAO 32 years ago?
20:22SHITARAO had a lot of part-time jobs, so he was the first one.
20:28SHITARAO was a kind person.
20:30He was kind in every way.
20:33When SHITARAO was working at my house, he was my assistant.
20:39SHITARAO and SHITARAO were working together.
20:44SHITARAO was told that SHITARAO would be taken to SHITARAO's father's job if SHITARAO didn't retire by the age of 25.
20:51SHITARAO was told that SHITARAO had to do his best in everything.
20:55I've heard that story many times.
20:58What do you think of SHITARAO's current activities?
21:01I think it's wonderful.
21:05SHITARAO is a good speaker.
21:08SHITARAO is a good speaker.
21:10SHITARAO is a good speaker.
21:12SHITARAO is a good speaker.
21:16I've never imagined SHITARAO would be so great.
21:18SHITARAO is not great.
21:20I'm proud of SHITARAO for working at my house.
21:26Thank you very much.
21:30SHITARAO was very sincere at that time.
21:33SHITARAO was very sincere at that time.
21:35SHITARAO was very sincere at that time.
21:37SHITARAO was very sincere at that time.
21:41I'm looking for a ramen shop opposite 7-Eleven.
21:49Is 7-Eleven still open?
21:51It's closed now.
21:53It's closed now.
21:55Is that so?
21:577-Eleven has changed a lot.
22:037-Eleven has changed a lot in 30 years.
22:077-Eleven has changed a lot in 30 years.
22:09Is the building where the ramen shop used to be still there?
22:13Is the building where the ramen shop used to be still there?
22:14It's the same as it was at that time.
22:16Do you know where the shop is?
22:19I don't know.
22:21I've never been there.
22:23I see.
22:25Unfortunately, SHITARAO didn't know the details of the ramen shop.
22:30Thank you very much.
22:34Thank you very much.
22:36Thank you for your cooperation.
22:38It's nostalgic.
22:40Next, let's go to 7-Eleven, where SHITARAO often stopped by at that time.
22:45Next, let's go to 7-Eleven, where SHITARAO often stopped by at that time.
22:46This is the road.
22:47This is the road.
22:49This is the place where 7-Eleven was.
22:51This is the place where 7-Eleven was.
22:52This is the place where 7-Eleven was.
22:53There is a coin laundry shop.
22:54This is strange.
22:56The location where the coin laundry shop is now is a place where 7-Eleven, which was on SHITARAO's course, was open until six years ago.
23:08It's changed.
23:09It's changed.
23:10When you look at the opposite side of the location...
23:13There are several shops in the neighborhood.
23:16There are several tenants standing on the first floor of the apartment.
23:23I'm sure this is the place where Shitara-san had a memory of waiting.
23:31And in that store...
23:35There is a ramen shop.
23:39So, let's ask this ramen shop.
23:46I'm looking for a ramen shop that was in this line 32 years ago.
23:53How many years has this ramen shop been in operation?
23:58We opened in March of 1923, so it's been a little over a year.
24:06By the way, do you know the ramen shop that opened 32 years ago?
24:12I don't know if it was 30 years ago.
24:18If it's a real estate agency next door, it's a little old, so maybe...
24:26Let's ask around.
24:31So, next to the ramen shop,
24:36Let's ask the real estate agency.
24:41Excuse me. This is a program called Banana Man's Early Awakening.
24:46I'm looking for a ramen shop that was on the first floor of this apartment 32 years ago.
24:53By the way, how many years has this ramen shop been in operation?
24:58It's been about 30 years.
25:04This Management of Space is a real estate agency that opened in 1994.
25:12It's almost the same age as Banana Man.
25:17Do you remember a ramen shop?
25:21I remember. There was one.
25:24What's the store name?
25:27I don't know.
25:31Even with the power of the real estate agency in the new store, we can't get any powerful information.
25:40We use it a lot, but it's released every year.
25:44There's a map with all the details.
25:47If you look at it, you might be able to figure it out by the time of the year.
25:52Did you write down the name of the store?
25:54Of course.
25:56Thank you very much.
25:58That's good information.
26:00So, 32 years ago, I checked the map of 1992.
26:10This is a video store.
26:17Is there a video store?
26:19This is a Chinese restaurant.
26:26I think it's a Chinese restaurant that sells ramen.
26:30Next to it is a modern housing.
26:33It's a real estate agency.
26:38This is a bento shop.
26:44This is a noodle shop.
26:47This is also a noodle shop, so it's probably a ramen shop.
26:54Next year, I checked the map of 1993.
27:02The noodle shop in 1992 was changed to a different name on the map of 1995.
27:12According to Mr. Shitara's memory,
27:16I think the ramen shop disappeared on the way.
27:20When I lived in Karase.
27:23The ramen shop disappeared on the way.
27:26That means...
27:28Mr. Shitara's memory is definitely a noodle shop.
27:35That's right.
27:37So, let's go to Chitose Karase again.
27:41I've been there many times.
27:43Good luck, Arima.
27:45First of all, we go to the store diagonally.
27:51Mr. Omura.
27:52Let's go to Mr. Omura Soba.
27:54I think I know him.
27:56I've heard about you.
28:01How many years has Omura been in business?
28:05It's been 68 years, so it's been about 20 years.
28:11That's right.
28:13Mr. Omura has been living in Chitose Karase for more than 20 years.
28:20He is particular about KAMOSEI SOBA.
28:25It's not just a classic Katsudon.
28:29It's a noodle shop with a full-volume set menu.
28:35It looks delicious.
28:36I want to eat it at Smooth Criminal.
28:39It's been more than 30 years.
28:41Mr. Omura used to live in this neighborhood.
28:45He is looking for a noodle shop that he used to go to.
28:51I've heard of a noodle shop.
28:55But I've never been there, so I don't know.
28:59Are there any other noodle shops other than Mr. Omura?
29:10There is a noodle shop called Shishido Concrete in my hometown.
29:14It's been more than 70 years.
29:17If you are interested in it, you may find it.
29:21If it's this person, he might be eating.
29:25This is also in the neighborhood of Mr. Omura.
29:30Let's ask Mr. Shishido Concrete.
29:34I've never been in this.
29:36How many years has Shishido Concrete been in business?
29:40It's been 70 years.
29:44It's been more than 70 years.
29:46It's been more than 30 years.
29:48Is there a shop called Menkuitei?
29:51I know Menkuitei.
29:53There used to be Seven-Eleven.
29:55Now there is Coin Land.
29:57There was a shop in front of Seven-Eleven.
30:01What I remember is a young brother.
30:06Basically, it was at night.
30:11I was doing what I was doing at that time.
30:17I found a person who knew Menkuitei at that time.
30:24I also went there at night.
30:28I heard that he was from Kumamoto.
30:33I heard that he left Kumamoto and returned to Kumamoto.
30:42After leaving the shop, the owner of Menkuitei got information that he returned to Kumamoto.
30:52Do you know where he went from there?
30:55I don't know.
30:58Unfortunately, the owner of Menkuitei returned to Kumamoto, so he doesn't know the details.
31:04Oh, no.
31:06Is it closed?
31:07I think it's closed.
31:09To get more information there,
31:12It took about 10 months to get more than 200 people to Chitose Karasuya.
31:18I'm sorry.
31:20Unfortunately, the owner of Menkuitei couldn't get more information than that he returned to Kumamoto.
31:27However, we will continue to investigate.
31:30That's great.
31:31Thank you very much.
31:32I'm curious about this.
31:36So he couldn't get there.
31:38That's right.
31:39But it's been more than 30 years.
31:43That's the most information that he returned to Kumamoto.
31:48That's right.
31:50Thank you very much.
31:52I didn't expect you to find such a thin piece of information.
31:56Did you also go to an oil shop?
31:58Yes, I did.
32:01Thank you for your help.
32:05When I have a break, I always get rice balls and sandwiches.
32:11I did a lot of research other than VTR.
32:15I got along with the president of the palace in Chitose Karasuyama.
32:20He told me to come there because there were many people living in the area.
32:24Did you get in here?
32:27It's a very difficult place to get in.
32:30That's great.
32:31Did you go here?
32:34Did you go to the festival?
32:37I went to an event called NIINAMESAI.
32:41You can't go here.
32:43You can live in Chitose Karasuyama.
32:45You get along with the people in the area.
32:48I'm very grateful.
32:51I'm happy.
32:52I didn't expect you to do this.
32:54I will continue to investigate.
32:56If possible, I would like to ask various people for help.
33:00Can I ask you a question?
33:02About 30 years ago, I was in Chitose Karasuyama.
33:07I would like to ask the viewers for information about SHITARA NO OMOIDE.
33:15That's fine.
33:17I don't care if it's a little information.
33:21Please let me taste the ramen and rice.
33:26I'm sorry.
33:29That's fine.
33:31I don't care.
33:33I don't care anything.
33:36There is an application form on the program website.
33:41Please send it there.
33:43Or please post it on the official website.
33:47I would like to ask those who do not know this program to provide information.
33:50Please repost the program's official website and spread it.
33:57I'm sorry.
34:01I'm looking forward to it.
34:05That's all for today.
34:07How was it?
34:09Are you hungry?
34:11I want to eat ramen.
34:13Have a good breakfast.
34:18Please subscribe to our channel and give us a high rating.
