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Magnesium prevents muscle spasms of the heart blood vessels, which can lead to a high blood pressure and a heart attack. Magnesium prevents calcium buildup in cholesterol plaque in arteries, which leads to clogged arteries. Magnesium levels are inversely associated with cardiovascular disease risk. Magnesium also helps direct calcium into the bones and out of the soft tissue within the body.

00:00Our bodies need blood circulation, and what we're going to do today is I'm going to show you and educate you on how you can get better blood circulation to your lower extremities throughout your body.
00:15The majority of us who have circulatory problems are definitely to our legs and feet. We're going to focus with that today.
00:22I'm going to give you great exercises that you can utilize at home. They're very simple. Regardless of what age you are, you'll be able to do these exercises. They will definitely help you.
00:35I'm also going to touch on nutrition, certain foods that will help increase more circulation, as well as supplements. What are the best supplements or nutrients, vitamins that you could be taking to help accelerate that blood circulation into your legs?
00:52I hope you're ready. I am. Let's go.
00:56When it comes to burning, tingling, numbness, cramping, swelling in our legs, swelling in our ankles, heaviness in our legs, difficulty getting up, walking, these are all circulatory issues.
01:09One of the greatest things we can do is get into a chair. When we lift up on our toes, the back of our calves contract, squeezing on those veins, bringing the blood circulation up. When we go back on our heels, the muscles in the front of our legs contract.
01:24Let's just go up and down, just like this. You don't need to wear shoes if you're at home, but you may want to do this if you're on an airplane. Great for circulation when you're traveling, when you're not at home. Just this position is one of the greatest things that we can do for our circulation, pumping the blood back up to our heart.
01:43We'll spend just about a minute and a half, two minutes doing this. Then we're going to take our toes and our feet and just tap like this. The tapping, the vibration, this vibration stimulates the brain, stimulates nerves that go back up in the legs. As we do this, we're utilizing our hip flexors, utilizing different muscles in our leg. We'll tap like that for about a minute.
02:09The other thing we want to do is we want to take our legs up like this and do little circles. Then after about 30 seconds or so, we'll go the opposite way. This is a great stimulator. You'll do the opposite leg. Little circles, try to keep your leg up, and then we'll go the opposite way.
02:28Many people have circulatory issues, have weak quads. A great exercise we can do is just simple leg extension that will increase our circulation, utilize different muscles, going back up to the heart. The circulation is just extend our leg out, hold it there, contract the quad, hold it there for three seconds, come back down. Contract, three seconds, come back down.
02:54You're going to want to do both legs. Remember, if you have a problem in one leg more than the other, you still want to do both legs. It's very important.
03:02While you're sitting in the chair, you can do this laying on the floor if you want, but if you sit in the chair and hold on, you can put your hands under your hamstrings, the back of your thighs, and you're going to kick like this, like a scissors.
03:16This scissor kick is extremely good because we're utilizing our entire legs for our circulation, good for aerobic activity, good for your heart. This is great for those people who can't do a lot of walking because you may have some hip issues or knee problems.
03:33The little scissors, just like this, and the key is try to get your hands underneath your thighs. It makes it much easier. You can go a lot longer. You'll see after a few minutes, your heart will tell you you're feeling a difference.
03:51While we're focusing with the feet, let's curl our toes like this, just like I'm showing you with my fingers, and release it. Curl the toes, release it. Curl the toes, release it. Curl the toes. Do that 30 seconds.
04:05Now I want you to spread the toes. Spread them best you can. Go back, spread them again, go back, spread them again. Do that for 30 seconds as well.
04:16If you have a tennis ball, trick or point ball, little spikes on it, or a big rolled up ball that's hard like this, you can put them under your feet. I'll just use one of them, and just roll it back and forth.
04:30Stimulating this, stimulating underneath the feet is extremely healthy for you. It does many neurological things. The nerves affect the blood vessels, and it's very soothing, very relaxing.
04:42If it's up on your bed or on the floor, get your feet up, up on the wall, up on the bed, on the wall near there. This brings all that swelling back to the heart.
04:52Then we start moving our feet up and down, side to side. You can take your feet, and you can go ahead and glide it up against the wall, just like this.
05:01Very stimulating, gets a lot of movement in the knees, the quads, the calves. You can be creative. You can take your knees and your feet, particularly your feet, and tap them together.
05:13Excellent. Great stimulator, great for circulation. This brings all the lymphatic fluid back to the heart, all that congestion out. If you're having a lot of swelling in the ankles, the legs, it's a great, great rejuvenator.
05:27Do this just a couple minutes, it'll make a big difference.
05:30And when you're on your bed or you're on the couch, or if you want to get on the floor, do some heel slides.
05:36Lay on your back, one knee bent, the other foot on the ground, and just slide back and forth like this, sliding the bottom of your feet, just like this.
05:46Really good for your circulation. Spend a minute or so and do these. You'll get a lot of hyperemia, a lot of tingling in there. Great to help you get well quicker.
05:58And lastly, for your heart, your circulatory system, and your lungs, start marching in place, just like this.
06:05And tap, tap, tap. You want that tapping, you will be amazed what it will do for you. Tap.
06:13And when you get more aerobically inclined, you get more in shape, you can make it up a little bit faster, or bring your knees up a little higher, whatever's good for you.
06:24Tap. Just remember one thing. Tap, tap.
06:28And here's the fun part. When it comes to our foods, it's all about nitric oxide.
06:33Nitric oxide's a gas that our cells within the inside of our arteries give off.
06:40That vasodilates, opens it up so we can get more blood supply throughout our whole entire body.
06:45So, let's talk about our foods. Beetroot, rich in nitrates. Nitrates converts to nitric oxide.
06:51This actually helps cause that vasodilation, allowing that blood flow to get where it needs to go, taking stress off the heart.
07:01So, beetroot is excellent. Leafy greens, or spinach, arugula, kale, other leafy greens, high in nitrates again, helps promote that nitric oxide.
07:09And that's what we're looking for. That nitric oxide's a natural vasodilator. And guess what? It will lower your blood pressure. 100%.
07:18Citrus fruits, filled with vitamin C. We know our oranges, lemons, our grapefruits, which enhances the bioavailability of nitric oxide.
07:30It's a great antioxidant, so make sure that you're getting those particular fruits.
07:35Yes, garlic, one of my favorites, is the allicin. Helps the blood vessels relax, improves circulation.
07:40Garlic is an antiviral, antibacterial, antiparasitic, but garlic is so healthy for us.
07:48Vasodilates, opens up the arteries, lowers blood pressure, keeps you nice and healthy.
07:53Pomegranate, yes, we know the antioxidant properties. One of another great nitric oxide boosters.
08:00I do recommend it when it comes to your blood vessel health. Extremely beneficial.
08:05The drink is phenomenal. You can mix it with many other things in your smoothies.
08:12Something that would be a great asset for your circulation, open up those arteries.
08:15And lastly, our nuts and seeds. Yeah, your chia seeds, your flax seeds, they have omega-3s.
08:20Extremely healthy for the body, healthy for the cell, the brain.
08:24Again, this is rich in arginine and actually helps in nitric oxide production as well.
08:32Let's go up to watermelon. Citrulline, one of my favorites.
08:36It's the white part in the watermelon that has the most, but citrulline is in the watermelon.
08:42Vasodilator helps the body convert into nitric oxide from arginine.
08:47Dark chocolate, yes, you can have dark chocolate once in a while.
08:50Great antioxidants, great flavonoids, as it will actually boost those levels as well.
08:55Improving the blood flow into your legs, into your arms, throughout your entire body.
08:58Turmeric, the main component, curcumin, does open up blood vessels.
09:04Helps increase blood circulation as well as reducing inflammation.
09:08A great healer. Make sure you're getting omega-3s.
09:11You can get it from many different areas. Your fatty fish, your salmon, your tuna.
09:15Extremely healthy for you. Does wonderful things for circulation.
09:20And it's very, very good for the cells of our body.
09:23We've got our berries, antioxidants, my favorite, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries.
09:29Get them frozen fresh. It's great in your smoothies.
09:33And lastly, and I save it for last, but it's probably the most important, water.
09:37Nothing in this can work. Nothing can work on your body unless you're hydrated.
09:43You want that water. And many of us, when we get older, we don't feel thirsty.
09:48Don't wait until that happens. Drink your water. I promise your body will love you.
09:52Let's head over to the vitamins.
09:55I think vitamins are something that we all are concerned about, right?
09:59We have our arginine. Arginine, we know, is a nitric oxide booster.
10:04Not that you have to take arginine because arginine is found in many different foods.
10:08But yes, it is a nitric oxide. Citrulline and watermelon, as you see, is converted to arginine.
10:13Enhances nitric oxide production. Beetroot powder, a great thing.
10:17What I love about it is that there's not a lot of sugars in there.
10:19When you eat the beets, there's a lot of beet sugar, but beetroot powder, the sugar is extremely low.
10:26Very, very effective and open up those arteries and get that circulation.
10:29Pomegranate extract, again, we talked about that. This is the concentrated form.
10:34Coenzyme Q10, extremely important for the cells of our body, the mitochondria.
10:38The mitochondria are all the cells of the body, keeping that healthy because that will keep you from getting sick.
10:44And again, that does have benefits when it comes to nitric oxide.
10:47Last two, vitamin C. We know it's great for collagen, but yes, vitamin C does have its pluses.
10:55There's no question that this will help blood vessels, helps support those blood vessels.
11:00Collagen is made up of your ligaments, your tendons, your blood vessels, your skin.
11:05Everything has collagen, so you want to make sure you get your vitamin C.
11:09Magnesium, very important. I like the glycinates. Citrates are good.
11:13It relaxes the blood vessels, allow blood to get right through where it needs to go.
11:18Great for sleep as well as circulation. And again, it does affect nitric oxide production.
11:24I hope you learned a lot today. And if there's one thing I ask you to do is do these exercises.
11:31It will make all the difference in the world for you.
11:33Pick and choose the supplements, the food that's best for you, and I promise you, you will see great results.
11:40I want to thank you for your time. Please share this video with your friends and family.
11:45Please leave your comments below. And most important, make it a great day.
11:50I'm Dr. Alan Mandel.
