Shrek Part 006

  • le mois dernier


00:16Yeah, you know I like it like that.
00:18Come on baby, calm yourself.
00:20I give you right.
00:22Wake up.
00:24Good morning.
00:26Good morning.
00:28How do you like your eggs?
00:30Good morning princess.
00:32What's all this about?
00:34You know, we kind of got off to a bad start yesterday.
00:36And I wanted to make it up to you.
00:38I mean, after all, you did rescue me.
00:40I mean, after all, you did rescue me.
00:42I mean, after all, you did rescue me.
00:44Ah, thanks.
00:46Ah, thanks.
00:48Well, eat up.
00:50We've got a big day ahead of us.
01:00What? It's a compliment.
01:02Better out than in, I always say.
01:04It's no way to behave in front of a princess.
01:10She's as nasty as you are.
01:12You know, you're not exactly what I expected.
01:14You know, you're not exactly what I expected.
01:16Well, maybe you shouldn't judge people
01:18before you get to know them.
01:22La liberté!
01:28Wait, wait. What are you doing?
01:30Be still, mon chéri.
01:32For I am your savior.
01:34And I am rescuing you from this green...
01:40Hey, that's my princess.
01:42Go find your own.
01:44Please, monster.
01:46Can't you see I'm a little busy here?
01:48Look, pal.
01:50I don't know who you think you are.
01:52Ah, of course.
01:54Please, let me introduce myself.
01:56Oh, merry man!
02:06I steal from the rich and give to the needy.
02:08He takes a whip or something.
02:10But I'm not greedy. I rescue pretty damsels.
02:12Man, I'm good.
02:14Take it down.
02:16I like an honest fight and a saucy little maid.
02:18What he's basically saying is he likes to get paid.
02:20Oh, and an ogre in the bush
02:22grabbed the lady by the tush.
02:24That's bad.
02:26When a beauty's with a beast,
02:28it makes me awfully mad.
02:30Now I'll take my blade
02:32and ram it through your eye.
02:34Keep your eyes on me, boys,
02:36because I'm about to stomp!
02:46Man, that was annoying.
02:48You little...
03:16Shall we?
03:20Hold the phone.
03:24Whoa, whoa, whoa.
03:26Hold on now.
03:28Where did that come from?
03:30That. Back there, that was amazing.
03:32Where did you learn that?
03:34Well, when one lives alone,
03:36one has to learn these things
03:38in case there's a...
03:40There's an arrow in your butt!
03:42What? Oh, would you look at that.
03:44Oh, no.
03:46This is all my fault. I'm so sorry.
03:48Why? What's wrong?
03:50Shrek's hurt.
03:52Oh, no. Shrek's going to die.
03:54Donkey, I'm okay.
03:56Oh, you can't do this to me, Shrek.
03:58I'm too young for you to die.
04:00Keep your legs elevated.
04:02Turn your head and call me.
04:04Does anyone know the handling?
04:06Donkey, calm down.
04:08If you want to help Shrek,
04:10run into the woods and find me
04:18What are the flowers for?
04:20For getting rid of Donkey.
04:22Now you hold still and I'll yank this thing out.
04:24Ow! Hey! Easy with the yanking.
04:26I'm sorry, but it has to come out.
04:28No, no, it's tender.
04:30What you're doing is the opposite of help.
04:32Don't move.
04:34Okay, look, time out.
04:36Would you...
04:38Okay, what do you propose we do?
04:40Blue flower, red thorns, blue flower, red thorns, blue flower, red thorns.
04:42This would be so much easier if I wasn't colorblind.
04:44Blue flower, red thorns, blue flower, red thorns.
04:48Hold on, Shrek, I'm coming!
04:52Not good.
04:54Okay. No, okay, I can nearly see.
04:56It's just about...
05:02Nothing happened.
05:04We were just, uh...
05:06Look, if you want to be alone,
05:08all you had to do was ask, okay?
05:10Oh, come on! That's the last thing on my mind.
05:12The princess here was just...
05:22Hey, what's that?
05:24Is that blood?
06:52Hello, princess?
06:54Your future awaits you.
06:56This is Duloc?
06:58Yeah, yeah, I know.
07:00You know, Shrek thinks Lord Farquaad is compensating for something,
07:02which I think means he has a realistic
07:05Hey, hey, hey!
07:07Aïe !
07:22What are you talking about ? I'm fine.
07:24C'est ce qu'ils disent toujours. Et puis, tu sais, tu es sur ton dos.
07:30Tu sais, elle a raison. Tu as l'air terrible.
07:33Tu veux t'asseoir ?
07:34Tu sais quoi ? Je vais te faire du thé.
07:36Je ne voulais rien dire, mais j'ai cette douleur dans mon cou.
07:39Et quand je me tourne la tête comme ça, regarde.
07:41Qui a faim ?
07:42Je vais trouver-nous un dîner.
07:43Je vais chercher le bois de feu.
07:44Hey, où vas-tu ?
07:46Oh, mon dieu, je ne peux pas sentir mes pieds !
07:49Je n'ai pas de pieds !
07:52Je vais faire un nouveau câlin.
08:01C'est bon.
08:02C'est vraiment bon.
08:06Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
08:07C'est un rat de bois.
08:09Au style rotisserie.
08:11T'inquiètes pas.
08:14C'est délicieux.
08:15C'est aussi très bien dans les stews.
08:17Je n'ai pas l'intention de me moquer,
08:19mais je fais un mauvais stew de rat de bois.
08:26Je pense que je vais manger un peu différemment demain soir.
08:31Peut-être que tu peux venir me visiter dans la pêche un jour.
08:35Je vais te cuisiner toutes sortes de choses.
08:37La soupe de toad de pêche, la tartare de poisson, tu les nommes.
08:43J'aimerais ça.
08:47C'est bon.
08:58Princesse ?
09:00Oui ?
09:02Shrek ?
09:04Je me demandais...
09:07Est-ce que tu...
09:12Est-ce que tu vas manger ça ?
09:18C'est pas romantique.
09:20Regarde ce soleil.
09:22Soleil ?
09:23Oh non !
09:24Je veux dire...
09:25C'est tard.
09:26Très tard.
09:27Quoi ?
09:28Attends une minute.
09:29Je vois ce qui se passe ici.
09:31T'es effrayée de la pêche, n'est-ce pas ?
09:34Oui, c'est ça.
09:35Je suis effrayée.
09:36Tu sais quoi ? Je vais rentrer.
09:38Ne te sens pas mal, princesse.
09:39J'étais effrayé de la pêche aussi, jusqu'à...
09:41Non, attends.
09:42Je suis toujours effrayé de la pêche.
09:45Bonne nuit.
09:47Bonne nuit.