Tina Rizk - Be Still And Patient (Sonnet #145)

  • 3 hours ago
The seed complains not of winter; she sleeps
In darkness waiting patiently for spring.
Dreaming of sunlight and blue skies, she weeps.
Be patient, tiny seed; time needs time to spring.

When life gives you not what you want, do not rush.
Be still as the stillness of a summer night.
You're the painter of your life, drop not the brush.
Be patient, keep the candle of hope alight.

When life fulfilled not what I had dreamed for,
Deception was replaced by gratitude.
The sky blessed me with the love that I adore,
Who filled my life with divine beatitude.

Thus I learned that we must dream, act, then wait
To reap back from the universe and fate.

Copyright ©? Tina Rizk\n\nTina Rizk
