Sumita Jetley - Fakir Bows Down At Golden Temple

  • 2 hours ago
In the glow of the setting sun,
Golden Temple's walls shine as one.
A grand aarti fills the air,
Celestial bodies join in prayer.

A Sufi kneels, heart open wide,
In this sacred, holy tide.
Kamlesh whispers, curious and bright,
"Sankirtan tonight, is it in sight? "

Stars above twinkle with grace,
Planets align, joining the praise.
In side chambers, voices sing,
Devotion and joy in everything.

The Sufi feels a cosmic bond,
With the universe, he's beyond.
"Nothing outside, friend, " he knows,
"In unity, our spirit grows."

Prasada shared, smiles all around,
In this sacred, joyful ground.
Kamlesh's eyes, full of delight,
In the Golden Temple's twilight.\n\nSumita Jetley