Vinayak Tripathi - Nobody

  • 16 minutes ago
I am Nobody
A stranger in the crowded town
Full of social people of all kinds
Recognising me with all my weakness and odd deeds
Noticing all the events with their especial lenses
Leaving me behind with grief, anger and of course tears
Though Nobody is not afraid of nobody
Everybody is keen to intervene in daily routines of nobody
Such harsh approach; intolerable... inhumane
Savage people target those who keep privacy
Not take participate in gossips, debates, forums
Always follow strict rules of a guardian
Who wants to keep his follow members enchained
Why should the society members keep an eye on us
Why should not we let the people free from eye cameras
Take the liberty to make us feel safe and comfortable
Let us not build a society with nobody tag
Let's leave happy people behind us
'Nobody' is afraid of the taunts of his family
'Nobody' is scared of making feel nervous and inferior
When Nobody takes his first step to change the world
The whole world recognises 'Nobody' as the man in full\n\nVinayak Tripathi