2 hours of 64 Zoo Lane Compilation #5 HD Cartoon for kids

  • il y a 2 mois


00:00La Story of Herbert and the Watermelon of Doom
00:18Bonjour à tous !
00:20Bonsoir Lucy !
00:22Pourquoi êtes-vous tous en ligne comme ça ?
00:25Oh, pas de raison !
00:27Vous avez l'air très étrange !
00:30Non, on ne l'est pas !
00:32Oui, vous l'êtes !
00:33Dites-moi Boris, ou je vous ticlerai !
00:36Oh non !
00:38D'accord, je vais vous le dire.
00:40Nous avons une surprise pour vous !
00:42Oh, ne vous en faites pas Boris, c'est un jeu drôle en tout cas !
00:45C'est Victor le crocodile !
00:47Bonsoir Lucy !
00:48J'ai voulu vous surprendre avec une histoire,
00:50mais je devais réaliser qu'aucune de ces choses ne pouvait garder un secret.
00:55Contrairement à mon ami Herbert le crocodile,
00:58il pouvait vraiment garder un secret.
01:01Vous aimeriez entendre ma histoire dramatique ?
01:05Elle s'appelle...
01:06Herbert et le Watermelon of Doom !
01:10Oh mon Dieu ! Oui, s'il vous plaît !
01:12Chaque jour, les animaux d'Afrique se rassemblent pour du plaisir.
01:24Un jour, j'ai décidé de les rejoindre dans un trou d'eau.
01:30Hey les gars, c'est pas si mal, hein ?
01:35Quoi ? Quoi ? Qu'est-ce que j'ai fait maintenant ?
01:38Vous êtes en train de flipper les couilles, et c'est pas permis !
01:41J'étais juste en train de m'amuser !
01:43Et vous étiez en train d'enlever vos doigts !
01:47Non, je ne l'étais pas !
01:48Oui, vous l'étiez !
01:51D'accord alors, je l'étais.
01:54C'est mignonne !
01:55Et dégueulasse !
01:57Mais les crocodiles sont supposés être mignons et dégueulasses.
02:00Eh bien, peut-être qu'il serait mieux si, juste pour aujourd'hui,
02:03vous pouviez aller ailleurs pour faire vos flippes mignonnes et dégueulasses.
02:16Je les montrerai.
02:17Mignon et dégueulasse, c'est plus amusant de toute façon.
02:21Alors, j'ai planifié ma revanche.
02:31Herbert !
02:32Ici !
02:33Ah, Victor.
02:35Tu as un beau watermelon, Herbert.
02:38Merci, Victor.
02:41J'ai-je jamais dit à toi que c'était mon watermelon préféré ?
02:44Très souvent, mais j'aimerais l'entendre à nouveau.
02:49Il y a sept ans, pendant la saison de pluie,
02:52je montais sur l'escalier oriental de la montagne bleue,
02:55et là, je l'ai vu.
02:57C'était parfaitement rond, avec des lignes zigzags jaunes,
03:00à l'intérieur, c'était dégueulasse et sucré et...
03:03Oh !
03:06Si tu es mon ami, je te donnerai ce seed de watermelon.
03:11C'est un seed très spécial.
03:15C'est un ?
03:16Oui, Herbert.
03:17Le watermelon qui s'émerveille de ce seed
03:19sera le watermelon le plus grand, le plus sucré, le plus sucré du monde.
03:22Il le sera.
03:23Pourquoi ne pas le planter sur la montagne de table ?
03:26Il s'émerveillera plus vite là-haut.
03:29Ne le dis pas aux autres.
03:31De cette façon, tu n'auras pas besoin de le partager.
03:34C'est juste un petit secret entre nous.
03:39Merci, Victor.
03:45Hi, hi, hi !
03:48Hi, hi, hi, hi !
03:51Herbert a caché le seed de watermelon sur la montagne de table.
03:57Hi, hi, hi, hi !
04:00Il a le planté tout de suite.
04:02Oh, oui !
04:06Bientôt, le watermelon était aussi grand que un chien-hippo.
04:12Oh, oh, oh, oh !
04:15Herbert a décidé de le garder notre petit secret.
04:19Chaque jour, Herbert passe par ses amis
04:21pour voir son secret watermelon grandir et grandir.
04:25Où est Herbert ?
04:26Je ne sais pas.
04:28Je ne l'ai pas vu depuis des siècles.
04:32Là, il est !
04:33Où vas-tu, Herbert ?
04:35Oh, nulle part spécial.
04:38Oh, peux-je t'aider ?
04:39Non, non.
04:40Non, non.
04:41Tu finis ta bière, Matalé.
04:44Oh !
04:47Bizarre, très bizarre.
04:54Bonjour, watermelon !
04:59Oh !
05:00Le watermelon de Herbert était aussi grand que un chien-hippo.
05:04Oh, oh !
05:05Victor, Victor, le watermelon !
05:07C'est vraiment grand, c'est en train de devenir dangereux !
05:09Il pourrait descendre de la montagne de table
05:11et tomber dans le trou d'eau.
05:16Mais alors, on n'aurait pas d'eau.
05:18C'est pour ça que tous tes petits animaux sont bien
05:20de ne pas jouer avec moi.
05:22Mais c'est mignonne et dégueulasse.
05:37Hé, Herbert !
05:38Pas maintenant, Zed !
05:41Je me demande ce qu'il fait.
05:44Herbert a essayé de soutenir le watermelon
05:47pour qu'il ne descende pas de la montagne de table.
05:53Oh !
05:56Herbert a décidé de...
06:00...ce qui s'est passé.
06:03Il s'est étonné, il s'est étonné, il s'est étonné,
06:05il s'est étonné, il s'est étonné, il s'est étonné,
06:06il s'est étonné, il s'est étonné,
06:08il s'est étonné, il s'est étonné.
06:23Oh, Herbert !
06:25Victor le crocodile m'a promis de ne pas.
06:29Il a dit que c'était notre petit secret.
06:32Ha! Ha! Ha! Exactement!
06:36Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui veut manger?
06:41Je pense qu'on a un problème ici.
06:47Voyons voir. La melon est ici et le trou d'eau est là.
06:53Selon mes calculs, la melon d'eau sera bientôt si lourde,
06:56qu'elle roulera sur la colline,
06:58flattera le bois d'un arbre,
07:00tombera sur le trou d'eau et tombera dans le trou d'eau avec un énorme saut.
07:05Mon trou d'eau sera détruit!
07:06On n'a rien à boire!
07:08Et je perdrai mon poignet!
07:10Ha! Ha! Ha! Exactement!
07:13Maintenant, je vais trouver un bon endroit pour voir que tout se passe de la mauvaise manière.
07:22Nelson avait une idée.
07:29Tout le monde prêt?
07:31Oui! Oui!
07:34Ok, Nathalie, goûtez ce trou d'eau!
08:12Pourquoi ça se passe toujours par moi?
08:22Oh! Ha! Ha! Ha!
08:27Oh! Oh! Oh!
08:28Vous, vous, vous, vous vous bougez!
08:34Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
08:49J'adore ce bouge!
08:51Est-ce que tu aimes être bougé, Victor?
08:53Non, je n'aime pas. C'est l'heure de dormir.
08:56J'ai raconté la histoire, alors c'est mon tour de dire au revoir.
08:59Oh, Victor!
09:00Mais ne m'attendez pas à dire quelque chose de bien.
09:02Ne vous inquiétez pas, Victor. Je sais que vous aimez être mignonne et dégueulasse.
09:08De toute façon, c'est l'heure de dormir.
09:11Au revoir, Lucy!
09:14Au revoir, tout le monde!
09:16Beaux rêves...
09:1864, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64
09:48It's not for monkeys.
09:50Did you bring something to eat?
09:53Here, try.
09:58Oh, but that's not something to eat.
10:03Well, I think the colour really suits you, Boris.
10:07Silly Boris, it's not for you either.
10:10It's my new swimming costume. I'm starting swimming lessons tomorrow.
10:13Look, there's more.
10:16A towel and a swimming cap.
10:26And best of all, armbands.
10:29Will you blow them up, please, Nelson?
10:31At your service, madam.
10:39Well, what do you think?
10:42Very nice. Stripy. Just like Ronald's armbands.
10:46Do you mean Ronald the Rhino?
10:48Oh, yes. Ronald the Rhino had swimming lessons too.
10:52But why don't you tell Lucy the story, Nelson?
10:55All right. Very well.
11:00It was the rainy season in Africa.
11:03And all the animals were bored.
11:06For weeks they had been waiting for the rain to stop.
11:09But it wasn't much fun.
11:16Herbert, stop making those noises.
11:19But I'm only pretending to be a raindrop.
11:21What else is there to do?
11:31Stop bickering, you two.
11:33Look, the rain has stopped.
11:36Oh, so it has.
11:39Yippee! No more rain.
11:42Look over there. A rainbow.
11:51At the end of the rainbow, a seed will fall.
11:56From the seed, a tree will grow.
11:59In the wind, the fruit will swing.
12:06What kind of fruit, Georgina? Is it watermelons?
12:10No, not watermelons. Rainbow fruit.
12:13Rainbow fruit? Never heard of it.
12:16It's only the yummiest fruit ever.
12:19That's what my grandma used to say.
12:21Hey, what are we waiting for?
12:23Let's go and shake that tree!
12:26And so the animals got ready for an expedition to the end of the rainbow.
12:42The animals marched and marched.
12:56The end of the rainbow was far away.
13:01We must be nearly there.
13:10Oh no! The Zambon River is swollen.
13:14It must be because of all that rain. We can't wade across.
13:19Well, in that case, let's swim across instead.
13:46What's the matter, Ronald? Come on, Ronald!
13:50I can't.
13:52What did he say?
13:54Ronald says he can't swim.
13:58Can't swim? What shall we do now?
14:01I have an idea. Look over there, Ronald.
14:11Ronald the Rhino built a bridge across the Zambon River.
14:22Nice and sturdy. That should do.
14:34Oh dear. I've an idea too.
14:37I will dig a tunnel under the river for Ronald.
14:42Oh dear. Oops, again. Silly me.
14:47Oh, sorry!
14:49Oh no!
14:53I have a far better idea.
14:56Let's drink the river empty.
14:59We'll drink the river empty.
15:02We'll drink the river empty.
15:05We'll drink the river empty.
15:08We'll drink the river empty.
15:10We'll drink the river empty.
15:13Here, take a straw.
15:15Oh, I just hope this works.
15:18Ready, everyone? On the count of three.
15:21One, two, three!
15:35Don't give up, Nelson! Keep going!
15:39Go, Nelson! Go, Nelson!
15:54Well, any more clever ideas?
15:59It looks like I'll never get to the other side.
16:02I might as well go home.
16:10Wait, Ronald! Look! Over there!
16:14The Tick-Tick Bird had the cleverest idea of all.
16:18There! Nice and snug. How do you like your swim belt?
16:21Oh, Tick-Tick, you're the best. Well, here goes.
16:25You can do it, Ronald!
16:31Ronald! Ronald! Ronald! Ronald!
16:37I did it! I did it!
16:41Let's go to the end of the rainbow!
16:44To the end of the rainbow!
16:48But what about Herbert?
16:50Oh, don't worry about him. Warthogs always pop up in good time.
17:00Finally, the animals arrived at the end of the rainbow.
17:05Rainbow food!
17:09Told you so.
17:18Not here, Herbert. I know a nice picnic spot near the river.
17:23Oh, it's not fair.
17:27The perfect picnic spot. You can choose first, Herbert.
17:34More delicious even than watermelon.
17:37I'll have a yellow one!
17:40And purple for me.
17:43Would you like to share with Tick-Tick, Ronald?
17:47Ronald Tick-Tick?
17:49Look, over there.
17:51It's Ronald's swim belt.
17:57Oh, yes, sure.
17:59Keep going, Ronald. And now, Rhino Puzzle.
18:03You do great!
18:08Ronald the Rhino had learned to swim without his swim belt
18:13and he felt very, very proud.
18:17Practice makes perfect.
18:19I'm so excited about my first swimming lesson.
18:22Wait until they see me do the rhino paddle.
18:24But now it's time for bed, Lucy.
18:38Ha, ha, ha!
18:41Don't forget your swim bag.
18:43Thank you, Boris. Good night.
18:46Good night, Lucy.
18:48Swim, swims!
18:54...of the juicy fruit tree.
19:07...of the juicy fruit tree.
19:38That sandwich really does smell delicious.
19:41Oh, hi, Boris. Would you like a piece?
19:44Oh, I couldn't. Not unless you insisted.
19:48Some animals will do anything for a snack.
19:51Boris has already eaten a huge dinner today
19:54and two teas and three suppers, haven't you, Boris?
19:59I'm a growing bear.
20:01All this talk of food reminds me of the story of the juicy fruit tree.
20:06The whatty-what tree?
20:08The juicy fruit tree.
20:10Its fruit is the biggest, nobliest, most delicious.
20:15Why don't you tell Lucy the whole story?
20:18And we might even take Boris's mind off banana sandwiches for a while.
20:23Good idea!
20:31Every seven years, the juicy fruit tree bears a juicy fruit.
20:35It's the biggest, nobliest, most delicious fruit in the whole wide world.
20:41So when Zed the zebra saw the juicy fruit...
20:47...he couldn't wait to tell all the other animals.
20:57Who's that?
20:59It's Zed the zebra, and he's in a hurry.
21:06The juicy fruit tree, it's in flower.
21:10Huh? What?
21:12Is it that time already?
21:14Are you sure?
21:15No doubt about it. I was galloping past when...
21:20I saw this big, nobly fruit at the top of the juicy fruit tree.
21:25What colour was it?
21:27Bright red.
21:33It's juicy fruit time!
21:35Juicy fruit time!
21:37Juicy fruit time!
21:39I'm going to have the largest piece of juicy fruit.
21:45I have a long neck, you see.
21:48It's a long way to my tummy.
21:51Nonsense. Elephants are the biggest, so they need the most to eat.
21:56Everyone knows that.
21:58Now, hold on a minute.
22:00I saw it first, and I ran all the way back to tell you all.
22:04So, I deserve the biggest slice.
22:07There are two of us, me and the tick-tick bird.
22:11The tick-tick bird doesn't count. He only eats ticks.
22:16We deserve the most because we're the ones who'll be climbing the tree to pick the juicy fruit.
22:22Yes, fruit pickers come first.
22:25Excuse me.
22:27A word of caution.
22:30The juicy fruit tree produces a juicy fruit every seven years.
22:38But we must pick the fruit by sunset tomorrow.
22:44Before it drops down and turns into a green gooey slime.
22:50Oh, yeah!
22:52Take it easy, tortoise.
22:54We'll go and pick the fruit tomorrow, nice and early.
22:58The animals slept soundly that night, each one of them dreaming of the juicy fruit.
23:04They slept so well that by the time they woke up, the sun was already high in the sky.
23:10We're late!
23:12I knew this would happen.
23:14Chill out. We've got loads of time.
23:18Well, we have, but by the time Toby gets there, it'll probably be too late.
23:27Toby had short legs and a heavy shell to carry, but he hurried after the others as fast as he could.
23:39This isn't going to be easy. The sun is going down.
23:43We only have a couple of hours before the juicy fruit drops down and turns to a green gooey slime.
23:52Don't worry. I can get it. Stand back.
24:10Hey! Here!
24:14Nice try, Ronald.
24:16We'll have to think of something else.
24:19This is a job for giggles and tickles.
24:22Monkeys to the rescue!
24:28The juicy fruit tree was so smooth and slippery that it was impossible to climb.
24:34Let me try.
24:37We're running out of time!
24:44Go, Nelson, go!
24:54Never mind, Nelson. You almost did it.
24:57We'll never get the juicy fruit off that tree.
25:01The biggest, nobliest, most delicious fruit in the world! And we can't reach it.
25:07But help was on the way.
25:10What this needs is teamwork.
25:13Teamwork? What's that?
25:15Working together. If we all work together, perhaps we'll be able to reach the juicy fruit.
25:22Let's try.
25:23Yeah, man. Teamwork. Let's go for it.
25:28So the animals built an animal tower.
25:36Hey! What are you putting your feet?
25:39Oops! Sorry! This is fun!
25:42Remember, we're a team. Can you reach the juicy fruit?
25:49Not quite.
25:51Audrey looked at the tree and looked at the fruit and realized there was only one thing for it.
25:58She was the tallest, so she would have to climb up to the top.
26:03I can't quite. We're so close.
26:08But not close enough.
26:10Let's all stand on tiptoe.
26:12Good idea.
26:21So the animals tried again.
26:24If I can just stretch a little bit further,
26:30I think I'm going to sneeze.
26:34Don't you dare.
26:42And the animals tried again.
26:45Only a few minutes left.
26:50And I still can't reach it.
26:53Hello, everyone. Sorry I'm late. Need a hand?
27:01Toby knew just what to do.
27:04He climbed up Nelson's trunk,
27:08over Ronald's horn,
27:11along Zed's stripes,
27:14and climbed up the tree.
27:17He climbed up Nelson's trunk,
27:20over Ronald's horn,
27:23along Zed's stripes,
27:26up Giggle's tail,
27:28until finally he was sitting on Audrey's head.
27:32I can reach it. I can reach the juicy...
27:43Well caught, Toby!
27:45Top tortoise!
27:51This is the best juicy fruit ever!
28:04What a brilliant story!
28:06I've never seen such a juicy fruit tree in my garden.
28:10Me too.
28:11If we ever find one nearby, we'll let you know.
28:14And we'll have a juicy fruit picnic.
28:16That would be fun.
28:17But now, I think it's time for bed,
28:21or it'll soon be breakfast time.
28:28...important visitor.
28:40Can we help you?
28:42Good evening, Mr Elephant.
28:44I'm the story inspector,
28:46and I've come to inspect your stories.
28:49Stories? We have wonderful stories.
28:52They're usually very funny.
28:54And quite dramatic.
28:56But they never end.
28:58They never end.
29:00They never end.
29:03But they never ever go on beyond bedtime.
29:07Haven't I seen you somewhere before?
29:10No, no, I don't think so.
29:13Now, I'd like to hear...
29:15I mean, inspect a story, please.
29:18We'd love to tell you a story,
29:20but I'm afraid that we can't.
29:23Why not?
29:24We have to wait till our friend Lucy arrives.
29:27Oh, I see.
29:30But maybe this once we can make an exception.
29:33Oh, thank you, Nelson.
29:35I've got a good story for you to inspect.
29:38It's about an important visitor just like you.
29:41Please begin.
29:42Each morning, the animals in Africa
29:45gathered by the baobab tree
29:47to hear the latest news.
29:49Good morning! I'm William the Weaver Bird.
29:52Welcome to the Savannah Breakfast News.
29:55Welcome to the Savannah Breakfast News.
29:58First, the weather. The sun will be hot.
30:01The desert will be dry. The water will be wet.
30:04And the grass will be green.
30:06Here is a newsflash just in.
30:08Latest reports say that because the leaves
30:11have fallen early this year,
30:13Cleopatra will be visiting the waterhole today.
30:16Who's Cleopatra?
30:18She must be really important to be on the news.
30:21Well, that's all for now.
30:23This was William the Weaver Bird on the Savannah Breakfast News.
30:30Hey, Esmeralda, stop it.
30:33That tickles.
30:35Have you heard the news?
30:37Cleopatra's coming this afternoon.
30:39She's really important.
30:41Oh, dear, I've got so much dusting to do.
30:44Better get started.
30:48Hi, Esmeralda. How's things?
30:51Can't stop to talk, Audrey.
30:54Harvard's just told me Cleopatra's coming.
30:57I'm as tired as a savannah.
30:59She's really very famous.
31:01Famous? I'd better prepare some food then.
31:05Did someone say food?
31:07Yes, for Cleopatra. She's a star.
31:11Better put on a spread. Watermelon, no-go chips.
31:14And bumbleberries.
31:16There's a bush full of ripe bumbleberries over by the jungle.
31:20Will someone please tell me what all the fuss is about?
31:25We're expecting a visitor.
31:28She's really famous,
31:30so we're putting on a welcoming party and everything.
31:33Yes, for Cleopatra.
31:36Cleopatra? Lady Cleopatra?
31:40With a name like that, she must be a lioness.
31:43Everyone knows that lions have long hair.
31:47Everyone knows that lions have royal blood.
31:51Why, our visitor must be Cleopatra,
31:54the queen of the far, far away hills.
31:57Better do lots of no-go chips then.
32:00I'm taking charge immediately.
32:03Right, line up, everyone.
32:07I want a nice, tidy savannah.
32:10Try to do something about these leaves.
32:13And everyone must be on their best behaviour.
32:16So, all the animals got ready for the arrival of Cleopatra,
32:20queen of the far, far away hills.
32:23Pick only the biggest and juiciest.
32:31Hurry up, there's no time to lose.
32:34Everything must be perfect.
32:38Welcome, Cleopatra.
32:43Welcome, Cleopatra.
32:52Well done, everyone. Good teamwork.
32:56Herbert, the red carpet, please.
33:04Thank you.
33:08Well, what now, Richie?
33:10Now we wait for Her Royal Highness to arrive.
33:15The animals waited and waited.
33:23Sorry, Reginald, I didn't have much breakfast this morning.
33:29Why don't you try one of these bumbleberries?
33:31They're very juicy.
33:33Well, I don't know.
33:35Go on, there's plenty.
33:37Reginald won't notice.
33:41The bumbleberries were deliciously juicy.
33:44Nelson and Georgina ate far too many of them.
33:49Nelson, Georgina, what are you doing?
33:53We're expecting a most important visitor.
33:56And you get the pickaxe.
33:58Hi there.
34:04Can I help?
34:05Only we're expecting the queen of the far, far away hills at any moment.
34:08Hiya, I'm Cleopatra. I've come to do the leaves.
34:11But you're not a lioness.
34:15Course not. I'm a porcupine, silly.
34:18You must be Reggie, the lion. How's it going?
34:24Reggie, the speech.
34:25What? Oh, yes, of course.
34:28Today, we, the animals of the savannah,
34:32are gathered here to mark
34:34a very special occasion.
34:37We are here to welcome Cleopatra,
34:41the porcupine, as our honored guest.
34:46We have prepared a humble banquet of the finest food.
34:53Now, I, Reginald the lion,
34:56would like to ask Georgina the giraffe
34:59to perform the anthem of welcome.
35:02Welcome, Cleopatra
35:08Welcome, Cleopatra
35:22What's he doing?
35:24He's... He's...
35:26He's dancing, look.
35:30Oh, how embarrassing. It's all gone wrong.
35:34I'm so sorry, Mom.
35:36The food, the music, it's...
35:39It's... It's...
35:42I beg your pardon.
35:44Brilliant. The speech was very funny.
35:48It was.
35:50It was.
35:52It was.
35:54It was.
35:56It was.
35:58It was very funny.
36:00And I really enjoyed the elephant's dance.
36:03Let's all do it again, when I've swept up the leaves.
36:06Swept up the leaves?
36:08Yes, that's my job. I'm a savannah sweeper.
36:10I always come and sweep up the leaves at this time of year.
36:13Oh, and you can stop calling me Cleopatra.
36:15All my friends call me Patsy.
36:18C'est parti pour la fête, alors!
36:25Excusez-moi, Réginald.
36:27Est-ce que j'aurais le plaisir de faire la prochaine danse?
36:33Ça serait un plaisir, Cleop...
36:36euh, Patsy.
36:39Bienvenue, Cléopâtre.
36:45Bienvenue, Cléopâtre.
36:53Tout le monde a apprécié cette fête.
36:56C'était un plaisir.
36:58C'était un plaisir.
37:00C'était un plaisir.
37:02C'était un plaisir.
37:05Tout le monde a apprécié cette fête.
37:08Et ils ont tous l'espoir de Patsy's prochaine visite.
37:11C'était une belle histoire, Molly.
37:13Merci, Mr Story Inspector.
37:15Je donne 10 sur 10.
37:17Maintenant, Nelson, j'aimerais inspecter une histoire de vous, s'il vous plaît.
37:20Et je donne votre visage 10 sur 10, Lucy.
37:24Mais j'ai peur que c'est l'heure de dormir.
37:27Vous n'avez pas ri pour une minute.
37:35J'ai pensé que si j'étais une visite très importante, j'aurais une histoire supplémentaire.
37:40Vous serez toujours notre visite la plus importante, Lucy.
37:43Bonne nuit, tout le monde.
37:45Bonne nuit, Lucy.
37:5064, 64, 64, 64...
37:52La histoire de Georgina's Bumbleberry Soup.
38:05Hi, everyone.
38:07Hi, Lucy.
38:13Hello, Lucy.
38:17I was just eating some blackberries.
38:21They're very juicy.
38:23Here, would you like one?
38:25Thanks, Nelson.
38:28Quite juicy.
38:30Thanks, Nelson.
38:33Quite nice, but I like strawberries better.
38:36My favorite berries are gooseberries.
38:39And ours are raspberries.
38:42And my favorite berries are bumbleberries.
38:48Yes, bumbleberries are the yummiest berries in Africa.
38:52They're terrific in pies and crumbles, and they make the best soup, of course.
38:57Georgina, are you making this up?
39:00Oh, no, Lucy. Georgina's telling the truth.
39:03She did make bumbleberry soup once.
39:06In that case, you'd better tell me the story, Molly.
39:12One morning, Georgina the giraffe got up especially early.
39:17It's Bumbleberry Day!
39:22It's Bumbleberry Day! It's Bumbleberry Day!
39:26Hey, hey, today, today, it's Bumbleberry Day!
39:34Good morning, Georgina.
39:37Hello, everyone, and happy Bumbleberry Day!
39:41You sound happy, Georgina.
39:44Yes, Toby, I am happy, because today is a very special day.
39:50It's Bumbleberry Day, and I'm going to make bumbleberry soup.
39:55I'm just off to pick the bumbleberries now.
39:58Can we come too?
40:00I'll carry the basket.
40:02I'll pick the bumbleberries.
40:04And I'll eat the bumbleberries.
40:06I mean, I'll help Kevin to pick the bumbleberries.
40:10Come on, then, everyone. Follow me.
40:14Everyone ready?
40:26Is that enough berries for you, Georgina?
40:30That's plenty, Toby.
40:32Now, I'm going to show you how to make bumbleberry soup
40:36from a special recipe my grandmother taught me.
40:40First, we salt the bumbleberries.
40:47Then, we sieve them and stir them.
40:52I'm getting jungle with a hint of lotus flower.
40:56Oh, delicious!
40:58Now, the soup needs to be whisked until it's pink and fluffy.
41:03Oh, where's my whisk?
41:06I'll have to go and look for it.
41:08Doris, will you stir the soup for me?
41:11The soup, moi.
41:16There, I'll be back in a minute.
41:20Oh, it's not quite sweet enough.
41:23Fetch me some honey, Toby.
41:35Now, just a little squeeze.
41:41Oh, it's not quite sweet enough.
41:44Fetch me some honey, Toby.
41:50Now, where did I leave my whisk?
42:02These curry leaves will make the soup nice and spicy.
42:09No, it's still not right.
42:12Chuck in some bananas, Kevin.
42:14Not like that, Kevin.
42:16You're supposed to peel them first.
42:19Oh, well.
42:27Well, oh, well, could it be?
42:32Georgina tried to reach the twig that looked like a whisk,
42:36but she couldn't stretch far enough.
42:39Meanwhile, at the jungle clearing...
42:44Do I smell food, perchance?
42:47Georgina's making a special soup.
42:51She's asked Doris to look after it for her.
42:55Soup, yummy.
42:58You'll never believe this,
43:00but I just happen to have with me this special soup.
43:06I just happen to have with me the ingredient
43:09to make the finest soup in Africa.
43:12You have?
43:16A lovely muddy potato.
43:23Oh, well.
43:25Right now, let's give this soup a nice big stir.
43:32Georgina was still trying to reach the twig
43:35that looked like a whisk.
43:39But Georgina the giraffe didn't give up easily.
43:44Back in the jungle clearing,
43:46more and more animals started to arrive
43:49to find out what was cooking.
43:53Just a little something I've been saving for that special occasion.
44:06Georgina still couldn't reach the twig that looked like a whisk.
44:14Has anyone got anything else?
44:16We have.
44:26And when the tic-tic bird put the final ingredient
44:30into the soup,
44:32it bubbled and rumbled until...
44:47Georgina finally managed to grab the twig.
44:55Hello, everyone.
44:57Have you come to try my soup?
45:00Hi, Georgina.
45:02I think the soup's all right.
45:04I just stirred it, just like you said.
45:10My soup!
45:12My beautiful bumbleberry soup!
45:16What have you done to it?
45:21We've added a few things, you see.
45:24We wanted to make the soup even better.
45:27But bumbleberry soup is made with bumbleberries only, nothing else.
45:33It's a special recipe.
45:35It's ruined and I've just used up all the bumbleberries.
45:45Anna, why don't we make Georgina a special treat?
45:49Doris thought of a plan to cheer Georgina up.
45:53Oh, yes.
46:13We've come to say sorry about the soup.
46:17We thought you might like the soup.
46:21Oh, that's so kind of you all.
46:25I'll just try one.
46:30Oh, that's quite nice.
46:32I'll try another one, if I may.
46:37Oh, delicious!
46:50It's Mogo Chips today!
46:52Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
46:54It's Mogo Chips today!
47:00That was a funny story, Molly.
47:03Funny and yummy too.
47:08What? What are you all looking at me for?
47:11Nothing, Nelson.
47:13Good night.
47:15Good night, Lucy.
47:16Sweet dreams.
47:21Story of Herbert's Birthday Party
47:40Hi, everybody!
47:42Hi, Lucy!
47:44Well, aren't you all excited?
47:46Don't you know that something special's going to happen?
47:49Like what?
47:51Well, like a party or something.
47:54What sort of a party?
47:56Well, how about a birthday party?
47:59You know, with balloons and presents!
48:04That would be great fun!
48:06But to have a birthday party...
48:09It has to be someone's birthday!
48:13It's a pity we don't know anyone whose birthday it is, isn't it?
48:19Well, actually...
48:23Well, actually, it's my birthday today.
48:29Is it really?
48:31It had completely slipped my mind.
48:34And they say an elephant never forgets.
48:37How foolish of us to forget.
48:40So, there's no party then?
48:43No, not today. Sorry.
48:48Never mind. You'll have another birthday next year.
48:52Yes, I suppose I will.
49:01Oh, thanks!
49:05Now then, how about a special birthday story?
49:09I know. I'll tell you the one about Herbert's party.
49:13Oh, yes!
49:19Herbert was a very busy warthog.
49:23Every morning he would get up,
49:26have a bath,
49:31dry himself down,
49:34then he'd make some breakfast
49:38and go for a long walk with his best friends, the flies.
49:44Now, Herbert would be the first to admit that he wasn't the tidiest of animals.
49:49In fact, his appearance was a bit of a joke on the savannah,
49:53but everyone loved him.
49:58Morning, Herbert. Nice day for the flies.
50:03Hello, Herbert. Grown any nice warts lately?
50:11One day, Herbert was wallowing in the mud
50:14when he heard excited voices making plans for a party.
50:21It's going to be great fun.
50:24I'm sure it will.
50:26Two plans for a party.
50:31It's going to be great fun. Lots of music and dancing.
50:35Keep still!
50:41Your new stripes look great!
50:43Quiet! It's a secret.
50:45We don't want old Dusty Bottom to find out.
50:49I can't wait!
50:57Hi, girls. Gosh, you look great!
51:01Oh, hi, Herbert.
51:03Would you mind standing downwind?
51:07The smell! The flies!
51:10Oh, yes. I'm sorry. Of course.
51:16Clear off, you lot.
51:18Go on, buzz off!
51:20You're both looking very glamorous today.
51:24Going somewhere nice?
51:26Do you think this pink really suits me?
51:29Can I come?
51:30Do I look too big in these eyelashes?
51:33Well, can I?
51:35Sorry, Herbert. We can't gossip all day.
51:38We've got things to do.
51:40Oh, yes. Right. Of course.
51:44Herbert wondered why everyone was ignoring him.
51:47They're going to a party and I'm not invited.
51:51I suppose I do look a bit of a mess.
51:55Time for a warthog makeover.
52:00Herbert had a long, luxurious pink bath.
52:04Pink mud for the best bath.
52:08Herbert had a long, luxurious pink bath.
52:11Pink mud for the best smelling warthog at the party.
52:15Then he went for a count.
52:19Oh, Herbert, keep still!
52:24Oops! Sorry!
52:30Nearly there.
52:33What a bad mate!
52:35Wow! Groovy!
52:40The other animals were getting ready for the party too.
52:43No sign of Herbert.
52:45Let's start the party preparations without him.
53:07Anybody there?
53:09Nelson? Zed? Molly?
53:15They're not here.
53:17Music? And it's coming from my place.
53:22Pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza...
53:26Pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza...
53:30Pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza...
53:34Pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza...
53:46Hey! It's my birthday today.
53:49It's my party.
53:51So that's what all the fuss was about.
53:55Surprise, surprise!
53:57Guys, let's party!
54:03Who are you?
54:04Well, I'm Herbert, of course.
54:09You're not Herbert.
54:10Oh, yes, I am.
54:11Oh, no, you're not!
54:14Herbert's smelly and dusty.
54:16And itchy and funny and friendly.
54:20You're much too smart and quite grumpy.
54:23Where's Herbert?
54:25What have you done with him?
54:27Oh, dear me!
54:30Get him!
54:39Wait, wait, stop!
54:41I am Herbert. Look!
54:45Nelson, old pal, old buddy.
54:48Let me have it.
54:51Oh, no!
54:59Well, you do look a bit like Herbert.
55:02But I'm still not sure.
55:10What about this?
55:12There's still something missing.
55:17I know!
55:19It is Herbert!
55:22We didn't think it was you.
55:25You know, without the smell and the dust.
55:28And the flies.
55:29Will you forgive us, Herbert?
55:37On one condition.
55:40Anything, anything at all.
55:43I forgive you.
55:45Anything, anything at all.
55:47I forgive you if you...
55:52If you all have a mud bath.
55:55A mud bath?
55:57It's my birthday.
55:59I'm a warthog, so you've got to do things the warthog way.
56:15Herbert had the best party ever.
56:24Wicked! A big mud bath and dust and flies!
56:29What a great idea for a party!
56:32Good night, birthday girl.
56:36Good night, Nelson.
56:46Hi, everyone!
56:48Hi, Lucy!
56:55Good evening, Nelson.
56:57Oh, hello, Lucy.
57:00I'm a warthog.
57:02I'm a warthog.
57:04I'm a warthog.
57:06I'm a warthog.
57:08I'm a warthog.
57:10I'm a warthog.
57:12Good evening, Nelson.
57:14Oh, hello, Lucy.
57:17What are you doing?
57:19Ah, Friday is cabbage day at the zoo,
57:22and cabbages are my favourite food.
57:25Oh, yum!
57:27A red one, delicious.
57:30Here, try one.
57:32Ah, no, not for me, thanks.
57:35Cabbage tastes yuck.
57:37Yuck? Yuck?
57:39How can you say that?
57:41Have you ever tried eating cabbage, Lucy?
57:44Well, no I haven't, but it looks so... cabbagey.
57:51Perhaps I should tell you a special story.
57:55It's not a story about cabbages, I hope.
57:58Oh, no, no, not cabbages.
58:01This is a story about a jungle pie.
58:06Kevin the Crocodile, Doris the Duck and Toby the Tortoise
58:10were having a picnic in the jungle.
58:15And Tweetburgers.
58:18I wouldn't eat anything else.
58:23Would you like some fruit for dessert?
58:26Oh, yes, please, George.
