• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Il Meeting è una grande occasione per Inps di incontro e di dialogo con i giovani". Così Antonio di Matteo, componente del CdA Inps, al Meeting di Rimini dove l’Istituto ha presentato i contenuti del 'Progetto Giovani' che partirà ad ottobre con l’obiettivo di avvicinare la platea dei giovani nella fascia d’età 18-34 anni al mondo della previdenza.


00:00Let's go back to a tradition that has also been verified in the past.
00:09The Meeting is an opportunity to compare, to meet many people,
00:13it is also a meeting of cultural reflection,
00:15the possibility to delve into the dimensions of the problems of our country.
00:20It is also an opportunity for us to begin to sow the seeds of what is a commitment
00:25on which we are naturally working.
00:28The theme is not only for those who have acquired the rights and have a life to maintain,
00:34but it is a look to the future, to the new generations.
00:37The occasion of the Meeting is a favorable occasion in this direction.
