Emmerdale 22nd August 2024

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00:30Oh, can I have a word, please?
00:31I overslept. I need to get to work. Can it wait?
00:33No, it can't.
00:34Happy birthday!
00:35For me?
00:36Well, unless there's another ever living upstairs who's got a big day today.
00:39Go on, open it.
00:40How did you know?
00:41Oh, you left this behind yesterday at the Hyde.
00:45Yeah, some of your cards fell out.
00:47Rona wasn't looking, but she couldn't not see your driving licence
00:49and it had your date of birth on the front.
00:52So we thought it might be nice to do something special.
00:57Thanks, but I don't do birthdays.
00:58You know, cos Rona's give you a free pass
01:00and I can get cracking with a full pamper session.
01:03Luxury nails included.
01:04Oh, there's no need. You've done so much for me already.
01:09I've got your posh coffee and Mandy's breakfast bombs.
01:14Go on, then.
01:15Please, madame, take a seat and prepare to be pampered.
01:20Right, I just want before and after.
01:21No photos. I don't want anything online.
01:24No, no, no, this is just for me and you.
01:26And you can see the difference when I release your inner fabulousness.
01:31One, two, three.
01:33Happy birthday!
01:40Have you seen Evan's blankie?
01:42Er, it's on the settee in the lounge.
01:45Do you need a lift to the hospital?
01:47Oh, no, it's fine, thanks.
01:48Billy's putting him in the car.
01:51It's his second round of chemo today,
01:53so he just got over his first.
01:55I know. It's really tough.
01:57Yeah. I mean, I know we're doing the right thing,
01:59it's just seeing him so poorly, it breaks my heart.
02:03Doctors wouldn't put him through it unless they knew he was going to get better.
02:07So if they think that way, so should we.
02:10That's what Kim said when she messaged me.
02:13Messaged you?
02:15Yeah, this morning.
02:17On her way to a meeting, she was just like,
02:19keep going, and that she's thinking of us today.
02:22That's nice.
02:25I just wish she was here.
02:28The kids miss her.
02:30I miss her.
02:32Look, if you speak to her,
02:34please tell her to come home.
02:39Anyway, I'll see you later.
02:45Also, tell her
02:47I'm going to go to the police about Mum.
02:49The police? What?
02:50Yeah, look, I know what I said about her being
02:53dead to me, but she's still my mother.
02:56She's not answering my calls
02:58or my messages.
02:59I've got to report her missing.
03:01Look, you just get Evan to the hospital.
03:03I'll take care of all that.
03:05Thanks, Dad.
03:07It's times like this we really need each other, right?
03:15We've got a real problem now.
03:17Call me.
03:22Got the muscle on him.
03:24Yeah, and look at the price.
03:26Prize-winning bills don't come cheap.
03:28He said he wanted to improve the yard.
03:30Get a big one like him, he'd get loads of quality calves.
03:32I mean, he is a beauty, I'll give you that.
03:35And he'd be an investment.
03:37We could live off of him.
03:39And he'd be an investment.
03:41We could lend him to other farmers.
03:43Sell his sperm.
03:45Sorry, what?
03:47We're thinking about buying another bull.
03:49Well, think again.
03:51You've already got one.
03:53I know it's getting on, but it does a decent enough job.
03:55He's slowing down.
03:57We buy another, then we're future-proofing the business.
03:59Bulls are stroppy and expensive,
04:01the size of a small planet.
04:03You've got enough on your hands with one of them.
04:05Yeah, look, if you know what you're doing...
04:07High-end stock means high-end prices.
04:09This guy might be just what we need.
04:11We've just taken on a new farmhand.
04:13We haven't got any spare cash floating about
04:15for new livestock.
04:17Yeah, well, sometimes you've got to factor in short-term pain
04:19for long-term gain.
04:21Right, and sometimes you've got to factor in
04:23living within your means.
04:25Well, thanks for your input, Cain.
04:27Appreciate it.
04:29No bull, all right?
04:31You look rough.
04:33Oh, morning, Jay, and how are you?
04:35Must be getting to you already.
04:37The stress of co-owning the hop
04:39for just a single day.
04:41No, I've been up half the night, actually.
04:43You know, trying and failing to work out
04:45where me and the kids are going to live,
04:47considering you're forcing us out of our home.
04:49Yeah, you were happy to do the same to me.
04:51You're just doing it out of spite.
04:53You've got a home, Jay.
04:55It's a big mansion over there.
04:57I told you, I used to,
04:59but I sold it to Priya,
05:01and now she's on about charging me rent.
05:03Yeah, and I don't believe you.
05:05Well, you better had do, cos the law is very clear.
05:07I'm skint, you've got assets,
05:09now we're getting the divorce that you wanted,
05:11we divide everything equally.
05:13Oh, come off it, Jay, you've got money.
05:15We all know you've got money.
05:17There we have it, the reason that you married me.
05:19So what was your plan, eh?
05:21Get a ring on your finger, then bin me off
05:23and grab half of everything I own?
05:25Pretty much what you're doing to me,
05:27but for the record,
05:29I actually married you,
05:31because I thought it was love, but you just,
05:33you just took advantage.
05:35I did?
05:37Yeah, I should have ended it, you know,
05:39the minute I found out that you faked my signature
05:41for that loan.
05:43But you didn't.
05:45So here we are.
05:47And by the way,
05:49I've asked the estate agent to come round and value the place
05:51so we can get it on the market.
05:53You can't sell something you don't own.
05:57This house is not for sale, okay?
05:59It never will be.
06:01Then I'll see you in court.
06:15We're happy with his bloods.
06:17Once we've got confirmation from the doctor,
06:19we can crack on with the chemo.
06:21Poor thing.
06:23He has no clue what's coming.
06:25Good job, eh?
06:27You okay?
06:29It's just last time we hadn't seen
06:31what the chemo could do to him.
06:33Now we know.
06:35And he'll take it in his stride,
06:37just like he did the last lot.
06:39I'll just go and chase the doctor up.
06:41Then we'll have a brew, all right?
06:47He's been a different baby the last few weeks,
06:49hasn't he?
06:53When this is over,
06:55it's clear.
06:57He'll have his whole life ahead of him.
06:59It's going to be okay.
07:01You know what it is.
07:03You don't know that.
07:05None of us do.
07:07I'm just trying to be strong.
07:09Yeah, I know.
07:11It's okay. We've got this.
07:15It's a good thing we've got each other, right?
07:25Oh, one minute!
07:31Happy birthday!
07:35Have you had a good day so far?
07:37Great, thanks.
07:39I've had the full treatment from Mandy.
07:41She said that you were paying.
07:43That's right. It's on us.
07:45I'm glad you enjoyed.
07:47There was no need.
07:49You've been a brilliant friend
07:51and a brilliant addition to the team.
07:53Hey, your nails look amazing.
07:55Look even better than they did on Mandy's post.
07:59Oh, yeah. Well, she's put her before and after
08:01on the salon, so she was here.
08:03Have a look, look.
08:05Oh, God, no.
08:07You look a bit anxious in the one before,
08:09but after the glam squad, you look really relaxed and happy.
08:11I told her not to do that. I said no.
08:13Well, it's just a selfie. It's not going to cause any harm, is it?
08:15You don't have a clue. None of you do.
08:17Oh, I didn't ask for any of this.
08:33That photo,
08:35I told you not to post it.
08:37I didn't. Don't lie to me. I've just seen it all over the internet.
08:39She's chuffing Amelia
08:41and I told her to keep it to herself.
08:43You told me that photo was just for us.
08:45But she's obviously not read the bit where I said don't post it.
08:47You can't blame her.
08:49You look like a bag of spanners in the first one.
08:51You know, in the after.
08:53Hello, goddess.
08:55Please don't tell me that's for me.
08:57Oh, you pretend you've not seen it.
08:59It's supposed to be a surprise for the do-later.
09:01What do?
09:03I've just invited a few people for a drink, you know.
09:05Don't worry, Bob and his sparkly jacket are barred,
09:07so it's just a lucky thing.
09:09Then uninvite them. You've got to stop this madness right now.
09:11But everyone's really looking forward to it.
09:13I don't want a party.
09:15I don't want a cake.
09:17And I didn't want that photo all over the internet.
09:19Delete it right now.
09:21It's OK, I am on this. I'm going to message Amelia, right?
09:23Will you stop stressing, though?
09:25It's your birthday.
09:27Yeah, my big day.
09:29Happy birthday to me.
09:31Do you really think I've got anything to celebrate?
10:03Go away.
10:05I will.
10:09Once I know you're all right.
10:13But you're not, are you?
10:15I'm fine.
10:19I, er, just saw you
10:21throwing cake and
10:23shouting at Mandy.
10:27I know today must
10:29always be very difficult for you.
10:33It's the anniversary of...
10:35Of the day I killed Joanne.
10:39Mandy was only trying to be nice.
10:43She's been such a good friend to me.
10:47I didn't want anyone to know it was my birthday.
10:49But they found out and they won't let it go.
10:53So it's all just, er,
10:55a little bit overwhelming, isn't it?
10:59I've had cake, cards,
11:01balloons, presents.
11:03It's the most anyone's ever done for me
11:05since Joanne's mum all those years ago.
11:07And I could have dealt with that.
11:11But then Mandy took these selfies.
11:13She promised me she wouldn't put them online
11:15but then she sent them to Amelia who couldn't help herself.
11:19Yeah, I saw them
11:21on the salon socials.
11:23The second one of you is actually rather good.
11:27There is so much hate out there for me.
11:31People who think I don't deserve to even live.
11:35If the papers were to get hold of a picture of me looking happy...
11:37As much as I admire
11:39and respect Mandy, I don't think her
11:41social media has quite the outreach
11:43you suspected it has.
11:45How can anyone think I've got anything
11:47to celebrate today?
11:53You made a mistake
11:55a long time ago
11:57and you have paid the price for it.
12:01And I'm very sorry my
12:03recent behaviour hasn't reflected that.
12:05You have
12:07every right to live your life
12:09no matter what anyone
12:11else thinks.
12:13And last time I checked
12:15it wasn't a crime to have your nails done
12:17or eat cake.
12:19I just feel so wrong.
12:23I do understand
12:25why you'd feel like that but
12:27life goes on
12:31and unless you acknowledge that
12:33you leave the past in the past
12:35you can never move
12:39And there are people here
12:41who want to help you to do that.
12:43People who care.
12:45Or they used to.
12:47Now they're going to hate me.
12:49Smashing cake, tearing down birthday banners.
12:51From what I can gather
12:53on the Ella's surprise birthday
12:55group chat, people are mortified
12:57that they've caused offence
13:01I'm thinking you might join them for a drink in the pub.
13:03They are.
13:05So I think you should just put
13:07all this upset behind you
13:09and let them raise a glass.
13:11You do?
13:13I do.
13:15Come on.
13:21We'll go together.
13:39Your superfood smoothie.
13:41You took your time.
13:43I wanted to be sure I got it right.
13:45Even though you might be in the process of divorcing
13:47my best friend.
13:49Your best friend who dumped me.
13:51You're still a valued customer
13:53and you're welcome here
13:55any time.
13:57I appreciate it.
13:59I support you. Things can just get a bit
14:03You know, when people split up.
14:11Something wrong?
14:13That's foul, disgusting, bitter.
14:15Just like you. I'm sorry it's not to your taste.
14:17I added salt instead of sugar.
14:19A bit of chilli sauce.
14:23I need some water.
14:25Then I suggest you head to the shop and buy a bottle.
14:27If I had my way, you'd be barred.
14:29But Brenda thinks we shouldn't take sides.
14:31I've done nothing wrong.
14:33I'm the injured party here.
14:35It's me that's surplus to requirements.
14:37You had us all conned.
14:39When she married you, I was actually happy for a more full me.
14:41I'm just doing what women do to blokes
14:43every day.
14:45You know, if it was the other way around,
14:47you'd be egging her on, telling her to take me for every penny.
14:49So now you're some kind of poster boy
14:51for divorce equality.
14:53Rishi might have had a blind spot for you,
14:55but you were always a miserable excuse
14:57for a human being.
14:59Says the woman
15:01whose daughter's locked up.
15:03Even he'd be ashamed of you
15:05right now. And if you had anything about you,
15:07you'd be ashamed of yourself.
15:15Ella was devastated.
15:17Millie was mortified.
15:19She meant no harm by it, you know.
15:21How was she to know it's the anniversary
15:23of what happened?
15:25Are you trolling her?
15:27Yeah, who chose the playlist? Bit inappropriate.
15:29Just chucked together some dance bangers,
15:31that's all.
15:35Oh, you made it!
15:37You've all been so kind.
15:39I appreciate everything, and I'm sorry
15:41if you think I don't.
15:43The last thing anyone's wanted to do was upset you.
15:45Come here.
15:49Hey, listen, Emilia took the picture down.
15:51Yeah, and we should have asked your permission
15:53before we told the whole world it was your birthday.
15:55I think it was just a bit overwhelming,
15:57wasn't it? I hope you can forgive me.
15:59So, if you all still want that drink...
16:01Mm, see, right, we do!
16:03What are we waiting for, then?
16:07Yay! Happy birthday.
16:09Right, come on, kids, get your requests in!
16:11Karaoke Queen's in the house!
16:13Drop it!
16:15Do you want to do it?
16:17It's gonna be fine, innit?
16:21Come on.
16:51You absolute cow!
16:53I've got all my
16:55sisters with me!
16:57We are
17:01Okay, I'm done.
17:03Get up everybody and sing!
17:05Right, come on, we've had enough of that now.
17:09Oh, go on, listen, give us a song.
17:11Absolutely not.
17:13Remember what I said, though? I'm sorry.
17:15All the effort you went to.
17:17Nah, there's no need.
17:19I mean, I've never had a grown-up birthday before.
17:21Not like this.
17:23Well, we'll have to make Joyce want to remember them, won't we?
17:25Right, come on, Ro-Ro, me and you!
17:27Do you have time?
17:29No moaning!
17:33What shall we choose?
17:35Oh, Ro-Ro, angels, dark angels.
17:37Are you glad you came?
17:39Thank you for talking me round.
17:43I sit and wait.
17:45Does an angel
17:49my fate?
17:51Listen, I hope you don't mind.
17:53I don't want to make it awkward,
17:55cos you and I are obviously not,
17:57you know...
17:59Mind what?
18:05I got you this.
18:07And I've been told
18:09that salvation
18:13I don't know if you remember,
18:15but a few months ago
18:17we were in town,
18:19and you said you liked it,
18:21so I thought I'd pop in this morning and...
18:25I love it.
18:27Oh, yeah.
18:31Come on, birthday girl, let's do this together!
18:33I've just told Mandy.
18:35I don't. I can't.
18:37Oh, you can do anything you want to.
18:39Yeah, I'll second that.
18:41Come on, you've got this!
18:43I've got a love and affection
18:45Whether I'm right
18:47or wrong
18:49Down the waterfall
18:51Wherever it may take me
18:55No one can stop me
18:57When I come
18:59to call
19:01She won't
19:03forsake me
19:07I'm loving angels
19:13Great song.
19:25Great song.
19:27We played it at Howard Johann's funeral.
19:31How did you even find me?
19:35Seeing as you had the gall to turn up to Auntie June's funeral,
19:37I figured it were game on.
19:39It weren't hard to track you down.
19:41Weren't you in here dinner time last week?
19:43That's right.
19:45You've been here?
19:47Just keeping an eye on you.
19:49Nothing more.
19:51The way the law works,
19:53I'd be hauled over the coals if you saw me,
19:55so I kept my distance.
19:57Until this.
20:01gurning idiots.
20:03Celebrating Ruth's big day.
20:07So I just wanted to bring her something.
20:09To make it really special.
20:11Please go away.
20:13Okay, this is a private party.
20:15Yeah, and you're not invited.
20:17So sling it.
20:19I'm not here to make trouble.
20:21Just open the card, Ruth, and I'll go.
20:33I wanted to pass on Johann's happy return,
20:35seeing as she can't.
20:37The little star Auntie June used to call her.
20:39Because she was.
20:41Wasn't she, Ruth?
20:43Okay, I think that's enough.
20:45You can do what now?
20:49This is our Johann.
20:51She was kind
20:53and funny
20:55and stroppy.
20:57And we loved her.
20:59And this monster
21:01destroyed our family
21:03when she took her away from us.
21:05Her eleventh birthday
21:07was her last birthday
21:13Why don't any of you get it?
21:15Yeah, we do. I promise. I do.
21:17Come on, let's go.
21:19No, leave me alone.
21:21I knew this was a bad idea.
21:23Well, the deeds are in my name.
21:25Yeah, but I'm still married to her.
21:27Salt in my smoothie.
21:29And now this.
21:31I am being persecuted.
21:33What are you doing?
21:35Oh, sorry, I'll call you back.
21:37What are you doing? You don't live here anymore.
21:39At least not before you barge in.
21:41Or I could do what you just did to me.
21:43And break in and empty the entire
21:45contents of my house.
21:47I'm not going anywhere.
21:49I'm not going anywhere.
21:51Break in and empty the entire contents
21:53of your house. What?
21:55I know it was you.
21:57Just like you got Nicola to lace my smoothie.
21:59I have no idea what you're
22:01talking about. Oh, stop lying to me.
22:03I don't deserve this.
22:05You're the one that wanted the divorce.
22:07Deserve what?
22:09I just went home
22:11to find that someone's been in
22:13and taken every stick of furniture
22:15out of my house. The only things that are left
22:17are some clothes and some stupid sign
22:19about karma.
22:21Genius. But it's not me.
22:23I mean, I wish it had been.
22:25Well, who else would it be?
22:27This morning, you threatened me.
22:29Yeah, with what you deserved.
22:31And maybe the universe was listening.
22:33It was you. It has to be.
22:35Jay, I'm recovering from a heart attack.
22:37The most I can do is lift
22:39a laundry basket. Oh, funny that.
22:41Because you looked well enough to me.
22:43Get out. I am telling you
22:45now, you have made a massive mistake.
22:47Look, the only mistake I have made
22:49is marrying you. Now, I need to
22:51get to work, so either get out or I'll call the police.
22:57Ruth, stop!
22:59Stop, Ruth!
23:01Don't come near me!
23:03Do you know what?
23:05I wish you'd died
23:07that day. And if I wanted,
23:09I could make it right like that.
23:11I'd be lying if I said I hadn't
23:13had a thought about it over a year. Please stay away.
23:15I'm not gonna
23:17hurt you. Not because I don't
23:19want to. I'd like nothing more.
23:21But since I don't want to spend the rest of my time inside
23:23with scum like you, I can't touch you.
23:25Leave me alone.
23:27It's not me you want to be worried about.
23:31You can run as fast as you
23:33want. Yeah, change your name again,
23:35get a shiny new life.
23:37But you'll never outrun what you are, what you did.
23:41That evil inside you,
23:43I can smell it from here.
23:45So can those new mates of yours.
23:49Is everything alright? What's wrong?
23:51I'm fine. Don't worry.
23:53I haven't touched her.
23:55I wouldn't
23:57soil my hands.
23:59Happy birthday, Ruth.
24:01Eh? Let's hope for all our
24:03sakes it's your last one.
24:09Ella, love.
24:11He found me in the pub.
24:13He followed me.
24:15Right, come on, I want you to take some deep breaths.
24:17Let's get you back inside.
24:19Tell me all about it.
24:21Come on.
24:29Hey. Didn't expect to see
24:31you so soon. Yeah, well, Evan's had his chemo
24:33and he's settled, so Dawn sent me home to
24:35sort Clemmie and Lucas.
24:37I told Kim.
24:39She rang me on her way back from the hospital.
24:41She called you? Yeah, she wanted an update on Evan.
24:43So she can find time to message
24:45Dawn and phone you up, but she can't be bothered
24:47to call me back? I'm sure she'll be in touch
24:49sooner or later. Who are you trying to kid?
24:51We both know it's too late for that.
24:53She doesn't give a stuff.
24:55Her silence can only mean one thing.
24:57That me and her, we're done.
25:09Don't give me that.
25:11I know it was you. You're the only one
25:13who hates me enough. Of course not, Jay.
25:15Look around. You've got more enemies
25:17than friends. Well, why not tell the police?
25:19See what they've got to say about it.
25:21And I'll tell them the truth. But if I had any spare cash,
25:23you honestly think I would hire somebody
25:25to clear your house?
25:27Whose house? My house.
25:29Something the matter? Jay's been burgled.
25:31Apparently. Someone's cleared out
25:33the whole place. I mean, even the toilet
25:35roll holders. What about that weird
25:37lamp in the hall? Yes, and it's not weird.
25:39It's classy. Or that
25:41hideous octagonal structure thing
25:43on the wall. Yes. Hexagons.
25:45And yes. It was so in your
25:47face, Jay. Come on. More like
25:49a crime against interior design.
25:51Sounds like whoever's done it has done you a favour.
25:53Now you can redecorate.
25:55Find yourself something a bit more contemporary.
25:57It was you, wasn't it?
25:59You did it for her. That's why you left
26:01that sign about karma. What sign
26:03about karma? You had the motive.
26:05You've had the opportunity.
26:07And you know where I hide the spare key.
26:09Listen, Jay. I've just had my nails done.
26:11Do you really think I'd be shifting furniture with ease?
26:13Why didn't you tell that to the police?
26:15She was here in the cafe
26:17when you stormed out. You know, working
26:19on a laptop. Right under my nose.
26:21So why don't you back off, Jay, and go back to your big
26:23empty house and leave us alone?
26:25When you find out who it was, let me know.
26:27So I can buy my drink.
26:29I know it was you.
26:31And I'm gonna prove it.
26:37where do you put all the stuff?
26:43can you see to the cars?
26:45Paddy's running late and he'll be here to
26:47give them their shots in about an hour. You off somewhere?
26:49Norfolk. I need to get
26:51going if I want to be there by tonight.
26:53I'm booked into a B&B and I make dinner
26:55with a livestock agent. Don't tell me you're still
26:57gonna go see that bull. Hey,
26:59if he looks as good as he does online,
27:01he'll be a great asset for the Herald. Dad said
27:03no. You can't afford it, can you?
27:05Well, it's my farm, Nate. I make the decisions.
27:07Tell him that the kids
27:09are with Lydia, his dinner's in the fridge, and I
27:11should be back by lunchtime tomorrow.
27:21We got some other fellas to do it.
27:23I mean, Jimmy wasn't so keen. We can't
27:25do that, Nico. It breaks the life code.
27:27But I, um,
27:29made him see that he had no choice.
27:31So it was you, after all!
27:33Ah, planned with military
27:35precision. As soon as Jay
27:37left this morning, they went in.
27:39We just kept an eye on his movements. I knew he'd
27:41go off on one about his smoothie this morning,
27:43which bought us a bit of extra time. I mean, they left with
27:45seconds to spare. But when Jay
27:47accused you, you just looked as innocent as
27:49I did. Well, I can lie like a
27:51pro when I have to. Kim taught me.
27:53It's direct eye contact and not a hint of
27:55a smirk. Genius.
27:57The little rat's finally got what's coming to him.
27:59I can't condone this behaviour, though.
28:01You know, you're stealing from Jay and breaking
28:03and entering. I mean, that is too criminal.
28:05Offences, girls. Well,
28:07put it all back, eventually.
28:09But the way he's been getting at you, I had to do something.
28:11Oh, you should have put a hidden camera in.
28:13I'd love to have seen his face when he realised
28:15that all of this had gone.
28:17Now, if it was me,
28:19I'd take all this stuff to
28:21some auction down south, sell it,
28:23you get the proceeds, deposit towards
28:25someone you... That's a great idea!
28:29Well, I mean, I
28:31probably wouldn't get much cash for it, but
28:33I mean, he actually paid for this.
28:35What was he thinking? I definitely have
28:37a problem with this.
28:39I do love you both. You know that,
28:41don't you? Aw, right back at you.
28:43And you know, this is just a
28:45warning. If he keeps bullying
28:47you, he's not going to know what's hit him.
28:55Here you go.
29:01What did he think gave him the right, eh?
29:03Turning up here today
29:05and spoiling your birthday?
29:07He only said what everyone else is thinking
29:09since they found out about Joanne.
29:11Murdering scum, that's me.
29:13An ex-con
29:15who's not to be trusted around kids
29:17or decent people.
29:19You know,
29:21when it came out,
29:23what happened all those years ago,
29:25it did come as a shock
29:27to all of us. It always does.
29:31I've ended up since I got out of prison.
29:33Yeah, but those of us that have got to know you,
29:35we've realised it's the
29:37person that you are now that matters,
29:39not the child you used to be.
29:43I've been so happy.
29:47Today was the first time I've dared
29:49to hope that this time it might work out.
29:53That I've finally found somewhere I can call home.
29:57Yes, and you have.
29:59My mood's all broken now.
30:01No, Ella, no it isn't.
30:03Gary's right. I can't run.
30:05You don't have to.
30:07I can't hide from who I am. There's no point in trying.
30:09Ella, just take a deep breath.
30:13There's no safe space. There's no second chances.
30:15I don't belong here.
30:17I never will.
30:19I know that Gary's upset you. I know he has.
30:21I promise you, I promise you,
30:23everyone who's in that pub,
30:25they're there because they care about you.
30:35You think you know me?
30:39You don't know me at all.
30:51Please don't hit me again.
30:53I will.
30:55Unless you call the police.
30:59There's no need for that, Ella.
31:01Look, whatever is going on here,
31:03we can sort it out.
31:07Not gonna happen, Wendy.
31:09Call the police. Do it now.
31:11Or do I really have to hurt you?
31:17OK, but
31:19my phone,
31:21it's in the staff room.
31:23Use mine.
31:27Police, please.
31:35I'd like to report an incident.
31:39I'm at Brook Cottage Surgery,
31:41Main Street, Emmerdale.
31:43If you don't get it soon, she gets it in the neck.
31:45Got it?
31:49What the...?
31:51She's lost it!
31:55What's wrong? What's this about?
32:11I think we should just move on.
32:13How can we?
32:15Ruth broke us.
32:17She broke our family.
32:23And I do know
32:25how tough that is.
32:29I lost my own daughter
32:31not so long ago.
32:33She was...
32:35She had just 18.
32:37And the
32:39only comfort
32:41I have is knowing
32:43that the person
32:45who murdered Leanna is in prison
32:47and she will never be released.
32:51I'm sorry.
32:53But Joanne was
32:55not even 12 years old when Ruth killed her.
32:59She had her whole life ahead of her,
33:01just like your girl.
33:03And now that cow's out
33:07The rest of her life in front of her.
33:11You call that justice?
33:15I happen to know
33:17that what Ella...
33:19Her name's Ruth.
33:21...did to Joanne
33:23has haunted her
33:25ever since.
33:27She tell you that?
33:29Ella regrets
33:31what she did
33:35She's haunted
33:37by grief
33:39and guilt.
33:41She knows she will never be able to live
33:43a normal life because of it.
33:45And you feel sorry for her?
33:47I think that everyone,
33:49if they're genuinely
33:53if they've done the work,
33:55if they've changed for the better,
33:57deserves a second chance.
33:59Or even the woman who killed your girl?
34:01Even her.
34:03If I thought for a moment
34:05she was capable of
34:07self-awareness or
34:15you're a better man than I am.
34:25So, I found
34:27a sales room that opens in Brighton tomorrow.
34:29Oh, give it a break, Gabby. Oh,
34:31three times in one day. You really
34:33are spoiling me, Jo.
34:35Why are you two looking so happy?
34:37Oh, just life. That's all.
34:39You know, since I
34:41had my heart attack, I just
34:43appreciate every day,
34:45every moment I treasure.
34:47Double points for every day that she's been
34:49separated from you. Triple when you're divorced.
34:59I know you've got my stuff.
35:01Look, do you actually want to order something?
35:03Because if not, I'm going to have to ask her to leave.
35:05Yeah, you know what?
35:07I'll have an Americano.
35:09Just over there, please.
35:11Oh, and actually, I might have a piece of cake as well
35:13and treat myself, because actually
35:15I'm celebrating too, as it happens.
35:17You know, whoever emptied out
35:19my house did me a favour. It was too
35:21big, you see. Me and
35:23Art, you were rattling round that
35:25big old place and, well,
35:27Priya's put up the rent.
35:29Oh, yeah, right. So I've decided to
35:31downsize, and as you've so
35:33kindly helped me with my...
35:35I can't hear you, Jay.
35:41...kindly helped me with my
35:43packing. Not her.
35:45Not me. Us. No.
35:47I don't even need to fork out for a removals van.
35:49Yeah. You know, I can't wait
35:51to meet my new neighbours. Oh, wow.
35:53What a treat for them.
35:55Oh, no. Forgot.
35:57I don't want to do that, because I already know them.
35:59Yeah. See, I've taken
36:01out a lease on Conalton.
36:03Bob's new tenants pulled out,
36:05and he was more than happy to help
36:07out a neighbour in need.
36:11you're moving across the road.
36:13It's your best to make that two coffees.
36:15He'll be here any minute to drop off the keys.
36:17New start for
36:19all of us, eh? Oh!
36:23And I brought you this back.
36:27Never a truer word.
36:35Gary said to you,
36:37I understand.
36:39It was triggering.
36:41I know that.
36:43My first and final party.
36:45For a minute there,
36:47I actually started to enjoy myself.
36:49We can work
36:51through this.
36:53Get some proper help, some counselling.
36:55I've had enough of that for one lifetime.
36:59Well, I'm going to call the police and tell them
37:01it was all a misunderstanding.
37:03When I bust Wendy's nose,
37:05good luck with that.
37:07We can sort
37:09this. I promise.
37:11Joanne died.
37:13I didn't.
37:15Nobody's going to be able to forgive or forget.
37:17Gary was right.
37:19Why should I be out here
37:21living my life when she can't?
37:23Why did I think I even
37:27Well, you're living proof that you can.
37:29Because people around here, they love you.
37:31And I loved Joanne.
37:33I miss her every day.
37:35And I'm sorry that she died,
37:37but sorry doesn't bring somebody back, does it?
37:41Please let me help you through this.
37:43What I did,
37:45no matter how fast
37:47I try to run, it catches me up
37:49every time.
37:51I'll never be able to escape.
37:53I'm cursed.
37:55I don't deserve
37:57to be loved.
37:59I don't deserve a life,
38:01a family, a baby.
38:05Those things are for normal people,
38:07not killers like me.
38:11Well, I'm sorry, but I don't subscribe to that.
38:13What Gary said was wrong.
38:15OK? Look how far
38:17you've come.
38:19There are so many people here who are your friends
38:21and they care for you.
38:23We can fix this.
38:25I can't.
38:27Nobody can.
38:29I'm done.
38:31It's over.
38:37At least I won't have to pretend when I'm back inside.
38:43That's what this is all about. You want to go back?
38:45I'm so tired, Mampreet.
38:49I just want to go home.
38:51This is your home.
38:53You're already here.
38:55Give this to Liam
38:57for me, please.
39:01We've had a call
39:03about a disturbance.
39:05It was me.
39:07I admit everything.
39:09It was me.
39:15Devon's asleep.
39:19So me and Dawn were wondering if you wouldn't mind taking a night shift
39:21so she can
39:23see the kids, get some rest.
39:27Look, Dawn
39:29needs a break. She needs to come home
39:31but, you know, if you're too busy to give her them...
39:33Sorry. It's business.
39:35There's some stuff going on.
39:37There's some massive stuff going on at the hospital.
39:39Life or death stuff.
39:41Dawn is being so strong and she's holding it together
39:43but I can't hold her together
39:45on my own. She needs a dad.
39:47I've not been pulling my weight. I get it.
39:49Look, I know you've got your issues with Kim
39:51and the haulage but we've got some serious issues
39:53with two kids who are worried about their little brother.
39:55Of course you have.
39:57And Rose. She's either gone off the radar
39:59or gone missing. I'll do tonight.
40:01Tell Dawn that she can come home.
40:03And tell her that
40:05I've spoken to the police about her mum.
40:07Tell her yourself.
40:09I've got to take the kids football practice.
40:11I'll message her. I promise.
40:25Oh, no, no, no. I'm only her husband.
40:27My wife shouldn't bother even telling me, eh?
40:29Look, listen. I need to go now.
40:31All right. See you. Bye.
40:33Hey. Thanks. Yes, please. I could do with a drink
40:35right now. Moira winding you up?
40:37Nothing she does or says
40:39makes any sense. One minute she's up, the next minute
40:41she's down.
40:43Then she's acting like she hates me.
40:45That's before she's even had a drink.
40:47Don't sound like her. Mind you,
40:49the past few times she's been in, Cheryl's knocked back
40:51a few more than her usual. Yeah, and now
40:53Nats just told me that she's off to Norfolk to look
40:55at some bull that we can't even afford.
40:57Now that is Moira. You know she's
40:59always run that farm her way. Yeah, but she's
41:01never gone off before for the night, just without
41:03telling me. Well, maybe she needs some time.
41:05For what?
41:07To look at the bull.
41:09She runs a business. She's a way on business
41:11at end of.
41:13Hm. That's up to her.
41:21said he's sorry that he couldn't stop
41:23for a chat, but the B&B's rammed.
41:25Unlike this place. Are you
41:27really moving into the village?
41:29I'll see you at the housewarming.
41:31That mean you're going to pay people to turn up?
41:33And you can tell whoever's
41:35got my stuff that I'll be at
41:37Conalton tomorrow.
41:39Shall we say two o'clock? She doesn't know what you're talking
41:41about. Archie's going to be back soon.
41:43I'd rather not break his heart
41:45by telling him that his stepmother
41:47has made off with his bed, his signed
41:49football shirt and his flipping beetle collection.
41:51So can you make sure that I get
41:53all my gear back in pristine
41:55condition? And I might
41:57think about not calling
41:59the police. Oh, no, call them. I haven't got
42:01any proof. All them wagons have trackers,
42:03Laurel. If I want proof, I'll get
42:05proof. You wouldn't, would you?
42:07Get my stuff back to me
42:09and you won't have to find out.
42:11Oh, and, er,
42:13thanks for the coffee. You really
42:15are spoiling me.
42:17He don't mean it.
42:19He does.
42:21Heavy word.
42:27Hey. Oh, your face.
42:29There's nothing broken. I'm more shaken than
42:31anything. Well, what happened?
42:33I don't know. It was Ella. She
42:35had some kind of breakdown.
42:41Ella, what have you done?
42:43This woman is a patient
42:45in crisis. In my capacity as
42:47her GP, I have to insist that you
42:49let her go. And I obviously concur
42:51with my colleague's diagnosis. Thanks, but
42:53we'll take things from here.
42:55We'll be back to take a statement in due course.
42:57OK, look, don't worry about
42:59it. We are going to get you a solicitor. Yeah,
43:01we'll sort it out. Thank you
43:03for everything, but
43:05this is for the best.
43:11I don't believe this.
43:13Be happy, Liam.
43:17Mind your head.
43:25asked me to give you this.
43:47It's the new comedy starring
43:49Zoe Lister-Jones as a restless wife
43:51thrust into a parallel world after a
43:53one-night stand. Watch Slip now
43:55on ITVX. And there's live
43:57comedy from the Edinburgh Fringe on ITVX
43:59tonight. Join Judy Love along with
44:01Jason Byrne and Chloe Petz at
44:035. But next on ITV1
44:05tonight, it's Love Your Garden.