Emmerdale 20th August 2024

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00:30I'm sorry.
00:31I'm sorry.
00:32I'm sorry.
00:33I'm sorry.
00:34I'm sorry.
00:35I'm sorry.
00:36I'm sorry.
00:37I'm sorry.
00:38I'm sorry.
00:39I'm sorry.
00:40I'm sorry.
00:41I'm sorry.
00:42I'm sorry.
00:43I'm sorry.
00:44I'm sorry.
00:45I'm sorry.
00:46I'm sorry.
00:47I'm sorry.
00:48I'm sorry.
00:49I'm sorry.
00:50I'm sorry.
00:51I'm sorry.
00:52I'm sorry.
00:53I'm sorry.
00:54I'm sorry.
00:55I'm sorry.
00:56I'm sorry.
00:57I'm sorry.
00:58I'm sorry.
00:59I'm sorry.
01:16What are you doing up?
01:19Has something happened?
01:21Nothing's happened.
01:22What? Except...
01:24my dog died yesterday.
01:26Oh, yeah.
01:27I'm sorry.
01:29The worst part of it is Belle accusing me.
01:32And I get it, she's grieving, but it still hurts.
01:37I was there when Piper died.
01:40Holding her broken body, willing her to fight, but she just couldn't.
01:44Oh, Tom.
01:46It's such a shame that you and Belle can't support each other.
01:49I've tried. I keep trying to put her first.
01:52You know, bending over backwards to be more understanding.
01:57..is just so...
02:01You can't let it get to you.
02:03However hard she makes it, you've just got to ignore her.
02:09But this place is your baby.
02:11I know it must be hard working with Laurel.
02:13Well, that has nothing to do with it, really.
02:15Yeah, but to sell all of your shares, that's drastic.
02:20No buyers queuing at the door, then?
02:22Well, there will be, as soon as they announce that I'm moving on.
02:25Yeah, right.
02:26Well, I'd bite your hand off if I had more than £3.50 in my savings account.
02:31Look, you can hold your little announcement,
02:34because I'm going to buy you out.
02:36Dream on.
02:38I think as the only other shareholder, it's my prerogative.
02:41Well, you haven't got the cash.
02:43That is, unless you're planning on raiding Thomas' trust fund.
02:46Thankfully, I have more morals than you, Jay.
02:49Oh, and I'm using the office.
02:51I've got to meet with my solicitor, so don't come in.
02:54Ooh, solicitor!
03:03Vinnie, the usual, is it?
03:05Actually, I'll come back in a bit, yeah.
03:08Feel free. Just waft in and out as the fancy takes you.
03:13Vinnie, hold on.
03:16Yesterday, I did not mean to make you feel awkward, you know,
03:20and I mentioned Gabby's motor, pleasing her.
03:24Yeah, it was my fault for dropping you in with Sarah, I guess.
03:27Hang on, let me apologise.
03:29You know what I'm like. A bit thoughtless.
03:32Dense, not appreciating that maybe it's actually a very sensitive subject.
03:37Yeah, here you are, banging on about it again.
03:40Well, yeah, cos I don't want you to worry.
03:43Gabby is clearly into you.
03:45I just think it's your little overthinking brain.
03:48Yeah, but for how long? Until novelty wears off?
03:51I don't know, Vinnie. Does anybody?
03:53I mean, isn't that the joy of it?
03:55You know, the flutters, the anticipation,
03:57wondering if the chemistry's there.
03:59Yeah, so no pressure, then.
04:01Look, call me crazy, but...
04:04..why don't you speak to Gabby?
04:06Say all this stuff, you know, get it out in the open.
04:11Vinnie, there is nothing sexier
04:13than a man who isn't scared of communication.
04:23See you later.
04:29I've come to collect Piper.
04:33Um, you should have messaged me.
04:35Why? So you can make sure you were here and not out on some early morning call?
04:39What? Piper.
04:42It's not possible. I'm sorry.
04:44What do you mean?
04:47You've worked in this place. You know we've got no storage space.
04:50You haven't, Tom.
04:53You wouldn't do that. You wouldn't...
04:55You wouldn't just get rid of her without telling me,
04:57shipping her off in the waste van like a piece of rubbish.
04:59Belle. You have no right.
05:01No right, but of course you've got to twist the knife in a bit more
05:04because you are sick and disgusting.
05:06Don't yell at me outside my place of work.
05:08This is what you meant
05:10when you told me I'd regret it.
05:14Um, is, uh, is Gabby around?
05:16She's in a meeting, so join the queue.
05:20Oh, Vinnie.
05:22Come on, then. Don't leave me hanging.
05:24Two cappuccinos, please, Jay. Thank you.
05:27I'm not stopping.
05:29I just thought maybe we could talk.
05:31What? You over me already?
05:33No, no. God, no, no. I just, um...
05:36Well, I wanted to put it out there,
05:38just so it doesn't become a problem.
05:40Put what out there?
05:42Well, you know, our differences in, um, experience levels.
05:45You've had relationships, regular relationships.
05:48Regular relationships?
05:50Well, yeah, ones with, um...
05:53..with sex. You've had sex, lots of sex.
05:56Wow. It's no point beating around the bush.
05:58I don't know why. I didn't...
06:00OK, wherever this is going, please stop talking.
06:02I just... I want to be honest, OK?
06:05If there's a problem, then you can tell me.
06:08Vinnie, is that what you got from the other night?
06:11That he was just one massive letdown?
06:13Oh, God.
06:14Well, not from my end, clearly, but I just...
06:17The feedback you gave me wasn't exactly glowing.
06:20Well, bear with me while I get out my school card.
06:22You said he was fine. Fine, like, you know, when Mum goes,
06:25''Oh, how's the temperature for you, love?''
06:27''Oh, it's fine!''
06:28It's fine. We were at Lawrence.
06:29Yeah, I'm a sink of lukewarm water.
06:32You were stressing about us corrupting the family
06:34and I was trying to chill you out.
06:37Oh, that's what you meant?
06:41I've totally humiliated myself now, haven't I?
06:43I mean, how have I got that so wrong?
06:45Vinnie, it's cute.
06:46No, it's pathetic and needy,
06:48but it means security's on you.
06:50You haven't.
06:51I should go. No, I am, I am going to go.
06:53OK, well, I'll see you at the pub later?
07:02Jimmy, can I have a flat white, please?
07:04Sorry, just trying to work out these driving shifts.
07:07Distance in kilometres minus time taken off for road works
07:11and Rodney's bladder stops.
07:12I'm rubbish at maths.
07:14I can't afford to be, sadly.
07:20Look at you.
07:22I miss your face at the surgery.
07:25So does Liam.
07:27He still asks about you, you know.
07:32Any chance you've changed your mind about getting back together?
07:35Absolutely not.
07:36I'm not being anyone's pity project.
07:39No, it doesn't matter.
07:41We've drawn a line under it, so I hate to disappoint you.
07:44Far from it.
07:45Because you know what this means?
07:47It means you can be my wingwoman when I try online dating.
07:51I can't.
07:52Yeah, you can. It'll be fun.
07:54No, I mean, I could get recognised.
07:56That's why I'm not on social media or anything.
07:59I hadn't thought.
08:01Well, it's fine.
08:02I'm not looking for a partner.
08:04Who needs a man when I've got friends like you on Monday?
08:07That's sweet of you to say.
08:09So you and me, a pub, tonight.
08:16Ooh, Gabby.
08:19Check your emails.
08:21I've just sent you an offer letter.
08:23You serious?
08:25It's the best offer you're going to get,
08:27unless you want to haggle with strangers for months.
08:35Well, that's decent.
08:37I still don't understand how you...
08:39It's not your problem.
08:41You got yourself a loan.
08:43Oh, it doesn't matter anyway.
08:44I'll find out when my solicitor does the checks.
08:46A loan, some savings,
08:48and the rest of the funds are coming from a new investor.
08:51What? Who?
08:54We're just in the middle of something.
08:58Look, if you come to remind me about mediation tomorrow,
09:00I know, OK?
09:03Have you said anything?
09:05Jay, let me introduce you to my new business partner.
09:14Why would Tom come up here just to let Piper out?
09:18I don't know where Bell gets these ideas.
09:21He never put his own dog in, did he, Jay?
09:23He's a vet. It'd be bad for his rep, wouldn't it?
09:26She's gone.
09:30I just went to collect her body
09:32and Tom wouldn't even give me that last moment with her.
09:34What are you talking about?
09:35Why didn't I go through Rana? I should have just gone through her.
09:38He would do anything to punish me.
09:40Piper's on her way up here now.
09:42Tom were out first thing.
09:44We dug a spot next to Hamish.
09:48We thought you'd want that.
09:50Like your horses watching over it.
09:53That's probably Tom now.
10:04You told me you didn't have her.
10:05I said she wasn't in the surgery.
10:07If you'd let me explain...
10:09No, you...
10:10Bell, she was in my car.
10:13It's just a misunderstanding.
10:29So how did you raise this investment?
10:32Business loan against the house, was it?
10:35Cos that's the only way anyone would be daft enough to lend you money.
10:38Says the expert.
10:39Sorry, didn't he use your name to commit fraud?
10:42Shut up, Gabby.
10:43Why are you doing this?
10:44Because I can.
10:45And because I trust Gabby a damn sight more than I trust you.
10:49Anyway, why is it so outrageous that I'm a shareholder?
10:53Because you're clueless.
10:55Ah, but I'm not.
10:57And you'll discover that when we double the profits.
11:00So the price will reflect that, then?
11:03My shares have just gone up by a third.
11:05That's not how it works, Jay.
11:06I think you're forgetting about the tales I can tell about you.
11:10You know, upstanding businessman, pillar of community,
11:13who's got some pretty nasty secrets.
11:16Like anyone would believe you.
11:18I think Eric will sing like a canary.
11:21Now he's not getting any free drinks.
11:23Well, lucky for you, I wasn't being serious.
11:27So it sounds like we're on agreement, then.
11:29I'll call my solicitor and instruct him to proceed.
11:33She was so...
11:36full of character.
11:38Clever, always making us laugh.
11:42We loved her so much.
11:44And we treated her like family because...
11:47that's what she was.
11:49And I know that she was...
11:51a huge support to Belle in...
11:55recent painful times.
12:00You could say something to her, you know.
12:03A memory. It might help.
12:06A memory.
12:10Have this one.
12:14Locked outside all night cos he wouldn't let her in the house.
12:16That's how he treats his family.
12:18Are you talking about the cottage?
12:20She cried for hours. She was so scared she was shaking.
12:23She was chasing sheep.
12:24She wasn't.
12:25If you were somewhere new, you can never be too careful.
12:29She was probably just fussing.
12:31There's no wrong with a dog grubbing a boat outside.
12:34How are you taking his side? Why aren't you listening to me?
12:37Belle, can we please just get through this
12:39without your accusations and dramatics?
12:43We're burying our dog.
12:46Not harlocking Piper.
12:48Stop it! Stop pretending, Belle!
12:51Love, I know what's happened is awful,
12:54but all this nastiness, it isn't fair.
12:56How are you not seeing it? This is not real!
12:59Shall we just crack on, eh?
13:02For Piper.
13:03Yeah, I bet she'd hate all this bad feeling.
13:06Let's just do what we're here for.
13:10Thank you, Lydia. Sam.
13:14I'm glad that you're here with us.
13:17Shall I...?
13:18Don't you dare.
13:23I'm so sorry that I broke my promise to protect you.
13:35Aw, I'm going to miss that little tea-towel flick.
13:39When you first started doing it, I thought it was dead pausy,
13:42but actually, you've got Matty doing it round the kitchen.
13:44I'm glad someone's going to miss me when I'm gone.
13:47Oh, not just me.
13:49Listen, I know we've had our differences,
13:51but you are not the worst boss I've ever had.
13:55Actually, you're sometimes quite nice.
13:58I can't believe I've just said that.
14:00That's the point of running a business, isn't it?
14:03You know, like my dad said, being part of the community.
14:07Your dad was proper sound.
14:09You know, it's the first time in 15 years
14:11that a charmer hasn't been involved in running this place.
14:13Hey, Amy, are you going to come and join us?
14:15We're going to toast to the new era.
14:17Which hasn't officially started yet,
14:19but I'm chasing my swister as we speak.
14:22Hey, don't mind me.
14:24It's the new bosses you need to suck up to now.
14:44That could have gone better.
14:46But, no.
14:48You just couldn't stop your wild accusations.
14:51They're not wild accusations, Tom.
14:53We both know what you're like. You're sick and twisted.
14:56Oh, this narrative is getting boring.
14:59You know, everyone round here is just sick of you
15:01constantly just banging on at them.
15:03I can't listen to it any more.
15:05All your lies, your fake tears.
15:07You're your fake tears.
15:09All your lies, your fake tears.
15:11You're your own worst enemy.
15:13They deserve the truth.
15:15What, like you just tried to inflict on Sam and Lydia?
15:19That was embarrassing.
15:21Not just the truth about Piper.
15:23All of it.
15:26I mean, do you want to look even more insane?
15:31I have done everything in my power to make you happy,
15:35but all I've done is just jump from one mental health crisis to the next.
15:41You pushed me.
15:43You locked me in. You punched me.
15:45And you were at the house this morning. I know you were.
15:48OK, so we've got lies, delusions and conspiracy theories.
15:54I mean, it's all symptomatic.
15:57Val, no-one is going to believe you.
16:02Do you understand?
16:08And I was right, FYI, about the dog's lack of training.
16:12Maybe if you taught her a lick of road safety,
16:16she would have ran away from the car, not towards it.
16:22Although, maybe she'd recognise the driver.
16:26I guess we'll never know.
16:28Oh, my God.
16:30I was right, it was you.
16:33You hit her, and then what?
16:36You waited for me to leave the pub. You were just sat there.
16:39I've got no idea what you're talking about.
16:42You pretended that you'd just found her.
16:45And that whole time you could have got her to the vets, you could have saved her,
16:48but no, you watched her in agony.
16:50We did everything we could to save her.
16:53Rona and I literally stayed up all night working on her.
16:57Now talk about ungrateful.
17:00Did you ever love her?
17:03Or show her as a weapon?
17:07You've done your worst, Tom.
17:10You've taken everything away from me.
17:14How are you going to hurt me now?
17:25We're sealing the deal over a cup of tea and cucumber sandwiches.
17:29Just take it.
17:31Oh, signed it already.
17:33Not even one token quibble.
17:35You said you wanted it done quickly.
17:37Unless you've changed your mind that...
17:39No, no. You can get back to your next attempts at world domination.
17:43Starting with your leaving party, now that'll be fun.
17:46I'll expect the money in my account by the close of play.
17:49Yeah, and you'll get it.
17:51It'll be my absolute pleasure.
17:53Freeing Laurel from your toxic clutches.
17:55Bye, Jay.
18:02It's me.
18:04Get the money, it'll be in your account tomorrow.
18:09Not a clue.
18:11She has no idea what's coming.
18:14So how about we finish these and head off into town, find a nice wine bar.
18:19It's all cocktails now.
18:21With a nice bearded barman.
18:23A man-bomb.
18:29Bear's got a beard.
18:31Ella, I'm trying to sell you a girls' night out here.
18:33Bear, sweet as he is, it's not really the vibe.
18:36I don't really do girls' nights.
18:38Girl, you're making it hard.
18:42I'm sorry if you think I'm rushing you.
18:45And I'm sorry for being such a fun sponge.
18:48I bore myself sometimes, honestly.
18:50Ella, you are boring.
18:52If you were, I wouldn't be sat here.
18:54But it's OK, we'll go at your pace.
18:56You keep setting those boundaries and hold me to them.
19:00My show.
19:09Bottle of Prosecco, please. Is Vinnie here?
19:14Yeah, about so high. Black hair, specs.
19:17No, not since this morning.
19:19You meeting him here, though? Should we get two glasses?
19:22I can always help you up.
19:27This, um, this Vinnie thing,
19:30it's not serious, is it?
19:32Sorry, I don't mean to criticise your choices,
19:35but you've got so much going for you.
19:38You're intelligent, ambitious, independent,
19:42and, obviously, really hot.
19:46Well, thank you for your unsolicited opinion.
19:49So glad I've got a man to tell me.
19:51What I mean is, if it wasn't too soon after Belle,
19:54why put my hat in the ring?
19:56Vinnie, quick.
19:58Got competition, apparently.
20:00What, Gabby? You'll get me in trouble.
20:02Tom was eyeing up your drink.
20:05He ain't joining us, is he?
20:07What, making third wheel?
20:09Spare the poor boy.
20:19We can take as long as you want.
20:22I wasn't going to do this.
20:25I haven't planned...
20:29Did something happen to make you come today?
20:36My husband.
20:40I thought if I left him, it'd stop.
20:44What would stop, Belle?
20:47Are you in any danger from your husband now?
20:54I don't want to report him.
20:56I can't. That's not why I've come.
20:58It's OK. I'm not going to make you do anything.
21:05I read about Claire's law online.
21:11And that way I'll know I've...
21:13If he's done it to someone else or anything.
21:15It's not your fault.
21:18You know, however he's hurt you,
21:20made you feel, whatever he's told you,
21:24it's not your fault.
21:27I know.
21:38If you've been affected by issues raised in today's debate,
21:41if you've been affected by issues raised in tonight's programme,
21:44you can visit itv.com.au for support information.
21:49Next, it's new cooking with the stars.