Emmerdale 26th August 2024

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01:45Hey. I didn't know you were back.
01:48I am.
01:49How's the lad?
01:51Well, he's still got leukemia.
01:56I got this.
02:08Well, I want to say I'm surprised, but...
02:13I want to say I'm surprised, but...
02:16Look, there's still me and you,
02:18Billy and Ellis and their mother.
02:21Stay positive.
02:23How can I when my own parent
02:25chooses to reduce my son's chance of survival?
02:28I know. It's terrible.
02:31It's absolutely disgusting.
02:33She should be ashamed of herself.
02:35She should?
02:39Weeks of lying to my face
02:41when I've been having the hardest time of my life.
02:46What are you going to do?
02:48See if you can keep this going?
02:50Like, if you sound convincing enough,
02:52I'm going to go,
02:54OK, thanks for clearing that up.
02:58Not happening.
03:00Because, Dad,
03:02I was driving to the hospital
03:05and guess who I found?
03:17Hey, sorry, I saw you left a message, but I was driving.
03:21What are you doing here?
03:23Waiting for a bus.
03:25Well, there's a bus stop in the city.
03:27I thought I'd give you a lift.
03:29I was waiting for a bus.
03:31Well, there's a bus stop in the village.
03:41Dawn, I'm sorry to call you while you're at the hospital.
03:45But to be honest, I'm glad you didn't pick up
03:48because I was struggling to find the right words.
03:52I want you to know I tried.
03:54I really did.
03:56And I love you and those kids
03:58and I want what's best for you.
04:00But I was never cut out to be a mother.
04:03To put you first.
04:05So this has to be goodbye.
04:07You know how the rest of that goes, don't you?
04:14There must be something you can do. You're a mechanic.
04:17Of cars. I know how to fix cars.
04:19I don't know how to fix
04:21things in the back of tractors that help put fence posts in.
04:25Wow what?
04:27You're a farmhand but you don't know anything about keeping bees, do you?
04:30That's not the same comparison, you div.
04:32Well, it's the one I'm making, you div.
04:34And the answer is make sure that the hive door is shut, by the way.
04:37It's a gag.
04:38Yeah, you need a gag.
04:39You make me gag.
04:40Well, would you start packing now?
04:42This is going to take us all day.
04:44Let's change the subject.
04:46What's the deal with Cain and Moira?
04:48Dunno, they've been off for weeks.
04:51You've not got in the marital bed again, have you?
04:53Shut up, that's your sister.
04:55She was my sister last time as well.
04:57Seems to be more coming from her, to be honest.
04:59Well, it seems to be coming from him this morning.
05:02She was due back yesterday. Apparently she texts Kyle, not my dad.
05:07You know what to do, Mum?
05:08What's that?
05:10Post driver.
05:12Oh God, how long is it going to take us to use one of them?
05:15Less time than if we just stand here staring.
05:19You hold the posts because that's the easy job.
05:22You drive him in because, well, look at you.
05:25And I'll follow you tacking the fence on, yeah?
05:29Sorry, you're now in charge because...
05:32Because no one else was solving the problem and I want to get paid.
05:35And I can't see that happening if we don't do any work.
05:47Not it.
05:51Whoa, Wendy.
05:53What happened?
05:55How are you?
05:56Shocked that you know my name.
05:59I'm starting to think maybe you should change it to Tyson.
06:02Seriously, you OK?
06:05I should be a lot better when you leave her alone.
06:07Go on.
06:12I really think maybe we should just...
06:16I wanted to say thank you for dropping the charges.
06:20Job done, then.
06:22Chas, can I have a small pinot grigio, please?
06:26And I'm so sorry for the other day.
06:29I told Wendy what a lot of strain you've been under.
06:31That's no excuse.
06:33Glad you know it.
06:36Can I buy you that?
06:38What, you think that's going to make up for this?
06:40For scaring me witless?
06:44I don't think it'll come close,
06:46but if you can think of anything that will, please just say and I'll do it.
06:49How about get on a bus going one way?
06:52All buses go one way.
06:55Just saying.
06:59Two pints of zero, please.
07:04You just missed out.
07:07Story of my life.
07:11This whole wait-a-year business,
07:14I don't want to be skint for that long,
07:17so we need to speed things up.
07:19Well, I think we need to wait till a few less people around here hate you.
07:23People don't hate me.
07:25Until your self-awareness returns.
07:27Right, you know what? I think I might have made a mistake here.
07:30Maybe I should just leave you to do this.
07:32You haven't made a mistake.
07:33A mistake would be missing out.
07:35On what? You haven't even sorted the land out yet.
07:39What are you two business powerhousers going on about?
07:42Oh, Jay's just saying that Love Story's Taylor Swift's best song
07:45and I said all too well not to spot us off it.
07:56Letting me think that my mum had run off when I've never needed my family more?
08:00When I'm beside myself with worry about losing my son?
08:03I was trying to protect you.
08:05Oh, rubbish.
08:06My aunt Swirling turned up with Rosa's bag
08:08and I thought that Kim had done something to her.
08:11And she thought the same about me.
08:13Wow, what a wonderful marriage you've got.
08:15Obviously I knew I'd done nothing.
08:17Oh, obviously.
08:18Yeah, because you're a saint.
08:20You've done nothing, apart from straight away get on board with covering up
08:23what might have been the murder of my mother.
08:26Oh, and my favourite one.
08:27Deliberately putting Evan at even greater risk.
08:30Yeah, I can't defend that.
08:32Well, that's something then.
08:33Look, I was hoping, well, I still hope obviously
08:36that one of us others will be a match.
08:40Worth the gamble, I guess.
08:44And why would you think that Kim would do something to her?
08:50Why would she think that about you?
08:54You can save yourself another lie because I already know.
09:00There was another reason that I stayed.
09:03Besides wanting to be part of your life.
09:07Another reason, or the only reason?
09:11I owed money.
09:12Oh, of course you did.
09:15Well, go on.
09:17I broke my arm.
09:18The hospital called your dad.
09:21Then I met you again.
09:22Saw how well you were doing.
09:24And what, you wanted to see what you could get out of me?
09:26No, it wasn't like that.
09:28Then what?
09:29Bummed into Ruby one night.
09:32After Kim had threatened me.
09:34And Ruby hates Kim.
09:36She said to see what trouble I could cause.
09:38In my home?
09:40Where I live with my children who have been through so much.
09:44Hurting them is never part of it.
09:46Just me?
09:48No, Dawn.
09:51It was meant to be and it became something else.
09:53I fell in love with you all.
09:55You're a liar.
09:56I'm not.
09:57I'm telling you the truth.
09:59Then why are you going?
10:12Because you got what you came for.
10:21Go on, walk off.
10:22But we're not done yet.
10:23Not even close.
10:40Yes, she's due back first thing tomorrow
10:42and yours will be the first name she hears when she's back.
10:44Lovely to speak to you. Bye.
10:46Who was that?
10:48Warwick Pies?
10:49Yeah, a Therapy customer.
10:50So he kept saying.
10:52I don't love being the receptionist, by the way.
10:55You've answered one call.
10:57Just call.
10:58Well, better get back to my other job as tea boy
11:01and take these to the Bicker Brothers before they grind to another hole.
11:05Oh, hi, John.
11:06How's it going?
11:07Good, thanks.
11:08Warwick Pies, very big deal.
11:11That's that done.
11:14And hi to you, too.
11:17No hug?
11:18Have you met me?
11:19Yeah, well, I like to be an optimist.
11:21I looked like a right idiot when you did one.
11:23Oh, no, why? What did you do?
11:26You left without a word, I mean.
11:28I told Nate.
11:29Well, he's not your husband.
11:30Well, look, I saw a good opportunity and I took it.
11:33Oh, wait.
11:34I've got you a wee prezzie.
11:40Don't not tell me that you haven't dreamed of owning one of these babies.
11:44Got yourself a present, too?
11:46No, that's your real one.
11:48You sure?
11:49Yes, I'm sure, Cain.
11:50What is this?
11:53You know, you tell me.
11:55You act all weird, you disappear without a word,
11:57and then you arrive back with a bag full of booze.
11:59A bag full of booze.
12:00It's one bottle and it's for you.
12:01So you say.
12:02So why are you not questioning the tea towels?
12:04Because people don't get hammered off tea towels.
12:11Me and Kim, we were trying to keep things from you.
12:14Oh, you did that?
12:15Hurtful things, I mean.
12:17What, like how awful you are?
12:19Rose was trying to come between us, all of us.
12:22All she cared about was ruining things.
12:24Well, if you're so clever and I am so stupid,
12:27why couldn't you clue me in?
12:28Because we didn't know ourselves for ages.
12:30What gave it away?
12:31Just a combination of things.
12:33What things?
12:34Just loads.
12:35Well, it must have been loads,
12:36because wanting to kill her is a pretty big reaction.
12:39I swear, Dawn, and I know you've got no reason to believe me,
12:42but I did not hurt your mother.
12:44But you weren't bothered if Kim did, were you?
12:47You were very happy to help make that go away.
12:53So do you know what happened to her?
13:05You've got this wrong.
13:07Oh, of course I have, because there's no evidence.
13:10I've told a lot of lies.
13:12But I've never lied about my feelings for you.
13:16Ruby paid off my debts.
13:18I was meant to split them up, bring them down.
13:21I tried to snoop around.
13:24In your grandchildren's home?
13:26Ruby was getting impatient.
13:28She knew my heart wasn't in it.
13:30I should have told her to swivel.
13:32But you didn't.
13:35I threw myself at your dad.
13:39The first time he said no,
13:41I tried again when Kim moved out and we...
13:44Oh, my God.
13:46It looked like Kim wasn't going to find out, so I dropped a big hint.
13:49And what Ruby was like?
13:51Oh, good work. Here's your bonus.
13:53And now you're running out of my life all over again.
13:57What do you mean, no?
13:59They made me pack.
14:00They threw me in the boot of the car and they drove me here
14:03before Kim could find out what we'd done.
14:06And they told me what would happen if I ever came back.
14:09And then your dad gave me that money to...
14:12He paid you to leave?
14:21It was me who spiked your drink.
14:23It was an accident. It was meant for him.
14:31I love you, Dawn.
14:33I love you, Dawn.
14:36And I love your kids.
14:38I'm a big fan of Billy's.
14:41But if you carry on living in that house, things are going to go bad.
14:45So, please, take it and go.
14:50I'm proud of you.
14:52And I'm so sorry.
14:59So, then, what? You just drove away?
15:02No, I'm not you. I took her to the airport.
15:05So she is OK?
15:09The fact you're asking that
15:11means you spent weeks thinking your wife might have killed her.
15:14And you've said nothing.
15:16So don't pretend to care, all right?
15:19So you found all that out,
15:21came home and said nothing?
15:24What, does that make me a bad daughter?
15:27And no, actually.
15:29If you remember, which you won't,
15:31because you don't care about anyone but yourself,
15:34I went straight to hospital and I came back in the morning.
15:37I bumped into swirling coming out of here.
15:40Did he say anything?
15:42Oh, hello.
15:44I don't suppose your mum's with you?
15:46No. Oh, God, what's she done now?
15:48Far from getting blotto and losing her handbag, you mean.
15:51You what?
15:53Your dad told me. It's all right, it's not illegal.
15:56Not exactly recommended either.
15:58Anyway, it's there for when she turns up.
16:01Right, thanks.
16:06Not the story you told me, is it?
16:09There was a drunken brawl outside the airport
16:12and I caught her breaking into the safe.
16:14Who is she, Ronnie Biggs?
16:16You were covering for Kim and she was covering for you.
16:20And I have left it, all this time, just to see what would happen.
16:24And what has happened is lie after lie.
16:27I was protecting you!
16:29You were protecting you!
16:33No, she... she cared about us.
16:35And the kids. She wanted us in her life.
16:40She wouldn't be so cruel.
16:42Don't waste another tear on that woman.
16:47I really believed her.
16:49You're better off without her.
16:51We all are.
16:58And that's when I realised you were both lying to me.
17:04And that there's nothing you won't do to save your own skin,
17:07including letting me think I mean nothing to my own mum,
17:10and risking your grandson's life.
17:13You're an embarrassment to me.
17:16And to yourself.
17:18And I'm done with you.
17:21I'm done with you.
17:23And to yourself.
17:25And I'm done with you.
17:31You disappear on some trip
17:33and then you ride back all chirpy like nothing's happened.
17:37I'm chirpy because I've just bought a really good bull.
17:40All right, so where is it, then, this bull?
17:42He's out in the car, Cain.
17:44He's having a snooze in the passenger seat.
17:46He's tired because we shared the driving.
17:48Oh, come on, you know there's paperwork.
17:52Look at the business account if you want to.
17:54There's a bull-sized tool in it.
17:56Well, you could have spent that on anything.
17:58And the metric tonne of farm animal that arrives tomorrow.
18:01I just coincidentally won in a raffle.
18:04OK, I might have got carried away, but I got excited.
18:10Don't you want a wife who gets excited?
18:12I want a dull one. Can you go back to being that?
18:15Come on.
18:16Something is up.
18:17Not with me.
18:18Are you going to give me that hug or what?
18:21Ask the kids for one. Do you remember them?
18:38Hit you another?
18:39That might not be a good idea.
18:41Oh, well, you're already knee-deep into one bad one.
18:43In so much as?
18:45Chumming up with Jay.
18:46Chumming up?
18:48What am I, on a cruise for widowed pensioners?
18:51What's he phone?
18:56Your number. I'm just about to delete it.
19:12Oh, yeah, yeah.
19:13Well, that's great.
19:15OK, I'll call you back later.
19:19How's the estate agent?
19:21We're on.
19:22We've got the land?
19:24If we want it.
19:25Of course we do. Where have you told him that?
19:27I said I'd speak to my partner first, if I've still got a partner.
19:31I just wanted to see some movement.
19:33Well, there it is.
19:34And the planning permission will be a breeze,
19:36because I'm a mate on the council, so...
19:38Am I telling him, yeah?
19:41Let's get it in writing.
19:49Still trying to figure out how much I know.
19:53This is quick.
19:54Yeah, well, it couldn't be quick enough.
19:56Spoken to Jay, and Holgate is free.
19:58I doubt whether it's free.
20:00Well, luckily, we've got this.
20:02You've got nothing, have you?
20:04No money of your own,
20:06no home of your own,
20:07and now, no family.
20:10Look, it doesn't have to be like this.
20:11It didn't have to be like this, but this is how you made it.
20:14I'm not the only one that's done you over, you know.
20:16Did you forget that your drink was spiked?
20:18No, I haven't forgotten.
20:19But did you forget it was meant for you,
20:20or was that another lie you were going to tell me?
20:22Look, you know where your mum is.
20:23Let me go and pick her up.
20:24Let me bring her back,
20:25and let's get her tested for the transplant.
20:30I meant to say,
20:32none of that's true.
20:36You've been stringing me along.
20:38I had to.
20:39Let me think that this was partly my fault.
20:41Exactly that, yes.
20:45Is the car outside?
20:47I'll bring it round.
20:57just tell me what I've got to do.
21:05if you need anything,
21:07you know where we are.
21:10So make sure you stay away.
21:14I will.