• last year
enjoy this rollercoaster ride with me and give me ur opinions. (what are true indepth relationships, BBL's ,weaponized inompitance and becoming the devil u know as ur partner etc)


00:00:00I actually just found out that some people actually die doing this BBL surgery and like
00:00:10how deep was it bro like how y'all like like did this like like did he have a golden dick
00:00:19like did he spend millions on you like what is this BS you're telling me
00:00:29and I want to sit here and believe that none of you like did the research because like
00:00:32there's no way you did the research so there's people dying you were like I'm still gonna
00:00:37do it though like I mean this is not stopping me y'all right like if I die during a surgery
00:00:45like my nigga you like you need to just walk into the distance you need to see you walk
00:00:49into the horizon you need to see where the wind takes you because like there's actually
00:00:53no way I'm gonna die during a surgery and then like you continue with your life like
00:00:57what makes you think like I'm not gonna still be that like jealous girlfriend in the afterlife
00:01:03when I catch you with like when I catch you just sniffing the direction of I'm there bro
00:01:07ghost mode I'm there but like you gotta think about it as females like when you take that
00:01:13decision and like you could die like that nigga's not gonna be celibate like he's not
00:01:20literally like gonna like mourn you for the rest of his life like in fact some of them
00:01:25are not gonna even give that much of like if you really think about it so the fact that
00:01:30you're willing to like put yourself in this life or death type of situation for someone
00:01:34who will definitely definitely be clapping cheeks like the next week is insane like as
00:01:41I said like how deep was it like you actually have to think about that before you like commit
00:01:45to a life or death situation you really have to think about that because like that's so
00:01:50disrespectful to yourself that you're willing to put yourself in this life or death situation
00:01:56just for somebody who will definitely be with somebody else the next week and that somebody
00:02:01else can literally be your cousin or your sister because like some of these men are like that
00:02:07but like it's just so insane to me because I guess I just want to sit here and like
00:02:11tell myself okay there's no way they did research because like if you did do research and you saw
00:02:15people dying and you still did that like you gotta think about it this nigga did not appreciate
00:02:22you for who you are so okay like you gotta think about the only reason this nigga loves you like
00:02:30that is because you have a bigger ass I don't know why people are complicating love any individual
00:02:37with the okay let me give an example if I'm a mother now and I see my child and there's something
00:02:42about them I don't like what type of person am I to like put my child in a surgery just because I
00:02:50don't like how flat their ass is what type of individual you gotta think about that like what
00:02:55type of individual am I really you know do I need to be sat down does my child need to be taken away
00:03:02that is true my child doesn't need to be taken away just as much as that nigga like you you
00:03:07need to take your ass the fuck away from him okay because my gosh what like there's what
00:03:18what type of individual is way more
00:03:22significant than your life like I don't care if it's lip surgery I don't care if there's a
00:03:30possibility of dying I'm not doing it like I'm actually not doing it my lips are very fake if
00:03:36you don't fuck with them I'm going to the next person he gonna love my lips he gonna fuck with
00:03:41my lips and if you don't fuck with my lips it's the next nigga what are you this actually no way
00:03:47you guys are getting into a life or death situation seeing the stats that some people are actually
00:03:51dying like what do y'all think like when you die your nigga's just gonna walk into the horizon
00:03:57because that's exactly what I want you to do like if I die my nigga you need to find the news you
00:04:02need to find out about the news and get to your knees I'm like oh no you need to break down because
00:04:09I died I died I did significant me just died like it needs it needs to hit your heart and your soul
00:04:18and your entire like life situation like you actually need to hit the floor talking about
00:04:23some no doctor try again like you you actually need to go insane like okay like if I die you
00:04:31go insane this is a team this is a team process because since you didn't like my little old ass
00:04:39I don't like your little ass like finding another hole like I don't know I don't know
00:04:43if you pressured me enough into thinking that without a bigger ass you were gonna leave me
00:04:50if you're that pity I feel like I mean you know what I'm saying I feel like at this point it's
00:04:55literally karma like that's not just what I desire like that's literally karma like you
00:04:59have to think about it I look at you females it's like okay if you die like
00:05:03there has to be something that's happening to that nigga like if he literally pressured you and made
00:05:08you feel like you need to get that bbl like that's the only way you're gonna look better that's like
00:05:14you know what I'm saying like if he made you feel like you're this down you know what I'm saying I
00:05:18feel like you know what I'm saying you need to lose a few screws you know what I'm saying a few hundred
00:05:22screw like you you need to actually lose so many screws you never get uncrazy like you actually
00:05:28need to be crazy for the rest of your life like I don't know like walk into the distance become a
00:05:34cowboy you know I'm saying live in the in the forest you know I'm saying in the woods you
00:05:38know I'm saying you know I'm saying talk to the beetles the mosquitoes not no female beetles not
00:05:44no female mosquito like yes yes even with the animals you need to stay the fuck away from
00:05:49anything female because you gotta be tight you gotta think about it bro like imagine you guys
00:05:54are they dying for someone who's literally gonna like move on in the next month in the next week
00:06:01you're willing to put your life on the line like you have mothers you have sisters you got all of
00:06:08that you just have time I feel like you just have time and isn't a baby oxygen like mad expensive
00:06:15you know one thing like I'll never do now is like pay for my own surgery that is not wanted by me
00:06:21but that is desired by our society or like a male figure or a female figure wanting a
00:06:27particular result out of me because they are unsatisfied because of what they've seen in
00:06:33society and therefore they are perpetuating that upon me that that's what I'm like okay
00:06:41since since you're such a huge part of society it's just such a huge
00:06:45fucking but since you're such a huge like NPC and you can't see people who they truly are and
00:06:51you can't like connect to people's souls and think way further than just the body and the fictitious
00:06:58images that people show you on the internet you gotta pay for this like there's no I'm paying for
00:07:03this risking my life and like like there's no way and then like I saw a video bro like
00:07:09it's actually painful to sit after like I can't sit money if you can't sit I do want to ask this
00:07:17question how how is it to take a shit no no no like tell me the truth how is it scale 1 to 10
00:07:23how painful is it to take a dump a surgery that's gonna be a problem for me to take a dump money
00:07:32you're taking that dump with me okay anytime anytime I need to break a bomb down anytime
00:07:38yeah actually both our lives are changing you want that big ass okay cool come let's go to the
00:07:44toilet come on now okay and I don't want to see your hand at your face I don't want to see that
00:07:49I don't want to see that because I do have this bazooka this bazooka in my ass I do I do and I
00:07:56will rip it the fuck out of there now I will be dealing with you okay your nose needs to be wide
00:08:01open you need to be sniffing sniffing like I'll leave it before you like both our lives are
00:08:05changing are you insane like if I go to a life-changing surgery you need to be there 100%
00:08:13that's the same thing with pregnancy pregnancy is so insane like imagine getting pregnant and
00:08:16it's for a nigga who honestly just doesn't care if anything like it's either I'll just
00:08:22leave entirely and I'll just like realize that I'm gonna just like be this child's mother like
00:08:27alone or like I'll just literally abort the child like what I'm not about to have a child and like
00:08:32always be on the phone to myself hey this is it baby he knows oh he knows he didn't put that dick
00:08:37inside of me he knows you know that's so insane like it like even before the childbirth like why
00:08:44would you get in bed with someone like who you know is not fucking with you like that makes no
00:08:50sense to me that's like me getting in bed with rumba rains and then I'm confused as to why my
00:08:56coochie never ever like gave up on life like I'm confused I got in bed with rumba rains what was I
00:09:02thinking what was I thinking was I thinking and then when I pull up to this nigga talking something
00:09:07hey man look what you did to my coochie he's like man that's just what I do and that is just what
00:09:11he does people will literally show you who they truly are and you will look the other way and
00:09:15then as soon as shit like hits the fan you're like oh my god I can't believe you can't you can't
00:09:21it's confusing you how how this nigga bruh you literally caught this nigga cheating three times
00:09:28before you you think he's committed to you you think he wants a life type of commitment like
00:09:34a child with you my nigga go abort that bitch go abort that mother and get the fuck out of
00:09:39that nigga's life are you insane are you insane having a child alone you're not financially cool
00:09:44you're not emotionally stable you up here tweaking being with niggas who treat you like trash who
00:09:50won't put you in a life of this situation and not walk into the horizon get the fuck out and go to
00:09:55therapy my nigga go go go you you you don't need to be worried about relationship right now you got
00:10:02bigger things to worry about are you insane what that's so insane I fuck with someone who I know
00:10:09would never like jack a baby with me and I'm they confused as to why this nigga playing with me
00:10:14like I call a nigga like I've I've been so shook at these things like you know I'm saying like
00:10:19these women will call the guy and be like hey like I have something to tell you like
00:10:24you need to sit down for this I'm pregnant oh wow congrats congrats who's the who's the who's
00:10:30the father yeah I will be pulling up with my bazooka yeah did what did you just say
00:10:39because like just even even that small sentence that's implying that you thought you you not not
00:10:45thought not past tense that you think I'm a hoe that you think how long have you been thinking
00:10:51I'm a hoe how long how long how long is how long has it been you know just because of that I'm not
00:10:59having your child that's so disrespectful you gotta think about it bro this is gonna be the
00:11:03father of your child and he's sadly to your face told you you're such a hoe there's no way that's
00:11:08my kid you're a whore you're a whore to your face bro you think that's the type of role model you
00:11:15want for your child I'm sorry that I said you guys be making life-changing decisions off like a whim
00:11:21you you have a child with that with that most that with that child that's basically a child
00:11:27that nigga is not mature that's a child you just committed like pedophilia like you you just
00:11:34fucked with a child and almost had a baby like it would be almost for me because I'm actually
00:11:39ripping that baby out my coochie fuck the abortion I'm ripping it out okay you don't need to be on
00:11:45this earth right now your father's in sight my bad my bad I'm sad I'm sad now my bad I'm a huge
00:11:53I'm a huge like person of like please like have an abortion because okay cool some people have
00:11:59the feelings about it cool money cool money good but like when you actually think about it bro some
00:12:04people like and okay okay I'm gonna say what I want to say because I know I know you're not
00:12:10gonna understand it but like I try to use all these sneaky ass words because I'm gonna say
00:12:13just what I want to say you're not being crazy now I just I feel like as I say we just rip the
00:12:18babies out ourselves okay fuck them because there's no way you're in that situation and you're
00:12:23just having a child there's and I can see you don't have like money to go get an abortion so
00:12:29we will be ripping that child out of you we will be doing that for you because we love you we love
00:12:34and care for you you gotta think some people actually like you you know I'm saying like
00:12:38you're cool you have a green card please go get an abortion you know I'm saying like people would
00:12:43rather like you give birth to a child and like let that child suffer bro because you gotta think
00:12:47about it like the whole thing of like oh don't kill the child that's somebody's opinion even this
00:12:51even this me telling you oh go kill it it's my opinion you gotta actually think you personally
00:12:57you gotta use your brain cells but some people don't use their brains what do you mean you're
00:13:01gonna go and get a surgery get your ass bigger because this nigga's gonna love you what you did
00:13:08that that whole sentence is such a red flag I'm gonna go get my ass bigger yeah I'm gonna
00:13:14distort myself I'm gonna put myself in a life-changing like scenario with a doctor okay
00:13:19cool just in there I'm already scared because I've seen some crazy weird things about doctors and
00:13:26what they do to patients while they're unconscious but cool we're moving on from that part the only
00:13:31time you'll ever see me in a surgery room is if I'm dying if there's a bullet inside of me
00:13:36that doctor needs to get that bullet out of me and as soon as that bullet is out of me I'm paying
00:13:41and I'm get the fuck out of the it's fuck out of here I don't trust no hospitals you're insane
00:13:44you're just a hospital okay cool anyways moving along okay and the next part is um get my butt
00:13:54bigger because this guy's gonna love me if I get my butt like I don't even remember how I said it
00:14:00like everything about it is insane so the only time this guy's gonna love you is when you've
00:14:05changed who you truly are or like how your body is okay okay physically he doesn't fuck with you
00:14:14now I know I want to know mentally I want to know emotionally I want to know financially is he
00:14:20jacking you is he actually fucking with you but when are you going to go and do this life change
00:14:25do you not have mothers do you not have siblings who you care about my nigga because it just seems
00:14:30like like you're just living on thrills my nigga you're just living on thrills like I have siblings
00:14:35right whenever I make a decision it's like damn I'm not just gonna die for myself I'm gonna die
00:14:40for my siblings too like they're gonna bury me bruh that nigga's gonna be not there what you're
00:14:45just talking about he's not invited my parents don't even know I'm fucking with him and I'm
00:14:49you're going to do a life-changing surgery bruh out in the blue I have a baby motherfucking
00:14:53I have a big ass butt I have a big ass butt hey when did this happen why like how are you
00:15:02gonna grow up in a like in a household like everyone loves you for who you are and then like
00:15:07all over blue this nigga pulls up tells you um you need to change who you are and just like that
00:15:10you like yeah you are right about that you're not gonna sit down and think about like how shallow
00:15:15that guy is how um disrespectful he is and how you need to get the fuck out of his life would you
00:15:20like a type of person like that being the father of your children another question another question
00:15:26I'm not jacking the dumbness bruh like that's that's a lot of dumbness come on I must be
00:15:31confused I must be confused there's actually no way you guys like googled found out that people
00:15:36are actually dying because I had my thoughts about this I was like maybe like not a lot of people
00:15:41dying because like pvl doesn't sound like a heart surgery it just sounds like you cut the butt you
00:15:46put whatever the fuck you put in there like you put the silicone right I saw like with um
00:15:51Kardashians they had them silicone things for the boobs right that don't sound hard you just
00:15:56open the butt you just put the silicone and you close the butt like that don't sound hard that's
00:15:59a you opening and that's like like you like adding tissue paper in like your your what is this your
00:16:06bra to make your boobs look bigger that that's what it sounded like to me now I'm finding out
00:16:10people actually be dying sure how do you confess your god like after that like you die on the
00:16:17surgical table and then like boom you'll be in heaven god's like wow so you didn't like the
00:16:23body I gave you how are you coming back from that what what actually what is your what's your
00:16:28comeback what's your comeback let's fuck let's fuck fuck the nigga fuck the nigga what's your
00:16:33comeback to god like what's happening what's happening so you didn't like your body now look
00:16:37at you now look at you just look at what you done did just look at you anyways you know where
00:16:44you need to go you know exactly where you need to go don't play with me now I don't need I need to
00:16:50check your shit you know where you need to go i'ma i'ma just be inside don't worry about me
00:16:56you know where your door is at the other way my nigga what what that was a joke that was a joke
00:17:05that was that a joke it was a joke what are you talking about it was a joke all I'm saying is
00:17:10that's so insane bro like imagine dying on a surgical table like getting your breasts bigger
00:17:15some dumb shit but that it actually does sound like such a it did bro it just sounded like you
00:17:21open your eyes you just add tissue or whatever the fuck you add and then you close it same with
00:17:27boobs like you just add and then you close it because like all the surgery is supposed to do
00:17:30is make your shit bigger you make your shit bigger you add something and then you just close
00:17:35them we gotta actually like after this the surgeon's like you die or for that's like there's
00:17:42no way like you your license not getting banned all right like this like this actually like there
00:17:47are certain types of surgeries where it's like okay if a doctor does actually fail at this like
00:17:52no we actually have to talk to him no we actually we need to rip that license out of his system
00:17:57he's no longer doctor he's a failed mistake he's a he's a mistake of the system you gotta think
00:18:03about it bro like some people actually like some doctors actually be failing easy as like
00:18:10surgeries and i'm gonna google that i'm gonna google it because i'm that i know for a fact
00:18:14that there's some some doctors are you'll be failing easy as surgeries it's like what
00:18:20i gotta think about like what if there's some people who actually died off of like getting
00:18:24their tooth out like i don't know nigga like fucking around like put the the needle in the
00:18:30wrong spot and like now you you have like a inflated piece of the mouth like some people
00:18:37actually be failing easy as surgery i don't think about that and then they continue being doctors
00:18:44that that's the part i was gonna like how do y'all just continue like you didn't just
00:18:48like do the fuck up of the century like we're gonna act like that never happened because you
00:18:54went to school for four years man you you fucked i feel like in certain centuries like i don't care
00:18:59bro you just need to go yeah you actually need to go bro you you need to go like i don't trust you
00:19:05i don't that's what i'm saying like there's no way these women didn't like go like there's no way
00:19:09you guys just didn't go in there like blind like i would rather think that you guys went in there
00:19:14they're blind because there's no way you saw oh my god like oh oh my god look at this doctor
00:19:19three of his patients died i'm loving it where can i book this that's insane that's actually so
00:19:28insane like what silly you silly you oh like what you're trying to die you know like in a cool way
00:19:39i don't think it's cool dying with your ass open but okay like yeah the thing about you you're dying
00:19:44with your ass open it's ridiculous it's ridiculous like how do you actually pull up in heaven after
00:19:50that like like you like it even on the way there with the grim reaper you're like man hold on grim
00:19:58reaper let's look at the grass let's look at the grass like i just want to look at the grass can
00:20:02we look at the grass this grass is so beautiful before you take me to heaven like you need to
00:20:08delay you need to delay because like you really gotta think about it you died with your ass open
00:20:13for a nigga who basically moved on the next week how embarrassing now you need to be looking at the
00:20:22sky bro i'd be like remember did you see the sky you guys don't love life you don't you gotta think
00:20:28you're losing all of that you're never gonna see the grass again you're never gonna see your mother
00:20:32again you're never and if you're a woman with a child you're never gonna see your own children
00:20:37grow up because you you wanted to impress an individual who didn't love you enough to love you
00:20:44for who you are like that don't make no sense to me you gotta think about it like would that
00:20:47grim reaper i'm actually doing it like not just all time but just like to realize what i've actually
00:20:52lost what i've actually done to myself i can't even blame that nigga it was a decision i made
00:21:00i was never forced i was never forced he didn't put a gun to my head even if he was like i'm gonna
00:21:06leave you that he did not put a gun to my head i chose to risk it all for him for his pleasure for
00:21:13his happiness fuck that nigga he's probably gonna move on like that's what i'm saying like
00:21:18if i die during a insane type thing like you actually need to walk into the distance we both
00:21:22need to go insane because i'm i'm going insane because like god is gonna see me and have my ass
00:21:28is open like this is terrible you know first you know first presentations matter like they do
00:21:34actually they do like you know what i'm saying like being mid that it they that does happen that
00:21:39you know what i'm saying you gotta borrow the grim reaper's cape gotta be like grim reaper
00:21:43can i borrow your cape my nigga like i i love it i love the drip i do love the drip you got borrowed
00:21:48give me give me give me that cape i need it you need to pan that cape around your ass like you
00:21:55you need to do something you need to be looking at the ground like i would be looking at the
00:21:59grass for different reasons bro i'm never gonna be on earth like it's that's it for me that's
00:22:04awful like i'm never gonna see my mom my my my dad you know my siblings my friends i'm never
00:22:14gonna see them and even that nigga you were doing this for you're never gonna see him either
00:22:20and i feel like this doesn't cross people's minds before they get into a surgery like
00:22:24a surgery is such a huge thing bro giving birth is such a huge because you also die
00:22:28like giving birth and you have to think about like if you die giving birth and already that
00:22:32guy was like oh who's it who's whose child is it like do you understand what's gonna happen
00:22:37to that child child's gonna get into the system bro that's what i'm telling you like
00:22:40me i'm a huge person of i would actually come like
00:22:44like get abortion like fuck no we're not gonna do that like it's gonna happen when i need my
00:22:50legs rubbed and there's no one around like no i'm not gonna be in a stressful pregnancy alone
00:22:56okay i was fucking alone like you're not gonna act like that like i was fucking alone no i was
00:23:00not i was not i was not fucking with the demons i was not fucking with air okay i was not doing
00:23:05that i was fucking with a whole other individual who's not here right now that's his decision
00:23:10that's his decision i knew he was gonna make sometimes it's actually like scary because
00:23:14like you'll be with someone who's like perfect bro and then all of a sudden like he went
00:23:20wow so this nigga never liked me but i feel like oh my gosh like there's no way like not
00:23:25even a little of you like knew like sometimes they do be like putting up this facade and i
00:23:31feel like it's only after the whole like relationship that you realize oh my gosh
00:23:35all these little red flags that i like just jumped over
00:23:42that's why for me it's like i can't believe you if you say like i didn't know in time like
00:23:46there's no way bro you have to think about it like if that's not who you are like if you're
00:23:50a mean person and that's not who you are sometimes you're gonna slip up and so as i know for a fact
00:23:55sometimes you're gonna slip up bro sometimes you're gonna show people that nah i don't
00:23:58fuck with you bitch like that's how i'm like there's no way you didn't know there's no way
00:24:03you didn't know this nigga was the type of nigga you wore two condoms if you're gonna
00:24:07fucking wait two condoms my nigga you actually don't play with that type of guy actually
00:24:13and for the mere fact that you went in like raw my nigga you went in raw and you're confused as to
00:24:17why he doesn't want your kid phew you're actually stupid like i'm gonna just call it what it is
00:24:23you're actually like just genuinely just stupid like you're dumb it's not even it's not funny
00:24:31it's not it's not a diss you're just genuinely dumb like there's no way but you gotta think
00:24:37about it like a child is such a life-changing decision and then like half of that like that
00:24:44for the child's first like five years where most people who are in that situation half of that like
00:24:49five years that first five years you're all you're with this guy back and forth on some
00:24:53you are the daddy dude oh you want to go get surgery no you a hoe
00:24:59that's a lot of energy like i'm i'm never putting that much energy out for like a person like
00:25:04i just know i i'm no like i'm just gonna take my child we're gonna live in a cabin it's cool
00:25:10fuck that nigga like i mean if you understand like that seems like bro seeing these people's
00:25:20lives is just so like draining bro just watching them as you can see like as i started this video
00:25:27of like on high energy like now i'm like i'm actually thinking about it and it's gonna give
00:25:31me a headache there's actually no way that was your informed decision your informed decision was
00:25:37let me go get this bbl for this nigga who does not care about me or does not appreciate me for
00:25:42who i am right now what makes you think like he's not gonna find another issue like what if your
00:25:47boobs are not big enough now what if that happens now you're gonna go to another surgery
00:25:52bro like in fact i'm actually just so mad about the fact that after the bbl like your ass actually
00:25:57hurts like you can't sit down your that so like but it like makes sense right because like your
00:26:04meat right it's glued to you well let's say under like your your ass right this muscle these muscles
00:26:10right the muscle like the muscle flesh right so meaning this guy has to basically use a a
00:26:16sculpt and like he has to like remove your your your whole like meat like he has to remove it
00:26:21and it like he has to like put it on your back and then he puts the thing on and then he puts
00:26:26your ass back and then he basically like stitches around your ass we're gonna go with that we don't
00:26:30know what actually happens and then like you can't sit like i don't know how long but i was just
00:26:36watching this lady bro she can't sit like she has to like she had to get a like um a pillow
00:26:42specifically made for like women like that which is so insane bro like so many women be like going
00:26:48to get these bbls like someone actually like was like man let me make a pillow and they're making
00:26:52profits bro i know they're making profits i know they are yo but i'm just thinking about like there's
00:26:59no way you're actually getting a bbl for someone who genuinely loved you the way you are
00:27:05it's a different thing if like the person was like nah you don't need to get the bbl and you
00:27:08felt insecure and you made that decision then it's like nah you would have you're the real one
00:27:13you're the real individual you're with a good individual but you're just insane you just lost
00:27:18your mind like i love that i love that that's so much better than like someone pressuring you
00:27:22into thinking that you need to go get a bbl it's the same with like um sex right because
00:27:28the situations where like a guy would be like nah you know i love you but like you don't you don't
00:27:31love me because you don't want to like you don't want to let me fuck you the day i would bash you
00:27:38in with a fucking bazooka you don't even need me to shoot you with it like you don't deserve
00:27:44my bazooka bullet you don't deserve it you don't you don't and this one is so common bro like
00:27:49females as soon as he says that get up be about your life there's actually nothing more to say
00:27:56get up be about your life get your money up that nigga is literally getting his funny up and not
00:28:02his money because he's you're so funny for saying that i love you and so for me to show you that i
00:28:09love you is for me to get naked you don't see that i love you by the way i look at you by the
00:28:15way i treat you by the way i get like butterflies in my stomach the only way you're gonna see that
00:28:21i love you is by me like by you fucking me cool i love that anyways um tell your next girlfriend
00:28:27she should watch out because you're insane um have a good day goodbye like i never understood
00:28:33like doing the most for a nigga it's it's honest it's like what
00:28:42and then you feel pressured because like you think this guy actually loves you but like
00:28:47it doesn't though you gotta think about it like why would a person who loves you like
00:28:52pressure you into doing something like you're not comfortable with doing and they see you're
00:28:56not comfortable with it that's basically them like persuading you that's the same as rape
00:29:02it is like that's why it feels so disgusting when you like after you deal with that type of person
00:29:07who like persuaded you into that's why it feels disgusting because the same thing as rape it is
00:29:12rape i was just telling you the truth it is actually rape because if you tell someone no
00:29:17and they persuade you into it you might have like agreed afterwards but like your main your main
00:29:23feeling right now is i'm not comfortable with that but that thing is actively happening to you as
00:29:28you're not comfortable with it doesn't that sound like rape that woman is actually not comfortable
00:29:35with what's happening to her body right now she's crawling in her own skin and you're continuing
00:29:43and the person you're with who's in love with you who loves you like the guy right
00:29:47is actually having sex with you even though he knows you're not comfortable even though
00:29:50he knows you're not happy that doesn't say oh no this guy truthfully truthfully he
00:29:58actually doesn't love me like this is so deep bro like i really be thinking this is so deep
00:30:05it's so deep there's no way bro and then like it's only often i'm sorry i'm sorry
00:30:15it's like and often you guys fuck right like it's only after is like where you realize that like
00:30:22afterwards like maybe after the relationship even then you realize that oh my gosh this guy was
00:30:27playing me but i get it like i mean all of us are in that situation because like i feel like as
00:30:34people we don't have like the talk of what love truly is of what someone loving you means and as
00:30:42a resort we have to go online but were there people online who was talking about what love
00:30:48truly is how men should truly treat women because most of us as like young females we grew up in
00:30:53like households that are originally broken and the man is not there so we don't know like
00:30:57you know i'm saying what a love from a guy would feel like and sometimes we question ourselves like
00:31:04oh am i doing too much and then we're in situations again where we we're not that close with our
00:31:09mothers so it's not really something you can ask your mom you know i'm saying so then you
00:31:14make this decision and you're blindsided and you're just you're innocent and you're young
00:31:19and yeah you know i learned the hard way that no nigga did not fuck with you actually he actually
00:31:26didn't and it's so sad but like now we have the internet and that's i feel like that's a huge
00:31:34thing because a lot of people come out here and they tell us their stories like on the downside
00:31:39we also have things like the red pill podcast
00:31:41the red pill podcast
00:31:45i just yeah i'm really thinking about that red pill podcast where i could
00:31:49i could go on a tangent where i could go on a tangent and pearl is still single
00:31:53they should tell y'all females pearl is still single mayday alert it's not the time to be
00:31:59dick sucking on her degree it's not the time to dick suck on any degree man what the fuck
00:32:04pearl is still single i repeat she's still she's still looking for a nigga okay
00:32:11which is so insane she's the one looking for a nigga when females are the one who are approached
00:32:15like you know it's never the time to follow pearls like come on now come on now i don't
00:32:20need to tell you all this this is so insane bro like so many things don't make no sense
00:32:26females just make a fucking decision over a rim the only decision which i kind of like understand
00:32:32is the one where you like you think you need to prove to this guy that yeah you love him so like
00:32:38you need to do that because and in access to information but like in today time there is a
00:32:44huge access to information and i feel like the next biggest thing is like as parents like speaking to
00:32:51your children and telling them what like love today is and what not to do and what to do and
00:32:57just have those relationships with your own like children because you never know how handy that
00:33:02might be mostly in this era where man some people be like fucking at 14 bro maybe losing
00:33:09their virginity at 14 like i was watching this ladies like thing and she's talking about something
00:33:12i was on like birth control at the age of 14 what so that the clinic just allowed you to go like
00:33:22you didn't have to go with the period because like like what i don't know man i had so many
00:33:29questions like i don't know nothing about birth control person i don't know as you can see but
00:33:34like birth control is it's a needle right no it's it's a pill okay it could be whatever you want it
00:33:40to be but like there's no way you just walk in a clinic and they just give it to you right
00:33:47what is there like is birth control like condoms maybe birth control is like condoms that's why
00:33:52they just give it to you you have to realize like so many changes are happening to your body
00:33:57because of birth god i was i don't know when i read an article but like that's the day i knew
00:34:01like i'm never gonna get on birth control bro like women were talking about some this and this and
00:34:06this happened this and this and this happened i was like yeah i'm loving it loving it thank you
00:34:11for the information and like you have to appreciate the internet for that my goodness
00:34:17so i'm never getting on birth control bro like we actually like we just need to like get three
00:34:21condoms on your dick like we need to we just we need to get three different sizes we're gonna get
00:34:27medium medium and extra large okay medium extra large extra large not small medium and extra no
00:34:34no i don't even know why you need a small that's that's where we learn we have to stop the bus
00:34:39and we have to like address your size we have to adjust the situation okay i said media media
00:34:44on purpose okay don't get me wrong don't get me wrong but that's besides the point what am i
00:34:50talking about what am i talking about then along the period of my life i learned a bit more
00:34:56information about men which made me feel like fuck condoms i love studs
00:35:06fuck condoms i love studs i do i love studs i
00:35:12you know and i'm so much happier with in a relationship i don't know i'm so much
00:35:16happy in relationship with a female i'm more comfortable and like this isn't that like oh
00:35:22my gosh there's so many things they do do you guys know um weaponized incompetence
00:35:28if you don't know about it go search it up you might you know you might be a victim
00:35:33there's so many ways like that you're victimized and this weaponized incompetence is a mind game
00:35:40it's actually you know when like you see these videos of like men who talk about like who
00:35:47these women who are talking about like oh i'm in a relationship and this guy like doesn't understand
00:35:51that like and like he's so annoying like sometimes i ask him like to peel the potatoes and he does
00:35:56this and this and this and like just because of that i never want him to like peel the potatoes
00:36:01again that please go watch bro i'm telling you it will people will actually play with your mind for
00:36:10a dumb thing like peeling potatoes you need to see the videos that males post out there
00:36:17and do you know about like when males hate you and they don't want to get out the relationship
00:36:22with you they want you to to like break the relationship up so they keep doing things
00:36:29that even them like they they like they not even in the mood to do like cheat on you and all that
00:36:34stuff just to get you mad just to make you like leave them you need to see the things i've seen
00:36:40oh it's a dark dark path it's a dark one so that i was like that's so crazy bro like
00:36:49just tell me you don't like me yo what do you mean you had to f**k my sister
00:36:57you don't know what they've done
00:36:58honestly like how are females how are you guys
00:37:05and like how are you guys like how are you you know how's life how are you and then like after
00:37:11like you you you you break up with them like they'll do the little thing where they're like
00:37:15oh no don't break up but like inside they're like just finally oh my god this b**h bro i'm
00:37:21talking about these n****s will sit there and be like i hate the air she breathes
00:37:24anytime she breathes it annoys me whenever she's smiling i stop smiling and you will think it's a
00:37:30joke it's not a joke and it will literally show us a video of a day in his life and it will show
00:37:36us how like his woman will be smiling or laughing at something and he'll literally get annoyed
00:37:41like this guy will literally get annoyed on some what's he laughing at and you as a female you
00:37:47think oh my gosh my man is being jealous no no stop laughing he will actually bazooka you
00:37:54right now you're in danger as we speak shut your goofy ass up stop smiling every day should be a
00:38:01rainy day because that n**** is not happy in that relationship every day should be a rainy day for
00:38:05you too he's not happy you're not happy nobody's happy okay you're what it you know it's the
00:38:14weaponized incompetence for me it's the weaponized incompetence that's what i'm like that's so crazy
00:38:20because like even my younger siblings do that you know what i'm saying like you ask a male child
00:38:25to do something right like i know i'm like it annoys me now when like i'm asking you to do
00:38:34something that's going to benefit you too that that's when i'm like okay okay drastic decisions
00:38:39need to be made there's no way i'm gonna ask you to peel the potatoes for the food that we both
00:38:44gonna eat that i'm cooking i'm gonna stand here on the stove for hours i asked you to just peel
00:38:49potatoes and when i just because you don't want to stop watching your game you're going to play
00:38:52that game on me that's that's the day i become diabolical that's the day i become diabolical
00:38:58oh my god that was a poisonous potato my bad my bad i didn't see the label of poison my bad
00:39:04my bad rest your rest your soul in peace my nigga my bad oh i lose my mind that's why
00:39:11that's actually why i chose like to just be in relationship with myself i'm gonna lose it
00:39:15i will and it's not a joke am i joking with you no i'm not joking
00:39:19it might seem like i'm joking but i'm so dead ass i'm sorry i'm so dead ass actually
00:39:24yeah like niggas would be dying like i would have a file off niggas just die
00:39:32oh my god like how did you land up in the trash like brad these niggas will even do shit about
00:39:39trash bruh like you'll tell them like take the trash out like but like where should i put the
00:39:44trash you know you see these little things but like when you're actually in the moment and you're
00:39:50a woman and you also have jobs and you have other things you don't have time to actually be looking
00:39:54after a child these are the things it's like people look at it it's like okay like that's
00:39:58such a dumb question but in the moment you get so mad you feel like you might lose your mind
00:40:03that's what i'm saying that's why i'm like that's so disrespectful because you know
00:40:07how much that thing is going to trigger me that's going to play with me
00:40:11that's why i'm like okay let's both get diabolical let's both get diabolical so you mean you don't
00:40:17wash your ps5 in a washing machine oh my bad i really be thin about this oh so you mean i can't
00:40:26bruh and sometimes like these women like they'll be busy right so this lady okay i watched her one
00:40:31in particular so this lady is a whole doctor i'm sorry she's a whole doctor and she still needs to
00:40:36get home after 16 hours of being in a saving lives bruh you're saving lives and this thing
00:40:42is teaching you like a fucking trash trash bag you're a queen you save lives and sometimes you
00:40:48watch people die and you still have to get through the rest of the day and be strong just so you can
00:40:53make sure that maybe you hopefully definitely you're strong enough like to save the next person's
00:40:58life you do you know how stressful being a doctor is my nigga 16 hours have you been on your feet
00:41:03for 16 hours after 16 hours you have to get home and nurse your husband who's a child my nigga like
00:41:12she made a video and she's basically showing us that when she gets in the house she first has to
00:41:16pick up this nigga this nigga's socks first thing i would have done oh your socks don't belong in
00:41:22the trap my bad that's so crazy because i thought you you threw them on the floor because you like
00:41:27you didn't want them anymore those were your favorite socks oh oh oh my oh well they in the
00:41:36trash now my bad my bad y'all don't understand bro like when i actually get diabolical we're both
00:41:42gonna lose our minds like you think you're gonna play those games on me that's why i knew like let
00:41:46me just leave the male generation before i become an animal because that's what you guys are your
00:41:51animals how could you to a woman who worked 16 hours how could you who you say you love how could
00:41:59you to a woman who you laid a ring down and married how could you how hard was it to take
00:42:07your own socks and put them in your fucking and then she gets home and she has to cook for him
00:42:11right this guy who's basically like she showed us like he's just sitting on the couch watching tv
00:42:17he's talking about some oh my gosh you're late like you should like start cooking
00:42:23okay and while she's cooking she also has to multitask and like clean the house because
00:42:27obviously if you if you see that this guy can't like put his own socks in his shoes you you know
00:42:31he didn't touch the rest of the house his his little work clothes they're thrown apart she
00:42:37needs to take up his clothes put them in the washing machine also like oh my my bad i can't
00:42:44put bleach in a tuxedo this a thousand dollar tuxedo you could have fooled me ah man my bad
00:42:54oh it's messed up oh oh shoot silly me you would have lost your mind actually you would have had
00:43:01to kill me and had to kill me because i would have done stuff to you you're telling me i can't
00:43:06wash your ps5 i thought man that shit was dusty i can't put it shit my bed my bed like that is
00:43:13crazy bro like as you know i'm a female so i don't know how to use like the financial system
00:43:19i would literally buy one for you but i don't know how to use that i don't know how to use that
00:43:23so i'm saying and you know what that actually would work because you know what's wrong with
00:43:27those types of emails they actually don't like look at you as competent that's why they play
00:43:33these little dumb mind games on you and then once that mind game works they look at you as even
00:43:38stupider you know i'm saying you don't play mind games on someone you look at and like respect and
00:43:43acknowledge as you know a smart individual you don't you don't do that you don't do you don't
00:43:49just randomly play mind games on someone you genuinely and actually love that doesn't occur
00:43:55to you right okay cool okay cool since we're playing this game i love it let's just get
00:44:00diabolical me and you let's get diabolical okay cool nice and they do they play with the trash
00:44:06my goodness things i would do to you oh please take the trash out please take the trash out
00:44:13like no no i'm busy i'm busy i'm busy and then like the day comes when i'm like okay the trash
00:44:17is too full let me take the trash out babe why why does my suitcase smell like that yeah i took
00:44:24the trash out like put it in there because i i don't know where to put it actually like i did
00:44:30want to put it in like the bin outside my bad like because bro these niggas were actually asking
00:44:36like we should i put the trash don't wish okay cool beautiful beautiful like but like you know
00:44:42it was actually so hard like to put it in the bin because like the bin is high and you see i'm short
00:44:46right so like i was just like you know what let me just put it there let me just like
00:44:51pack the trash away away from my eyes right and you see you see how what i'm saying kind of also
00:44:56makes sense you see how nonchalant that's what they be saying bro this nigga actually like this
00:45:02lady was like wash the potatoes bro wash the potatoes she was on her last wash just wash them
00:45:09just rinse the fucking but just wash the potatoes do you know what this nigga does it takes
00:45:13dishwashing he was like oh i showed you that i don't want to peel the potatoes but you want me
00:45:17to rinse them dude you think i'm a cool cool you must not know me you know what this nigga did he
00:45:22did dishwasher bro put those potatoes put mad i'm talking about mad dishwasher in that bitch
00:45:29started washing the potatoes started genuinely like you said i should wash them though but like
00:45:34bro you need to be more specific i literally asked you are you sure i should just like wash them and
00:45:39you were like yes just wash them and like obviously she was actually so tired she was like brad i
00:45:44told you just watch them just watch the fucking stop asking me stop asking me just dumb things
00:45:49that's what that's what i would literally bro i'm telling you bro i'm telling you bro
00:45:55you you dumb i'm dumber you low i'm lower where you at you six feet i'm in hell i'm in hell that's
00:46:03how low i am monica you want to go low cool cool cool you're not on my level though you're not my
00:46:09level though what do you what do you mean where should i take the trash to cool i'm gonna show
00:46:13you to your to your suitcase so cool like i would actually drive you insane like babe can you like
00:46:26put put the like the beers in the freezer oh okay i'm gonna open each of those beers monica i'm gonna
00:46:33throw them in a bowl throw in the bowl i'll put that bowl in the freezer you said i should i
00:46:39should throw the beers in the freezer monica like i wouldn't i wouldn't break my own freezer
00:46:44but if it is his freezer we might we might actually be breaking something you said i should
00:46:48throw them in the freezer i don't know i don't know like you know you guys are males you know
00:46:52you're men you know i thought i thought i should genuinely throw it like i i just wanted to be
00:46:56part of the males you know part of the gang that's my bad that's you're right i probably
00:47:02shouldn't have thrown it like i think i broke i broke the freezer you need to buy a new freezer
00:47:06as the man of the house look at you i would drive you insane there's actually no way like
00:47:11after you wash the potato like after you genuinely put dishwasher like sunlight soap on the put it
00:47:17and start washing them monica yeah so i will lose my mind that's when we actually have to go tit for
00:47:22tat and i'm never asking you nothing after that because i know you're gonna do too much
00:47:28and you know what this other guy did he was like you know you can actually reverse the game this
00:47:33is a way to make sure your wife never asked you anything so he was like instead of just waiting
00:47:38for her to ask me i do it myself i literally asked her like hey do you want me to help you
00:47:42with this and i do it wrong i do it absolutely wrong to the point where she's like okay never
00:47:46again like allow this nigga to help me so now it's it's different from like i just asked him
00:47:51to do this and he like couldn't do it because like that still leaves room to like for you to think
00:47:56oh my gosh you just didn't want to do it so like he did it like this but like it's different when
00:48:00like you ask see i'm saying see do you know how far these niggas be thinking do you know how much
00:48:07effort you need to like really put in because that was so smart bruh because he did ask you know that
00:48:13would actually make me feel like oh my gosh he does want to help but like he can't do it he just
00:48:18can't wash the potatoes he's incapable of washing that's so crazy are you about to play my mind like
00:48:25what happens when i go insane what happens cool beautiful beautiful case sucks in the trash
00:48:32clothes fucked up ps5 fucked up what what else you love in this house your beer fucked up
00:48:42you love the tv i have my phone i do have youtube so i am fucking that up too i am fucking that up
00:48:49i'm mopping one day and i mistakenly brushed the tv off the fucking ceiling
00:48:54okay tv falls breaks in front of us i'm like oh my gosh my little girly hand like what
00:49:01it fell i can't believe this didn't you mount the tv you said you mounted the tv
00:49:07but it fell look at the it fell you know that's what they be doing sometimes that's what they
00:49:13be doing like even the guy who like watched the videos like you told me to watch them
00:49:16look at what you made me do that's what that nigga was saying
00:49:21i told you to wash the potatoes so look what i made you do do you do you see this beautiful
00:49:28bazooka in my hand this beautiful lovely bazooka in my hand but i'm telling you about a monkey
00:49:34that's all like you know what i love me some coochie there's no i'm telling y'all bro like
00:49:41there's no it's it's so insane that you guys would put yourself in a life or death situation for a
00:49:46guy for any individual like that you see because i i look at certain situations i'm like this is
00:49:52enough to ostracize me from males entirely just this little mind game this these little oh i can't
00:49:58pick my own socks up i don't know where i should put them these little they're enough to make me
00:50:04feel like i can't even have you in my life bro and you guys are working so hard to keep these
00:50:10niggas you're going to surgery this but i'm so serious there's actually no individual on earth
00:50:14like well i'm like it you're enough yeah actually enough for me to do those insane things for no
00:50:20you're not you're not you're actually not like i'm so dead ass you're not you're not you're not i'm
00:50:26no no niggas are not worth it bro and some some people gonna be like oh my gosh it's not all
00:50:31niggas cool cool cool cool cool you get on the little dory the explorer journey to go find that
00:50:37nigga because i do know for a fact that it's not all niggas like yeah you could go on that journey
00:50:42i'm cool i love i love my life right now there's no way bro there's actually when i watched that
00:50:47i literally realized like i was gonna lose myself i was literally gonna lose myself in playing games
00:50:51with this guy he was actually gonna have to kill me he was like i was gonna do a lot i was actually
00:50:56gonna do a lot like he he goes to work and he's asking for his keys his car keys like hey babe
00:51:01can you just like throw these keys i was like hey i throw them in the trash you said i should throw
00:51:05them yeah like um i think oh my god they're trash cars you should you should you want them i thought
00:51:15you said i should throw them like i thought you got like a new key or something like my bad oh
00:51:22you could just confuse me you should stop confusing me bro this be your fault for real
00:51:29like are you really mad at me though but you did say throw the keys what do you mean by that
00:51:34i mean like put them well usually i say put them where they belong like you have to understand that
00:51:39when you say throw the keys and you can literally say it put them where they belong that kind of
00:51:44that's the same word count throw the keys three put them where they belong okay it's not the same
00:51:49word count but like it's literally two words away so i literally thought you said throw the key
00:51:54i would you don't understand i know how to because this would literally work do you see how i'm just
00:51:59swinging this thing as if it's nothing i'll literally say that to you and you'll believe it
00:52:04like oh my gosh this woman is stupid someone's stupid you'd have to divorce me my nigga that's
00:52:09the day i'm gonna be done playing with you the day you divorce me i'm gonna be signing those
00:52:13papers with smell on my face i'm ear to ear i fucked your ps5 i'll fuck all your clothes up
00:52:19you wash your own clothes now that's the way you grow someone the fuck up you wash your own clothes
00:52:24now you make sure never to leave your socks on the floor because i might fuck around and throw them
00:52:28in the bin you might never find them again you might never find them again or like you you put
00:52:35your socks on the floor and i like just donate them to the nearest poor man i'm like i just
00:52:40throw them on the floor i thought you didn't want them so you said i shouldn't put them in the trash
00:52:44last time but you didn't say what i should do with them so like this time i just like give them to
00:52:47the nigga i was like so i felt so bad for him i was like i don't want to say you're ungrateful but
00:52:53like i was like man they're on the floor and this guy has no socks on and it touched my heart and
00:52:58you know i'm a woman so like i thought let me just give it to that guy they cost you what oh
00:53:06damn that nigga's living a bougie life oh my gosh they cost you that much oh
00:53:10my bad my bad my bad you know i never meant to do that to you
00:53:17you would actually have to divorce me i'm not playing with you i'm actually not playing with
00:53:20you i'm like and then like this time you tell me like you should put me in my shoes okay cool
00:53:26put them in your shoes fine put them in your shoes and i see your shoes are dirty
00:53:32yesterday i bleach your shoes
00:53:39no you see i'm telling you when i say i'm gonna get diabolical i mean you're not gonna you're
00:53:44gonna have sleepless nights you're not gonna be able to sleep next to me because i watched your
00:53:48ps5 i put your ps5 in the dryer in the washing machine and then the washing machine boomed up
00:53:53like it literally bombed up and like i was literally in the house next door and now the
00:53:58whole house is messed up like oh my gosh and i'll be getting a divorce you think i'd give up my
00:54:02nigga that was your house you bought that house for us when we got married i'm moving back in
00:54:06with my mother get my money up i'm going finding another nigga you must have lost your mind you
00:54:11play those games with me that's the day i get diabolical bro that's the day i get diabolical
00:54:16you're all females y'all don't understand bro if you actually want to win at someone's game
00:54:21understand their rules understand what they do understand how they do it and do it better
00:54:27that's the that's the only thing you need to do bro that's what i was saying like when i
00:54:31jack your energy i give you energy right the fuck back just take it back buddy take it take it take
00:54:37it like that like even this other lady like she she she literally go to work bro for like a long
00:54:45ass time and then like she'd get back and like this nigga would demand her to like have sex with
00:54:49you like that's your duty cool beautiful beautiful you know what you need to do
00:54:57i feel like sex is such a lose though like wouldn't they be happy even if you woke them up in the
00:55:01middle of the night or like two hours before yeah two hours before they have to go to work
00:55:07two hours before my leg wait that nigga hey i don't need to fuck you don't need to fuck me
00:55:14you don't need to fuck me and while i was fucking you'd be like
00:55:17is this the best you can do this is the best you can do get off of me and then walk away
00:55:22get off of me break his ego i'm telling you bro if you want to go demon i go hard i go hard like
00:55:30me i know how demonic i can get it's not a joke that's why i'm actually going to get away from
00:55:34you because i don't want to do that with you bro i want to do that with you bro i can't do that
00:55:39with you that's why like me i'm a person who's like okay if i see you you're on some bs you need
00:55:43to get the fuck out of my life i will actually ostracize you out of my life because i'm not
00:55:47going to play these games with you since i but like it's really that simple all you want to play
00:55:54these games is my duty what's your duty to fuck me like your life depends on it and since you're
00:55:58not doing that get the fuck out of my face nigga want to do that you want to do you want to do
00:56:03that game beautiful i love that for you beautiful beautiful you make me cry you make me tear up
00:56:10did you say that you say that to me beautiful beautiful wanna have sex wanna have sex
00:56:16you want to have some sex my gosh you will never last one minute ever again in your life
00:56:23after like after after that day you tell me oh it's your duty you will never ever there's no
00:56:28way you can ever say that to me after you tell me it's my duty and then you put me in bed
00:56:32and then you lost one minute huh ha ha
00:56:40jamal jamal jamal don't play with me you're done after one minute i actually put a time on my phone
00:56:47look at this timer i'm going on tiktok live bro i'm going to y'all don't y'all don't want to
00:56:52believe this he told me it's my duty for one minute i can't do this anymore i can't do this
00:56:59just look at him look it's this guy he's the one who left for one minute
00:57:05i will actually be a demon it's this guy it's him why do you like this jamal
00:57:15and then you last for one minute i'm gonna embarrass like i'm gonna
00:57:21sure sure so i was like i'm cool i love studs i'm cool i love i love studs why should why should i
00:57:28get with the nigga that's gonna turn me into a little demon it'll turn me to a little demon
00:57:35whoa whoa whoa what is this evil laugh what is this evil laugh where did that come from
00:57:41anyways i was saying there's no way bro anything you do to me i'm going tit for tat
00:57:46and when y'all when it comes to that i don't know how y'all females just don't
00:57:51turn these niggas insane like a nigga will cheat on you and then you're gonna fight for him
00:57:58bro the moment i found out you're cheating if you're doing the tit for tat game like the
00:58:01moment i found out you're cheating i'm like oh my gosh so we're twinning wait uh
00:58:07i'm not gonna have a reaction actually you know because like the whole twinning thing
00:58:11like it's gonna sound like oh my gosh you just want to get back at me
00:58:14no you i know you actually like i'm so dead ass like when i come like when it comes to like
00:58:17playing with people's minds you know you have to do it properly you have to do right actually
00:58:21i have no reaction like oh my gosh so that's what you're doing cool you know what i'm saying
00:58:26you're getting the same car you go home it's like why are you so quiet like i don't know i thought
00:58:31we was both doing this like i don't know why she would tweak and talk about some of this my man
00:58:34like i thought we were all shit i don't know i don't know i mean do you want to know my my guy
00:58:43like i like i i thought like we we don't know about each other's like other partner but like
00:58:49kudo you want to know about him like he marcus like i mean i'm like i know i fell in love with
00:58:57marcus um but i'm telling you a life story actually i like i fell in love with marcus
00:59:03like that other time like we had a fight yeah i've never had a fuck like that in my life
00:59:10be honest bro be honest so i don't know i mean like you cool you have your little girl and i'm
00:59:16cool i have my little man and but like we like we together though you know i'm saying that i always
00:59:21thought like we was just together like we just do that it's just sitting there just sitting there
00:59:28i'm actually gonna pay someone to pull up i'm just gonna pay a bodyguard bro to pull up i'm
00:59:33talking about body the big ass body someone's gonna make you feel like a child i'm like yeah
00:59:38this is marcus like y'all he like yo like he he you know i feel like i feel like with your body
00:59:46type i can't really like get everything i want to get done like in bed you know i'm saying so
00:59:51like with marcus marcus you know yeah you know marcus is amazing and yeah so this is marcus and
01:00:00marcus this is like the other guy that i told you about right yeah and then me and marcus gonna
01:00:07literally have a conversation right in front of you like no like i thought we literally don't
01:00:11show each other like our partners and the other day like you showed me this other girl and she
01:00:15wanted to fight me i thought like they knew about it right and then me and marcus laughing like
01:00:20yeah it happens sometimes you know females like they get their emotions attached i'm like yeah
01:00:24like i wonder why she gets her emotions attached i don't know you know i'm saying me and marcus
01:00:28gonna have a full-blown conversation marcus and like well you you lift your cuffs at my place so
01:00:34oh my gosh marcus i'm gonna go get them i'm gonna go get them but i might need to use them if i get
01:00:41them and we're gonna have a full-blown conversation about the disgusting nasty mind-blowing things
01:00:47you're gonna have in bed me and marcus we're gonna do that that doesn't sound like much but you have
01:00:51to understand for a male's ego males are territorial first of all and if that nigga sees that this is a
01:00:56guy he can't even fight and this is a guy who i basically make backflips i do a whole backflip
01:01:03land on his dick and split my nigga like we're talking about ceiling style and they're like
01:01:10imagine you're a nigga and you don't even know what ceiling style is we just made that up
01:01:15i'm so diabolical because i will be literally chatting with this bodyguard on something you're
01:01:18gonna act okay we're gonna talk about ceiling style ceiling side is not it's not available
01:01:23it's not on the internet we made that up man you were so nasty we made ceiling style up
01:01:27ceiling style basically is me like i do the cartwheel and i land on your dick and split
01:01:32perfectly my nigga i'm talking about we break this nigga's ego up okay we make him feel like
01:01:38he can't fuck for shit i'm saying i'm like and then like you will be asking me at a certain
01:01:44point like oh like why don't you do this with your guy i don't like man i don't like okay
01:01:50like let me just be honest like i just i don't feel like you know you could like do the things
01:01:54you do you know i'm saying like you know even with your body type like just the like the length
01:02:00he lasts and then i end it and then like the guy's like well on average like if you're a guy like if
01:02:05you're an actual man you need to last like 30 minutes at least man but like you know you gotta
01:02:13accept people who they are you know like how and then he's gonna ask the guy how long do you last
01:02:17like you know like and he he you know he lasts for five minutes five minutes nah my nigga get your
01:02:27game up i'm talking you will never be the same you're never gonna fuck a woman and feel the same
01:02:37again again when i'm done with you when i'm actually done with you money you'll be broken
01:02:44broken apart you're playing these little mind games with me okay okay beautiful beautiful tit
01:02:50for tat if you don't know tit for tat my nigga once we play tit for tat we gotta go
01:02:54we gotta go to the professionals we gotta we gotta play like professionals my nigga
01:03:01i just don't like the ghosting one for like the ghosting one i feel like you lose
01:03:04either way like either way you know with the ghosting one i feel like the only way the
01:03:09ghosting one like literally works is as soon as they like okay oh cool and then when it takes
01:03:14like you could probably facetime them and then like there's a nigga in your background
01:03:18i feel like why would you be ghosting me if you like i'm saying there's like a nigga in the
01:03:23background you know i'm saying that's the only way i don't know the ghosting one i honestly don't
01:03:28care about that one like if you ghost me for long enough like i'll literally forget you existed
01:03:33that's why that one doesn't work on me because i literally forget she existed like i don't know
01:03:37i have so much things like going on in my life like you're ghosting me like i'll literally
01:03:40forget we had a conversation i literally forget we had like a vibe do you know how many people i
01:03:46beat and they have such crazy vibes you think i'm gonna wait for you who do you think you are
01:03:51i'm just like i don't know i don't care like i don't what like people be in situations where
01:03:58like they get ghosted for hours bro this is other lady who's like okay yeah sure he goes to me for a
01:04:04week but like he is my husband huh is it a week okay i was bitter bro eight hours
01:04:12y'all i was so insane bro by that time i literally blocked you because you lost your mind the only
01:04:17reason you ever have like a reason to like ghost me for eight hours straight bruh is like maybe
01:04:22you're a doctor bruh like maybe you're this brain doctor and like you're a normal civilian just like
01:04:29me even in fact you even work like in a normal job there's no way bro eight hours for what what
01:04:35are you doing anyways kudo kudo i don't get it bro but you see i'll be talking like we started
01:04:43off like i don't understand about baby ills and now we're here i'm telling y'all right you need
01:04:47to go tit for tat with these niggas you know i'm saying females we're talking about something he
01:04:51can't do the dishes the nigga broke the dishes bro i think it breaks the dishes cool you want
01:04:58to break the dishes want to break my dishes that i bought cool cool lovely what do you love you love
01:05:03your clothes okay i already got your clothes what else do niggas be loving oh my gosh what happens
01:05:09when we both can't wash the dishes what happens when i cut myself and i can never wash the dishes
01:05:13ever again like bruh like they were showing me like they were showing me these disgusting visuals
01:05:19bro so this lady in there she like she got like covid and she literally couldn't get out of her
01:05:24room and she had a husband and a son and when she did get out of her room she found the kitchen in
01:05:31you know i don't even think it was a kitchen like y'all need to see the video bro y'all y'all will
01:05:37not believe me bruh some people be audacious some people like you will literally be on your dying
01:05:42bed and that nigga will still be there on some yeah this is the woman's job cool i love that for
01:05:47you i love that i love that for you and like kid you not she doesn't care about the kitchen being
01:05:54dirty that's what i'm saying like you can't really win with the kitchen she just got it like
01:05:59they didn't stay away from the kitchen just cool i'm gonna do the dishes don't do the dishes like
01:06:02niggas like niggas will literally break your plates on purpose be like oh my bad like you
01:06:06know i can't wash dishes bro at least i'm trying you just broke five dishes what do you mean at
01:06:13least you're trying no at that time i would have stopped i would have done the dishes myself
01:06:19and anytime like you're done eating you like you need to go wash your own dish man if you're like
01:06:23actually you need to just wash your own dish okay you need to wash your own dish and anytime you
01:06:28wash your own dish like you break your own dish like you need to go buy yourself a new dish you're
01:06:33not gonna use anymore my dishes okay and i feel like that would be okay and like at some point
01:06:39like you know what i could do that i could do i'm like and even if i tell you like okay you have
01:06:46to go break it you have to go buy your own dish and then you don't go buy it now cool cool you
01:06:51thought i was joking i'm taking the dog's bowl and i'm dishing for you like hey yeah babe enjoy
01:06:57what do you mean by this this is the dog's bowl but like you didn't go buy a bowl so i would you
01:07:02like cool with anything you can't use mine because i keep breaking mine you have to think about it
01:07:07like that literally like that's money out of my pocket like why are you trying to be selfish and
01:07:11break my dishes i'm breaking down bro i'm crying and i'm making it about myself like don't you like
01:07:15my food eat my food i can't eat out of this dog bowl it's clean it's literally clean it's literally
01:07:21clean this is literally this is literally snoopy's bowl okay this is our dog like what you're never
01:07:29in it okay i finally got one for the dishes oh my gosh yeah yeah oh bro you want to be diabolical
01:07:39don't play with me do not play with me actually don't play with me what do you mean you were
01:07:44trying to wash the dishes you broke five of my plates bro five of my plates my plates
01:07:50you're eating out of the dog's bowl now because you know you know you're what you're a dog you're
01:07:54an animal you're a creature you're a gremlin and i'm gonna treat you like what are you insane
01:07:58you lose your mind that's why you know what i'm saying so i just chose the easy route and i just
01:08:02started digging a little females because females i don't think they'd be this diabolical even if
01:08:08like you know i'm saying y'all cheat or whatever like i don't think y'all be this terrible i don't
01:08:12think because like when i found out about this i never even knew this existed i never even knew
01:08:17this existed for like what cool cool cool i'm literally making it about myself and i'm literally
01:08:25like after you think you think it's a joke i'm literally getting on the phone with my own mother
01:08:29i'm like he just doesn't appreciate me like i literally dished out for him like even after he
01:08:34broke all my plates like i literally can't believe i love him and like look at what he's doing
01:08:39i'm dogging you bro i'm dogging you you think i'm gonna end there and like i literally accept him
01:08:44he literally lost for one minute bro for one minute
01:08:47mom you don't understand what i go through for one minute for one minute for one minute is insane
01:08:53after i post that tiktok he thought i was done i'm calling your mother too man my nigga i'm
01:08:58calling my mother i'm telling her i'm calling your mother too i'm like namastana bro like no
01:09:03like he beat Leslie for one minute i'm calling your mother too you think i'm done i'm calling
01:09:10your father I'm calling your father because I know like males like respect
01:09:15their fathers more or whatever like like their father's opinions of them as a
01:09:20male okay cool now your father's gonna know you last for one minute okay yeah
01:09:26wanna go low? my nigga I'm in hell how low do you want to go? you wanna go out the
01:09:31other side of hell? I'm literally in space that's how far I am. I left the ozone
01:09:38layer my nigga how low do you want to go? we can go we can go we can go like
01:09:43that's I don't play these games cuz like you know I'm saying next guy I know a
01:09:47niggas going insane you know I'm saying he's losing his mind or he's trying to
01:09:50kill me I don't want that I want that because I do know if I like start
01:09:54watching your fucking ps5s yeah you might might start losing your mind okay
01:10:00and once I start like calling the niggas up who I've you know I'm saying
01:10:05I'm saying like hey man like meet my boyfriend like this is my other boy you
01:10:10know when you might lose your mind okay so I don't want to do all those things
01:10:13I'm just choose the easy route just the easy way I'm telling y'all females your
01:10:17niggas cheating you or just acting like a baby
01:10:19treating you like a little baby treating you like a little bitch treating you like a little bitch I don't like
01:10:24little bitches I don't it's not a joke it's not a joke you will actually have
01:10:29to lose your mind as much as you want me to lose my mind because you must want me
01:10:33to lose my mind did you just break five of my plates did you just do that cool
01:10:37beautiful beautiful beautiful I'm actually buying you a new dog boat I'm
01:10:44like nah like I saw you didn't buy a boat I was like you know what this is my man I got
01:10:48you so I see like you can't handle plates so like I just got you one of
01:10:52these you know I'm saying I know I'm saying like I saw like Snoopy's boat I
01:10:55was like man this makes so much sense it's plastic it doesn't break and like
01:11:00it's yeah it's beautiful this is for you do you know what I'm actually telling
01:11:07you this speech is what it's Christmas that is your Christmas gift that's what
01:11:10you thought I was just gonna buy just in shape because I saw that you know it's a
01:11:14Christmas gift my nigga so it's my gift to you because you insane and and then
01:11:20before that I'm still I'm still like ditching you in Snoopy's book okay I'm
01:11:24like you know what like you're right I couldn't like give you the dogs bowl
01:11:28right because like the dog has to wait for you right and you would think I'm
01:11:32saying I couldn't give you dogs because like that's just no because the dog has to
01:11:35wait for you stupid bitch cuz you slow right so I just bought you one cuz like
01:11:41I love you baby baby get your little dog bowl you baby husband I'm gonna fuck
01:11:55your life up it's not a joke it's not a joke that's your Christmas gift what are
01:12:00you talking about father's day father's day I'm giving you father's day okay
01:12:05what did you give me for mother's day like I need to know what you gave me
01:12:09mother's day so I know I'm saying I need to I need to know what you're on so I
01:12:14can know what I'm on you know I'm saying you forgot our anniversary damn my bad I
01:12:18forgot you even born this day today's your birthday my bad man like big ups my
01:12:24nigga you know big ups big ups and the day before your birthday I was eating a
01:12:31cake literally eating a cake today before your birthday I bought a cake I
01:12:35ate it you thought I bought the cake for you you see you stole the cake whatever
01:12:40and I make sure you see the cake and I act like I'm hiding it hiding it to
01:12:45surprise you the next day and you're visiting on some I saw that cake I saw
01:12:49that cake shoddy no I was hiding it because I'm eating I let you see it
01:12:55because I'm eat it and you're gonna know like oh okay ah man like oh my gosh like
01:13:02I'm so I feel so bad about this but like you know like I don't know I just I was
01:13:08just craving for a cake and I like bought the cake I wanted to make sure
01:13:11like you didn't see it though like oh my gosh like I'm so clumsy sometimes like
01:13:18but you could buy yourself a cake right like you know you most like you could
01:13:23right like I'm literally so tired like my feet are hurting
01:13:26literally hurting so like I can't really buy you a cake but like next time though
01:13:31next time next year next year definitely definitely I will remember this day what
01:13:35is today oh it's even oh my gosh you're born on the 17th that's crazy big ups my
01:13:43man like big ups big ups you think it's a joke things a game okay okay cool okay
01:13:49cool and then like whilst you're walking out like you see me munching on the last
01:13:54slice of the cake okay I'm gonna act like it's a last slice I don't know like
01:13:57if I can finish the cake no I'm not gonna do all that crazy thing and like
01:14:00literally finish the cake I'm taking all the rest of the rest of the cake I'm
01:14:03hiding it somewhere else I'm gonna act like I'm eating the last slice as you
01:14:07leave the house you know walk right back and see me I'm like oh hey hey hey I
01:14:12thought you left I thought you left my bad like I'm putting the cake behind me
01:14:17like my bad what do you need babe Wow so you're gonna hide the cake from me no
01:14:24hi what no I wouldn't I'm not hiding I'm literally just putting it like you know
01:14:29cuz like it needs to sit right like it needs to sit on the stationary place
01:14:33like right like I saw I was gonna like turn around and look at you so I
01:14:37couldn't put it on my lap right I had to put it behind me because like behind me
01:14:41makes sense you know I'm saying yeah after a while you're gonna realize like
01:14:47I'm playing with you cuz like at this point like I honestly don't care because
01:14:50you're still gonna stay you're annoying me so oh that's okay so that's why like
01:14:55males get to this point me like they just play with you in your face because
01:14:58like they see that you're not leaving so they didn't see to get a notch okay okay
01:15:03I see now I see the game I see it like once you're doing it for quite a while
01:15:06like okay cool cool beautiful beautiful don't remember our anniversary the day
01:15:11we got married that's so nice bro I'm literally on our anniversary I'm
01:15:15literally going out with another nigga and I'm coming back home I'm like well I
01:15:19saw like you forgot about it so I was like I still want to like celebrate it
01:15:23but like I didn't like what I bother you you know I'm saying because like I was
01:15:28like thinking like you look so tired and you really do and I brought you like
01:15:32this piece of cake like the guy was with like he bought it like you know I'm
01:15:36saying easy and I didn't forget about you babe didn't forget about you this
01:15:42day on our anniversary I was another nigga and I didn't forget about you love
01:15:47you I love you yeah I'm insane I know I know yes oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my
01:16:02gosh I forgot the most obvious one don't ever catch me in your car and it's a
01:16:06low tank your car uses what petrol huh I might surprise you you already know
01:16:12what I'm about to say I might surprise you baby I filled your gas tank up like
01:16:19oh my god like aren't you happy I love you and then when you do divorce me
01:16:27about it go in the day comes when the beautiful day comes I'm literally
01:16:30calling everybody who helped me with my pranks everybody everybody's invited I'm
01:16:33vlogging the whole situation I'm like yeah y'all I did this and this and this
01:16:38and this and this and this and this and this and the next day I'm literally
01:16:41flying out of that country because you don't say I might have a target on my
01:16:45head and I understand why I understand why but like what is the people my good
01:16:49I thought we were just playing a little game I thought we were just playing a
01:16:53little game yes I did like kill like three of your ps5 like yes sure I did
01:16:58like miss your car yes sure I did fuck your fridge up and like the TV and like
01:17:05I did kind of like sell some of your clothes and I kind of did like bleach a
01:17:09lot of your expensive clothes and your shoes but like what is this before what
01:17:13is this what do we you know yes I did like dish you up in a dog bowl and you
01:17:18thought I was genuinely dumb now I come out it's not like that I've logged the
01:17:22whole situation and like everybody on the earth knows how dumb you are I
01:17:26literally gave them your actual name your actual face and I tell them about
01:17:31how long you lasted there too don't worry about that I'm gonna tell them
01:17:34that too thought it was a game this is life this is what it's life no what do
01:17:46you want to kill me now don't do that don't be a bitch my bad like yo I'm
01:17:54actually gonna have people's kids trying to fuck me up because like I know
01:17:58how I am like you actually nothing to play the game you're actually insane to
01:18:01try and play that game now you got me fucked up and that's on period so cool I
01:18:07forgot about that one forgot about that one
01:18:13and yeah I'm going you know what I just sort of another thing like females if
01:18:19you find your nigga cheat like I'm so mad you walk in and he's doing the act
01:18:22you know how the best way to like react is it's not trying to fight the female
01:18:27because you know what that does because if you try and fight the female right
01:18:29you literally like make her want to prove a point and literally after that
01:18:34nigga comes back home and she's still there you think she's not gonna fuck him
01:18:38like her life depends on it you think she's not gonna fuck him like or like
01:18:42before she's gonna give him that quack quack 3000 but now it's gonna be the
01:18:45quack quack 6000 gotta think about that because like have you ever been in like
01:18:49a situation where you fought another female over her nigga and it got you so
01:18:53mad that she like you wanted to like you know I'm saying just make her mad and by
01:18:59you know to make her mad you need to like get with a nigga still so you see
01:19:03you literally put them in a situation where they literally like just
01:19:07disrespect you so the best way to go about this right is did you get there
01:19:11you're like oh my gosh hey honey sorry sorry to say when like why you're so
01:19:15busy hey there and then like you greet the female as well like hey my name is
01:19:20um it's a Samantha oh your name's Sabrina is is we're vibing vibing and
01:19:25then you sit there like five minutes straight five minute and it's like it's
01:19:31kind of awkward you're like hey um oh like you guys want me to leave like my
01:19:35man is probably kind of awkward like I should just leave like y'all have fun
01:19:39though you leave then they're gonna keep fucking they probably think you have a
01:19:44BOMB under the bed you probably think you have a BOMB under the bed I'm talking like the
01:19:49whole time you're sitting there for five minutes you're just looking at them or
01:19:51you're looking at your phone and you're smiling okay you're smiling
01:19:57just chillin just scrolling on tik-tok as if this nigga is literally not
01:20:01actively cheating on you think they're gonna give fuck that woman that woman
01:20:06just she just she bro she probably needs to go get her fish her fish is drowning
01:20:11she don't tell this nigga no I need to go my fish my fish is drowning I need to go
01:20:15let's go that's so weird because nobody acts like that like the best way to fix
01:20:19a situation like that is to act in the most like unusual way the most unusual
01:20:24way that's the best way to act like babe I can explain like oh no you don't need
01:20:29to explain like it's cool like and then hey Sabrina like how you like da da da
01:20:35you having fun I hope so you know what I'm saying and then like you go and sit
01:20:40and you know I'm saying you do whatever you were going to do in that room and
01:20:45then you leave after five minutes think those people gonna continue fucking
01:20:49cool I love that that's so weird like imagine actually someone did that though
01:20:54would you continue fucking no money girl stop being dumb and do the shit I'm
01:20:59telling you to do
