• last year
enjoy this rollercoaster ride with me and give me ur opinions.


00:00Bruh like, I wanna know why that first person got mad at gay people or like at lesbians
00:09but like why?
00:11Like bruh I bet, I bet, I bet like a female stole like his female and like he got mad
00:18some I feel like it was a he there's no way it was a she first one get mad at that like
00:23I didn't get gay and then you get mad like maybe because you want him like that's the
00:30only reason bruh like you literally just look at those people you were mad right there's
00:35no way you were happily married you know in a committed relationship and then you get
00:40mad at somebody else like doing their thing there's no way then you know you had too much
00:45time on your hands it don't make no sense just hear me out hear me out if you're in
00:49a relationship and you're like happy and then like you see a gay couple why would that like
00:55why would your first reaction be like rage do you understand what rage is like anger
00:59bro why would your first reaction be like oh let me stone them to death let me kill
01:04them like that's what I'm trying to find out so is the only reason would be you wanted
01:11that nigga or that female and you were kind of mad you like kinda is insane because people
01:16were literally getting killed you were like beefing you were beefing and then you you
01:21start right up and then you started telling other niggas and other females that no like
01:26they shouldn't like be together and then you made it like something else but like it was
01:32basically you just trying to get the female or the male like how horny like what you bruh
01:41why you so mad bruh or like the only other reason would be like maybe like you're male
01:46and you see another male doing that and like you also want to do that but like you can't
01:51so like you you take your anger out on the other person who's basically like stronger
01:57than you or like braver than you and literally like stood firm on like who they truly are
02:04you know what I'm saying like so that I kind of triggered you I don't know because it's
02:10either you were gay mad that other people were being freely gay but you couldn't be
02:14freely gay so you tried to like also like put them in a cage or you wanted that dick
02:23but that dick wanted another dick it's one of those two it's one of those two it can't
02:28be nothing else okay there's also the religious one but like not gonna lie it's probably the
02:35religious one way in the Bible does it say like loving another male is like wrong though like I
02:43don't I don't read the Bible like I don't think there is a verse that says don't don't suck no
02:51no dick as a male like I don't I remember that one being there I remember them writing that one
02:57down I don't remember them putting that one to the paper I remember that one I remember that life
03:03listen I don't remember Jesus teaching that one but kudo I might know I'm saying it might be there
03:08I don't know I'm just saying like you're like you're enraged that another nigga like another
03:15nigga that has nothing to do with you act like that nigga trying to suck your dick but you and
03:21you act like he fucking with you he's not fucking with you he's not fucking with you with your stupid
03:28what the fuck white people acting like like gay people want to rape them like they need to save
03:36themselves from gay people like they need to save the other woman from like lesbians you need to
03:41beat the lesbians up you need to keep the lesbians away from the woman decreasing the numbers like
03:46what why it's statistically you gotta think about it right like there's more women like then there
03:52is males so fuck is you tripping about the fuck is you actually tripping about like and question
04:01if you beat this lady's like woman up like do you think she's gonna like you like does it cross your
04:09mind that you're like insane like does it ever cross your mind or do you just go about life and
04:14you you're not aware of the fact that you're insane like people actually be bothering me like
04:20who was the first person was actually mad at that and like what particularly were you mad at did
04:25you feel like it was blasphemy do you feel like no I can't believe this nigga that I like is liking
04:31another nigga no no I'm not gonna allow this or did you feel like this lady that you liked I feel
04:37like it was a married lady and they like she saw another lady and they became two ladies or like
04:45it was a married man and he saw another man and they became two men like I feel like it was something
04:52like that is no way bro like y'all are just enraged y'all just like wanna beat the fuck out of that
04:58person y'all acting like that nigga wanna fuck you or some like most of it needs like gay niggas bro
05:03and they see another gay person like why are you mad that he's gay like you you actually have to
05:11understand the emotion anger like anger you're angry right like you're actually angry it makes
05:18sense to be angry if someone hits you then you're provoked you know I'm saying like what provokes
05:24you to like want to hit the person if they just mad like if they just like in love like with
05:30another guy what provokes you to want to hit them do you feel like it's because it's not socially
05:35acceptable that they act that way and why do you feel that you need to enforce this like social
05:42constriction on that person like what I actually genuinely don't get it like it's the same with
05:48racism like what like what actually made you mad like why like even to this day like I genuinely
05:55want to ask a racist person like why are you mad like and they'll just be like I just don't like
05:59them what I equal like okay so you know what I don't know I don't like apples that doesn't mean
06:17like every time I see apples I want to like throw apples I don't like I just look the other way I'm
06:24saying like you you genuinely hate seeing like gay people like you actually need to dig deep
06:30inside of you and realize why that is like maybe in your childhood it has been truly enforced upon
06:38you as a male by other males that that is not how to act so therefore you keep enforcing this to
06:44other upon other males you know I'm saying that makes sense but like it's just a thing but like
06:50I just don't like it is what that's like me saying I don't like ropes so I go to rope stores just to
06:59burn the place like I just burned the places down cuz I don't like ropes yeah you know I'm saying
07:05because like they are males who literally go to gay places to get with gay people so they could
07:10do stuff to those gay people when they alone with those gay people because they so homophobic
07:15my nigga why do you have so much time on your hands why you don't have a job you don't have
07:22these niggas are around gay people more than there are around females are you sure you're straight
07:27my nigga like I'll be hearing stories it's like so you took time out of your day to go to that gay bar
07:34to flirt with a gay like you genuinely flirt with a gay person where was your anger then where was
07:39your hatred then you could like there's no way you hate something and you can still flirt with it like
07:45that's like me saying I don't like apples but I got good and I could I could be the like washing
07:51apples for no reason just wash apples just so I could throw them the fuck out the window like
07:57that's basically what you just said to me like you just said I just wash the apple you know I'm
08:01saying make the apple feel comfortable so I could just throw it out the window like why would you
08:06what was bothering like you don't have no job you don't have a ps5 you don't have a you don't have
08:11friends you don't have alcohol you don't have a weed you don't have nothing you have a TV you
08:17don't have Pornhub you don't have nothing like you're gonna that's what you're gonna do with
08:22your free time you're gonna go find a victim and victimize them because you don't like them being
08:27gay like I feel like we should start at the childhood I'm saying because all hatred is
08:32taught is what I've you know I'm saying found out about like this little rant of mine all hatred is
08:37taught you were taught that you should hate that because like you were just like taught like and my
08:43question is like to the first person who hated it like why do you feel like you needed to tell
08:47the other person like you should hate it too it's like me hating chicken and like telling the other
08:51person like don't eat chicken I hate it I'm saying like you know even vegans bro like vegans be hating
09:00people who eat meat bro like y'all don't need to hate them y'all don't need to hate them like y'all
09:06don't need to like hate the the air they breathe yo yo yo back up wait y'all need to calm down I
09:15feel like people y'all just need to calm down it hasn't never been that deep it's never been that
09:19deep I actually have to think about it bro like people really be getting mad at dumb things like
09:27if I'm not saying as a vegan that's a dumb thing I'm just saying like you wanting to rip a person's
09:33like esophagus out of their mouth because they ate chicken cuz they ate steak okay calm down I
09:42think we should calm the fuck down yeah calm the fuck down that's what I said calm the fuck down
09:48and then like another thing I don't understand about vegans is like they have the synthetic meat
09:53but if you have a problem with meat like why would you like ask for synthetic meat but what that's
10:03like me saying oh my gosh I hate the fact that males beat children up like I hate that and then
10:09like I whoop my child's ass to kingdom come like because I'm and it's appropriate because I'm a
10:14female what what well like I hate like I hate that like people be drinking and driving but like I
10:24feel like I can literally smoke weed and drive like you're still kind of sort of a danger like
10:30you still like under the influence of something my nigga what what are you talking about like I hate
10:36I hate I hate that people eat meat how did you do that to the animals same but I will be eating
10:42synthetic meat because meat does taste good bro just eat the meat bro like I'm not gonna lie just
10:50eat the fucking meat somebody's gonna eat it anyways like you might as well eat it what is
10:54this synthetic meat about like I don't get it like do you guys even know what's in that synthetic meat
11:00do you know how diabolical that is like somebody actually created meat that tastes like meat but
11:07isn't meat yo did what who created that who no no no y'all need to be checking that shit out that
11:15shit is so insane bro like what no no it couldn't be you could it actually couldn't be like like
11:23who is he Einstein Frankenstein who like who is this person creating synthetic meat where the
11:31fuck did you get the synthetic I don't what okay I'm actually done I'm actually done and like
11:39another thing I don't I don't get like is racism bro like you you like to this day you see a black
11:45person and like it enrages you bro you like you can't stand them like you don't have a particular
11:51reason it's just like you don't like people with a different color from you okay it's like me saying
11:57every time I see the color red like even if it's in crayons I burn it I burn it whoa well just take
12:06the color red and put it on the don't look at it don't look at it man you're like that's like me
12:13saying I'm enraged every time I see the color red I'm tweaking bro I saw glitching I saw I saw
12:19biting my nails I stopped finding a bazooka and trying to like bomb the fucking color red like
12:25whoa wait wait like you know I'm saying like just the whole thing that I'm literally trying to get
12:31back to is where do you get this anger because anger is such a huge emotion it's such a deep
12:38rooted emotion you know I'm saying it's deep root I feel and and to have anger for basically no
12:47reason like bro like you do mad a person is gay you do that's no reason you you're so mad a person
12:53is gay you literally go undercover and like get a gay person and I do stuff to them like who are
13:00you who do you think you are God money you're like right and then people be saying it's because it's
13:04like it's a sin do you think you getting a gay person and doing the things you did to that gay
13:08person is not a sin do you think you're gonna go to heaven do you think God is on the other side
13:12clapping his hands on some yeah I love that I love what I'm seeing right now do you think that's
13:17what's happening Monica you literally devoting yourself to hell you devoting yourself to hell
13:21that's so insane like people be saying oh that shit is a sin and then like they literally be
13:25sinning by like just even saying that because I lost I check sure you shouldn't search last I
13:33checked right last I checked you shouldn't judge so where is that coming from where's that come
13:39from where is that coming from like isn't you judging never isn't that judgment isn't you just
13:46in that person aren't you like stereotyping like what are you doing what are you actually doing
13:52and then like now just because that person is gay you're gonna cheat them a different type of way
13:57and like didn't like someday like aversing like love it all people regardless like so so you think
14:06by you doing that like no money like mind your business bro mind your business that's between the
14:11gay person and God that's between that gay person and God mind your business mind your business
14:16that's for you to know like if you know it's a sin just stay the fuck away from it if someone else
14:20wants to sin okay that's like me knowing like someone's a thief and I take it upon myself like
14:26that's not my job that's the police job all I need to do is like a police this what this nigga doing
14:32like I don't need to take it upon myself and go beat that nigga up like why well you know when it
14:40comes to like humanly things it's like okay it's cool you can literally beat that nigga up like
14:44who are you though who are you like are you a law enforcement person cuz like that person as human
14:50as much as you are you know I'm saying you don't know where that person come from you know why
14:53ain't doing that shit I'm not saying it's right you know what I'm actually confusing myself because
14:59yeah I'm actually confusing myself like let me just stick to like the whole gay thing just don't
15:05put it apart it's not sunny business actually it's actually none of your business like this
15:09really be acting like like these gay people want to fuck you like they don't want to fuck you
15:13Monica you just wanna fuck a nigga who is like gay as well hopefully hopefully you know it's a
15:20game of hopefully when you're gay it's a game of hopefully when you're lesbian we've got enough
15:24on our hands with hopefully but hopefully this bitch is lesbian hopefully she's bi but she's
15:30gonna stay by my side hopefully got enough on our hands we don't have to deal with people acting gay
15:36so they could just get me on the corner and they could whoop my ass like we don't you gotta think
15:41about how insane you are you know I'm saying like you're actually insane mm-hmm
